I can tell you that someone who doesn't have the Holy Spirit isn't interested in those types of questions. When you start to allow God into your life, you will start to want to be near him and want to read his word. It's a process though, and takes time. God Bless!
So how does one get the Holy Spirit, I believe that God works with all of us uniquely, but if there isn’t a one size fits all solution to receiving the Holy Spirit, then wouldn’t that mean that Christianity is pretty unfair. (Example: someone in their 80s having lived a depressed life before eventually feeling the Spirit in them vs. a small child who feels it immediately.)
Ephesians 1:13 - In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise”. We received the Holy Spirit the moment we believed and are sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30) and gave us His Spirit as a guarantee (2 Corinthians 1:22). The Lord said we will face troubles in this world (John 16:33 - “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”) He promised to also work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). We’re not promised things are always going to go great here on earth, but this Lord is still with us to be our strength through it. Paul faced struggles and instead of taking them away, the Lord promised to be his strength. Then Paul realized it was a good thing to be in a weak situation because then he is strong (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) but we are promised an eternity of peace with Jesus after. So we can set our minds on things of eternity, not the present troubles, waiting for the Lord to return. (Colossians 3:2)(Hebrews 9:28).
@@bennymameshiro Hi Benny, we have to understand that salvation is a gift along with the presence of the Holy Spirit. We do not need to question if we have the spirit or our salvation because of who God is and His character. Remember, God cannot tell a lie and can only speak truth meaning that he keeps all his promises. God’s promise to send His Holy Spirit to help us will come to fulfillment and it happens the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Nothing we do will allow us to receive God’s blessings other than accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. To accept Jesus as our Lord is to no longer be a slave to sin but a servant to God. To do that we must first acknowledge (confess) that we are sinners, recognize that we are in need of a saviour, and then declare that we are putting our trust in Jesus by starting our relationship with God through reading His Word, fellowship with other believers and praying. I believe as new believers we are in a rush to feel the change or feel the spirit but there are many Christians that had to wait until their adult years to feel a presence although growing up in the church. Just know that the Holy Spirit is in you and he will never leave you nor forsake you, if you truly believed that Jesus died on the cross to save you the work has already been completed and you do not need to do anything to get it. Since we are saved we now live by faith not by sight and we willingly choose to seek God and stay connected to him through His Word (because He is His Word), fellowship with other believers (because it strengthens our knowledge & faith, iron sharpens iron) and pray without ceasing (prayer is our spiritual armor and weapon, we use it to protect and lift ourselves and others up to God, for healing, comfort, peace, help) Abide in the spirit and he abides in you. If you can look back and see a difference between your life before Christ and your life now, it is evidence that you are a new creation and the spirit is working. So rejoice my friend, the spirit is already in you :) hope that helps! If you have any questions just let me know!
@@bennymameshiro If you live 80 years before feeling the spirit in you, I have to imagine you didn't live a very repentant, Godly life. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. That is scripture. It involves repentance, prayer, study of His word and daily discipline to not live as we want to live; but as He wants us to live. I felt the spirit when I turned from my sinful ways and began living faithful to Him. I'm not saying this is guarenteed; the Lord works as He wills and his timing must be trusted, but His presence is generally made known to us when we live our lives to honor Him.
@@roguedoge2479 Then what would be the explanation for the importance of baptism in the Bible? It’s mentioned dozens of times and it always applies to receiving the Holy Spirit.
What he is talking about it true. I was talking with a seasoned Christian over breakfast in her backyard and I was talking about the issues with my mother. All of a sudden a hummingbird shows up and she said," you got it ,Lord" and started going into her experience with her father . How similar it was and how her story helped me was immense. The point is, to me it was just a hummingbird. To her it was the Lord telling her to tell her story ti me .
When I look back, I realise Holy Spirit has been with me my whole life. When I started reading the Bible, it was a confirmation to me. It still happens to me with the Bible.
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including: The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues. Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
@@mv9787 that's great news about getting a healing touch. Please know. God see everyone's faith wanting to live for him and will work miracles. However, when it comes to true doctrine. We must follow that of the apostles. After Jesus was raises is when the first church started on the day of Pentecost. That's when he poured out his spirit. Now please know. Men are men and if not walking in the spirit, things may not be in order at a church. Also, If a church is always asking for money and it's being used to help the church grow. That's awsome. We should be involved. God blesses us financially, spiritually and physically to be a blessing to his kingdom and he returns to us ten fold. Trust me, my wife and I have been through alot but I gave everything to God and he showed himself faithful to me. The main thing is to put your self in a church where you are taught Jesus is God, There is 1 God, we must be baptized in Jesus name and must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
I really do not underatand how you all can't understand. It seems you are making up your own underatanding. It's so plain as day in scripture. In the book of Acts, anyone who received the gift of the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit it was or had an evidence. Having faith, changing your life, feeling butterflies in your stomach, confessing your sins, etc, etc does not mean you have the Holy Ghost. The bible clearly states, there must be an utterance, proof. It's supernatural. It's God's voice, his power, his spirit comes in you to stay. You will begin yo speak in an unknown tongue. Read his word. If you need scripture I will send you many. Nowhere will you find any statements that the spirit of God was received any other way...
@@stevequinonez8212many people that speak tongues is fake Also if you repent of your sins ,ask forgiveness for it and put your faith in Christ you get saved .Or do you think speaking in tongues saves you? Only Christ can save you ,when you accept Him you get the Holy spirit.
This is the answer I was waiting for a long time. The Bible speaks about the baptism in the Holy Spirit with acts of speaking in tongues etc. I never experienced that and nobody could explain it to me. And I said to brethren how to know the HS is in me. The best answers I got is the longing to be filled with Him. To have the love for God, Jesus, once's spiritual family. I experience strong love for my friends in Church, and eventually for neighbors and the family of my wife at the other side of the world. That's not my own love, it's given to me, otherwise I can't explain. ❤
Acts 2:37-39 is for you! How do I know, because God led me to seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I got baptized in Jesus Name and then received the baptism of the Holy Ghost
@@huskerdu511 I remember getting baptized (Justification) when I was like, 7 years old or something, essentially did whatever I wanted for 16 years, and wasn't truly "born again" (Regeneration) until I ACTUALLY repented and changed my life.
Continue to seek the baptism though. I sought for a year before I received. I prayed dozens of times on my own to receive and had a few friends pray for me with no "result". When a Pentecostal pastor laid his hand on me though, I felt something amazing I've never felt before or since, the weight of his presence.
I don't ask to be "saved" because I know I deserve to be condemned. Instead, I ask for mercy and forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. I don't ask this to try and escape my just punishment, and I don't ask this to gain a Heavenly reward. Instead, I sincerely ask to be redeemed as a child of God, to be the son He wants me to be. I ask to have a solid relationship with our Father, even though I don't deserve it. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. 😭
Once you believe the gospel, then you are saved. The gospel is explicitly laid out in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If you believe the gospel, placing your faith on Jesus Christ for your salvation, then you are immediately and eternally saved. Because salvation is the free gift of God's grace, offered to all that have faith, and not of any works we do in the flesh (Ephesians 2:8-9). Works include trying to keep the Commandments (which only Jesus ever did or can do perfectly), sin confession (we sin daily if not in deed then in our thoughts), or our feelings about sin. Jesus Christ saves! He does not need our help, nor can we help because our flesh is tainted by sin. Only the blood of Jesus is perfect and can wash away our sin.
@Myrridan19 Once saved, always saved can't be true because the scripture says if we continue to willfully sin after having received knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
@@M4rcLLThere has to be something else to salvation, logically Satan believes in Christ, he believes everything we believe, but it’s the things he does with that belief that make him wicked.
@@bennymameshiro Satan doesn't believe in Christ. Knowing Jesus exists and believing in Him is not the same. Believing in Christ means you trust in Him and what He did for you. Demons didn't get offered salvation, Jesus didn't become an angel but a man. Trust in Christs sacrifice for your sins alone and you'll be saved.
@@M4rcLL That’s exactly my point, Satan was expelled from Heaven because he did not want to submit to Gods plan for salvation, in turn he opposes Christs birth, death and resurrection which logically follows he believes in them. Believe in something does not mandate action, I can fully believe that it’s a sunny day today, but that does not make me a meteorologist. Believe itself is not the way to God it’s merely the start, it’s what we do with that believe that defines us as Christians.
@@bennymameshiro No. Satan was thrown out of heaven because He sinned against God and lead other angels away. Satan wasn't offered salvation and he can't be saved. We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone. Not our works. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5...
