I lost my firearms because some arsehole lied and said I threatened to shoot him, then smiled at me afterwards. The Magistrate said even though he produce no proof of threats, the new laws allow hearsay evidence. So anyone with a grudge can now lie, and said person will lose his firarms.
At a time when we're nearing the possibility of a world war (check out a world map and see who's currently involved in any sort of armed conflict or playing a supporting role in an armed conflict) technically you could say we're in a world war.... What does the Australian government want to do? Disarm us even further Our gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the world Yet our government want to basically totally disarm us Does anyone agree?
Well done Ben calling out labours BS rhetoric and WAPOL and the commissioners failings. Lay the blame on those who should have done something and didn’t instead of those doing the right thing that wish they could have helped
A number of countries have psychiatric assessment but it won't pick them all up. More are killed with knives in this country than guns. Every house has them
Firearms laws are more than adequate. And as per many issues, current laws are more than sufficient to managing risk. The nanny state is just governments taking more and more control.
One thing iv learnt watching all the criminals on this channel is that gun laws only stop honest people from possessing them. I would rather the mother and daughter be allowed to have a firearm in their house to stop men like this breaking in and hurting people. What if he had a machete even . We are like helpless chickens
1. Thank you for allowing comments. 2. Some good takes here (ie. that the new laws would not have saved anyone's life and that he only needed 1 firearm to commit the crime) 3. Also some horrifically bad takes: 3.a. The perpetrator DID NOT have 13 times the firepower. This is a 100% bogus claim. You can only effectively wield one firearm at a time. How many hands does he have? 3.b. This is like saying that a single soldier minding the squad's weaponry in the armoury has "10 times the firepower" of an opposing squad armed for CQB, in a CQB (ie. residential home) environment. Completely bogus. 4. These comments are the sort expected of people who have zero experience or expertise with firearms. Unqualified people should not be involved in the law making process nor should their opinions be taken with any gravitas. 5. The police were warned, they failed to act in accordance with their own policy. 6. If you take confiscate the firearms from every man going through a divorce..... you are probably going to generate a mental health issue rather than mitigate one. Imagine how you would feel in that circumstance if when your marriage failed you had your car confiscated (more people die each year from negligent use of motor vehicles than of firearms). Conclusion: The media remains the enemy, the tool of the power hungry elite to disrobe people of their freedoms, in exchange for the facade of safety.
Our laws (and all laws in general) are adequate. The issue is the magistrates don’t follow though on charges. So what do we do about the use of cars to murder people?? A car was used to murder a person on bicycle a few days after this shooting disaster. And knives, do we ban knives? It’s always about the people who are have lost their minds. They have reached a stage where normal logic fails. It’s capturing the people headed to this path of madness which will reduce/stop such violence.
The new legislation under the guise as public safety isn’t about public safety, it’s all about populist Labor politics, all Kubuki theatre from our little Emperors with no clothes. The scary part is they actually believe their own BS. There is a inherent risk with Firearms, just as there is with a hammer or a knife, or just about any other tool you can buy or steal in the hardware section At Bunnings, the real factor is human and realistically that will never change, illegal or licensed guns it doesn’t matter as they are always going to be in the community. Actually the direction it is heading potentially just going to make things worse, there is a lot of stress and anxiety in the community over a range of issues, especially in the Regions, a lot of it financial and the current Government isn’t helping by just piling on more pressure for people that generally pay their taxes abide the law and just want to be left alone. Actions have consequences, and all they are doing is pissing off a large section of Society with their lack of meaningful genuine consultation during the reform process and just gaslighting Firearm owners as bad.
In Tasmania the Police were informed nine days prior of Martin Bryant's illegal possession of firearms. It was known that he was mentally unstable. Nine days later no effort had been made to remove these firearms. This is one of a number of cases where gross police dereliction of duty allowed firearms murders to occur. Perhaps others would care to add to this.
