Very handy. This is the type of advice I prefer. I can't tell you how many "guides" are just reading the character's ability screen and calling it there. Now all I need to understand is how to really stay with the team better. Sometimes as a tank I push in and suddenly no one is with me and I get ko'd. I have a hard time keeping track of where everyone is.
As a tank main I realized a lot of people wanna be the main character but use your coms and if they wanna play as a team they will fall back or push with you as needed. Best advice. Sometimes you see a push they don't or vice versa also
There definitely are players who don't know how to push. You may be taking really good opportunities, but the team doesn't fallow up. Definitely don't let a bad team bait you into bad engagements.
Another thing is keep an eye on the kill feed to keep tabs of who has the advantage at any time. I suggest adjusting the announcer volumes for kos and teammate deaths as well
As a Hulk main I find that is a problem too, especially with his leap. A common way for people to play this game, at least at lower levels is to sit back and take potshots at the enemy and ignoring the tank moving in. I have had a few matches where I ask people to heal me and peel and it works out and they listen, but it's nice when I don't have to say anything. With Tanks, a huge playstyle is diving. Which means going in as deep as you see fit, landing some damage, tanking some hits, and baiting aggro then running back and getting healed. This can help your team gain some ground, or better yet, make an opening for some eliminations. It really all depends on team confidence.
As a healer main I'd love to see more of a breakdown on general positioning and strategy tips. I find it's a lot harder because you are so dependant on your team members positioning that you're sometimes left wide open trying to heal them if they're out of position
The best positioning, according to most players seems to be right in the open field and even better if it's right in front of the spawn of the enemy team so they can hit "heal me" multiple times behind a wall and tell how bad his supports are bad in chat after he dies and they take point because he gave them the numbers, positioning, healing (from spawn), and spawning point advantage.
Currently the map I had struggled with is Spider-Islands Convoy stretch 1 and 2. First stretch bc so many closed spaces and second stretch bc too open. Thanks to you, I just explored the map and learned more spots where I can break walls & floors while near health packs and have better advantage where I can flank and peek at the enemy. Now I can practice them. Thx!
This is the single best positioning guide ive seen. Thank you so much! Other videos get convoluted pretty quickly and are hard to follow going into the variables of positing. Great simple explanation!
Great video that should have way more views. If you're a new player, understanding the concepts in this video will help you way more than watching 1000 "get better aim now" or "master Hero X in 15 minutes" videos.
@@OctaviusWasHere Thor is an off tank DPS/vanguard or peekaboo tank. In his domination example if ur winning I use the middle column mostly as Thor and peek around it because I could snipe with awakening or wait for them to get close depending on the number of foes. If im losing i place my self around corners or the outer walls to get the jump on my enemies. If you're flanking play like his wolverine example if you're the main tank use that center column as your holding ground imo. Hopefully I helped a little tanks are different with us being in the open alot more often. Hope he drops a vid soon
@@brolymaestromagma3535 I like helping Thor with Hulk's shields. I find that Thor is great with a little support in any way. Whatever gives him an edge. How does he handle solo tanking or 1v1 situations?
@measlesplease1266 solo he needs a healer definitely. I usually depend on timing my awakening and depending on the situation when to use it. He can snipe enemies in the sky or far away, he can melt any tank in the game if he catches a 1v1. recently I find it very helpful to engage a tank with hammer throw use your bubble and after popping awakening immediately turn to his support getting rid of the healers and they always seem surprised lol and If i am unalived that leaves all my dps and healers with maybe a tank so they should destroy them. Thor is great when you find his rhythm with hammer swings. Three basic hits between each hammer swing I believe keep enemies staggered while maintaining shield for increased health. His ability to generate shield saves him most of the time so well timed hammer swings are key as well basically your main movement for escaping and attacking. He also can flank if needed so if a tank is engaged with my dps I can also hit the back line then engage the other tank and team wipe with a good flank. So basically it's all about timing positions and knowing when to engage he's definitely no magneto who can stand in front almost forever lol unless you have great healers. I think he is pretty good though he can jump in and out, Regen quick health and get his high damage awakening quickly to melt any enemy as long as you move quickly and know who to engage.