In my personal experience, I believe that the Holy Spirit is activated within me when I finally accepted Jesus as my savior. When I trully accepted that I cannot be saved by my works alone but only thru His grace and mercy. When little by little I started to veer away to the old me, and GOD changed me entirely beginning with my heart thru Jesus Christ. ❤❤
I felt like I’ve rejected the Holy Spirit or put him in a cage. I was raised all throughout childhood to believe in Jesus and I had my awakening in my teenage years of who Jesus is. I’ve barely started my life as a young adult and during these past few years I’ve chosen to live how the world wants. I’ve done things I’m not proud of and wish I could take back. I’m ashamed and I’m trying my hardest to come back to Jesus.
Jesus explained how in Luke 15. Just in your heart come home to your good Father who is looking for you to believe in His unearned love and grace. He’s waiting to run to you, embrace you, kiss you and give you Jesus’ ring and His robe that was yours since you believed.
Holy spirit is always there to help us when we commit our spirit to God! And we will know he is with us by listening to his still voice in our heart, where he dwells and will lead us from there in our life! ❤
Awesome to see his son believes on God as well, when I hear cliffe preach it makes me want to know The Lord more and have God apart of my everyday life. God is good
@@Golden_Fire_Chariots John chapter 1 verses 1-4 NLT " In the beginning The Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. " Mathew chapter 1 verse 18 " This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit..." Verses 22-23 " All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord's message through his prophet: "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us'" Mathew chapter 10 verse 34 Jesus says " Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. " Verse 40 Jesus states " Anyone who receives you receives me, and anyone who receives me receives the Father who sent me..." John chapter 7 verse 28-29 " While Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he called out, Yes, you know me, and you know where I come from. But I'm not here on my own. The one who sent me is true, and you don't know him. But I know him because I come from him, and he sent me to you." John 14 verse 9 "Jesus replied, " have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!.." Jesus was with God and was God sent down from heaven to earth to be born of the flesh through Mary as a virgin through the Holy Spirit to suffer and die for our sins giving us the free gift of salvation and the advocate the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the Word became flesh. Study the Word and pray for spiritual understanding God is good love you and God bless
you know you have the holy spirit if you have believed the gospel, Christ died for the sins of the world and was raised from the dead, anyone who believes this is forever a child of God and has the holy spirit in them, if you look to yourself and your feelings you are in the flesh and blinded by deception.
@@bennymameshiro same thing as someone who doesn't sin egregiously after the fact. It's the life of Christ that saves us, were crucified with Christ the moment we believe the gospel, the moment you think theres something you can do or not do to lose it you have forgotten how you got saved in the first place. Were dead to the law and we live by the faith now. what's the faith? Christ crucified. God doesn't look at us, he's done with adam. Christ is the new adam, and we are in Christ.
Yes, the baptism in the holy spirt it’s a diferent experience than the born again experience, not all Christian’s have miracles and healings also gifts overflowing in the Holy Spirit
Thank you. I appreciate that question. If you are charismatic, please do not place your unique experience on the shoulders of those you love as if it is a sign for God’s work. The experience of confessing and trusting Jesus is lord and raised from the grave, is what we have in common. My family has done great harm expressing with their words and expectations for what a “true” believer is, leaving us who did not go “their way” feeling unloved by them and God.
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Faithfulness, Goodness, Self control. This is the fruit that the Spirit produces. If you produce this fruit you have the Spirit.
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including: The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues. Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
That's soooo true. We have to humble ourselves and let each have their own relationship and experience with the Holy Spirit. My experience was more supernatural than my husband's, and the Lord taught me that was okay. I used to think that if he didn't shake or fall to the floor, he hadn't received the Holy Spirit, but I was completely wrong. As time passed by, I started to realize that my husband's experience with the Holy Spirit was less supernatural, but it was still there.
Very well put. You know you're saved when you are [regenerated], as in, you spirit man is made alive. This is the meaning of being born again. It initiates in different experience in people at different times. Some desperately desire it whereas some just walk right into it. Some get it sitting in bed and some get it while being baptized in water. Some experience it as a youth and others as adults. Some are able to recognize what has happened and others might just call it Love joy peace or feeling really really good. This is both the beauty of God's grace and the curse of religious traditions.
Acts 2:38 ESV “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 4:5 New International Version 5 However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
When he describes at 0.52 that supernatural feeling haha that was my story literally I'm just amazed God has no limits He surprises me every time, mad love from Colombia
Amen 🙏. Now is the time to make sure we keep our Lord’s Ten Commandments. The original Ten Commandments before the papacy changed them and changed Saturday worship to Sunday. We must not be governed by a man. We must not repent our sins to a ‘man’ but only to our God. Jesus is coming again very soon and we must be ready🙏
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including: The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues. Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including: The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues. Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
No. You received the Holy Spirit the moment you believe the gospel. The gospel is that the eternally existing Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born in the flesh, lived a sinlessly perfect life, died on the Cross for all of our sins (past, present, future), was buried, and resurrected on the third day. Salvation is the free gift of God's grace, given to all those that have faith on Jesus Christ alone, i.e. those that have believed the gospel. And once you have been saved, you are forever saved, because God grants everlasting life and promises that none shall pluck you from His hand. God bless.
@Myrridan19 wow, I apologize but the Bible, King James Version does not say any of that. The bible says. n the King James Version of the Bible, the verse "except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" appears in John 3:5. Yes we must believe, but to believe you must put your faith to work and seek his spirit and be obedience in Baptism. The bible says- it clear as day. One more time.. in plain English. Unless you are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost you can't make it to heaven. We can believe many things but if you don't apply tjem then all you did was mind work. We must have faith in what his word says is true and do it, be obedient to it.
I always understood that receiving the gift of tongues was proof of the Holy Spirit living inside the person. Even in children who would receive the gift of tongues, you’d see their lives and choices drastically changing afterward because of the Holy Spirit living inside of them and guiding them to make those good decisions. Acts 2:1-4 The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues.
Easiest way to tell you have the holt spirit is after putting your faith in Jesus. You have a desire to keep his word and live righteously. Not saying we don’t sin but you desire to do his will and and are going through the sanctification process. Being more like Jesus!
HE makes you a new creature, many know HIS name and are good people. You know because you can never be what you once were.The Blood cleanses forever! Thank you my KING.
I know I have the Holy Spirit when I have a deep conscience when I sin. And even when I was engaged in habitual sin, the tug in my heart was so strong I couldn't ignore it anymore because I'm going the wrong way. The Bible says, "He is my comfort." He will also make me uncomfortable because He doesn't agree on what I'm doing. And I know the Holy Spirit lives in me if my desires are on the things of God and in alignment with His desires for me.
I’m Asian, and it was by going to a charismatic bible college where I experienced freedom to praise Him in such ways as a teenager. I wouldn’t limit reasons for why people might not raise their hands in church to having to be careful not to offend because it could just be their background. We don’t have to be legalistic of course but there are simple natural expressions that happen in worship that should go beyond one’s intellect - like children. Just wanted to interject there. And they didn’t really answer his question. What IS the baptism of the Holy Spirit? In some churches that young mans experience might be the norm, maybe there is a reason for why some people can experience His presence in such a deep tangible way.
I really like this scripture that helps me. Acts 2: 38 "Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Baptism is both faith and water Baptism, in the name of the Father, the son, and Holy Spirit.
This is reassuring. I was told I didn't have the Holy spirit unless I could speak in tongues. It made me extremely frustrated and insecure that I was even born again. I tried speaking in tongues and said the prayers etc and still couldn't and I was starting to get angry about It. But this is good knowing that the experience is different with every person.
The only thing that saves is BELIEF. Don’t get off the right track. Example John 3:16 - “whosoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life. This is the ONLY thing that saves. Believe in Christ and what he did for you on the cross and then you are saved. Period.
This is not true. When you get filled with the Spirit of God, you will speak with other tongues as the "Spirit" gives utterance. You may have gotten frustrated, but doesn't mean you can't get it. God gives his Spirit to whom he will. Believe what the scriptures say and do it, and you shall receive his Spirit. Acts 2:38. Don't give up.
Well if you do believe in all that the Bible says, then it clearly says multiple times that it's real. Again, it is a gift, so you can't 'get' it by your deeds, but you can and should remain in its pursuit.
@@mathewebenezer168 oh I’m in pursuit of Jesus all day, speaking in tongues though is definitely not something I care about studying. You keep on keeping on though. More power to you. Goodbye.
