This is exactly why replay analysis is great for improving at any game. If you stop playing to watch a replay, you'll always find a moment where you'll go "huh why did I do that?"
I like this vid a lot because it explains positioning a lot better than some other vids I have seen addressing it. Just the usage of stuff like "you decide where the fight is" makes the concept click a lot better.
Coming from a coach (In car ball soccer) A tip I think that is hard for lower ranked players is the optimal route to play well OVERALL. It has too many steps to work on at once. For example, he says he has a hard time thinking about getting out, getting healed, then jumping in again. I think your "don't die" is a good suggestion for that, but I think he needs to focus on the "get out" part because "don't die" is too general. You might stay in if you think you are going to "not die," but you will always try to get out if you are low and think that's the right play always, whether or not you die. (especially as hulk, as if you got out when maybe you didn't need to, you have the ability to get back in quickly). If you are solo queueing (lower ranks) you have to play for yourself even if it is suboptimal sometimes. But as you make these suboptimal plays (that are generally correct) you learn when to break from general rules. If that makes sense? I think learning mental parts of the game should be treated the same way as mechanical, you can't overload all the steps at once or you won't do any mechanical parts well. I think your tips are good, just a little bit too mega mind to be thinking about unless you are already able to do the core concepts (mentally/mechanically). You should keep giving the entire play though and the entire video is a good watch, I think it just needs a little more specificity. I think that helps conceptualize the entire interaction and the more you can break down each step/give them a PART of it to work on, the faster they can learn and get value out of the coaching.
I mean, it really just comes with experience which you can't teach you gotta just play games. Let's say for instance, he plays way too safe, never dies and has no impact on the game. Well technically by what I said he's doing good. So obviously there is some context to the "don't die" which more broadly is, yes value you your own life and pay attention to your hp bar better. Pretty sure I mentioned he had time before cart hit the checkpoint to get another fight, but if I didn't that was the idea. Pick the better of the 2 options between stall for 5 seconds or reset and get another fight. The "why" is important, the "how" to get out is obvious here. Just jump.
@@CaptainCoach No right I think we are saying the same thing. I'm saying he needed to work on "not dying" by "getting out" more often when he is low (the first step of the multi-step plan you told him) than just "not dying". I think most need a set thing to think about/work on instead of the overall concept (for lower ranks looking to improve their game sense) He should be learning to get out basically every time he is low *for now* to get used to getting out/knowing how to get out BEFORE he even gets in, like a baby game plan that starts working towards the overall plan you suggested. This could be you giving him examples of WHERE to get out TO. I think we both agree he's good at staying in! but that is what's getting him killed. And your plan is, imo, completely correct, just I think it is too overwhelming for him (from what he said, maybe it's not) is what I am saying. Basically, I'm not disagreeing at all with what you said or how you said it, just adding a little more context to why it might be hard for him (from when I coached Rocket League stuff, so it's not all entirely transferable) to remember EVERY step of the plan at once, because he can't really even keep up (yet) with the first step of the plan (getting out). And once he's getting out TOO often, almost being TOO safe (but keeping himself alive, which is better than dying needlessly) he will start being able to get more towards the fine line of staying the right amount of time, because for now, he's always staying way too long (and not even trying to leave). To use myself as an (tangential, but not completely same) example: I play a lot of spiderman, and one thing I kept not understanding is how people could cleanly get in/out as Spidey while being useful. I watch tips and someone would say "get in with a couple trackers, do some damage/combo kill, get out, blah blah blah" I missed the implied part for a while until someone explained to me "do some damage" means do that damage to their BACKLINE almost all the time. Obviously there are edge cases, but I COMPLETELY missed the implied and would just "bully" the tank (get knocked up freak B) ), which was doing nothing when 2-3(rip meta) healers were up. Until someone literally TOLD me directly who to go after. That is not on anyone but me for missing the implication/thinking about it more critically, but I didn't even know I WAS missing any implication, because it all goes ok most of the time in lower ranks. Again, your tips are good, not saying you are wrong, just saying I think he needed a little bit more specificity to what I'm thinking you were implying. As sometimes when you are high rank, the things you are implying are not picked up by someone who doesn't even understand what you said literally, let alone the implication of it. So in a way my comment was not to call you out or be like a "gotcha ur not a good coach" (as that is completely annoying and I can relate to that at least), it was just to explain a little bit on why they might be having that specific issue and might help others watching this later to also not miss the implications. Hope that makes sense. I kinda rambled on because I'm bored at my job right now haha.
