It appears the condenser (the tallest tube container) is lack of air, judging by the strong thump sound and gush of water leaking. Just flush all water in the system and let air replenish inside. Start again to see improvement.
@@philoso377 No, friends, the air in the pressure tank is well maintained, because every time the waste valve operates, a little air enters the pressure tank and that air also comes out from the end of the delivery pipe. Maybe you see that the waste valve looks like it is leaking but actually it isn't, that's because of the strong pressure and speed of the water when it comes out of the waste valve. This model of pump does have very strong water hammer pressure, this is due to the design of the waste valve. and what you see looks like a leak is actually a small hole under the delivery valve, to let a little air into the pressure tank.
You may be right. Air entering into the waste valve in a steadily operating state is impossible in ramp pump principle. Pressurized flow is always in one direction at the waste port because of inlet pipe pressure. The gushing water indicate the pump is functional and either we have the outlet valve falsely set to a closed system, a crack, slot, hole, restricted flow after the outlet valve, the delivery pipe or the delivery end point is too high.
@@philoso377 Maybe you haven't done a detailed analysis of the phenomena in the water in the pump each work cycle, this is very interesting, friend. 🙂 You need to know that shortly after the delivery valve closes, a vacuum effect occurs, meaning that at that time the pressure becomes low, which is what causes air to enter from the small hole under the delivery valve. And if the waste valve design is horizontal, it will be a different story in treating the waste valve. 🙂
@@sananhydraulicrampump The drain valve can not produce vacuum to suck air into the holding tank. Normally the drain valve is closed by the static supply water pressure but is calibrated to nearly open. When drain water started to flow, pressure drop below static value and the weight in the rod help it to open. As the flow continues to flow pressure change from low to high due to dynamic pressure in water through the valve. The dynamic pressure is use 1. to overcome the added weight and 2. Charge the holding tank. So the valve change from open to close is not because of vacuum suck it close but because of dynamic pressure in front of the valve increased.
@@philoso377 Yes, you are right. but what I mean is that a little air will enter through a small hole under the delivery valve, and that hole was deliberately made to maintain the stability of the air in the pressure tank. You can see Williamson's animated ram pump video 👇
Sangat membantu🫰💯😇Referensi buat kami di pedesaan yg susah air karna keterbatasan
Iya pak.
Jika butuh diskusi silahkan wa 085234623841
Bahannya apa saja
Mantab tentu ini akan memberikan manfaat yang cukup bagus bg masyarakat
Good work, May Allah bless our Indonesian brothers and sisters. from Morocco.
Thanks 🙏
Keren sekali, buatan Indonesia , SNI pula, bangga, mengurangi biaya operasional jangka menengah, utk lahan elevasi jauh diatas sumber. Salam dri pertanian..
Bukan menguranhi, bahkan tidak ada biaya operasional dan ini jangka panjang. 🙂🙏
Tidak ada video yg selang pembuangnya diarahkan ke pipa sumber mata air.
mantap ..selamat dan Sukses
Seneng banget...gk kekeringan...
Sangat bermanfaat sangat tertarik
Jika membutuhkan silahkan 085234623841 🙏
mantap 👍
krna sy jg bikn tk pake.sndri awlnya liat"youtb kng sanan trs cb bkn ko.bisa tp gk pke angin"air ny lancar
Gak dikasih lubang angin jg gak masalah 👍
mantap karya nya
semoga sukses bang
jadi pengin bikin akuh😂
Segera buat 😁
belum punya bahanya bang
Mas kamin kalau ingin keluarnya air stabil . Tabung nya lebih besar . Supaya angin memdorong air tidak kehabisan .
Makasih masukannya pak 🙏
Impressive. I have one request why don't they cement the area surrounding the pump to prevent the ground from erosion
There are hard rocks around the pump, so it is safe.
Oh ok
Mantap mas 👍👍
MantP maseh ternyata tonggo pacitan juga.
Saya domisili Mojokerto.
Pompa yg terpasang di Pacitan permintaan dari dinas PUPR.
Sukses selalu sangat bermanfaat buat masyarakat
Keren Mas Kiton.
Hasilnya bagus. Tp sayang kurang detail. Jd kami gk bisa nyontek hasil karyanya...
Kalau tau prinsipnya gampang mas. Alatnya mau sederhana pun bisa kalau yang seperti divideo sih lumayan mahal itu budget nya😂
Dibeberapa video laim sdh saya tunjukan prinsip kerja, tutorial dll yg lebih sederhana bagi pemula.
Silahkan disimak dulu
Betul 😁
Manta mas...kayak seperti itu Kira2 habis berapa dana mas ??
terjun 7m dan naik 35m joss boskuu
Terjunan 7m max bisa naik 245m vertikal
Habis biaya berapa untuk instalasi segitu pak@@sananhydraulicrampump
Rencana mau buat aquaponik
Apakah Bisa di terapkan kolom ikan?
Mas beli pompanya di mana ya? Untuk menaikkan air dari lembah ke pegunungan yg jaraknya 5 km, apakah bisa?
Ke saya pak, saya pembuatnya langsung.
Bisa tlpn/wa ke 085234623841 agar lebih jelas 🙏
Bisa bawah dri daerah rendah ke tempat yh tinggi 200an meter kh
Bisa saya, asal terjunan input dan debit sumber air cukup
Mas maaf mau tanya untuk membuat ini memerlukan debit air yg besar atau misal di sumurbor juga bisa mas?
Sumur bor gak bisa pakai hidram.
