Chicago population has drop 20% in the last 20 years , no reason to live in that cold Lake Michigan 2 below zero and drive by Shooting . Florida the Golden state .
I lived in Boston for 6 mos. in 1969. I lived in a rooming house on Brookline Ave, a 10 min. trolley ride to Old Town for $10/wk. I lived on day-old-donuts from a deli where my boyfriend worked across the street. Once a week I would take an Add-A-Man job for $10/day to pay my rent, allowing me to play music all day long. Life was so good back then!
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
that's what George Orwell warned people would happen as far back as the 1930s, because he new some of the elite and their plans for us then--they have had an end game planned for 2030, and it's why they have developed this police state we are in now.
Young families think they can have $400k house $150k education a wife that thinks she can work part time but drive $100 k worth of vehicles and $24k child care ...
F K im glad im a salesman. There is always a fool that needs to show of « wealth», buying junk they dont need to impress people they dont know with cash they have not earnd.
@Owen Birr Good point, though that's how they ensure all the expressways are empty in China, by charging a fortune (around US$200 equivalent in toll fees for a 1000-1500km or approx. 600-900 mile journey).
Trust me 😃 he believes the tea party is his salvation, regardless of there overt or closeted bigoted, racist views... and he'll blame brn/blk folks for all his white problems 😉👌
Yer, I know a lot of people got screwed. It was a real actual horrific period. But this guy was a very bad example. The 'stock market loss' was insane. Also, he was a total 'Joneses' guy, because he tells you after the fact that he suddenly now realizes that $1/2Mil is too much for a house. Given the state of gender in society in 2020, if you watch the eyes on that woman's face from back then, slim chance in hell she is with that fool now.
Chinese and Indian studying standards are higher than in the west. In South Korea, they spend an average of 15 hours studying daily. It's not so much about race as it is about studying.
@@PumpUPdaBase Unless you want to become a Nurse, Physician, Or Computer Scientist, don't attend a University if you are going to get a degree in Tuba or Lesbian Dance Theory with thousands of dollars in student loans.
Yeah and you would have a lot more if the 1% weren't taking all of it and leaving you the crumbs. They like to make you think you are lucky to have what you have while they take it all and pay no taxes.
That's for sure. And they will be sorry when it comes time to retire, because there's no way they can save enough for retirement, which costs much more today and few people realize that! They say retirement costs a million dollars today, few are going to be able to do that and retire at age 65 (or earlier, like some are) and they'll find out down the line, that they're finding themselves living at poverty level!
They chose the wrong couple to profile. $120,000 even if before taxes, is still a good salary. Some people get by on less than $20,000. This couple is not indicative of the majority of families. Having to make your own lunches. The horror! Lol.
Boston MA is a very expensive city to live in. $120k living in Dallas is comfortable, but $120k living in Boston or NYC is much different. The cost of living in some of America's largest cities are suffocating.
beezle1210 I'm gonna have to pop that bubble. I live in NYC making 60k a year and I manage to get by and save just fine. With $120k I could fly to the moon and back! Not sure how 120k is not enough in Boston????? People must have real high standards of living there!
Perhaps. Everyone has their own varied comfort zones. In general, the cost of living in NYC and Boston is definitely much higher than Dallas. Unfortunately, Dallas isn't as exciting as those cities either.
This docu was made by Europeans. They didnt pick a " normal" American city nor a " normal " American family. You expected what from a docu made by foreigners?
I guess that job does not require very good maths skills. That 120k is earned by 2 people. 60K each, the same as you. Plus they also have a family to support. There is also a need to service the debts built up from several months without work. Also, the point is, with skills, experience and many years of hard work invested in their careers, they expected a bit more out of life.
I have been a medical assistant in the medical field since 1991. I have NEVER made enough money to support myself completely. With every pay raise my hopes rise a bit but with the cost of living rising fast than my raises, I am just right where I started. Always behind.
We (USA / Europe) are still in the 2008 recession, the impact has simply been deferred by increased private and government debt, a situation which can't continue forever.
The puppet Obama you fools drooled over was the front man to pull the carpet out from under you. You should never let your guard down. Once you drop your fists you're going to get hit. Never get hit!!!
Somebody convinced them that they had to have everything all at once. And that included kids. Before they ever owned a single thing. That is a house of cards. (That's the first three minutes into this.)
Cynthia Ayers if one desires more than one can afford one will always be poor. BUT if one lives in a country that doesn't provide even the most basic services, like say universal health care people will struggle. Call it socialism but who really cares about the name as long as people can make a good living. I personally pay 870€ for my health care that covers everything for 5 people. Complicated hart surgery, no problem. Rehabilitation after a stroke, sure thing.
@@SchnuckySchuster wrong on the first part. It's, goals timing and money, in that order. And you're half-right on the last part. People may get all healthcare insurance that they want. And in a capitalist Society you're expected to provide for yourself. You're expected to be an adult and figure it out. If you can't figure it out and don't ask, whose fault is that. Economics.
16 minutes in and the narrator says this is a picture of the house that Jerry and his wife.... owned? How can you own something that you did not finish paying for? (I think if you would get this wording correct in your head, it will change how you talk,comprehend and feel about things. But that's me.)
When I was poor I lived in abandoned buildings with permission of the owners, just to protect the building. Only paying for electricity and water etc. I drove a 30 year old vw rabbit on waste cooking oil. And that wasnt even real poverty.
And in all that time I went from a poor woman close to middle class now. That's because I started out living in the back of a truck, instead of ending up in one. And I never once used credit. This is the land of opportunity. If you are a man , you should have a house for your woman if you want one to move in with you or to marry and have a family. But doing it the other way around, is only building a house of cards.
I initially wrote out this big huge thing. But I decided to delete it because I can barely afford to pay attention. Some people just wanna make ends meet I'd be happy with my ends being able to wave at each other. So I ain't gonna argue over this guy's 120k and fight with anyone else on where they went wrong or how if we has 120k what we'd do better. I can only care about my pockets. And no one else's.
Yes but where does the person live and what’s the state of his past ... the smallest home in Maryland costs around 300k to start. In Arizona the largest nicest house can cost 100k soooo, standard of living is way different around the country
$10k a month? In Massachusetts that's $7k after taxes. $6k after health insurance, life insurance, short term disability insurance,flex spending and 401k savings. $4k after mortgage is paid. $3500 after car payment. $2500 after groceries and gas cause $150 a week in groceries doesn't get much these days and $100 a week in gas doesn't go very far either. $2500 leaves you $625 a week if you are lucky enough to not have any student loans, credit cards, cell phones, friends, or a social life. If you're married that's a little over $300 each a week man. $120k is nothing in Massachusetts.
TD Bank owns 450,00 VACANT properties, *450,000* homes collecting dust as millions face homelessness due to COVID19. People need to start moving in by the thousands, and staying put no matter what. They CANNOT ARREST US ALL.
@@deenanthekemoni5567 Yes. The hoarding of real estate by these mafias need to be put to an end. The rich keep getting richer because of increasing land value on which they've a ton of share. We need govt regulation.
Marc O'Dell. Tell me why the rest of the World's non-America-residing population, and I, need to waste our time, and memory, "realising" something that is totally irrelevant to us??
Again, as mentioned a similar post as yours, 1Cardplayer; the range mentioned was $40~$120 thousand. That is the defining range of middle class and the numbers and percentage in that 'class' are shrinking. It seems you like to gamble. Has it paid off?
I lived in a house with granite counter tops. I thought they would be better than tile but truth is, they are just as difficult to clean because everything leaves a streak.
brad titt you’re probably like my ex husband who no doubt would say something like that while quitting his job not to pay child support and continue supporting hookers for his disgusting life
richness is not measured by money. THAT is the problem with people. You are already really rich with health, nature and love for each other. But you replace all that with money and cars and bullshit man made shit!!! So therefore you deserve you unhappiness until you truly recognise what is real.
I have my Studebaker and I'm proud of it. I can live on less, but I'm never going to lose that car. If I do, I would face the music and hurl myself off the nearest skyscraper.
@@tavoiaiono7885 I have my Studebaker and I'm proud of it. I can live on less, but I'm never going to lose that car if I have a say in it. If I do, I would face the music and hurl myself off the nearest skyscraper.
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
thats because a minimum wage worker lives at a way lower standard of living. No health insurance, def no retirement/savings, work year round with no break, live with multiple people, etc. these are middle class people, trying to live at the standard of living outlined in the video, because that is what they have been told their labour entitled them to. But due to wage stagnation/outsourcing/increasing costs of living, they are unable to. As this dynamic continues, accelerated by the 2008 economic crisis, more and more of these middle class workers become lower class workers, aka the minimum wage workers, making exactly as you say, just enough to survive, day to day. this video is about the story of these former middle class workers.
thats what we do we live in a mobli home in a small town is it nice to live in a mobll home no it not a house butt we own it and the lot rent is only 210. per month that is the price of rent in the 80s and we are happy
I feel credit cards should be used for emergencies, not extra televisions for kids' rooms, x-box games, and eating out every night because you're too lazy to cook and clean dishes!
What they seem to think is a state of desperation is how I've lived my entire life. Living paycheck to paycheck, buying necessities (not the sort of stuff that advertising tries to convince us are "must haves"), using credit cards for things like car repairs and the like, etc. I have always rented because I have never wanted to be financially tethered to a piece of property. I'm living on Social Security Retirement now and the only thing I can really complain about is having to do without things like needed physical therapy because I can't handle all the co-pays. I'm probably more at peace than some people who worry because they can't have the latest upgrades of stuff.
Excellent advice but few, unfortunately, will follow it. It is true, however, that the middle class in America is dwindling. People need to learn to live within their means, how to economize, how to prevent illnesses by eating healthily, (which takes some real doing now!) how NOT to live beyond their means, and a whole lot of other things to consider. People are lazy, they don't WANT to economize where they need to IF they know how! "Keeping up with the Jones" has always been the norm with many people, an unnecessary and foolish way to perceive it because the 'Jones' are probably more in debt than they are!!
The BIG cost in a house in the US is the land on which it is built and the planning permission to build on that plot. Also the surrounding infrastructure and connections to services and their provision must be paid for. Then there is an annual set of taxes which must be paid to support police, schools etc. The actual structure of the house is but a small part in the whole equation. The US has some of the oldest timber housing in the world and for them it works. The other side of the coin is that some parts of the states suffer hurricanes and tornadoes which a concrete house will not resist. A cheaper timber house can be cheaper to build if knocked in a storm. Where I live in Ireland concrete houses are preferred because we have a damp climate which easily rots timber, we do not have the extreme wind speeds which knock structures so concrete is good here in Ireland but not in the US. We may have high winds but the extreme speeds common in the States. Also building labour costs in the US are very high militating towards a quick timber build.
Funny thing is: there is a stereotype that americans think the People in Europe live in shity wooden houses - But it is the americans who live in shity wooden houses 😂
As an over the road trucker I see how difficult it is .. I have been living in my eighteen wheeler since 2013 ( summer ) I managed to barely break the 50k barrier last year. I am separated, basically homeless, I purchased a used pickup truck with cash, I bought a used Harley ( Both over 18 years old. ) I don't see how anyone can make it with a family , house , and property. I can't see an Avenue for my retirement to be beneficial ..
Dual income no kids.... do that for about 10 years then have kids if you want.... pretty simple stuff man. On 50k you should be able to save half of that. Next thing you know you've got a quarter million 10 years from now if you got a 0% roi & 0 raises.
@@user-td7xf3gz4l Yeah you're stating the obvious basically. I have no kids, single, all my longtime girlfriends had no kids too and had no immediate desire to have kids (we preferred pets, haha). Actually I had two gf's who made more than me, I made around 100k and one of these made roughly 130k and in this case we lived in a huge old but very cheap (for that region) condo but because we intended not to have children, no marriage, we lived a pretty hedonistic lifestyle. Saving was not on the menu, haha. Twice a year holidays minimum, eating out all the time, never looking at prices while shopping but still at the end of the year we should have saved at least 20k/year as a couple with our salaries despite our spending habits yet usually we were more or less even. Often scratching our heads, where did all the money go?? But yeah on paper it looks "pretty simple" but if one is longing for a family it happens that they don't wait till the time would be right - strictly financially wise - but have children too early. And it's a risk like everything in life. You may end up in a messy divorce and as a man lose your kids and have to pay for years. You're fucked. I'm glad I'm no family guy and could never live with a woman together anyway these days.
Hey man, get yourself a life! You consider yourself poor? Buying a Harley? Where's your brains? 98% of the people in the world are far worse off. Stop complaining .
@@Jj-gi2uv Marriage isn't a big money spender, having kids is. Millenials are actually the first generation to wait significantly longer to get married, average is late 20s - early 30s now
@@liliancaran5364 Women spend a lot of money!!! If you're not spending money on your wife, they will leave you for greener pastures! A single man should be able to work on himself and save his resources to invest in the future. Getting mixed up with a woman when young is the ticket to poverty and stress! A man has to learn how to keep his pants zipped up!!
Way back in the day people got married in a nice dress at the hem of the parent. Everyone brought food and some brought records and there was the wedding. Cheap and everyone had a good time.
@@jeaniemarczniec7755 Kids today expect too much for what we earn. If you make very good grades you won't need to pay for college and if you are making bad grades then you probably won't do well in college either so why waste my money, lol
@@IndBro2 Damn right, a fool and money are soon parted. But gramma now knows don't leave her estate to a fool! I hope she gives it to you, you will use like a tool to build more. We got nothing when we married.