If I can constructively criticize your constructive criticism: at 19:00, when making long points like this, especially points that are hinged on moment-to-moment gameplay, rewind to the point at which you would've made that decision. That monologue would've been a lot more valuable/understandable if you were at that point and could talk through what makes you think that he's already accomplished what he could with this positioning and that its time to leave/reposition instead of focusing on the more meta-explanation of what makes Hulk good. While important context, and a great insight that I was happy to learn from and is helping reframe how I understand the game, the invuln stuff goes on too long and isn't specific to this fight, imo. I'm new to Rivals and have been looking for coaching content so I'm super happy to find you and loved this video, BTW. So know that that criticism is fully from a place of love. Keep doing good work, man!
15:05 THANK YOU FOR THIS PART! So many times my team gets a team wipe and no one pushes up even a little, like what was the point of winning the the team fight if we're going to let them just resume where they left off fighting on point again
@@mnmnrt with a max of 3-4, but it only moves like maybe double speed with that many there. You'll most often get MORE distance if you stagger the leftover enemies. It's only when you get a clear team fight win, or ideally an ace, and there's no other targets left that you'll stack people on cart. If your team got a few picks and the rest of your team is chasing down the stragglers but you're yelling 'PUSH CART OMG' instead of helping them.. you are throwing your games. Letting them come back as a full six 10-15 seconds earlier, will more often make you lose the next fight and they'll push it back. Compare that to winning the fight and letting it push on it's own speed, you'll get more distance with the won fight. Now.. I don't mean go camp them at spawn, that's stupid, but there's a middle ground that is good. Same thing with objective points. Most objectives are designed where its easier for someone to take it then to hold it, in terms of cover. i.e. the point generally has more open angles that make it easier to kill people standing on it. If you control the objective, you want to push up a bit to take the next fight at a choke instead of ON the point. Plus, that way they aren't automatically contesting it during the fight. It triggers me so hard on the Yggdrasil Throne map, how many people default to going low ground cause 'we just gotta fight on point and we win!' then they lose because the enemy dps and supports have highground cover spots that make them hard to kill.
The amount of wasted ults and unnecessary pushing in this video explains why it’s so hard to rank in gold because of dealing with people who just don’t understand simple strategy 🤦🏼♂️ They should rename the genre from “hero shooter” to “team play hero shooter” maybe then people will get the message
But not all of the characters rely or should be (optimally) playing with the team. Penni when she is being played optimally is almost never with her team and requires very little care from her supports. Spiderman simply is playing his own game and that's totally fine because that's where he thrives.
@ But calling it a "team play shooter" would miss the mark on how the game is played in some occasions. I'm not saying that you should be a maverick and play alone, I'm saying that "Hero Shooter" is a better moniker.
@@Dizzifying1 spiderman has to aim for picks that benefit his team the most in any given situation peni has to create her nest in areas most beneficial for her team, and then play around said nest cutting off flank routes, preventing anyone from getting to point, ect.
Gist of the video is, there is an objective and all your actions should be in the pursuit of getting the obj either locked down or pushed to where it needs to be. Too often gold-plat players think theyre carrying and their team is bad and that their positive KD justifies their playstyle. In reality, their winning a ton of pointless ineffective skirmishes and the enemy team is playing the point better and since the stats and popups on the screen flash and make noise when you get kills or assists, thats all these players think they should be doing. Im in high diamond and ive got a terrible kd and my winrate is very good because im hyper fixated on the point. My main struggle is knowing when to let go of the obj for better gains in the long game.
This is why I hate VOD reviews. The advice is so subjective and divisive, it makes no sense. Like some people think the push on hall at 4:10 is a solid choice if you position half way behind right side to keep pressure. Even though I entirely disagree with that, others think that is the right choice. Even in the early game. The varying advice and contradictions make VOD reviewing so weird and difficult to decipher and no one ever says “This is what I specifically think. Follow the blueprint of what I’m saying and how it applies to YOUR games.” Everyone thinks that if you yell at someone enough it’ll get the point across. It’s so frustrating. That being said, solid VOD review. You’re the first person who I’ve seen actually BRINGS UP that it depends on the situation and you as a player. It’s so refreshing.
