Armored Core Lore: Wynne D Fanchon

  • Опубліковано 18 лют 2022
  • A heroine to the people or a prideful Lynx that did not understand what needed to done to save this world. No matter what people thought this female Lynx would be remembered for her deeds and battles. This is the history of Wynne D Fanchon.


  • @proudlarry8225
    @proudlarry8225 Рік тому +57

    Now here's the real AC Waifu. She recognizes the systemic problems of the world require great sacrifice to solve by many who would never live to see their benefits, but chooses to protect what is in front of her.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +9

      See now this what i expect of AC waifu selection, is it because she pretty? No i don't ever know what she looks like. I fell for who she is and what she believes in.

    • @galacticknight55544
      @galacticknight55544 10 місяців тому +5

      Kasumi Sumika's a good waifu too.

    • @proudlarry8225
      @proudlarry8225 10 місяців тому +2

      @@galacticknight55544 Jaded veteran that sees your potential and wants you to make your own choices but isn't above trying to stop you when you go too far.

    • @galacticknight55544
      @galacticknight55544 10 місяців тому

      @@proudlarry8225 Yeah. The player character might also be a waifu if they're female.

  • @andrewrogers3067
    @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +95

    Fun fact at 2:45
    Wynn Ds Voice Actress and No Counts voice actor are married. I recognize Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham anywhere.
    On that note, one point you should mention. The League mentioned that they rewarded their Lynx saviors with “glowing eulogies” in the league path….Eulogies are given to dead soldiers, implying Strayed and Wynn died.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +29

      That's a fair point to mention. In that respect then Wynne fate is death no matter which side strayed picks.

    • @megagundamva2694
      @megagundamva2694 2 роки тому +17

      Well... that makes the league path darker doesn't it

    • @lastraven7205
      @lastraven7205 Рік тому +4

      Oh fuck I didn't know vex voiced her.

    • @Jsay18
      @Jsay18 Рік тому +21

      @@megagundamva2694 My LYNX In Christ, you are choosing the Death of Humanity by not escaping Earth. You are a League Lapdog.

    • @jamalisujang2712
      @jamalisujang2712 Рік тому +9

      @@megagundamva2694 you are anchored by gravity.

  • @aaronofastora2308
    @aaronofastora2308 2 роки тому +69

    I rather liked Wynne and always hated having to defeat her in combat. I think seeing the whole complete future part of me wants to side with her just to spare her life and give the middle finger to the corporations keeping them from completing the closed plan.
    I could picture some corporate scumbag seething "you doomed us all!"
    Yeah well you guys doomed us first pal, you sunk the titanic, now we all get to go down together.

    • @leonridao1618
      @leonridao1618 Рік тому +3

      While it’s true that Wynne is one of the few likable, despite being prideful, Lynx. Doesn’t excuse that she doesn’t see the whole picture and corporations aside it is the future of humanity at stake so most of my gameplay for me is on the ORCA route tho it does pain me to take her down too.
      Besides, in plays I always play hard mode to end Odstarva as well. It also shows that in terms of purpose or completing the closed plan I’ll still be doing the closed plan while giving the middle finger to corporations like GA and Omer as I’m completing Rayleonard’s plan not Omer’s or the League’s but Rayleonard’s the only company willing to rectify this whole thing before the cradle’s exist only to be stopped by a blind or foolish Anatolian merc and his operator because they’d rather save their place and damn humanity a decade later still thinking they’re heroes for joining Line Ark a system that’s already crumbling from the inside. Makes me wonder if they ever did reflect that every step they took brought them to the present situation in FA in the first place. I know I’m probably in the minority here but I’d mostly take defeating white glint and damning line ark as it is one a land power that’s already crumbling internally and they’re the ones who brought this situation in the first place by ending Rayleonard and yet they’d speak as if they’re fighting for freedom and justice.
      Anyways, I could see it where a Omer rep would say “Uh this wasn’t suppose to happen.”
      Yeah well, I’m doing this for humanity but if I were to do this for a company it would be Rayleonard not for a power hungry company like GA who damned the world with what they did all because ambitions and insecurity with their Lynx and own power or a manipulative backstabbing company like yours that even absorbed their own parent company (Rosenthal) and made them a husk. Oh and since I completed phase one I think I’ll add another phase to the closed plan; end all companies that had a hand in Rayleonard downfall that means goodbye Omer and goodbye GA and it’ll be fun seeing yourselves or your assets get absorbed but companies like Interior Union or BFF for the irony hell if Torus jumps in that’d be great would be poetic if Rayleonard would be revived out of your dead husks by absorbing your assets after your done not to mention a loooot of companies would pay to see the downfall of you two.

