Police Violence at G8 Protests / Rostock, Germany

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    The problem with anarchy is that it simply doesn't work. No matter how hard you try to disorganize a group of people, they almost always reorganize in a different fashion than before, but the acts remain the same.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Anarchism doesn't mean unorganisation. ""Organisation, far from creating authority, is the only cure for it and the only means whereby each of us will get used to taking an active and conscious part in collective work, and cease being passive instruments in the hands of leaders.""

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    For every 1 person who rises from poverty, a million remain it.
    As Noam Chomsky said, "capitalism is like an island of wealth, surrounded by a sea of poverty"

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    That tells you that without either the head or the workers the structure of the economy will collapse. Plus, at least it gives them something to work for, what ever the reward may be.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    They covered large amounts but they were never able to conquer the entire nation.

  • @zonardos
    @zonardos 17 років тому

    Is it an obligation to be stupid? This kind of statement about homosexuality, communism etc. just shows how the struggle against prejudices is necessary and just. Solidarity!

  • @lodp
    @lodp  17 років тому

    Here's what the dude on stage (there was supposed to be a concert) says in German: "I can see the water cannon moving back now, I hope that this will finally calm down the situation. Again, we call on the Police to get off our rallying area, we're not looking for trouble with you, but go already. Alright, I think we'll try some music now."

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Collective liberty? Isn't that an oxymoron. Anarchy does not grant liberty to the beholder since all the members move in unison. If one resorts to violence, chances are they all will. Its psychology.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho, in some cases, WHAT an individual is is sometimes WHO they are, and at times abolishing what a person is means eradicating a part of their identity. If a person is truly consumed with evil, I rather have that than a mindless drone who has no sense of thinking for himself.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    This is the problem with the distribution of wealth: its does not produce any incentive to work, and the sad truth is that people will not work or learn without any reward that is present at the end of the line. People are driven by selfishness and the desire to gain something you don't already own. But with this selfishness in capitalism also comes the realization that with their innovation they are supplying people as a whole what the need and want. Supply and demaned.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    The Soviet Union was fucked. It was an ultra bureacratic state, with no freedom.
    "Freedom without socialism is privilidge; Socialism without freedom is tyranny"
    You dig?

  • @bernard.alvarez
    @bernard.alvarez 17 років тому

    Thank you

  • @Faeden
    @Faeden 17 років тому

    You forget that many of the people there were not German. Most were there peacefully. And also I bet many of the violent ones had jobs.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    "In this world, is mans destiny controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Its as if the hand of God is hovering above. One thing is for certain is that man has no control. Even over his own will."

  • @lifexlovexregret
    @lifexlovexregret 17 років тому

    von wem ist das lied?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    This is true, and if this is the case, this person should be helped.
    And such persons are a minority, less than .5 of the population. They would not harm an anarchist society.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Perhaps this is so, but it is never those who have worked their arses off who seem to make it to the top. It's those who sacrifice their soul, their heart, and their comrades to get to the top. That does not mean you deserve more, you deserve nothing if you do such a thing.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    When I said "where they grow up" Iment in what sort of environment. Not the location. heh

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    And what does that tell you about capitalism ?!?!?! *gasps*

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    A child can grow up to be hateful and demeaning with parent figures in its envirenment. Your right when you say that different involvement in a childs upbinging can lead to a resulting sum, such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or uninvolved, but there are cases in which that is not the case. Sometimes mans primal side can take hold no matter the values it was taught as a child.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Such antiindiviudality cannot be acheived without the use of a dictator and thats why anarchy communism, or any kind of communism for that matter is a failure.Communism is great for a short run but after a while it states to express its inevitable degreading results. "Communism: Right idea, wrong species."
    -Jermaine Evans

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    No, I'm saying that our chaotic emotions are fundamental human characteristics that were acquire by more primitive brain structures from our ancestors. Yes, organization is recurring yet life was born out of chaos. The reason why we are able to organize is not by nature but by nurture. Tell me, can a child comprehend the ideals of sharing without being taught?

  • @navra
    @navra 17 років тому

    Not when jobs are being outsourced.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho, the sustaining of ones profits has nothing to do with greed, but to continue the functioning of the body. If the head collapses it greatly effects the others down the chain of command, as well as the reverse. In truth, the head cannot survive without the body, since the body cannot survive without the head. Tell me, if the system collapses, who will supply the people with what they demand? The Government? Please.