@ Again, you were the first person who brought up individuality and the many factors at play. I would 100% trust you if you were reviewing my VOD. You factor in everything including auto pilot and in game thinking which kindve blew my mind. It’s so rare that ever comes up during a VOD review. You’re a super solid player and coach. Definitely subbing
Would you be down to vod a gm tank player who occasionally plays hulk. I dont get to play him often cause hes perma banned and I mainly climbed with mag and strange. But I do enjoy playing hulk and I feel like I'm more a facilitator/disruptor when I play him vs actual hulk mains who can do that but also carry games with the dmg they output and amount of solo kills they get.
I just did free coaching for 23 subscribers today. Will do this once per month, next one will be late February. If you don't want to wait you can join my Mega Hulk Tier Channel Membership for one session a month or toss me a $30 Superchat when Im streaming for 30 minutes.
@@CaptainCoach Are bans liked by the community? to me its stupid and makes it easy to be lazy and not try to learn counterplay or tech to deal with something- I come from the fighting game community though where characters are only banned if they actually completely break the game.Bans shouldn't be in a game just because its a precedent set by mobas or w/e
@@BattleBrotherCastenit adds a bit more strategy to the game and adds variety rather than the same meta characters being the only thing played. Target bans are kind of different but that only applies to a small portion of the player base.
@BattleBrotherCasten it lowers dev burden and allows people to not spend half the game waiting out luna ult, instead being allowed to play the videogame
Dunno why it wasn’t mentioned at all in this coaching session, but tanks need to be using lines of sight wherever possible - just like other roles. The distinction being that you want to engage on corners of cover so that any backline opponents cannot see you as this means you take damage from just the midfield and frontline. In some situations, this can be very helpful as you can back up into the corner so that their tank breaks LOS with their own healers. Secondly, I never saw this player using Hulk's jump to briefly dive the backline when abilities were off cooldown. Hammering on their tanks is completely pointless if they have supports because most tanks cannot out-DPS the healing. This is why all tanks have some way to hit the backline or reach it and then return to a defensive position. Even if you don't KO a support or damage, they'll need to waste abities to recover, play more cautiously or you flanks can finish them off.
I skipped into the amoeba part, got 3-4 seconds of good insight that I've been trying to impart on the team I play with. easy way to visualize it with that breakdown.
Even mouse settings is if you find yourself overflicking targets or struggling to control flicks, your sens is too high if you find yourself not able to do 180° turns, then your sens is too low
On hulk i always like low sens as it makes me able to flick and jump out of a situation fast, i play on max sens but thats kinda just me cause my aim is still really solid on max sensitivity
Main things tanks gotta do is, watch your healers, don’t overheat and push in, stay as close to the point as possible unless you can go head but again that goes back to the point of watching your healers don’t go ahead if your healers can’t reach you.
Fighting after losing point isn't that bad in this situation because it does stall movement of cart and is far enough away to potentially add an extra needed team fight to hit next checkpoint. It's possible that by fighting this far forward and denying can actually lead to 4 lost team fights to hit next checkpoint. There is a space right after this that will lead to only 2-3 teamfights needed to hit checkpoint, and as long as you can run back in time to hit that threshold then this is a free fight because it doesn't change attempts you'll have to stop movement at all.
Depends. If you can't get out, dying on cart is the play. If you can get out, your team can regroup faster and may have a better chance at controlling high ground and dictating where the next fight takes place.
14:30 In this situation where they are just absolutely screwed, is it worth delaying their deaths to stagger to team more? Sometimes, I get them to 1 shot and just hold off for a few more seconds, then tap them.
I'll be honest this guy you're reviewing does not sound very coachable lol You were very kindly trying to make an analogy and he's like "MYEH YES I KNOW WHAT AN AMOEBA IS BLEHH"
Im only 12 minutes in so this might be mentioned later but i feel like this video / seeing my friends from apex are doing something that i feel is wrong so someone please let me know. But the player and a lot of the team is going at the vanguards too much and not at all shooting at the support which is causing a lot of lost fights. Ive had my random friends shouting to focus (insert tank) while I'm flanking the supports because no one is doing enough damage to kill the vanguards through the supports healing
I'm not great at this game but after watching a bunch of high level Hulk gameplay they jump every 3 or 4 hits. The constant movement and forcing the enemies to look at you then look away seems to be so much of what Hulk brings to the fight.
