Uthman Farooq & Co Insulting Earlier Great Scholars



  • @abyrahman6610
    @abyrahman6610 Рік тому +36

    Uthman Bin Farooq and his cronies are proof that Qiyamat is very close!

  • @lumiam6982
    @lumiam6982 Рік тому +91

    Imam Al-Baqillani (RA) is levels above any scholar from Al-Wahhabiyya. He was a student of Imam Al-Daraqutni (RA) and became a Muhaddith. He was an expert in Arabic grammar, linguist, and rhetoric. He was a Muffassir and could explain to you what each verse meant. His debating skills were so good that the top Christian theologians from Byzantine almost converted, and when it came to kalam, he rivals the likes of Imam Al-Juwayni (RA) and Al-Ghazali (RA). Let's not forget Imam Al-Baqillani (RA) was the student of Imam Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (RA), one of the greatest faqih and mujtahid amongst the Maliki school. Imam Al-Baqillani (RA) took his knowledge and became the Imam of Malikis of his time due to his immense knowledge in fiqh and usul-fiqh. Because of his big brain, he was universally regarded as the mujaddid of the fourth century.
    Remind me, who is Uthman Ibn Farooq again? Is he the guy that doesn't know basic Arabic letters? About correct aqeeda and usul deen, don't make me laugh, lol. This methodology was invented by Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) and he got refuted by the ulama of his time including the great Imam Taqi al-Din al-Subki (RA) who was the real definition of Sheikh al-Islam and who really followed the methodology of the Salaf al-Salih.

    • @umair.saleem
      @umair.saleem Рік тому +1

      @@soujurix7979 it would be a great mistake to consider ibn tayymiyah r.a as the true representer of the hanbali school because he introduced new methodologies and beliefs that were never found in school during the time of imam Ahmad r.a, ibn Al jawzi r.a wrote a book refuting these new thoughts that were brought into the hanbali school, if you're a student of knowledge and know the Arabic language you should perhaps refer to that book with the guidance of a righteous sheikh.

    • @umair.saleem
      @umair.saleem Рік тому +1

      @@soujurix7979 you're correct, but I was only talking specifically about taking him as the "Thee authoritative" figure in hanbali fiqh, and also in general because we see that pseudo salafis have idolised ibn tayymiyah r.a, taking his words and fatwas over the Salaf. He has works that are marvelous as pointed out by shaykhs after him, but he shouldn't be treated as the "ultimate" in that sense.
      As mohammed hijab mentioned in one of his videos, there are ashari giants who are on the level of Ibn tayymiyah r.a., and there are several of them. Whereas pseudo Salafis think there is no one like ibn tayymiyah r.a in knowledge.

    • @lumiam6982
      @lumiam6982 Рік тому

      @@MuslimunBaakistaaniyyun Why are you mentioning Imam Al-Kawthari (RA) for? I don't know much about him nor is it related to this comment. I'm talking about the great Amir al-Mu'minin in hadith of his time who was the student of the great Imam Ibn Hibban (RA) and the teacher of great scholars: Imam Al-Hakim (RA), Imam Abu Nu'aym (RA), Imam Abu Dharr al-Harawi (RA) and Imam Al-Baqillani (RA). Since you're interested in scholarly criticism, he's the same Al-Daraqutni (RA) who made tabdee on Ibn Qutayba (RA) and accused him for anthropomorphism and being hostile to Ahlul Bait.

    • @lumiam6982
      @lumiam6982 Рік тому

      @@MuslimunBaakistaaniyyun Clearly, you're a waste. Go find someone else to argue with those trivial matters. I just told you I don't know much about Imam Al-Kawthari (RA) how does that mean I am scared to talk about him? However, I would advise you not to read from Wahhabi lenses as they tend to lie, be biased and exaggerate. Read the other side and other Hadith scholars that have defended him. All I said was he has nothing to do with my comment and since you want to be petty. Imam Ibn Hajar (RA) and others refuted Ibn Taymiyyah for slandering and being harsh against the pious predecessors but here we have you playing double standards. Al-Kawthari (RA) isn't our major classical scholar whilst you guys only have one major classical scholar and he doesn't represent you well. I could go over and talk about his major errors and you would be ashamed and deny it but when I pull them out from his books or quote your scholars, you'll run away.
      Lastly, why are you talking about Al-Baqillani's (RA) close teachers? They are our classical scholars. They have nothing to do with your 300 year old sect. Al-Daraqutni (RA) is our scholar and his student Al-Hakim (RA) also critiqued Ibn Qutayba so did his student Al-Bayhaqi (RA). That's the chain before you try to claim it was some Shia. Some of our classical scholars didn't view him nicely but some of our classical ulama like Al-Suyuti (RA) defended him. Oh, Al-Dhahabi (RA) believed he repented but if you want to be delusional, that's fine. 😂