That was my motto as a youth need and therefore spends less (aka the fifties & sixties. I had paper routes and saved my money.) I always though before spending, "is the nickel better in my pocket than spent on 'such and such' urge?" • Then I began investing my savings in Apple. I knew it was the future. • Did I just luck out? I didn't get out of the market fast enough in the 2000 crash, but I got out with a lot more than I originally invested. Then the moderate and steady climb began. • The Chinese are such thrifty spenders. It was also the way of Europeans and North Americans etc. from the 20's on. But it died out mid seventies. • It takes time, and seems slow at first. And one needs to learn and practice how to weigh 'emergency spending'. It is often a choice; at times it might not.
Back in the 1950's in Canada, EP Taylor was the richest man in the country, owning conglomerates. I used to know a guy who knew him. He told me EP's philosophy was to pay his employees a good wage. In that way they could afford to buy the products his companies produced. Today the Amazons and Walmarts of the world pay their employees dirt cheap wages, while the big shots get rich. Sooner or later it is going to come back to bite them.
@adrian singh Just because its popular doesn't make it less true... Our standard of living is "supposed" to go up, not down and it is definitely going down.. A small handful of people are living well, the vast majority of us are doing more, working harder and have less free time compared to our parents and their parents. Life has become harder by an order of magnitude, as well as significantly more stressful. Families are going from the top of the proverbial middle class food chain to complete financial armageddon, there is no stability, you can't rely on your job and your boss wouldn't hesitate to throw you under the bus if it'd make him an extra buck or save his ass, there is no loyalty anymore- The world is fucked up and the only thing that can work at this point is war, if we can't live decent lives and have no true freedom, personally or financially, we have no choice but to fight for freedom again, because living like this, existing in a limbo between homelessness, constant fear of the infamous repo man and and a cell phone that never stops ringing, this is not how things are supposed to be, this isn't life, it is hell.
@@rickb06 my standard of living keeps going down. The rich get richer and greedier. The lazy get lazier thanks to DemoCraps. Jesus has Always been the answer. We all die and give an account.
ITT: People who self sabotage by not having a credit card. Credit is not evil, you still need to buy food and other misc items. Use it wisely, especially those that have cash back are a no brainer. God I swear the Dave Ramsey crowd of "No Credit Cards" is just people who lack self control.
Remember these words: "I don't owe you anything." That's why our country is in this dilemma. Civilization was built on Teamwork. Not egoism. Just ask anybody who served in the Military. You accomplish the mission, as a group.
Good for you. Should you get an email at work telling you to not show up as your job no longer exists, Dave has an excellent bean recipe he'd be willing to sell you to help you get by.
Medicine in the us has been developed as a profitable business. I think healthcare system must be recreated as service as it is in rest of the developed world. You shouldnt bankrupt because you were ill. That is insane...
My wife and I work 80+ hours a week. That 10 hour days 6 days a week to make 65k annually.. We rent an apartment cause they say we cannot afford to purchase a forclosed home that costs 30k to buy. We are a dual income home. Both of us are putting in hours equivalent of 2 40 hour jobs each. We don't have credit cards, we own 1 car we don't live beyond our means and dont live lavish lives we are lucky if we have time at the end of the day to sit and eat dinner together. We got married 12 years ago and on our honeymoon my wife went to work because we couldnt afford to loose the money. We sacrifice all of our best years working to the Bone and as it looks now I'll have to be 75 before I could even consider retirement. I'm 40 now I have nothing to call a safety net. Dreams are best left as just that. A Dream. Cause the moment you try to realize your dream it becomes a nightmare. That's as American as it gets.
We be living off less and are worth over 2 million! When we made more we simply saved more. We called the bank the black hole, every time we got money we threw it into the blackhole, then when we saw we could *steal some real estate we went to the blackhole and pulled out some money. steal....... means get a great deal!
until the middle class and poor work together its going to get worse,.let's stop talking and go put something on all those senators and congressmen who are making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
"...senators and congressmen who are making the rich richer and the poor poorer." Yes my friend, that is a big part of the problem. It's sad. People are heartless. Just full of greed.
@Gert van der Horst - so called 'military communism' and 'red terror' was indeed started by Lenin (with Trotskiy being hist 1st lieutenant). Millions of people did even before uncle Joe took the rein. The whole country took devilish turn in 20th century in big part because of lenin. stalin just built and expand. Myself being Russian wishing Russian history can be rewritten
@@americaneagle7777 Lenin and Stalin - however you like or hate them, created a great country which was the first to launch a manned rocket and defeated fascism. The backward tsarist Russia with pogroms - a prison of nations.
How dare someone who identifies as "trans" make such an impudent statement? Let me guess, you naively waved a BLM banner this year also? The audacity of those being carried hasn't improved in 2020.
It also should be noted that, it's hard to save money because of absurdly high utilities and high rent costs. The only real way to truly save money would be to live with three or four other working roommates and hope you don't get a terrible illness or accident. In fact a lot of young adults are still living with relatives because of this.
@@wanelly -- Why do you scoff? I had planned on working well into my 70s or 80s like others in my family, so in my 40s I had never gotten serious about saving for retirement. Then unexpectedly, I was diagnosed with a medical problem that forced me to apply for disability. I refused to do that at first, however, until I could work so little that it lowered the amount of money I got in Social Security Disability payments, when I finally broke down and filed. Now I'm on a fixed income with no savings and in pain 24/7, and the government has made it nearly impossible to get pain pills. I can barely walk, let alone work, though I was put on OxyContin for a while and it helped so much that I updated my resume and looked for a job. But now OxyContin is nearly impossible to get and it was the only thing able to control my pain. Each letter I type here hurts my hand and my neck, shoulder, and back are in terrible pain, too. I wake up all night due to pain, as well, so holding a job has become impossible unless (possibly) the government lets people like me be able to get effective pain control. Even then, I wonder who would hire somebody that needs OxyContin to be able to function. Note -- People who take these drugs for pain as bad as mine, and who follow prescription instructions, do NOT get "high" from the drug. We just function better and can even think more clearly when not in pain.
Sharon Taylor phew! So your later teens, twenties, and thirties were basically wasted. Too bad your plan didn’t pan out as you had thought. Basically, you started functioning as an adult in your 40s and just when you did, disability “swept you off your feet”. Like they say in physics; every action has a reaction and some reactions have a catalyst to them. I’d say a player to your cause but unfortunately I don’t believe in players. At least there is a government “tit to suck on (disability checks”. All will be well.
@@joanryder3842 I am not saying to not help them in ANY way...let them live with you rent free while in college or while saving for a house. If you take care of your own retirement than they are not burdened later on.
When you read the comments on videos like this you realized that they've succeeded in getting the poor to hate each other. That's the most difficult step it's all downhill from there.
I know for sure. I went from middle class to HOMELESS. And have met MANY people from the middle class in the shelter. They won't admit it. They're ashamed. Well I'm not. Like seriously, there are entire families living in shelters. And now those of us who work are victims of extortion
Lol us poor never hate on eachother we hate on the rich keep take n riseing prices and ppl that vote allow it to happen and yall crying to be poor🤣🤣🤣🤣welcome to our word no worries be just fine🤣🤣🤣
Hold up, George is the owner of a franchise owner in multiple locations, and is still struggling? I think you need to change your accountant, cause people are stealing from you my friend.
I agree, I had a hard time empathizing with that as well. Once they stated those creds they should have given more details on how he got into that situation.
No way this can be compared to the great depression. All that happened here was people had to stop shop shop shopping and over spending, and get back to reality, and they hated it. In the great depression, hard working people that wouldn't even take a hand out were starving, and there were NO jobs. Greed ran rapid, when reality hit, people got depressed. Its no doubt where Americans of today priorities are. The middle class are wiping "themselves" out. Though they work hard, they want more, its never enough, they wanna not only keep up with the Jones, they want to be the Jones. Proof? Go to any small town, look at homes built in the 1950s, which started suburbia, and led to the middle class. Most of these homes were from 1200 to 1500 square ft, and they raise two to three children in them. Todays middle class were building 2000 to 2500 or more square ft and some filled with extreme custom cabinets, granite tops, extremely expensive flooring etc. Its not necessary, and then they complain over education for the kids? College is a joke, 75% of people that go cant find jobs, yet wont work blue collar jobs. A high demand for welders, and a good welder makes a good living, but you have to WORK for the money, not dress up in some over priced suit and act like big cheese on your ass all day pushing a pencil. You are what you are, we cant all be rich, but middle class people crack me up, they try to act like the rich, trying to out do each other, but really are only pea counters and do the work the rich dont want to do, and make not that much more than many of the poor. If your making 40,000 a year or more, and cant make it, your living above your means. Ditch all the high priced SUVs and pickups, drive small cars like Ford Focus, stop buying your kids 700.00 dollar cellphones the dont need, sell the monster house and get a smaller more sensible home, and control your life instead of your life controlling you....
I agree. They think it’s supposed to be glamorous when it’s not. When it all works out it’s peaceful and pleasant, maybe glamorous many years later, but not in the same way of stupid overspending...but in an A plus neighborhood and city all across the board.
@Ronnie Verhagi, Sorry but you are the one with no clue !! You just sit around waiting for your hand out and see what you get !!I bet OLD BAY works their ass off, lives a comfortable life that is humble, simple, within their earing means and they could care less what the "Jones's" have..................And I can guarantee you they are 100 times happier and more secure than you are !!!!!
Amen to that! It's time we turn off the t.v., stop filling our heads with garbage, stop being so damn selfish and find satisfaction in the fact that we all have it 100 times better than our grandparents, if we really think about it we are all rich in the USA, 100 years ago we would have lived in non insulated, dirt floor homes, with no electricity nor all the great things we take for granted that use electricity....we really have it made now, even the homeless have it better than before, a king 100 years ago did not have the amenties we take for granted now. I choose to live in a storage unit for a year while I was making 120k a year just to keep myself humble, it was great! I went to the gym every day to shower for 10 bucks a month, I felt I was living like a king! It was great!
It's the top 1% that's the problem. Greed is always a disaster. Bring back our manufacturing jobs, and rely on the US for our own stuff! Problem solved! The way it was before we flipped!
The only issue is bringing back manufacturing will likely just be minimum wage jobs which won't give people the money they need to buy a home when maintenance/upkeep is chewing into their paychecks. Companies don't want to be bothered with paying factory workers a good salary when they can pay poor people overseas to do it. The threat of labor automation would also eliminate many factory jobs altogether.
Increasing minimum wage to 27/hr will also do that. An increase in minimum wage will cause wage increases across the board guaranteed. Which will lift millions of Americans out of poverty. We can reduce nearly every welfare program by at least 50%. Yes of course many businesses will go out of business. But do you think a business that has a 10% profit margin should be open for business. Just think of all the actual quality businesses that don't get clientele because some larger business like WALMART, with inferior items makes them too cheap for actual quality businesses to compete with. They destroyed competition so people would have no choice but to take their inferior items and pay. Poor Republicans need to realize these businesses won't increase wages until they are forced to. No amount of hard work on your part is going to change the fact that the capitalism business model is always profits first. And many businesses will do anything, wether it may be morally right or wrong to maintain the highest profit margins. Even at the expense of workers wages and benefits. Why is the 12th richest family in the U.S. also known as the owners of Walmart, have workers on government welfare programs? This is a multibillion dollar corporation. Because after lowering prices and selling cheap goods to eliminate competition, Walmart only has a 3% profit margin. Meaning just enough to exploit their lowest employees and make the top employees wealthy. Lets stop allowing the government to prop up bad businesses with labor exploitation and tax cuts.
Easy said if your health is good, your family size is small, your relationships are good and you are lucky to avoid heavy debt in times of low inflation. If any of these variables are broken then you face a financial shit storm of epic proportions. High numbers of children, broken marriages and poor health are the preserve of the wealthy, if you want to survive.
Susan Kelly If you pay in full each statement you don’t get charged anything, and you earn points. The best way to use a credit card is treat it like a debit card or cash. Don’t buy it if you don’t have a money to pay for it. I have 6 credit cards to which I charge everything for the points. I have an 822 credit score and no debt. But then I am very mindful and follows a strict budget, which I make at least weekly. My person opinion is that if you can’t control your spending, you shouldn’t have a credit card. 😊 Now, if I only had the same discipline towards my diet...😂
Right, and if you want to save. You must live like you make 60,000 a year. When you actually make 120,000 a year.. "that's how you get ahead"... GET HUMBLE OR GO BROKE..!
thrue out my years I've never had a credit card. yes I had depth. but never the depth that those who had credit cards. and what bothers me the most is all these banks that are giving people credit cards that had claimed bankruptcy is still giving it all out again.if theres a sale on merchandise .and you don't have the money for it at the moment. than you wait till you have it to purchase that item. simple as that.
I agree but sadly I guess. .......My days are truly numbered and life has not been easy, financial struggles have been many and trying. I wish I could have done more....but it's much too late now. I'm tired..........and I hope that I have not hurt anyone in my struggles. God's blessing to all!
me 2008 school taught me: "I'm going to be rich, Wow $50,000 year that's a lot of money". me now: "Wow I'm going to be broke, and $50,000 is not a lot at all a year, and housing is fucking crazy expensive". I learned more from online then from actually finance class in school, or school at all itself.
@@rixille They teach people to follow people with degrees and make sheep. I've met more educated idiots in my life than working people without educations. Oh yea, I've read Milton! and half the great books of the western world!
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
Im an engineer in california and making what i once thought was good money... But im poorer than my parents, who were immigrants with no education. My house is smaller and just as old. I will not be able to send my kids to college... Im on youtube looking at RV living to be able to save for retirement.. What is middle class???
Muhammad Vaj Don’t send your kids to college. I won’t pay for a worthless college degree for my kid. If he wants to go to college he can pay for it ( he is still young). Life is absolutely ridiculous. Just retire in a third world country and enjoy your brief time on earth.
When I was young engineering was sold to me as a ticket to a comfortable life but it has gradually become much less worthwhile. I can't really put my finger on the reasons why, but it sure ain't what it used to be.