Yo………… I noticed your good plays are only outdoors.😢. lol. How do you fair on an indoor maps. You say impose your will, you say no consent, which works.😅 (support sucks) but I would like to know how you fair on indoor maps. Can please make a video on that so I can continue ruining people.
Is this dude on console cuz like there's zero issue I find in gold about zero communication and is he not aware that tanks are supposed to make space like keep them away from the cart. Don't let them come back to the cart. This dude's going to be hard stuck gold for a while
@@JoshThompson25 Nice ty for checking. Makes sense seeing as he already has a huge buff to health during that ult so shileds would seem unfair, plus some of the sheild utility is generating ult, and you can gennerate ult when ulting haha. (Makes lore sense too that he';s less likely to shield allies when in full rage).
@@BattleBrotherCasten Bans are amazing. They keep the game from maintaining a single stale meta, and instead force players to learn to flex, and play around different team comps. Is the system perfect? No. But it aids in balancing and player choice.
can we normalize not teaching people how to be good at video games they need to learn themselves like deadass we need to stop this shit in 2025 idgaf how many views you get this shit is just sad 😂😂
All these teaching you how to play boil down to just having awareness and what's the best thing to do given the situation. Some people just don't ever get that
This player has problems with target prioritization. Does not use spit and ignores the ability to climb to heights and climb walls. He plays like Strange, but he has no impact. He is pulled along solely by his team. That is why he got into gold. And so this is a game for bronze. Disgusting hulk.
"Disgusting Hulk" disgusting comment more like. Playing Hulk hinges on crucial split-second decision-making almost all game. It's rough, unintuitive, and way more punishing than other tanks like Strange. Relatively speaking this player at least did fine, and is on a better track to getting better than like 99% of the playerbase, certainly on a better track than you just trashing his gameplay from the convenience of just watching it get picked apart like this by someone actually constructively helping him out
How are Steven Universe fans always the most toxic people, delusional people on the planet? Why is this such a consistent stereotype with your community?
8:18 “I don’t remember why I chose to fight these guys” 90% of my mistakes playing Hulk. Banner leaves and so does my impulse control
Every hulk player has a hulk on one shoulder telling them to smash and a banner on the other telling them to play smarter😂
Banner: Reset and die with team, the fight is lost. Me, hulk brained: Hulk smash them
@@NoChylDyl love that lol
This is exactly why replay analysis is great for improving at any game. If you stop playing to watch a replay, you'll always find a moment where you'll go "huh why did I do that?"
I like this vid a lot because it explains positioning a lot better than some other vids I have seen addressing it. Just the usage of stuff like "you decide where the fight is" makes the concept click a lot better.
Coming from a coach (In car ball soccer) A tip I think that is hard for lower ranked players is the optimal route to play well OVERALL. It has too many steps to work on at once. For example, he says he has a hard time thinking about getting out, getting healed, then jumping in again. I think your "don't die" is a good suggestion for that, but I think he needs to focus on the "get out" part because "don't die" is too general. You might stay in if you think you are going to "not die," but you will always try to get out if you are low and think that's the right play always, whether or not you die. (especially as hulk, as if you got out when maybe you didn't need to, you have the ability to get back in quickly). If you are solo queueing (lower ranks) you have to play for yourself even if it is suboptimal sometimes. But as you make these suboptimal plays (that are generally correct) you learn when to break from general rules. If that makes sense?
I think learning mental parts of the game should be treated the same way as mechanical, you can't overload all the steps at once or you won't do any mechanical parts well. I think your tips are good, just a little bit too mega mind to be thinking about unless you are already able to do the core concepts (mentally/mechanically). You should keep giving the entire play though and the entire video is a good watch, I think it just needs a little more specificity. I think that helps conceptualize the entire interaction and the more you can break down each step/give them a PART of it to work on, the faster they can learn and get value out of the coaching.
I mean, it really just comes with experience which you can't teach you gotta just play games. Let's say for instance, he plays way too safe, never dies and has no impact on the game. Well technically by what I said he's doing good. So obviously there is some context to the "don't die" which more broadly is, yes value you your own life and pay attention to your hp bar better. Pretty sure I mentioned he had time before cart hit the checkpoint to get another fight, but if I didn't that was the idea. Pick the better of the 2 options between stall for 5 seconds or reset and get another fight. The "why" is important, the "how" to get out is obvious here. Just jump.