I just want a really good guide for thor because I have no idea how to get good at Thor Because I keep thinking that he is a bad character But everyone beats me with thor I have seen lots of thor mvps Like what I’m I doing wrong ?
Thank you for the video. I appreciate the insight Dazs. I had a thought, something I don't think I've ever seen talked about it in a video; how do you handle enemy respawning? Is there a term for this? Let's say you win a fight due for any reason, but now the enemy is respawning what do you do now. I hope you can go over this in a future video.
I apologize, my comment did not go through on my phone. I think the term is staggering your fights. In overwatch I think they call it something else. But its important if you can get your opponent to stagger their spawns. Means they will keep coming in one at a time. Also anticipate ultimates. If you notice they are taking time to regroup, it may seem like you are dominating, but they are planning perhaps a Dr. Strange portal, or perhaps moving in with an ultimate to push you off of point. You need to counter ult, or be ready to use a support ultimate for big incoming damage.
in addition, the maps aren't really the game's strong suit, some has weird corridors or rooms that no one uses, and it isn't even a flank path and 2 door spawn points
@@measlesplease1266Doesn’t make what they said any less true. Game’s been in development for 5 years. Lol, they didn’t start making it a month ago. With that said, it’ll hopefully get better. I at least like the aesthetics of the maps. Very different. But the pathing could definitely use some work.
@@MicDubTV I'd say the symbiote map is the worst for it and then there's a room on the black panther statue map near the defender spawn where when you walk in you have to walk right out again. I haven't had a problem other than that.
@@measlesplease1266 I know exactly which spot you mean and since it's not always the same map, I usually always go down that path and after I leave it I think "damn, again".
This guide was really good. I would love to see a video about how to position as melee characters specially. I feel like I’ve got a decent idea of how to apply these concepts to characters with range but I’m still struggling to work out how to do it with melee characters and would love to see a deeper dive into it.
Please do a series of this for every map! Just this one alone I learned a couple of great vantage points. Also maybe a destructible terrain tips and tricks?
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is the first time someone takes the time to explain this in depth and show it ! Instead of making us watch a game. You are amazing and explain things so well! I subscribed and hope to see more video's like this one for the other maps ❤️
Dazs is one of the most articulate teachers on this site! Always impressed with your ability to understand the most effective ways to play the FPS games i see you making content for. Always appreciate you humility and willingness to thoughtfully explain complicated and nuanced topics in an easy to understand way! Best of luck to you in your content creation journey
I know she's not popular but some help with storm would be awesome. Thanks so much for everything you've done so far. Definitely helping this noob out. ✌🏾
She's definitely become popular after the buff. I don't think she's S tier but people in higher rankings seem to think she's ban worthy lmao. As a support main I think my best advice is to STAY WITH YOUR TEAM. People fly high with storm but then she doesn't give any buffs and due to slow movement speed is easy to shoot down. Your job with storm is to buff your team, keep your tanks fast, mix in a few damage boosts, and then use her ultimate to clear a wave if necessary. Don't worry if you're not getting ko's outside of thatit is helpful but storm is primarily a supporting character so while she can get kills it's not as important as staying alive to buff your team. Also, if your team doesn't have a tank, I wouldn't recommend using her as she will become the primary target of the enemy team and supports alone can't keep her alive.
@@void_4871 Thanks my guy. I had a few heroes by I was looking at for alternative like Sue, Thor, or Psylock nothing nailed down. Thanks so much for the advice. I will be implementing it immediately. Please keep up the good work it's gold. ✌🏾
solid introduction to these higher level concepts. After your point of not being predictable I'd only add in the use of the chronovision. 12:00 after the concept you could've turned to the left and spoke a little on destructables for creating other vantage points to release pressure. you mentioned the terrain change slightly earlier in the guide and this would only reinforce it as you closed out the video.
