It’s so weird to hear anyone going to Korea for K-pop and K-drama. That’s like going to England for Hogwarts. I don’t even know how they sell K-pop period. This is nuts😂
13:55 Why would you expect KOREANS living in KOREA to speak anything other than the KOREAN language? That's a weird presumption to make that they would speak English. Her attempt at it is not great so it's amusing that she would prefer to communicate in it.
If you listen to her for more than 2 seconds, you'll hear she's using a translator and they would rather ignore her than bother with it. Pretty sure that was the issue she was pointing out. Not that they don't speak English, but rather that they won't make an attempt to communicate with someone who doesn't speak their language to help. Which they don't have to of course... but let's not pretend she's blaming them for not speaking English lol
I came with Korean friends before moving to Korea so never felt lonely or anything. Also came from Japan, therefore some culture similarities made it easy to adjust… so 9/10. No where is perfect so can’t give anywhere a 10 lol But I love the parks and cheap medical care and transportation and so close to home 😂
I really enjoy all your videos, Jin. They really help your audience to get to know Korean culture even more. I can't wait to visit there someday myself!
Here is some tips to living in another country besides your own: LEARN THEIR LANGUAGE AND USE IT!! Then you'll be accepted as one of them and/or become one of them. Respect their tradition and culture. Do not bring your own and complain about the country and/or the people. If that's the case the the country is not for you regardless of how much you love it there.
hah! that's a very low expectation you set when it comes to the USA. If you are from a SEA country you better be ready for the wrath or any kind of discrimination you may face, especially if you are from the Indian subcontinent. Beware travelers!
👍 Agree Some people come to other countries and don't try to adjust themselves to the countries but expect the country to treat them well. Very stuck up
I'd give it a 10/10. the food, people, safety, cleanliness, scenery, and transportation. If I spoke Korean I'd give it a 15/10. But even tho I do not speak Korean, people have overall been super friendly and helpful.
I found one intereting thing. If someone asks Koreans 'Will you move to America if opportunity offers?' It was just an internet poll, but only 3-4 out of 10 people(koreans) said I would. 20 years ago, 6-8 people would have said so. I am not sure if it is confidence, or koreans are used to koreans culture. Koreans feel Korea is comfortable
@@Apieceofgarbage Interesting numbers. One important thing about USA is still the ability to move upward fairly fast if you are a hard worker and have a strong skill set. The downsides include soaring violent crime rate and filthy cities.
@I_love_chopin and realizing that we might suffer from some issues(like competition is crazy, and long working hours, other countries do have their own problems and Korea might not be a whole failure. And when it comes to safety Korea is quite good. It is still funny that Korean Amreicans tend to have less kids(maybe East asians in general) compared to people of other ethinicities. I guess Confucianism plays a role in that at least in part. Being hesitant to have kids until they feel they are ready to start to have a family. (I am not quite sure on that, because western countries also have a generation called doomers)
@@Apieceofgarbage I completely agree with what you said. As a Korean, I prepared to immigrate to the United States 15 years ago, but it didn’t happen then. And for the past 5 or 6 years, I‘ve been thinking about not moving to the United States
It is not our problem that Koreans dont speak English or Spanish. Learn Korean if you want to be part of this society. That is the first step for foreigners to be included in any other society.
There are so many korean living in the usa who are not willing to try to learn english and they only hang out with korean only. What about them? Do u think those koreans are good?
guests. heard of them? she stay just for 6months for a temp. project. u expect her to learn a language for that? go touch some grass. korea just bad hosts honestly also very racist i learned.
I am a Korean. And I went on a trip to Colombia...... I don't want to contradict a Colombian woman, but I need to know the truth. Objectively, Koreans speak English much better than Colombians. And she's right. "let's go. i will show you. i will walk to your bus."..... But then they "ask for money as if it were your own" .... The moment you take out money to pay for your labor I've had my wallet ripped out of my hand, and I've been threatened with a gun and had it taken from me..... (This is what happened with "Medezin". )
@@tommypop2139 Koreans were so very kind to my elderly mother (and me) when she came to visit. We toured the entire country and inn keepers sometimes fed us or drove us places without our asking them. I speak a little Korean so that helps, but just wonderful people. But maybe the older generation in the countryside just get a little tired of the influx of foreigners. And the Colombian lady might seem a bit assertive to older people. Latin Americans often seem extroverted (and friendly) to me, and she sounded a bit more animated and louder than the other interviewees did.
만약에 동남아시아나 중앙아시아 아프리카를 갔을때 저도 자연스래 영어가 먼져 나갑니다. 유럽 어느나라를 가도 먼져 영어가 나가구요.(물론 숙박, 공항, 관광지 가 우선이겠지만) 생각해보면 이 정도 나라라면 영어는 되겠지란 생각으로 하는거 같습니다. 그만큼 우리도 국제화가 됬겠지란 역발상을 해봅니다. 영어를 영어권언어이기도 하지만 공용어가 되가는 현실에 나도 어느정도 맞춰가야한다는 생각도 듭니다. 제가사는 동네도 외국인들이 많은데 그냥다 기본적인 영어로 통용합니다. 뭐 한국사회에 더 깊이 들어오려면 그때부터는 진짜 본인들이 공부를 해야겠지요.
To be fair, you are absolutely right and I hear it everywhere, to say it is on the visitor to learn the language. But my heart also goes out to this young lady, who if she spoke more at length may have revealed that she knew the fault was hers. It is tough to be young and when we are young we often haven't learned yet how to be properly evenhanded in our speech, i.e. to tell the whole truth out front. I think she may have thought of her task more simply in that moment as to say how it felt, whereas responsibility was truly the task of saying clearly that you should learn the language before you come or you will miss a lot. Perhaps I am wrong, but seeing how I myself have matured with age, experience and kind teachers like yourself, I chart that mistake up to youth. Still, you are right to note the issue and draw needed attention to it. Thank you.
바뀌고 변화하지 않는다는 것은 정체성에 관한 문제인데요. 우리가 빨리 바뀌어야 할까요? 옛날이야 전통과 인권의 측면에서 야만이 공존했을 때 경제성장이라는 기준하에 전통을 뭉게더라도 모든 것을 바꾸고, 사대주의라고 불릴 만큼 외국의 것을 선망해왔습니다. 하지만, 어느 수준의 경제성장이라는 목표를 이루었고 이제 우리도 어느 나라의 선망의 대상, 다시 말하면 모범이 되어가고 있습니다. 어느 정도냐면 우리나라의 이민 정책에 따라서 타국의 국제인재 양성정책과 계획이 영향을 받을 정도입니다. 그러는 와중에 단점이야 되돌아보는 것이야 당연히 반성해야 발전이 있겠지만요. 우리는 잘해왔고, 그 방식이 눈치보고, 트렌드를 따라하고, 남의 것을 따라해왔습니다. 하지만, 이제 선진국의 반열에 넘어가면서, 세계가 한국을 주목하고 있는 상황입니다. 이제 필요한 것은 fast follower 전략이 아닌 first leader 입니다. 우리의 시각과 기준을 기반으로 새로운 것을 창조해야 하는 요구가 따라붙는 상황이 입니다. kpop, kdrama, kfood와 같이요. 그러는 와중에 기준없이 또 눈치를 보고, 바뀌고 해야할까요? 과연 사람들이 오리지날 한식과 한국인이 만든 파스타 중 어느 음식을 먹어보고 싶어할까요? 파스타는 한국이 아니더라도 어디든 있거든요. 프랑스, 미국, 영국 사람들이 그들만의 방식대로 산다고 해서 타자가 욕할까요 아님 오히려 선망할까요? 저는 오히려 우리만의 정체성과 실력, 기준을 브랜드로서 공고히 하고, 세계의 리더가 될 준비가 필요합니다. 단점도 있겠지만, 우리가 이것 하나는 잘한다는 식의 장점이 더 부각되는 전략입니다. 그럼 그런 단점에도 불구하고, 한국을 선택합니다. 그리고 종종 외국인들이 한국인이 인종차별을 한다고 하는데 한국인이 외국인들한테 집단린치를 하나요. 와인병으로 뒷통수를 후리나요. 지나가다가 얼굴에 침을 뱉나요. 오히려 한국말을 하고 한국음식을 먹으면 한국인이라고 좋아하는 걸요.
Great Video - I'd also give Korea a 7/10. Minus points for fashion (everyone kind of wears the same tones/styles) and the challenge of integrating with Korean society as a foreigner. Also, is it me or are the Indian dude's hands MASSIVE hahaha
My Korean girlfriend and her friends would give it a 2. But as a foreigner living in Korea was easy as I did not have to live up to the unrealistic expectations that most Koreans have to live up to from their families. Status and money is everything in Korea.
