no college on the face of this earth tells freshmen "don't say what you're thinking". that anecdote (probably a lie) cannot be the foundation of an argument that society is not longer free lol ...this is shallow stuff gentlemen
The (likely trans) lady doth protest too much. You are intentionally obfuscating. Of course, no college has a banner that reads word-for-word, "Shut up." That doesn't mean there isn't a problem simmering, based on a perceived sentiment, that true dialogue is increasingly no longer seen as a valued commodity; that there is perceived pressure to conform has been demonstrated in countless areas of life--workplace, hell, even in reported opinions in polling--so why would the university be exempt? Now, he could cite surveys of students admitting to regurgitating what they think their professors want them to say, and you'd then question the validity of those surveys. So he reports an anecdote, which is perfectly fine as this is a discussion between mates and not a doctoral defense, so you then hack him down for being "anecdotal" as if Dr. Reno, a former professor, is somehow unaware of what he's said.
Great conversation ... thanks. Even for this Catholic in Australia ;-)
Albert looked younger three years ago...
What part of Baltimore is Mr. Reno from? I grew up in the city in the 60's and 70's. Maybe we shared the same neighborhood.
I was born in 59 as well.
no college on the face of this earth tells freshmen "don't say what you're thinking". that anecdote (probably a lie) cannot be the foundation of an argument that society is not longer free lol ...this is shallow stuff gentlemen
The (likely trans) lady doth protest too much. You are intentionally obfuscating. Of course, no college has a banner that reads word-for-word, "Shut up." That doesn't mean there isn't a problem simmering, based on a perceived sentiment, that true dialogue is increasingly no longer seen as a valued commodity; that there is perceived pressure to conform has been demonstrated in countless areas of life--workplace, hell, even in reported opinions in polling--so why would the university be exempt? Now, he could cite surveys of students admitting to regurgitating what they think their professors want them to say, and you'd then question the validity of those surveys. So he reports an anecdote, which is perfectly fine as this is a discussion between mates and not a doctoral defense, so you then hack him down for being "anecdotal" as if Dr. Reno, a former professor, is somehow unaware of what he's said.