Positioning is a skill I'm trying to improve on. I had NO CLUE when playing Overwatch, but now I have a much easier grasp on it. Great video and concept no one seems to cover. Would love for you to go over specific maps ❤
Something that I wish people made more known is just because you watch these "guides" doesn't mean you'll instantly be better, alpt of people will just tey to copt you but still get lost because their gamesense isn't Great
Loved your Apex educational guides and now I'm playing Marvel I'm so happy you're doing educational videos over here too. Actual lessons, not clickbait. Love it, keep up the great work! Keep the educational content coming! I need help :D
Interesting video gave me a lot to think about. Liked that you touch upon the difference between melee and range characters. I’m curious about a strategist who needs to be near their team for heals
I appreciate your guide, man! It's especially important to break down how important positioning is in these kinds of games. Can't tell you how many matches I've had where teammates (or even I) have bad positioning then get punished for it. The custom game thing is also a tool I've learned recently when I wanted to get Wolverine practice in without pissing off teammates. Ha ha ha! It's super handy!
New to hero shooters but love strategy games in general. This is the advice I needed. I think another video of breaking down gameplay would be great. As a tank main, I tend to over extend. Its hard to get a feel for pushing and dropping back when you're in the middle of the chaos Example: using the zones, if the convoy is C but the main team battle is happening on B, when do I push, etc? I think seeing it in real-time would be really helpful
Hey Daz glad your making vids for rivals. Hope your wife and son are doing good. You helped me out a lot with your Solo Mirage guides when I was playing Apex a while back and was wondering if you could do the same with Loki. People are telling me to switch and just play Luna but my man is just fun ya know. It's hard to get my positioning AND my clones positioning down to fully help the team. Love the vid as always and for now I'll use it as reference.
I've been trying out Loki (I main rocket but sometimes he don't work well with the team) and smth I don't think a lot of players know is that his clones drastically improve his healing abilities. You can only have 2 up at a time so I would say plant them on opposite sides of your team (two walls for instance) where they aren't blocked and just stand somewhat behind them and heal. Standing still increases the likelihood that you get mistaken for a clone and Loki's movement is doodoo anyway so you probably should just stay still with minimal movement, if it's payload just hop on the convoy and spawn a clone beside you. His invisibility is the only time he can heal (separate from the runes) but do keep in mind that taking any damage will make you visible and interrupt the process.
Good stuff man I appreciate the help. New player coming over from COD so it’s a lot of new concepts and strats for me. Just started playing yesterday. I appreciate the quality content that’s not click bait too!
NGL all this shit just seems like basic knowledge however I will admit in the heat of battle I wasn’t thinking like this. Just more reacting to what’s happening rather than thinking about what I am doing. So well done.
Nice. Would be great to have vids analysing in-game footage where someone took/lost an advantageous position and how they succeeded/failed to maintain pressure after retreating, perhaps.
Yes thanks bro. Im stuck in bronze as a vanguard/dps main, Peni Parker Magneto and Namor. Im either on the Frontline or flanking the Frontline. More vids bro, cheers!
As someone who played a lot of Starcraft 2 years ago, it's very frustrating how few people seem to think about positioning. Even into diamond, the supposed top 5% of players, sometimes their positioning is just garbage. I find it especially true for healers and snipers, they don't know how to swing wide around corners so they can be close enough to the team to actually help them, while still behind cover. Instead they'll be so far back that when the tank turns the corner just a little, they have to run a massive distance to keep supporting, or their allies get stuck on the corner because they're lacking the support.
Another tip for doing ALL of this: hit that dang highlight button! Pathfind, make your own cover, and pay attention to what cover can fail! The wakanda map that is the second half of the video has extensive galleries to flank the enemy with, but they're hidden behind destructible geometry
Thank you. Thank you, thank you! I'm to these kind of games and I wanna be better for my team as i play mostly Vanguard/Strategist. This has given me so much to think about now!
