Mike redet aber auch so viel auf Deutsch, das wäre sonst gemein Leuten gegenüber, die kein Deutsch können, aber ich liebe das, wenn ich Denglisch redet
Nein. Es ist Archaisch. Sie sollten es gleich wegschaffen. Ich arbeite die ganze Woche und im Garten kann ich nur was m Wochenende machen. Häufig schafft es man nicht am einen Tag. Also interessiert mich dein Ruhetag überhaupt nicht. Wenn es dich nervt, kannst du mein Garten während der Woche machen (um sonst, weil du lässt mich nicht machen wenn ich Zeit dafür habe.)
@@agnesmeszaros-matwiejuk8783 Solche Leute mag ich ja besonders, die immer gleich alles auch sich beziehen und unangemessen persönlich werden. Ich bin auch vollzeitbeschäftigt und hatte über 18 Jahre mal einen Schrebergarten. Also weiß ich sehr wohl, was möglich ist mit einem Garten oder was nicht. Man kann lärmende Arbeiten sehr gut immer noch am Samstag machen. Warum muss man denn unbedingt noch den Sonntag mit lärmenden Arbeiten verschandeln? Wenn Dein Garten Dich überfordert, dann ist er eben zu groß für Dich. Hast Du darüber schon mal nachgedacht? Ich zum Beispiel musste meinen Schrebergarten aus gesundheitlichen Gründen aufgeben, was mich sehr geschmerzt hat, aber es war nötig. Und werde nicht persönlich. Ich greife Dich nicht persönlich an, warum machst Du das mit mir? Wenn Du das fort setzt, werde ich Dich melden.
@@LythaWausW I wish I knew, but sometimes they even have the police guarding them while they do their Demonstration so obviously they have their permit. Fortunately those don't occur that often, where I live.
Mike, du weißt aber schon warum in der Innenstadt in München mehr bezahlt werden muss als an den Aussenbezirken? Das soll die Menschen motivieren auf die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel umzusteigen, um den Verkehr in der Stadt zu verringern. Weniger Autos = weniger Stau. Zumindest in meiner Stadt gibt es gar keine Parkuhren. Ich kenne das hauptsächlich von größeren Städten und Tourismuszielen. Aber da es in den USA kaum öffentliche Verkehrsmittel gibt, können sie die Autos auch kaum aus den Städten heraushalten. Da ich zu Hause arbeite muss ich nicht zu den Stosszeiten nach München fahren. Es ist zwar voll auf den Strassen, aber ich stecke nicht im Stau. Höchstens mal an einer Baustelle oder einem Unfall, aber das gibt es in den USA sicher auch, zumindest sieht man das in Filmen und Serien. Ich bin noch nie geblitzt worden, weil ich mich an die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen halte. Wenn dich das so stört, dann bekommst du wohl öfter einen Strafzettel. Selbst Schuld würde ich sagen. Also habe ich kein Problem damit. Ich war noch nie in den USA, aber in Filmen sieht man öfter Polizeikontrollen mit Geschwindigkeitsmessung oder Fahrer die wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit von der Polizei angehalten werden. In manchen Filmen gibt es sogar Quoten, wieviel Strafzettel man im Monat einsammeln muss. Ob das der Realität entspricht kann ich natürlich nicht sagen, aber vielleicht ist das eine regionale Sache?
Das ist nicht immer possible. Especially with Mike's work- there are sometimes no public transportation options and where we lived they were making it even harder to take public transportation (they would make the trains even further apart, they would stop running, or they were never consistently on time).
Sweet couple! I'm a new subscriber learning languages and I love this example of bilingual (at least!) life. I feel this is so accessible and real example of how different languages are spoken in a family: switching freely between. Charming and helpful and challenging 😂 Best wishes from the UK
Stimmt! ❤ Haley's defense of our Sonntagsruhe. Also, I wonder how anybody who is that perturbed by the Sonntagsruhe can survive in the country of the Home Owners Association. At least in Germany, you don't have to cough up 300+ bucks per month for Sonntagsruhe.
@@gerohubner5101 Welche Freiheit??? MEINE Freiheit ist es, am Sonntag RUHE zu haben und NICHT vom Rasenmäher, lauter Schlagermusik etc. Geweckt, gestört zu werden!!! Freiheit endet DORT, wo sie die der anderen einschränkt. Punkt!
This video had me 😂😂😂 Things I don’t miss about Germany do not compare to the things I do miss. 1. I don’t miss the tiny parking spaces. 2.I don’t miss the staring😂 3.I don’t miss fighting for my life to bag my own groceries 4. I don’t miss people assuming I am a refugee 😂 Did you drop the wedding registry yet😊
"I don’t miss the tiny parking spaces" I don´t miss the giant SUVs and pickups in the states usually sitting in only 1 person. Apart from that, sometimes the differences between the driving tests in the US and Germany could not repudiate "I don’t miss fighting for my life to bag my own groceries" Well, i don't miss the servants who had to pack my groceries and had to haul it into our car. It might be that it is helpful for older people, but for me, at that time a young strong man, it was absolutly redundant. And it was so distressing for me; always i did regret theese guys. Evenfall each time i felt ashamed, when in part very much older men as i was, had to carry my groceries. Awful, it's simply unimaginable for Germans, for Europeans at all, i guess. I couldn't habituate in 5 years when we lived in the US! (New Orleans) By the way, nevertheless we had wonderful years in Louisiana, nice and very helpful people, we found best of friends there, and of course New Orleans, this meltingpot of cultures, is unforgettable!
@josefartzdorf5019, did you know that you can just say you can pack and push your own groceries? The service is usually there for the elderly, disabled individuals, or people genuinely needing help. It is also a way to create jobs for people who are disabled (and other particular groups). A lot of grocery stores hire disabled/handicapped/younger people to do these jobs so they can make money and work. The jobs are manageable, allow people to be integrated into the community, and provide a small financial benefit which could equate to rent for someone or groceries for the month. I personally say no thank you to the people that bag my groceries or push them to my car but I think these jobs are very important to certain groups of people in the community. I have a disabled brother who would benefit significantly from this type of job when he is older. A lot of older people (and disabled people) suffer from isolation, financial crunch, and depression due to not being able to work or being deemed as "non-useful" in society. One of the biggest groups that commit suicide in the USA and Germany is the elderly due to these stereotypes that you, unfortunately, posed in your comment. Is it ideal that someone works at 70+ years old- maybe not... but sometimes it is necessary and you never know someone else's situation. A little story for you.... An older man about 75 worked at my local grocery store bagging people's items. We got to know each other because I visited the store a little too frequently (German habit) compared to the other Americans. After a few weeks of small talk and sweet nothings... I asked the man why exactly he was working at his age. His response was that his wife died the year prior and that she was his best friend. He said that she made him get out of the house and she was technically the social one. He continued on about how working at the grocery store gave him the social contact he missed. Like I said... you never know someone's situation.
@@josefartzdorf5019 I’m currently in the Northeast and learned to drive in Germany over 22 years ago. I wish people drove better here. My biggest shock moving back with driving was all the signs seemed… optional 😂 if it says 45 they go 75. If it says no turn on red they turn. Maybe they stop and a stop sign…. Maybe not! Also the use of blinkers seem optional and the streets are missing lines at times. Lastly the merging lane and exit lanes being one of the same when no one lets you in baffling.
Paying to park - in Washington state you have to buy a pass to park in state parks and DNR land. It means whenever we visit America, we have to pay for a parking pass that only works on 2 cars per year, and if we visit again or switch rental cars there is no option, we would have to buy another one. They didn't think it through that some people are tourists and want to visit parks and drive rentals/ family cars. It's a total pain, and makes us feel unwelcome. Paying per visit makes more sense to me than paying per year but what do I know. It's a punishment for not being a local.
I think that happens in the USA as well but I do think they are a little more penetrant in Germany. I will always tell older women that are rude and aggressive to children (especially in areas that kids are expected- daycares, playgrounds, etc) that they need to mind their business.
They are around in the US. I got shamed by an older woman in Florida for not having socks on my daughter when she was 3 months old. We were visiting family in the US. We came from Switzerland. There was a 50 degree difference between Florida and Switzerland. If I remember correctly it was 75 F (24 C). In Switzerland it was 20 F (-6 C).