  • @Talladal
    @Talladal 17 років тому

    Well informed societies - with free access to internet, books, university, etc.- as the ones in the countries above mentioned can freely express their political view to choose the political model their majority want to in free elections. Access to information destroys any possible manipulations. "Give me public trials with corrupt judges" said Montesquieu. Again, pepole are not stupid.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    The CNT and FAI covered huge amounts of Spain. It wouldn't because it was not structured in a way for that to be possible.
    Look up "Nestor Makhno" in google. I can't put links in here.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    That doesnt mean we are natrually "opposed" to order, or that we will react negativley if it is natrual order, and mutually benefitial.
    If a child grows up alone, probably not. If a child grows up in a family/community where he natrually shares, then there is no reason why not. It depends on their values - where they grew up, etc.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho, evil is present in absolutely every society in the world as long as the society or anti-establishment was created at the hands of humans, since man and the universe is an imperfect existance. But this same imperfection is what makes us so beautiful. With saddness, there is no happiness, without pain there is no pleasure, and without death, life is meaningless. Man has no control over his envirenment. Its just something that we are going to have to live with.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Thats bullshit. You control your own destiny.

  • @BigReturn0904
    @BigReturn0904 17 років тому

    "Get a job" ist die beste Message an diese sinnlosen Penner.

  • @faraskan
    @faraskan 17 років тому

    @izo86: ich sitze nicht aufm Sofa. Chaot ist übrigens nicht die ofizielle Bezeichnung, tut mir leid.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    I realize that anarchy commism is not like russia, and china. But it will definatly lead to that. History has proven that chaos only breeds more power hungry dictators you use chaos in the own means to get what they want.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Okay, anarcho, lets say those CEOs went ahead and simply gave, lets say about 90% of what they earned to their workers, just for the hell of it. He just spoils the workers without a care of the world. What will happen next? The entire company simply callapses and implodes in on its self greatly harming the economy, but thats not all. The workers would also loose all their incentive to work and without any experiance it is unlikely they will be able to find another job.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    And I'm not sure what you meant when you said it depended on where you live? A person can become a mass murderer in any nation.

  • @topthetoffs
    @topthetoffs 17 років тому

    The police came along looking to start trouble in this video - the wankers.

  • @TheAmazingTurd
    @TheAmazingTurd 17 років тому

    Why protests against the G8 just curious?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    The sustaining of profits IS based on greed. Those profits are at the expense of the workers, are they not? Is it not the workers who make all products, build all factories, harvest all crops, distribute all food? And who makes 90% of the money? the CEO's, the "head" of the company.
    That is greed and selfishness; making money off their backs.
    Who said the government would do it? Not me.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    They tried to stop the Russian Revolution (the leaders of nations not capitalists) because the communists wanted to end the war with Germany and Britian and France were afrid of being overrun by the Germans. Admitted what exactly? All that I admitted is that a Nicaraguan communist dictatorship was avoided. And I think for the most part it was justified.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Actually, capitalism only oppresses if it itself is supress. Capitalism, its very purpose, is to increase the sense of individualism and identity. Read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. "Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have as much.' "
    --Phelps Adams

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    I'm a Compatibilist by the way.

  • @Ar0n13
    @Ar0n13 15 років тому

    Intresting, what if i post this comment under a video of a racism protest video?

  • @ManoftheBeret
    @ManoftheBeret 17 років тому

    There might be a few commies, however, the vast majority of protesters are anarchists, and anarchy has worked, from the catalonian communes from the Spanish Civil War, to the Zapatista collectives of today. Anarchism and Marxism may both be against capitalism, but the end results are completely different.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Sorry I mispelled the word. But my point being is that your looking at things way to miniscule. Anarchists always rant about how they are trying to fight against slavery and how everyone is trying to supress their freedom, but their is one being who they fail to realize has the most control and enslavement of their actions: Themselves.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    For example: Jeffrey Dahmer.

  • @beauvaisboy
    @beauvaisboy 16 років тому


  • @drunkmonkey23
    @drunkmonkey23 17 років тому

    people before profit

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    I'm not talking about me. I'm pointing out how you pass judgement on others, capitalists in otherwords, simply be cause they have more money than you. Just because they are successful doesn't mean they are greedy money-worshippers that don't give a damn about others.

  • @izo86
    @izo86 17 років тому

    Hey ihr Chaoten da draußen. Ich sitz grad aufm Sofa. Macht morgen mal neue Randale. Das is cool.

  • @Talladal
    @Talladal 17 років тому

    If your political view is so clear, why it is not chosen in the USA, France, Italy, Canada, Germany, Japan and in the UK (and Russia:( ). As far as I know, there are free elections in these countries... And you would agree with me that people are not stupid.

    @MIYDNA 17 років тому


  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Sorry, Anarcho but in my opinion government and the rules it set for the people, by the people, are needed for a stable society.

  • @simongordeev
    @simongordeev 17 років тому

    aber ehrlich gesagt, macht es mich traurig, den song hier zu hören...