When a individual is baptised by the holy spirit it realy happens it is not only a spiritual experience but for me it was physical it is something you are aware of and you never forget it I asked jesus christ personal with scripture from the holy bible and has a result I am really a new creation through jesus christ amen
Sorry for so many comments, but could i ask for prayers? There are a lot of people in my life that don't believe in Him and won't accept Him because of pride, selfishness, etc... some of them believe, but don't live for Him, they live for the world. And they are all basically getting tired of me, or rather, The Holy Spirit in me and seem uninterested and annoyed lately. Thank you all. And May God continue to bless and protect each and every one of you, in Jesus' mighty name! ❤️❤️❤️
A sibling told me that she had the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, yet was falsely accusing me of doing to our dad (what she was doing or had done to multiple previous husbands), then said that I was going to hell and shunned me… plus convincing the rest of the family to shun me. I KNOW how God has worked in my life since October 2017. “There must be differences between you, to show who has God’s approval.” 1 Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 19 (if I remember the reference correctly). I’ve struggled since then, but this helped me tremendously!
I’d like to hear Cliffe speak about speaking in tongues, especially “a heavenly prayer language”. Two churches I was in had speaking in tongues, one closed and the other head pastor died young, plus several pastors had marital sins/divorces. I heard of one foreign visitor hear “speaking in tongues” in his language (by a member) and ran out. He told those who followed to see what was wrong that the person was cursing the church. Where is clear scripture for a “heavenly prayer language”, and is it a guarantee for all who are sealed with the Holy Spirit?
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including: The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues. Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
@@stevequinonez8212 I really do want to live the way Jesus Christ taught us, and I’ve asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I can no longer start my day without scripture and prayer, and I know I can’t change the past, but I have changed my focus to learning to live as God wants. I’ve even thought constantly about what Jesus meant when he said “be careful” in a dream that I had twice around March 2022. Scripture says “my sheep know my voice”, right? I know that salvation is a gift of God, and scripture says that he wants everyone, everywhere to repent and be saved. I’ve asked God to reveal any corners where sin might be hiding, from which I need to repent of which I’m not aware, and sometimes I realize that I did have a sneaky sin in my life - and repent. Other than my sibling who spoken tongues, according to her word, I don’t personally know anyone who has spoken in tongues/Heavenly language - only UA-cam preachers. Maybe you could pray for me?
@@salauerman7082 I appreciate your humbleness. Let me ask a question? We are mentioned the bible as God's bride when he comes for his church. When we marry our spouse. Do we marry them for only one reason? Or do we marry because we live them and we are willing to do whatever it takes to make our spouse as happy as we can. We mess up many times, but we ask for forgiveness and try not to fail again. With God it's the same. He wants to see in our hearts we are purely legitimate about serving him and willing to do what ever he wants from us to serve him. God says be ye Holy for I am Holy. He knows we're not perfect. But attending the right church Apostolic/Pentecostal were you will be taught the truth, a good prayer life and reading his word. He will fill you with his spirit. Focus on your love for him. Don't give up. He'll give it to you.
No one comes to Jesus unless the Father draws them Believing and confessing Jesus is Lord Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. He goes to the Father so the Father can send a comforter and helper that brings back to remembrance everything Jesus told us. The author and finisher of our faith 😇
It's a heavenly touch, you'll know it after we've come to Jesus by the word! Salvation works will be in us, example; shame because of sin. More, a desire to read Gods, Jesus's, word, witnessing, it's God, Jesus, that does this in us!
Each and every individual person on earth was given a different and unique personality by God. He knew you before you were in your Mother’s womb, this is from scripture. Therefore, every individual person who worships Jesus Christ from their heart, will have their own personal way of ascribing and following Jesus in worship, and responding to our Lord and Savior. Every salvation experience is different, as well as all other experiences and encounters with God. You receive the Holy Spirit at the time of Salvation. Also, there is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. Every believer that has accepted God’s only son Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness and God in the flesh, receives Christ Jesus at the confession of their sins, by Grace through Faith, and at the same time has received the Holy Spirit. However, not every person has experienced or encountered God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. ✝️🙏🏼♥️💯‼️
When you surrender to God the Holy Spirit enters your heart and the light of the Holy Spirit obleterates and removes sin from your heart. This makes you a New Creation. Sin still exists but only in the World not in your Heart.😊
Acts 2:38 simply states repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is only after hearing the word, believing it, repenting of your sins, and turning to Christ, and after the most important part which is baptism, that you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Yes the Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus and glorifies Jesus. For with the heart, men believe and mouth confession unto salvation. God's word is a seed and planted to men's heart, it will eventually take root and grow into a tree, fueled watered winded oxeygenized fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah.
Its not based on a feeling or some esoteric emotional response or uttering a few words like i believe or even some facts someone knows, true repentance and remorse over sin and a belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior which all is an act of God sovereignly drawing the sinner which leads to justification and a sealing by the holy spirit. All real believers have the holy spirit and begins to be evident with transformation, you know longer act the same, think the same, talk the same or desire the same things, you have holy affections. That comes by saturation of scripture where the holy spirit resides. Sanctification then is the holy spirit conforming us to the image of being christlike, its a daily process.
Before you're saved, you don't know what salvation is like, even a few seconds before it happens. You don't know that you're going to start having convictions about different sins (because of the Holy Spirit in you). You don't know that your life will be changed (because of the Holy Spirit in you). You've never been saved before, so you don't know these things will happen. You just know you want to be saved, and you trust Him and ask Him to save you. You find out these things after you're saved. Myself, I heard about the Holy Spirit in you after I was saved, but I didn't understand it (you're a new Christian, so you have to grow and learn things). After I was saved, I noticed that every single day, when I woke up in the morning, the first thought that came to my mind was, "I'm saved". I didn't choose to think it. It was just there every morning. I did that every single morning for one entire year. Not one day passed without that happening. After that year, I finally told God about it, lol, and I asked Him, "What's happening?". Then, suddenly, God just gave me understanding, and I said, "Ohhhh! That's You living in me!". Then, I said, "I get it now!", lol.
Instead of saying risky we should say false and give the example of why like you just did , I think you guys are lee great and doing great works for God so of course be bold!!!!
Once you read, understand and most important BELIEVE the Gospel of Grace, which is found in 1 Corinthians 15 1-4, you will be "marked" by God with His Holy Spirit! And one of the best ways to know you have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit is to realize and acknowledge that you no longer covet or lust for anything of this earthly world! It basically becomes easier and easier to avoid and resist the temptations of this world! I pray anyone not saved that's reading this, has their hearts opened by God and you seek this scripture and you BELIEVE it! In Jesus name I pray. Amen❤
To be saved is to be born again ,and just as natural birth is the result of a process, so is spiritual rebirth. Repentance( turning our life over to Christ) and water baptism is the process by which the Holy Spirit cleanses the "temple" of our body in preparation for the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our body. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is how the believer recieves the Holy Spirit. The word "recieve"in the original Greek means " to take hold of" ,so we must pray for it until it happens. Once it does, we must surrender our tongue to the Holy Spirit in order to have scriptural confirmation that we have recieved. This comes in the form of what is known as speaking in ' tongues" which is one spiritual language. I could easily have convinced myself that i had recieved when i was filled and been incorrect. Thus ,the need for the sign. In like manner, those present in the delivery room know that a baby has been born by its' crys, the believer and those present know that a spiritual rebirth has occured by the believer speaking in " tongues". The name of Jesus Christ must be called over the believer during water baptism because it is the name of the " bridegroom" in the parable of the ten virgins. We become a member of the bride of Christ, the church, by the bridegrooms' name being called over us during water baptism. In the same manner, a bride takes on the bridegrooms nam during a traditional wedding ceremony by the minister asking the bride if she takes the man to be her husband. She says yes ,and she takes on his name. Lastly, the Word says that the name of Jesus Christ is the name by which all of His family in heaven and earth is named.( Eph.3:15).
I was saved at 10, I got baptized in the Holy Spirit in revival with my cousin I thought it feels like "water" through me what is happening I think I was 24 maybe I don't remember but yeah I don't actually remember being in a revival before then
The only viable proof in my opinion is change. For some there’s great and drastic change and it happens immediately. I’m speaking of change that even ones very countenance is altered. I remember seeing a short clip of the Jeffery Dahmer trial in which the only surviving victim testified and said Jeffery Dahmer looked “normal” one minute and immediately his facial features were distorted in such a way that he no longer looked at all the same. Some might say this is not a good comparison but my point is if evil can take over a person in such a way then WE KNOW the Holy Spirit can do the same. But for others change happens over a period of time. So WE KNOW that the only way to absolutely know for sure that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives is there MUST be change. This is why Paul said, “I die daily.”