The lack of empathy for people having to work on saturday and sunday is amazing. I worked in a discount for a while, and the worst day was saturday, even more as people get annoying on weekends, if I had to work on sunday i would have started to dream about some bad stuff for sure. And I wonder what he would say about traffic in New York, LA, just cause he lifes in a retirment state doesn't say there isn't any traffic. And I'm happy about speed cameras, if you don't like them you are the reason why they have to exist. And they are not allowed to do that, many bicycle lanes have to be used by law, and even if they don't have to, one of the most important rules, you have to be considerate and you have to make sure you don't hinder the traffic.
You do know that there are millions of people that work on the weekend anyways? I don't know what your issue is... because you didn't like working on the weekend? I personally enjoy working on the weekend... but that is just me, life is not a perfect box. Also- Florida has some of the busiest cities in the country (hence him saying Miami which is much bigger than Munich). New York and LA have horrible traffic but so does Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, and any other major town. German roads are smaller, German infrastructure is pushing people away from cars and making roads more congested, and the list goes on... The traffic in Germany is horrible... Trying to then say "but traffic in this other place is also bad" which is NOT where we lived is really a very bad argument. That is like me telling someone that doesn't like the food in Germany that the food in Italy is shitty too... Makes no sense.
I know, and I'm pretty thankfull for that, without them we couldn't live. But enforcing sunday work onto people simply cause you are lazy and privileged is for sure not a way to go. And there might be some who enjoy working on sundays but the majority of people seem to enjoy their free sundays.
@mindscraper1978 what does Sunday work have to do with lazy and privileged?? I often had to work Monday to Saturday and Sunday was the only day I could get a lot of things done. Far from lazy or privileged...I worked 50-70 hrs a week 🤔
I think he probably did the right thing moving to the US. I actually like all those things. Everything being closed on sundays ( nobody needs shops open every day) , Blitzer ( just drive accordingly and nothing will happen) GEZ ( öffentlich-rechtliche Medien are very important and they don’t pay for themselves) , restaurants ( I want to eat in peace and nit have a waiter buzzing around me constantly) I don’t think I could ever live in the US.
Nobody needs GEZ, if you want it, buy it like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, don’t force it on everyone who don’t even watch those channels or listen to regular radio…
Well, than you don’t get the point. It’s not about if you watch ARD and ZDF or not. We need unbiased media . If every channel is financially supported by ads and big companies we will get a political climate like in the US.
@@danywho8898 unbiased media? 😂😂😂😂😂😂I call it Lügenpresse and I don’t care to spend my money on those…besides that, ard and zdf have commercials , which is another no go…
Bis der Mike wieder zurück ist wird wahrscheinlich die 6 Tagewoche eingeführt . Ich bin strikt dagegen , Samstag und Sontag sollen frei sein und Ruhe Tage auch noch bleiben
Ich bin froh, daß e die GEZ gibt und das ÖR Fernsehen weder von Industrie und Handel noch von Lobbyisten abhängig sind. Und der Sonntag als allgemeiner Ruhetag ist eine ganz wertvolle gesellschaftliche Errungenschaft!
I live near Chicago, and they not only have red light cameras, but speed cameras as well. For the speed cameras, im only aware of them being in the city of Chicago, and they're currently restricted to being near schools. The red light cameras are both in the city of Chicago, and the suburbs. Intersections that have red light cameras, I refuse to turn on red, because some of those cameras have activated on people who legally turn on red. Parking is expensive in Chicago too, especially since the parking meters went private in 2008 or 2009 (dont remember year). Certain neighborhoods also restrict parking based on parking sticker number. The Chicago area i believe is the only area of Illinois that requires people to buy a city sticker, because the various communities make you do so. For Chicago, theirs go by a parking number, and based on neighborhood. So for side streets, if there's a parking number, your city sticker must match that number, or your car gets towed. Dont even get me started on parking garages in Chicago. Traffic in Chicago and nearby suburbs are some of the worst in the country. I forgot the latest ranking, but Chicago is in the top 10.
Concerning Sunday closed: In the 1950s / 60s / 70s in Germany it was very common to have 6 work days, with only Sunday off [a "Werkwoche" (working from Mo-Sa) does still exist, e.g. for many shops / supermarkets etc.]. Thanks to many political campains ("Samstags gehört Vati mir" [On Saturdays daddy's got time for me] etc.) this changed and the 5-day-week became some sort of standard.
There are still ads on German TV though.... We have live TV that is paid for and it has less ads than in Germany and cost less than what we paid in Germany for GEZ.. and comes with a lot more options. Radio in Germany as well... I technically don't listen to the radio anymore because I have a phone with Spotify, Itunes, etc... At some point there has to be a realization that it needs a revamp in Germany. Also.... I am not the biggest fan of someone making millions of dollars off of something that is "forced"... I dislike it in the USA and I dislike it in Germany..
@@HayleyAlexis In German TV which is paid for by GEZ fees you only have very few ads, mostly from 6 to 8pm. All the rest (RTL, Sat1 etc.) are commercial and private with an awful lot of ads. I like to pay for quality like with arte, 3sat, Phoenix etc. German public TV definitely has its flaws, but you get more and better information than with all the biased and either „liberal“ or „conservative“ channels.
I love having the possibility to bring my own kitchen instead of having to deal with the shitty crap the landlord provided or the previous tenants left behind.
None of my neighbours in the Siedlung where I live actually cares, whether I'm mowing the lawn or cut my Hecke on a Sunday. They rather ask, if I need some help. I'm glad to live in the very tolerant North right at the coast. People are really relaxed here… at least most of them.
We have far too few Blitzer in Germany. I have no sympathy for speeding. Jeden zweiten Tag stirbt ein Radfahrer auf deutschen Landstraßen. Wieso glaubt ihr, dass Autofahrern der Platz gehört? Und Radfahrer lauter als ein Porsche?
M: "Ich kann ja auch selber kochen!" (I can cook for myself) H: ...frowning. M: "Oder Hayley kann kochen." H: "That's right..." M: "Ich kann mich auch selbst ernähren!" (I can manage to get something to eat) H: "Hmhm, that's a good way to put it" Regarding service in restaurants: maybe it's a bit more extreme in Munich. I was thinking that service had become a bit slower in my area (Upper Swabia). But, tbh, I had some positive experiences too. Probably it's in balance.
I think it depends... We have had amazing service at our favorite restaurants but if we wanted to try something new it was really an 80/20 split of it being bad vs good... The food could be AMAZING but unfortunately if the service is crap it isn't worth anything.
When I visited Germany, ages ago, I did not manage to experience a German Sunday. I got there _after_ and managed to leave _before,_ and I regret that. A wealthy country with modern, early-21st-century, industrial infrastructure, spending a day _quiet?_ It was something I was looking forward to experiencing, one day. I can't imagine the circumstances under which I would _ever_ object to that. You've _got_ to have one quiet day a week where the nation just rests, and it's really not practical with any of the other six.
Love hearing the German and having the translation. I’m trying to get my language skills back and it’s so nice to hear a real speaker (vs Duolingo). Thanks. England has speed cameras and annoying cyclists. Just warning you. 😀
Also meckern wir mit Mike: I am still in Germany, and I like to have at least ONE „quiet“ day per week. Also in the big US there is even more traffic jam than in Munich!
Naja, die Radfahrergruppen nehmen nicht mehr Raum ein, als so große Autos mit 1-2 Leuten drin. Den Menschen im Auto ist es doch auch erlaubt sich zu unterhalten, also wieso nicht auch in der Gruppe? Btw. eine gute Geschwindigkeit beim Training ist die, bei der man noch nebenbei Sprechen kann. Belanglose Themen sind da das einfachste😅.
I would like to take this opportunity to yell at Maik/Myk/Mike for missing RechtsVorLinks. WTH! *lol* I know what he means though. He misses driving in a place where he knows all the rules and feels no discomfort about the possibility of making a mistake because he didn't learn to drive in that country. My husband hates all-way stops in America with the fire of a thousand suns, and it never crossed my mind that they might make someone uncomfortable. Of course I prefer driving in America where I'm used to the rules/layout of the streets/lights. My husband totally agrees with Mike. He's ran a few red lights simply because he wasn't sure that was *his* light. And if you ask him I bet he'd say free right on red also makes him uncomfortable. My complaint about driving in Germany (besides no free right on red) is "My gosh can this street get any narrower?" and 10 seconds later, "Why, yes, yes it can." : )
Das mit dem Ruhetag stimmt nicht. Früher wurde auch am Samstag gearbeitet und zur Schule gegangen. Ich bin aber sehr froh, dass das abgeschafft wurde sonst könnte ich als Arbeitnehmer nie in Läden einkaufen gehen sondern müsste da auch arbeiten. Und den Sonntag als konsumfreien Erholungstag müsste man einführen wenn es ihn religösbedingt nicht schon gäbe.