    • @null8036
      @null8036 Рік тому

      @@leonridao1618 Future of 'corporation'

  • @spaceresident331
    @spaceresident331 11 місяців тому +12

    Makes you wonder what would have happened if Wynne and Strayed had the chance to strike out against the corporations after decapitating ORCA, instead of being quietly assassinated afterwards. That, I imagine, would be a contender for a truly good ending, assuming the anti-satellite cannons can still be activated. Humanity would have a chance at a true future among the stars, unshackled by the dominance of corporate hegemony. Also with the added benefit of working with Wynne more. She’s definitely the series’s best girl in my opinion.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  11 місяців тому +5

      I mean we can argue about best girls all day *Shamir* But i think it certainly would have been an interesting story to cover if Wynne and strayed had gone rouge with a couple more Lynxs on thier side. I would like to think while the world would not be perfect maybe the lynxs could have formed thier own government Then again that is just my fantasy mind talking again.

    • @spaceresident331
      @spaceresident331 11 місяців тому +2

      @@armoredcorelore As another commenter put it, it's amazing how much character Fromsoft's writers were able to inject into the Lynxes from just a dozen lines of dialogue. Even though they say so little, you get the impression that they act upon deeply thought-out convictions. Although I doubt Wynne and Strayed would be much for politics, an Earth-government separate from the Cradles that can keep the corporations in check is something that sounds worth fighting for.

  • @theWendigo1928
    @theWendigo1928 8 місяців тому +3

    Fun fact: When I reached the ending I chose to side with Orca since I had beaten it with Wynne D side, she was trouble for me to defeat. Even when I have taken care of the other Lynx I had to kill by myself. I found a safe range to side boost, dodging her laser cannon, knowing that was her strongest arsenal and the big game changer. Eventually, half the fight I realized that the big gun only carried about 20 shots or less, so I ended up waiting out and eventually she lost ammo and was left defenseless. I literally beat her in such a shameful way now thinking about it back then, but a perfecting fitting ending for my orca route aswell. LOL

  • @HeyPachuco
    @HeyPachuco 2 роки тому +52

    I never really liked her character,
    Ones opinion.
    Characters like her is an echo of Zinaidas character, and after Wynn would be Magnolia Curtis.
    However I do want to point that that at least what separates her similarity with Both Zinaida and Magnolia Curtis, Is that despite her motivation for winning her battles, and being that of a prideful warrior and mercenary, is that she was more obsessed with Order more than she was obsessed with winning, So much that she would cut ties with the league, and end up requesting, if not begging for help, which is often a rarity among a prideful character such as her.
    that was proven when she resented Strayed for choosing sides with ORCA and condemned the world for being this twisted.
    I pretty much prefer Wynn D over Zinaida and Magnolia Curtis when it comes down to that.

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +11

      I don’t think she’s like Zinaida at all. They both have pride in being good Lynx but have completely different motivations.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +5

      Its a fair option and with a good explanation as to why as well.

    • @HeyPachuco
      @HeyPachuco 2 роки тому +2

      @@andrewrogers3067 hence: "What separates their similarity"
      Which still proves my Point here.

    • @HeyPachuco
      @HeyPachuco 2 роки тому +4

      @@armoredcorelore Personality wise, Thats the only reason.
      Thats not to say she was bad character, in any way.
      but in terms of who is my least favorite character in Armored core For answer, it would be her. I have a soft spot for characters like Mary Greenfield.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +6

      @@HeyPachuco Again fair I'm not the biggest fan of most of the lynx to be honest. But I can see why Mary sticks out.
      As for me I like old King and Shamir, i always seem to be drawn to the more evil charcters.

  • @zorain2354
    @zorain2354 Рік тому +7

    I really want to like but what she said to my boi Roy Saaland when he died was unforgivable. He helped her until his last dying breath and sorry for it when he failed but she roasted him instead of thanking him for his afford. I realise that it's possible that she would do the same to Strayed. Conclusion, May Greenfield best waifu confirmed

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +2

      Yes the GA brass Maiden certainly had a sharp tongue on her and as for waifu's well i have my thoughts.

    • @spaceresident331
      @spaceresident331 11 місяців тому +3

      She certainly has a sharp tongue. I never interpreted her last words to Roy as insulting though, more like the words spoken between friends who have a lot of banter between them. The “being a good guy doesn’t suit you” comment implies the two have a history and are familiar with each other, y’know? Plus, his comment about him “not wanting to see a pretty woman cry” makes you think there could be some romantic tension involved. I may be reading too deep into this, but it’s clear that her parting words to Roy weren’t meant to be inflammatory.

  • @null8036
    @null8036 Рік тому +7

    I understand her reason to some extent and because of that i choose to side with old king, not only i give middle finger to the corpos and the entire cradle's population but also send wynne and her family plus their neighbour to afterlife so they won't be alone.

