Outta curiosity, why are you using base Yi Sang over BL Yi Sang? Base Yi Sang's passive is a lot more situational as opposed to BL Sang who actively helps IDs like Cinq Outis.
That argument holds better ground outside the Mirror Dungeon. In MD, BL Yi Sang's effect can be essentially taken over by EGO Gifts. However, base Yi Sang's can not.
Yeah that's a good question, I was thinking about using BL Yi Sang but I just didn't really think she needed the extra count. Assuming 20+ potency, S1 is neutral, S2 is neutral or positive (+1 if it kills with the first coin), and S3 is -1. So she doesn't struggle too much to maintain count, and once you get one of the poise EGO gifts it becomes impossible to lose the stack. Even though it is situational I do like having a bit of SP Regen, it just makes using EGOs slightly less punishing, and usually makes any fights involving sinking a lot more consistent.
THE best 00 ID period.
I'm you, but better. (c) Cinq Outis answering Mariachi Sinclair
One of the better 00 ids
My first tank!(?)
I mean, they got a dodge and aggro I think so..prolly close enough
Even a lot better than Mariachi Sinclair. RIP my Mexican boy
Outta curiosity, why are you using base Yi Sang over BL Yi Sang? Base Yi Sang's passive is a lot more situational as opposed to BL Sang who actively helps IDs like Cinq Outis.
That argument holds better ground outside the Mirror Dungeon. In MD, BL Yi Sang's effect can be essentially taken over by EGO Gifts. However, base Yi Sang's can not.
Yeah that's a good question, I was thinking about using BL Yi Sang but I just didn't really think she needed the extra count. Assuming 20+ potency, S1 is neutral, S2 is neutral or positive (+1 if it kills with the first coin), and S3 is -1. So she doesn't struggle too much to maintain count, and once you get one of the poise EGO gifts it becomes impossible to lose the stack.
Even though it is situational I do like having a bit of SP Regen, it just makes using EGOs slightly less punishing, and usually makes any fights involving sinking a lot more consistent.