How easy people answering your questions,💚 and tell personal stories about themself, thats a credit for the interviewer , i do find the score high💯 that means Koreans are maybe introvert,😲 but friendly. ☺You are so relaxed and charismatic ☺, that people open up to you . 😇
코로나 이후에 한국사람들끼리도 잘 안만나요. 친구관계도 그렇고 모임도 많이 없어지고 다시 활성화가 안되네요. 장례문화도 많이 바뀐듯 장례식장 가보면 예전보다 사람이 많이 줄었고 보통 인터넷으로 조의금을 보냅니다. 혼자 보내는 시간이 많아졌고 큰TV 하나 장만해서 넷플릭스 봅니다. 바로 집앞에 멀티플렉스 영화관이 있지만 정말 관객이 적어서 텅빈 영화관에서 영화를 봅니다. 코로나로 한국 문화가 많이 바뀌었어요. 많이 내성적이 된것 맞고 저도 친구들에게 놀자고 연락해도 거절을 잘 당하고 있고 그렇다고 친구들에게 무슨 일이 있는것도 아니고 그냥 모두다 개인화 되어버렸어요. 다른 나라는 안그런가요? 궁금하네요.
엔터테인먼트 산업 쪽은 욕을 할 수 밖에 없는 게... 연예인 팬심으로 지원하는 고스펙 지원자가 워낙 넘쳐나서 어느 걸그룹으로 유명한 Y모 기업 같은 경우는 면접 보러 갔더니 해외 아이비리그 유학파나 영어 원어민 아니면 안뽑는다고 멀리서 면접 보러 와서 한참 기다렸던 사람들 죄다 꺼지라고 하는 거 같은 태도 같은 거로 욕 많이 먹었죠. 심지어 그렇게 입사하는 고스펙자들도 박봉으로 열정페이 받고 일하다가 오래 안다니고 죄다 퇴사 한다는 현실 ㅎㅎㅎ
I live in Seoul and honestly life was easier before covid. I mean meeting people, make few friends and date / having love relationships. After covid is more difficult 😆😆😆
한국에 오래 살면서 한국말을 하나도 못하는 외국인은 겉돌 수밖에 없어요. 저도 외국 여행 가면 처음 인사나 감사합니다 정도는 그나라 말로 하고 그 뒤에 영어로 물어봅니다. +마지막 콜롬비아 여성은 한국인들은 스페인어를 사용할 필요가 없습니다. 필요하면 본인이 한국어를 배우든지 해야죠. 노인들은 영어에 익숙하지 않아서 외국인과 대화하는 걸 어려워하기 때문에 그러는 거에요.
I love how earnestly people communicate how it is for them to be in Korea and at the same time make sure to say that their rating and comments are made from their vantage point. The cultural differences from the point of view of people coming to Korea from different nations and working in different capacities is very revealing. I admire the interviewer's courage. I imagine he is a strong Korean patriot and he must wince sometimes at unfavorable reviews. But he seems to value the input, which is to his credit. Frankly, these many-sided views build an image of the reality that would help a person considering a work or travel visit to Korea to plan effectively. There is so much to admire about Korea. I hope I can go there one day. If I do, it will be because vidocasts like this one have helped me prepare to have the very best experience and also, hopefully perhaps give back a little to Korea for that experience. I haven't figured out yet how to reciprocate, but I love a two-way street. Maybe I could create a vacation where I could also perform some useful service. To the videocaster and his interviewees, I already am grateful. Thank you.
The Colombian girl is the feeling of any Latinoamerica in any foreign country, back home we help people even if we don't speak English, or their language, but when we travel it is difficult to find that sentiment, I have been in the USA for 28 years, I speak with an accent, but nothing crazy, and still sometimes I get that " I don't understand what you're saying? " and walk away 😢
uhmmm what to say... to be honest, basically korean ppl are very shy and they feel shame and embarasing when they dont speak englishh very well and say something not correctly. elderly ppl get easily more scared to have conversation than youngers feel. dont get it wrong.
@@SylvesrerSam : You think so? Koreans, and Japanese are very self-conscious about how they come across to other people. That's why they watch their weight, how they dress, how they talk etc. Americans, which I am, and Europeans are more individualistic, "be yourself, believe in yourself" etc so they are more free to wear, say, and do things without being self-conscious in general. Yes, there are very shy Americans. I'm an introvert myself, but I've always considered it a perk of being rich to not care about what other people think about you, but now I find it a state of mind for any circumstances whether poor or rich. Sorry for the TL;DR.
The fact that half of the comments here are Koreans crying about foreigners having to learn Korean to be accepted in their society is alarming. Shake your heads and realize that English is now accepted worldwide as the "international" language. It's what the rest of the world does. Wake up. When people visit Greece, I don't expect them to speak Greek. I do expect them to speak English. If not sadly i can't communicate with them. If they do, of course we ll talk back to them and have fun together. This is what being polite and kind is.
I do agree that English is the lingua franca now, but you'd be surprised at the number of tourism-oriented people (e.g. cab drivers, inn keepers, etc.) who speak Korean in places like Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc. And even in Western Europe, there are a TON of people who cannot speak English. My God, most of Puerto Rico cannot. I feel sorry for places like the Philippines and Malta where people willfully erase English in favor of their "native" tongue. But that is their right and even understandable. But to expect entire nations that have had no Anglo-spheric influence to adopt English to be polite and kind is downright ridiculous.
Just some people who work at tourist attractions should speak English but just normal life people don’t have to speak English because every country has its own language. Greece as well. Every Greek doesn’t have to speak English. How many foreigners do normal people meet a day? For a few foreigners people meet, people should speak English? I don’t think so!! Don’t force it!! And English was accepted worldwide before not now!!
It's not the premise of acknowldeging English as universal language I necessarily disagree with but the arrogance and entitlement of foreigners coming to another country as a guest expecting ppl to pander and cater to their culture and way of life that's repulsive.
I wish Jin would interview me haha! Come to Jongno 3 ga. I would give living in Korea a 7/10 after living here for 6 years. The convenience is amazing, but there are too many people. Every where you go there is a massive crowd, its really irritating. As a foreigner, a lot of Koreans don't want to interact with me (especially after COVID). No one is rude or mean to me, but it is very isolating and perpetuates the notion that you are OTHER. On the other hand, Korea is very affordable and the food (Korean food, not foreign food) is amazing!
코로나를 거치며 한국인들끼리의 교류도 아주 많이 줄었어요. 또한 외국에서 마스크 안 쓰는 거나, 아시아인 테러 하는 것 보며 공포나 이질감도 좀 늘고 그랬을 겁니다. 전 지구적으로 세계화의 시대가 끝나고 각자도생의 시대가 시작되었구요, 한국은 지금 더 그런 시절이네요. 세계 모든 다른 곳에 사는 모든 외부인들이 비슷한 어려움을 겪는 시대가 된 거죠.
Then probably close the border and stay as North Korea 🇰🇵, North Koreans are probably way kind people and not racist. South Koreans even don’t like their own people with darker skin, cmon you are born with and just adding chemicals to feel superior!!!! If you had to study another language to go to another country we would probably just stay at our own nation. I mean who’s better a person speaking his/her mother tongue and English or a person just wanting to communicate in Korean. You can go to other countries and check the differences.
Great video Jin! Can you do a video with foreigneres living in Korea that are not English Teachers and wich kind of visa are they getting? Also asking about visa and moving process? Thank you so much :)
I think korea is a great country if you at least make an effort to learn korean. I don't think it's impossible to get a job. the safety and health seem pretty good too.
Hey can anyone explain how they are living in korea as legally for 9-10 years... Cause i wanna know if they are coming on tourist visa or for tourism purpose then how they change their status and what status was that... Cause i dont recommend people to change their status to g1 visa.... But if the people know direct pathway to live there then the people from other countries dont break their rules and this gonna respectful for them too... If people come there and work there and after that they gone back to their home country...
9:43 집세, 각종 공과금, 교통비, 외식비 등등 모두 합친 전체적인 물가로 보면 한국의 물가 수준은 그렇게 높지 않습니다. 그러나 그로세리 물가만 따로 떼서 본다면 세계에서 가장 비싼 나라 중 하나입니다. 독일, 영국 등 유럽보다 비싸고 미국보다도 비쌉니다. 고작 1인당 GDP 35,000달러 밖에 안되는 나라의 그로세리 가격이 왜 이렇게 비싼지 이해할 수 없어요.