  • @andrewrogers3067
    @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +33

    The most tragic female character in the series, she’s a heroic, badass, incredibly skilled pilot that was one of the few characters that had actual morals beyond being a mercenary.
    Sadly, her lack of knowledge of ORCA and her morals got her killed needlessly and in vain. I wonder if she would join ORCA if she knew the truth.
    On that note, being a male interior pilot sounds awesome, surrounded by hot Lynx women.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +6

      You know I'd still love to know the reason behind this anti male hiring policy they have. And on your note, i suppose it would seeing as most of them are very skilled Lynx. Then again i wonder if that wasn't the idea behind the heads of interior union or if this corporation only has female staff as well from top to bottom.

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +8

      @@armoredcorelore Female bodies have higher pain tolerance then males so they can handle G forces better. This is why the Air Force is considering hiring more women as pilots.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +6

      @@andrewrogers3067 Interesting i never knew that. This could be the reason, but i would have to look into the mental health side of things too as maybe there is something there to explain too. Then again maybe I'm just looking into this matter to much.

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +1

      @@armoredcorelore I don’t think mental state matters too much

    • @Liberty_or_Ded
      @Liberty_or_Ded Рік тому +1

      @@andrewrogers3067 No they don't lol

  • @Kizen.
    @Kizen. Рік тому +6

    The funny thing is, the closed plan was just the most cost efficient way to power the assault cells. Nothing was stopping the league from developing new power stations to initiate the anti-satellite canons. This is the same reason why FromSoft decided the "league" ending is the canon ending, because it would be stupid to go destruction or ORCA. ORCA is still doing the League's bidding, and is probably 2nd worst ending since it just does what could have been done in the future, much faster and cheaper. Which is terrible. Trading human lives for time and energy saving.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +1

      I would agree after all the league simply wanted to make way for the future without having to admit that to do so the lives of the people they had saved would need to come to a end. A way to protect that guardians of humanity image they like to wave about by having some other group take the fall as the bad guys. Strayed and Wynne however were unknown pieces, they could not be tamed by money, law or fear as such these two heroes would be killed off as hinted at by the league ending.
      In the end it was always about control for the league, they wanted to do as they like and never face the fact that maybe they are not the one's who called the shots. I think this is why I think the destruction ending is interesting as you can picture the panic it must have caused within the league ranks as they now rush to throw everything they have at this uncontrollable lynx. Was it enough or did stayed do what the league feared and took their power and lives away from them.

    • @Kizen.
      @Kizen. Рік тому

      @armoredcorelore I don't believe there to be a hint towards Wynn D.'s Death or Strayed's death. I believe they "congratulated" them and then stole the show like they planned it all along. Trying to save face. And, it isn't like Strayed or Wynn D. could say anything about it, since if they did, they could be silenced or labelled terrorists. Which would hurt them, but certainly not kill them. But Strayed is beyond what the League could do. Destruction ending implies the league fails to do absolutely anything, so while Wynn could certainly have been killed, Strayed would absolutely not die.
      IIRC they just completely front the accomplishments of Strayed and Wynn and wipe out the rest of ORCA. Then pretend they didn't do anything wrong at all, while patting themselves on the back and just handing out some shitty ovations to Wynn and Strayed.
      In the destruction ending Strayed kills literally everything. All the populace, likely all of lineark, and certainly all of the League. Stated to be the greatest monster mankind has ever seen. Implying that no arms forts or etc could ever stop him.
      So, I don't think the League would have had any way to kill Strayed. Closed plan was always just considered a backup. It's why it seems they summarily don't care whether orca wins or not, and they kill orca themselves if orca fails at the cranium.

    • @galacticknight55544
      @galacticknight55544 10 місяців тому +1

      There may not be enough time to build more power stations.

  • @galacticknight55544
    @galacticknight55544 10 місяців тому +2

    She is very brave to defend Arteria Cranium even when the rest of the League abandons it, but she will doom humanity if she succeeds. She must die so humanity may live.

  • @nutral13
    @nutral13 Рік тому +3

    Her laser cannon is the best in the game , I see no vids of it sad

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому

      At 5:08 the HLC09-ACRUX is fired at the test ac twice in this video and as for other videos on the cannon maybe we will get some lynxs will come out to talk about the weapon with thier own thoughts and how they would use it with a build.

  • @grand5863
    @grand5863 9 місяців тому +1

    Tsundere energy

  • @CoffeePotato
    @CoffeePotato 2 роки тому +9

    I forget if it's official, but wasn't she referenced in Demons Souls with the Windy Falchion?

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +8

      I'll be honest i have no idea. I do know in bloodborne there is a weapon named Reiterpallasch, a rapier with a pistol built in. But that is about a far as my knowledge goes on the subject.

    • @CoffeePotato
      @CoffeePotato 2 роки тому +4

      @@armoredcorelore That one's a lot more direct, but I know DS came out around the same time, and the magic Falchion you could get in 4-1 was called something like that... I just remember it being called the Windy Falchion by players.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +3

      I will have to take your word on this coffee potato as i have only played through the game once. All i can find on a search is a blade called The Crescent Falchion.