This young man can’t experience Holy Spirit IF he I still committing sin in his life. Light and darkness cannot dwell together. Repentance of your besetting sin (the sin that you refuse to get rid of) confess it and ask Gods forgiveness and then The Holy Spirit will have free reign in your life to do amazing things. He will stop the confusion have for a start! Blessings Nick
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not described as being the same as a Baptism. It is described in all four gospels, please read them, it is beautiful, it happened to me 2yrs after I was born again, it happened to me pretty much the same as it is described in the gospels. It is usually a separate and distinct event, usually with a sign of speaking in other tongues.
Jesus Christ loves y'all ❤ Jesus Christ is king 👑 Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life no one goes through the father except through him ❤ John 3:16 Romans 8:11❤
@Russell..ShredNeckGuitarTech I actually didn't write every piece of the scripture word for word. I wrote down in short the main points, Must be baptized (immersed or immersion) in the Name of Jesus- (not father, son, Holy Ghost or any other name) for the remission of sins (the washing away) and ye shall ( could be now, could be when coming out of water or could be weeks, days or years) receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost (Infilling of God's Spirit living in you). This happens alot to people before they are baptized and then they are baptized after. Many people get baptized and don't pursue their relationship with God and don't receive the Holy Ghost.... Baptism is to wash away sins, the Holy Ghost is what we need to be God's child, it is what strengthens us, gives us knowledge, wisdom, protection, we are now a child of God walking with his spirit In us. Baptism is a sign of obedience to do what God commands. The water in Baptism represents the blood he shed on Calvary to wash away our sins. The Holy Ghost is when his spirit comes to live inside of use but there is evidence. It's not a feeling of emotion or emotions. But is an experience, the bible says we speak in other tongues or an unknown language. It's a heavenly language. It's God's language speaking through us.
You know you have the Holy Spirit when you begin to speak in tongues for the Spirit gives utterance, and it's not something that just happened for the beginning Christians, for it is written, that the promise is unto you and your children and their children children, and unto all that are afar off. Read the full Acts chapter 2. When God sees that you're truly repented and you believe in him, God will then put his Holy Sprint inside of you and you will began to speak in tongues as the Spirit giveth utterance. Read Acts chapter 2
Roman’s 10: 9:10 If one declares with their mouth that Jesus is lord and one believes with their heart that God raised him from the dead they will be saved. For it is with once’s faith in their heart which justifies them, and it’s with one’s mouth that they profess their faith which saves them.
You receive the Holy Ghost when you are born again. If you repent and accept Christ you receive his spirit. “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38 KJV
I don't like this teacher he is misleading or a little misguided, but I will pray for this young man, and I encourage you to follow in what you already know God wants from you, do what you know you can do and God through his Holy Spirit will empower you to do the things you never believed you could, be patient not everything happens over night and God understands this as well let the washing and the watering of his word, cleans you, grow you and teach you, do not lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path, do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.
*I'm overjoyed and grateful to see God's blessings and abundance manifest in my family's life. We're thriving and happy once again, and I can now provide for my loved ones even in retirement, thanks to a remarkable weekly income of $67,000. It's a game-changer after* *facing many challenges*.
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
I believe what the Bible says and what the first disciples experience. When the holy Spirit came into them they spoke in tongues, some also prophecied in addition but this doesn't mean that all tongues are real. Jesus said the holy Spirit will be with and in us, and we must not grieve him.
Hello Young Man, I hope the elder who was speaking to you will NOT deny these truths. I applaud your love for this fellowship, this communion, being in you (1 John 1:3) when you read this verse you will notice the “oil” we are taught to praise and worship, their oil (Matthew 25:9), is missing. He is always missing (Matthew 11:27) even in the beginning (John 1:1). I don’t feel or believe in the Holy Ghost. But I DO feel and believe in the Father and his son. I believe in their “shared” name (Proverbs 30:4, John 17:11). When you feel them (John 14:23) you can feel confident this spirit (Matthew 1:20) and his son, this spirit (2 Cor. 3:17) are making your own spirit holy (1 Peter 1:16) and ☝🏻 spirit with JUST them (John 17:21) . My challenge to ANYONE who reading this, if you DENY the son is the very spirit who searches us (Rev 2:18-23) and intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25) to ANOTHER spirit (Romans 8:27) he calls his father (Romans 12:9) in order to declare it is the ghost god who dwells in you, ask yourself do YOU have the 2 most holiest of spirits (the Pneumatoc and his pneuma) dwelling in you (Matthew 12:31-32)? Are these thing NOT declared in the very book you proclaim is God’s word? Now you know why her oil is different. Her Jesus (2 John 1:1) teaches us to believe him (John 12:49) EVERY jot and tittle he wrote (Matthew 5:18). If the HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in you is asking you to REJECT the light of the gospel forthe. seenot thelightofthe gospelth*eof glory whoishis imageθ̅Y̅ The̅ ofC̅h̅r̅i̅s̅t Is the Holy Spirit in you? Or is it their god who desires to BLIND BELIEVERS like me? In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The Holy Spirit will ALWAYS defend the truth (John 16:13)
You know if you have The Holy Spirit. You would have felt the living waters inside your stomach rising up to your throat and if you allowed it to happen. You would have spoken in tongues. People claiming tongues don't happen anymore, do not have The Holy Spirit. Jesus literally said "His followers would cast out devils, speak in tongues, and lay hands on the sick and they would be healed". The devil is out here telling people otherwise. Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; [18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
So, nobody is saved and we’re all going to hell? How many people with fruit of the spirit do you know have genuinely spoken in tongues? Zero. On the contrary; everybody I have seen seeking tongues as a sign they are saved ends up disillusioned and discouraged.
@roguedoge2479 everyone i know that speaks in tongues, it is real I've cast out devils and prayed and layed hands on a guy that had two blood clots and he was healed in three days. I'm sorry that people don't believe in God and His gifts. But He is real. The things of The Spirit are foolish to the natural minded.... 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Well you have all these people trying to understand the Bible with their own flawed understanding and discernment instead of asking for the Holy spirits guidance.
You know you have the Holy Spirit, when you are not walking in sin anymore. Gal 5: 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Dude ive been struggling so much lately i started to cry and realized im saved when they started explaining.
You're not alone my brother
That's so awesome to hear. That's a tough place to be, and God met u there.
You are loved. ❤️ We all are, but we just have to accept it. 🥰❤️✝️
I can tell you that someone who doesn't have the Holy Spirit isn't interested in those types of questions. When you start to allow God into your life, you will start to want to be near him and want to read his word. It's a process though, and takes time. God Bless!
So how does one get the Holy Spirit, I believe that God works with all of us uniquely, but if there isn’t a one size fits all solution to receiving the Holy Spirit, then wouldn’t that mean that Christianity is pretty unfair. (Example: someone in their 80s having lived a depressed life before eventually feeling the Spirit in them vs. a small child who feels it immediately.)
Ephesians 1:13 - In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise”. We received the Holy Spirit the moment we believed and are sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30) and gave us His Spirit as a guarantee (2 Corinthians 1:22). The Lord said we will face troubles in this world (John 16:33 - “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”) He promised to also work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). We’re not promised things are always going to go great here on earth, but this Lord is still with us to be our strength through it. Paul faced struggles and instead of taking them away, the Lord promised to be his strength. Then Paul realized it was a good thing to be in a weak situation because then he is strong (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) but we are promised an eternity of peace with Jesus after. So we can set our minds on things of eternity, not the present troubles, waiting for the Lord to return. (Colossians 3:2)(Hebrews 9:28).
@@bennymameshiro Hi Benny, we have to understand that salvation is a gift along with the presence of the Holy Spirit. We do not need to question if we have the spirit or our salvation because of who God is and His character. Remember, God cannot tell a lie and can only speak truth meaning that he keeps all his promises. God’s promise to send His Holy Spirit to help us will come to fulfillment and it happens the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Nothing we do will allow us to receive God’s blessings other than accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. To accept Jesus as our Lord is to no longer be a slave to sin but a servant to God. To do that we must first acknowledge (confess) that we are sinners, recognize that we are in need of a saviour, and then declare that we are putting our trust in Jesus by starting our relationship with God through reading His Word, fellowship with other believers and praying.
I believe as new believers we are in a rush to feel the change or feel the spirit but there are many Christians that had to wait until their adult years to feel a presence although growing up in the church. Just know that the Holy Spirit is in you and he will never leave you nor forsake you, if you truly believed that Jesus died on the cross to save you the work has already been completed and you do not need to do anything to get it. Since we are saved we now live by faith not by sight and we willingly choose to seek God and stay connected to him through His Word (because He is His Word), fellowship with other believers (because it strengthens our knowledge & faith, iron sharpens iron) and pray without ceasing (prayer is our spiritual armor and weapon, we use it to protect and lift ourselves and others up to God, for healing, comfort, peace, help)
Abide in the spirit and he abides in you. If you can look back and see a difference between your life before Christ and your life now, it is evidence that you are a new creation and the spirit is working. So rejoice my friend, the spirit is already in you :) hope that helps!