Thats right Ben, they had the power to remove his firearms and his license. The officers who assisted Mrs bombara and Aeriel to remove there belongings from the home knew he had firearms and called for back up telling the other officers to wear bullet proof vest. Mrs Bombara and Aeriel tried to get a 72 hour VRO but was dismissed as they didn't have enough cause to have one. Which to me is just insane given there situation at that time. Now you've got 2 innocent people who were good people now gone.
as a legally licensed firearm owner I agree nothing could have prevented this tragedy as he would have just used a knife etc to have committed this horrible act. However we should have a sensible decussion around firearm ownership which should include all firearm owners instead the government doesn't wish to consult the persons these new laws will affect. If they did I acuatlly believe there could be multiple positive outcomes such as individuals requiring to pass some sort of gun safety training before being granted a firearms licence etc. It's terribly unfortunate the damage this Labor government has done to this once great state and many people have now zero faith in politicians to be responsible and transparent.
Your observation is correct.. The current gun law was not the problem in this case.... Police inaction to repeated complaints by his wife and daughter is the problem. Current governments rabid pursuit of gun law changes is a red herring to take the focus off ineffective policing. The current gun legislation has all the the mechanisms to fully control peoples ownership and use of guns.
Police are to blame for this. Not the firearm. If it wasn't a firearm used, it would have been a knife, car, or fuel, anything he could have got his hand on. Almost like they wanted something like this to happen.
It’s Paul Papalia shifting blame and using a tragic incident for political gain. Police should’ve done more to prevent this. And they legally could’ve, even under the existing gun laws which are the strictest in Australia already. They are going after the wrong core problem like usual.
This is an outstanding contribution by Ben. I just hope that Ben can now light a flame under the police commissioner. 1. The commissioner now says the existing law has "thresholds" for firearm seizure. It does not. A journo like Ben needs to test the commissioner. Ask him where we can read about these thresholds. Perhaps the commish has mind threholds, but we must not accept these as real thresholds. 2. The commisioner must not allow internal investigation of the Ariel Bombara allegations. A judge must investigate. There is too much at stake & we are reaching the point where it is becoming so evident that WA police leadership cannot bend the behaviour of a rump of old male coppers that are incapable of accepting the word of women who seek help from DV. Go for it Ben! Love your work. Chris
Not enough police on the streets in Perth is what's the real problem.,Response times too long or don't show up at all ,Cook and this state government need to go.
Had the Police actually listened to his daughter the many times she contacted them regarding his state of mind and to collect his guns things may have turned out differently. So who is guilty after being informed.... Its sad and tragic what happened to these poor ladies and no one should have to go through what they did, but if he had the intention to do so he would have put those poor women through more pain buy attacking them with a knife or some sort of object.
This is a case that WAPOL is holding up as justification for the new laws that hit all legitimate licensed firearm owners hard?! Fact: This guy had SERIOUS brain injuries- multiple strokes and a cricket ball sized brain lesion- not a typical owner at all! Fact: The daughter said she told the police there was a handgun "not accounted for- a GLOCK"! She should NOT have had access to his firearms at all (that's the law) and AFAIK he did not have a license that would allow him to own a GLOCK- are we talking about an unregistered unlicensed handgun from the prohibition driven black market?? Also, if the mother and daughter were not living at the family home because they had fled- then how did the daughter know that a handgun was "unaccounted for"? Was HE the one that had left or been thrown out of the family home? There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions in this sad tale. Of course, the usual police "Internal" investigation will reveal carefully constructed conclusions to vindicate the police. Do your job Harvey, get some real answers instead of being a talking head for the establishment.
The newly proposed WA firearms laws are only extension of a long standing state and police led campaign to restrict law biding firearms owners. Police didnt do their job when the domestic violence began, there was fatal consequences and now they need a scapegoat to take the heat, unfortunately lawful firearm owners are just an easy target.
Thoughtful and insightful analysis. Police had the power to remove his firearms. The number of firearms he had wasn’t a factor. I saw today that part of the reasoning they use for not seizing them is that he could get them back, however that process takes a long period of time - many months.
I honestly don't think other then farmers that anyone should keep firearms at home....I know sport shooters will have a hissy with me saying this....im not saying you cant have a licence i just believe a lot of gun crimes by registered owners can be minimalised if all guns are stored in an armoury by police....if there is a procedure in place to gain access to your firearms it may just prevent any mishaps....Police are supposed to be pretty good at reading people's behaviour and state of mind so unless you can prove your stable drug and alcohol free, that there is legitimate reasons to have your weapon like sports and hunting, you dont get your gun....i know the real estate needed to store many guns is impossible but maybe keep the trigger mechanism so the gun is inoperable.