  • @Talladal
    @Talladal 17 років тому

    I am not referring to the WTO riots in Seattle but to these ones in Germany, revolutn. I have got no piece of information about them, so I cannot comment it. Sorry.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Prove me wrong.
    Tell me, how does one become head of a multi-billion dollar company? And then, after they have, how do they sustain their profits? How may their profits grow if they do not continue the same practices previously used, or ones which will milk more capital from the workers, and ask more of the consumers?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    No one said anyting about primitivism. Primitivism is shit, I dont want that. Capitalism creates the illusion that some are more deserving than others. All people deserve all luxuries that they desire. Capitalism will never allow this.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    You also seem to ignore the psotives of a capitalist society. Though the road to equality is long. Statistics show that countries that are more economically free have higher charitable rates and amounts.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    I did not pass judgement on you. what are you talking about?

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho, there are people more deserveing of others and these people are signaled by how much they have given up a certain sin and that is the sin of sloth.

  • @DarqueStar
    @DarqueStar 17 років тому

    Let me explain this in easy to understand terms for you...I think everyone should protest against their (not "there") government about anything they feel strongly about, it's there right. If you want to take things as far as fighting with the old bill then go ahead, your choice - just don't bitch about it afterwards. You could call it Volenti Non Fit Injuria, or the willing assumption of risk; the occupational hazard of the anarchist. Better go, my Transcendent Energies Detector is going off...

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    So they say.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    It tells you that capitalism relies on a system of mass exploitation at the expense of the workers. It tels you that in order for this system to continue; such things must continue (as you noted in your post about how it would collapse).
    Such a system is not desirable.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    It also, doesn't make sense to say that anarchy is completly noncomformist since just by viewing the members of such a false ideology. Is searching for ones individuality and identity really that evil in the eyes of an anarchist? These CEO's used to be a part of you people. They sprung from the heaps of poverty. How do you suspect they got to that level of wealth? It was through hard work. yes its seems very unfair, but them again nothing is fair.

  • @ittai1
    @ittai1 17 років тому

    hahaa that song.... "ronald macdonald un hitler"

  • @grahamcoles1966
    @grahamcoles1966 17 років тому

    whats the point in protesting not as if you get paid for it ?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    I am well aware of the positives of capitalism. I am also aware, however, of the negatives, which way out the positives of capitalism by a huge amount.
    you seem to think it is the other way around, you are however, mistaken.

  • @Faeden
    @Faeden 17 років тому

    Way to stereotype and assume. Ignorance is bliss right Abroraa? That way you can fantasise about what you want people to be.

  • @jamesjnr67
    @jamesjnr67 17 років тому

    i dont mean to be abusive tibatong77 but ive visited many parts of africa and its their own internal corruption stiffling progress....i just have a problem with idiots who think its right to cause mayhem and unlawlessness in the name of impoverished people

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho, if a utopian society is not the goal of communism then what is? Isn't that the whole reason for communism in general or any other ideology for that matter?

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    What prejudice? Anarcho people are poor becuase they make themselves poor. Putting all the blame to only one side of the debacle is false. Since, not only one person contributes to some problem in a persons life. And again anarcho you are passing judgement on others without meeting them. How do you know these CEOs don't care? Did you meet them in person maybe they ran out of options.

  • @Lundizius
    @Lundizius 17 років тому

    that werent germans...the hooligans are from denmark or something like that

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Obviously, due to your uninvolved nurturing, you react hostile when faced with opposition. Its sad to see such a poor soul having to turn to false ideals in order to make sense of all the pain and suffering of this world, since he is too weak to accept it. Historic events prove me wrong? Okay then answer me this: what had happened after every revolution in the past 2 centuries?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    But to be serious, I dont necessarily think they're ALL bad. There COULD BE some nice ones. I am more about abolishing WHAT THEY ARe rather than WHO THEY ARE, you know?

  • @simongordeev
    @simongordeev 17 років тому

    das lied ist von tex, guck unter texorama{punkt}de

  • @Talladal
    @Talladal 17 років тому

    would the goal justify these antidemocratic violent means? Let me doubt it. And also think about the actio-reactio matter in this situation. And do not forget that supporting antiglobalization does not reasonably include being a thug.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho communism is the very essance of anti-indiviudality: collectivism of private property, nationalizeing of peoples production, etc. And if you want to speak out against tyranny and oppression what about the 100,000,000 people who were killed in the name of communist Russia, or the genocidal regime of communist Cambodia under Pol Pot, or China's treatment of Tibet?

  • @maclauder
    @maclauder 17 років тому

    go police, heja politi, viva polizie

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    But wait! You said they'd "natrually" organise themselves! And now you're saying they can't organise themselves!? You're contradicting yourself! Its no doubt organisation creates order, but yet, humans possess the ability to natrually organise themselves, but not to have a natrual sense of order?