If you have any questions just let me know!
@@bennymameshiro If you live 80 years before feeling the spirit in you, I have to imagine you didn't live a very repentant, Godly life. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. That is scripture. It involves repentance, prayer, study of His word and daily discipline to not live as we want to live; but as He wants us to live. I felt the spirit when I turned from my sinful ways and began living faithful to Him. I'm not saying this is guarenteed; the Lord works as He wills and his timing must be trusted, but His presence is generally made known to us when we live our lives to honor Him.
@@roguedoge2479 Then what would be the explanation for the importance of baptism in the Bible? It’s mentioned dozens of times and it always applies to receiving the Holy Spirit.
What he is talking about it true. I was talking with a seasoned Christian over breakfast in her backyard and I was talking about the issues with my mother. All of a sudden a hummingbird shows up and she said," you got it ,Lord" and started going into her experience with her father . How similar it was and how her story helped me was immense. The point is, to me it was just a hummingbird. To her it was the Lord telling her to tell her story ti me .
When I look back, I realise Holy Spirit has been with me my whole life. When I started reading the Bible, it was a confirmation to me. It still happens to me with the Bible.
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including:
The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
@@mv9787 that's great news about getting a healing touch. Please know. God see everyone's faith wanting to live for him and will work miracles. However, when it comes to true doctrine. We must follow that of the apostles. After Jesus was raises is when the first church started on the day of Pentecost. That's when he poured out his spirit. Now please know. Men are men and if not walking in the spirit, things may not be in order at a church. Also, If a church is always asking for money and it's being used to help the church grow. That's awsome. We should be involved. God blesses us financially, spiritually and physically to be a blessing to his kingdom and he returns to us ten fold. Trust me, my wife and I have been through alot but I gave everything to God and he showed himself faithful to me. The main thing is to put your self in a church where you are taught Jesus is God, There is 1 God, we must be baptized in Jesus name and must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
You do you mean? The Holy Spirit enters your when you come to faith. It can NOT be your whole life.
When did you become born again? Or are you not?
I really do not underatand how you all can't understand. It seems you are making up your own underatanding. It's so plain as day in scripture. In the book of Acts, anyone who received the gift of the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit it was or had an evidence. Having faith, changing your life, feeling butterflies in your stomach, confessing your sins, etc, etc does not mean you have the Holy Ghost. The bible clearly states, there must be an utterance, proof. It's supernatural. It's God's voice, his power, his spirit comes in you to stay. You will begin yo speak in an unknown tongue. Read his word. If you need scripture I will send you many. Nowhere will you find any statements that the spirit of God was received any other way...
@@stevequinonez8212many people that speak tongues is fake
Also if you repent of your sins ,ask forgiveness for it and put your faith in Christ you get saved .Or do you think speaking in tongues saves you?
Only Christ can save you ,when you accept Him you get the Holy spirit.
This is the answer I was waiting for a long time. The Bible speaks about the baptism in the Holy Spirit with acts of speaking in tongues etc. I never experienced that and nobody could explain it to me. And I said to brethren how to know the HS is in me. The best answers I got is the longing to be filled with Him. To have the love for God, Jesus, once's spiritual family. I experience strong love for my friends in Church, and eventually for neighbors and the family of my wife at the other side of the world. That's not my own love, it's given to me, otherwise I can't explain. ❤
Acts 2:37-39 is for you!
How do I know, because God led me to seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I got baptized in Jesus Name and then received the baptism of the Holy Ghost
@@huskerdu511 I remember getting baptized (Justification) when I was like, 7 years old or something, essentially did whatever I wanted for 16 years, and wasn't truly "born again" (Regeneration) until I ACTUALLY repented and changed my life.
@@roguedoge2479 Amen!
Continue to seek the baptism though. I sought for a year before I received. I prayed dozens of times on my own to receive and had a few friends pray for me with no "result". When a Pentecostal pastor laid his hand on me though, I felt something amazing I've never felt before or since, the weight of his presence.
I don't ask to be "saved" because I know I deserve to be condemned. Instead, I ask for mercy and forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. I don't ask this to try and escape my just punishment, and I don't ask this to gain a Heavenly reward. Instead, I sincerely ask to be redeemed as a child of God, to be the son He wants me to be. I ask to have a solid relationship with our Father, even though I don't deserve it. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. 😭
To be redeemed is to be all that you said. Amen.
i aspire to have this level of humility. God bless you.
Be careful not to get lost in the semantics, Christ came for the sick.
Once you believe the gospel, then you are saved. The gospel is explicitly laid out in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If you believe the gospel, placing your faith on Jesus Christ for your salvation, then you are immediately and eternally saved. Because salvation is the free gift of God's grace, offered to all that have faith, and not of any works we do in the flesh (Ephesians 2:8-9). Works include trying to keep the Commandments (which only Jesus ever did or can do perfectly), sin confession (we sin daily if not in deed then in our thoughts), or our feelings about sin. Jesus Christ saves! He does not need our help, nor can we help because our flesh is tainted by sin. Only the blood of Jesus is perfect and can wash away our sin.
@Myrridan19 Once saved, always saved can't be true because the scripture says if we continue to willfully sin after having received knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
Praying for confirmation and salvation. Thank you all.
if you believe in Christ then you are saved
@@M4rcLLThere has to be something else to salvation, logically Satan believes in Christ, he believes everything we believe, but it’s the things he does with that belief that make him wicked.
@@bennymameshiro Satan doesn't believe in Christ. Knowing Jesus exists and believing in Him is not the same. Believing in Christ means you trust in Him and what He did for you. Demons didn't get offered salvation, Jesus didn't become an angel but a man. Trust in Christs sacrifice for your sins alone and you'll be saved.
@@M4rcLL That’s exactly my point, Satan was expelled from Heaven because he did not want to submit to Gods plan for salvation, in turn he opposes Christs birth, death and resurrection which logically follows he believes in them. Believe in something does not mandate action, I can fully believe that it’s a sunny day today, but that does not make me a meteorologist. Believe itself is not the way to God it’s merely the start, it’s what we do with that believe that defines us as Christians.
@@bennymameshiro No. Satan was thrown out of heaven because He sinned against God and lead other angels away. Satan wasn't offered salvation and he can't be saved. We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone. Not our works. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5...
“God’s a really big God” I love that
Amen! Our Fathers thoughts are not our thoughts, and His Ways are not our ways. They are Higher. ❤
In my personal experience, I believe that the Holy Spirit is activated within me when I finally accepted Jesus as my savior. When I trully accepted that I cannot be saved by my works alone but only thru His grace and mercy. When little by little I started to veer away to the old me, and GOD changed me entirely beginning with my heart thru Jesus Christ. ❤❤
I felt like I’ve rejected the Holy Spirit or put him in a cage. I was raised all throughout childhood to believe in Jesus and I had my awakening in my teenage years of who Jesus is. I’ve barely started my life as a young adult and during these past few years I’ve chosen to live how the world wants. I’ve done things I’m not proud of and wish I could take back. I’m ashamed and I’m trying my hardest to come back to Jesus.
Jesus explained how in Luke 15. Just in your heart come home to your good Father who is looking for you to believe in His unearned love and grace. He’s waiting to run to you, embrace you, kiss you and give you Jesus’ ring and His robe that was yours since you believed.
@ thank you
Fasting can help, reading praying and worshipping too. God Bless you, I've prayed for you.
God bless. So glad God put this on my screen. God be with you. He is so good.
Holy spirit is always there to help us when we commit our spirit to God! And we will know he is with us by listening to his still voice in our heart, where he dwells and will lead us from there in our life! ❤
Awesome to see his son believes on God as well, when I hear cliffe preach it makes me want to know The Lord more and have God apart of my everyday life. God is good
Can you tell me? Did the Son of God come from heaven?