If you believe that "STAU" is a german thing - hahaha! - please go to Los Angeles! We have been there a few times and there is STAU 24/7 on all highways - and there are lots of highways. You will be "healed" after visiting Los Angeles. Actually - also Las Vegas in the morning and in the afternoon is a "pain in the ass". Be happy, if you dont have STAU in Florida. But there is plenty of STAU in many big american cities.
Eventuell liegen manche Unterschiede auch daran das wir mit über 82Millionen Einwohnern in einem Gebiet wie Massachusetts leben, da ist einfach nicht soviel Platz. Und ich glaube nicht das in großen Städten in Amerika das Parken extrem billig ist. Und ich glaube Mike gibt einfach nicht gern Geld aus. Weder fürs Essen noch für zu schnelles Fahren.Ich jedenfalls habe die Erfahrung die er in Restaurants macht bislang nur sehr sehr selten gemacht.
Well, Hayley, I derive encouragement from what I've seen, here. My mother has been married three times. The first time was to _my_ father. The third time was to a man she met in the late '80's. He's from Chile, so his first language is Spanish (the specifically Chilean dialect, which, I get the impression, is different enough from the Mexican dialect that Mexicans and Chileans struggle to communicate). Now, my mother would have you believe that _she_ speaks Spanish, but she does not communicate with him in that language anywhere _near_ as smoothly as you and Mike manage it with German, even though they have been together for a number of decades and are now living in a _retirement_ home, together. And Spanish is supposed to be much easier to learn than German.
Puh, as a german, there are some things, I find hard to bear... especially the generalizations... uffz... Why pay for parking, why is it not included in taxes? because tax would be higher and than you would complain about high taxes... later on you bring the argument, that you don't see why you should pay for things, you don't use... if you don't use parking lots, why should you pay for them via taxes? GEZ... I think it is amazing to have free journalists, that can do their work free of private or gouvernmental interests... it is worth the money... otherwise we all end up with fox news... I gladly pay GEZ speeding cameras... you don't have to worry about them, if you stick to the rules... easy as that... if we have a rule, stick to it... if you don't agree, change things... kitchens: the comparison to the car is... questionable... to make that picture complete, the rented apartment should come with every furniture and even a filled fridge... because I need to have it complete ready to go? To have the freedom to have a kitchen I like, that fits my needs might be focussing on other customers than to have any kitchen at all... but both groups exist. All in all: German complaining at it's best...
Ich mag den sonntag und die ruhezeiten unter der woche. Wir haben unsere wohnung in einem industriegebiet und wir haben sonst nie ruhe. Allerdings lebe ich in der schweiz Und stau naja ich war in NY und wir hatten für einen weg von 20' über 3h 🥲
Könnte es sein, daß Mike erwartet, das der Staat dafür verantwortlich ist Parkplätze bereitzustellen? Am Besten direkt dort wo man gern parken will? "Überraschend" viele Parkplätze befinden sich ja auf Privatbesitz, resp. im Hoheitsbereich von Kommunen. Die Kfz-Steuer fließt aber an den Bund.
"You do mecker about these things"! 😂😂😂 Americans: guess, what did Hailey mean? I love their Denglish!!! Are you able to follow what they say though? I am curious.
Restataurant staff in Munich is the worst and most unfriendly I've ever experienced in Germany 😂. I'm from the Nuremberg region and cliché says Franconians are rude/unfriendly but Munich waiters top that so easily!
I love watching these but as you are describing the loud speaking Germans I can’t help to laugh cause although my mother doesn’t speak German she had a German grandma who did and they all talk loud!!!! 😂😂😂
Ich hatte mal ne Wohnung mit Küche und ich hab es gehasst. Die Küche war mega unpraktisch, die Geräte gefielen mir nicht, es gab außerdem Knatsch weil ich einen zusätzlichen Schrank aufgehängt und wieder mitgenommen habe... Nene ich will meine Küche selbst aussuchen.
Parking in the US is way more expensive than in the US. Where there is open space you do not have to pay but in condensed areas (Germany is condensed all over) you pay big money. In the States you will not find many installed blitzer, but way more cops on the streets who are waiting to get you. Waitresses in the States have to be fast and friendly because they work for tips. Nowadays the average is 20% of the bill. And because they only can make good money when they serve many customers they slam the bill on the table before you finished eating. No chance for gemuetliches Sitzenbleiben. I rather pay GEZ than be forced to watch all the crazy commercials for prescription drugs and an armada of all kind of lawyers etc.. Especially now where the commercials for the election will start soon. They can drive anybody crazy. They are the biggest pain of all commercials. You are really a typical Meckeronkel 😂. The day will come where you will miss the Ruhezeiten. But enjoy the difference in the US!!!
I'm strongly contradicting Mike in ANY point! Here in Friesland the service is excellent, there are almost no traffic jams, the Blitzers are very well known to all of us… and why not just confirming to speed limits? There's a reason for that. And btw., bikers are equal traffic participants… just turn down your temper and relax. They've got the right to do that. Besides, noone of my neighbours cares, if I play loud music on a weekend and even at 3 am at night they don't get angry, because they all do it sometimes. They maybe come along a bit sleepy and are just asking, if they could have a beer. We all do it sometimes and nobody here calls 911. Maybe it's different in Munich? I don't know…
Mike, nicht wenige Restaurants müssen schließen, weil sie kein Personal haben, ever thought about that? And also in Supermarkets wird ständig Personal gesucht. Dann sollen die auch noch Sonntags öffnen?
We also talked about paying to park in smaller cities... We live in a smaller town outside of Munich (2 different areas) and had to pay to park there as well...
@@HayleyAlexis And it makes total sense. Else you would not even find a parking spot there because the people of offices etc. would park there at 8 in the morning...
Yes... and for Mike (and actually myself included) that is something we do not miss. It is quite annoying having to drive around sometimes 15+ minutes to find a place to park... I understand Germany is limited with space but there are options to make parking options easier.
LOL "Maybe they're nicer in Nordrhein Westfalen." These spandex bicyclists refuse to use the bike lanes that someone built for them. Instead they block traffic and yes, as they go by my house they are usually yellling at each other because ...? But I think I'm numb to it cuz it's so much better than Motorcycle Sundays in Summer. FLEETS of motorcycles roaring by on a day that is supposed to be a day of quiet. It's so ironic. But the worst thing about those bicyclists is, our streets are 100kph and curvy and when you're driving, you have no way to know if there will suddenly be a biker in front of you, and I'm terrified of killing a bicyclist. This is also why I am unable to ride my bike outside our immediate village, because I'd be on those 100kph roads with no shoulder, in traffic. It seems arrogant to me but also daredevil.
We actually never had a lot of motorcyclists where we lived which is interesting that you pointed that out...I never thought about it. I think the issue with the riders we have come into contact with is that they get very aggressive and are very rude. Regardless if they are allowed to drive on the road... they don't have to do it in a ridiculous manner... Just because I am allowed to walk on the sidewalk doesn't mean I walk with my hands out twirling around in circles. It is about being aware and kind to the people around you. When I rode my bike (which was my main form of transportation in the city) I always made sure to allow cars as much space as possible because at the end of the day- I wanted to live my life and not turn into a pancake on the street... or get into an argument about something as stupid as being too far in the street. Regardless if I was allowed to or not... It was not worth it to me.
Oh, the speed cams - That must be local to Munich maybe Bavaria, to be that evil in their placement. Come to Baden Württemberg... *LOOOL* Diese lauten Leute vor dem Fenster --- Ich hab hier Glück, dritter Stock, nicht zur Straße hin.
I never comment but I feel like I actually have to add something to those points. I can totally agree with the points of traffic, service and opening hours, but those points are really tied to Bavaria where y’all lived, the service down there is just horrible most of the time just like the traffic. I’m in Munich and the area around it every weekend but live in NRW and here people are generally more friendly, we don’t have so much traffic cause there isn’t much tourism and most grocery stores are open till 22:00- 23:00
As a professional translator whose English is just about as good as German, I really enjoyed this video! Fantastic! And I guess, many other Germans and bilinguals do enjoy that, too! ... Question: how bit is your US audience? Not very big for this video, I would guess ... but thanks - it was really fun!