It also depends on how you make the most of it, how you react to these situations. I am proud of all of you! I can`t wait to live there myself 🤗♥️ See you soon Jin! 🔥
Sorry to say this, but the Colombian lady got it wrong. Her mentality towards work is the very reason their country is doing so terribly and the Koreans are doing so well. Think lady.
@@squ34ky It doesn't. But you won't get Korea as the country is today if you didn't have super focused, hyper-status-conscious people working to be their very best. You'll get Hungary or Estonia or Czech Republic, but it won't be Korea.
The Colombian woman was amazed that there's water available everywhere in Korea because in most Latin countries water is rationed or at times not available for days.
나는 외국인이 한국에 와서 영어때문에 불편하다는말을 이해할수가없다 반대로 한국인이 당신나라에가면 당신나라 사람들은 한국말을 잘한다고 볼수있는가? 한국에와서 한국말을 사용해야지 한국인들이 당신들을위해 전세계언어를 다알고 배워야하나? 생각하는게 진짜 어의없네 한국인들은 외국나가서 한국말이 안통한다고 그걸 그나라 문제로 보는사람은 단 한명도 없을것이다
their attempting to see if you speak English not Expecting you to your not viewing it in the right way, It would be very easy to politely decline instead of just ignoring someone THAT is rude that’s what this Columbian woman is saying manners is easy
외국인 에게 솔직한 한국에 대 한 느낌을 물어보는 것은 매우 유익한 일이다 좋은일 하는데 우선 감사를 표하고 싶다 티비 프로그램 같은데 보면 예전이 이런 내용의 프로 그램이 잠깐 있다가 사라 졌는데 내 생각에 그 이유는 아직 한국은 외국인 의 모든것을 포용할 많큼 여유 롭지 못하다 는데 있다 그많큼 한국 경제가 발전에 제한적이고 외국인 까지 포용할많큼 덩치가 큰것도 아니고 K드라마니 k팝 이니 그런걸 보고 외국인 들이 한국에 가면 떼돈 버는줄 알고 오는 경향도 많은거 같다 한국 은 서울과 수도권만 벗어나면 지방 큰도시 빼고 일반 지방은 진짜 시골이고 편의 시설이 거 의 없다시피 하니 같은 한국사 람들도 살기 꺼리는데 그러고 보면 서울과 수도권 지방 큰도 시 그거 다 합쳐봤자 얼마나 되 겠나 그곳에 인구80%는 거주할 텐데 사실 외국인 들은 그냥 k팝 이니 k드라마니 보고 여행 왔다 심치고 보고 즐기고 그냥 돌아 갔으면 한다 한국은 사실 일자 리가 모자란 나라고 자원이 풍 부해서 국가에 돈이 많은나라 도 아니고 사실 돈은 빈국이나 다름없다 부체가 엄청 나지만 겨우 무역으로 먹고 사는것 뿐 인데 이제는 무역도 잘 안되서 벌써 적자로 돌아선지 몇년째 인데 사실 한국을 방문하는 그 것도 놀러오는 사람들이 뭐 그 리 유능하고 실력있는 사람들 이겠는가 한국에 놀러와서 특 별한 기술없이 무턱대고 눌러 산다는건 자살행위 이다 예를 들어 같은 실력으로 한국회사 에 취업했다 쳐도 같은 한국사 람끼리도 말도 못하게 치열한 경쟁속에 살아 남는데 영어하 는외국인 이라고 특별대우 받 는다는 생각은 어리석은 생각 이고 탄탄한 기업들은 전문 통 역사도 있고 직윈들 자체도 영 어 잘한다고 한다 아직 한국의 피 말리는 경쟁 사회를 몰라서 하는 말이고 외국인 이라고 특 별하게 대할 이유는 어디에도 없다
Ah I can't pick if I want to live on Korea or Europe. I can pick where to go for my Masters but I can't choose between Europe and Korea 😭 I always loved to work to live. I just really enjoy going to cinema watching a new movie then get a good food from a restaurant near by, that's my idea of fun without working 24/7 if you know what I mean. So I don't know really. Europe seems beautiful, I mean I can take a train visit a city... Korea seems so peaceful? Although I'm a bit scared of what I heard about women privacy.. but I love the culture and I love the food, the way it's cooked and they served it, I also think Koreans eat foods in a healthy way.
It is fine for koreans not to use english, if they dont want to earn foreigner money. Many countries which do not use english as first language do know basic level of english because it is considered international language
Depends, if you work for a small business there is a high chance they might not, if you work for a big company they pay you 2~2.5 times your normal hourly rate. So if you want to work in Korea. Improve yourself, get a degree, get a skill set, learn the language to get a good job.
A lot of focus on the surgace level of life in korea or purely living here as a foreinger. Things get more complicated when you consider social issues, politics, racism, sizeism, etc. Etc.
I think some utbers could go further with foreigners in Korea other than people from western countries. Some people from Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan. They do physical work, and they seemes to have more kids than Koreans thesedays.(even though they make less money than Koreans , they somehow get by. Many of em live in Anseong, and Jin cheon. 40miles away from Seoul) and also Korean Chinese. Many Koreans do not approve Korean Chinese because they identify themselves with Chinese while taking advantage of Korean medical insurance. And also too much conceited as 'CHINESE'. And Kang Seo Ku is where they live together. I once visited a restaurant there, and wha tsurprised me was that they werent serving Kimch. (I am not saying all restaurants should do so).and Korean Chinese can vote for local elections except Presidential election. Democratic party made that law, because the party knew Korean Chinese were in favor of them.
People from western countries get more spotlight. What is scary to me is. When I see Korean Chinese, I feel like I am looking at myself in the mirror. Koreans would have stayed as them, if U.S and other countries have not helped in Korean warin 1950. Kang seo ku is notroious for being dangerous. And one of the most violent regions in Seoul. When I visited that restaurant in Kang seo ku, I walked shrugging myself, cause I didnt want to cause any trouble with people there. I felt like I was in China. This comment can be subjective
I completely agree with the first half of your sentiment before it turned anti Chinese. In fact in the past I would have korean friends make comments such as "wow it must be nice to live ad a foreigner in Korea" and I'd often respond that I think what they mean is "western" living in Korea. Often the vast array of foreign citizens is overlooked and many not from western countries go through much different conditions and face other hardships.
@stebo1024 Okay. If Jin has more time and energy, I hope he does a video about people that are not from typical western countries. (I myself had chances to observe them a few times, they looked happier than ordinary, common Koreans. 'Observe' means I did not have any interactions witt them) I just thought to myself 'maybe they are here, because they get paid better, or they feel safer here than their homeland. I did not talk to them, I have no idea where they speak Korean. I dont know what they think and feel about Korea, so my comment also can be subjective
Oh one thing that just popped out of mind. When I was in OSAN, some south asians came close to me and, and talked to me.(4or 5 people and I was waiting at the traffic light) '30000 WON' roughly 30 bucks and he pointed a girl in his group. He was a pimp, and the girl was a prostitute, which is illegal in Korea. It was not a pleasant experience, but I would rather understand. Except that I felt they were a little rude. I guess they are from Thailand
Very well defined by Mr ashutosh pandey researcher. He makes us proud by doing international level research in the field of biotechnology making the name of BHARAT at top position. Best wishes from my side
내나라와 다른 나라의 물가를 비교하는 자체가 말이 안됩니다. 각자 나라의 정치, 경제의 문제등 사정이 다 틀린데 어찌 비교를 합니까? 우리나라는 과일이 꽤나 비싼건 맞습니다. 하지만 유럽에 비해서 해산물은 그리 비싼편이 아닙니다. 우리나라 식료품값 좀 비쌀 수 있습니다. 하지만 외국에 비해 외식물가는 또 싼 편입니다. 우리나라에서 파는 타국(예를 들어 단적으로 피자, 햄버거, 파스타, 빵등등) 음식 비싼거 맞습니다. 반대로 우리나라 음식 다른 나라에서 똑같이 비쌉니다. 이런식으로 세세하게 비교하면 그냥 자기 나라 주식인 자국에서 사는게 맞는거지요! 영어 못하는 거...? 여긴 영어가 국어가 아닌 한국어가 국어인 대한민국입니다. 아무리 글로벌 시대라고 하지만 모든 사람이 영어로 소통되길 바란다는건 아무리 외국인이라도 이해되질 않습니다. 오히려 그나라에 왔으면 그나라 언어를 배우든 그게 아니라면 그냥 좀 영어를 못한다한들 이해하고 넘어가줄 수 있는거 아닌가요? 그리고, 한국사람들 영어 못해도 최대한 도와줄려고 애씁니다. 어디 디른 나라처럼 도와준다하고 뒤에 돈달라고 요구하지도 않습니다. 그런 고마움은 좀 느꼈음 합니다. 전부 다 이해해 달라고 적은 글이 아닙니다. 하지만, 한국에 와서 한국말이 아닌 영어로 소통되길 원하는건 조금 서양인들 특유의 개인주의에서 오는게 아닌가 하는 생각이 들면서 그건 조금 무례하다고 생각해서 적어봅니다.