I also live in NYC on $30,500 year before taxes. I moonlight, do without TV, computer, stove, frig, buy only used clothes, or alter castaways, all furniture in my tiny apt. came from streets on trash days. Don't eat out, instead, I walk, ride bicycle, or public transport. It's very simple. Live within your means, however meager. Only semi-luxury is a tablet
This is crap I feel sorry for these people but will you be on your means. I live in California I make 80000 a year sometimes 100 thousand I'm able to keep my wife at home we have savings we don't go on vacations but how many families do anyway.
Companies don’t want to pay a living wage!! I’m barely making more than I was 20 years ago, and I even have my AAS degree!!! I spent over $1,800 to become a certified medical coder, but I couldn’t find anyone to employ me!! Instead, I’m working as a buyer for a telecommunications company...making bread crumbs for 40 hours of work!! At least I do have health insurance, but that alone costs me $240/month...not including copays and medicines! My healthcare costs over $350/month!!! That’s ridiculous!!
Bingo. I, too, trained to be a medical coder (6 months school plus a state certificate). I job hunted for a year with doctors, clinics and hospitals. Nothing but dead silence. I opened up a home business - one customer in 4 months - then the phone bill killed off my business. Same thing with medical billing, EKG tech, ultrasound tech. Finally, I worked as a loan debt collector (ugh!) and a telemarketer (oof!). All this is not your fault, it is not my fault. It 's the system. Good luck.
It's obviously because you only have an Associate's degree. How do you expect that level of education to get you far? This is not the 2000s anymore. Bachelors and Masters degrees will get you better pay. Maybe consider going into nursing?
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian in Australia political class and union leaders are multi millionaire ( small business owners are in middle class struggling decades
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian you full of shit, USA has the biggest middle class per capita in the world ( Australia is tiny and so is our upper class,,, we have highest household debt in world let that sink in . We are not wealthy as Dumb Democrats claim. we are equally poor struggling to afford a home a new car here
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian your working class is shrinking,not your middle class. Middle class is ownership class, Thom Hartmann lied to you. Because Australia and northern Europe are nothing like he claim it to be
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian in Australia I pay 60% tax yearly, in USA you don't have federal sales tax why cars and products are much cheaper = middle class beter off living in USA my European friend say the same thing. Camaro 2ss in Australia is $90000 ( $23500 of the price government pockets then there share in proft government Arsehole take from Business in redtape , business tax, payroll tax . Australia the most anti business county on earth in my eyes . I would start a business in USA or Sweden Any day
...and it would be unlikely this family's income would be $120k in Burlington, IA. It would be more likely much less due to the types opportunities in the latter location.
What's so striking is how little solidarity there is between people facing hardship. The Kniselys at 21:28 are complaining about how "lower class" people get more aid than them, distancing their own struggles from and belittling the struggles of people they deem their inferiors, and there are more examples of this self-centered mindset in the video. It reminds me of _Parasite_ , where (spoilers!) the poor families scramble on top of each other, look down on each other, and try to displace each other in the class hierarchy microcosm of the Park family household in the struggle for prosperity, which ultimately is the undoing of both families.
I am a middle age guy,grew up in a poor country, but I always remember one thing my teacher always say, Any time expenditure is more than income,you are in great danger ! And I live my life on that motto ! I do hope you can do the same!
Depends on where you live. $120k in Tenessee? Rich AF. 120k in San Francisco? You have 2-3 room mates and live in a community house. There is no way you will be able to afford your own home.
When greed becomes the main goal,it will become your downfall and in the case of money, the banks win.... allway's. People never learn because they get addicted too a way of living!
When wages stagnated in the 70s that’s when the credit thing came in to play, they kept wages low and extended you credit, to keep you believing in the American dream.
I'm glad you're saying this because its the disgusting secret behind how neoliberal governments in US and aborad have kept spending high while letting wages stagnates. Just letting people go deeper and deeper into debt, increasingly making accept that they wont ever be able to pay off a mortgage, pay for their childrens educations etc. What has happened should be criminal.
yep, Credit. No increase in Wages. Then sent jobs overseas so we can spend our limited wages and credit on cheaper goods, so they don't have to increase worker's pay. Let's pray Pres Biden can get the $15 an hour through with Budget Reconciliation.
Since 1971, the dollar has lost 98% of its value. Since 2008, its gotten worse. The governement printing of money, the latest COVID package coming in about $1.9 Trillion, has eroded the value of the dollar and created an asset bubble. Even worse, the Governent lies and tries to get you to believe inflation is a mythical 2% or less. Anyone can look back at their life and see its a lie. For example, when I bought my first detached home in Toronto Canada for $215K in 1997, I was making $38K as a full time CPA student working in a Toronto firm. Property taxes were $1600, utilites $150 a month, a new VW Golf cost $19K taxes in (8%) and my last year tuition for commerce at UofT was $2300. Fast forward to 2020: the house is now worth $800,000, taxes are $6500, utilities are $450 a month, a new VW Golf with similar options costs $32K with sales tax of 13% and tutition is $15,000 a year BUT a CPA student now makes a $50,000 a year. There is no way a young couple could ever buy what we did in 1997 working the same jobs even with a side job. So, N. Americans are borrowing more to make up for the lost purchasing power to maintain the lifestyle they think they deserve. This has to blow at some point, but I've been saying that for 10 years. Unfortunately I think the aftermath of COVID may finally bring the house of cards down. A lot of people are going to get hurt, while we transfer more wealth from the shrinking middle class to the top 5%.
You can feel richer if you want less? Most of us are less rich because we got sick not because we got greedy. We got sick and the people who steal our health premiums and overcharge for care and medicine got rich. We got sick. They got rich.
I don't hear enough grousing about medical costs. The reason everyone is tapped out is because the lawyers made a lawsuit lottery out of it. Mexican doctors do good work at a fraction of our costs. Thailand has a world class medical community. Their king set it up. Instead of the ultra priced kennel you get in a US hospital, their accommodations are a 5 star hotel. The Mexicans limit malpractice costs to a flat fee. It's pretty bad when a third world neighbor is better off than you are.
I live in Australia our middle class is shrinking fast. Our housing has been flooded and manipulated with Chinese money. A large portion of manufacturing has relocated to sweatshops off shore. Our unions are no better than the corporate giants and influenced by the far left. The country is almost ungovernable due to hung parliaments and weak self serving leadership.
Whats scary is that a lot of Irish find Australia attractive and go there to live. But you have just described Ireland. Foreign vulture funds have now bought up a lot of the housing loans, ALL our mnfg is gone off shore and the political system is chaotic.Many Irish are returning home as they find costs in Australia very high.
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
Its practically impossible to have a decent life without a college education in the U.S. these days. Trade school isn't exactly peachy either, given how all my joints will likely be shot before I'm 40.
They arent being forced out. They just spend more than what they have. Years ago people did not live in houses nearly as large as what they do today. Simplify!!!
@B. Greene True...But everyone isnt living in the city. Everyone doesnt have that high of expenses. Research the home size increase if the average American in the last 30 years. It's astounding.
Ronald Regan broke unions and shipped jobs overseas. George W. Bush opened the flood gates on illegal immigration and destroyed wages and benefits. Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio destroyed the original Obamacare. Mitch McConnell stopped benefits for vets. Paul Rayn and Trump put the tax burden solely on the working families of America. Trump is going to kill the Social Security system for the sake of the wealthy.
@@hydrolito Wyoming owns the coal industry. They legislated years ago for clean coal and let Obama take the blame, thank Dick Cheney for that one. While we are at it, fracking killed coal as well. Dick Cheney legislated to lift regulations and won, so Dick Cheney did it again. GWBush pushed the windmills and solar to make up for being such a fuk-up! My home is 100% solar and we have a natural gas furnace that only gets turned on for a half-hour in the mornings. Trump took Obama's economy (which was very fragile) and revved it into the ground. In September 2019 the economy began to collapse. The Federal Reserve was sending out $200 billion dollars a week to keep the banks afloat. They are still doing it today. Trump's economy was nothing more than his brand name and Wall street banked heavily on it. Trump gave the wealthy nearly a trillion in tax breaks and put the tax burden on the working class. The Powell memorandum, 1974, should be read and understood by all Americans. It is a conservative guideline to keep the wealthy in control of the masses. Conservatives keep their people under control with hate and fear. Socialism is bad but they keep getting bailed out. Socialized medicine is bad but they keep raising prices and profiting from it. YOU and your Trump-loving fool buddies are doomed. You are too stupid to see who is screwing you!
The true American shouldn't have to make that choice. They own land and a farm. And still don't make enough to survive. Why do 50 people own majority of the land in the U.S.? Why are people paying 1200 for a 1bedroom apartment. When there are 2bed 2bath homes that have a mortgage of 1000.
What you missed here is the decrease in spending. The 1% does not spend money that creates jobs. The middle class of a 150 millions buys 3 shirts, jeans and cars and takes 3 trips pr year. THAT is what keeps geasing the economy! Make the wheels spin again. Start taxing big firms as Boeing, McD and other so they can contribute on state and federal level!
yeah but most of the 1% have a business or employ staff so that's what governments want. The boss walks away with most of the cash and the employees pay the bill.
I work as an automotive tech, I make more than people with degrees. I am already training my 13 year old son to do the same and to keep his money live as a MGTOW.
As “mean” as it may seem, you cannot sacrifice your retirement to send your kids to college. Let them work their way through a local 2 year community college (not very expensive compared to a 4 year) and then attend a 4 year school to complete the bachelors while living at home (if there is a close university), commuting, or finishing their degree online. Too many parents make this mistake, and junior parties hard using your retirement. Nothing wrong with a kid working their way through school, while getting some support from their family. If it takes a little longer, so be it. Most kids aren’t mature enough to enter a 4 year college immediately after high school anyway.
Your retirement should not be touched, agreed! These colleges charge way too much!! If they want a higher level education, what you outline is a good way to go! Young people should work! They are young!!!
Well, these guys operated on the assumption that increased educational expenditures resulted in higher salaries for the kids later. That probably wasn't smart. It probably didn't turn out well, unless of course the kids are making bank. They probably aren't.
Jonas Cox said,"I only make $120,000 a year".What the?When I was working(I'm retired now)I never made over $50,000 a year and still managed to accumulate wealth.Some of these people just don't have a clue......
They live so far beyond their means! They have no concept of moderation; it's always, I want, I need; there is no doing without until the money is gone!!
mike coy Haha, screw off, if you have a hard time living off $140k u got major issues. I make less than half that and live perfectly happy and save quite a lot of my income, about 60% and still pay all my bills, your greed and wants consumes you!
I cannot imagine 200k/year not being enough. Perhaps some budgeting classes would help. How do you think folks who make less than 30k are able to survive? Those who make over 100k are the ones bitching about Obama care They're upset because they're not eligible for subsidies. Boohoo.,
Ian Muir The dream was obviously a delusion. My American dream is having the money to pay the rent, gas, groceries and utilities. I think some people took their status of middle class for granted, but the powers that be said not so fast. We in the upper 1% are going to get ours off the top and the rest of you can scavenge.
I want to retire in my early 60’s I am really special, so I franchise out my business rather than working hard I expect a pension fund to look after me in my old age I always shop with a shopping list, like my mother did I tend to cook at home and rarely go out for lunch/dinner, that is reserved for special occasions We eat as a family at the dining table, rather than perched on stools like at the local bar I have a job for life, employers are good people and own their business, no shareholders here I try and support family owned shops and businesses, no big box store for me I have a house which has seen time, not small, but sized for my family. I have a bathroom in our room, but the children share a family bathroom My home is just that, a home, not an investment Rather than ring a plumber or a carpenter, I have the basic skills to get most things done I serve the economy, because I believe it serves me Tax should be fair, but I hate paying a single dime I define myself about the stuff I have to hand .... even if it is bought with debt I am a true American! Or perhaps not.......
21:36 "I think the lower class gets a lot more help from the government." You are the lower class. You declared bankruptcy. It's time to wake up and have some solidarity
I know a guy who delivered pizzas and saved enough money to buy 6 house. Yes 6 houses. How did he do it? Saved every penny possible and spent as little as possible. Now he is a landlord and flips houses. An exceptional case and most people can't do that but it is a true story. I mean the guy ate like peanut butter and drank tap water every day. Extreme penny pincher.
What, no starbucks $6.50 latte everyday and eating out daily and fancy car and fancy clothes ??? The poor guy, what sacrifices he had to make in order to get ahead and make a decent life for himself !!!!Ask him to come and write his story for some of these crybabies on here :)
I just don't buy what you said you simply cannot live like a monk not socialise not travel, and to have other pleasures in life that make you a rounded person. You simply cannot be that single-minded. Did this guy have kids? If so how did he afford to raise them if he was just keeping every penny to buy to let?
Absolutely right. But you should be able to do something with this income. Again, this family is economizing incorrectly. Also, they have kids, so they should have deductions--i.e., be keeping more of their income than a single person would.
so he gambled all his money on the stock market and lost........ If you walk into a casino, with all your savings, you have to be prepared to lose it all. Had he won the stockmarket jackpot...he would be living in that dream home.
Well they did say they live in Boston and the cost of a 3 bedroom apartment in Boston averages out to 3 grand, or $36,000 a year. If you have a big family an average 4 bedroom house to buy is over $750,000 and to rent is closer to $4,500 a month, well over 50 grand. So in Boston if you make $120,000, after taxes your take home is closer to $95,000, so your rent or mortgage alone could be half your expenses. So you end up with $40,000 for everything else, and if you have several kids, student loans, food, gas, and medical bills, you can see how someone in Boston making 120k really isn't that rich after all. Gosh, people!
Especially with Health insurance and possible chronic illness co pays on existing health conditions which no health insurance will cover. Jesus, Boston has got dear, Dublins average rent is now reaching €2k pm and rising rapidly. It pays to be healthy in the US.