There are actually a lot of people from the USA that watch these videos and I get a lot of complaints that I speak German and don't include any translations/subtitles... I am trying to be more inclusive 😂
Mittlerweile war Healey einige Jahre in D, es gibt aber eins ihrer ersten Vidoes mit einem Radiosender, da war sie erst kurz in D und ich war tatsächlich geflasht ob ihres so schnell erlernten Deutsch und dazu mit bayrischen Akzent. Wenn man da andere Einwanderer hört, die schon Jahrzehnt im Land sind. Ihre Rückkehr in die USA ist ein Verlust.
Wie ist eure beziehung zustande gekommen? Sie spricht fliessen englisch aber irgendwie auch deutsch? Sie lebt in der usa und du warst von DE? :) Gibt es einen grund, dass sie mit dir englisch spricht du aber deutsch mit ihr?
I'm looking forward to hear Mike's opinion a year from now... clearly you guys don't live in a city... I lived 30 years in Boston and everything that Mike finds annoying in Germany are at least as bad in the Northeast... although, yeah, traffic-wise the whole of Germany has become like Boston and New York... which, yes, is annoying...
Blitzer: they're becoming quite creative lately. They're using funny looking trailers in my area now. BTW, I have already been caught in Munich near a school. I had to pay a fairly small fee. Still I was surprised because I must have missed a sign telling everyone that speed had to be reduced. I wasn't very fast because I was looking for a parking spot.
@@HayleyAlexis I'm with you there. Sometimes enough is just enough. Reminds me of when I was living in a duplex and the upstairs neighbors started a band. After listening to them struggle througt the opening verse of Knocking on Heaven's Door for a solid 2 hours, we had to place an SOS call to the landlady.
@@HayleyAlexis Or maybe some German opera. A convenience store/gas station up here in downtown Jax did that and all the homeless people cleared out in a hurry.
@@HayleyAlexis Of all the UA-camrs I imagined Mike would like living in America the most. It seems to fit his personality. But moving from mountains to no mountains SUCKS.
I mean... "have" and "actually do" are very different scenarios... We have driven past many cyclists on the street when there is literally a bicycle lane off of the street.
@@HayleyAlexis yes, I got you. Just referred to a point in your video where one of you guys said, you weren’t sure if they have to use the Radweg if there is one.
We have this sign on a path next to our main road. The only people who ride bikes there are children and the elderly. Most of the bikes are in the street with the cars, ignoring the signs. It's the most blatant example of public rule breaking I've experienced in Germany.
I love your Videos… aber in der Gastronomie in München arbeiten ist einfach nur Hölle. Wir sind alle unterbesetzt, haben üblen Stress und leben vom Trinkgeld. So please forgive us for bring stressed
:( ich weiß!! and it is not everyone!! We have met so many good servers and had so many positive experiences...I just think that we have come into contact with such crazy service stories that it made it to the list.
Uh, your Meckerei about Radfahrer on the streets when there’s a bicycle lane… mention that in germany and you’ll get tared and feathered! Das sind die Guten, die Gesundheitsbewussten! They are unkritisierbar!
I love selective translation of German and then you just casually continue to speak German😂People who don't understand the language must be so lost😂 Did not know that restaurant service is that bad, I'm surprised, even here in Czech it's a rare, it used to be that bad maybe 20 years ago.
@armancz the issue with that is I have to pick the language the video is in (only one so I pick English) and the translation can not pick up the German words...
München und Umland ist nicht Deutschland. Verkehr, Parken und immer volle Restaurants ist München.❤ Andere Großstädte in Deutschland lassen sich vielleicht damit vergleichen, aber der Rest ist nicht so schlimm. Gibt aber auch weniger Sehenswürdigkeiten und Gaststätten gibt's auch immer weniger. 😢
My 8 things i DONT miss about Germany: 1) Bad Weather 2) Bad Weather 3) Bad Weather 4) Bad Weather 5) Bad Weather 6) Bad Weather 7) Bad Weather 8) Bad Weather
Sind die Fussgaenger in München eigentlich auch immer sauer wenn man ihnen kein "Danke" hinterher schreit, weil sie 2 cm zur Seite mussten um dich mit dem Fahrrad durchzulassen ? Ich bekomme hier in Berlin staendig so ein passiv aggressives "Bitte" entgegengeschleudert.
Can i get a thumbs up for my *amazing* subtitles?
Mike redet aber auch so viel auf Deutsch, das wäre sonst gemein Leuten gegenüber, die kein Deutsch können, aber ich liebe das, wenn ich Denglisch redet
I ❤️ them
Weiter hinten hat die englische Übersetzung gefehlt, but i understand everything as a German ~ 😅💕😅
Hayley is more German than Mike 😀
Always... Mike is more American than I ever will be!
yes that‘s true and mike is more american than her tbh
@@HayleyAlexisI definetely agree, you fit pefectly in germany :)
7:31 wahahaha, das Gesicht von Hayley wenn Mike davon spricht, selbst zu kochen.... Sagt mehr als 1000 Worte 😂😊
Ich wurde lieber.... 5 Tage ohne Essen leben than eat Mike's famous Nudeln with curry ketchup!!
@@HayleyAlexis ohje, so schlimm? Du Arme. 🫠
@@totallyasmr save me 😝
@@HayleyAlexis Send Mike to a cooking Seminar, he's not stupid, only uneducated or maybe lazy?...
@@totallyasmr I think I am too picky.... I want too complex meals that I know he won't be able to make... or I would be too critical about.
"You do mecker about..." Love your Deutsch und Englisch Misch-Masch :)
Der Ruhetag ist so wichtig. Das begreift man erst, wenn man mal darauf angewiesen ist oder krank ist. Lärm ist und bleibt ein Stressfaktor.
Can anything be done about the Motorcycle groups that go out only on Sundays? The really, really loud ones?
Nein. Es ist Archaisch. Sie sollten es gleich wegschaffen. Ich arbeite die ganze Woche und im Garten kann ich nur was m Wochenende machen. Häufig schafft es man nicht am einen Tag. Also interessiert mich dein Ruhetag überhaupt nicht. Wenn es dich nervt, kannst du mein Garten während der Woche machen (um sonst, weil du lässt mich nicht machen wenn ich Zeit dafür habe.)
@@agnesmeszaros-matwiejuk8783 Solche Leute mag ich ja besonders, die immer gleich alles auch sich beziehen und unangemessen persönlich werden.
Ich bin auch vollzeitbeschäftigt und hatte über 18 Jahre mal einen Schrebergarten. Also weiß ich sehr wohl, was möglich ist mit einem Garten oder was nicht. Man kann lärmende Arbeiten sehr gut immer noch am Samstag machen. Warum muss man denn unbedingt noch den Sonntag mit lärmenden Arbeiten verschandeln? Wenn Dein Garten Dich überfordert, dann ist er eben zu groß für Dich. Hast Du darüber schon mal nachgedacht? Ich zum Beispiel musste meinen Schrebergarten aus gesundheitlichen Gründen aufgeben, was mich sehr geschmerzt hat, aber es war nötig.
Und werde nicht persönlich. Ich greife Dich nicht persönlich an, warum machst Du das mit mir? Wenn Du das fort setzt, werde ich Dich melden.
@@LythaWausW I wish I knew, but sometimes they even have the police guarding them while they do their Demonstration so obviously they have their permit.
Fortunately those don't occur that often, where I live.
Great job on the subtitles. Thank you for that. I appreciate it.
I took your comment into consideration Peggie!
@@HayleyAlexis Thank you!!
Mike, du weißt aber schon warum in der Innenstadt in München mehr bezahlt werden muss als an den Aussenbezirken? Das soll die Menschen motivieren auf die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel umzusteigen, um den Verkehr in der Stadt zu verringern. Weniger Autos = weniger Stau. Zumindest in meiner Stadt gibt es gar keine Parkuhren. Ich kenne das hauptsächlich von größeren Städten und Tourismuszielen. Aber da es in den USA kaum öffentliche Verkehrsmittel gibt, können sie die Autos auch kaum aus den Städten heraushalten.
Da ich zu Hause arbeite muss ich nicht zu den Stosszeiten nach München fahren. Es ist zwar voll auf den Strassen, aber ich stecke nicht im Stau. Höchstens mal an einer Baustelle oder einem Unfall, aber das gibt es in den USA sicher auch, zumindest sieht man das in Filmen und Serien.
Ich bin noch nie geblitzt worden, weil ich mich an die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen halte. Wenn dich das so stört, dann bekommst du wohl öfter einen Strafzettel. Selbst Schuld würde ich sagen. Also habe ich kein Problem damit.