Very tragic event, most registered gun owner are responsible and safe. Question is what are the triggers for the police to seize guns ie intervention order, charge of domestic violence or threats. Murder is a very rare crime in Australia, esp with firearms, more people stabbed with knives. The most important question is the trigger for police intervention and what they can do, ie imprisonment, section for mental health?
Make gun collecting against the law. I know that’s too simplistic, here’s another way, every police station must have a gun vault, in which every licensed gun owner in that district must house their guns in the vault. If they’re going hunting it’s part of the preparation for the hunt to get the gun/guns. Sign them out and sign them back in on a certain date they nominate. I know it will never happen, but nothing else is working!
I retract one part of the previous comment- you are not a "talking head for the establishment", I'll give you that, but there are still a lot of inconsistencies and questions here and the bottom line is that the tragic deaths were the result of police failure and nothing to do with inadequate laws.
Thanks Ben Harvey. Nice to see some logic and facts applied. With any luck Labor will face their policing shortfall rather than dodging the issue with smoke and mirrors. Or the Chewbacca Defense (look at the monkey!) We need more of this kind of balanced reporting. How do we support it? Patreon perhaps?
Crazy will always find a way, just like there will always be crazy. Sometimes you catch them sometimes you don't but please leave law-abiding citizen alone.
I'm glad we have gun laws in Australia. I don't believe we need weapons to protect ourselves from our government or each other. If they can restrict issues or laws to make it better, than they should if they can show it actually being effective. But I think the money should better spent providing services for men, the family court needs to have a really good look at itself, especially in the areas of perjury, parental alienation, counter parenting, hyper parental alignment, no recourse against officers of the court , false allegations avo , aswell child support, men's mental health being other than men's perpetrator courses. Maybe recognition of the female aggression and misandry. Maybe spend money on men's suicide. If he hadn't felt like killing himself was the best recourse or option, I doubt he would of wanted to go to gaol, I'm guessing.
Never seen criminals care about gun laws before, they really think there gonna start now? This only takes guns from legal people. But, this bloke shoulda had his guns "impounded" for couple months
Do us a favour Ben…if your going to go with the unbuttoned, loose tie look can we have the tie so it doesn’t resemble a stage prop from Neil Simon’s, ‘The Front Page’. Cheers mate.
W.A. Police motto is, The least possible effort. In country W.A. your lucky if they even turn up.. We have a force of "Unmanned" drones Marked Police, instead of vehicles that are "actual" Police cars...With Police in them... Where i live they can't even catch the local idiot riding a PeeWee '30..
All moot. His wife had an AVO on him, his daughter alerted Police that he had weapons and 1 of them was unaccounted for. Police dropped the ball here. Once his wife had an AVO his weapons could (should) have legally been confiscated but Police didn't act. Strengthened domestic violence laws and stricter firearms control are all fine and well, but if authorities don't act they are meaningless. Look at the fall out from this; politicians crow "Stricter DV laws!!" , "Police scream tougher firearms provisions!!" , media has a field day of sensational headlines but who brings the WA Police to book?? The WA police Commissioner's comment on this platform had comments disabled. Methinks operation CARE( Cover Ar#e remain employed) is in action. Curiouser and curiouser. Two innocent women are DEAD, and the bulls#it games just keep rolling on! Rest in peace Gretl and Jennifer.