Rusty June I think if you spent more than twenty percent of your gross income on housing you are considered to be spending more than you should have to for residence. It's part of the definition of the povery line. Thanks for the breakdown!
you forgot basic expenses, like water/power/phones/internet/car insurance, gas/commute - food etc - and all those considering you are an healthy person.
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian just get rid of these leeches living off of others. No need for using technicality to paint the systems. All are trying to live a life. It's not my job to feed some entitled ones, in govt and his family.
To think that voting for or against one's interests in the good old US of A is possible is as foolish as these simpletons living outside their means and thinking it's someone else's fault. Don't vote. Rise up.
@Alan Rosenzweig the only difference between the two parties is the rhetoric. it's more like controlled opposition. both of these parties are funded and controlled by billionaires. you have billionaires on the right vs billionaires on the left playing these political games for show. what we really have is a one-party billionaire oligarchy.
I live on a fraction of what this guy makes, and I still able to pay my bills. It's called living within ones means, shopping at thrift stores and garage sales. Driving used cars.
What happens when everyone lives like you do? You are indirectly benefiting from the excess of others by finding bargains at thrift stores and garage sales. I think you're smart for living the way you do, but it isn't a scalable practice. I live in Portland and a pair of designer jeans at Goodwill in downtown Portland is $50+. All of the "affordable" items fly off the thrift store shelves because people are so strapped. Perhaps I'll drive down to Grants Pass to scoop up the thrift store deals to sell for a profit in Portland or Seattle. If I'm thinking about it, you know that others are already doing it. The next recession is on it's way if not already here and cheap, second hand stuff is going to get a lot more scarce.
Our family has a good income, plenty for six people. However, medical bills are killing our budget. Year after year they mount due to long term health issues. Bankruptcy is only a short term answer. Due to income, we do not qualify for assistance. Sure wish we had the answers.
the average person could easilly live on $1000.00 a month.if living is your goal. if pretending is your thing no amount of money is ever enough.having all sorts of things you keep just to tell people you have them. keep the roof from leaking and enjoy life and your family. let your neighbors buy a boat and haul it 4 hours to a lake while you enjoy life and your picture of a nice boat.
They invoked reagan, as they always do as an era of prosperity for the US and the middle class! But reagan, republicans, and conservative policy's helped to create the problems they're in! Manufacturing, made in USA, jobs exported, and how the rich avoid tax liability (off shore) happened under reagan, and corporation became a person under bush and restructuring of taxes! The richest 1% pay less taxes than any one in the middle class!!! Trump gave the rich tax breaks in order that they would reinvest in there people, instead, they bought back stock to enrich themselves!!! But as the narrator notes, the racist hypocritical view of the tea party, republicans, and conservative white america blames Obama!
Amen, add a bloated pig called Military Industrial Complex with the army of lobbyist and retired generals feeding at taxpayer expense, creating nothing. Today, the pillars of the American economy are weapons, drugs, oil and money laundering.It is the Golden Age of government malfunction that may end with the implosion of this country. When an empire is collapsing that's when they are the most dangerous. The USS Corona Titanic is sinking fast. Fasten your seat belt when the dollar lost the reserve currency status.
the beyond mega-rich cult behind these paid actors(presidents) probably used Obama just to further place the blame in the wrong place, but isn't it the public that really is to blame because it's the people who have kept voting this tyrannical cult in. i think white people were used as a sub-controller group by the cult, and David Icke has pointed out that mass immigration has been one of their control tactics for centuries, though the so-called multi-culturalism of the 80s has backed fired on them. it is clearly ALL of us that they have always seen as less than if anything at all.
Everyone of these cases is self inflected.$500,000 mortgage on a house.And the other family that can't live on $120,000 ? Give me a break !!!!!!!! What they all need to learn is to live within yours means and not be too greedy.The last couple could have bought a cheaper house
At that time, they could afford the mortgage. Don’t your kids and family deserve the best you can afford for their and your future, education, life quality?
A combined household income of $120000/yr sounds like a lot (at least it does to me) but when you're talking about working and living in a major metropolitan area like Washington DC, San Francisco or New York, its pretty low. That's about the equivalent to $50000/yr in someplace like Richmond or Sarasota. Viewers need to be mindful of where these people are living and the locality's cost of living. One thing I will agree with is that the college-educated middle class is disappearing. I have degrees in Information Systems, Finance and Accounting (I'm actually taking a break from my CPA prep studies). I was working as a project manager for a local electric utility just outside of Washington, DC. Our linemen averaged $110,000/yr. Not one of them had anything beyond a high school education. Now, that doesn’t mean they were dumb, far from it. In fact, you’ve got to be pretty smart and know what you are doing and how things work, especially in emergencies, to stay alive for very long. Meanwhile, as a project manager, I was earning $55,000/yr (I brought onboard not one but TWO company-wide, inter-departmental, field force management applications that were used by everyone from CEO to the meter readers. I was a systems analyst, hard ware technician, software installer, systems administrator, tester, trainer, security administrator and business analyst. In short, I did everything except write the software). So the notion that education guarantees a good income is flat out bullshit. By the way, the CEO of our company made over $550,000/yr! I never did figure out what he did to justify so high a salary.
Six years since this was aired but they could have shot it yesterday because it's just as bad now. We are watching the great, productive, loyal, hard-working, moral, family-centered Middle Class is at the bitter end of their rope. We can't spend our way out of a Depression this time like we did in the thirties. As bad as it looks for this generation of Middle Class Americans, the next generations are in line to suffer far worse.
I graduated high school in 1980. I worked for 4 yrs. at a furniture manufacturer in Ravenna,Oh. They had there since 1956. They closed in 1984. My first experience with un-employment. Ron Reagan was President.
This is one reason why my husband and I left Boston to expensive. We own a very nice home in North Carolina and we are happy now.
Yes, get out of Babylon...that's the solution. A Change of Attitude is essential. Change your Thoughts - Change your World. Stop buying the lie.
Chicago population has drop 20% in the last 20 years , no reason to live in that cold Lake Michigan 2 below zero and drive by Shooting . Florida the Golden state .
I live n NC also...
I lived in Boston for 6 mos. in 1969. I lived in a rooming house on Brookline Ave, a 10 min. trolley ride to Old Town for $10/wk. I lived on day-old-donuts from a deli where my boyfriend worked across the street. Once a week I would take an Add-A-Man job for $10/day to pay my rent, allowing me to play music all day long. Life was so good back then!
@@federicobacano6050 against your interests like they always do in North Carolina.
The End Of The American Dream. It's called a dream because it isn't real. A dream ends when you wake up. Good morning.
Good morning, Sunday morning!
And as I begin to 'wake up', seems like I have to stop blaming 'them'.
follow you step 😓
Wake up Mr. West
More like good MOURNING.
My grandpa told me once, " What's the meaning of an expensive pair of pants if the pockets are empty"!
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
There is no middle class anymore it’s either u rich or u not....
@Alex 20 you legit just copied a top comment word for word
that's what George Orwell warned people would happen as far back as the 1930s, because he new some of the elite and their plans for us then--they have had an end game planned for 2030, and it's why they have developed this police state we are in now.
@@donalddrysdale1657 True, yet tragic, so many still in denial of reality.
If that's your mentality then you're clearly struggling right now.
If those are the only two choices, why would you not choose rich?
Young families think they can have $400k house $150k education a wife that thinks she can work part time but drive $100 k worth of vehicles and $24k child care ...
and the problem is they're asking $400,000 for houses that used to be $100,000 not that long ago.
Right.. people are living like they are doctors, while on working class wages...😂😂😂
There is no shame in living within your means. You're just setting yourself up to fail.
F K im glad im a salesman. There is always a fool that needs to show of « wealth», buying junk they dont need to impress people they dont know with cash they have not earnd.
They're asking for things that are definitely within reach... in other countries and not the US but they have no intentions of moving
Here what I've learned from life. If you have a $100K income, live a $50K lifestyle, not a $200K lifestyle.
You win
Bingo !!!
Who makes a 100k. Hahaha. Not anymore
Good advice
@@suesheification hi tech engineers make 120k$ per year easily. more money is possible for them
America still is the land of plenty... Plenty of debt...
Good one! I like that quote.
Plenty of Stupidity and Greed.
The land of opportunity everyone can become a tax payer.
Land of the fee, home of the slave.
Land of the fee, home of the slave.
Economic slavery
Modern Day Slavery
@Owen Birr Good point, though that's how they ensure all the expressways are empty in China, by charging a fortune (around US$200 equivalent in toll fees for a 1000-1500km or approx. 600-900 mile journey).
How does a fourty year old lose 800k in the stock market. I am pretty sure he had margin loans, don't borrow to gamble.
This guy’s not a “typical middle class” person in the US. He gambled away almost a million dollars? Who selected these people?
He is a pig Republican and now he does not want to pull himself up.
Probably invest in single stock such as Hertz...
Trust me 😃 he believes the tea party is his salvation, regardless of there overt or closeted bigoted, racist views... and he'll blame brn/blk folks for all his white problems 😉👌
Yer, I know a lot of people got screwed. It was a real actual horrific period.
But this guy was a very bad example. The 'stock market loss' was insane. Also, he was a total 'Joneses' guy, because he tells you after the fact that he suddenly now realizes that $1/2Mil is too much for a house. Given the state of gender in society in 2020, if you watch the eyes on that woman's face from back then, slim chance in hell she is with that fool now.
A better headline: the middle class is being sold out.
Don't send your kids to Universities, but instead send them to trading schools.
Okay then who will be our doctors and engineers?
Chinese and Indian studying standards are higher than in the west. In South Korea, they spend an average of 15 hours studying daily. It's not so much about race as it is about studying.
@@PumpUPdaBase Unless you want to become a Nurse, Physician, Or Computer Scientist, don't attend a University if you are going to get a degree in Tuba or Lesbian Dance Theory with thousands of dollars in student loans.
@@PumpUPdaBase the guys that got the grade-based tuitions?
Also, a few plumbers and electricians are good too.
@Rosemarie Plant Yes, they can get a job before attending college, but don't let them work in those lower-than-minimum-wage-work-study positions. 😉
This is a joke 120k and u broke, try living off 1100/month.
Scott Aartsen we want for far more than we really need.
Try living in the usa with medical insurance costing you 3.000 a month.
Yeah and you would have a lot more if the 1% weren't taking all of it and leaving you the crumbs. They like to make you think you are lucky to have what you have while they take it all and pay no taxes.
If you make 120k a year and you're "broke" You arent "broke" you're an idiot.
@@thegmack1019 That would be my take on it;
Someone who can't live on 120k a year has some serious spending habits
ivyteainn drugs are expensive
That's for sure. And they will be sorry when it comes time to retire, because there's no way they can save enough for retirement, which costs much more today and few people realize that! They say retirement costs a million dollars today, few are going to be able to do that and retire at age 65 (or earlier, like some are) and they'll find out down the line, that they're finding themselves living at poverty level!
It depends on the number of people being supported. For some, medical bills are a real burden.
It depended where you live
They should move to Wichita, Kansas they can live comfortable in 40,000 dollars a year and there are plenty of jobs that pay forty thousand a year!
They chose the wrong couple to profile. $120,000 even if before taxes, is still a good salary. Some people get by on less than $20,000. This couple is not indicative of the majority of families. Having to make your own lunches. The horror! Lol.
Boston MA is a very expensive city to live in. $120k living in Dallas is comfortable, but $120k living in Boston or NYC is much different. The cost of living in some of America's largest cities are suffocating.
beezle1210 I'm gonna have to pop that bubble. I live in NYC making 60k a year and I manage to get by and save just fine. With $120k I could fly to the moon and back! Not sure how 120k is not enough in Boston????? People must have real high standards of living there!
Perhaps. Everyone has their own varied comfort zones. In general, the cost of living in NYC and Boston is definitely much higher than Dallas. Unfortunately, Dallas isn't as exciting as those cities either.
This docu was made by Europeans. They didnt pick a " normal" American city nor a " normal " American family. You expected what from a docu made by foreigners?
I guess that job does not require very good maths skills. That 120k is earned by 2 people. 60K each, the same as you. Plus they also have a family to support. There is also a need to service the debts built up from several months without work. Also, the point is, with skills, experience and many years of hard work invested in their careers, they expected a bit more out of life.
I have been a medical assistant in the medical field since 1991. I have NEVER made enough money to support myself completely. With every pay raise my hopes rise a bit but with the cost of living rising fast than my raises, I am just right where I started. Always behind.
We (USA / Europe) are still in the 2008 recession, the impact has simply been deferred by increased private and government debt, a situation which can't continue forever.
Not sure how you reach that conclusion. The American economy is FREAKISHLY HOT. Try to hire someone.
The puppet Obama you fools drooled over was the front man to pull the carpet out from under you. You should never let your guard down. Once you drop your fists you're going to get hit. Never get hit!!!
and then there was the COVID Pandemic...
my advice , don,t spend money to keep up appearances, always stay within your means and don,t worry about what others think.
Right. Work hard. Budget. No reason you can't be successful. Some people just don't want to put in the work.
Somebody convinced them that they had to have everything all at once. And that included kids. Before they ever owned a single thing. That is a house of cards. (That's the first three minutes into this.)
Cynthia Ayers if one desires more than one can afford one will always be poor. BUT if one lives in a country that doesn't provide even the most basic services, like say universal health care people will struggle.
Call it socialism but who really cares about the name as long as people can make a good living. I personally pay 870€ for my health care that covers everything for 5 people. Complicated hart surgery, no problem. Rehabilitation after a stroke, sure thing.