I think the other thing I see from teams, particularly enemy teams where I'm assuming most or all of them this is their first team based hero shooter, is that they don't know there's multiple ways either out of their own spawn, or to get to the objective. The number of full holds I've been part of where the enemy team just streams out, often one or two at a time, from the main exit of their spawn is kind of insane. This goes further in getting tunneled on just there being one path to the objective. The number of times I or a teammate have been able to flip an enemy team's hold on a point by off angling and forcing them to fight on two fronts is again insane in this game. I'm glad lots of folks are playing the game and enjoying it, but it can be glaringly obvious which players have little to no experience with team and objective based hero shooters. Look for paths, look for flanks, know where health packs are, and PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. I don't care how much damage or healing you manage at the end of the match, because none of it matters if it doesn't met the objective.
this is a great guide, if you can go over vod reviews that would also be very good way of seeing it in practice because ingame its easy to mindlessly run at the enemy
What is this? A rivals video where we talk about something useful? Not a reexplanation of in game info? AdVaNcEd GM guide that is actually the same video per character, per channel? Actual tips that help you understand how to think about playing the game? You actually deserve a like and subscribe.
less than a week into marvel rivals and ive never played a hero shooter other than Team Fortress 2 and this was the first video that really made me understood how youre even supposed to play this game lmfao, i understand now why i have been getting so frustrated.
I’m struggling on gold 3 rn, and I’m losing a lot constantly falling back to silver 1 and going back to gold 3. I wanna say positioning is one of my biggest issues, I hope lmao
I hope you find the video helpful!
Love these videos! So informative 😊
🔥 You’re clearly skilled! Pairing this with an Aim Anchor Mouse Grip could make it better! Appreciate all the tips in the video!
This video is fantastic dude. Super helpful. Im Plat but kinda stuck and I was feeling my problem was positioning. Thanks
Whats the name of the songs you used on the background?
How to make main menu run in 60 fps? @Dazs
Very handy. This is the type of advice I prefer. I can't tell you how many "guides" are just reading the character's ability screen and calling it there. Now all I need to understand is how to really stay with the team better. Sometimes as a tank I push in and suddenly no one is with me and I get ko'd. I have a hard time keeping track of where everyone is.
As a tank main I realized a lot of people wanna be the main character but use your coms and if they wanna play as a team they will fall back or push with you as needed. Best advice. Sometimes you see a push they don't or vice versa also
There definitely are players who don't know how to push. You may be taking really good opportunities, but the team doesn't fallow up. Definitely don't let a bad team bait you into bad engagements.
Another thing is keep an eye on the kill feed to keep tabs of who has the advantage at any time. I suggest adjusting the announcer volumes for kos and teammate deaths as well
As a Hulk main I find that is a problem too, especially with his leap. A common way for people to play this game, at least at lower levels is to sit back and take potshots at the enemy and ignoring the tank moving in. I have had a few matches where I ask people to heal me and peel and it works out and they listen, but it's nice when I don't have to say anything. With Tanks, a huge playstyle is diving. Which means going in as deep as you see fit, landing some damage, tanking some hits, and baiting aggro then running back and getting healed. This can help your team gain some ground, or better yet, make an opening for some eliminations. It really all depends on team confidence.
There’s a setting that displays ally health bars. With that you have a better idea of where everyone is.
110% make map guides, this helped more than I would thought and I'm excited to grind again
As a healer main I'd love to see more of a breakdown on general positioning and strategy tips. I find it's a lot harder because you are so dependant on your team members positioning that you're sometimes left wide open trying to heal them if they're out of position
I would really love a role guide. Like main duties of each role - In addition to their secondary roles. ie. Peeling - etc.
The best positioning, according to most players seems to be right in the open field and even better if it's right in front of the spawn of the enemy team so they can hit "heal me" multiple times behind a wall and tell how bad his supports are bad in chat after he dies and they take point because he gave them the numbers, positioning, healing (from spawn), and spawning point advantage.
This especially bothers me on the symbiote map (convergence) because everyone decides to take the open path instead of the side underground with cover
Currently the map I had struggled with is Spider-Islands Convoy stretch 1 and 2.
First stretch bc so many closed spaces and second stretch bc too open.
Thanks to you, I just explored the map and learned more spots where I can break walls & floors while near health packs and have better advantage where I can flank and peek at the enemy. Now I can practice them. Thx!
