Thanks for Calamity-san. You are kind,and cool. But I need to study English more…😞 1:43覚悟(kakugo)Get ready ; Prepare yourself 1:44もっとだ(mottoda)More! 1:45見事(migoto)Amazing ; Excellent 1:46人間など、取るに足らんわ(ningen nado toruni taranwa)Humans are insignificant. 1:49風切り(kazakiri) wind slash[ability-spell] 1:50竜撃剣(ryu-geki-ken)Dragon strike sword[ult-ability-spell] 竜Dragon 撃Strike 剣Sword 1:51覚悟(kakugo)Get ready ; Prepare yourself 1:52我が魂は均衡を求める(waga tamashi- wa kinkou wo motomeru)My soul needs balance 1:56たじろぐでないぞ(tajirogudenaizo) Do not shrink ; Do not flinch 1:57俺は風だ(ore wa kaze da)I'm wind 1:59我が心、明鏡止水(waga kokoro meikyoushisui)My mind is clear as a mirror and pellucid as a lake. 2:01死の匂いか….(shi no nioi ka)Scent of death…. 2:03よし、いつでも来い(yoshi itsudemo koi)OK! bring it on 2:06終わりにしてやる(owari ni shiteyaru)I'll finish (the fight / you) 2:07上等だ(jou tou da)Goooooood (and I kill you,OK?) 2:08闇の現には尚劣りけり(yamino utsutsu niwa nao otorikeri) Illusion is not as beautiful as reality in darkness.(q from The Tale of Genji) 2:11もう一戦願おう(mou issen negaou) Once again. 2:12よし(YOSHI) Good! 2:13疾きこと風の如く(hayakikoto kazeno gotoku) Let your rapidity be that of the wind.(q from Fu-rinkazan) 2:15兵法と云事、武家の法なり(hyouhei toiukoto bukeno hou nari) [THE ART OF WAR] is Samurai's manner.(q from Sun Tzu and Musashi Miyamoto) 2:19臨・兵・闘・者・皆・陳・列・在・前(RIN・PYOU・TOU・SHA・KAI・JIN・RETSU・ZAI・ZEN)soldiers descend and arrange yourselves in front of me.(q from Kuji-in) 2:25その程度か(sono teido ka)That's it? 2:27我が魂はまだ燃えておる(waga tamashi wa mada moeteoru)My soul is still aflame. 2:30竜は我になる(ryu wa wareni nary)The dragon becomes me. 2:31電光石火(denkou sekka) lightning-speed 2:33本気を見せてみろ(honki wo misetemiro)Show me your sterling worth. 2:35精神一到(seishin ittou)Concentrate. 2:36やるな!(yaruna!) It's pretty good. 2:37まだまだ(mada mada) MADA MADA (not Dio's MUDA MUDA) 2:38鎌鼬(kamaitachi) Kamaitachi is a Japanese yōkai ,or can also refer to the strange events that this creature causes. 2:39風よ! (kazeyo!) Wind! 2:40決して怯むなよ(keshite hirumunayo)Never falter. 2:41行くぞ!(ikuzo!) Let's Go ! ; Here we go ! 2:42いざ尋常に勝負(iza jinjouni syoubu)Let's have a fair fight (尋常__clear, fair ,commendable….) 2:45ありがとよ(arigato yo)Thanks. 2:46復讐が欲するのは復讐に焦がれた者のみ(hukusyu ga hosuru nowa hukusyu ni kogareta mono nomi)"Revenge" takes only the one who thirst for it.(Same 4:16?) 2:51俺にはまだやることがある(ore niwa mada yarukotoga aru)I have many things to do yet. 2:53身を捨てても名利は捨てず(miwo sutetemo myouriha sutezu) Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor. 2:56千里の道も一足ずつ運ぶなり(senrino michimo hitoashi zutsu hakobunari)A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 2:59戦いは終わらん(tatakai wa owaran)The fight is not over 3:00人知れず 神の許しを 待ちし間に ここらつれなき 世を過ぐすかな(hitosirezu kaminoyurushi wo machisimani kokoratsurenaki yowo sugusukana)In the world without color, I have been waiting for you until God(KAMI) forgives me. (q from The Tale of Genji ) 3:07人を呪わば穴二つ(hitowo norowaba ana hutatsu)Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.(q from Confucius) 3:09一を聞いて万を知る(ichi wo ki-te man wo shiru)A word is enough to the wise(a proverb) 3:12我に宿る竜よ(ware ni yadoru ryu yo) [Wake up] my inner dragon. 3:14水のように流れ風の如く(mizu no youni nagare kaze no gotoku)Like flowing water, like wind . 3:17追いつけるかな?(oitsukeru kana?)Can you catch up to me? 3:18ありがとよ(arigatoyo)Thanks. 3:19やられたか(yararetaka)You got me. 3:21この程度か(kono teido ka)That's it? 龍神の剣を喰らえ!!(RYU-JIN NO KEN WO KURAE!!) Taste my Dragon sword !! 竜一文字(RYU -ICHI MONJI) Sword's name. 武神(bushin)God of war 銀狼(gin-rou)silver wolf
So, I got to meet his voice actor the other day and he's soooooo sweet I asked him to sign a posterboard instead of the poster he already had but I was reeaaaally nervous he was gonna say no SO INSTEAD HE SIGNED THEM BOTH FOR ME
Since Hanzo was the older brother and eventually going to be clan leader he probably learned English more often than Genji or even learned it as his Primary language and Japanese as his secondary. This is because he needed to know English for when he made any deals with other people or factions given his job. Genji was much more relaxed and didn't carry much of a burden. So while he learned both he probably learned English lest frequently than Hanzo.