@@SchnuckySchuster wrong on the first part. It's, goals timing and money, in that order. And you're half-right on the last part. People may get all healthcare insurance that they want. And in a capitalist Society you're expected to provide for yourself. You're expected to be an adult and figure it out. If you can't figure it out and don't ask, whose fault is that. Economics.
16 minutes in and the narrator says this is a picture of the house that Jerry and his wife.... owned? How can you own something that you did not finish paying for?
(I think if you would get this wording correct in your head, it will change how you talk,comprehend and feel about things. But that's me.)
When I was poor I lived in abandoned buildings with permission of the owners, just to protect the building. Only paying for electricity and water etc. I drove a 30 year old vw rabbit on waste cooking oil. And that wasnt even real poverty.
The American middle class has been under attack for AT LEAST 40 years.
John Orban, yes because it seems the plan is to have a Nation of very rich people and poor people.
But eventually it will all fall apart!
And in all that time I went from a poor woman close to middle class now. That's because I started out living in the back of a truck, instead of ending up in one. And I never once used credit. This is the land of opportunity. If you are a man , you should have a house for your woman if you want one to move in with you or to marry and have a family. But doing it the other way around, is only building a house of cards.
The standard of living in the United States peaked in 1973 and has been declining ever since.
Left policy globally , in Australia regulations and taxes increased on middle class and upper class 35 yrs
Started with ronald raygun.
$120,000 a year which is $10,000 a month and he can't live off of it. I can't feel sorry for him
I initially wrote out this big huge thing. But I decided to delete it because I can barely afford to pay attention. Some people just wanna make ends meet I'd be happy with my ends being able to wave at each other. So I ain't gonna argue over this guy's 120k and fight with anyone else on where they went wrong or how if we has 120k what we'd do better. I can only care about my pockets. And no one else's.
he is a MORON.
Yes but where does the person live and what’s the state of his past ... the smallest home in Maryland costs around 300k to start. In Arizona the largest nicest house can cost 100k soooo, standard of living is way different around the country
$10k a month? In Massachusetts that's $7k after taxes. $6k after health insurance, life insurance, short term disability insurance,flex spending and 401k savings. $4k after mortgage is paid. $3500 after car payment. $2500 after groceries and gas cause $150 a week in groceries doesn't get much these days and $100 a week in gas doesn't go very far either. $2500 leaves you $625 a week if you are lucky enough to not have any student loans, credit cards, cell phones, friends, or a social life. If you're married that's a little over $300 each a week man. $120k is nothing in Massachusetts.
As a Black person, I know our average pay is less than 1/3 of this white family, and you want me to feel sorry for them? Not going to happen.
When are people going to wake up and realize that eight giant real estate companies own 90% of the for sale/rental property in this country.
Hence invest in REITs.
TD Bank owns 450,00 VACANT properties, *450,000* homes collecting dust as millions face homelessness due to COVID19. People need to start moving in by the thousands, and staying put no matter what. They CANNOT ARREST US ALL.
@@deenanthekemoni5567 Yes. The hoarding of real estate by these mafias need to be put to an end. The rich keep getting richer because of increasing land value on which they've a ton of share. We need govt regulation.
Stop this atrocious property tax grab. Let people live in their houses atleast after retirement, if they want to.
Marc O'Dell.
Tell me why the rest of the World's non-America-residing population, and I, need to waste our time, and memory, "realising" something that is totally irrelevant to us??
combined $120k per year, granite counter tops in the kitchen??? Bless your god damn heart. Yall havent seen shit.
Again, as mentioned a similar post as yours, 1Cardplayer; the range mentioned was $40~$120 thousand. That is the defining range of middle class and the numbers and percentage in that 'class' are shrinking.
It seems you like to gamble. Has it paid off?
JoBlow, your comment seems more typical of 'Conservative ghetto trash'.
I lived in a house with granite counter tops. I thought they would be better than tile but truth is, they are just as difficult to clean because everything leaves a streak.
Umm that was Corian not Granite, but point taken.
Message from the gets worse :(
Specially if you're stupid!
@@jaygill5582 smart people failed aswell Buddy not just the silly one you live in a con and you will get it sooner or later
@@jaygill5582 all by design remember that ,,!?
4 months is now the past again. And the future is much, much brighter.
I raised 4 kids on $34,000 all alone
As a single mother I would appreciate even half of $120,000
From Canada 🇨🇦
I am form Toronto. Me and my wife make $3000.00 a month end we are living in a better way. Thanks God
Single mothers raise school shooters!
brad titt you’re probably like my ex husband who no doubt would say something like that while quitting his job not to pay child support and continue supporting hookers for his disgusting life
@@stellamiller251 ew thats gross, sorry
@@bradtitt7572 simp
“You can feel richer if you want less.” I really like that. Something I need to remember.
richness is not measured by money. THAT is the problem with people. You are already really rich with health, nature and love for each other. But you replace all that with money and cars and bullshit man made shit!!! So therefore you deserve you unhappiness until you truly recognise what is real.
I have my Studebaker and I'm proud of it. I can live on less, but I'm never going to lose that car. If I do, I would face the music and hurl myself off the nearest skyscraper.
@@tavoiaiono7885 I have my Studebaker and I'm proud of it. I can live on less, but I'm never going to lose that car if I have a say in it. If I do, I would face the music and hurl myself off the nearest skyscraper.
Is that why Tiny Houses are all the rage?
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
I would never make my parents use their pensions and work for the rest of their lives just so i didn't have to go into student debt. Freaking gross
Very gross
@@psylocibin9359 nice name!
sorry if you cant study then bloody well work and dont suck on your fingernails
It’s funny how a minimum wage worker can survive yet someone who makes six figures is struggling!
thats because a minimum wage worker lives at a way lower standard of living. No health insurance, def no retirement/savings, work year round with no break, live with multiple people, etc. these are middle class people, trying to live at the standard of living outlined in the video, because that is what they have been told their labour entitled them to. But due to wage stagnation/outsourcing/increasing costs of living, they are unable to. As this dynamic continues, accelerated by the 2008 economic crisis, more and more of these middle class workers become lower class workers, aka the minimum wage workers, making exactly as you say, just enough to survive, day to day. this video is about the story of these former middle class workers.
Cost of living affects that.
@@jo3bro Trying to live like a seven-figure as a six figure is like a minimum wage trying to live as a six figure, it will never work!
I'm in Silicon Valley and make less than $20k a year. I've helped out people who make almost 10X what I do which is hilarious.
Many live beyond their means.
ditch the credit cards, buy less crap and live WITHIN your means or get more means
thats what we do we live in a mobli home in a small town is it nice to live in a mobll home no it not a house butt we own it and the lot rent is only 210. per month that is the price of rent in the 80s and we are happy
I feel credit cards should be used for emergencies, not extra televisions for kids' rooms, x-box games, and eating out every night because you're too lazy to cook and clean dishes!
What they seem to think is a state of desperation is how I've lived my entire life. Living paycheck to paycheck, buying necessities (not the sort of stuff that advertising tries to convince us are "must haves"), using credit cards for things like car repairs and the like, etc. I have always rented because I have never wanted to be financially tethered to a piece of property. I'm living on Social Security Retirement now and the only thing I can really complain about is having to do without things like needed physical therapy because I can't handle all the co-pays. I'm probably more at peace than some people who worry because they can't have the latest upgrades of stuff.
Excellent advice but few, unfortunately, will follow it. It is true, however, that the middle class in America is dwindling. People need to learn to live within their means, how to economize, how to prevent illnesses by eating healthily, (which takes some real doing now!) how NOT to live beyond their means, and a whole lot of other things to consider. People are lazy, they don't WANT to economize where they need to IF they know how! "Keeping up with the Jones" has always been the norm with many people, an unnecessary and foolish way to perceive it because the 'Jones' are probably more in debt than they are!!
us housing market is a joke. Most of these plywood houses have no real value.
Wrong. A house is to live in.
The BIG cost in a house in the US is the land on which it is built and the planning permission to build on that plot. Also the surrounding infrastructure and connections to services and their provision must be paid for. Then there is an annual set of taxes which must be paid to support police, schools etc. The actual structure of the house is but a small part in the whole equation. The US has some of the oldest timber housing in the world and for them it works. The other side of the coin is that some parts of the states suffer hurricanes and tornadoes which a concrete house will not resist. A cheaper timber house can be cheaper to build if knocked in a storm. Where I live in Ireland concrete houses are preferred because we have a damp climate which easily rots timber, we do not have the extreme wind speeds which knock structures so concrete is good here in Ireland but not in the US. We may have high winds but the extreme speeds common in the States. Also building labour costs in the US are very high militating towards a quick timber build.
Funny thing is: there is a stereotype that americans think the People in Europe live in shity wooden houses - But it is the americans who live in shity wooden houses 😂
You can see these houses are worthless when the slightest storm approaches and, eventually, destroys those homes like they're made of cardboard
As an over the road trucker I see how difficult it is .. I have been living in my eighteen wheeler since 2013 ( summer ) I managed to barely break the 50k barrier last year. I am separated, basically homeless, I purchased a used pickup truck with cash, I bought a used Harley ( Both over 18 years old. ) I don't see how anyone can make it with a family , house , and property. I can't see an Avenue for my retirement to be beneficial ..
Dual income no kids.... do that for about 10 years then have kids if you want.... pretty simple stuff man. On 50k you should be able to save half of that. Next thing you know you've got a quarter million 10 years from now if you got a 0% roi & 0 raises.
@@user-td7xf3gz4l Yeah you're stating the obvious basically. I have no kids, single, all my longtime girlfriends had no kids too and had no immediate desire to have kids (we preferred pets, haha). Actually I had two gf's who made more than me, I made around 100k and one of these made roughly 130k and in this case we lived in a huge old but very cheap (for that region) condo but because we intended not to have children, no marriage, we lived a pretty hedonistic lifestyle. Saving was not on the menu, haha. Twice a year holidays minimum, eating out all the time, never looking at prices while shopping but still at the end of the year we should have saved at least 20k/year as a couple with our salaries despite our spending habits yet usually we were more or less even. Often scratching our heads, where did all the money go??
But yeah on paper it looks "pretty simple" but if one is longing for a family it happens that they don't wait till the time would be right - strictly financially wise - but have children too early. And it's a risk like everything in life. You may end up in a messy divorce and as a man lose your kids and have to pay for years. You're fucked. I'm glad I'm no family guy and could never live with a woman together anyway these days.
Hey man, get yourself a life! You consider yourself poor? Buying a Harley? Where's your brains? 98% of the people in the world are far worse off. Stop complaining .
@@Jj-gi2uv Marriage isn't a big money spender, having kids is. Millenials are actually the first generation to wait significantly longer to get married, average is late 20s - early 30s now
@@liliancaran5364 Women spend a lot of money!!! If you're not spending money on your wife, they will leave you for greener pastures! A single man should be able to work on himself and save his resources to invest in the future. Getting mixed up with a woman when young is the ticket to poverty and stress! A man has to learn how to keep his pants zipped up!!
I'll be damned if I go broke trying to put my kids through college and they can pay for their own wedding too.
Way back in the day people got married in a nice dress at the hem of the parent. Everyone brought food and some brought records and there was the wedding. Cheap and everyone had a good time.
@@jeaniemarczniec7755 Kids today expect too much for what we earn. If you make very good grades you won't need to pay for college and if you are making bad grades then you probably won't do well in college either so why waste my money, lol
@@IndBro2 Yeah that's stupid because statistics show that half of marriages don't make it but a house won't leave you.
@@IndBro2 Damn right, a fool and money are soon parted. But gramma now knows don't leave her estate to a fool! I hope she gives it to you, you will use like a tool to build more. We got nothing when we married.
Turns out, Idiocracy wasn’t a movie, it was a documentary.
Nailed it!
Mom's Basement Yep! I had similar thoughts while watching.
It's a prediction...
Hey Moms Basement I like your OC and Your Title.
It should be required viewing, because it sure is reality.
They spent their retirement money so their kids could party in college than come back to work in the pizza business.
lol, sad but true.
Because they're foolish.
@scott leachman Now that you're retired, you can read the greats of literature.
A smart phone bill is $1400 a year, fools. I think poor.
Rich is not he who has more...but instead, he who needs less....
That was my motto as a youth need and therefore spends less (aka the fifties & sixties. I had paper routes and saved my money.) I always though before spending, "is the nickel better in my pocket than spent on 'such and such' urge?"
• Then I began investing my savings in Apple. I knew it was the future.
• Did I just luck out? I didn't get out of the market fast enough in the 2000 crash, but I got out with a lot more than I originally invested. Then the moderate and steady climb began.
• The Chinese are such thrifty spenders. It was also the way of Europeans and North Americans etc. from the 20's on. But it died out mid seventies.
• It takes time, and seems slow at first. And one needs to learn and practice how to weigh 'emergency spending'. It is often a choice; at times it might not.
Back in the 1950's in Canada, EP Taylor was the richest man in the country, owning conglomerates. I used to know a guy who knew him. He told me EP's philosophy was to pay his employees a good wage. In that way they could afford to buy the products his companies produced. Today the Amazons and Walmarts of the world pay their employees dirt cheap wages, while the big shots get rich. Sooner or later it is going to come back to bite them.
120k a year and you’re struggling. And here I thought I was doing pretty good at 56k
And I at 20,000
I live on less than $14,000. a year. It's a bitch.
@@suzanne48 what do you do Sandra?
My highest paying job was about 16 k per year and wife's was 23 k but we did not have both at same time. She has since died from cancer.
And homeless folk 😔
"The reason they call it the American Dream, is because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin
Not true
JJ - so very true.