문제는 한국인들이 학교에서 영어를 최소 6년을 배우고 10년 이상 배운 사람들도 많은데 그에 비해선 프리토킹이 아주 처참한 수준인 경우가 너무 많다는 겁니다. 프리토킹은 고사하고 유튭 댓글만 봐도 단문 작문조차 어이가 없는 수준이 넘 많아요. 번역기가 있어도 활용도 못함
I appreciate the time you take to interview foreigners and Koreans about topics that affect individuals living in Korea. It may help others to understand a bit more before visiting Korea, be it positive or negative. Understandably keeping in mind that everyone's experience will be different.
한국에서는 늦은 시간이나 어두운 밤에 남녀 상관 없이 핸드폰 귀중품 손에 쥐고 돌아다니고 신경 없이 다니죠 카페 음식점 공공 장소에서 물건 두고 자리 맡아고 비운게 더 좋음 바지 뒷주머니에 귀중품 두던가 자전거 열쇠없거나 차안에 귀중품 두는거나 아이 혼자서 돌아다닌게 안전하다고는 아님
It’s so weird to hear anyone going to Korea for K-pop and K-drama. That’s like going to England for Hogwarts. I don’t even know how they sell K-pop period. This is nuts😂
13:55 Why would you expect KOREANS living in KOREA to speak anything other than the KOREAN language? That's a weird presumption to make that they would speak English. Her attempt at it is not great so it's amusing that she would prefer to communicate in it.
Koreans learn English too, what are you talking about lol
If you listen to her for more than 2 seconds, you'll hear she's using a translator and they would rather ignore her than bother with it. Pretty sure that was the issue she was pointing out. Not that they don't speak English, but rather that they won't make an attempt to communicate with someone who doesn't speak their language to help.
Which they don't have to of course... but let's not pretend she's blaming them for not speaking English lol
I came with Korean friends before moving to Korea so never felt lonely or anything.
Also came from Japan, therefore some culture similarities made it easy to adjust… so 9/10.
No where is perfect so can’t give anywhere a 10 lol
But I love the parks and cheap medical care and transportation and so close to home 😂
korea 6.
What would you rate Japan? Bc I’m tryna decide between Korea and Japan
I really enjoy all your videos, Jin. They really help your audience to get to know Korean culture even more. I can't wait to visit there someday myself!
Very good video, Jin. Interesting and informative, especially for those of us planning on coming to Korea.
Here is some tips to living in another country besides your own:
LEARN THEIR LANGUAGE AND USE IT!! Then you'll be accepted as one of them and/or become one of them. Respect their tradition and culture. Do not bring your own and complain about the country and/or the people. If that's the case the the country is not for you regardless of how much you love it there.
so entitled!
hah! that's a very low expectation you set when it comes to the USA. If you are from a SEA country you better be ready for the wrath or any kind of discrimination you may face, especially if you are from the Indian subcontinent. Beware travelers!
@@schnappsundbier2096 yeah i know american whities hate us LOLOLOLOL
👍 Agree
Some people come to other countries and don't try to adjust themselves to the countries but expect the country to treat them well. Very stuck up
I'd give it a 10/10. the food, people, safety, cleanliness, scenery, and transportation. If I spoke Korean I'd give it a 15/10. But even tho I do not speak Korean, people have overall been super friendly and helpful.
I found one intereting thing. If someone asks Koreans 'Will you move to America if opportunity offers?' It was just an internet poll, but only 3-4 out of 10 people(koreans) said I would. 20 years ago, 6-8 people would have said so. I am not sure if it is confidence, or koreans are used to koreans culture. Koreans feel Korea is comfortable
@@Apieceofgarbage Interesting numbers. One important thing about USA is still the ability to move upward fairly fast if you are a hard worker and have a strong skill set. The downsides include soaring violent crime rate and filthy cities.
@I_love_chopin and realizing that we might suffer from some issues(like competition is crazy, and long working hours, other countries do have their own problems and Korea might not be a whole failure. And when it comes to safety Korea is quite good. It is still funny that Korean Amreicans tend to have less kids(maybe East asians in general) compared to people of other ethinicities. I guess Confucianism plays a role in that at least in part. Being hesitant to have kids until they feel they are ready to start to have a family. (I am not quite sure on that, because western countries also have a generation called doomers)
@@Apieceofgarbage I completely agree with what you said. As a Korean, I prepared to immigrate to the United States 15 years ago, but it didn’t happen then. And for the past 5 or 6 years, I‘ve been thinking about not moving to the United States
It is not our problem that Koreans dont speak English or Spanish. Learn Korean if you want to be part of this society. That is the first step for foreigners to be included in any other society.
There are so many korean living in the usa who are not willing to try to learn english and they only hang out with korean only. What about them? Do u think those koreans are good?
You are all very racist.
guests. heard of them? she stay just for 6months for a temp. project. u expect her to learn a language for that? go touch some grass. korea just bad hosts honestly also very racist i learned.
@@dreamer5531 well.. He/she didn't say those koreans are good. It is basic to learn the language of that country when living abroad.
@@dreamer5531 at least they don't blame the Amerians for not speaking Korean
I like that you ask for a rating; it uncovers cons. Please continue this tactic
I am a Korean. And I went on a trip to Colombia......
I don't want to contradict a Colombian woman, but I need to know the truth.
Objectively, Koreans speak English much better than Colombians.
And she's right.
"let's go. i will show you. i will walk to your bus.".....
But then they "ask for money as if it were your own" ....
The moment you take out money to pay for your labor
I've had my wallet ripped out of my hand, and I've been threatened with a gun and had it taken from me.....
(This is what happened with "Medezin". )
한국사람도 친절하다고봄. 누가 부탁하면 왠만하면 도와주는데.. 춘천은 좀 다르나..
그 콜롬비아 여성은 자국내에선 스페인어를 쓰고 영어로 소통할일이 없어서 한국인이 더 영어를 못할거라는자연스런 편견을 가진 듯.업무차왔으면 기본적 한국어는 배워야지...
@@qualityoflife6654콜롬비아는 가난한 나라이고 그 국민들은 이곳에 와서 스페인어가 아닌 한국어를 말할 만큼 똑똑하지 않습니다.
@@tommypop2139 Koreans were so very kind to my elderly mother (and me) when she came to visit. We toured the entire country and inn keepers sometimes fed us or drove us places without our asking them. I speak a little Korean so that helps, but just wonderful people. But maybe the older generation in the countryside just get a little tired of the influx of foreigners. And the Colombian lady might seem a bit assertive to older people. Latin Americans often seem extroverted (and friendly) to me, and she sounded a bit more animated and louder than the other interviewees did.
한국에와서 무턱대고 당연하게 영어로 말을 거는사람보다는 서툴러도 예의있게 한두마디라도 한국말로 대화를요청하는 사람에겐 대부분 도와주고싶은 마음생길겁니다 어르신들은 같은경우에는 번역기로 보여줘도 어려워하시는분들이 당연히 많고요 그게 무례하다고 하기보단 쑥스러워서 그럴경우가 많아요 어느나라를가든 본인이 어떻게 행동하고 바라보는가 만큼 즐길수있을거라고 생각합니다 😊
동의합니다!!세상에 자기들이 한국어를 써야지 왜 우리가 우리언어를 두고 우리땅에서 다른언어를 기대하는지 영어는 옵션이고 배려인거지...
만약에 동남아시아나 중앙아시아 아프리카를 갔을때 저도 자연스래 영어가 먼져 나갑니다.
유럽 어느나라를 가도 먼져 영어가 나가구요.(물론 숙박, 공항, 관광지 가 우선이겠지만)
생각해보면 이 정도 나라라면 영어는 되겠지란 생각으로 하는거 같습니다.
그만큼 우리도 국제화가 됬겠지란 역발상을 해봅니다.
영어를 영어권언어이기도 하지만 공용어가 되가는 현실에 나도 어느정도 맞춰가야한다는 생각도 듭니다.
제가사는 동네도 외국인들이 많은데 그냥다 기본적인 영어로 통용합니다. 뭐 한국사회에 더 깊이 들어오려면 그때부터는 진짜 본인들이 공부를 해야겠지요.