@@CaptainCoach No right I think we are saying the same thing. I'm saying he needed to work on "not dying" by "getting out" more often when he is low (the first step of the multi-step plan you told him) than just "not dying". I think most need a set thing to think about/work on instead of the overall concept (for lower ranks looking to improve their game sense) He should be learning to get out basically every time he is low *for now* to get used to getting out/knowing how to get out BEFORE he even gets in, like a baby game plan that starts working towards the overall plan you suggested. This could be you giving him examples of WHERE to get out TO. I think we both agree he's good at staying in! but that is what's getting him killed. And your plan is, imo, completely correct, just I think it is too overwhelming for him (from what he said, maybe it's not) is what I am saying.
Basically, I'm not disagreeing at all with what you said or how you said it, just adding a little more context to why it might be hard for him (from when I coached Rocket League stuff, so it's not all entirely transferable) to remember EVERY step of the plan at once, because he can't really even keep up (yet) with the first step of the plan (getting out). And once he's getting out TOO often, almost being TOO safe (but keeping himself alive, which is better than dying needlessly) he will start being able to get more towards the fine line of staying the right amount of time, because for now, he's always staying way too long (and not even trying to leave).
To use myself as an (tangential, but not completely same) example: I play a lot of spiderman, and one thing I kept not understanding is how people could cleanly get in/out as Spidey while being useful. I watch tips and someone would say "get in with a couple trackers, do some damage/combo kill, get out, blah blah blah" I missed the implied part for a while until someone explained to me "do some damage" means do that damage to their BACKLINE almost all the time. Obviously there are edge cases, but I COMPLETELY missed the implied and would just "bully" the tank (get knocked up freak B) ), which was doing nothing when 2-3(rip meta) healers were up. Until someone literally TOLD me directly who to go after. That is not on anyone but me for missing the implication/thinking about it more critically, but I didn't even know I WAS missing any implication, because it all goes ok most of the time in lower ranks.
Again, your tips are good, not saying you are wrong, just saying I think he needed a little bit more specificity to what I'm thinking you were implying. As sometimes when you are high rank, the things you are implying are not picked up by someone who doesn't even understand what you said literally, let alone the implication of it. So in a way my comment was not to call you out or be like a "gotcha ur not a good coach" (as that is completely annoying and I can relate to that at least), it was just to explain a little bit on why they might be having that specific issue and might help others watching this later to also not miss the implications.
Hope that makes sense. I kinda rambled on because I'm bored at my job right now haha.
If I can constructively criticize your constructive criticism: at 19:00, when making long points like this, especially points that are hinged on moment-to-moment gameplay, rewind to the point at which you would've made that decision. That monologue would've been a lot more valuable/understandable if you were at that point and could talk through what makes you think that he's already accomplished what he could with this positioning and that its time to leave/reposition instead of focusing on the more meta-explanation of what makes Hulk good.
While important context, and a great insight that I was happy to learn from and is helping reframe how I understand the game, the invuln stuff goes on too long and isn't specific to this fight, imo.
I'm new to Rivals and have been looking for coaching content so I'm super happy to find you and loved this video, BTW. So know that that criticism is fully from a place of love. Keep doing good work, man!
"Dont stand in nuclear explosions." - Thumbnail
How else will I become hulk?
Hulk would think that’s pretty based
someone should've told this to the citizens if nagasaki and hiroshima
15:05 THANK YOU FOR THIS PART! So many times my team gets a team wipe and no one pushes up even a little, like what was the point of winning the the team fight if we're going to let them just resume where they left off fighting on point again
I HAVE THE SAME ISSUE, my teammates will never push up
When he said "i like to stay by the cart" I was fucking triggered.
@nimnogaparus The cart moves faster when you're near it
@@mnmnrt they’re on defense tho
@@mnmnrt with a max of 3-4, but it only moves like maybe double speed with that many there. You'll most often get MORE distance if you stagger the leftover enemies. It's only when you get a clear team fight win, or ideally an ace, and there's no other targets left that you'll stack people on cart. If your team got a few picks and the rest of your team is chasing down the stragglers but you're yelling 'PUSH CART OMG' instead of helping them.. you are throwing your games. Letting them come back as a full six 10-15 seconds earlier, will more often make you lose the next fight and they'll push it back. Compare that to winning the fight and letting it push on it's own speed, you'll get more distance with the won fight. Now.. I don't mean go camp them at spawn, that's stupid, but there's a middle ground that is good.
