Typical "hey lets put a new station where new residential is going" but most of the new locals never end up using it. This new station should have been at the Terminal but a few politicians stuck their noses in where it didn't belong and now it will be years before this mistake can be undone. What should have been done is close both this station and Depew and consolidate everything to the Terminal. The terminal already has lots of covered parking and a huge lobby to handle all of the trains. Depew, despite the renovations in the last ten years, still is inadequate for waiting passenger volume and parking. Using the terminal for all Buffalo area Amtrak trains would produce enough train traffic to make the lobby viable for a few small businesses such as a cafe and snack shop to stay open all day long.
Looks better than the old one but the pictures on the walls make it look cheap. Couldn’t have paid some local artists a few thousand to paint some murals?
I wish the passenger trains were going back to the old rail terminal.
Well, as Jagger said: "you can't always get what you want."
They need to fix up that neighborhood first before they even think about doing that
Typical "hey lets put a new station where new residential is going" but most of the new locals never end up using it. This new station should have been at the Terminal but a few politicians stuck their noses in where it didn't belong and now it will be years before this mistake can be undone. What should have been done is close both this station and Depew and consolidate everything to the Terminal. The terminal already has lots of covered parking and a huge lobby to handle all of the trains. Depew, despite the renovations in the last ten years, still is inadequate for waiting passenger volume and parking. Using the terminal for all Buffalo area Amtrak trains would produce enough train traffic to make the lobby viable for a few small businesses such as a cafe and snack shop to stay open all day long.
Looks better than the old one but the pictures on the walls make it look cheap. Couldn’t have paid some local artists a few thousand to paint some murals?
Personally I like the old-timey feel they gave it.