    • @CoffeePotato
      @CoffeePotato 2 роки тому +4

      @@armoredcorelore Same, might have been a meme name. AC3 Parry shield and spike mechanic is a more interesting thing anyway.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +4

      @@CoffeePotato Oh it is. 😀

  • @andrewrogers3067
    @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +14

    By the way since you take requests, I’d love for you to do a video on the Prototype NEXTS like the 00-ARETHA and the 002-B. Whether you decide to put them in separate videos or a single video is up to you, but their history is fairly similar and short.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +3

      Already on my to do list.

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому +1

      @@armoredcorelore Oh sweet! Thanks!

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому

      @@armoredcorelore Will they be separate or one video?

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  2 роки тому +1

      @@andrewrogers3067 Well as you said their history is fairly short and having a quick glance over the materials i have on hand. i think both in the same video would be the best way to present them.

  • @fernandozavaletabustos205
    @fernandozavaletabustos205 Рік тому +1


  • @additiveartificer9365
    @additiveartificer9365 Рік тому +5

    She is understandable but rather short sight
    so she protect cradle then what about people who died on the ground what about them

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому

      Mmm its seems that was her answer.

    • @proudlarry8225
      @proudlarry8225 Рік тому

      It makes sense if you imagine she had loved ones on the Cradles. She's highly principled, but seems the type to throw away morals for the sake of those closest to her. Like, what good does liberating space do her if powering the anti-satellite batteries requires forcing the Cradles to land and everyone she loves dies of kojima pollution before anyone can colonize space and move them there? What good does destroying everything polluting the Earth do her if nobody she loves will live long enough to see it? This way, her answer being to defend the Cradles for the short term despite everybody else abandoning them makes more sense.

  • @armoredcoreexile
    @armoredcoreexile 2 роки тому +52


    • @myankoZuluTango3613
      @myankoZuluTango3613 2 роки тому +14

      If your on her good side, she praises your actions. But get her bad side, then you'll be met with a suicidal tsundere.
      All that aside, I would like Serene Haze(Kasumi Sumika) to be with the MC as she is more caring and more prioritizing the MCs survival than Wynn. And also, she is also a true waifu by being your operator so i think she is the best.

    • @darkjackl999
      @darkjackl999 2 роки тому +13

      @@myankoZuluTango3613 her response to destroy cradle 03 was one of the few times I've genuinely felt bad going for a "bad" ending

  • @Liberty_or_Ded
    @Liberty_or_Ded Рік тому +3

    Absolute waifu. Pity she's wrong... but at least she's wrong for the right reasons.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +1

      She is a good character and well it was her answer.

    • @Liberty_or_Ded
      @Liberty_or_Ded Рік тому +1

      @@armoredcorelore It's amazing how they managed to do so much with so little when they made 4-gen AC. With only a scattered handful of lines, you get a lot of character from her:
      Frontline champion, heroine to the poor bloody infantry, young and idealistic to the point of maybe being naive, easily misled by pride, values human life on principle in a world that values it only on economic value, and while a bit of an ice-queen, she's not above a bit of snark. She's got a bit of a sharp tongue to her. And yet there's a bit of softness to her, too.
      This is all contained within about a dozen lines of dialogue, and a couple lines of text.

  • @Cheese334
    @Cheese334 2 роки тому +7

    Call me evil but it was soooo satisfying beating her during the ORCA route. 🤣

  • @brotheralaric7177
    @brotheralaric7177 2 роки тому

    i remember to have chose to fight with her in the last missions .

  • @mitchplaysriffs
    @mitchplaysriffs Рік тому +2


  • @zeroshinkai957
    @zeroshinkai957 Рік тому +2

    Her voice actor sounds familiar.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +2

      Yes the talent of Laura Bailey.

    • @jovandjukic7940
      @jovandjukic7940 Рік тому +1

      @@armoredcorelore Shame she was uncredited for this game:( You had one job Ubisoft...ONE JOB!!

    • @03-AALIYAH_Gaming
      @03-AALIYAH_Gaming 2 місяці тому

      When I first heard her voice I was like “wait is that Kaine from NieR replicant?”

  • @ReifinDFanchon
    @ReifinDFanchon 2 роки тому +6

    My wife :)

  • @Jsay18
    @Jsay18 Рік тому +1

    Worst Female Character in the series, easily. Chooses to cause the Death of Humanity because "Muh Sister on the Cradles." The Height of Boomerism/kicking the can down the road mentality. Humanity will die in the League Path, but at least some of them will be comfy.

    • @armoredcorelore
      @armoredcorelore  Рік тому +3

      Well it was her answer and as we know the kojima particles will reach the cradles. So they will be comfy only for a while.