Same thing with objective points. Most objectives are designed where its easier for someone to take it then to hold it, in terms of cover. i.e. the point generally has more open angles that make it easier to kill people standing on it. If you control the objective, you want to push up a bit to take the next fight at a choke instead of ON the point. Plus, that way they aren't automatically contesting it during the fight. It triggers me so hard on the Yggdrasil Throne map, how many people default to going low ground cause 'we just gotta fight on point and we win!' then they lose because the enemy dps and supports have highground cover spots that make them hard to kill.
this is amazing content! i needed this a lot. please do more coach! this is awesome.
Click 'M' while in freecam to have it move faster. After you've done this, you can also hold 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' to speed up or slow down a bit more.
IDK how I got this video in my feed but damn im glad it did. Great information and breakdown. +1 Sub
Stopping strange portal with hulk exile is the best feeling ever
The amount of wasted ults and unnecessary pushing in this video explains why it’s so hard to rank in gold because of dealing with people who just don’t understand simple strategy 🤦🏼♂️ They should rename the genre from “hero shooter” to “team play hero shooter” maybe then people will get the message
But not all of the characters rely or should be (optimally) playing with the team. Penni when she is being played optimally is almost never with her team and requires very little care from her supports. Spiderman simply is playing his own game and that's totally fine because that's where he thrives.
@ ofc u missed the point.
@ But calling it a "team play shooter" would miss the mark on how the game is played in some occasions. I'm not saying that you should be a maverick and play alone, I'm saying that "Hero Shooter" is a better moniker.
@@Dizzifying1 brother ur still missing the point oml
@@Dizzifying1 spiderman has to aim for picks that benefit his team the most in any given situation
peni has to create her nest in areas most beneficial for her team, and then play around said nest
cutting off flank routes, preventing anyone from getting to point, ect.
4:53 is the best part. i love an amoeba non-sequitur
Gist of the video is, there is an objective and all your actions should be in the pursuit of getting the obj either locked down or pushed to where it needs to be.
Too often gold-plat players think theyre carrying and their team is bad and that their positive KD justifies their playstyle. In reality, their winning a ton of pointless ineffective skirmishes and the enemy team is playing the point better and since the stats and popups on the screen flash and make noise when you get kills or assists, thats all these players think they should be doing.
Im in high diamond and ive got a terrible kd and my winrate is very good because im hyper fixated on the point. My main struggle is knowing when to let go of the obj for better gains in the long game.
This is why I hate VOD reviews. The advice is so subjective and divisive, it makes no sense. Like some people think the push on hall at 4:10 is a solid choice if you position half way behind right side to keep pressure. Even though I entirely disagree with that, others think that is the right choice. Even in the early game. The varying advice and contradictions make VOD reviewing so weird and difficult to decipher and no one ever says “This is what I specifically think. Follow the blueprint of what I’m saying and how it applies to YOUR games.”
Everyone thinks that if you yell at someone enough it’ll get the point across. It’s so frustrating. That being said, solid VOD review. You’re the first person who I’ve seen actually BRINGS UP that it depends on the situation and you as a player. It’s so refreshing.
Yeah it's tough a lot of factors can come into play like CDs, heroes, etc
@ Again, you were the first person who brought up individuality and the many factors at play. I would 100% trust you if you were reviewing my VOD. You factor in everything including auto pilot and in game thinking which kindve blew my mind. It’s so rare that ever comes up during a VOD review. You’re a super solid player and coach. Definitely subbing
Would you be down to vod a gm tank player who occasionally plays hulk. I dont get to play him often cause hes perma banned and I mainly climbed with mag and strange. But I do enjoy playing hulk and I feel like I'm more a facilitator/disruptor when I play him vs actual hulk mains who can do that but also carry games with the dmg they output and amount of solo kills they get.
I just did free coaching for 23 subscribers today. Will do this once per month, next one will be late February. If you don't want to wait you can join my Mega Hulk Tier Channel Membership for one session a month or toss me a $30 Superchat when Im streaming for 30 minutes.
@@CaptainCoach Are bans liked by the community? to me its stupid and makes it easy to be lazy and not try to learn counterplay or tech to deal with something- I come from the fighting game community though where characters are only banned if they actually completely break the game.Bans shouldn't be in a game just because its a precedent set by mobas or w/e
@@BattleBrotherCasten In some cases there is no counterplay. See: support ultimates.