@@user-td7xf3gz4l ha
@adrian singh Just because its popular doesn't make it less true... Our standard of living is "supposed" to go up, not down and it is definitely going down.. A small handful of people are living well, the vast majority of us are doing more, working harder and have less free time compared to our parents and their parents. Life has become harder by an order of magnitude, as well as significantly more stressful. Families are going from the top of the proverbial middle class food chain to complete financial armageddon, there is no stability, you can't rely on your job and your boss wouldn't hesitate to throw you under the bus if it'd make him an extra buck or save his ass, there is no loyalty anymore- The world is fucked up and the only thing that can work at this point is war, if we can't live decent lives and have no true freedom, personally or financially, we have no choice but to fight for freedom again, because living like this, existing in a limbo between homelessness, constant fear of the infamous repo man and and a cell phone that never stops ringing, this is not how things are supposed to be, this isn't life, it is hell.
@@rickb06 my standard of living keeps going down. The rich get richer and greedier.
The lazy get lazier thanks to DemoCraps.
Jesus has Always been the answer.
We all die and give an account.
I have no credit, everyone I know tells me I need it. For what to get things I can't afford.
Exactly Haha
Actually, it does come in handy if you want to rent an apartment, get utility service, etc.
@@lindsayschutz they just charge you a deposit if your credit is jacked up.
Secret of credit cards is to get them as many as you can then max them out get even with the criminal rapist backers.
ITT: People who self sabotage by not having a credit card. Credit is not evil, you still need to buy food and other misc items. Use it wisely, especially those that have cash back are a no brainer. God I swear the Dave Ramsey crowd of "No Credit Cards" is just people who lack self control.
Remember these words:
"I don't owe you anything."
That's why our country is in this dilemma.
Civilization was built on Teamwork. Not egoism.
Just ask anybody who served in the Military.
You accomplish the mission, as a group.
Indeed, not just the US but radical individualism is destroying the West.
@@arnowisp6244 People have a right to be individual, and not mindless drones.
So a lazy fuck can mooch off someone else?
3:10 120k a year...That is probably more than 98% or earth's population.
Wait until you get to 22:00 mark were this lady says poor ppl get more help from the government.🤦🏽♂️
@Meg Fargo
Are you 4 real!!!
@Meg Fargo
I didn't get your answer but do you agree with what the lady said on the video?
If you have running water in your house you ahead of a large part of the global population.
The middle class needs Dave Ramsey. Relying on debt to fund your lifestyle, is no way to live.
Good for you. Should you get an email at work telling you to not show up as your job no longer exists, Dave has an excellent bean recipe he'd be willing to sell you to help you get by.
You have two main things that drain people's accounts. Education and medical costs.
Medicine in the us has been developed as a profitable business.
I think healthcare system must be recreated as service as it is in rest of the developed world.
You shouldnt bankrupt because you were ill. That is insane...
My wife and I work 80+ hours a week. That 10 hour days 6 days a week to make 65k annually.. We rent an apartment cause they say we cannot afford to purchase a forclosed home that costs 30k to buy. We are a dual income home. Both of us are putting in hours equivalent of 2 40 hour jobs each. We don't have credit cards, we own 1 car we don't live beyond our means and dont live lavish lives we are lucky if we have time at the end of the day to sit and eat dinner together. We got married 12 years ago and on our honeymoon my wife went to work because we couldnt afford to loose the money. We sacrifice all of our best years working to the Bone and as it looks now I'll have to be 75 before I could even consider retirement. I'm 40 now I have nothing to call a safety net. Dreams are best left as just that. A Dream. Cause the moment you try to realize your dream it becomes a nightmare. That's as American as it gets.
I thought the major drain on income was insurance and taxes.
Muffin Top ...but my school days are over,n I’m fit as a fiddle!
And taxes.
Us poor people been living off less then 20k yearly. We are used to being poor.
Try 10,000 these days.
@@alexisalexander9037 exactly
We be living off less and are worth over 2 million! When we made more we simply saved more. We called the bank the black hole, every time we got money we threw it into the blackhole, then when we saw we could *steal some real estate we went to the blackhole and pulled out some money.
steal....... means get a great deal!
until the middle class and poor work together its going to get worse,.let's stop talking and go put something on all those senators and congressmen who are making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
"...senators and congressmen who are making the rich richer and the poor poorer."
Yes my friend, that is a big part of the problem. It's sad. People are heartless. Just full of greed.
" the way to destroy the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." - vladimir lenin.
@Gert van der Horst agree, sounds like a bs quote
@Gert van der Horst - so called 'military communism' and 'red terror' was indeed started by Lenin (with Trotskiy being hist 1st lieutenant). Millions of people did even before uncle Joe took the rein. The whole country took devilish turn in 20th century in big part because of lenin. stalin just built and expand. Myself being Russian wishing Russian history can be rewritten
And to give the richest endless tax cuts so that the working people bear an ever heavier load. We need to tax the 1%....
@@oldishandwoke-ish1181 said
@@americaneagle7777 Lenin and Stalin - however you like or hate them, created a great country which was the first to launch a manned rocket and defeated fascism. The backward tsarist Russia with pogroms - a prison of nations.
Fun fact. In 2020, it doesn’t get better.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. 2020 isn't over yet.
It did until ChinaBiden virus.
How dare someone who identifies as "trans" make such an impudent statement? Let me guess, you naively waved a BLM banner this year also? The audacity of those being carried hasn't improved in 2020.
@Chuuu yeah, Did you know that the Democrats fought to keep slavery in the south? It’s common sense you should look up the scummy shit they do
@@criticalcharge8172 Google "Southern Strategy" please. Both parties have a history of racism, not just one.
It also should be noted that, it's hard to save money because of absurdly high utilities and high rent costs. The only real way to truly save money would be to live with three or four other working roommates and hope you don't get a terrible illness or accident. In fact a lot of young adults are still living with relatives because of this.
blackdragon6 diseases? What do you mean? That’s a lame excuse to put up. Don’t you mingle w/t others in work place, subway, and other public places?
@@wanelly -- Why do you scoff? I had planned on working well into my 70s or 80s like others in my family, so in my 40s I had never gotten serious about saving for retirement. Then unexpectedly, I was diagnosed with a medical problem that forced me to apply for disability. I refused to do that at first, however, until I could work so little that it lowered the amount of money I got in Social Security Disability payments, when I finally broke down and filed.
Now I'm on a fixed income with no savings and in pain 24/7, and the government has made it nearly impossible to get pain pills. I can barely walk, let alone work, though I was put on OxyContin for a while and it helped so much that I updated my resume and looked for a job. But now OxyContin is nearly impossible to get and it was the only thing able to control my pain.
Each letter I type here hurts my hand and my neck, shoulder, and back are in terrible pain, too. I wake up all night due to pain, as well, so holding a job has become impossible unless (possibly) the government lets people like me be able to get effective pain control. Even then, I wonder who would hire somebody that needs OxyContin to be able to function.
Note -- People who take these drugs for pain as bad as mine, and who follow prescription instructions, do NOT get "high" from the drug. We just function better and can even think more clearly when not in pain.
Sharon Taylor phew!
So your later teens, twenties, and thirties were basically wasted. Too bad your plan didn’t pan out as you had thought. Basically, you started functioning as an adult in your 40s and just when you did, disability “swept you off your feet”.
Like they say in physics; every action has a reaction and some reactions have a catalyst to them. I’d say a player to your cause but unfortunately I don’t believe in players. At least there is a government “tit to suck on (disability checks”. All will be well.
And may I ask what kind of medical condition did you acquire that you have to live on oxy and disability ???
I am 34 and still live with my parents
Let your children finance their own dreams. They will appreciate whatever it is they are striving for even more.
Yes that is what Suzi Orman recommends. You take care of your retirement and let the kids take care of their own college.
That would be setting them up for failure. You must be completely unaware of the current financial climate for young adults.
@@joanryder3842 I am not saying to not help them in ANY way...let them live with you rent free while in college or while saving for a house. If you take care of your own retirement than they are not burdened later on.
Getting your kids through college should be something every man should do
When you read the comments on videos like this you realized that they've succeeded in getting the poor to hate each other. That's the most difficult step it's all downhill from there.
Best comment on here. Divide and conquer! It has worked for centuries, unfortunately.
I know for sure. I went from middle class to HOMELESS. And have met MANY people from the middle class in the shelter. They won't admit it. They're ashamed. Well I'm not. Like seriously, there are entire families living in shelters. And now those of us who work are victims of extortion
Lol us poor never hate on eachother we hate on the rich keep take n riseing prices and ppl that vote allow it to happen and yall crying to be poor🤣🤣🤣🤣welcome to our word no worries be just fine🤣🤣🤣
they have convinced people to hate one another when the people should be hating them.
Exactly the poor and middle class keep fighting among themselves on party lines but it’s the corporation and both parties who are killing us
Hold up, George is the owner of a franchise owner in multiple locations, and is still struggling? I think you need to change your accountant, cause people are stealing from you my friend.
I agree, I had a hard time empathizing with that as well. Once they stated those creds they should have given more details on how he got into that situation.
Taxes are upwards of 60 percent on business owners plus other expenses. So started income is inclined to be pretaxed
No way this can be compared to the great depression. All that happened here was people had to stop shop shop shopping and over spending, and get back to reality, and they hated it. In the great depression, hard working people that wouldn't even take a hand out were starving, and there were NO jobs. Greed ran rapid, when reality hit, people got depressed. Its no doubt where Americans of today priorities are. The middle class are wiping "themselves" out. Though they work hard, they want more, its never enough, they wanna not only keep up with the Jones, they want to be the Jones. Proof? Go to any small town, look at homes built in the 1950s, which started suburbia, and led to the middle class. Most of these homes were from 1200 to 1500 square ft, and they raise two to three children in them. Todays middle class were building 2000 to 2500 or more square ft and some filled with extreme custom cabinets, granite tops, extremely expensive flooring etc. Its not necessary, and then they complain over education for the kids? College is a joke, 75% of people that go cant find jobs, yet wont work blue collar jobs. A high demand for welders, and a good welder makes a good living, but you have to WORK for the money, not dress up in some over priced suit and act like big cheese on your ass all day pushing a pencil. You are what you are, we cant all be rich, but middle class people crack me up, they try to act like the rich, trying to out do each other, but really are only pea counters and do the work the rich dont want to do, and make not that much more than many of the poor. If your making 40,000 a year or more, and cant make it, your living above your means. Ditch all the high priced SUVs and pickups, drive small cars like Ford Focus, stop buying your kids 700.00 dollar cellphones the dont need, sell the monster house and get a smaller more sensible home, and control your life instead of your life controlling you....
I agree. They think it’s supposed to be glamorous when it’s not. When it all works out it’s peaceful and pleasant, maybe glamorous many years later, but not in the same way of stupid overspending...but in an A plus neighborhood and city all across the board.
Old Bay you are as dumb as they come. Typical Trumptard who couldn't find his own ass with a map, two hands, and a flashlight.
SPOT ON !!!!
@Ronnie Verhagi, Sorry but you are the one with no clue !! You just sit around waiting for your hand out and see what you get !!I bet OLD BAY works their ass off, lives a comfortable life that is humble, simple, within their earing means and they could care less what the "Jones's" have..................And I can guarantee you they are 100 times happier and more secure than you are !!!!!
Amen to that! It's time we turn off the t.v., stop filling our heads with garbage, stop being so damn selfish and find satisfaction in the fact that we all have it 100 times better than our grandparents, if we really think about it we are all rich in the USA, 100 years ago we would have lived in non insulated, dirt floor homes, with no electricity nor all the great things we take for granted that use electricity....we really have it made now, even the homeless have it better than before, a king 100 years ago did not have the amenties we take for granted now. I choose to live in a storage unit for a year while I was making 120k a year just to keep myself humble, it was great! I went to the gym every day to shower for 10 bucks a month, I felt I was living like a king! It was great!
It's the top 1% that's the problem. Greed is always a disaster. Bring back our manufacturing jobs, and rely on the US for our own stuff! Problem solved! The way it was before we flipped!
The only issue is bringing back manufacturing will likely just be minimum wage jobs which won't give people the money they need to buy a home when maintenance/upkeep is chewing into their paychecks. Companies don't want to be bothered with paying factory workers a good salary when they can pay poor people overseas to do it. The threat of labor automation would also eliminate many factory jobs altogether.
Increasing minimum wage to 27/hr will also do that. An increase in minimum wage will cause wage increases across the board guaranteed. Which will lift millions of Americans out of poverty. We can reduce nearly every welfare program by at least 50%. Yes of course many businesses will go out of business. But do you think a business that has a 10% profit margin should be open for business. Just think of all the actual quality businesses that don't get clientele because some larger business like WALMART, with inferior items makes them too cheap for actual quality businesses to compete with. They destroyed competition so people would have no choice but to take their inferior items and pay. Poor Republicans need to realize these businesses won't increase wages until they are forced to. No amount of hard work on your part is going to change the fact that the capitalism business model is always profits first. And many businesses will do anything, wether it may be morally right or wrong to maintain the highest profit margins. Even at the expense of workers wages and benefits. Why is the 12th richest family in the U.S. also known as the owners of Walmart, have workers on government welfare programs? This is a multibillion dollar corporation. Because after lowering prices and selling cheap goods to eliminate competition, Walmart only has a 3% profit margin. Meaning just enough to exploit their lowest employees and make the top employees wealthy. Lets stop allowing the government to prop up bad businesses with labor exploitation and tax cuts.
It's simple: Make yourself wealthy by needing little.
Easy said if your health is good, your family size is small, your relationships are good and you are lucky to avoid heavy debt in times of low inflation. If any of these variables are broken then you face a financial shit storm of epic proportions. High numbers of children, broken marriages and poor health are the preserve of the wealthy, if you want to survive.
This is a really good advice to live by. Fuck "keeping up with the Jones'".
I did all my life
Billder Inbaja
This is my mantra!!! Own my car, land & grow food therefore costs of living is drastically reduced
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian : You are saying Henry David Thoreau is a rich capitalist. Liar.