Even though i own firearms, i feel that having a mental health screening as part of the licensing should be implemented; it would _msotly_ stop all the crazy people getting weapons. I do, however- support Castle Doctrine & Stand Your Ground type laws being allowed
When will youmget it If people wantbto kill they will Doesn't matter what they use Look at the stabbing in shopping centre Same when they used cars to mow public down How many people been killed by cars from people like this Its not the gun its the person the issue Do you really think this guy couldn't have got illegal guns How many shoots murders by illegal guns over registered gun owners Just for clarification im not a gun owner either We've had several people bashed to death by tree stakes They pulled out and bashed the person to death Again not the choice of weapon it the individual's who are the issue's Until you treat the real cause it'll keep happening gun or no guns
Again you conveniently avoid saying who is at fault the filth didn’t do their job did they , the death and the blood of these poor folks is on the cops hands if it was in fact preventable , but will they be held accountable NO never and not even by you on here because your a hypocrite , slag them off and make jokes about this like you do towards bikies , seems like you can be a convenient comedian when it suits you
These new garden rules are just stupid change the law the old ones for much better why couldn't I just leave it all alone and that the police do their a job not do properly they're the one should be investigated the government from taking we older freedoms stop harassing on telephone and abusing us let's just go back to the old rules ways to do their job properly the Pied
Taking guns out of the hands of law abiding people never saved anyone's life.... More guns save lives! Everyone should have a right to self defence
I lost my firearms because some arsehole lied and said I threatened to shoot him, then smiled at me afterwards. The Magistrate said even though he produce no proof of threats, the new laws allow hearsay evidence. So anyone with a grudge can now lie, and said person will lose his firarms.
At a time when we're nearing the possibility of a world war (check out a world map and see who's currently involved in any sort of armed conflict or playing a supporting role in an armed conflict) technically you could say we're in a world war....
What does the Australian government want to do?
Disarm us even further
Our gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the world
Yet our government want to basically totally disarm us
Does anyone agree?
Well done Ben calling out labours BS rhetoric and WAPOL and the commissioners failings. Lay the blame on those who should have done something and didn’t instead of those doing the right thing that wish they could have helped
A number of countries have psychiatric assessment but it won't pick them all up.
More are killed with knives in this country than guns. Every house has them
Ben yet again you have hit the target. Well done mate and keep bringing logic to the foreground over political bullshit.
Unfortunately it's always the responsible Australian firearm owners in the firing line, the glock used was stolen in this instance.
Firearms laws are more than adequate. And as per many issues, current laws are more than sufficient to managing risk. The nanny state is just governments taking more and more control.
One thing iv learnt watching all the criminals on this channel is that gun laws only stop honest people from possessing them. I would rather the mother and daughter be allowed to have a firearm in their house to stop men like this breaking in and hurting people. What if he had a machete even . We are like helpless chickens
1. Thank you for allowing comments.
2. Some good takes here (ie. that the new laws would not have saved anyone's life and that he only needed 1 firearm to commit the crime)
3. Also some horrifically bad takes:
3.a. The perpetrator DID NOT have 13 times the firepower. This is a 100% bogus claim. You can only effectively wield one firearm at a time. How many hands does he have?
3.b. This is like saying that a single soldier minding the squad's weaponry in the armoury has "10 times the firepower" of an opposing squad armed for CQB, in a CQB (ie. residential home) environment. Completely bogus.
4. These comments are the sort expected of people who have zero experience or expertise with firearms. Unqualified people should not be involved in the law making process nor should their opinions be taken with any gravitas.
5. The police were warned, they failed to act in accordance with their own policy.
6. If you take confiscate the firearms from every man going through a divorce..... you are probably going to generate a mental health issue rather than mitigate one. Imagine how you would feel in that circumstance if when your marriage failed you had your car confiscated (more people die each year from negligent use of motor vehicles than of firearms).
Conclusion: The media remains the enemy, the tool of the power hungry elite to disrobe people of their freedoms, in exchange for the facade of safety.
Our laws (and all laws in general) are adequate.
The issue is the magistrates don’t follow though on charges.
So what do we do about the use of cars to murder people?? A car was used to murder a person on bicycle a few days after this shooting disaster. And knives, do we ban knives?
It’s always about the people who are have lost their minds. They have reached a stage where normal logic fails.
It’s capturing the people headed to this path of madness which will reduce/stop such violence.