    • @umair.saleem
      @umair.saleem Рік тому

      @@theboxingbiker you are right akhi but even so, Ibn hajar asqalani r.a was given the title amir ul mu'mineen fi hadith, is there a greater title than this ? In the field of hadith ?? As far as I know and I'm a simpleton so please correct me, the only other person to have been given this title was sufyan thawri r.a, this shows you the rank of Ibn hajar r.a, in the matters of hadith yet pseudo salafis rarely quote his great Fath al Bari and his opinions in hadith, this is what I have observed from their QA websites so please correct me if I'm wrong, and instead take opinions of Ibn tayymiyah r.a and albani, a great example of this is the English translation of imam nawawi's r.a great work Riyadh as saliheen, which if you look at the translation as pointed out by islamqa (not the Salafi oriented one) that the Salafi translation has removed and even changed the meaning of hadith from that great work to suit an opinion which is Salafi oriented even removing quotes and notes put in by imam nawawi of great scholars like Imam shafi r.a and putting their own commentary instead.
      Not to mention that even imam hajar criticised ibn tayymiyah r.a,
      My point is that despite ibn tayymiyah r.a being a giant he isn't the only giant but that's what he's made out to be by salafis. since some of Ibn tayymiyahs work influenced the salafis now days, despite that work being criticized and not in line with the great scholars,the pseudo salafis push ibn tayymiyahs works even more trying to make the normal Muslim like me believe that everything ibn tayymiyahs said is right which is ofcourse not that case, where as other groups such as deoband try to base their opinions not on one person but the entire group of great scholars.

  • @TheDarpaChief
    @TheDarpaChief Рік тому +22

    These clowns throw around sheik Loosely 😂 they wish they had the guts of the sword of the sunnah Imam Baqillani. The man who humiliated the Christian King to his face! These same guys who are scared to talk about Halloween in Saudi Arabia

    • @hashiramasayan162
      @hashiramasayan162 Рік тому +7

      dont also forget celebrating the recent valentines day in saudi

  • @lumiam6982
    @lumiam6982 Рік тому +37

    So true, lol. Every time a Wahhabi quote Sahih Muslim or Sahih Bukhari they always have to mention the grading of Sheikh Albani. 😂What a terrifying fitna we're dealing with today. It has already been authenticated by Imam Bukhari (RA) and Imam Muslim (RA), the two greatest Imams of Hadith from the Salaf even the the two great commentators who knew these books more than anyone else except the authors known as Imam Al-Nawawi (RA) and Imam Ibn Hajar (RA) didn't dare break the ijma or try to grade the hadith. Sheikh Albani is the chief of innovators today who got refuted by multiple Hadith scholars (Muhadditheen) of our time such as the Syrian hadith scholars like Sheikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda (RA), Sheikh Shuaib al-Arna'ut (RA) and Sheikh Nur al-Din 'Itr (RA). The Egyptian hadith scholars Sheikh Awwamah (Hafidullah) and Sheikh Mahmud Sa'id Mamduh (Hafidullah). The Moroccan hadith scholars Sheikh `Abd al-`Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn al-Siddiq al-Ghumari (RA) and Sheikh Ahmad al-Ghumari (RA). The Indian hadith scholar Sheikh Habib al-Rahman al-A`zami (RA) and the Ethiopian hadith scholar Sheikh Abdullah al-Harari (RA).
    Look how majority of the ummah united against this innovator, allahu akhbar!

    • @MrSalafi1233
      @MrSalafi1233 Рік тому

      ^wanna claim that sh suhaib Arnaut is against him or will u admit your lie?

    • @rainwave.
      @rainwave. Рік тому +2

      Very good point, subhanAllah. May Allah give him a humiliating punishment and give him what he deserves.

    • @Arsahysaj
      @Arsahysaj 17 днів тому

      Your misguided deobant
      U do t know the true akeedah

    • @abuaisha715
      @abuaisha715 16 днів тому

      May sllah save this ummah from these qabooris

    • @SalafAs-Salih
      @SalafAs-Salih 9 днів тому

      So basically you are saying Farid Responds and the likes of him who defend Shaykh Al-Albani in regards to Sunan Hadiths are totally wrong.

  • @mhmd7
    @mhmd7 Рік тому +19

    Uthman Farooq and its likes must really calm down, come down to earth and do something with their manners and behaviours subhanAllah. What an arrogance what an audacity audhubillah. May Allah protect us.

  • @securesockets6936
    @securesockets6936 Рік тому +17

    It's impossible for anyone with even an iota of gheerah for true scholarship to watch videos in which Br.Uthman criticises our Imams, whilst being in the state that he is, without feeling some anger. Tbh I don't know how Mol. Uthman sb and Mol. Abdul Haleem sb have contained themselves.
    On the one hand these PsuedoSalafis reject these Imams due to their supposed mistakes but the next day they try to claim them as their own.
    Pseudo Salafism is so intellectually bankrupt that Br.Uthman is seen as a Shaykh.

  • @krisyanharyadi
    @krisyanharyadi Рік тому +15

    When they starting to mock the ulama of the past, i remember on an atsar when the khowarij made an accusation to sayyidina ali bin abi thalib radiallahu anhu.
    May Allah protects us and our families from this wahabiyah doctrines and all the juhal, insya allah...