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Well, anarcho, you really shouldn't pass judgement on others. Didn't your parents teach you that?

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Your opinion lacks accuracy. Would rules set by a particular community, for that community, not be better for that community, than say a tyrants who likes 400km's away?
    I think so.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    AntiV, you're making ridiculous assumptions, once more. You dont understand anarchist communism, or communism. It doesn't mean everyone is rationed equal amounts of food. No, Thats not equality, thats a horrible way to live. It's each person taking what THEY need individually. Understand that, and the picture will become clear. And who's said utopia? You're putting words in my mouth.

    @UFOIST 17 років тому


  • @Ar0n13
    @Ar0n13 14 років тому

    Die armen polizisten wollte doch auch nur beim konzert zugucken und ihr vetreibt die einfach wieder, kein wunder das die sauer sind. :)

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Lol, I live it when other people prove me right. I also love it when you continualy repeat yourself uncontrollably. I know nothing about anarchy. Well please humor me. And speaking about schools, the American education system is overrun with anarchists, communists, and socialists. And please give me an example from above about capitalists crushing the revolution.

  • @ct2htm
    @ct2htm 17 років тому

    Waste of time...

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    How about the incentive "if you dont work, you will die".
    starvation kills, you know.
    I'm going outon a limb here, but I am guessing you've never read anything about Anarchist Communism; not a theory. Would I be right?

  • @trakkaton
    @trakkaton 17 років тому

    Aha, die Polizei hat sich also selbst verteidigt, deshalb posieren sie auch wie im Video gut zu sehen mitten in der Menge und rempeln vom einen Ende zum anderen. Optiker -> Brille kaufen.

  • @smokeshaq
    @smokeshaq 17 років тому

    der stadionsprecher ist auf allen videos als aufhetzer und kommentator aktiv... sorry, aber dem haette man den strom abstellen sollen... und wenn jemand schuld hat, dann der typ...

  • @scalzos
    @scalzos 16 років тому

    good police

  • @sverio12345
    @sverio12345 17 років тому

    where is the violence in this clip? puhh

  • @akk1modus
    @akk1modus 15 років тому

    I didnt unterstand you ? Thats not a racism video !

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    Here is alink on what Anarchist Communism is.
    I do hope you read it, not to "convert you", as such. But so you can at least understand what you're talking about.
    Type into google, "Anarchy Archives". Look up Malatesta, and read his article "Anarchy"; or better yet "A talk about Anarchist Communism"

  • @invertical
    @invertical 17 років тому

    du nennst mich einen verblendeten idioten? du weisst doch überhaupt nicht, wer ich bin und wieviele demos ich schon besucht habe. glaube mir: sehr, sehr viele. schade, dass du so aggressiv bist; es spricht nicht für ich. ich hoffe, du findest eines tages deinen frieden.

  • @infinitehipshit
    @infinitehipshit 15 років тому

    Hmmmm...Does anybody wonder why All these people are protesting this....There MUST be something going on...Hmmmmmm somethin shystee here wouldn't u think??? or are all these thousands of people just lookin for somethin to do??? WAKE UP......

  • @shaftlamer
    @shaftlamer 17 років тому

    dude, who prints the money of ur country? just check ur facts thnx

  • @moishele100
    @moishele100 15 років тому

    "Violence of the police"?
    Wo sieht man da Gewalt seitens der Polizei?
    Hat Saddams letzter irakischer Informationsminister
    das Video eingestellt und kommentiert?

  • @snipercupX
    @snipercupX 17 років тому


  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    AntiV, you're not understanding.
    Russia was not Anarchist communist. It wasn't even communist! Neither was Cambodia! Nor China! None!
    They were all under the rule of tyrannical governments; dictatorships. They were STATE CAPITALISTS (look it up).
    They were not anarchist communist. Lenin, for example, was bitterly opposed to Anarchist communism, and anarchism in general. You are mixing up yor facts.

  • @anarchoandpeace
    @anarchoandpeace 17 років тому

    No, no they don't.
    If that were so,t hey would be called "marxists", not "anarchists". There has been tension between marxists and anarchists since Marxism began. Look at the feud between Proudhon and Marx; Bakunin and
    Marx. 2 famous anarchists, both bitterly opposed to marx.
    Nice try.

  • @TheAntiV
    @TheAntiV 17 років тому

    Anarcho. have you ever lived in a communist country? Because if you haven't I suggest you experience it first before running your mouth. Its also foolish to claim that life is much harsher under a capitalist country than a communist one.

  • @LookHere3
    @LookHere3 17 років тому