Would love to see a video on spider-islands convoy too!
This is the single best positioning guide ive seen. Thank you so much! Other videos get convoluted pretty quickly and are hard to follow going into the variables of positing. Great simple explanation!
Great video that should have way more views. If you're a new player, understanding the concepts in this video will help you way more than watching 1000 "get better aim now" or "master Hero X in 15 minutes" videos.
Thanks for this. Please make a video talking about positioning in Marvel Rivals for Vanguards/Tanks. Especially for Thor if possible. Thanks Again
@@OctaviusWasHere Thor is an off tank DPS/vanguard or peekaboo tank. In his domination example if ur winning I use the middle column mostly as Thor and peek around it because I could snipe with awakening or wait for them to get close depending on the number of foes. If im losing i place my self around corners or the outer walls to get the jump on my enemies. If you're flanking play like his wolverine example if you're the main tank use that center column as your holding ground imo. Hopefully I helped a little tanks are different with us being in the open alot more often. Hope he drops a vid soon
@@brolymaestromagma3535 I like helping Thor with Hulk's shields. I find that Thor is great with a little support in any way. Whatever gives him an edge. How does he handle solo tanking or 1v1 situations?
@measlesplease1266 solo he needs a healer definitely. I usually depend on timing my awakening and depending on the situation when to use it. He can snipe enemies in the sky or far away, he can melt any tank in the game if he catches a 1v1. recently I find it very helpful to engage a tank with hammer throw use your bubble and after popping awakening immediately turn to his support getting rid of the healers and they always seem surprised lol and If i am unalived that leaves all my dps and healers with maybe a tank so they should destroy them. Thor is great when you find his rhythm with hammer swings. Three basic hits between each hammer swing I believe keep enemies staggered while maintaining shield for increased health. His ability to generate shield saves him most of the time so well timed hammer swings are key as well basically your main movement for escaping and attacking. He also can flank if needed so if a tank is engaged with my dps I can also hit the back line then engage the other tank and team wipe with a good flank. So basically it's all about timing positions and knowing when to engage he's definitely no magneto who can stand in front almost forever lol unless you have great healers. I think he is pretty good though he can jump in and out, Regen quick health and get his high damage awakening quickly to melt any enemy as long as you move quickly and know who to engage.
I just want a really good guide for thor because I have no idea how to get good at Thor
Because I keep thinking that he is a bad character
But everyone beats me with thor
I have seen lots of thor mvps
Like what I’m I doing wrong ?
@@brolymaestromagma3535 Hulk is a similar type of tank. Imma take your tips and play Thor. Thanks man.
YES YES YESSSS!!! Subbed!! FInally!! Nobody ever makes a proper guide for this but everyone is always talking about ''positioning''
Fun fact , it works for other games too !
@ 7:21 is the first time I’ve ever seen Black widow as MVP.🤣
This was a great video. I had no idea you could explore the map in custom games. This was great information. You’ve got a new subscriber.😎
Yeah, this dude’s tips are why I ended up being a really great Black Widow
I saw her as MVP one match where two of our players left and we somehow still managed to scrape a win
Thank you for the video. I appreciate the insight Dazs. I had a thought, something I don't think I've ever seen talked about it in a video; how do you handle enemy respawning? Is there a term for this? Let's say you win a fight due for any reason, but now the enemy is respawning what do you do now. I hope you can go over this in a future video.
I apologize, my comment did not go through on my phone. I think the term is staggering your fights. In overwatch I think they call it something else. But its important if you can get your opponent to stagger their spawns. Means they will keep coming in one at a time.
Also anticipate ultimates. If you notice they are taking time to regroup, it may seem like you are dominating, but they are planning perhaps a Dr. Strange portal, or perhaps moving in with an ultimate to push you off of point.
You need to counter ult, or be ready to use a support ultimate for big incoming damage.
in addition, the maps aren't really the game's strong suit, some has weird corridors or rooms that no one uses, and it isn't even a flank path and 2 door spawn points
@@cernos7230 the game is in its infancy. It hasn't even been a month.