ちゃんと日本人が使いそうな英語喋りにしてるのね。逆に日本語が少し英語圏にいた人臭いな。 His English accent is what the most Japanese tend to speak...However, his Japanese is a little bit affected English speaking accent...just a little..
Zach Flynch There were some pretty specific conditions where Genji would say that (according to some). A lot of people thought It had something to do with the Sombra ARG, but nothing came from it. Nobody really knows why it exists, IIRC.
(actual answer)It's so his sword doesn't fallout when hes jumping around and doing flips and such (Joke answer) It's to turn on the LEDs in his sword XD
Thanks for Calamity-san. You are kind,and cool. But I need to study English more…😞
1:43覚悟(kakugo)Get ready ; Prepare yourself
1:45見事(migoto)Amazing ; Excellent
1:46人間など、取るに足らんわ(ningen nado toruni taranwa)Humans are insignificant.
1:49風切り(kazakiri) wind slash[ability-spell]
1:50竜撃剣(ryu-geki-ken)Dragon strike sword[ult-ability-spell] 竜Dragon 撃Strike 剣Sword
1:51覚悟(kakugo)Get ready ; Prepare yourself
1:52我が魂は均衡を求める(waga tamashi- wa kinkou wo motomeru)My soul needs balance
1:56たじろぐでないぞ(tajirogudenaizo) Do not shrink ; Do not flinch
1:57俺は風だ(ore wa kaze da)I'm wind
1:59我が心、明鏡止水(waga kokoro meikyoushisui)My mind is clear as a mirror and pellucid as a lake.
2:01死の匂いか….(shi no nioi ka)Scent of death….
2:03よし、いつでも来い(yoshi itsudemo koi)OK! bring it on
2:06終わりにしてやる(owari ni shiteyaru)I'll finish (the fight / you)
2:07上等だ(jou tou da)Goooooood (and I kill you,OK?)
2:08闇の現には尚劣りけり(yamino utsutsu niwa nao otorikeri) Illusion is not as beautiful as reality in darkness.(q from The Tale of Genji)
2:11もう一戦願おう(mou issen negaou) Once again.
2:12よし(YOSHI) Good!
2:13疾きこと風の如く(hayakikoto kazeno gotoku) Let your rapidity be that of the wind.(q from Fu-rinkazan)
2:15兵法と云事、武家の法なり(hyouhei toiukoto bukeno hou nari) [THE ART OF WAR] is Samurai's manner.(q from Sun Tzu and Musashi Miyamoto)
2:19臨・兵・闘・者・皆・陳・列・在・前(RIN・PYOU・TOU・SHA・KAI・JIN・RETSU・ZAI・ZEN)soldiers descend and arrange yourselves in front of me.(q from Kuji-in)
2:25その程度か(sono teido ka)That's it?
2:27我が魂はまだ燃えておる(waga tamashi wa mada moeteoru)My soul is still aflame.
2:30竜は我になる(ryu wa wareni nary)The dragon becomes me.
2:31電光石火(denkou sekka) lightning-speed
2:33本気を見せてみろ(honki wo misetemiro)Show me your sterling worth.
2:35精神一到(seishin ittou)Concentrate.
2:36やるな!(yaruna!) It's pretty good.
2:37まだまだ(mada mada) MADA MADA (not Dio's MUDA MUDA)
2:38鎌鼬(kamaitachi) Kamaitachi is a Japanese yōkai ,or can also refer to the strange events that this creature causes.
2:39風よ! (kazeyo!) Wind!
2:40決して怯むなよ(keshite hirumunayo)Never falter.
2:41行くぞ!(ikuzo!) Let's Go ! ; Here we go !
2:42いざ尋常に勝負(iza jinjouni syoubu)Let's have a fair fight (尋常__clear, fair ,commendable….)
2:45ありがとよ(arigato yo)Thanks.
2:46復讐が欲するのは復讐に焦がれた者のみ(hukusyu ga hosuru nowa hukusyu ni kogareta mono nomi)"Revenge" takes only the one who thirst for it.(Same 4:16?)
2:51俺にはまだやることがある(ore niwa mada yarukotoga aru)I have many things to do yet.