If me and my made $120k a year theres no way we would be broke no way!
oneil york depends on where you live. California? ABSOLUTELY not.
Indiana? You’re fine.
Susan Kelly If you pay in full each statement you don’t get charged anything, and you earn points. The best way to use a credit card is treat it like a debit card or cash. Don’t buy it if you don’t have a money to pay for it. I have 6 credit cards to which I charge everything for the points. I have an 822 credit score and no debt. But then I am very mindful and follows a strict budget, which I make at least weekly. My person opinion is that if you can’t control your spending, you shouldn’t have a credit card. 😊 Now, if I only had the same discipline towards my diet...😂
@@Wealllovekaira $120k in Silicon Valley is the same as making $45k in Northwest Indiana.
Right, and if you want to save. You must live like you make 60,000 a year. When you actually make 120,000 a year.. "that's how you get ahead"... GET HUMBLE OR GO BROKE..!
when you get old and near death u'll stop worrying about anything.
thrue out my years I've never had a credit card. yes I had depth. but never the depth that those who had credit cards. and what bothers me the most is all these banks that are giving people credit cards that had claimed bankruptcy is still giving it all out again.if theres a sale on merchandise .and you don't have the money for it at the moment. than you wait till you have it to purchase that item. simple as that.
I agree but sadly I guess. .......My days are truly numbered and life has not been easy, financial struggles have been many and trying. I wish I could have done more....but it's much too late now. I'm tired..........and I hope that I have not hurt anyone in my struggles. God's blessing to all!
@@barbaraleszczynski2214 God bless Barbara
Hey man its been a year, you still with us??
me 2008 school taught me: "I'm going to be rich, Wow $50,000 year that's a lot of money".
me now: "Wow I'm going to be broke, and $50,000 is not a lot at all a year, and housing is fucking crazy expensive".
I learned more from online then from actually finance class in school, or school at all itself.
American education system does not teach its students important skills for surviving in this country, they just teach them boilerplate curriculum.
@@rixille They teach people to follow people with degrees and make sheep. I've met more educated idiots in my life than working people without educations. Oh yea, I've read Milton! and half the great books of the western world!
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
Im an engineer in california and making what i once thought was good money... But im poorer than my parents, who were immigrants with no education. My house is smaller and just as old. I will not be able to send my kids to college... Im on youtube looking at RV living to be able to save for retirement.. What is middle class???
Muhammad Vaj Don’t send your kids to college. I won’t pay for a worthless college degree for my kid. If he wants to go to college he can pay for it ( he is still young). Life is absolutely ridiculous. Just retire in a third world country and enjoy your brief time on earth.
move to more cheap state =)
Yeah, engineering is for sure not what it once was. Sure its a great income, but just a generation ago it was an excellent income.
When I was young engineering was sold to me as a ticket to a comfortable life but it has gradually become much less worthwhile. I can't really put my finger on the reasons why, but it sure ain't what it used to be.
I live in NY City and with 120k year you can live comfortably just a total mismanagement of money.
but u buy chinese products,,,u should only earn $15,000
I also live in NYC on $30,500 year before taxes. I moonlight, do without TV, computer, stove, frig, buy only used clothes, or alter castaways, all furniture in my tiny apt. came from streets on trash days. Don't eat out, instead, I walk, ride bicycle, or public transport. It's very simple. Live within your means, however meager. Only semi-luxury is a tablet
This is crap I feel sorry for these people but will you be on your means. I live in California I make 80000 a year sometimes 100 thousand I'm able to keep my wife at home we have savings we don't go on vacations but how many families do anyway.
How many people get opportunity for 120,000 @ yr.?
That is VERY should try 25 to 30k @ year...for a family of four!!
Companies don’t want to pay a living wage!! I’m barely making more than I was 20 years ago, and I even have my AAS degree!!! I spent over $1,800 to become a certified medical coder, but I couldn’t find anyone to employ me!! Instead, I’m working as a buyer for a telecommunications company...making bread crumbs for 40 hours of work!! At least I do have health insurance, but that alone costs me $240/month...not including copays and medicines! My healthcare costs over $350/month!!! That’s ridiculous!!
Bingo. I, too, trained to be a medical coder (6 months school plus a state certificate). I job hunted for a year with doctors, clinics and hospitals. Nothing but dead silence. I opened up a home business - one customer in 4 months - then the phone bill killed off my business. Same thing with medical billing, EKG tech, ultrasound tech. Finally, I worked as a loan debt collector (ugh!) and a telemarketer (oof!). All this is not your fault, it is not my fault. It 's the system. Good luck.
cancel it
That’s cheap...
It's obviously because you only have an Associate's degree. How do you expect that level of education to get you far? This is not the 2000s anymore. Bachelors and Masters degrees will get you better pay. Maybe consider going into nursing?
@@hedyeherfani5729 ah yes go into deeper debt. Always best solutions Americans have
how can you struggle living on $120k, that's insane
Debt Slavery is the middle class homelessness is what poverty is now.
Middle class shrink because of Government
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian in Australia political class and union leaders are multi millionaire ( small business owners are in middle class struggling decades
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian you full of shit, USA has the biggest middle class per capita in the world ( Australia is tiny and so is our upper class,,, we have highest household debt in world let that sink in . We are not wealthy as Dumb Democrats claim. we are equally poor struggling to afford a home a new car here
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian your working class is shrinking,not your middle class. Middle class is ownership class, Thom Hartmann lied to you. Because Australia and northern Europe are nothing like he claim it to be
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian in Australia I pay 60% tax yearly, in USA you don't have federal sales tax why cars and products are much cheaper = middle class beter off living in USA my European friend say the same thing. Camaro 2ss in Australia is $90000 ( $23500 of the price government pockets then there share in proft government Arsehole take from Business in redtape , business tax, payroll tax . Australia the most anti business county on earth in my eyes . I would start a business in USA or Sweden Any day
A lot of pertinent and ‘spot-on’ comments here, but let’s be fair, folks. $120k is not the same in Boston as in Burlington, Iowa.
Very true sir
But you can live.
...and it would be unlikely this family's income would be $120k in Burlington, IA. It would be more likely much less due to the types opportunities in the latter location.
I have lived in Vermont for five years and those people are the heart and soul of the American ideal...very practical, sensible and compassionate.
What's so striking is how little solidarity there is between people facing hardship. The Kniselys at 21:28 are complaining about how "lower class" people get more aid than them, distancing their own struggles from and belittling the struggles of people they deem their inferiors, and there are more examples of this self-centered mindset in the video. It reminds me of _Parasite_ , where (spoilers!) the poor families scramble on top of each other, look down on each other, and try to displace each other in the class hierarchy microcosm of the Park family household in the struggle for prosperity, which ultimately is the undoing of both families.
I am a middle age guy,grew up in a poor country, but I always remember one thing my teacher always say, Any time expenditure is more than income,you are in great danger ! And I live my life on that motto ! I do hope you can do the same!
Well said. That one couple said they spent their retirement on their kids college. Who told them that was a good idea?
sure, i don't own anything but at least i'm not in serious debt.
Most of these people don't over spend though.
What are you talking about?
$120,000 a year and you’re struggling? GTFOH!
you're pretty much ignorant on the topic.
Depends on where you live.
$120k in Tenessee? Rich AF.
120k in San Francisco? You have 2-3 room mates and live in a community house. There is no way you will be able to afford your own home.
amazing display of common sense
this is a talk of middle class, not working class.
When greed becomes the main goal,it will become your downfall and in the case of money, the banks win.... allway's. People never learn because they get addicted too a way of living!
When wages stagnated in the 70s that’s when the credit thing came in to play, they kept wages low and extended you credit, to keep you believing in the American dream.
yes, exactly; and it was all part of an ongoing agenda in which we are clearly into deep now.
I'm glad you're saying this because its the disgusting secret behind how neoliberal governments in US and aborad have kept spending high while letting wages stagnates. Just letting people go deeper and deeper into debt, increasingly making accept that they wont ever be able to pay off a mortgage, pay for their childrens educations etc. What has happened should be criminal.
yep, Credit. No increase in Wages. Then sent jobs overseas so we can spend our limited wages and credit on cheaper goods, so they don't have to increase worker's pay. Let's pray Pres Biden can get the $15 an hour through with Budget Reconciliation.
Man that's awful.
Since 1971, the dollar has lost 98% of its value. Since 2008, its gotten worse. The governement printing of money, the latest COVID package coming in about $1.9 Trillion, has eroded the value of the dollar and created an asset bubble. Even worse, the Governent lies and tries to get you to believe inflation is a mythical 2% or less. Anyone can look back at their life and see its a lie. For example, when I bought my first detached home in Toronto Canada for $215K in 1997, I was making $38K as a full time CPA student working in a Toronto firm. Property taxes were $1600, utilites $150 a month, a new VW Golf cost $19K taxes in (8%) and my last year tuition for commerce at UofT was $2300. Fast forward to 2020: the house is now worth $800,000, taxes are $6500, utilities are $450 a month, a new VW Golf with similar options costs $32K with sales tax of 13% and tutition is $15,000 a year BUT a CPA student now makes a $50,000 a year. There is no way a young couple could ever buy what we did in 1997 working the same jobs even with a side job. So, N. Americans are borrowing more to make up for the lost purchasing power to maintain the lifestyle they think they deserve. This has to blow at some point, but I've been saying that for 10 years. Unfortunately I think the aftermath of COVID may finally bring the house of cards down. A lot of people are going to get hurt, while we transfer more wealth from the shrinking middle class to the top 5%.
Why is this narrator so monotone, is he suffering the great depression?
LabRat6619 They tried a female and it was even worse. My ex wife's nick name is 3 horse. Nag, nag, nag!
@@orianna9200 😂
@@orianna9200 same in the UK my friend takecare buddy x good luck ,,
STOP it!😂
Not easy to be cheery and upbeat given the subject matter....
You can feel richer if you want less? Most of us are less rich because we got sick not because we got greedy. We got sick and the people who steal our health premiums and overcharge for care and medicine got rich. We got sick. They got rich.
That's democrat regulations " taxes " unions that make health expensive
keep voting for more government and see what happens ...
and yet, you're the ones voting for more and more fascism
I don't hear enough grousing about medical costs. The reason everyone is tapped out is because the lawyers made a lawsuit lottery out of it. Mexican doctors do good work at a fraction of our costs. Thailand has a world class medical community. Their king set it up. Instead of the ultra priced kennel you get in a US hospital, their accommodations are a 5 star hotel. The Mexicans limit malpractice costs to a flat fee. It's pretty bad when a third world neighbor is better off than you are.
I live in Australia our middle class is shrinking fast.
Our housing has been flooded and manipulated with Chinese money.
A large portion of manufacturing has relocated to sweatshops off shore.
Our unions are no better than the corporate giants and influenced by the far left.
The country is almost ungovernable due to hung parliaments and weak self serving leadership.
Whats scary is that a lot of Irish find Australia attractive and go there to live. But you have just described Ireland. Foreign vulture funds have now bought up a lot of the housing loans, ALL our mnfg is gone off shore and the political system is chaotic.Many Irish are returning home as they find costs in Australia very high.
Same in the uk
If the bank now owns the house then that couple never really owned it. They just borrowed money to live in it.
Mismanagement of taxpayers' money ..... THEY GIVE A LOT OF MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES .... money that goes into the pockets of those politicians from countries like El Salvador, Colombia, etc. ..... instead of Invest in your own citizens.
"They had to use their pension to send their kids to university."
Really? They had to? Or they chose to?
Let the kids pay for their own college education!
dutch1999 white folks do that stuff. Ain't nothing wrong with it if u can afford but no otherwise.
Play the violins for rich fuckheads.
Its practically impossible to have a decent life without a college education in the U.S. these days. Trade school isn't exactly peachy either, given how all my joints will likely be shot before I'm 40.
I was waiting for someone else to comment on that.
They arent being forced out. They just spend more than what they have. Years ago people did not live in houses nearly as large as what they do today. Simplify!!!
@B. Greene True...But everyone isnt living in the city. Everyone doesnt have that high of expenses. Research the home size increase if the average American in the last 30 years. It's astounding.
Rice and beans and beans and rice...……………….
Ronald Regan broke unions and shipped jobs overseas.
George W. Bush opened the flood gates on illegal immigration and destroyed wages and benefits.
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio destroyed the original Obamacare.
Mitch McConnell stopped benefits for vets.
Paul Rayn and Trump put the tax burden solely on the working families of America.
Trump is going to kill the Social Security system for the sake of the wealthy.
Ahh yes Dave Ramsey my money Jesus
Potatoes, chicken, and vegetables exist.
@@LouMontana-wc7nr Joe Biden is planning to bankrupt coal and oil industry so no more electricity and driving.
@@hydrolito Wyoming owns the coal industry. They legislated years ago for clean coal and let Obama take the blame, thank Dick Cheney for that one. While we are at it, fracking killed coal as well. Dick Cheney legislated to lift regulations and won, so Dick Cheney did it again. GWBush pushed the windmills and solar to make up for being such a fuk-up!
My home is 100% solar and we have a natural gas furnace that only gets turned on for a half-hour in the mornings.
Trump took Obama's economy (which was very fragile) and revved it into the ground. In September 2019 the economy began to collapse. The Federal Reserve was sending out $200 billion dollars a week to keep the banks afloat. They are still doing it today. Trump's economy was nothing more than his brand name and Wall street banked heavily on it. Trump gave the wealthy nearly a trillion in tax breaks and put the tax burden on the working class.
The Powell memorandum, 1974, should be read and understood by all Americans. It is a conservative guideline to keep the wealthy in control of the masses. Conservatives keep their people under control with hate and fear. Socialism is bad but they keep getting bailed out. Socialized medicine is bad but they keep raising prices and profiting from it.