Ich war noch nie in den USA, aber in Filmen sieht man öfter Polizeikontrollen mit Geschwindigkeitsmessung oder Fahrer die wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit von der Polizei angehalten werden. In manchen Filmen gibt es sogar Quoten, wieviel Strafzettel man im Monat einsammeln muss. Ob das der Realität entspricht kann ich natürlich nicht sagen, aber vielleicht ist das eine regionale Sache?
Das ist nicht immer possible. Especially with Mike's work- there are sometimes no public transportation options and where we lived they were making it even harder to take public transportation (they would make the trains even further apart, they would stop running, or they were never consistently on time).
Sweet couple! I'm a new subscriber learning languages and I love this example of bilingual (at least!) life. I feel this is so accessible and real example of how different languages are spoken in a family: switching freely between. Charming and helpful and challenging 😂 Best wishes from the UK
Thank you! 😃
Ganz schlechte Meinung von ihm zum Sonntag. Das ist eine wertvolle Errungenschaft in Deutschland die nicht verloren gehen darf.
Stimmt! ❤ Haley's defense of our Sonntagsruhe.
Also, I wonder how anybody who is that perturbed by the Sonntagsruhe can survive in the country of the Home Owners Association. At least in Germany, you don't have to cough up 300+ bucks per month for Sonntagsruhe.
Einschränkungen der Freiheit sind eine "Errungenschaft"? Sonst alles im Lot?
@@gerohubner5101 Welche Freiheit??? MEINE Freiheit ist es, am Sonntag RUHE zu haben und NICHT vom Rasenmäher, lauter Schlagermusik etc. Geweckt, gestört zu werden!!! Freiheit endet DORT, wo sie die der anderen einschränkt. Punkt!
This video had me 😂😂😂
Things I don’t miss about Germany do not compare to the things I do miss.
1. I don’t miss the tiny parking spaces.
2.I don’t miss the staring😂
3.I don’t miss fighting for my life to bag my own groceries
4. I don’t miss people assuming I am a refugee 😂
Did you drop the wedding registry yet😊
NOT THE REFUGEEEEEEEEE 💀💀 girllll it has happened to the best of us! 😂😂
Def the grocery bagging thing😅
"I don’t miss the tiny parking spaces"
I don´t miss the giant SUVs and pickups in the states usually sitting in only 1 person. Apart from that, sometimes the differences between the driving tests in the US and Germany could not repudiate
"I don’t miss fighting for my life to bag my own groceries"
Well, i don't miss the servants who had to pack my groceries and had to haul it into our car. It might be that it is helpful for older people, but for me, at that time a young strong man, it was absolutly redundant. And it was so distressing for me; always i did regret theese guys. Evenfall each time i felt ashamed, when in part very much older men as i was, had to carry my groceries. Awful, it's simply unimaginable for Germans, for Europeans at all, i guess. I couldn't habituate in 5 years when we lived in the US! (New Orleans)
By the way, nevertheless we had wonderful years in Louisiana, nice and very helpful people, we found best of friends there, and of course New Orleans, this meltingpot of cultures, is unforgettable!
did you know that you can just say you can pack and push your own groceries? The service is usually there for the elderly, disabled individuals, or people genuinely needing help. It is also a way to create jobs for people who are disabled (and other particular groups).
A lot of grocery stores hire disabled/handicapped/younger people to do these jobs so they can make money and work. The jobs are manageable, allow people to be integrated into the community, and provide a small financial benefit which could equate to rent for someone or groceries for the month.
I personally say no thank you to the people that bag my groceries or push them to my car but I think these jobs are very important to certain groups of people in the community. I have a disabled brother who would benefit significantly from this type of job when he is older.
A lot of older people (and disabled people) suffer from isolation, financial crunch, and depression due to not being able to work or being deemed as "non-useful" in society. One of the biggest groups that commit suicide in the USA and Germany is the elderly due to these stereotypes that you, unfortunately, posed in your comment. Is it ideal that someone works at 70+ years old- maybe not... but sometimes it is necessary and you never know someone else's situation.
A little story for you.... An older man about 75 worked at my local grocery store bagging people's items. We got to know each other because I visited the store a little too frequently (German habit) compared to the other Americans. After a few weeks of small talk and sweet nothings... I asked the man why exactly he was working at his age. His response was that his wife died the year prior and that she was his best friend. He said that she made him get out of the house and she was technically the social one. He continued on about how working at the grocery store gave him the social contact he missed. Like I said... you never know someone's situation.
@@josefartzdorf5019 I’m currently in the Northeast and learned to drive in Germany over 22 years ago. I wish people drove better here. My biggest shock moving back with driving was all the signs seemed… optional 😂 if it says 45 they go 75. If it says no turn on red they turn. Maybe they stop and a stop sign…. Maybe not!
Also the use of blinkers seem optional and the streets are missing lines at times. Lastly the merging lane and exit lanes being one of the same when no one lets you in baffling.
OMG I think I‘ve never heared Mike speak German before! Now I know where your accent comes from!
Paying to park - in Washington state you have to buy a pass to park in state parks and DNR land. It means whenever we visit America, we have to pay for a parking pass that only works on 2 cars per year, and if we visit again or switch rental cars there is no option, we would have to buy another one. They didn't think it through that some people are tourists and want to visit parks and drive rentals/ family cars. It's a total pain, and makes us feel unwelcome. Paying per visit makes more sense to me than paying per year but what do I know. It's a punishment for not being a local.
I don’t miss the random older ladies who authoritatively tell you how you ought to dress, bundle up, or care for a child LOL.
I think that happens in the USA as well but I do think they are a little more penetrant in Germany. I will always tell older women that are rude and aggressive to children (especially in areas that kids are expected- daycares, playgrounds, etc) that they need to mind their business.
Then you havent been to Italy yet. Its even worse there.
They are around in the US. I got shamed by an older woman in Florida for not having socks on my daughter when she was 3 months old. We were visiting family in the US. We came from Switzerland. There was a 50 degree difference between Florida and Switzerland. If I remember correctly it was 75 F (24 C). In Switzerland it was 20 F (-6 C).
ihr beide seid zusammen echt lustig .))) schön tach
You guys are so cute😊 I loved this 😂🤣
The lack of empathy for people having to work on saturday and sunday is amazing. I worked in a discount for a while, and the worst day was saturday, even more as people get annoying on weekends, if I had to work on sunday i would have started to dream about some bad stuff for sure. And I wonder what he would say about traffic in New York, LA, just cause he lifes in a retirment state doesn't say there isn't any traffic. And I'm happy about speed cameras, if you don't like them you are the reason why they have to exist. And they are not allowed to do that, many bicycle lanes have to be used by law, and even if they don't have to, one of the most important rules, you have to be considerate and you have to make sure you don't hinder the traffic.
You do know that there are millions of people that work on the weekend anyways? I don't know what your issue is... because you didn't like working on the weekend? I personally enjoy working on the weekend... but that is just me, life is not a perfect box.
Also- Florida has some of the busiest cities in the country (hence him saying Miami which is much bigger than Munich).
New York and LA have horrible traffic but so does Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, and any other major town. German roads are smaller, German infrastructure is pushing people away from cars and making roads more congested, and the list goes on... The traffic in Germany is horrible... Trying to then say "but traffic in this other place is also bad" which is NOT where we lived is really a very bad argument.
That is like me telling someone that doesn't like the food in Germany that the food in Italy is shitty too... Makes no sense.
I know, and I'm pretty thankfull for that, without them we couldn't live. But enforcing sunday work onto people simply cause you are lazy and privileged is for sure not a way to go. And there might be some who enjoy working on sundays but the majority of people seem to enjoy their free sundays.
@mindscraper1978 what does Sunday work have to do with lazy and privileged?? I often had to work Monday to Saturday and Sunday was the only day I could get a lot of things done. Far from lazy or privileged...I worked 50-70 hrs a week 🤔
You guys are so adorable together 😊
Please do a part 2!
Ich hab wieder SO gelacht. tolles video!
I think he probably did the right thing moving to the US. I actually like all those things. Everything being closed on sundays ( nobody needs shops open every day) , Blitzer ( just drive accordingly and nothing will happen) GEZ ( öffentlich-rechtliche Medien are very important and they don’t pay for themselves) , restaurants ( I want to eat in peace and nit have a waiter buzzing around me constantly) I don’t think I could ever live in the US.