Ben Harvey is the best news reader 💯
The new legislation under the guise as public safety isn’t about public safety, it’s all about populist Labor politics, all Kubuki theatre from our little Emperors with no clothes. The scary part is they actually believe their own BS. There is a inherent risk with Firearms, just as there is with a hammer or a knife, or just about any other tool you can buy or steal in the hardware section At Bunnings, the real factor is human and realistically that will never change, illegal or licensed guns it doesn’t matter as they are always going to be in the community. Actually the direction it is heading potentially just going to make things worse, there is a lot of stress and anxiety in the community over a range of issues, especially in the Regions, a lot of it financial and the current Government isn’t helping by just piling on more pressure for people that generally pay their taxes abide the law and just want to be left alone. Actions have consequences, and all they are doing is pissing off a large section of Society with their lack of meaningful genuine consultation during the reform process and just gaslighting Firearm owners as bad.
In Tasmania the Police were informed nine days prior of Martin Bryant's illegal possession of firearms. It was known that he was mentally unstable. Nine days later no effort had been made to remove these firearms. This is one of a number of cases where gross police dereliction of duty allowed firearms murders to occur. Perhaps others would care to add to this.
Finally an informed intelligent conversation about an horrific event.
When someone just snaps no psychologist would be there to stop them least of all the police.
The gun is the easy target and is what the gov are more interested in.
Ban arguing, not firearms. Make arguing against the law even if you dont have firearms. Lock people up for arguing.
Absolutely spot on.
Thats right Ben, they had the power to remove his firearms and his license. The officers who assisted Mrs bombara and Aeriel to remove there belongings from the home knew he had firearms and called for back up telling the other officers to wear bullet proof vest. Mrs Bombara and Aeriel tried to get a 72 hour VRO but was dismissed as they didn't have enough cause to have one. Which to me is just insane given there situation at that time. Now you've got 2 innocent people who were good people now gone.
Best analysis..love the Q&A format…keep up the great work …rip to all except the shooter….
as a legally licensed firearm owner I agree nothing could have prevented this tragedy as he would have just used a knife etc to have committed this horrible act. However we should have a sensible decussion around firearm ownership which should include all firearm owners instead the government doesn't wish to consult the persons these new laws will affect. If they did I acuatlly believe there could be multiple positive outcomes such as individuals requiring to pass some sort of gun safety training before being granted a firearms licence etc. It's terribly unfortunate the damage this Labor government has done to this once great state and many people have now zero faith in politicians to be responsible and transparent.
In Victoria I know of multiple people who have had there guns seized and lost there license for years, sadly no easy answer here
Onya Harv's. Sincerely enjoy you're work. Thank you.
Your observation is correct.. The current gun law was not the problem in this case.... Police inaction to repeated complaints by his wife and daughter is the problem. Current governments rabid pursuit of gun law changes is a red herring to take the focus off ineffective policing. The current gun legislation has all the the mechanisms to fully control peoples ownership and use of guns.
Excellent report, good to see actual facts and logic instead of finger pointing and blame games.
Very good points 💯
Police are to blame for this.
Not the firearm.
If it wasn't a firearm used, it would have been a knife, car, or fuel, anything he could have got his hand on.
Almost like they wanted something like this to happen.
Still watching this from AZ usa.
It’s Paul Papalia shifting blame and using a tragic incident for political gain. Police should’ve done more to prevent this. And they legally could’ve, even under the existing gun laws which are the strictest in Australia already. They are going after the wrong core problem like usual.
This is an outstanding contribution by Ben.
I just hope that Ben can now light a flame under the police commissioner.
1. The commissioner now says the existing law has "thresholds" for firearm seizure. It does not. A journo like Ben needs to test the commissioner. Ask him where we can read about these thresholds. Perhaps the commish has mind threholds, but we must not accept these as real thresholds.
2. The commisioner must not allow internal investigation of the Ariel Bombara allegations. A judge must investigate. There is too much at stake & we are reaching the point where it is becoming so evident that WA police leadership cannot bend the behaviour of a rump of old male coppers that are incapable of accepting the word of women who seek help from DV.
Go for it Ben!
Love your work.
Truth Ben❤
Super video.
Not enough police on the streets in Perth is what's the real problem.,Response times too long or don't show up at all ,Cook and this state government need to go.
Had the Police actually listened to his daughter the many times she contacted them regarding his state of mind and to collect his guns things may have turned out differently. So who is guilty after being informed....