@@cecilia-kn4gi그러고서 지도 다른 비영어권가면 그나라 언어 안쓰고 영어쓰면서 역시 조선인들의 모순이란ㅋㅋ
To be fair, you are absolutely right and I hear it everywhere, to say it is on the visitor to learn the language. But my heart also goes out to this young lady, who if she spoke more at length may have revealed that she knew the fault was hers. It is tough to be young and when we are young we often haven't learned yet how to be properly evenhanded in our speech, i.e. to tell the whole truth out front. I think she may have thought of her task more simply in that moment as to say how it felt, whereas responsibility was truly the task of saying clearly that you should learn the language before you come or you will miss a lot. Perhaps I am wrong, but seeing how I myself have matured with age, experience and kind teachers like yourself, I chart that mistake up to youth. Still, you are right to note the issue and draw needed attention to it. Thank you.
@@cecilia-kn4gi bro got invisible opps
외국인의 시각에서 우리를 바라보는 이런 인터뷰 좋은 거같습니다. 특히 단점 부분을 돌아보는 점이요. 외국인들의 시각이 실제로 맞건 안맞건 그분들의 느낌이란 건 진실된 것이기때문에 뭔가 잘못되어간다면 우리도 빨리 바꿔야할 거같아요
@@Lazarus0000 님아 1차원적인 사람에게 그렇게 말하면 못알아 들어요^^
맞건안맞건 그분들의 느낌이라는건 진실이라는건 무슨 논리냐?ㅋㅋㅋ 와 간만에 보는 제대로된 노예근성인데?ㅋㅋㅋ
바뀌고 변화하지 않는다는 것은 정체성에 관한 문제인데요. 우리가 빨리 바뀌어야 할까요?
옛날이야 전통과 인권의 측면에서 야만이 공존했을 때 경제성장이라는 기준하에 전통을 뭉게더라도 모든 것을 바꾸고, 사대주의라고 불릴 만큼 외국의 것을 선망해왔습니다. 하지만, 어느 수준의 경제성장이라는 목표를 이루었고 이제 우리도 어느 나라의 선망의 대상, 다시 말하면 모범이 되어가고 있습니다. 어느 정도냐면 우리나라의 이민 정책에 따라서 타국의 국제인재 양성정책과 계획이 영향을 받을 정도입니다.
그러는 와중에 단점이야 되돌아보는 것이야 당연히 반성해야 발전이 있겠지만요. 우리는 잘해왔고, 그 방식이 눈치보고, 트렌드를 따라하고, 남의 것을 따라해왔습니다. 하지만, 이제 선진국의 반열에 넘어가면서, 세계가 한국을 주목하고 있는 상황입니다. 이제 필요한 것은 fast follower 전략이 아닌 first leader 입니다. 우리의 시각과 기준을 기반으로 새로운 것을 창조해야 하는 요구가 따라붙는 상황이 입니다. kpop, kdrama, kfood와 같이요. 그러는 와중에 기준없이 또 눈치를 보고, 바뀌고 해야할까요? 과연 사람들이 오리지날 한식과 한국인이 만든 파스타 중 어느 음식을 먹어보고 싶어할까요? 파스타는 한국이 아니더라도 어디든 있거든요. 프랑스, 미국, 영국 사람들이 그들만의 방식대로 산다고 해서 타자가 욕할까요 아님 오히려 선망할까요?
저는 오히려 우리만의 정체성과 실력, 기준을 브랜드로서 공고히 하고, 세계의 리더가 될 준비가 필요합니다. 단점도 있겠지만, 우리가 이것 하나는 잘한다는 식의 장점이 더 부각되는 전략입니다. 그럼 그런 단점에도 불구하고, 한국을 선택합니다.
그리고 종종 외국인들이 한국인이 인종차별을 한다고 하는데 한국인이 외국인들한테 집단린치를 하나요. 와인병으로 뒷통수를 후리나요. 지나가다가 얼굴에 침을 뱉나요. 오히려 한국말을 하고 한국음식을 먹으면 한국인이라고 좋아하는 걸요.
노예근성 토나온다 와국애들 평가에 절절ㅋㅋㅋ 저 나라 사람들은 한국인들이 지들 나라 싫어하든 말든 신경도 안쓴다
영어로 말거는데 피하는게 난 뭐가 문제인지 모르겠음 한국 왔으면 최소한에 한국어 공부라도 해야지
Jin I love your interviews. Also, the workload as the Colombian girl explained is really insane. That is really scary.
Stay in your country
Great Video - I'd also give Korea a 7/10.
Minus points for fashion (everyone kind of wears the same tones/styles) and the challenge of integrating with Korean society as a foreigner.
Also, is it me or are the Indian dude's hands MASSIVE hahaha
한국인으로써 마지막 콜롬비아 여성분이 말 한 일일뿐이지 인생이 아니니 조금 내려놓으라는 말이 이해가안되네요ㅋㅋ 문화차이겠지만.. 왜 외국가면 우리나라에서 하루면 할 서류작업도 몇달씩 기다리라고 하는지 알것같기도하고...
I've lived in Korea for 10 years and I would rate it 9/10 (and I'm never leaving ㅋㅋ)
And your family?
Lol bs
Even Koreans wouldn't give it a 9
@@ericsohn5084he is lying
My Korean girlfriend and her friends would give it a 2. But as a foreigner living in Korea was easy as I did not have to live up to the unrealistic expectations that most Koreans have to live up to from their families. Status and money is everything in Korea.
@@SylvesrerSamhow are you gonna tell other people what to think
어르신들이 영어로 말하고싶지않은게 아니라 못해서 민망해서 지나치는거예요ㅜㅜ 시골분들은 더 정많고 오지랖도 많으실텐데 설마 무시하시겠어요. 그냥 쑥스러운겁니다.
노후 즐기는 대한민국 어르신들이 왜 외노자들 때문에 외국어 공부를 해야 하는지 이해가 안갑니다만? 별 불쾌한 사람들을 다 봤네
가감없이 토크하고
좋고 나쁨에 허심탄회 하게 말하는 영상 멋지네요~땡큐
외국분들에 시각에서 보는한국 인터뷰 감사합니다 다들 즐거운 여행들 되시길바래요
How easy people answering your questions,💚 and tell personal stories about themself, thats a credit for the interviewer , i do find the score high💯 that means Koreans are maybe introvert,😲 but friendly. ☺You are so relaxed and charismatic ☺, that people open up to you . 😇
코로나 이후에 한국사람들끼리도 잘 안만나요. 친구관계도 그렇고 모임도 많이 없어지고 다시 활성화가 안되네요. 장례문화도 많이 바뀐듯 장례식장 가보면 예전보다 사람이 많이 줄었고 보통 인터넷으로 조의금을 보냅니다. 혼자 보내는 시간이 많아졌고 큰TV 하나 장만해서 넷플릭스 봅니다. 바로 집앞에 멀티플렉스 영화관이 있지만 정말 관객이 적어서 텅빈 영화관에서 영화를 봅니다. 코로나로 한국 문화가 많이 바뀌었어요. 많이 내성적이 된것 맞고 저도 친구들에게 놀자고 연락해도 거절을 잘 당하고 있고 그렇다고 친구들에게 무슨 일이 있는것도 아니고 그냥 모두다 개인화 되어버렸어요. 다른 나라는 안그런가요? 궁금하네요.
나라전체가 사회성이 줄어든만큼 악플이 많아졌음
강박증/편집증 댓글
In india nothing like this happened
Everything is same like before corona
@@shekhartomarThat's why alot of Indians died during pandemic.😢
@@Forwarding-n8xIf u consider the population of india. Dying percentage is less than any other countries.
번역기를 사용하고 있어서 철자가 정확하지 않다면 죄송합니다. 하지만 평생 주에서 살아온 사람으로서 여기 사람들은 코로나 이후 좀 더 유독해진 것 같지만, 사람들은 여전히 극도로 외향적이고 소셜, 내 생각엔 국가에 따라 다를 수도 있을 것 같아
엔터테인먼트 산업 쪽은 욕을 할 수 밖에 없는 게...
연예인 팬심으로 지원하는 고스펙 지원자가 워낙 넘쳐나서 어느 걸그룹으로 유명한 Y모 기업 같은 경우는
면접 보러 갔더니 해외 아이비리그 유학파나 영어 원어민 아니면 안뽑는다고 멀리서 면접 보러 와서 한참 기다렸던 사람들 죄다 꺼지라고
하는 거 같은 태도 같은 거로 욕 많이 먹었죠.
심지어 그렇게 입사하는 고스펙자들도 박봉으로 열정페이 받고 일하다가 오래 안다니고 죄다 퇴사 한다는 현실 ㅎㅎㅎ
I live in Seoul and honestly life was easier before covid. I mean meeting people, make few friends and date / having love relationships. After covid is more difficult 😆😆😆
한국에 오래 살면서 한국말을 하나도 못하는 외국인은 겉돌 수밖에 없어요.