@@BattleBrotherCastenit adds a bit more strategy to the game and adds variety rather than the same meta characters being the only thing played. Target bans are kind of different but that only applies to a small portion of the player base.
@BattleBrotherCasten it lowers dev burden and allows people to not spend half the game waiting out luna ult, instead being allowed to play the videogame
"When in doubt, jump out"
It was right there for the taking. 😂
This is why I play exactly three qp matches before queueing ranked. Get all that aggression and impatience out early.
Good idea dude! I genuinely like this plan lol
Dunno why it wasn’t mentioned at all in this coaching session, but tanks need to be using lines of sight wherever possible - just like other roles. The distinction being that you want to engage on corners of cover so that any backline opponents cannot see you as this means you take damage from just the midfield and frontline. In some situations, this can be very helpful as you can back up into the corner so that their tank breaks LOS with their own healers.
Secondly, I never saw this player using Hulk's jump to briefly dive the backline when abilities were off cooldown. Hammering on their tanks is completely pointless if they have supports because most tanks cannot out-DPS the healing. This is why all tanks have some way to hit the backline or reach it and then return to a defensive position. Even if you don't KO a support or damage, they'll need to waste abities to recover, play more cautiously or you flanks can finish them off.
Good morning Coach🫡
Good video. I hope you do more of these so you become more fluent with how you talk through things
I skipped into the amoeba part, got 3-4 seconds of good insight that I've been trying to impart on the team I play with. easy way to visualize it with that breakdown.
Thank you Coach for teaching us 🫡
Coach, you think you could make a vid about your best settings for hulk? I think myself and other aspiring hulk players would find that helpful
Like what settings?
Just find whatever mouse sensitivity feels good other than he’s hulk there’s no best settings
Even mouse settings is
if you find yourself overflicking targets or struggling to control flicks, your sens is too high
if you find yourself not able to do 180° turns, then your sens is too low
On hulk i always like low sens as it makes me able to flick and jump out of a situation fast, i play on max sens but thats kinda just me cause my aim is still really solid on max sensitivity
@@canadasyrup2125 I run 3250 dpi with 2.5 sens in game I think
Even as a gm player right now this still useful thank you
Great video
Thank you Coach
Love this format Coach. Thanks and keep it up!
BTW 10 commandments of Hulk video would be FIRE...
haven't watched the video yet but excited to learn a lot, currently gold 1 atm.
Love the coaching session content.
Really appreciate you coach thanx man.
bro marvel rivals content creators are soooo goated where is this typa stuff for fighting games
Ive barely played the hulk because of the hero bans in gm lobbies but when i do get him i feel like a kid playing monster won 14/20 matches
Main things tanks gotta do is, watch your healers, don’t overheat and push in, stay as close to the point as possible unless you can go head but again that goes back to the point of watching your healers don’t go ahead if your healers can’t reach you.
22:12 please let us know the 10 commandments of Hulking coach
Subbed cuz I needed to hear this
Best tip I can give any Hulk player, ABC - Always Be Charging.
Lol, love the vids, lets me know I'm doing some things right, and some things really right.
Fighting after losing point isn't that bad in this situation because it does stall movement of cart and is far enough away to potentially add an extra needed team fight to hit next checkpoint. It's possible that by fighting this far forward and denying can actually lead to 4 lost team fights to hit next checkpoint. There is a space right after this that will lead to only 2-3 teamfights needed to hit checkpoint, and as long as you can run back in time to hit that threshold then this is a free fight because it doesn't change attempts you'll have to stop movement at all.
feeds em ult charge though, so its tough to say. probably depends on situation.
Depends. If you can't get out, dying on cart is the play. If you can get out, your team can regroup faster and may have a better chance at controlling high ground and dictating where the next fight takes place.
In this situation where they are just absolutely screwed, is it worth delaying their deaths to stagger to team more? Sometimes, I get them to 1 shot and just hold off for a few more seconds, then tap them.
I'll be honest this guy you're reviewing does not sound very coachable lol
You were very kindly trying to make an analogy and he's like "MYEH YES I KNOW WHAT AN AMOEBA IS BLEHH"
Buddy sounded stubborn too he is legit one of those players you can't tell he's playing bad 😂
Im only 12 minutes in so this might be mentioned later but i feel like this video / seeing my friends from apex are doing something that i feel is wrong so someone please let me know. But the player and a lot of the team is going at the vanguards too much and not at all shooting at the support which is causing a lot of lost fights.