There is always a person for a place.... Mike is extremely German but he does fit into the US culture
Nobody needs GEZ, if you want it, buy it like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, don’t force it on everyone who don’t even watch those channels or listen to regular radio…
Well, than you don’t get the point. It’s not about if you watch ARD and ZDF or not. We need unbiased media . If every channel is financially supported by ads and big companies we will get a political climate like in the US.
@@danywho8898 unbiased media? 😂😂😂😂😂😂I call it Lügenpresse and I don’t care to spend my money on those…besides that, ard and zdf have commercials , which is another no go…
Ah you are one of those people. That explains a lot.
Bis der Mike wieder zurück ist wird wahrscheinlich die 6 Tagewoche eingeführt . Ich bin strikt dagegen , Samstag und Sontag sollen frei sein und Ruhe Tage auch noch bleiben
You both Crack me up. Loved this video. Glad you're both in the US for now.😊❤
Thank you! 😃 we are an interesting couple that is for sure!
Ich bin froh, daß e die GEZ gibt und das ÖR Fernsehen weder von Industrie und Handel noch von Lobbyisten abhängig sind. Und der Sonntag als allgemeiner Ruhetag ist eine ganz wertvolle gesellschaftliche Errungenschaft!
God - he's a classic German, moaning about stuff. I agree with you Hayley about Sundays. Peace and quiet
Nooooo, he is not representativ! This moaning even annoys me as a German! 😂
@@karl-heinzbrohme5890 Sorreeee
@@JenMaxon 😂👍
thanks for including Eng subtitles!!!
THey aren't the best but I did try!
I live near Chicago, and they not only have red light cameras, but speed cameras as well. For the speed cameras, im only aware of them being in the city of Chicago, and they're currently restricted to being near schools. The red light cameras are both in the city of Chicago, and the suburbs. Intersections that have red light cameras, I refuse to turn on red, because some of those cameras have activated on people who legally turn on red. Parking is expensive in Chicago too, especially since the parking meters went private in 2008 or 2009 (dont remember year). Certain neighborhoods also restrict parking based on parking sticker number. The Chicago area i believe is the only area of Illinois that requires people to buy a city sticker, because the various communities make you do so. For Chicago, theirs go by a parking number, and based on neighborhood. So for side streets, if there's a parking number, your city sticker must match that number, or your car gets towed. Dont even get me started on parking garages in Chicago. Traffic in Chicago and nearby suburbs are some of the worst in the country. I forgot the latest ranking, but Chicago is in the top 10.
Concerning Sunday closed: In the 1950s / 60s / 70s in Germany it was very common to have 6 work days, with only Sunday off [a "Werkwoche" (working from Mo-Sa) does still exist, e.g. for many shops / supermarkets etc.]. Thanks to many political campains ("Samstags gehört Vati mir" [On Saturdays daddy's got time for me] etc.) this changed and the 5-day-week became some sort of standard.
I am a staunch defender of the Sunday rule. And also the radio fee is very useful. Just look at the completely commercialized TV+radio in the USA.
There are still ads on German TV though.... We have live TV that is paid for and it has less ads than in Germany and cost less than what we paid in Germany for GEZ.. and comes with a lot more options. Radio in Germany as well... I technically don't listen to the radio anymore because I have a phone with Spotify, Itunes, etc...
At some point there has to be a realization that it needs a revamp in Germany. Also.... I am not the biggest fan of someone making millions of dollars off of something that is "forced"... I dislike it in the USA and I dislike it in Germany..
@@HayleyAlexis In German TV which is paid for by GEZ fees you only have very few ads, mostly from 6 to 8pm. All the rest (RTL, Sat1 etc.) are commercial and private with an awful lot of ads. I like to pay for quality like with arte, 3sat, Phoenix etc. German public TV definitely has its flaws, but you get more and better information than with all the biased and either „liberal“ or „conservative“ channels.
I love having the possibility to bring my own kitchen instead of having to deal with the shitty crap the landlord provided or the previous tenants left behind.
Interesting... For me an oven is an oven😅
Agree - I love the kitchen I bought for myself and I'm damn well taking it with me when I move
For what I have seen in UA-cam videos, US kitchens in appartments and houses all look the same.. in Germany you can get really ugly and/or bad ones
@isalablomma that might be true....
@@JenMaxonand what about if it doesn't fit in the next apartment?
In my village of 8000, no parking fees. And I don't want to be bothered on Sundays by lawn mowers and frantic Heimwerker working with machines!
None of my neighbours in the Siedlung where I live actually cares, whether I'm mowing the lawn or cut my Hecke on a Sunday. They rather ask, if I need some help. I'm glad to live in the very tolerant North right at the coast. People are really relaxed here… at least most of them.
We have far too few Blitzer in Germany. I have no sympathy for speeding.
Jeden zweiten Tag stirbt ein Radfahrer auf deutschen Landstraßen. Wieso glaubt ihr, dass Autofahrern der Platz gehört? Und Radfahrer lauter als ein Porsche?
M: "Ich kann ja auch selber kochen!" (I can cook for myself)
H: ...frowning.
M: "Oder Hayley kann kochen."
H: "That's right..."
M: "Ich kann mich auch selbst ernähren!" (I can manage to get something to eat)
H: "Hmhm, that's a good way to put it"
Regarding service in restaurants: maybe it's a bit more extreme in Munich. I was thinking that service had become a bit slower in my area (Upper Swabia). But, tbh, I had some positive experiences too. Probably it's in balance.
I think it depends... We have had amazing service at our favorite restaurants but if we wanted to try something new it was really an 80/20 split of it being bad vs good... The food could be AMAZING but unfortunately if the service is crap it isn't worth anything.
Munich, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe are really notorious hotspots for traffic jams. Apart from sundays and holidays they enjoy traffic jams every day.
When I visited Germany, ages ago, I did not manage to experience a German Sunday. I got there _after_ and managed to leave _before,_ and I regret that. A wealthy country with modern, early-21st-century, industrial infrastructure, spending a day _quiet?_ It was something I was looking forward to experiencing, one day. I can't imagine the circumstances under which I would _ever_ object to that.
You've _got_ to have one quiet day a week where the nation just rests, and it's really not practical with any of the other six.
Since Corona, people know that there are better (less stressful) jobs than gastronomy, with less annoying guests (patients). 😜
Love hearing the German and having the translation. I’m trying to get my language skills back and it’s so nice to hear a real speaker (vs Duolingo). Thanks.
England has speed cameras and annoying cyclists. Just warning you. 😀
I think it's fine that Sunday is Ruhetag but I just wish the shops didn't close
think it over
Also meckern wir mit Mike: I am still in Germany, and I like to have at least ONE „quiet“ day per week.
Also in the big US there is even more traffic jam than in Munich!
Naja, die Radfahrergruppen nehmen nicht mehr Raum ein, als so große Autos mit 1-2 Leuten drin. Den Menschen im Auto ist es doch auch erlaubt sich zu unterhalten, also wieso nicht auch in der Gruppe?
Btw. eine gute Geschwindigkeit beim Training ist die, bei der man noch nebenbei Sprechen kann. Belanglose Themen sind da das einfachste😅.
Man hat fast den Eindruck, daß Autofahrer besondere Rechte haben. Siehe auch die Erwartungshaltung zu Parkplätzen. >:)
I would like to take this opportunity to yell at Maik/Myk/Mike for missing RechtsVorLinks. WTH! *lol* I know what he means though. He misses driving in a place where he knows all the rules and feels no discomfort about the possibility of making a mistake because he didn't learn to drive in that country. My husband hates all-way stops in America with the fire of a thousand suns, and it never crossed my mind that they might make someone uncomfortable. Of course I prefer driving in America where I'm used to the rules/layout of the streets/lights. My husband totally agrees with Mike. He's ran a few red lights simply because he wasn't sure that was *his* light. And if you ask him I bet he'd say free right on red also makes him uncomfortable. My complaint about driving in Germany (besides no free right on red) is "My gosh can this street get any narrower?" and 10 seconds later, "Why, yes, yes it can." : )
Das mit dem Ruhetag stimmt nicht. Früher wurde auch am Samstag gearbeitet und zur Schule gegangen. Ich bin aber sehr froh, dass das abgeschafft wurde sonst könnte ich als Arbeitnehmer nie in Läden einkaufen gehen sondern müsste da auch arbeiten. Und den Sonntag als konsumfreien Erholungstag müsste man einführen wenn es ihn religösbedingt nicht schon gäbe.