Its sad and tragic what happened to these poor ladies and no one should have to go through what they did, but if he had the intention to do so he would have put those poor women through more pain buy attacking them with a knife or some sort of object.
i swear main stream media journalism is getting poorer by the year.
This is a case that WAPOL is holding up as justification for the new laws that hit all legitimate licensed firearm owners hard?!
Fact: This guy had SERIOUS brain injuries- multiple strokes and a cricket ball sized brain lesion- not a typical owner at all!
Fact: The daughter said she told the police there was a handgun "not accounted for- a GLOCK"!
She should NOT have had access to his firearms at all (that's the law) and AFAIK he did not have a license that would allow him to own a GLOCK- are we talking about an unregistered unlicensed handgun from the prohibition driven black market??
Also, if the mother and daughter were not living at the family home because they had fled- then how did the daughter know that a handgun was "unaccounted for"? Was HE the one that had left or been thrown out of the family home?
There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions in this sad tale.
Of course, the usual police "Internal" investigation will reveal carefully constructed conclusions to vindicate the police.
Do your job Harvey, get some real answers instead of being a talking head for the establishment.
The newly proposed WA firearms laws are only extension of a long standing state and police led campaign to restrict law biding firearms owners. Police didnt do their job when the domestic violence began, there was fatal consequences and now they need a scapegoat to take the heat, unfortunately lawful firearm owners are just an easy target.
Thoughtful and insightful analysis. Police had the power to remove his firearms. The number of firearms he had wasn’t a factor. I saw today that part of the reasoning they use for not seizing them is that he could get them back, however that process takes a long period of time - many months.
He could of got a gun from anywhere he wanted. If they had taken them.
Sad days for a city.
what a shame ... BEN for PM ... IMMEDIATELY
can't legislate your way out of it, if only the law allowed people to protect themselves
Well it’s about time you actually called out the BS regarding the gun control laws and the spin used to push them for a change.
I honestly don't think other then farmers that anyone should keep firearms at home....I know sport shooters will have a hissy with me saying this....im not saying you cant have a licence i just believe a lot of gun crimes by registered owners can be minimalised if all guns are stored in an armoury by police....if there is a procedure in place to gain access to your firearms it may just prevent any mishaps....Police are supposed to be pretty good at reading people's behaviour and state of mind so unless you can prove your stable drug and alcohol free, that there is legitimate reasons to have your weapon like sports and hunting, you dont get your gun....i know the real estate needed to store many guns is impossible but maybe keep the trigger mechanism so the gun is inoperable.
Very tragic event, most registered gun owner are responsible and safe. Question is what are the triggers for the police to seize guns ie intervention order, charge of domestic violence or threats. Murder is a very rare crime in Australia, esp with firearms, more people stabbed with knives. The most important question is the trigger for police intervention and what they can do, ie imprisonment, section for mental health?
If he couldn't get a firearm, chances are he would have used a crowbar or a car.
Sad on every level.
Make gun collecting against the law. I know that’s too simplistic, here’s another way, every police station must have a gun vault, in which every licensed gun owner in that district must house their guns in the vault. If they’re going hunting it’s part of the preparation for the hunt to get the gun/guns. Sign them out and sign them back in on a certain date they nominate. I know it will never happen, but nothing else is working!
🙏for those affected
I retract one part of the previous comment- you are not a "talking head for the establishment", I'll give you that, but there are still a lot of inconsistencies and questions here and the bottom line is that the tragic deaths were the result of police failure and nothing to do with inadequate laws.
Why would involve a friend with your DV issue. When you have emough money to keep yourself safe.
And get out of the state. ????
Thanks Ben Harvey. Nice to see some logic and facts applied. With any luck Labor will face their policing shortfall rather than dodging the issue with smoke and mirrors. Or the Chewbacca Defense (look at the monkey!) We need more of this kind of balanced reporting. How do we support it? Patreon perhaps?
How do I contact U ....
Ben have you thought about starting your own UA-cam channel.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
As terrible as it is guarantee fvro was suggested by the friend
Crazy will always find a way, just like there will always be crazy. Sometimes you catch them sometimes you don't but please leave law-abiding citizen alone.