@@Golden_Fire_Chariots John chapter 1 verses 1-4 NLT " In the beginning The Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. " Mathew chapter 1 verse 18 " This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit..." Verses 22-23 " All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord's message through his prophet: "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us'" Mathew chapter 10 verse 34 Jesus says " Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. " Verse 40 Jesus states " Anyone who receives you receives me, and anyone who receives me receives the Father who sent me..." John chapter 7 verse 28-29 " While Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he called out, Yes, you know me, and you know where I come from. But I'm not here on my own. The one who sent me is true, and you don't know him. But I know him because I come from him, and he sent me to you." John 14 verse 9 "Jesus replied, " have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!.." Jesus was with God and was God sent down from heaven to earth to be born of the flesh through Mary as a virgin through the Holy Spirit to suffer and die for our sins giving us the free gift of salvation and the advocate the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the Word became flesh. Study the Word and pray for spiritual understanding God is good love you and God bless
Thank you for this!! 🙌❤
Amen 🙏 this is a very powerful message
you know you have the holy spirit if you have believed the gospel, Christ died for the sins of the world and was raised from the dead, anyone who believes this is forever a child of God and has the holy spirit in them, if you look to yourself and your feelings you are in the flesh and blinded by deception.
Yup!! You know you’re saved when you believe the Gospel to be true!!
This is a great word !!! Amen 🙏
If you’re permanently saved after your initial belief then what happens to someone who sins egregiously after the fact?
@@bennymameshiro same thing as someone who doesn't sin egregiously after the fact. It's the life of Christ that saves us, were crucified with Christ the moment we believe the gospel, the moment you think theres something you can do or not do to lose it you have forgotten how you got saved in the first place. Were dead to the law and we live by the faith now. what's the faith? Christ crucified. God doesn't look at us, he's done with adam. Christ is the new adam, and we are in Christ.
@@davidmcclain5910 So does that mean there isn’t any danger of ever going to hell? If not, then why would Jesus mention Hell more than Heaven?
Yes, the baptism in the holy spirt it’s a diferent experience than the born again experience, not all Christian’s have miracles and healings also gifts overflowing in the Holy Spirit
I'm also glad he meets up and talks with Cliffe. 🥰
Holy Spirit is the Seal on My heart that I know that I know that I know. Hallelujah God!!!! ✝️💯🎯
Thank you. I appreciate that question. If you are charismatic, please do not place your unique experience on the shoulders of those you love as if it is a sign for God’s work. The experience of confessing and trusting Jesus is lord and raised from the grave, is what we have in common. My family has done great harm expressing with their words and expectations for what a “true” believer is, leaving us who did not go “their way” feeling unloved by them and God.
Beautiful convo!
God bless❤
Keep the Word of God The Father out in media land Cliff !!! I love your words from the Holy Spirit . Humbly thank you and those whom back you up .
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Faithfulness, Goodness, Self control.
This is the fruit that the Spirit produces. If you produce this fruit you have the Spirit.
Plus kindness and long-suffering 😊
Someone noted that “fruit” is singular: it develops all at one time,
not morally good pieces as a person tries to grow “fruits”, plural.
@@salauerman7082 it’s a growing process. As long as you’re connected to the vine.
Thank you, I really needed this❤
Thank you for explaining I really needed To hear that
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including:
The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
That's soooo true. We have to humble ourselves and let each have their own relationship and experience with the Holy Spirit. My experience was more supernatural than my husband's, and the Lord taught me that was okay. I used to think that if he didn't shake or fall to the floor, he hadn't received the Holy Spirit, but I was completely wrong. As time passed by, I started to realize that my husband's experience with the Holy Spirit was less supernatural, but it was still there.
Very well put. You know you're saved when you are [regenerated], as in, you spirit man is made alive. This is the meaning of being born again.
It initiates in different experience in people at different times. Some desperately desire it whereas some just walk right into it. Some get it sitting in bed and some get it while being baptized in water. Some experience it as a youth and others as adults. Some are able to recognize what has happened and others might just call it Love joy peace or feeling really really good.
This is both the beauty of God's grace and the curse of religious traditions.
Acts 2:38 ESV “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 4:5
New International Version
5 However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
@@arcguardian What has this got to do with the Holy Spirit :)
When he describes at 0.52 that supernatural feeling haha that was my story literally I'm just amazed God has no limits He surprises me every time, mad love from Colombia
amen glory to god most high amen 🙏 ❤
Amen 🙏. Now is the time to make sure we keep our Lord’s Ten Commandments. The original Ten Commandments before the papacy changed them and changed Saturday worship to Sunday. We must not be governed by a man. We must not repent our sins to a ‘man’ but only to our God. Jesus is coming again very soon and we must be ready🙏
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including:
The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
Whether you receive the Holy Spirit or not depends on how sincere and how genuine your confession of CHRIST was!!!
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including:
The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
No. You received the Holy Spirit the moment you believe the gospel. The gospel is that the eternally existing Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born in the flesh, lived a sinlessly perfect life, died on the Cross for all of our sins (past, present, future), was buried, and resurrected on the third day. Salvation is the free gift of God's grace, given to all those that have faith on Jesus Christ alone, i.e. those that have believed the gospel. And once you have been saved, you are forever saved, because God grants everlasting life and promises that none shall pluck you from His hand. God bless.
@Myrridan19 wow, I apologize but the Bible, King James Version does not say any of that. The bible says. n the King James Version of the Bible, the verse "except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" appears in John 3:5. Yes we must believe, but to believe you must put your faith to work and seek his spirit and be obedience in Baptism. The bible says- it clear as day. One more time.. in plain English. Unless you are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost you can't make it to heaven. We can believe many things but if you don't apply tjem then all you did was mind work. We must have faith in what his word says is true and do it, be obedient to it.
I always understood that receiving the gift of tongues was proof of the Holy Spirit living inside the person. Even in children who would receive the gift of tongues, you’d see their lives and choices drastically changing afterward because of the Holy Spirit living inside of them and guiding them to make those good decisions.
Acts 2:1-4 The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues.
Easiest way to tell you have the holt spirit is after putting your faith in Jesus. You have a desire to keep his word and live righteously. Not saying we don’t sin but you desire to do his will and and are going through the sanctification process. Being more like Jesus!
HE makes you a new creature, many know HIS name and are good people. You know because you can never be what you once were.The Blood cleanses forever! Thank you my KING.
I know I have the Holy Spirit when I have a deep conscience when I sin. And even when I was engaged in habitual sin, the tug in my heart was so strong I couldn't ignore it anymore because I'm going the wrong way. The Bible says, "He is my comfort." He will also make me uncomfortable because He doesn't agree on what I'm doing. And I know the Holy Spirit lives in me if my desires are on the things of God and in alignment with His desires for me.
I'm so thankful for Bryce. I'm glad he didn't end his life. ❤️✝️ Jesus Christ is King!
I’m Asian, and it was by going to a charismatic bible college where I experienced freedom to praise Him in such ways as a teenager. I wouldn’t limit reasons for why people might not raise their hands in church to having to be careful not to offend because it could just be their background. We don’t have to be legalistic of course but there are simple natural expressions that happen in worship that should go beyond one’s intellect - like children. Just wanted to interject there. And they didn’t really answer his question. What IS the baptism of the Holy Spirit? In some churches that young mans experience might be the norm, maybe there is a reason for why some people can experience His presence in such a deep tangible way.
Thank you for this video which I very much appreciated.
I really like this scripture that helps me. Acts 2: 38 "Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Baptism is both faith and water Baptism, in the name of the Father, the son, and Holy Spirit.
This is reassuring. I was told I didn't have the Holy spirit unless I could speak in tongues. It made me extremely frustrated and insecure that I was even born again. I tried speaking in tongues and said the prayers etc and still couldn't and I was starting to get angry about It. But this is good knowing that the experience is different with every person.
The only thing that saves is BELIEF. Don’t get off the right track. Example John 3:16 - “whosoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life. This is the ONLY thing that saves. Believe in Christ and what he did for you on the cross and then you are saved. Period.
This is not true. When you get filled with the Spirit of God, you will speak with other tongues as the "Spirit" gives utterance. You may have gotten frustrated, but doesn't mean you can't get it. God gives his Spirit to whom he will. Believe what the scriptures say and do it, and you shall receive his Spirit. Acts 2:38. Don't give up.
@@tywonbenson1518 Considering even IF this is a thing. That 99% of believers don’t have the ability, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Well if you do believe in all that the Bible says, then it clearly says multiple times that it's real. Again, it is a gift, so you can't 'get' it by your deeds, but you can and should remain in its pursuit.
@@mathewebenezer168 oh I’m in pursuit of Jesus all day, speaking in tongues though is definitely not something I care about studying. You keep on keeping on though. More power to you. Goodbye.
When a individual is baptised by the holy spirit it realy happens it is not only a spiritual experience but for me it was physical it is something you are aware of and you never forget it I asked jesus christ personal with scripture from the holy bible and has a result I am really a new creation through jesus christ amen
A wave of calmness comes over you, everything chamges
Cliff and his son explaine things clearly .