@@measlesplease1266Doesn’t make what they said any less true. Game’s been in development for 5 years. Lol, they didn’t start making it a month ago.
With that said, it’ll hopefully get better. I at least like the aesthetics of the maps. Very different. But the pathing could definitely use some work.
@@MicDubTV I'd say the symbiote map is the worst for it and then there's a room on the black panther statue map near the defender spawn where when you walk in you have to walk right out again. I haven't had a problem other than that.
@@measlesplease1266 I know exactly which spot you mean and since it's not always the same map, I usually always go down that path and after I leave it I think "damn, again".
Hes a man of his word :D Love the guide homie!
This guide was really good. I would love to see a video about how to position as melee characters specially. I feel like I’ve got a decent idea of how to apply these concepts to characters with range but I’m still struggling to work out how to do it with melee characters and would love to see a deeper dive into it.
Please do a series of this for every map! Just this one alone I learned a couple of great vantage points. Also maybe a destructible terrain tips and tricks?
In the video he teaches you how to do your own research in each map, if you cant take decisions on the spot then the video wont help you anyway
As a GM Hitscan player, I can agree that positioning is one of the most important skills!
0:26 watch out, flashbang
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is the first time someone takes the time to explain this in depth and show it ! Instead of making us watch a game. You are amazing and explain things so well! I subscribed and hope to see more video's like this one for the other maps ❤️
It’s so nice seeing some creators I used to love when I played some games way back pop out of nowhere (for me) and it’s rivals content.
Dazs is one of the most articulate teachers on this site! Always impressed with your ability to understand the most effective ways to play the FPS games i see you making content for. Always appreciate you humility and willingness to thoughtfully explain complicated and nuanced topics in an easy to understand way! Best of luck to you in your content creation journey
Very interesting video! Looking forward to implementing the tips here and in subsequent videos as I try to rank up from Gold.
Super good video, thank you so much!! Positioning is my biggest struggle.
I know she's not popular but some help with storm would be awesome. Thanks so much for everything you've done so far. Definitely helping this noob out. ✌🏾
She's definitely become popular after the buff. I don't think she's S tier but people in higher rankings seem to think she's ban worthy lmao.
As a support main I think my best advice is to STAY WITH YOUR TEAM. People fly high with storm but then she doesn't give any buffs and due to slow movement speed is easy to shoot down. Your job with storm is to buff your team, keep your tanks fast, mix in a few damage boosts, and then use her ultimate to clear a wave if necessary. Don't worry if you're not getting ko's outside of thatit is helpful but storm is primarily a supporting character so while she can get kills it's not as important as staying alive to buff your team.
Also, if your team doesn't have a tank, I wouldn't recommend using her as she will become the primary target of the enemy team and supports alone can't keep her alive.
@@void_4871 Thanks my guy. I had a few heroes by I was looking at for alternative like Sue, Thor, or Psylock nothing nailed down. Thanks so much for the advice. I will be implementing it immediately. Please keep up the good work it's gold. ✌🏾
I’m so happy you are giving this game a solid try I hope you enjoy it and continue making content on it
This is the type of guide I've been searching for, make another part pls
solid introduction to these higher level concepts. After your point of not being predictable I'd only add in the use of the chronovision. 12:00 after the concept you could've turned to the left and spoke a little on destructables for creating other vantage points to release pressure. you mentioned the terrain change slightly earlier in the guide and this would only reinforce it as you closed out the video.
I’ve lost 15 games in a row after being 1 win away from plat. This help is needed
This is an excellent guide! It's hard to filter out for useful content pertaining to Marvel Rivals. I'm glad this showed up on my feed.