저도 외국 여행 가면
처음 인사나 감사합니다 정도는 그나라 말로 하고
그 뒤에 영어로 물어봅니다.
+마지막 콜롬비아 여성은
한국인들은 스페인어를 사용할 필요가 없습니다. 필요하면 본인이 한국어를 배우든지 해야죠.
노인들은 영어에 익숙하지 않아서 외국인과 대화하는 걸 어려워하기 때문에 그러는 거에요.
I totally agree at 4:00 point. Korean people kind of avoid foreigners after covid.
외국인과 한국인과의 차이가 보여지네요. 우리는 외국에 나가면 설사 영어로 질문을해도 못알아들으면 자신들 발음문제로 보는데반해 외국인은 자기들 언어로 말하고 못알아들으면 문제를 상대에서 찾는경향.
All foreigners?
So you are saying Koreans are the best at this versus everyone else? Japanese too?
Don't hurt your hand by patting yourself on the back too much
I love how earnestly people communicate how it is for them to be in Korea and at the same time make sure to say that their rating and comments are made from their vantage point. The cultural differences from the point of view of people coming to Korea from different nations and working in different capacities is very revealing. I admire the interviewer's courage. I imagine he is a strong Korean patriot and he must wince sometimes at unfavorable reviews. But he seems to value the input, which is to his credit. Frankly, these many-sided views build an image of the reality that would help a person considering a work or travel visit to Korea to plan effectively. There is so much to admire about Korea. I hope I can go there one day. If I do, it will be because vidocasts like this one have helped me prepare to have the very best experience and also, hopefully perhaps give back a little to Korea for that experience. I haven't figured out yet how to reciprocate, but I love a two-way street. Maybe I could create a vacation where I could also perform some useful service. To the videocaster and his interviewees, I already am grateful. Thank you.
That UK guy’s accent doesn’t sound like he’s from UK.
If country is safe for women then we can ignore few little problems
I'm surprised they said it's safe considering the prevalence of spy cams, up skirting and stalking.
Excellent answer
Actual it's just in top cities that never sleeps . But generally stats says Korea stand 20th in crime against women that's pretty high
@paradise_070 there's no way it's 20th..I find that extremely hard to believe
The Colombian girl is the feeling of any Latinoamerica in any foreign country, back home we help people even if we don't speak English, or their language, but when we travel it is difficult to find that sentiment, I have been in the USA for 28 years, I speak with an accent, but nothing crazy, and still sometimes I get that " I don't understand what you're saying? " and walk away 😢
Next time she should ask to young people who do study English most of them versus to old people who will have no idea of any English 😅
uhmmm what to say... to be honest, basically korean ppl are very shy and they feel shame and embarasing when they dont speak englishh very well and say something not correctly.
elderly ppl get easily more scared to have conversation than youngers feel. dont get it wrong.
@@jayko2007east asians tend to be extroverted
@@SylvesrerSam : You think so? Koreans, and Japanese are very self-conscious about how they come across to other people. That's why they watch their weight, how they dress, how they talk etc. Americans, which I am, and Europeans are more individualistic, "be yourself, believe in yourself" etc so they are more free to wear, say, and do things without being self-conscious in general.
Yes, there are very shy Americans. I'm an introvert myself, but I've always considered it a perk of being rich to not care about what other people think about you, but now I find it a state of mind for any circumstances whether poor or rich. Sorry for the TL;DR.
@@jacobh9487There is a greater tolerance for dressing more “comfortably” in America. That also helps you become more individualistic.
컨텐츠가 좋네요. 외국인들의 인터뷰를 보면서 그들의 생각이 어떤지 더 이해할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 됐습니다.
It's indian who give9.5,in India many people are vegetarian that i really difficult for us ,i like he said partially married 😂😂😂❤from🇮🇳
과일은 박스채사는게싸고 식자재마트나 로컬큰마트가 좀 더 저렴합니다. 온라인도 저렴하구요.
다만 좋은상품도 있지만 안좋은상품도보내주는 상점도있어서 조심해야해요
The fact that half of the comments here are Koreans crying about foreigners having to learn Korean to be accepted in their society is alarming.
Shake your heads and realize that English is now accepted worldwide as the "international" language. It's what the rest of the world does. Wake up.
When people visit Greece, I don't expect them to speak Greek. I do expect them to speak English. If not sadly i can't communicate with them. If they do, of course we ll talk back to them and have fun together. This is what being polite and kind is.
I do agree that English is the lingua franca now, but you'd be surprised at the number of tourism-oriented people (e.g. cab drivers, inn keepers, etc.) who speak Korean in places like Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc. And even in Western Europe, there are a TON of people who cannot speak English. My God, most of Puerto Rico cannot.
I feel sorry for places like the Philippines and Malta where people willfully erase English in favor of their "native" tongue. But that is their right and even understandable. But to expect entire nations that have had no Anglo-spheric influence to adopt English to be polite and kind is downright ridiculous.
ㅋㅋ일본가서도 그런소리 해봐라ㅋㅋ사람들이 받아들이는지
관광객으로 올때는 한국어 못해도 되지만, 그 나라에서 살려면 그 나라 언어는 필수다...어느나라든지
Just some people who work at tourist attractions should speak English but just normal life people don’t have to speak English because every country has its own language. Greece as well. Every Greek doesn’t have to speak English. How many foreigners do normal people meet a day? For a few foreigners people meet, people should speak English? I don’t think so!! Don’t force it!!
And English was accepted worldwide before not now!!
It's not the premise of acknowldeging English as universal language I necessarily disagree with but the arrogance and entitlement of foreigners coming to another country as a guest expecting ppl to pander and cater to their culture and way of life that's repulsive.
I absolutely agree with first interviewer's saying about pressure. I'm Korean but feel the same thing that she feels.
저는 70대 할머니인데 외국분들이 번역기 보여주면서 길을 물으면 저도 번역기로 알려드립니다.~그런데 대부분 할머니들은 파파고 앱을 깔지 않아서 잘 모릅니다.~그러니까 얼굴을 다른데로 돌리지요.~저는 됄수있는한 꼭 잘 가르쳐 드립니다.
내가 아는 한도에서~
People have Google maps. Who is going around asking for directions in 2024
I wish Jin would interview me haha! Come to Jongno 3 ga.
I would give living in Korea a 7/10 after living here for 6 years. The convenience is amazing, but there are too many people. Every where you go there is a massive crowd, its really irritating.
As a foreigner, a lot of Koreans don't want to interact with me (especially after COVID). No one is rude or mean to me, but it is very isolating and perpetuates the notion that you are OTHER.
On the other hand, Korea is very affordable and the food (Korean food, not foreign food) is amazing!
코로나를 거치며 한국인들끼리의 교류도 아주 많이 줄었어요. 또한 외국에서 마스크 안 쓰는 거나, 아시아인 테러 하는 것 보며 공포나 이질감도 좀 늘고 그랬을 겁니다. 전 지구적으로 세계화의 시대가 끝나고 각자도생의 시대가 시작되었구요, 한국은 지금 더 그런 시절이네요. 세계 모든 다른 곳에 사는 모든 외부인들이 비슷한 어려움을 겪는 시대가 된 거죠.
사람 많은건 인정... 너무 짜증나지만 이건 어쩔 수 없지ㅜㅜ
Do you pay rent?
@@Fintech0912 of course.
I like how you have follow up questions, asking them to give more of detailed explanation to their answers
외국인들도 한국에 오려면 한국어를 공부해야한다고 생각한다 한국인들한테 대화가 안된다고 불평할게 아니라 ~~
기본적으로 그나라에 가려면 그나라 언어를 먼저 알아오는게 예의라고 생각한다
Then probably close the border and stay as North Korea 🇰🇵, North Koreans are probably way kind people and not racist. South Koreans even don’t like their own people with darker skin, cmon you are born with and just adding chemicals to feel superior!!!! If you had to study another language to go to another country we would probably just stay at our own nation. I mean who’s better a person speaking his/her mother tongue and English or a person just wanting to communicate in Korean. You can go to other countries and check the differences.
Loved the Colombiana!
콜롬비아분은 한국을 좀 더 알아야 하실 것같습니다. 외국인들을 존중해서 혹시나 당황할까 방해가 될까 해서 스몰토크를 잘 안거는 성향도 가지고 있습니다. 그외에도 다소 오해를 하시고 계시는듯. 여기는 콜롬비아랑은 많이 다르죠.