If you believe that "STAU" is a german thing - hahaha! - please go to Los Angeles! We have been there a few times and there is STAU 24/7 on all highways - and there are lots of highways. You will be "healed" after visiting Los Angeles. Actually - also Las Vegas in the morning and in the afternoon is a "pain in the ass". Be happy, if you dont have STAU in Florida. But there is plenty of STAU in many big american cities.
Eventuell liegen manche Unterschiede auch daran das wir mit über 82Millionen Einwohnern in einem Gebiet wie Massachusetts leben, da ist einfach nicht soviel Platz. Und ich glaube nicht das in großen Städten in Amerika das Parken extrem billig ist.
Und ich glaube Mike gibt einfach nicht gern Geld aus. Weder fürs Essen noch für zu schnelles Fahren.Ich jedenfalls habe die Erfahrung die er in Restaurants macht bislang nur sehr sehr selten gemacht.
Well, Hayley, I derive encouragement from what I've seen, here. My mother has been married three times. The first time was to _my_ father. The third time was to a man she met in the late '80's. He's from Chile, so his first language is Spanish (the specifically Chilean dialect, which, I get the impression, is different enough from the Mexican dialect that Mexicans and Chileans struggle to communicate).
Now, my mother would have you believe that _she_ speaks Spanish, but she does not communicate with him in that language anywhere _near_ as smoothly as you and Mike manage it with German, even though they have been together for a number of decades and are now living in a _retirement_ home, together.
And Spanish is supposed to be much easier to learn than German.
Puh, as a german, there are some things, I find hard to bear... especially the generalizations...
Why pay for parking, why is it not included in taxes? because tax would be higher and than you would complain about high taxes... later on you bring the argument, that you don't see why you should pay for things, you don't use... if you don't use parking lots, why should you pay for them via taxes?
GEZ... I think it is amazing to have free journalists, that can do their work free of private or gouvernmental interests... it is worth the money... otherwise we all end up with fox news... I gladly pay GEZ
speeding cameras... you don't have to worry about them, if you stick to the rules... easy as that... if we have a rule, stick to it... if you don't agree, change things...
kitchens: the comparison to the car is... questionable... to make that picture complete, the rented apartment should come with every furniture and even a filled fridge... because I need to have it complete ready to go? To have the freedom to have a kitchen I like, that fits my needs might be focussing on other customers than to have any kitchen at all... but both groups exist.
All in all: German complaining at it's best...
Ich mag den sonntag und die ruhezeiten unter der woche. Wir haben unsere wohnung in einem industriegebiet und wir haben sonst nie ruhe.
Allerdings lebe ich in der schweiz
Und stau naja ich war in NY und wir hatten für einen weg von 20' über 3h 🥲
Director's cut when? 😁
The zack snyder edition
Wir standen in LA jeden Tag zwei Stunden im Stau für die Kleinsten Strecken.
Wait, I want to hear the rest of the list!
Könnte es sein, daß Mike erwartet, das der Staat dafür verantwortlich ist Parkplätze bereitzustellen? Am Besten direkt dort wo man gern parken will? "Überraschend" viele Parkplätze befinden sich ja auf Privatbesitz, resp. im Hoheitsbereich von Kommunen. Die Kfz-Steuer fließt aber an den Bund.
In was für Restaurants geht ihr bitte? Kann ich gar nicht unterschreiben mit dem schlechten Service.
Schatzi we went there in a flood 🤣🤣
"You do mecker about these things"! 😂😂😂 Americans: guess, what did Hailey mean? I love their Denglish!!! Are you able to follow what they say though? I am curious.
Uh roads are not private (99.xx% of the time), unlike parking lots, Mike! 🤔
Restataurant staff in Munich is the worst and most unfriendly I've ever experienced in Germany 😂. I'm from the Nuremberg region and cliché says Franconians are rude/unfriendly but Munich waiters top that so easily!
I love watching these but as you are describing the loud speaking Germans I can’t help to laugh cause although my mother doesn’t speak German she had a German grandma who did and they all talk loud!!!! 😂😂😂
It is only SOMETIMES and certain Germans... 😂😂 this is a very particular case but still.. Hilarious in my opinion
Ich hatte mal ne Wohnung mit Küche und ich hab es gehasst. Die Küche war mega unpraktisch, die Geräte gefielen mir nicht, es gab außerdem Knatsch weil ich einen zusätzlichen Schrank aufgehängt und wieder mitgenommen habe...
Nene ich will meine Küche selbst aussuchen.
Parking in the US is way more expensive than in the US. Where there is open space you do not have to pay but in condensed areas (Germany is condensed all over) you pay big money. In the States you will not find many installed blitzer, but way more cops on the streets who are waiting to get you. Waitresses in the States have to be fast and friendly because they work for tips. Nowadays the average is 20% of the bill. And because they only can make good money when they serve many customers they slam the bill on the table before you finished eating. No chance for gemuetliches Sitzenbleiben. I rather pay GEZ than be forced to watch all the crazy commercials for prescription drugs and an armada of all kind of lawyers etc.. Especially now where the commercials for the election will start soon. They can drive anybody crazy. They are the biggest pain of all commercials. You are really a typical Meckeronkel 😂. The day will come where you will miss the Ruhezeiten. But enjoy the difference in the US!!!
I'm strongly contradicting Mike in ANY point!
Here in Friesland the service is excellent, there are almost no traffic jams, the Blitzers are very well known to all of us… and why not just confirming to speed limits? There's a reason for that.
And btw., bikers are equal traffic participants… just turn down your temper and relax. They've got the right to do that.
Besides, noone of my neighbours cares, if I play loud music on a weekend and even at 3 am at night they don't get angry, because they all do it sometimes. They maybe come along a bit sleepy and are just asking, if they could have a beer.
We all do it sometimes and nobody here calls 911. Maybe it's different in Munich? I don't know…
Mike, nicht wenige Restaurants müssen schließen, weil sie kein Personal haben, ever thought about that? And also in Supermarkets wird ständig Personal gesucht. Dann sollen die auch noch Sonntags öffnen?
Gibt's in den USA noch keine Blitzer? Da muss ich hin.... 😮
Nun ja, Blitzer schießen nur Fotos! 🤷♂
nicht wirklich...
What I dont miss about Germany:
Service culture and Deutsche Bahn
Has Mike ever been stopped because of speeding in the night on a highway by some cops? Happened to me - and I prefer the blitzer...
Mike has never been stopped by the cops in the USA...
Ihr zwei seid so richtig herzig 🙂
Your Denglisch is hi.la.ri.ous 😂
I've never heard Mike talk so much Deutsch, lol! Does living in the US make him more fluent in German :p?
I told him that he spoke so much freaking German in this video. I enjoyed it but having to do subtitles for the video was horrible.
These videos with Mike are great 😂👌
I think so too!!
Mike in NYC they recently flooding the city with speed camera very annoying
Stau / Traffic jams - obviously Mike has never been in the greater Los Angeles area during rush hour …
Und lass Mike ruhig mal kochen 🧑🍳😂
Bitte nicht... Denn muss ich jeden Tag Nudeln mit Curryketchup essen!
@@HayleyAlexis 😂
You talk about paying to park in Munich inner city. Parking in the inner city of big cities in the US for sure is not free either...
We also talked about paying to park in smaller cities... We live in a smaller town outside of Munich (2 different areas) and had to pay to park there as well...
@@HayleyAlexis Central points or near the shopping area. But not everywhere.
@@HayleyAlexis And it makes total sense. Else you would not even find a parking spot there because the people of offices etc. would park there at 8 in the morning...
Yes... and for Mike (and actually myself included) that is something we do not miss. It is quite annoying having to drive around sometimes 15+ minutes to find a place to park... I understand Germany is limited with space but there are options to make parking options easier.
Da muss ich mike recht geben. Aber Trinkgeld, geb ich lieber in Deutschland. 😊
LOL "Maybe they're nicer in Nordrhein Westfalen." These spandex bicyclists refuse to use the bike lanes that someone built for them. Instead they block traffic and yes, as they go by my house they are usually yellling at each other because ...? But I think I'm numb to it cuz it's so much better than Motorcycle Sundays in Summer. FLEETS of motorcycles roaring by on a day that is supposed to be a day of quiet. It's so ironic. But the worst thing about those bicyclists is, our streets are 100kph and curvy and when you're driving, you have no way to know if there will suddenly be a biker in front of you, and I'm terrified of killing a bicyclist. This is also why I am unable to ride my bike outside our immediate village, because I'd be on those 100kph roads with no shoulder, in traffic. It seems arrogant to me but also daredevil.