Ive had my random friends shouting to focus (insert tank) while I'm flanking the supports because no one is doing enough damage to kill the vanguards through the supports healing
I'm not great at this game but after watching a bunch of high level Hulk gameplay they jump every 3 or 4 hits. The constant movement and forcing the enemies to look at you then look away seems to be so much of what Hulk brings to the fight.
Yo………… I noticed your good plays are only outdoors.😢. lol. How do you fair on an indoor maps. You say impose your will, you say no consent, which works.😅 (support sucks) but I would like to know how you fair on indoor maps. Can please make a video on that so I can continue ruining people.
Can hulk comp fight triple support? How to counter triple support comp😅ty for any help
It's annoying. Best thing to do is move around a lot and find stragglers
Do you offer coaching for venom? I'm stuck in plat.
Watch matches of better players than you.
Hey of the vanguards what do u recommend also i am a bp main and would love you to review me tape
@@maximusmurner Strange when no tank or Thor to carry
Any tips for console players
1:30 any healer has had a hulk do this on the same map multiple times in the Same game.
Also whag vanguards are the funnest to play
What is my boy Blox doing on UA-cam
Can you review my groot gameplay? I got to plat 3 name is dizzydank
Is this dude on console cuz like there's zero issue I find in gold about zero communication and is he not aware that tanks are supposed to make space like keep them away from the cart. Don't let them come back to the cart. This dude's going to be hard stuck gold for a while
You should tell your viewers to watch the replay themselves before they submit the replay for coaching.
At 17:31 you say "i would have jumped out there". I dont play much hulk but hulk cant jump when in ult if im correct.
Incorrect. He can absolutely jump while in ult form.
@Spamhard ok thanks. He can't shield is what it is. I knew there was something he couldn't do
@@JoshThompson25 yeah i think you're right with that. he loses an ability for sure, and i think it might be shield.
@@Spamhard its shield i logged in to see
@@JoshThompson25 Nice ty for checking. Makes sense seeing as he already has a huge buff to health during that ult so shileds would seem unfair, plus some of the sheild utility is generating ult, and you can gennerate ult when ulting haha.
(Makes lore sense too that he';s less likely to shield allies when in full rage).
It's so hard trying to main hulk right now when every game he gets banned 😒
bans are stupid..if you cant handle something then practice it..
@@BattleBrotherCasten Bans are amazing. They keep the game from maintaining a single stale meta, and instead force players to learn to flex, and play around different team comps. Is the system perfect? No. But it aids in balancing and player choice.
No offense to the gu playing hulk, but as a HULK MAIN this pains me to watch😭
hulk shield=" your powered up get in there "_overwatch
He's level 50 don't know when you got a point you respawn near wtf
This dude has tried to fist fight people in a Luna ultimate on more than two occasions fucking why you do know that's useless right?
30 fps I cannot watch
can we normalize not teaching people how to be good at video games they need to learn themselves like deadass we need to stop this shit in 2025 idgaf how many views you get this shit is just sad 😂😂
Literally, this shyt is corny. 😂😂
All these teaching you how to play boil down to just having awareness and what's the best thing to do given the situation. Some people just don't ever get that
This player has problems with target prioritization. Does not use spit and ignores the ability to climb to heights and climb walls. He plays like Strange, but he has no impact. He is pulled along solely by his team. That is why he got into gold. And so this is a game for bronze. Disgusting hulk.
new players in low rank? baffling discovery
"Disgusting Hulk" disgusting comment more like. Playing Hulk hinges on crucial split-second decision-making almost all game. It's rough, unintuitive, and way more punishing than other tanks like Strange. Relatively speaking this player at least did fine, and is on a better track to getting better than like 99% of the playerbase, certainly on a better track than you just trashing his gameplay from the convenience of just watching it get picked apart like this by someone actually constructively helping him out
Commenting for the ratio from the moon man
How are Steven Universe fans always the most toxic people, delusional people on the planet? Why is this such a consistent stereotype with your community?
Please do one of these with Strange!
I have one recorded, tomorrow is Thor though!
@ I would be honored to have you critique one of my matches man. Went high Plat last season and am really just looking to get better with Strange.