Korea is 9/10. it is an amazing country and well developed. love to live here for next 10 more years
Great video Jin! Can you do a video with foreigneres living in Korea that are not English Teachers and wich kind of visa are they getting? Also asking about visa and moving process? Thank you so much :)
너무 멋져요~! 질문도 재미있고 다양한 의견들을 볼수 있어서 좋아요😊 구독눌렀어요 앞으로도 화이팅!!
0:28 Background location is so beautiful ❤️
I think korea is a great country if you at least make an effort to learn korean. I don't think it's impossible to get a job. the safety and health seem pretty good too.
자기객관화가 안되는 인간들의 제일 큰 특징이 남탓만하고 불평만 할줄알지 본인들이 고치고 개선할 생각은 절대안한다는거
그래서인간관계에도 발전이 없는거임 남의 나라왔음 그나라문화를 존중하고 언어도 배워야지 몇년씩 있으면서 기본적인 언어도 습득안하는 인간들보면 욕나온다
The girl from Colombia ❤❤❤❤ love her honesty and her vibe 😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹
Excellent video hope to meet you one day as we are here in sinchon area visiting !
South Korea sounds way safer at night then where I live
Hey can anyone explain how they are living in korea as legally for 9-10 years... Cause i wanna know if they are coming on tourist visa or for tourism purpose then how they change their status and what status was that... Cause i dont recommend people to change their status to g1 visa.... But if the people know direct pathway to live there then the people from other countries dont break their rules and this gonna respectful for them too... If people come there and work there and after that they gone back to their home country...
9:43 집세, 각종 공과금, 교통비, 외식비 등등 모두 합친 전체적인 물가로 보면 한국의 물가 수준은 그렇게 높지 않습니다.
그러나 그로세리 물가만 따로 떼서 본다면 세계에서 가장 비싼 나라 중 하나입니다.
독일, 영국 등 유럽보다 비싸고 미국보다도 비쌉니다.
고작 1인당 GDP 35,000달러 밖에 안되는 나라의 그로세리 가격이 왜 이렇게 비싼지 이해할 수 없어요.
인구에 비해 경작지가 적은 땅에서 소량생산하니 식료품가격이 비쌀수밖에~
수입식료품은 저렴함..
중간유통구조가 영세함
@10:49 I don't eat Beef or Pork and the Menus seem very Gogi-Forward 🤷♂
저도 코로나 이후로 사람들을 잘 만나지 않게 되었어요. 혼자 운동하고 산책하고 집에서 영화를 보고 맥주를 한 캔 마시는 그 안정감과 편안함을 알았거든요ㅋㅋ 약속 잡아서 친구들을 만나면 즐겁긴 하지만 너무 피로해요ㅜㅜ
It also depends on how you make the most of it, how you react to these situations. I am proud of all of you! I can`t wait to live there myself 🤗♥️ See you soon Jin! 🔥
Been here for 20 years. Daily life is a 8/10. Working in Korea is a 4/10. So many corrupt employers...
Foreigners rate Korea 9/10
Koreans rate Korea 5/10
ㅈㄹ한다 아쉬운건 지들인데 무너 맨날 와국인들한테 평가받아야해? 아니 그리고 애초에 한국 오는 와국인들 자체가 대부분 그 나라에서도 좀 이상한 애들이잖아....ㅋㅋㅋ맨날 외국인 비위맞추라는식 이제 지겹다 질문냐용도 거기서거기여
비평이 많아야 사회가 건전해질 것
좋은 영상 감사합니다❤
Jin, where are you from?
Sorry to say this, but the Colombian lady got it wrong. Her mentality towards work is the very reason their country is doing so terribly and the Koreans are doing so well. Think lady.
There's a middle to be found. It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other.
@@squ34ky It doesn't. But you won't get Korea as the country is today if you didn't have super focused, hyper-status-conscious people working to be their very best. You'll get Hungary or Estonia or Czech Republic, but it won't be Korea.
남의 나라 왔으면 최소한 이 나라의 문화를 존중하고 언어라도 배울 노력을 해라. 영어로 씨불렁 거리면서 식민지에 놀러 온 주인님 행세하지 말고 특히 유럽 것들. 적어도 지금은 최소한 니들 보다 비슷하거나 나으니까
콜롬비아 여자는 한국은 물을 쉽게 먹을수 있는것어서 편하고 좋다가 아니라 한국인은 그것을 당연하게 여기면 안된다며 가르치려 드네 언어도 남의 나라 왔으면 본인이 그 나라 언어를 어느정도 배워야지 나이든 한국인들이 영어 스페인어 못한다고 불평하는게 어이없네
The Colombian woman was amazed that there's water available everywhere in Korea because in most Latin countries water is rationed or at times not available for days.
나는 외국인이 한국에 와서 영어때문에 불편하다는말을 이해할수가없다 반대로 한국인이 당신나라에가면 당신나라 사람들은 한국말을 잘한다고 볼수있는가? 한국에와서 한국말을 사용해야지 한국인들이 당신들을위해 전세계언어를 다알고 배워야하나? 생각하는게 진짜 어의없네 한국인들은 외국나가서 한국말이 안통한다고 그걸 그나라 문제로 보는사람은 단 한명도 없을것이다
머리가 뚱뚱하다는 걸 이해하시죠, 형제님 저들은 멍청해요
their attempting to see if you speak English not Expecting you to your not viewing it in the right way,
It would be very easy to politely decline instead of just ignoring someone THAT is rude that’s what this Columbian woman is saying manners is easy
외국인 에게 솔직한 한국에 대 한 느낌을 물어보는 것은 매우
유익한 일이다 좋은일 하는데
우선 감사를 표하고 싶다 티비
프로그램 같은데 보면 예전이
이런 내용의 프로 그램이 잠깐
있다가 사라 졌는데 내 생각에
그 이유는 아직 한국은 외국인
의 모든것을 포용할 많큼 여유
롭지 못하다 는데 있다 그많큼
한국 경제가 발전에 제한적이고
외국인 까지 포용할많큼 덩치가
큰것도 아니고 K드라마니 k팝
이니 그런걸 보고 외국인 들이 한국에 가면 떼돈 버는줄 알고
오는 경향도 많은거 같다 한국
은 서울과 수도권만 벗어나면
지방 큰도시 빼고 일반 지방은
진짜 시골이고 편의 시설이 거
의 없다시피 하니 같은 한국사
람들도 살기 꺼리는데 그러고
보면 서울과 수도권 지방 큰도
시 그거 다 합쳐봤자 얼마나 되
겠나 그곳에 인구80%는 거주할
텐데 사실 외국인 들은 그냥 k팝
이니 k드라마니 보고 여행 왔다
심치고 보고 즐기고 그냥 돌아
갔으면 한다 한국은 사실 일자
리가 모자란 나라고 자원이 풍
부해서 국가에 돈이 많은나라
도 아니고 사실 돈은 빈국이나
다름없다 부체가 엄청 나지만
겨우 무역으로 먹고 사는것 뿐
인데 이제는 무역도 잘 안되서
벌써 적자로 돌아선지 몇년째
인데 사실 한국을 방문하는 그
것도 놀러오는 사람들이 뭐 그
리 유능하고 실력있는 사람들
이겠는가 한국에 놀러와서 특
별한 기술없이 무턱대고 눌러
산다는건 자살행위 이다 예를
들어 같은 실력으로 한국회사
에 취업했다 쳐도 같은 한국사
람끼리도 말도 못하게 치열한
경쟁속에 살아 남는데 영어하
는외국인 이라고 특별대우 받
는다는 생각은 어리석은 생각
이고 탄탄한 기업들은 전문 통
역사도 있고 직윈들 자체도 영
어 잘한다고 한다 아직 한국의
피 말리는 경쟁 사회를 몰라서
하는 말이고 외국인 이라고 특
별하게 대할 이유는 어디에도
1:00 wow i didnt know we made dishwasher humanoids
2:53 come on mate, where are you really from?
Same! I spent his entire portion trying to place that not even close to the UK region accent😂
If they only knew how they get treated the moment they speak actual korean.
Ah I can't pick if I want to live on Korea or Europe. I can pick where to go for my Masters but I can't choose between Europe and Korea 😭 I always loved to work to live. I just really enjoy going to cinema watching a new movie then get a good food from a restaurant near by, that's my idea of fun without working 24/7 if you know what I mean. So I don't know really. Europe seems beautiful, I mean I can take a train visit a city... Korea seems so peaceful? Although I'm a bit scared of what I heard about women privacy.. but I love the culture and I love the food, the way it's cooked and they served it, I also think Koreans eat foods in a healthy way.
돈 있으면 제일 살기 좋은 나라가 한국이다.. 말 통하고 약 순 자산 32억 이상 있으면 한국이 제일 살기 좋을 수도 있다.
basking and cafes. any other activities?