I'm glad we have gun laws in Australia. I don't believe we need weapons to protect ourselves from our government or each other. If they can restrict issues or laws to make it better, than they should if they can show it actually being effective. But I think the money should better spent providing services for men, the family court needs to have a really good look at itself, especially in the areas of perjury, parental alienation, counter parenting, hyper parental alignment, no recourse against officers of the court , false allegations avo , aswell child support, men's mental health being other than men's perpetrator courses. Maybe recognition of the female aggression and misandry. Maybe spend money on men's suicide. If he hadn't felt like killing himself was the best recourse or option, I doubt he would of wanted to go to gaol, I'm guessing.
A property developer with a $100+mil development on the go.
As if the cops don't stuff up guns every week. 13 times more firepower .rubbish.
We Need a inquest for Annette Deverall.
Never seen criminals care about gun laws before, they really think there gonna start now? This only takes guns from legal people. But, this bloke shoulda had his guns "impounded" for couple months
Do us a favour Ben…if your going to go with the unbuttoned, loose tie look can we have the tie so it doesn’t resemble a stage prop from Neil Simon’s, ‘The Front Page’. Cheers mate.
W.A. Police motto is, The least possible effort. In country W.A. your lucky if they even turn up.. We have a force of "Unmanned" drones Marked Police, instead of vehicles
that are "actual" Police cars...With Police in them... Where i live they can't even catch the local idiot riding a PeeWee '30..
Fair balanced summary
All moot.
His wife had an AVO on him, his daughter alerted Police that he had weapons and 1 of them was unaccounted for.
Police dropped the ball here.
Once his wife had an AVO his weapons could (should) have legally been confiscated but Police didn't act.
Strengthened domestic violence laws and stricter firearms control are all fine and well, but if authorities don't act they are meaningless.
Look at the fall out from this; politicians crow "Stricter DV laws!!" , "Police scream tougher firearms provisions!!" , media has a field day of sensational headlines but who brings the WA Police to book??
The WA police Commissioner's comment on this platform had comments disabled. Methinks operation CARE( Cover Ar#e remain employed) is in action.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Two innocent women are DEAD, and the bulls#it games just keep rolling on!
Rest in peace Gretl and Jennifer.
Even though i own firearms, i feel that having a mental health screening as part of the licensing should be implemented; it would _msotly_ stop all the crazy people getting weapons.
I do, however- support Castle Doctrine & Stand Your Ground type laws being allowed
So many ifs and buts nothings 100% unfortunately
Taking guns away from honest people won't help anyone. He also like other would had a knife handy.
What if he had a knife? Do we ban knives??
and cars, and... anything ??,
naturally tougher laws will stop people being shot, thats how we stopped people doing drugs, right ???
government has o much control
I hate shouting reporters.
Just tell the story mate, no need to shout it and scare the old people.
Yes focus on the guns and not the reason for the event. How does having 5 guns instead of 13. Government smoke screen.😊
When will youmget it
If people wantbto kill they will
Doesn't matter what they use
Look at the stabbing in shopping centre
Same when they used cars to mow public down
How many people been killed by cars from people like this
Its not the gun its the person the issue
Do you really think this guy couldn't have got illegal guns
How many shoots murders by illegal guns over registered gun owners
Just for clarification im not a gun owner either
We've had several people bashed to death by tree stakes
They pulled out and bashed the person to death
Again not the choice of weapon it the individual's who are the issue's
Until you treat the real cause it'll keep happening gun or no guns
Your last sentence nullifies everything you said previously.
I support mental health checks for everything
Guns don't kill or injure people DH's do
When you a gangsters, what you expect.
Pappalia retire and migrate to canada
Papalia - get another hobby
Again you conveniently avoid saying who is at fault the filth didn’t do their job did they , the death and the blood of these poor folks is on the cops hands if it was in fact preventable , but will they be held accountable NO never and not even by you on here because your a hypocrite , slag them off and make jokes about this like you do towards bikies , seems like you can be a convenient comedian when it suits you
These new garden rules are just stupid change the law the old ones for much better why couldn't I just leave it all alone and that the police do their a job not do properly they're the one should be investigated the government from taking we older freedoms stop harassing on telephone and abusing us let's just go back to the old rules ways to do their job properly the Pied