Listening to Rabbi Sacks is a joy, as always, sharing his wisdom & brilliance. We are honoured to live during the same years as Rabbi Sacks, our spiritual & religious inspiration.
So glad that the selichot service was recorded, and very professionally too! Over the years, my wife and I, along with other friends some years, have been lucky enough to be able to attend what we termed "the annual Selichot roadshow". Some years in London, and one memorable year in Birmingham, but it was always very special, and made a wonderful start to the Yomim Naroim. Of course, when this was recorded, you could not have had any inkling of the bizarre circumstances under which people would be watching it in 2020, and we were able this year to attend from Toronto. Thank you so much for making this year so special and meaningful, and we wish you a shana tova, it should be happy, healthy and above all, safe and virus-free.
Mil gracias a ustedes por compartir este video precioso con el mundo. La musica me habla directamente al corazon. Aunque mi educacion catolica incluia tema de arrepentimiento, esta musica me hizo sentir profunda tristeza por haber ofendido a D-os. Cada religion es camino a D-os, por eso nunca la critico. Solo quiero explicar mi alegria al judaismo por dos cosas aqui: 1) Es entre D-os y el individuo, sin intercesores. 2) El individuo mismo crea su oracion a D-os. En el catolicismo tenia que orar con guiones genericos. El pastor le daba receta para absolvar pecado. Por ejemplo le ordenaba la receta de orar 5 veces la oracion "Ave Maria". Como un juez daria sentencia. Asi que sentirse triste por ofender a D-os nunca me ocurrio. Con esta oracion de ustedes, me entraba mi corazon para realmente repentir. Lo sentia sin saber las palabras ni el tema, hasta despues cuando encontre definicion a la ceremonia. Como ha dicho Rab Jonathan Sacks, musica nos lleva al espacio o conciencia que palabras no pueden ir. Especialmente aprecio las bendecidas palabras del estimado Lord Rabbi Sacks, la persona perfecta a hablar. Con su fallecimiento hace unos dias, este video es aun mas significante al mundo. NOTA ADICIONAL: He escuchado este video muchas veces, cada vez con aprecio mas. Esta noche me doy cuenta que el edificio es el mismo al sueno repetido de mi ninez en que estaba en ese entresuelo alli mirando al piso primero, cuando vi una carpa al entresuelo en que estaba un anciano.
CD normally stands for Corps Diplomatiuque, I think CD needs to hand his number plates back in. A beautiful service substitute for those who are not going to crowded places. A magical service for those of who believe in Magic. Let us pray that for next year we can have an open service without spaces and tapes, hopefully at WMA. Boruch Shochor... not blessed darkness, but my hebrew name, work that one out Rabbi Lionel !
God Bless in Jesus name! Only Jesus saves and he’s coming back soon very soon! Today is the day to make Jesus Lord and savior of your life! Don’t wait too late! The Rapture is imminent you don’t want to be left behind! If you are don’t get the mark of the beast! Jesus ( Yeshua) is the way the truth and the life and the truth will set you free! Jesus loves you! John 3:16 Isaiah 52/53 Jeremiah 31:31 Micah 5 Psalm 22. Jesus loves you!
may Isuggest you go to tenak talk on youtube and listen to Rabbi Tobia Singer or jews for judaism Rabbi Michael Skobak and you will understand what the bible says in the original hebrew
Beautiful so moving
So very very moving and beautiful! I feel very blessed to have found this on UA-cam and now listen to it regularly in the background.
Beautiful service, incredibly beautiful liturgical music.
Listening to Rabbi Sacks is a joy, as always, sharing his wisdom & brilliance. We are honoured to live during the same years as Rabbi Sacks, our spiritual & religious inspiration.
So glad that the selichot service was recorded, and very professionally too! Over the years, my wife and I, along with other friends some years, have been lucky enough to be able to attend what we termed "the annual Selichot roadshow". Some years in London, and one memorable year in Birmingham, but it was always very special, and made a wonderful start to the Yomim Naroim. Of course, when this was recorded, you could not have had any inkling of the bizarre circumstances under which people would be watching it in 2020, and we were able this year to attend from Toronto. Thank you so much for making this year so special and meaningful, and we wish you a shana tova, it should be happy, healthy and above all, safe and virus-free.
thank you for a moving and wonderful Selichot service. Especially appreciated in the strange times of 2020
Mil gracias a ustedes por compartir este video precioso con el mundo. La musica me habla directamente al corazon.
Aunque mi educacion catolica incluia tema de arrepentimiento, esta musica me hizo sentir profunda tristeza por haber ofendido a D-os.
Cada religion es camino a D-os, por eso nunca la critico. Solo quiero explicar mi alegria al judaismo por dos cosas aqui: 1) Es entre D-os y el individuo, sin intercesores. 2) El individuo mismo crea su oracion a D-os. En el catolicismo tenia que orar con guiones genericos. El pastor le daba receta para absolvar pecado. Por ejemplo le ordenaba la receta de orar 5 veces la oracion "Ave Maria". Como un juez daria sentencia. Asi que sentirse triste por ofender a D-os nunca me ocurrio. Con esta oracion de ustedes, me entraba mi corazon para realmente repentir. Lo sentia sin saber las palabras ni el tema, hasta despues cuando encontre definicion a la ceremonia. Como ha dicho Rab Jonathan Sacks, musica nos lleva al espacio o conciencia que palabras no pueden ir. Especialmente aprecio las bendecidas palabras del estimado Lord Rabbi Sacks, la persona perfecta a hablar. Con su fallecimiento hace unos dias, este video es aun mas significante al mundo.
NOTA ADICIONAL: He escuchado este video muchas veces, cada vez con aprecio mas. Esta noche me doy cuenta que el edificio es el mismo al sueno repetido de mi ninez en que estaba en ese entresuelo alli mirando al piso primero, cuando vi una carpa al entresuelo en que estaba un anciano.
Thanks for recording this wonderful service with a most meaningful sermon by Lord Sacks.
How timely that this was recorded in 2019, so that we could benefit in 2020 ..
love it
CD normally stands for Corps Diplomatiuque, I think CD needs to hand his number plates back in. A beautiful service substitute for those who are not going to crowded places. A magical service for those of who believe in Magic. Let us pray that for next year we can have an open service without spaces and tapes, hopefully at WMA. Boruch Shochor... not blessed darkness, but my hebrew name, work that one out Rabbi Lionel !
God Bless in Jesus name! Only Jesus saves and he’s coming back soon very soon! Today is the day to make Jesus Lord and savior of your life! Don’t wait too late! The Rapture is imminent you don’t want to be left behind! If you are don’t get the mark of the beast! Jesus ( Yeshua) is the way the truth and the life and the truth will set you free! Jesus loves you! John 3:16 Isaiah 52/53 Jeremiah 31:31 Micah 5 Psalm 22. Jesus loves you!
may Isuggest you go to tenak talk on youtube and listen to Rabbi Tobia Singer or jews for judaism Rabbi Michael Skobak and you will understand what the bible says in the original hebrew
מה שאומר שדויד חטא טועה.
איך אתה מעז להגיד על הרב זקס זצ"ל טועה?
זה ציטוט מחז״ל. חוץ מזה כל אדם יכול לטעות.