“Humanity has never been one to surrender.” This is the first ever military conflict against non-humans (or the second, if you count the Emu War). Pretty much every conflict humanity has had included at least one human faction surrendering. Including the Emu War.
A rail gun that shoots an energy beam! WOW!!!
“Humanity has never been one to surrender.”
This is the first ever military conflict against non-humans (or the second, if you count the Emu War). Pretty much every conflict humanity has had included at least one human faction surrendering. Including the Emu War.
Since when do rail guns fire energy bolts?
Plasma caused by the rounds movement through the air, or... Hollywood Bias.
When an AI tells the story apparently 😂
Railguns can fire superheated plasma, so maybe that was seen as an energy bolt.
Ends abruptly at the end, despite the AI voice being in the middle of talking!
Battle ends after the loss of 2 ships in a fleet against a weapon that takes forever to fire?
So how is a gun mounted underground aimed at space?
Just like regular missile silos, they all point up!
And if the gun can punch holes in these ships and shields, what’s a few miles of rock?
Good thing the aliens attacked on the right side of earth
How do you aim a railgun? Change the Earths orbit?