SS13 Colonial Marines: 3 OBs in one massively failed drop

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 5 September 2017, Ice Colony, a short video but a lot happened
    00:07 The PFC too eager to exit DS1 forgot the he will hit the floor first. Regardless, Empress got in via the opened door and screech to extend the stun time, PFC got slapped a hugger and dragged away. That Empress one hit pain crit lol
    00:25 Charlie throw OB but blocked by wall, he proceed the east door
    00:40 Delta SL throw ARMED OB but also blocked by door, he got to safety
    00:49 Empress hear the beeping and warned aliens
    00:52 First OB hitting 10 Marines but only a Sential and a Carrier, Alpha Spec also blow himself up with SADAR in the south, Charlie SL started fighting his way back west to throw OB again
    01:17 Alpha SL throw his OB, knowing he was too weak to use it before being hit by one Charlie SL promptly pick it up
    01:17 Empress screech in the south but failed to harm more due to hesitation/lag/misclick
    01:28 Second OB, seems again fired by Delta SL, hitting 2 marines and two crusher and two hunters, only hunters died
    01:39 Charlie continue the slow push in the north
    02:05 Charlie SL throw armed OB in the open, Charlie squamates seemed not believing it's firing and stood their hardly gained ground, Charlie SL on the other hand backed off immediately but without talking other it will be fired (also blame SO)
    02:13 Aliens see the OB and backed off while Delta SL order the remaining marines to push, not knowing they will only be met with fire and fury
    02:20 Third OB hit 6 marines with only Charlie Smartgun came out mostly unharmed and a PFC too busy typing then actually helping. No alien was harmed.
    02:23 Empress immediately resume offensive not even bother to wait the fire to die down
    03:00 The drop was failed at this point, the three OB did little damage and much more to marines, the following 2 minutes of lingering lead to even more marines casualties
    04:41 SADAR on DS1 but at least that made the ONLY T3 kill for this drop.
    05:01 You know you are in trouble seeing a Boil on screen firing acid cloud to you when you are trapped on DS1
    05:14 DS1 finally took off, with many aliens onboard
    05:34 Now command staffs see aliens were onboard and killing marines, been like for the last two minutes
    06:44 Only a few marines at hangar, aliens would have steamroll all the way if the rest got on
    ^The above focus on the west side of DS1, the south and east side should also be held responsibility for the failed drop.
    The South: With no hope of pushing through the one tile, just go north east and let the machine gun do its job. Even Alpha Engineer was fed up with marines crowded south exit and moved the machine gun to face west at 02:04
    The East: Delayed too much to go around via north passage to support west. Few Engineers lingered, cleared weed/wall and built defenses but the south was already so crowded no alien will go through so pointless, also no amount of defense will save the operation when you are in dire need of defense in the east. All they need to do is rush west via north passage to build defense there to establish a foothold.
    Marine take away
    Don't open door until everyone is up (and ready)
    Check/clear obstacle before throwing OB
    Double check before arming OB
    Communicate well before firing OB
    Use more flares (there are more OB used than flares)
    Use flare before going corners you have no vision of
    Sound the retreat as soon as the tide is turned to reduce losses
    Use gun to clear walls when time is of the essence
    Rush north passage
    Alien take away
    Good job walling off the DS but why stop with one layer, also as aliens are not defending east so might as well completely wall it off to hinder marines' advance or force them to the west's meatgrinder
    Just get on the damn DS and win the round already
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