Don’t Forsake the Assembly (Sermon from Hebrews

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • There is no doubt Christians should assemble with one another to learn, edify, and worship. However, we are probably too quick to accuse our brothers and sisters of “forsaking the assembly” for missing a Bible study or worship service. There is much we can learn from Hebrews about what actually constitutes forsaking the assembly and how to encourage and motivate Christians to assemble with their church family.


  • @gedankenvoll7478
    @gedankenvoll7478 2 роки тому +19

    Jesus never told his disciples so start congregations as we know them today. He never instructed his disciples to do worship concerts and lectures on a Sunday morning and a bible study on Wednesday. He never taught them how to run a pre-planned meeting or a Sunday school. In fact the early believers mostly met in private for about 300 years. When they got together they had very informal gatherings usually over a meal instead of following an agenda at a formal pre-planned meeting. They were concerned about sharing life with each other, and that's the context in which Hebrews 10 was written. What we see a lot today is that believers have had enough of superficial religious traditions and obligations. But they are hungry for Jesus and for his kingdom, and they are hungry for deep relationships with like-minded fellow believers. And they usually find that outside of Sunday morning gatherings and old traditions. They meet in homes, or in a Coffee house, or around a campfire, or at a hike. They share life togther. They don’t care so much about Church buildings but they care about Jesus and about each other. Even spiritual gifts and the five-fold ministry function well in this relational setting. In fact they were given in the context of a very similar setting in the first place.

    • @Bonno1974
      @Bonno1974 11 місяців тому +2

      Finally... Thankyou! Bless you!

    • @ryanstivers8797
      @ryanstivers8797 14 днів тому +1

      100%…but they can’t keep the paid career pastor narrative going with that type of “church”
      Modern church is tied to money, imagine what the going forth of the gospel would look like if it wasn’t tied to finances like it is now?! How many “pastors” would still be pastors if they did it voluntarily and they weren’t the main focus?!

    • @n9wff
      @n9wff 10 днів тому +1

      When they gathered together, it was for fellowship and edification where everyone was involved, not to talk about the world, enjoy the worship, give, sit for the sermon, go home.
      The assembly was a specific meeting for a specific reason. Prayer, fasting, instruction, prophecy, a waiting on the Spirit.
      Exhortation means "a calling near."
      Church has changed to a corporate model, where you are employed to serve others who are of the same group.
      I'm looking for an Acts 13 meeting, not a boring program each Sunday.

    • @Alwizcaliteach
      @Alwizcaliteach 6 днів тому

      What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up...If anyone speaks in a tongue, two--or at the most three--should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. Pentecostal church or no, I don't see the church looking ANYTHING like this. Fellowship with the backs of peoples' heads, one or two people do all the exhortations, etc. How much longer will 'we' continue that way?

    • @n9wff
      @n9wff 6 днів тому

      There were two types of meetings.
      One was the gathering together, emphasized by 1 Corinthians 14:26.
      Second was the assembly, which was for a specific reason, especially prayer and fasting or needed instruction for the community.
      Sadly, "the forsaking of the assembly" is abused by pastors and needs for the weekly giving.

  • @debfletcherwins6488
    @debfletcherwins6488 3 роки тому +2

    I gained abundant joy! Sure there's suffering but Jesus takes you through it! And the joy you get is abundant!

  • @debfletcherwins6488
    @debfletcherwins6488 3 роки тому +1

    Dear God, let me draw near to you with a true heart! 💙 I need You Lord!
    Thank you for helping me God!

  • @shekiamerriweather5087
    @shekiamerriweather5087 2 роки тому +2

    HALLELUJAH! I've been praying about this!

  • @debfletcherwins6488
    @debfletcherwins6488 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Lord for this message!

  • @markjames2896
    @markjames2896 Рік тому +1

    i trusted he could catch me AMEN

  • @phoetic
    @phoetic 6 місяців тому +1


  • @chamuuemura5314
    @chamuuemura5314 11 днів тому +1

    This is the hypocrisy of the pulpit in action.
    If the shepherds just shut up and sit down, they’d give more time for the congregation to stand up and edify each other.

    • @n9wff
      @n9wff 10 днів тому +1

      The early church had a leader who taught but everybody was involved in the edifying (1 Corinthians 14:26).
      Today, it's the spiritual CEO giving a spiritual pep talk that's called a motivational speech, er, sermon.
      The assembly was specific; the gathering together was daily.

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin 5 днів тому

      Where's the encouraging one another in the gathering? Passively listening to a lecture?

  • @ELaine-hq2ge
    @ELaine-hq2ge 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this encouragement❤️

  • @scottking713
    @scottking713 Рік тому +2

    It’s the voices between the verses that keeps the pews full. Ancient Christian Proverb.🤪

  • @kevindavis4709
    @kevindavis4709 2 роки тому +4

    Online fellowship can leave you empty-handed if you don’t have no one too fellowship with

    • @gedankenvoll7478
      @gedankenvoll7478 2 роки тому +5

      True. But at the same time attending weekly church services can leave you empty- handed as well. In fact Jesus never told his disciples to run a pre-planned meeting on a Sunday morning like a Worship concert and a lecture or perform some weekly ritual. Such formal meetings demand conformity and people have to cooperate and relationships become less important. You can attend such formal meetings for many years, even small formal meetings, without getting to know or caring for others in the group. Or even worse: you can have a conflict with someone in the group and not deal with it for years. The New Testament church was very different from what we call church today. Believers mostly met in a very private setting for about 300 years. When they got together they had very informal gatherings usually over a meal instead of following a certain agenda at a formal pre-planned meeting. A lot of believers would even meet on a daily basis and the focus was on relationships and not performing a certain ritual or following a pre-planned agenda. I think we need to understand that in our time where we are driven by all sorts of church growth strategies and new ideas that come up every now and then.

  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 8 місяців тому

    I agree that we should be in community, but what does going to church have to do with "worship"?

    • @SaharanKnight1me
      @SaharanKnight1me 15 днів тому

      42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
      Acts 2:42
      They had 24/7 devotion of the heart, they had learned to take up their crosses daily and to follow Jesus. Thank God, he led me to a church whose pastor lays out the "apostles' teaching" through verse by verse exposition of the Word and challenges us repeatedly throughout that verse by verse teaching through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Thank God, yes, but we really need to work at having fellowship, at stirring up one another. Church traditions have not taught us to do this. Still, there is a simple potluck meal available before and after the simple service, and so most partake of this and have some measure of fellowship. I pray it is a real beginning.

    • @SaharanKnight1me
      @SaharanKnight1me 15 днів тому

      The word "worship" is apparently not mentioned in the New Testament, and it is not among the four ingredients of the fellowship laid out in Acts 2:42. Worship is an Old Testament concept realized in the temple. Prayer and praise, however, is throughout the whole Bible.

  • @prophetandapostleyytzhaq1058
    @prophetandapostleyytzhaq1058 2 роки тому

    I was a member op The Church op Christ but many scripture are twisted Yahushua did not die on a friday nor rose on a sunday Dan 9; 26-27 Matt;12;38-41 Matt 28 ;1 die on wednesday rose on shabbath shalom

  • @marlynpearson3507
    @marlynpearson3507 15 днів тому +1

    Stick to the King James version