Positioning is a skill I'm trying to improve on. I had NO CLUE when playing Overwatch, but now I have a much easier grasp on it. Great video and concept no one seems to cover. Would love for you to go over specific maps ❤
This was incredible and exactly what I needed to get to that next level. Please do one for each map if you can
Something that I wish people made more known is just because you watch these "guides" doesn't mean you'll instantly be better, alpt of people will just tey to copt you but still get lost because their gamesense isn't Great
Thank you for OPENING MY EYES!
only halfway through, but loving the video. u deserve more credit fs. definitely subscribing
Loved your Apex educational guides and now I'm playing Marvel I'm so happy you're doing educational videos over here too. Actual lessons, not clickbait. Love it, keep up the great work! Keep the educational content coming! I need help :D
Interesting video gave me a lot to think about. Liked that you touch upon the difference between melee and range characters. I’m curious about a strategist who needs to be near their team for heals
Thank you for a real guide and not a “press A to jump” guide
I appreciate your guide, man! It's especially important to break down how important positioning is in these kinds of games. Can't tell you how many matches I've had where teammates (or even I) have bad positioning then get punished for it. The custom game thing is also a tool I've learned recently when I wanted to get Wolverine practice in without pissing off teammates. Ha ha ha! It's super handy!
New to hero shooters but love strategy games in general. This is the advice I needed. I think another video of breaking down gameplay would be great. As a tank main, I tend to over extend. Its hard to get a feel for pushing and dropping back when you're in the middle of the chaos
Example: using the zones, if the convoy is C but the main team battle is happening on B, when do I push, etc? I think seeing it in real-time would be really helpful
wow extremely helpful guide. definitely things i never fully considered at a high level. looking forward to more!
Hey Daz glad your making vids for rivals. Hope your wife and son are doing good. You helped me out a lot with your Solo Mirage guides when I was playing Apex a while back and was wondering if you could do the same with Loki. People are telling me to switch and just play Luna but my man is just fun ya know. It's hard to get my positioning AND my clones positioning down to fully help the team. Love the vid as always and for now I'll use it as reference.
I've been trying out Loki (I main rocket but sometimes he don't work well with the team) and smth I don't think a lot of players know is that his clones drastically improve his healing abilities. You can only have 2 up at a time so I would say plant them on opposite sides of your team (two walls for instance) where they aren't blocked and just stand somewhat behind them and heal. Standing still increases the likelihood that you get mistaken for a clone and Loki's movement is doodoo anyway so you probably should just stay still with minimal movement, if it's payload just hop on the convoy and spawn a clone beside you. His invisibility is the only time he can heal (separate from the runes) but do keep in mind that taking any damage will make you visible and interrupt the process.
It is worth noting that his swap and disappear can be rooted out by pinging but most pc players refuse to ping for some reason
Good stuff man I appreciate the help. New player coming over from COD so it’s a lot of new concepts and strats for me. Just started playing yesterday. I appreciate the quality content that’s not click bait too!
Great content man! Best tips i’ve seen on this game so far. Keep up the good work my guy, got +1 sub ;)
Great video. Found a few of these spots myself but some I didn’t even consider.
NGL all this shit just seems like basic knowledge however I will admit in the heat of battle I wasn’t thinking like this. Just more reacting to what’s happening rather than thinking about what I am doing. So well done.
0:19 "Let's break this super high-level concept down in MS Paint-" Dude if that was a joke, you're goated 🤣 great vid otherwise!
I'd like to see more positioning and team strategy videos. Thank you Dazs!
I heard lip's theme and liked the video. Great music choice
Great video !
Something I've been trying to figure out is how/ where to position; especially being a Black widow main 🕷️.
Nice. Would be great to have vids analysing in-game footage where someone took/lost an advantageous position and how they succeeded/failed to maintain pressure after retreating, perhaps.
Awesome video. Thank you so much for sharing. Positioning has been something very difficult for me.
I highly appreciate this type of content
Just subscribed keep up the awesome marble rivals content thank you!
Yes thanks bro. Im stuck in bronze as a vanguard/dps main, Peni Parker Magneto and Namor. Im either on the Frontline or flanking the Frontline. More vids bro, cheers!
Awesome video! Can you do individual maps? Your amazing!!🤩 ❤
Do a long version of this video and make a series this is a good concept guide.
It’s insane how fast people improved in this game including me
And people realizing the true potential of characters
As someone who played a lot of Starcraft 2 years ago, it's very frustrating how few people seem to think about positioning.