Hiking 😅
That guy is not from the UK/London lol.
I think the columbian girl needs to learn it More english.
I wouldn't understand what you say if you say to me in spanish german or portuguese
It is fine for koreans not to use english, if they dont want to earn foreigner money. Many countries which do not use english as first language do know basic level of english because it is considered international language
The Slovakian guy says the word "like" in every sentence.
무슨 한국와서 영어 안쓴다고 불만을 토하지? 한국왔음 한국어 쓸 노력은 안하고.. 어이가없다
Pulling an overnighter for work? 🤔 I bet you they do NOT get paid.
Depends, if you work for a small business there is a high chance they might not, if you work for a big company they pay you 2~2.5 times your normal hourly rate. So if you want to work in Korea. Improve yourself, get a degree, get a skill set, learn the language to get a good job.
@@Luniciago back on your country why you come on korea
@@Lunicia 🤫
Your channel should be named: “Jin’s Street Interviews”…it is the correct way to say it in English.
A lot of focus on the surgace level of life in korea or purely living here as a foreinger. Things get more complicated when you consider social issues, politics, racism, sizeism, etc. Etc.
I think some utbers could go further with foreigners in Korea other than people from western countries. Some people from Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan. They do physical work, and they seemes to have more kids than Koreans thesedays.(even though they make less money than Koreans , they somehow get by. Many of em live in Anseong, and Jin cheon. 40miles away from Seoul) and also Korean Chinese. Many Koreans do not approve Korean Chinese because they identify themselves with Chinese while taking advantage of Korean medical insurance. And also too much conceited as 'CHINESE'. And Kang Seo Ku is where they live together. I once visited a restaurant there, and wha tsurprised me was that they werent serving Kimch. (I am not saying all restaurants should do so).and Korean Chinese can vote for local elections except Presidential election. Democratic party made that law, because the party knew Korean Chinese were in favor of them.
People from western countries get more spotlight. What is scary to me is. When I see Korean Chinese, I feel like I am looking at myself in the mirror. Koreans would have stayed as them, if U.S and other countries have not helped in Korean warin 1950. Kang seo ku is notroious for being dangerous. And one of the most violent regions in Seoul. When I visited that restaurant in Kang seo ku, I walked shrugging myself, cause I didnt want to cause any trouble with people there. I felt like I was in China. This comment can be subjective
I completely agree with the first half of your sentiment before it turned anti Chinese.
In fact in the past I would have korean friends make comments such as "wow it must be nice to live ad a foreigner in Korea" and I'd often respond that I think what they mean is "western" living in Korea. Often the vast array of foreign citizens is overlooked and many not from western countries go through much different conditions and face other hardships.
@stebo1024 Okay. If Jin has more time and energy, I hope he does a video about people that are not from typical western countries. (I myself had chances to observe them a few times, they looked happier than ordinary, common Koreans. 'Observe' means I did not have any interactions witt them) I just thought to myself 'maybe they are here, because they get paid better, or they feel safer here than their homeland. I did not talk to them, I have no idea where they speak Korean. I dont know what they think and feel about Korea, so my comment also can be subjective
Oh one thing that just popped out of mind. When I was in OSAN, some south asians came close to me and, and talked to me.(4or 5 people and I was waiting at the traffic light) '30000 WON' roughly 30 bucks and he pointed a girl in his group. He was a pimp, and the girl was a prostitute, which is illegal in Korea. It was not a pleasant experience, but I would rather understand. Except that I felt they were a little rude. I guess they are from Thailand
I love that South Korea is safe for women ❤❤❤❤
한국에서 산다는건 한국인조차도 힘듬😢
im scared to move because of the working culture and stuff like that but honestly Korea has a lot of good things about it :)
Stay in your country but not excuses more work means better in your future so dont exuses
please try to be clear on what you mean@@Nopeyes1
To people who questioned that London guy, he said he was from London, not that he’s British. Nuances are important.
His accent doesn't sound British... No idea why he said he is from London😮
Me as a Brazilian can totally understand the Colombian girl 😂 I guess us Latinos are like that.
Yo the second foreigner interviewed doesn’t sound like British, he sound German
@@swift9112 probably he lived in 🇬🇧 before and that’s why he said so
Doesn't sound German either..
For me as a Pole he might be Polish :>
오늘도 외국할머니 두분봤는데
인사하기가 좀 힘들더라 말이 잘안나와 😅
나중에는 외국인한국인구분없이 다 한국사는사람으로써 일상일듯해
Very well defined by Mr ashutosh pandey researcher. He makes us proud by doing international level research in the field of biotechnology making the name of BHARAT at top position. Best wishes from my side
He is from up
lol man from London... If you're from the UK, I must be Ukrainian then
콜럼비아 애는 그냥 스페인어 써주는 너네나라로 돌아갔으면 좋겠어...
내나라와 다른 나라의 물가를 비교하는 자체가 말이 안됩니다. 각자 나라의 정치, 경제의 문제등 사정이 다 틀린데 어찌 비교를 합니까? 우리나라는 과일이 꽤나 비싼건 맞습니다. 하지만 유럽에 비해서 해산물은 그리 비싼편이 아닙니다. 우리나라 식료품값 좀 비쌀 수 있습니다. 하지만 외국에 비해 외식물가는 또 싼 편입니다. 우리나라에서 파는 타국(예를 들어 단적으로 피자, 햄버거, 파스타, 빵등등) 음식 비싼거 맞습니다. 반대로 우리나라 음식 다른 나라에서 똑같이 비쌉니다. 이런식으로 세세하게 비교하면 그냥 자기 나라 주식인 자국에서 사는게 맞는거지요! 영어 못하는 거...? 여긴 영어가 국어가 아닌 한국어가 국어인 대한민국입니다. 아무리 글로벌 시대라고 하지만 모든 사람이 영어로 소통되길 바란다는건 아무리 외국인이라도 이해되질 않습니다. 오히려 그나라에 왔으면 그나라 언어를 배우든 그게 아니라면 그냥 좀 영어를 못한다한들 이해하고 넘어가줄 수 있는거 아닌가요? 그리고, 한국사람들 영어 못해도 최대한 도와줄려고 애씁니다. 어디 디른 나라처럼 도와준다하고 뒤에 돈달라고 요구하지도 않습니다. 그런 고마움은 좀 느꼈음 합니다. 전부 다 이해해 달라고 적은 글이 아닙니다. 하지만, 한국에 와서 한국말이 아닌 영어로 소통되길 원하는건 조금 서양인들 특유의 개인주의에서 오는게 아닌가 하는 생각이 들면서 그건 조금 무례하다고 생각해서 적어봅니다.
문제는 한국인들이 학교에서 영어를 최소 6년을 배우고 10년 이상 배운 사람들도 많은데 그에 비해선 프리토킹이 아주 처참한 수준인 경우가 너무 많다는 겁니다.
프리토킹은 고사하고 유튭 댓글만 봐도 단문 작문조차 어이가 없는 수준이 넘 많아요. 번역기가 있어도 활용도 못함
국뽕 짜내는 얘기 지겨운데 뭔가 더 현실적인 내용이 많아서 좋았어요
English teacher from France!
I appreciate the time you take to interview foreigners and Koreans about topics that affect individuals living in Korea. It may help others to understand a bit more before visiting Korea, be it positive or negative. Understandably keeping in mind that everyone's experience will be different.
2:50 this lad is not british
한국에 왔으면 한국인들에게 영어를 배우길 원하는것보다는 너희들이 한국어를 배우는게 좋지 않을까? ㅎㅎ
왜 언어 문제를 남 탓을 하고 있나 ㅎㅎㅎ
한국에서는 늦은 시간이나 어두운 밤에 남녀 상관 없이 핸드폰 귀중품 손에 쥐고 돌아다니고 신경 없이 다니죠 카페 음식점 공공 장소에서 물건 두고 자리 맡아고 비운게 더 좋음 바지 뒷주머니에 귀중품 두던가 자전거 열쇠없거나 차안에 귀중품 두는거나 아이 혼자서 돌아다닌게 안전하다고는 아님
10점짜리 나라는 존재하지 않을겁니다 그런나라라면 이민자들이 몰려들어 1-2점 감점됩니다
8-9점 나라가 현실적으로 완벽한 나라 7점도 좋은나라임
7점이면 훌륭하죠
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이민자들이 몰려들어 감점ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
치안 교통 의료가 7.8점이네. 다른 건 헬이고.
한국인들도 외국가서 살아보고 점수 매기면 재밌을듯
프랑스여성 참 솔직담백하고 좋아보입니다!!!