    • @umair.saleem
      @umair.saleem Рік тому +1

      Beshaq ! That's a good way to compare these pseudo salafis, they have done what the khawarij did, they gained as we say in the Punjabi language, chitaki Ilm meaning they have gained a droplet of ilm and they have now attacked the ones who have the ocean of this ilm.

  • @imjustvisiting5397
    @imjustvisiting5397 Рік тому +19

    3:55, the way he says "tuff stuff", Audhubillah, how can someone, who doesn't know Suratul Fatiha know the "tough stuff." Wallahi wa Billahi wa Tallahi, we live in the age of juhhal.

  • @tmz1428
    @tmz1428 Рік тому +10

    In layman terms it’s akin to comparing Zidane (Al Baqilaani) to a bench player in your local Sunday league (not even a starting 11)

  • @dirk-piehl28
    @dirk-piehl28 Рік тому +2

    The dynamic between these two brothers is top shelf!

  • @mustafan.4861
    @mustafan.4861 Рік тому +15

    This fake “Mufti” must be stopped by his peers. He must be punished for his actions

  • @browntaint6916
    @browntaint6916 Рік тому +13

    May Allah make him humble...

  • @mustafan.4861
    @mustafan.4861 Рік тому +13

    Where are the San Diego brothers that can talk some sense into him? Tell him to stop acting like he’s a Mufti!!!
    Also where are you salafis hiding??? So quiet - no energy, no fight left

  • @dtl5623
    @dtl5623 Рік тому +8

    Commenting for the algorithm👍.

  • @fahlito
    @fahlito Рік тому +6

    Finish ‘em off!

    • @anisdesai4692
      @anisdesai4692 Рік тому

      😂😂...I was looking for you in the comment section in other videoes.

  • @flyinghorse2739
    @flyinghorse2739 Рік тому +10

    From now on I will call these people Wahaabis not Salafis. They have no connection to the Aslaaf. Instead they have more connection to Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahaab and Albaani who came very recently.
    These guys are in no way Salafis, their madhab is Wahaabism

  • @Overfloater777
    @Overfloater777 Рік тому +13

    I just can't stand that sheikh Kareem or anything he utters. When I started watching Uthman ibn farouq when he was just gaining followers, people were calling him sheikh Uthman. I kept commenting "why do you call him sheikh? It's obvious that he doesn't know how to read the Quran properly, let alone memorize its entirety!"

    • @mustafan.4861
      @mustafan.4861 Рік тому +1

      These fake Salafis think they are the only ones in the Haqq. There level of delusion and arrogance is demonstrated clear through Usman Khan thinking he’s a Mufti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can’t even read or recite Arabic. They are misguided and deviants and Hanafi madhab haters.

  • @kmir224
    @kmir224 Рік тому

    if anyone knows the opening recitation, and who is reciting it, that'd be great

  • @NewKabul2021
    @NewKabul2021 Рік тому +11

    Don’t call them salafis call them wahabis

  • @nazmikamazuki135
    @nazmikamazuki135 Рік тому

    Its weird that asy'ari didn't read kitab ibanah

  • @Mdg892
    @Mdg892 Рік тому +1


  • @NewKabul2021
    @NewKabul2021 Рік тому +12

    MashaAllah brothers you ulama e haq needs do more work to save and warn the young generation from wahabism virus

  • @jayali2411
    @jayali2411 Рік тому +2

    Why dont you both debate him so the truth can be clear.

    • @unknown-808
      @unknown-808 Рік тому +6

      Your pseudo-salafy guys are tho ones who keep running away.

    • @anisdesai4692
      @anisdesai4692 Рік тому +5

      They did. They called him out. But he don't wanna know.

  • @muhammedmangera2877
    @muhammedmangera2877 Рік тому +3

    Scared Salafi chickens come debate our Hanafi Scholars and they will teach u a thing or too

  • @MohdAnasShoeb
    @MohdAnasShoeb Місяць тому

    Whats wrong with mr karim.

  • @ilmm
    @ilmm Рік тому +5


  • @subhanshan4581
    @subhanshan4581 Рік тому +1

    Do these man not have anything else to do? real talk. Who are these jokers lol

    • @unknown-808
      @unknown-808 Рік тому +6

      Who are you talking about exactly?

    • @anisdesai4692
      @anisdesai4692 Рік тому +4

      If by jokers and these men you are referring to these to alims, they are the people who are sending you and your hero 'mufti' uthman bin farooq back to school son.

  • @SonGoku-io7sh
    @SonGoku-io7sh Рік тому +14

    I think the larger scandal is that he is promoted as a great scholar by the Salafi's but isn't even so in title. He has found strength and confidence because the Salafi's have taken him on as a poster child. However when they come up against a wall of truth like yourselves or Daniel Haqiqatjou and others, they crumble like charlatans.
    May Allah guide us and them.