Even into diamond, the supposed top 5% of players, sometimes their positioning is just garbage.
I find it especially true for healers and snipers, they don't know how to swing wide around corners so they can be close enough to the team to actually help them, while still behind cover.
Instead they'll be so far back that when the tank turns the corner just a little, they have to run a massive distance to keep supporting, or their allies get stuck on the corner because they're lacking the support.
Amazing video, just what I was looking for!
Good music choice with the beginning
Glad to see you making Rivals content. I always enjoyed your Apex videos don’t play it much anymore
Still going to be doing both! :) :)
NEEEED per map breakdowns
The verticality with heroes like Ironman storm and Starlord really allow for some crazy split focus positioning
Boomer Kuwanger from X1!
Instant sub.
Man i could watch a 1 hour video on this, make more
Another tip for doing ALL of this: hit that dang highlight button! Pathfind, make your own cover, and pay attention to what cover can fail! The wakanda map that is the second half of the video has extensive galleries to flank the enemy with, but they're hidden behind destructible geometry
your really good at this bro
Heard the boomer kuwanger theme and subbed, lol.
Extremely informative, thank you
Thank you. Thank you, thank you! I'm to these kind of games and I wanna be better for my team as i play mostly Vanguard/Strategist. This has given me so much to think about now!
Would love map specific videos of these concepts.
commenting so the algorithm brings me back because subscribing to channels makes them stop appearing in my suggested feed lmao
Map breakdowns and strategies
would be great
Just the tip of the custom room is helpful because I thought you NEEDED at least one other person, had NO idea you could go in solo.
I would love more of this, that would be so rad
yoooo I love the mega man music at the beginning!!!
Gave a like for mega man X music alone. Respect!
Good video with great details man. Keep it up😊❤
Thanks for the amazing guide
Please do guides for more maps and maybe character specific positions if their playstyle fits it
These diagram was perfection
I think the other thing I see from teams, particularly enemy teams where I'm assuming most or all of them this is their first team based hero shooter, is that they don't know there's multiple ways either out of their own spawn, or to get to the objective. The number of full holds I've been part of where the enemy team just streams out, often one or two at a time, from the main exit of their spawn is kind of insane. This goes further in getting tunneled on just there being one path to the objective. The number of times I or a teammate have been able to flip an enemy team's hold on a point by off angling and forcing them to fight on two fronts is again insane in this game. I'm glad lots of folks are playing the game and enjoying it, but it can be glaringly obvious which players have little to no experience with team and objective based hero shooters. Look for paths, look for flanks, know where health packs are, and PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. I don't care how much damage or healing you manage at the end of the match, because none of it matters if it doesn't met the objective.
Just what was looking for
How about a video showing high level gameplay and breaking down their positioning? I would love watch it.
Thanks a lot this was helpful!
Good to see you on Rivals. Just started about a week ago. It's fun, but repetitive. Hopefully they release juggernaut and nightcrawler
this is a great guide, if you can go over vod reviews that would also be very good way of seeing it in practice because ingame its easy to mindlessly run at the enemy
I'd love more videos on this!
great job
Please make more guides!!!
epic video man keep them coming !
Thank you so much!
Would love it per map in depth!
What is this? A rivals video where we talk about something useful? Not a reexplanation of in game info? AdVaNcEd GM guide that is actually the same video per character, per channel? Actual tips that help you understand how to think about playing the game? You actually deserve a like and subscribe.
less than a week into marvel rivals and ive never played a hero shooter other than Team Fortress 2 and this was the first video that really made me understood how youre even supposed to play this game lmfao, i understand now why i have been getting so frustrated.
I want more of this
I’m struggling on gold 3 rn, and I’m losing a lot constantly falling back to silver 1 and going back to gold 3. I wanna say positioning is one of my biggest issues, I hope lmao
Hermano, muchas gracias por tu video. Realmente estoy buscando este tipo de guías por todos lados pero no abundan.
Need some position tips for support. The added challengecwith support is having LoS of you tanks so you can heal them while being hard to dive.
Please make more of this stuff please