Thank U v much❤❤
Sorry for so many comments, but could i ask for prayers? There are a lot of people in my life that don't believe in Him and won't accept Him because of pride, selfishness, etc... some of them believe, but don't live for Him, they live for the world. And they are all basically getting tired of me, or rather, The Holy Spirit in me and seem uninterested and annoyed lately. Thank you all. And May God continue to bless and protect each and every one of you, in Jesus' mighty name! ❤️❤️❤️
A sibling told me that she had the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, yet was falsely accusing me of doing to our dad (what she was doing or had done to multiple previous husbands), then said that I was going to hell and shunned me… plus convincing the rest of the family to shun me.
I KNOW how God has worked in my life since October 2017.
“There must be differences between you, to show who has God’s approval.”
1 Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 19 (if I remember the reference correctly).
I’ve struggled since then, but this helped me tremendously!
I’d like to hear Cliffe speak about speaking in tongues, especially “a heavenly prayer language”.
Two churches I was in had speaking in tongues, one closed and the other head pastor died young, plus several pastors had marital sins/divorces.
I heard of one foreign visitor hear “speaking in tongues” in his language (by a member) and ran out. He told those who followed to see what was wrong that the person was cursing the church.
Where is clear scripture for a “heavenly prayer language”, and is it a guarantee for all who are sealed with the Holy Spirit?
Knowing you have the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is very simple. Scripture don't lie. Acts 2:38 tells us how to be saved which is Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and we MUST receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. How do we know? According to the Book of Acts, speaking in tongues is the initial physical sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The New Testament records multiple instances of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, including:
The Day of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church, and people began speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:6: Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, and they spoke in tongues. The bible also says lest ye are born of water (baptism) and of spirit (Holy Ghost) ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Ghost is not just a feeling. Everyone can have a feeling of lightness, heaviness removed, clear mind, joy, tears. Deliverance, etc. Those are called emotions. But we must have an infilling of the Holy Ghost as taught in the book of Acts. And being saved isn't just believing, the bible says even the devils believe and they tremble at the name of Jesus. We can believe many things and believing means nothing accept that we are confident in something or not.
@@stevequinonez8212 I really do want to live the way Jesus Christ taught us, and I’ve asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I can no longer start my day without scripture and prayer, and I know I can’t change the past, but I have changed my focus to learning to live as God wants.
I’ve even thought constantly about what Jesus meant when he said “be careful” in a dream that I had twice around March 2022.
Scripture says “my sheep know my voice”, right?
I know that salvation is a gift of God, and scripture says that he wants everyone, everywhere to repent and be saved.
I’ve asked God to reveal any corners where sin might be hiding, from which I need to repent of which I’m not aware, and sometimes I realize that I did have a sneaky sin in my life - and repent.
Other than my sibling who spoken tongues, according to her word, I don’t personally know anyone who has spoken in tongues/Heavenly language - only UA-cam preachers.
Maybe you could pray for me?
@@salauerman7082 I appreciate your humbleness. Let me ask a question? We are mentioned the bible as God's bride when he comes for his church. When we marry our spouse. Do we marry them for only one reason? Or do we marry because we live them and we are willing to do whatever it takes to make our spouse as happy as we can. We mess up many times, but we ask for forgiveness and try not to fail again.
With God it's the same. He wants to see in our hearts we are purely legitimate about serving him and willing to do what ever he wants from us to serve him. God says be ye Holy for I am Holy. He knows we're not perfect. But attending the right church Apostolic/Pentecostal were you will be taught the truth, a good prayer life and reading his word. He will fill you with his spirit. Focus on your love for him. Don't give up. He'll give it to you.
@@salauerman7082 oh, and about the past. God washes your sins and the past away. Through Baptism in Jesus name
You will speak in an unknown tongue like on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
No one comes to Jesus
unless the Father draws them
Believing and confessing Jesus is Lord Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. He goes to the Father so the Father can send a comforter and helper that brings back to remembrance everything Jesus told us. The author and finisher of our faith 😇
Deuteronomy 22:5
You dont need to know. You just need to do your best and trust Him.
Faith in GOD is freedom 💖 I have that tattooed on my right arm
The testimony of Jesus Christ is how we identify our family.
The priest told us that if you want to go to church and you go then you have the holy Spirit within you
It's a heavenly touch, you'll know it after we've come to Jesus by the word! Salvation works will be in us, example; shame because of sin. More, a desire to read Gods, Jesus's, word, witnessing, it's God, Jesus, that does this in us!
As far as “raising hands” goes just remember that the centurion couldn’t look up and only beat his chest but yet he was justified.
22,000 views in two weeks tells me everything I need to know. Most humans know the answer. Very few don’t. Cheers!
Each and every individual person on earth was given a different and unique personality by God. He knew you before you were in your Mother’s womb, this is from scripture. Therefore, every individual person who worships Jesus Christ from their heart, will have their own personal way of ascribing and following Jesus in worship, and responding to our Lord and Savior. Every salvation experience is different, as well as all other experiences and encounters with God.
You receive the Holy Spirit at the time of Salvation. Also, there is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. Every believer that has accepted God’s only son Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness and God in the flesh, receives Christ Jesus at the confession of their sins, by Grace through Faith, and at the same time has received the Holy Spirit. However, not every person has experienced or encountered God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. ✝️🙏🏼♥️💯‼️
When you surrender to God the Holy Spirit enters your heart and the light of the Holy Spirit obleterates and removes sin from your heart. This makes you a New Creation. Sin still exists but only in the World not in your Heart.😊
Acts 2:38 simply states repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is only after hearing the word, believing it, repenting of your sins, and turning to Christ, and after the most important part which is baptism, that you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Amen 🙏
Yes the Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus and glorifies Jesus. For with the heart, men believe and mouth confession unto salvation. God's word is a seed and planted to men's heart, it will eventually take root and grow into a tree, fueled watered winded oxeygenized fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah.
Its not based on a feeling or some esoteric emotional response or uttering a few words like i believe or even some facts someone knows, true repentance and remorse over sin and a belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior which all is an act of God sovereignly drawing the sinner which leads to justification and a sealing by the holy spirit. All real believers have the holy spirit and begins to be evident with transformation, you know longer act the same, think the same, talk the same or desire the same things, you have holy affections. That comes by saturation of scripture where the holy spirit resides. Sanctification then is the holy spirit conforming us to the image of being christlike, its a daily process.
Before you're saved, you don't know what salvation is like, even a few seconds before it happens. You don't know that you're going to start having convictions about different sins (because of the Holy Spirit in you). You don't know that your life will be changed (because of the Holy Spirit in you). You've never been saved before, so you don't know these things will happen. You just know you want to be saved, and you trust Him and ask Him to save you. You find out these things after you're saved. Myself, I heard about the Holy Spirit in you after I was saved, but I didn't understand it (you're a new Christian, so you have to grow and learn things). After I was saved, I noticed that every single day, when I woke up in the morning, the first thought that came to my mind was, "I'm saved". I didn't choose to think it. It was just there every morning. I did that every single morning for one entire year. Not one day passed without that happening. After that year, I finally told God about it, lol, and I asked Him, "What's happening?". Then, suddenly, God just gave me understanding, and I said, "Ohhhh! That's You living in me!". Then, I said, "I get it now!", lol.
Instead of saying risky we should say false and give the example of why like you just did , I think you guys are lee great and doing great works for God so of course be bold!!!!
Once you read, understand and most important BELIEVE the Gospel of Grace, which is found in 1 Corinthians 15 1-4, you will be "marked" by God with His Holy Spirit! And one of the best ways to know you have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit is to realize and acknowledge that you no longer covet or lust for anything of this earthly world! It basically becomes easier and easier to avoid and resist the temptations of this world! I pray anyone not saved that's reading this, has their hearts opened by God and you seek this scripture and you BELIEVE it! In Jesus name I pray. Amen❤
Also, i wish the subtitles weren't wrong. He doesn't say "leaving" he says "believing". He doesn't say "tshirt", he says "teacher". Etc. lol
To be saved is to be born again ,and just as natural birth is the result of a process, so is spiritual rebirth.
Repentance( turning our life over to Christ) and water baptism is the process by which the Holy Spirit cleanses the "temple" of our body in preparation for the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our body.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is how the believer recieves the Holy Spirit. The word "recieve"in the original Greek means " to take hold of" ,so we must pray for it until it happens. Once it does, we must surrender our tongue to the Holy Spirit in order to have scriptural confirmation that we have recieved. This comes in the form of what is known as speaking in ' tongues" which is one spiritual language.
I could easily have convinced myself that i had recieved when i was filled and been incorrect. Thus ,the need for the sign.