Hidram hanya cocok untuk air yg mengalir dan adanya beda tinggi dari sumber air ke pompa, seperti video diatas.
Berapa harganya
Bisa gak bantu tuk wilayah pucanglaban tulongagung
Bisa pak saya di mojokerto, silahkan tlpn/wa 085234623841
Biayanya berapa itu?
Mantap mas ?
ma..nt..p itu angin"ny ko d ttup mngkin lebih besar lagi
Iya bisa, rencana lubang angin mau tak ganti yg lebih kecil jadi 3mm, kalau sekarang diameter lubang 4mm.
Bisa dipakai naikin air dari keluaran meter pam ke torn ya ?
Bisa, tp gak cocok.
Apa sudah dijual di pasar atau toko pompa air?
Belum pak.
Pembelian langsung hubungi saya, Tlpn/wa 085234623841
Cek harga kirim ke pacitan bang???
Hebat aliran segitu bisa perdetik 2 Liter😮😮😮,,,,
Pipa berapa in bos,,,,
Emang bener per detik satu liter lebih bosss,,,,
Pipa input 3"
Iya benar sdh diukur debitnya 1.6 liter/detik.
Ada juga yg debitnya 2.7 liter/detik, lebih besar lagi juga bisa.
@@sananhydraulicrampumppipa outputnya,,,bos,,,i
Aliran segitu,,,,,,ada kah 1,6 liter / detik,,,,soalnya pompa saya samersible,,,1,5",,,saja bulet betul,,,perdetiknya hanya 1,5liter
Iya sdh diukur, bisa langsung cek lokasi pak di pantai buyutan
It appears the condenser (the tallest tube container) is lack of air, judging by the strong thump sound and gush of water leaking.
Just flush all water in the system and let air replenish inside. Start again to see improvement.
No, friends, the air in the pressure tank is well maintained, because every time the waste valve operates, a little air enters the pressure tank and that air also comes out from the end of the delivery pipe.
Maybe you see that the waste valve looks like it is leaking but actually it isn't, that's because of the strong pressure and speed of the water when it comes out of the waste valve.
This model of pump does have very strong water hammer pressure, this is due to the design of the waste valve.
and what you see looks like a leak is actually a small hole under the delivery valve, to let a little air into the pressure tank.
You may be right.
Air entering into the waste valve in a steadily operating state is impossible in ramp pump principle. Pressurized flow is always in one direction at the waste port because of inlet pipe pressure. The gushing water indicate the pump is functional and either we have the outlet valve falsely set to a closed system, a crack, slot, hole, restricted flow after the outlet valve, the delivery pipe or the delivery end point is too high.
Maybe you haven't done a detailed analysis of the phenomena in the water in the pump each work cycle, this is very interesting, friend. 🙂 You need to know that shortly after the delivery valve closes, a vacuum effect occurs, meaning that at that time the pressure becomes low, which is what causes air to enter from the small hole under the delivery valve. And if the waste valve design is horizontal, it will be a different story in treating the waste valve. 🙂
The drain valve can not produce vacuum to suck air into the holding tank. Normally the drain valve is closed by the static supply water pressure but is calibrated to nearly open. When drain water started to flow, pressure drop below static value and the weight in the rod help it to open. As the flow continues to flow pressure change from low to high due to dynamic pressure in water through the valve. The dynamic pressure is use 1. to overcome the added weight and 2. Charge the holding tank.
So the valve change from open to close is not because of vacuum suck it close but because of dynamic pressure in front of the valve increased.
Yes, you are right.
but what I mean is that a little air will enter through a small hole under the delivery valve, and that hole was deliberately made to maintain the stability of the air in the pressure tank.
You can see Williamson's animated ram pump video 👇
Bagaimana kalau sumur bor 35 m apa bisa naik bang air nya
Gak bisa.
Harus ada air yg mengalir
Misal dari bendunganya per 1meternya bisa naik berapa meter vertikal,terimakasih
Bisa 30-40m vertikal
habis berapa total semua
Itu tabungnya ada lobang pembuangan ya bang?
Tepatnya dibawah klep hantar, guna memasukan sedikit udara ke dalam tabung.
Spring menggunakan apa mas?
Stainless steel
Ukuran brp nggih, sama panjangnya brp
Dalam video sdh ditulis lengkap smua kondisi lokasi
@@sananhydraulicrampump ukuran spring sama tinggi spring pak
Bang kalu ketinggian 100 meter naik ga .saya mau pasng.kira2 pake hidram brapa inci
Naik asal terjunan input dan debit sumber cukup, input 1" pun bisa. Nanti ukurannya disesuaikan dgn kebutuhan air.
WA saya 085234623841
@@sananhydraulicrampumpkalu dari sumber airnya bang paling 2 inci sungai kecil kira2 brapain pompa hidramnya bang🙏
Perlu diukur dulu debit air dalam liter/detik
@@sananhydraulicrampump oh gitu ya bang .
Video yang di Lampung pak
Masih proses pemasangan
Output Debitnya memang kecil ya om?
Debit tergantung ukuran pompa dan elevasi, tentunya disesuaikan dgn kebutuhan.
Hebat ramp.pump buatan indonesia...
Alhamdulillah bang 🙏
Mas bisa bantu buatkan tidak hidrolik nya, biayanya brp?
Maksudnya gmn tidak hidolik ?
Ketingian rendah kalau dorongan bisa
Bisa, konsultasi wa ke 085234623841
Harganya brpa
Silahkan wa ke 085234623841
Nanti saya kirim list harga smua model pompa 🙏