On the Eridan Not Killing Gamzee Controversy

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2020
  • A horrid screed meant for only the most broken of men.


  • @Kingy251
    @Kingy251 3 роки тому +254

    My boy Eridan got done dirty. Vriska gets a redemption arc but he doesn't? Bruh.

  • @lorelaim3294
    @lorelaim3294 3 роки тому +174

    I remember being an Eridan fan years ago when I was still into this thing and thinking he'd be revived and kill Gamzee because of this exact reason. I was so ready for it I thought it was gonna be his glorious redemption moment, finally my boy was gonna be relevant again! If Gamzee and Vriska get to be kill people and still stick around surely he'll eventually do the same for Eridan to conclude this very obvious pattern set up in the comic...and then we get nothing. I'm honestly surprised because I didn't see many people mention this theory back in the day. I may not be super into Homestuck anymore but I'm sure I'll be a salty Eridan fan for life.

  • @bombardo6118
    @bombardo6118 2 роки тому +95

    If Eridan killed Feferi, wouldn’t that mean that Dualscar died to the Condese?

  • @werewook
    @werewook 3 роки тому +70

    based and eridanpilled

  • @ShinyShilla
    @ShinyShilla 2 роки тому +70

    Cant' wait for Dualscar to come into H^2, slap som- ALL characters, tell them they are fucking up everything, and leave as the great pirate he is

  • @camillehessel7037
    @camillehessel7037 3 роки тому +25

    Are these like half joking half serious or just pure joking? Because I actually agree with some of this

  • @chloefoundpie6013
    @chloefoundpie6013 Рік тому +42

    I wonder if what kind of chaos would’ve ensued if mid-Act 6 Dualscar showed up and just asserted himself into the plot. The ensuing storm of discourse would have been fantastic.

  • @remyrochelle3101
    @remyrochelle3101 Рік тому +45

    So, I'm not sure if someone already commented this, and I could be WAY off. But what if the Condesce killed Duelscar? That way Eridan killing Feferi would match up with the whole reverse thing, it would also explain why Eridan never killed Gamzee.

  • @xowky4
    @xowky4 2 роки тому +31

    Holy crap I never had strong feelings about Eridan before either way, but watching your Homestuck videos has made me a follower of the Church of Ampora. Amazing.

  • @Basketcase12
    @Basketcase12 3 роки тому +22

    Well, I can't say I disagree. He certainly must have survived, but it's been enough years so he probably died of old age anyway. 🤷‍♀️

  • @arisenspirit
    @arisenspirit 3 роки тому +113

    The thing is that canonically the makaras under the command of lord English stopped eridan and his ancestor from fulfilling his destiny. They were a real threat so the master plan required to get them out of the picture

  • @Kingy251
    @Kingy251 3 роки тому +88

    Remember one of the big factors contributing to Eridan's solitude and subsequent descent into persona non grata, was the fact that his colleagues gave him shit for killing the Angels of his planet. They didn't want to go to his world were he was supposedly going crazy killing "innocent" Consorts, and he didn't have time to visit anyone else's world because he was busy with his important Angel killing duties.

  • @kaleidoscopemediator8624
    @kaleidoscopemediator8624 3 роки тому +242

    Okay, I'm sorry for hyper focussing on this but Dualscar broke his Kismesissitude with Mindfang out of disgust at her actions because what she did was non-consensual via slavery and mind control and he killed the Dolorosa out of sympathy, not jealousy, because had she lived it would have been a fate worse than death. Not only was she living with the memory of her child's horrific death but she was also facing the fact that she would spend the rest of her very long life in the hands of Mindfang, someone who forced her into a non-consensual sexual encounter using mind control that specifically ensured she was consciously awake and aware of what was happening to her with no way to stop it.

  • @aaaaahcalvin
    @aaaaahcalvin 3 роки тому +37

    If only I too was wicked enough to survive the racist apocalypse using pirate tactics and wait to wreck havoc on some bitches and tear this twisted world a new one.

  • @diggory4ii385
    @diggory4ii385 4 роки тому +56


  • @witchboy44
    @witchboy44 Рік тому +13

    Blackface era

  • @elcalabozodelandroide2
    @elcalabozodelandroide2 2 роки тому +20

    "like eridan but worse" , vriska abriedge

  • @JMTCorp.
    @JMTCorp. 3 роки тому +23

    theres no way i can disagree with this line of thinking... It must be the truth

  • @casey7817
    @casey7817 4 роки тому +90

    I love that this fifteen minute video just lead up to "Pirate Tactics."

  • @metaz4773
    @metaz4773 3 роки тому +33

    I greatly enjoyed both of your Eridan centric videos. I'm getting back into Homestuck n have needed doses of content of the Best Character Ever. I am not well acquainted with Cronus or Dualscar so I highly enjoyed them being mentioned here.