YOU and your Trump-loving fool buddies are doomed. You are too stupid to see who is screwing you!
George is a true American, picking his kids' future over his own and not even complaining
The true American shouldn't have to make that choice. They own land and a farm. And still don't make enough to survive. Why do 50 people own majority of the land in the U.S.? Why are people paying 1200 for a 1bedroom apartment. When there are 2bed 2bath homes that have a mortgage of 1000.
@@danre3369 i don't deal in what should be only what is
What you missed here is the decrease in spending. The 1% does not spend money that creates jobs. The middle class of a 150 millions buys 3 shirts, jeans and cars and takes 3 trips pr year. THAT is what keeps geasing the economy! Make the wheels spin again. Start taxing big firms as Boeing, McD and other so they can contribute on state and federal level!
Saving creates jobs, not spending
yeah but most of the 1% have a business or employ staff so that's what governments want. The boss walks away with most of the cash and the employees pay the bill.
Even a college degree is a joke. I have 2 of them and forced to settle for jobs below my potential.
Higher education in America is the biggest scam going on.
I work as an automotive tech, I make more than people with degrees. I am already training my 13 year old son to do the same and to keep his money live as a MGTOW.
I started learning the Forex markets 4 months ago. Really can't imagine going back to a college or regular job.
Once the government got involved it was down hill for higher education. Having a BA is the new high school diploma.
tehagan37 I completely agree with that
As “mean” as it may seem, you cannot sacrifice your retirement to send your kids to college. Let them work their way through a local 2 year community college (not very expensive compared to a 4 year) and then attend a 4 year school to complete the bachelors while living at home (if there is a close university), commuting, or finishing their degree online. Too many parents make this mistake, and junior parties hard using your retirement. Nothing wrong with a kid working their way through school, while getting some support from their family. If it takes a little longer, so be it. Most kids aren’t mature enough to enter a 4 year college immediately after high school anyway.
Your retirement should not be touched, agreed! These colleges charge way too much!! If they want a higher level education, what you outline is a good way to go! Young people should work! They are young!!!
Well, these guys operated on the assumption that increased educational expenditures resulted in higher salaries for the kids later.
That probably wasn't smart.
It probably didn't turn out well, unless of course the kids are making bank.
They probably aren't.
Jonas Cox said,"I only make $120,000 a year".What the?When I was working(I'm retired now)I never made over $50,000 a year and still managed to accumulate wealth.Some of these people just don't have a clue......
They live so far beyond their means! They have no concept of moderation; it's always, I want, I need; there is no doing without until the money is gone!!
@@garybulwinkle82 I agree!
$120,000 a year...and.....they're having a tough time? what the hell is this?
Buying more than what you can afford...
mike coy Haha, screw off, if you have a hard time living off $140k u got major issues. I make less than half that and live perfectly happy and save quite a lot of my income, about 60% and still pay all my bills, your greed and wants consumes you!
Don't forget inflation. The grocery bill alone is twice what it was 2 and 1/2 years ago.
I cannot imagine 200k/year not being enough. Perhaps some budgeting classes would help. How do you think folks who make less than 30k are able to survive? Those who make over 100k are the ones bitching about Obama care They're upset because they're not eligible for subsidies. Boohoo.,
It is commonly known as never saving any of your income, buying the latest (insert gadget name). And living well beyond your means.
Corporate America got the American public just where they want them ,forget the dream concentrate on reality
Ian Muir The dream was obviously a delusion. My American dream is having the money to pay the rent, gas, groceries and utilities. I think some people took their status of middle class for granted, but the powers that be said not so fast. We in the upper 1% are going to get ours off the top and the rest of you can scavenge.
America is a prison.
I want to retire in my early 60’s
I am really special, so I franchise out my business rather than working hard
I expect a pension fund to look after me in my old age
I always shop with a shopping list, like my mother did
I tend to cook at home and rarely go out for lunch/dinner, that is reserved for special occasions
We eat as a family at the dining table, rather than perched on stools like at the local bar
I have a job for life, employers are good people and own their business, no shareholders here
I try and support family owned shops and businesses, no big box store for me
I have a house which has seen time, not small, but sized for my family. I have a bathroom in our room, but the children share a family bathroom
My home is just that, a home, not an investment
Rather than ring a plumber or a carpenter, I have the basic skills to get most things done
I serve the economy, because I believe it serves me
Tax should be fair, but I hate paying a single dime
I define myself about the stuff I have to hand .... even if it is bought with debt
I am a true American!
Or perhaps not.......
21:36 "I think the lower class gets a lot more help from the government." You are the lower class. You declared bankruptcy. It's time to wake up and have some solidarity
Like honey. You can't afford groceries without coupons & sales. You are poor.
She means black people. She definitely doesn't recognize herself as lower class.
I know a guy who delivered pizzas and saved enough money to buy 6 house. Yes 6 houses. How did he do it? Saved every penny possible and spent as little as possible. Now he is a landlord and flips houses. An exceptional case and most people can't do that but it is a true story. I mean the guy ate like peanut butter and drank tap water every day. Extreme penny pincher.
CelestialWoodway It’s doable. Once you pay off 2 houses things become way easier.
What, no starbucks $6.50 latte everyday and eating out daily and fancy car and fancy clothes ??? The poor guy, what sacrifices he had to make in order to get ahead and make a decent life for himself !!!!Ask him to come and write his story for some of these crybabies on here :)
And then he dies and looks back at his life and says
Why the fuck didn’t I enjoy life more???
I just don't buy what you said you simply cannot live like a monk not socialise not travel, and to have other pleasures in life that make you a rounded person. You simply cannot be that single-minded. Did this guy have kids? If so how did he afford to raise them if he was just keeping every penny to buy to let?
Something here isn't right: with 120K/year even a family should be somewhat solvent.
what sort of political animal are you?
A reasonable, thinking animal. These people do not/are not managing their money correctly. I see this all over NOVA.
120K.a yr is a decent salary. Not great but decent
Absolutely right. But you should be able to do something with this income. Again, this family is economizing incorrectly. Also, they have kids, so they should have deductions--i.e., be keeping more of their income than a single person would.
They should be rich
Someone needs to poke the narrator and wake him up.
One guy made 120k a year and in 4 months there deeply in debt ???? Sounds like a spending problem on that one !
Absolutely true sir .you gat that right
The Cost of Living is Extremely High.
so he gambled all his money on the stock market and lost........ If you walk into a casino, with all your savings, you have to be prepared to lose it all. Had he won the stockmarket jackpot...he would be living in that dream home.
+Nyran Stanton Huge risk, high reward
40,000-100,000 a year?.........i wish
Well they did say they live in Boston and the cost of a 3 bedroom apartment in Boston averages out to 3 grand, or $36,000 a year. If you have a big family an average 4 bedroom house to buy is over $750,000 and to rent is closer to $4,500 a month, well over 50 grand. So in Boston if you make $120,000, after taxes your take home is closer to $95,000, so your rent or mortgage alone could be half your expenses. So you end up with $40,000 for everything else, and if you have several kids, student loans, food, gas, and medical bills, you can see how someone in Boston making 120k really isn't that rich after all. Gosh, people!
Especially with Health insurance and possible chronic illness co pays on existing health conditions which no health insurance will cover. Jesus, Boston has got dear, Dublins average rent is now reaching €2k pm and rising rapidly. It pays to be healthy in the US.
Then Move!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty June I think if you spent more than twenty percent of your gross income on housing you are considered to be spending more than you should have to for residence. It's part of the definition of the povery line.
Thanks for the breakdown!
you forgot basic expenses, like water/power/phones/internet/car insurance, gas/commute - food etc - and all those considering you are an healthy person.
No one needs more than 3 bedrooms if you have less than 5 kids. It would be nice though.
This is what happens when your country is completely based on capitalism
Elutes and government employees enjoying at the expense of 90% of population taxing and ticketing and other fees to live a normal life.
@Exploited unlivable wage voluntarist libertarian just get rid of these leeches living off of others. No need for using technicality to paint the systems. All are trying to live a life. It's not my job to feed some entitled ones, in govt and his family.
It's not even true capitalism, anymore. Government controls the markets so there isn't any competition.
These people need better money management if they are unable to meet ends with $120K.
Cost of living is different all over, that was the whole point of the Boston bit. How prohibitively expensive big cities have become.
In SF, 120k a year qualifies for low income housing.
And yet, these fools continue to vote against their interests.
To think that voting for or against one's interests in the good old US of A is possible is as foolish as these simpletons living outside their means and thinking it's someone else's fault. Don't vote. Rise up.
you have a choice between two parties that don't give a shit.
@Alan Rosenzweig Democrats are no better. both of these parties should be boycotted and then a revolution will start brewing.
@Alan Rosenzweig the only difference between the two parties is the rhetoric. it's more like controlled opposition. both of these parties are funded and controlled by billionaires. you have billionaires on the right vs billionaires on the left playing these political games for show. what we really have is a one-party billionaire oligarchy.
I live on a fraction of what this guy makes, and I still able to pay my bills. It's called living within ones means, shopping at thrift stores and garage sales. Driving used cars.
What happens when everyone lives like you do? You are indirectly benefiting from the excess of others by finding bargains at thrift stores and garage sales. I think you're smart for living the way you do, but it isn't a scalable practice. I live in Portland and a pair of designer jeans at Goodwill in downtown Portland is $50+. All of the "affordable" items fly off the thrift store shelves because people are so strapped. Perhaps I'll drive down to Grants Pass to scoop up the thrift store deals to sell for a profit in Portland or Seattle.
If I'm thinking about it, you know that others are already doing it. The next recession is on it's way if not already here and cheap, second hand stuff is going to get a lot more scarce.
That's how I grew up and am used to it. Without them there would be no Thrift stores.
Our family has a good income, plenty for six people. However, medical bills are killing our budget. Year after year they mount due to long term health issues. Bankruptcy is only a short term answer. Due to income, we do not qualify for assistance. Sure wish we had the answers.
the average person could easilly live on $1000.00 a month.if living is your goal. if pretending is your thing no amount of money is ever enough.having all sorts of things you keep just to tell people you have them. keep the roof from leaking and enjoy life and your family. let your neighbors buy a boat and haul it 4 hours to a lake while you enjoy life and your picture of a nice boat.
Not in my area. Rent alone, is more than that.
They invoked reagan, as they always do as an era of prosperity for the US and the middle class! But reagan, republicans, and conservative policy's helped to create the problems they're in! Manufacturing, made in USA, jobs exported, and how the rich avoid tax liability (off shore) happened under reagan, and corporation became a person under bush and restructuring of taxes! The richest 1% pay less taxes than any one in the middle class!!! Trump gave the rich tax breaks in order that they would reinvest in there people, instead, they bought back stock to enrich themselves!!! But as the narrator notes, the racist hypocritical view of the tea party, republicans, and conservative white america blames Obama!
Amen, add a bloated pig called Military Industrial Complex with the army of lobbyist and retired generals feeding at taxpayer expense, creating nothing. Today, the pillars of the American economy are weapons, drugs, oil and money laundering.It is the Golden Age of government malfunction that may end with the implosion of this country. When an empire is collapsing that's when they are the most dangerous. The USS Corona Titanic is sinking fast. Fasten your seat belt when the dollar lost the reserve currency status.
the beyond mega-rich cult behind these paid actors(presidents) probably used Obama just to further place the blame in the wrong place, but isn't it the public that really is to blame because it's the people who have kept voting this tyrannical cult in. i think white people were used as a sub-controller group by the cult, and David Icke has pointed out that mass immigration has been one of their control tactics for centuries, though the so-called multi-culturalism of the 80s has backed fired on them. it is clearly ALL of us that they have always seen as less than if anything at all.
Everyone of these cases is self inflected.$500,000 mortgage on a house.And the other family that can't live on $120,000 ? Give me a break !!!!!!!! What they all need to learn is to live within yours means and not be too greedy.The last couple could have bought a cheaper house
At that time, they could afford the mortgage. Don’t your kids and family deserve the best you can afford for their and your future, education, life quality?
A combined household income of $120000/yr sounds like a lot (at least it does to me) but when you're talking about working and living in a major metropolitan area like Washington DC, San Francisco or New York, its pretty low. That's about the equivalent to $50000/yr in someplace like Richmond or Sarasota. Viewers need to be mindful of where these people are living and the locality's cost of living. One thing I will agree with is that the college-educated middle class is disappearing. I have degrees in Information Systems, Finance and Accounting (I'm actually taking a break from my CPA prep studies). I was working as a project manager for a local electric utility just outside of Washington, DC. Our linemen averaged $110,000/yr. Not one of them had anything beyond a high school education. Now, that doesn’t mean they were dumb, far from it. In fact, you’ve got to be pretty smart and know what you are doing and how things work, especially in emergencies, to stay alive for very long. Meanwhile, as a project manager, I was earning $55,000/yr (I brought onboard not one but TWO company-wide, inter-departmental, field force management applications that were used by everyone from CEO to the meter readers. I was a systems analyst, hard ware technician, software installer, systems administrator, tester, trainer, security administrator and business analyst. In short, I did everything except write the software). So the notion that education guarantees a good income is flat out bullshit. By the way, the CEO of our company made over $550,000/yr! I never did figure out what he did to justify so high a salary.
Six years since this was aired but they could have shot it yesterday because it's just as bad now. We are watching the great, productive, loyal, hard-working, moral, family-centered Middle Class is at the bitter end of their rope. We can't spend our way out of a Depression this time like we did in the thirties.
As bad as it looks for this generation of Middle Class Americans, the next generations are in line to suffer far worse.
I graduated high school in 1980. I worked for 4 yrs. at a furniture manufacturer in Ravenna,Oh. They had there since 1956. They closed in 1984. My first experience with un-employment. Ron Reagan was President.