We actually never had a lot of motorcyclists where we lived which is interesting that you pointed that out...I never thought about it. I think the issue with the riders we have come into contact with is that they get very aggressive and are very rude.
Regardless if they are allowed to drive on the road... they don't have to do it in a ridiculous manner... Just because I am allowed to walk on the sidewalk doesn't mean I walk with my hands out twirling around in circles. It is about being aware and kind to the people around you. When I rode my bike (which was my main form of transportation in the city) I always made sure to allow cars as much space as possible because at the end of the day- I wanted to live my life and not turn into a pancake on the street... or get into an argument about something as stupid as being too far in the street. Regardless if I was allowed to or not... It was not worth it to me.
Oh, the speed cams - That must be local to Munich maybe Bavaria, to be that evil in their placement. Come to Baden Württemberg...
*LOOOL* Diese lauten Leute vor dem Fenster --- Ich hab hier Glück, dritter Stock, nicht zur Straße hin.
Ich war auch 2nd/3rd Stock und ich konnte die trotzdem hören... so LAUT!
I never comment but I feel like I actually have to add something to those points.
I can totally agree with the points of traffic, service and opening hours, but those points are really tied to Bavaria where y’all lived, the service down there is just horrible most of the time just like the traffic. I’m in Munich and the area around it every weekend but live in NRW and here people are generally more friendly, we don’t have so much traffic cause there isn’t much tourism and most grocery stores are open till 22:00- 23:00
As a professional translator whose English is just about as good as German, I really enjoyed this video! Fantastic! And I guess, many other Germans and bilinguals do enjoy that, too! ... Question: how bit is your US audience? Not very big for this video, I would guess ... but thanks - it was really fun!
There are actually a lot of people from the USA that watch these videos and I get a lot of complaints that I speak German and don't include any translations/subtitles... I am trying to be more inclusive 😂
Mittlerweile war Healey einige Jahre in D, es gibt aber eins ihrer ersten Vidoes mit einem Radiosender, da war sie erst kurz in D und ich war tatsächlich geflasht ob ihres so schnell erlernten Deutsch und dazu mit bayrischen Akzent. Wenn man da andere Einwanderer hört, die schon Jahrzehnt im Land sind. Ihre Rückkehr in die USA ist ein Verlust.
Wie ist eure beziehung zustande gekommen?
Sie spricht fliessen englisch aber irgendwie auch deutsch? Sie lebt in der usa und du warst von DE? :)
Gibt es einen grund, dass sie mit dir englisch spricht du aber deutsch mit ihr?
Ich habe in DE gewohnt (Mike kommt aus DE) und dann sind wir nach Florida (mein zuhause) gezogen :)
I'm looking forward to hear Mike's opinion a year from now... clearly you guys don't live in a city... I lived 30 years in Boston and everything that Mike finds annoying in Germany are at least as bad in the Northeast... although, yeah, traffic-wise the whole of Germany has become like Boston and New York... which, yes, is annoying...
👌 If u sub every bit of german in your videos, maybe more english speaking people would stick around 😊
I know... It is just very time consuming 😅
Was ist mit der Flurwoche?☺️
Why do always you have to guess what he misses? Could he answer this for you as well?
I have my own videos up where I go over what I miss and don't miss about Germany.
Thank you Florian!
In der Frankfurter Innenstadt zahlt man 4 Euro pro Stunde parken, Nur mal so...
Blitzer: they're becoming quite creative lately. They're using funny looking trailers in my area now.
BTW, I have already been caught in Munich near a school. I had to pay a fairly small fee. Still I was surprised because I must have missed a sign telling everyone that speed had to be reduced. I wasn't very fast because I was looking for a parking spot.
They are quite creative... Through the south of Bavaria through smaller towns... We always would shake our heads when finding one...
Geocaching im Amtsschimmel-Style
Don't you be dissing Tom Petty, one of the all time GOATs
I love Tom Petty but I am tired of hearing it every day when I walk to my car and see a half drunk, half naked man singing it from his pool
@@HayleyAlexis I'm with you there. Sometimes enough is just enough. Reminds me of when I was living in a duplex and the upstairs neighbors started a band. After listening to them struggle througt the opening verse of Knocking on Heaven's Door for a solid 2 hours, we had to place an SOS call to the landlady.
@@HayleyAlexis I would be willing to gift you a few CDs your neighbor might enjoy and would add a little variety to your "listening enjoyment".
@@kathrinlancelle3304 😅🤣One day I will just play a loud rap party outside and he will have a wonderful time 🤣
@@HayleyAlexis Or maybe some German opera. A convenience store/gas station up here in downtown Jax did that and all the homeless people cleared out in a hurry.
Wonder...Sounds like Mike prefers living in the US...
That might be the case
@@HayleyAlexis Of all the UA-camrs I imagined Mike would like living in America the most. It seems to fit his personality. But moving from mountains to no mountains SUCKS.
Mike hat vollkommen recht :)
If there is a bicycle lane in Germany with a round blue sign and a white bicycle, cyclists have to use it, no matter what
I mean... "have" and "actually do" are very different scenarios... We have driven past many cyclists on the street when there is literally a bicycle lane off of the street.
@@HayleyAlexis yes, I got you. Just referred to a point in your video where one of you guys said, you weren’t sure if they have to use the Radweg if there is one.
Sehr viele Radwege haben KEIN Schild.
@@HayleyAlexisThat's actually not always true. Bigger groups are allowed to use the street and not the Radweg when they follow certain rules.
We have this sign on a path next to our main road. The only people who ride bikes there are children and the elderly. Most of the bikes are in the street with the cars, ignoring the signs. It's the most blatant example of public rule breaking I've experienced in Germany.
Weil Steuern nicht zweckgebunden sind. Wozu sollte man sonst Schaumweinsteuer bezahlen, oder Biersteuer, oder Mehrwertsteuer ?
I love your Videos… aber in der Gastronomie in München arbeiten ist einfach nur Hölle. Wir sind alle unterbesetzt, haben üblen Stress und leben vom Trinkgeld. So please forgive us for bring stressed
:( ich weiß!! and it is not everyone!! We have met so many good servers and had so many positive experiences...I just think that we have come into contact with such crazy service stories that it made it to the list.
Everything is political!
Uh, your Meckerei about Radfahrer on the streets when there’s a bicycle lane… mention that in germany and you’ll get tared and feathered! Das sind die Guten, die Gesundheitsbewussten! They are unkritisierbar!
I love selective translation of German and then you just casually continue to speak German😂People who don't understand the language must be so lost😂
Did not know that restaurant service is that bad, I'm surprised, even here in Czech it's a rare, it used to be that bad maybe 20 years ago.
It is so difficult translating...I honestly don't know how people do it on every video...
@@HayleyAlexis Let it auto translate and then just check misspellings, maybe?
@@armanczI have never experienced a problem with service like that here in Germany.
@armancz the issue with that is I have to pick the language the video is in (only one so I pick English) and the translation can not pick up the German words...
Fast alles Großstadtprobleme ... vielleicht sogar München-Probleme.
Hayley, Mike mag keine Widerworte.
München und Umland ist nicht Deutschland. Verkehr, Parken und immer volle Restaurants ist München.❤
Andere Großstädte in Deutschland lassen sich vielleicht damit vergleichen, aber der Rest ist nicht so schlimm. Gibt aber auch weniger Sehenswürdigkeiten und Gaststätten gibt's auch immer weniger. 😢
My 8 things i DONT miss about Germany:
1) Bad Weather
2) Bad Weather
3) Bad Weather
4) Bad Weather
5) Bad Weather
6) Bad Weather
7) Bad Weather
8) Bad Weather
Sind die Fussgaenger in München eigentlich auch immer sauer wenn man ihnen kein "Danke" hinterher schreit, weil sie 2 cm zur Seite mussten um dich mit dem Fahrrad durchzulassen ? Ich bekomme hier in Berlin staendig so ein passiv aggressives "Bitte" entgegengeschleudert.
Also da kannst du ja noch froh sein, wenn sie Platz machen. Meistens wird man nur angestarrt und ignoriert
Mike wegen Entzugserscheinungen musst du zurück für 1 Woche...god bless Amerika
Cure for Parkplatzgebühren? Die Öffis.
Und okay, GEZ nervt.
(Auf der anderen Seite: Yay, Arte. ❤❤❤❤❤❤ )