In like manner, those present in the delivery room know that a baby has been born by its' crys, the believer and those present know that a spiritual rebirth has occured by the believer speaking in " tongues".
The name of Jesus Christ must be called over the believer during water baptism because it is the name of the " bridegroom" in the parable of the ten virgins.
We become a member of the bride of Christ, the church, by the bridegrooms' name being called over us during water baptism. In the same manner, a bride takes on the bridegrooms nam during a traditional wedding ceremony by the minister asking the bride if she takes the man to be her husband. She says yes ,and she takes on his name.
Lastly, the Word says that the name of Jesus Christ is the name by which all of His family in heaven and earth is named.( Eph.3:15).
I was saved at 10, I got baptized in the Holy Spirit in revival with my cousin I thought it feels like "water" through me what is happening I think I was 24 maybe I don't remember but yeah I don't actually remember being in a revival before then
The only viable proof in my opinion is change. For some there’s great and drastic change and it happens immediately. I’m speaking of change that even ones very countenance is altered. I remember seeing a short clip of the Jeffery Dahmer trial in which the only surviving victim testified and said Jeffery Dahmer looked “normal” one minute and immediately his facial features were distorted in such a way that he no longer looked at all the same. Some might say this is not a good comparison but my point is if evil can take over a person in such a way then WE KNOW the Holy Spirit can do the same. But for others change happens over a period of time. So WE KNOW that the only way to absolutely know for sure that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives is there MUST be change. This is why Paul said, “I die daily.”
Romans chapter 8
This young man can’t experience Holy Spirit IF he I still committing sin in his life. Light and darkness cannot dwell together. Repentance of your besetting sin (the sin that you refuse to get rid of) confess it and ask Gods forgiveness and then The Holy Spirit will have free reign in your life to do amazing things. He will stop the confusion have for a start! Blessings Nick
Yes but your topic sentence could be rephrased in a less misleading way.
That's cool.
If you have to ask...then you don't have it. 90 percent of Christians haven't been baptized in the spirit.
Mark 16:17 These are the signs that follow after you believe and are baptized! (Also Acts 2:38)
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not described as being the same as a Baptism. It is described in all four gospels, please read them, it is beautiful, it happened to me 2yrs after I was born again, it happened to me pretty much the same as it is described in the gospels. It is usually a separate and distinct event, usually with a sign of speaking in other tongues.
Jesus Christ loves y'all ❤ Jesus Christ is king 👑 Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life no one goes through the father except through him ❤ John 3:16 Romans 8:11❤
@Russell..ShredNeckGuitarTech I actually didn't write every piece of the scripture word for word. I wrote down in short the main points, Must be baptized (immersed or immersion) in the Name of Jesus- (not father, son, Holy Ghost or any other name) for the remission of sins (the washing away) and ye shall ( could be now, could be when coming out of water or could be weeks, days or years) receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost (Infilling of God's Spirit living in you). This happens alot to people before they are baptized and then they are baptized after. Many people get baptized and don't pursue their relationship with God and don't receive the Holy Ghost.... Baptism is to wash away sins, the Holy Ghost is what we need to be God's child, it is what strengthens us, gives us knowledge, wisdom, protection, we are now a child of God walking with his spirit In us. Baptism is a sign of obedience to do what God commands. The water in Baptism represents the blood he shed on Calvary to wash away our sins. The Holy Ghost is when his spirit comes to live inside of use but there is evidence. It's not a feeling of emotion or emotions. But is an experience, the bible says we speak in other tongues or an unknown language. It's a heavenly language. It's God's language speaking through us.
You know you have the Holy Spirit when you begin to speak in tongues for the Spirit gives utterance, and it's not something that just happened for the beginning Christians, for it is written, that the promise is unto you and your children and their children children, and unto all that are afar off. Read the full Acts chapter 2. When God sees that you're truly repented and you believe in him, God will then put his Holy Sprint inside of you and you will began to speak in tongues as the Spirit giveth utterance. Read Acts chapter 2
Not all walks are equal. Some get soft cupcake lives, some are just grunts.
Roman’s 10: 9:10 If one declares with their mouth that Jesus is lord and one believes with their heart that God raised him from the dead they will be saved. For it is with once’s faith in their heart which justifies them, and it’s with one’s mouth that they profess their faith which saves them.
You receive the Holy Ghost when you are born again. If you repent and accept Christ you receive his spirit.
“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Acts 2:38 KJV
I don't like this teacher he is misleading or a little misguided, but I will pray for this young man, and I encourage you to follow in what you already know God wants from you, do what you know you can do and God through his Holy Spirit will empower you to do the things you never believed you could, be patient not everything happens over night and God understands this as well let the washing and the watering of his word, cleans you, grow you and teach you, do not lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path, do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.
*I'm overjoyed and grateful to see God's blessings and abundance manifest in my family's life. We're thriving and happy once again, and I can now provide for my loved ones even in retirement, thanks to a remarkable weekly income of $67,000. It's a game-changer after* *facing many challenges*.
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
Thanks to my co-worker (Scott) who suggested Mrs Maria Angelina🙏.
She's a licensed broker in the states 🇺🇸
Read and study the book of Acts closely, you find how you know you have received the Holy Ghost. 🙏🏼
I believe what the Bible says and what the first disciples experience. When the holy Spirit came into them they spoke in tongues, some also prophecied in addition but this doesn't mean that all tongues are real. Jesus said the holy Spirit will be with and in us, and we must not grieve him.
Why do you have tattoos did you get them before getting saved
Hello Young Man,
I hope the elder who was speaking to you will NOT deny these truths.
I applaud your love for this fellowship, this communion, being in you (1 John 1:3) when you read this verse you will notice the “oil” we are taught to praise and worship, their oil (Matthew 25:9), is missing. He is always missing (Matthew 11:27) even in the beginning (John 1:1).
I don’t feel or believe in the Holy Ghost. But I DO feel and believe in the Father and his son. I believe in their “shared” name (Proverbs 30:4, John 17:11).
When you feel them (John 14:23) you can feel confident this spirit (Matthew 1:20) and his son, this spirit (2 Cor. 3:17) are making your own spirit holy (1 Peter 1:16) and ☝🏻 spirit with JUST them (John 17:21) .
My challenge to ANYONE who reading this, if you DENY the son is the very spirit who searches us (Rev 2:18-23) and intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25) to ANOTHER spirit (Romans 8:27) he calls his father (Romans 12:9) in order to declare it is the ghost god who dwells in you, ask yourself do YOU have the 2 most holiest of spirits (the Pneumatoc and his pneuma) dwelling in you (Matthew 12:31-32)? Are these thing NOT declared in the very book you proclaim is God’s word?
Now you know why her oil is different.
Her Jesus (2 John 1:1) teaches us to believe him (John 12:49) EVERY jot and tittle he wrote (Matthew 5:18). If the HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in you is asking you to REJECT the light of the gospel
forthe. seenot thelightofthe gospelth*eof glory whoishis imageθ̅Y̅ The̅ ofC̅h̅r̅i̅s̅t
Is the Holy Spirit in you? Or is it their god who desires to BLIND BELIEVERS like me?
In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
The Holy Spirit will ALWAYS defend the truth (John 16:13)
Im told and been showed scripture that the only evidence of the holy ghost is speaking in tounges
if you don’t know you don’t have it you will know
You know if you have The Holy Spirit. You would have felt the living waters inside your stomach rising up to your throat and if you allowed it to happen. You would have spoken in tongues.
People claiming tongues don't happen anymore, do not have The Holy Spirit.
Jesus literally said "His followers would cast out devils, speak in tongues, and lay hands on the sick and they would be healed".
The devil is out here telling people otherwise.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
[18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
So, nobody is saved and we’re all going to hell? How many people with fruit of the spirit do you know have genuinely spoken in tongues? Zero.
On the contrary; everybody I have seen seeking tongues as a sign they are saved ends up disillusioned and discouraged.
@roguedoge2479 everyone i know that speaks in tongues, it is real
I've cast out devils and prayed and layed hands on a guy that had two blood clots and he was healed in three days.
I'm sorry that people don't believe in God and His gifts. But He is real.
The things of The Spirit are foolish to the natural minded....
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Hily spirits is a troll. Gave catholics, protestanst, orthodox and evangelics different interpretations...and i didnt mentions the early christians
Well you have all these people trying to understand the Bible with their own flawed understanding and discernment instead of asking for the Holy spirits guidance.
If you’re born again you have the Holy Spirit.
The evidence of the Holy spirit is growth & change...becoming more like Christ. Evidence you don't have the Holy Spirit is there is no change
You know you have the Holy Spirit, when you are not walking in sin anymore.
Gal 5: 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.