2:53身を捨てても名利は捨てず(miwo sutetemo myouriha sutezu) Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor.
2:56千里の道も一足ずつ運ぶなり(senrino michimo hitoashi zutsu hakobunari)A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
2:59戦いは終わらん(tatakai wa owaran)The fight is not over
3:00人知れず 神の許しを 待ちし間に ここらつれなき 世を過ぐすかな(hitosirezu kaminoyurushi wo machisimani kokoratsurenaki yowo sugusukana)In the world without color, I have been waiting for you until God(KAMI) forgives me. (q from The Tale of Genji )
3:07人を呪わば穴二つ(hitowo norowaba ana hutatsu)Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.(q from Confucius)
3:09一を聞いて万を知る(ichi wo ki-te man wo shiru)A word is enough to the wise(a proverb)
3:12我に宿る竜よ(ware ni yadoru ryu yo) [Wake up] my inner dragon.
3:14水のように流れ風の如く(mizu no youni nagare kaze no gotoku)Like flowing water, like wind .
3:17追いつけるかな?(oitsukeru kana?)Can you catch up to me?
3:19やられたか(yararetaka)You got me.
3:21この程度か(kono teido ka)That's it?
龍神の剣を喰らえ!!(RYU-JIN NO KEN WO KURAE!!) Taste my Dragon sword !!
竜一文字(RYU -ICHI MONJI) Sword's name.
武神(bushin)God of war
銀狼(gin-rou)silver wolf
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
You do the work of the gods, friend. Can't wait to use these in some Genji montages!
thank you
I remember when I first picked Genji andas I scrolled over the "Hello" tab, I thought
"I bet it's 'Yo!' "
it was.
Lol same
This is my favorite character that I have no idea how to play
angstygxre me too
his voice is so fucking cute holy shit
i would sell my soul to the illuminati for genji
+PATRICK WILL CONSUME sign here x_____________
So, I got to meet his voice actor the other day and he's soooooo sweet
I asked him to sign a posterboard instead of the poster he already had but I was reeaaaally nervous he was gonna say no SO INSTEAD HE SIGNED THEM BOTH FOR ME
sonozaki wow youre lucky! :0
After playing Genji for 3 years or going against one U will regret saying that
This freaking beautiful accent, everything about Genji is cute, god, people, make him stop.
Genji is voiced by Gaku Space, if you were wondering.
Btw we still haven’t seen his ABS where is the marvel style shirtless skin WHERE IS IT BLIZZARD!?
hanzo needs some japanese lines too
his ult
He has my favourite one, "SAKE!"
+Marlo I just walk up to people and just spam that voice line
Neva secund best!
Why is he so cute someone stop him
There is no way to stop him
He's too powerfully cute that no creature can stop him
It Is I.... Green Cyborg Ninja Dude!
1:28 "unfortunate for you.. i'm with you"
where's the "ANGELA!" when Mercy was killed...?
Gency is real OTP
Did he really say that :O? (i haven't heard)
+yukishakura Yes, I think Hammeh (Failcraft idk forgot) he found the exact line in the voice files
+Ariana Venti I can't find it in his video, what I did find is him yelling "Master!" when Zenyataa died. Now I am curious XD.
+yukishakura Yeah he didn't show it in his vid but there was one comment about that and he confirmed that it was in the voice files
How come genji has a more japanese accent than hanzo lol hahaha
He has more Japanese lines as well
+CryDubyuTheThird hanzo has 20ish while genji has 50
Since Hanzo was the older brother and eventually going to be clan leader he probably learned English more often than Genji or even learned it as his Primary language and Japanese as his secondary. This is because he needed to know English for when he made any deals with other people or factions given his job. Genji was much more relaxed and didn't carry much of a burden. So while he learned both he probably learned English lest frequently than Hanzo.
+Zman Games1080p Likely.
+Zman Games1080p. k
1:11 is all you will ever hear
*i n e e d h e a l i n g*
Yet another impossible beauty standard for men
it's a game character and he's a robot da fuck
+Kamari Sadler ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
He's not a robot! You don't consider Darth Vader a robot do you?
"catch the human!"
ok Papyrus
hes cute. how.
1:11 the infamous line.
1:46 200 hours on genji and this is the best of him imo
Spaiz i came to this video specifically for that line. its the icing on the cake after a multikill.
I swear i don't understand japanese at all, but listening to him is so pleasant...
Genji 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
My name is.........Green Cyborg Ninja Dude
Where do you find that in game lol I mean this was two years ago but where do you find it
It would be badass for Genji to say "I am lightning the rain transformed!" just like Raiden!
- Every Genji Main
DragonSlayer it's 1:11
Genji = Human Xbox
Ciiys morelikely a pc
lol genji is actually good
xbox trash
Hell ya
2:10 - who you send nigga who ?
* moei sen negaou xD, i like what u did there tho
4:23 The ultimate Ninja roast.
damn I really want a piece of that hot genji ass
lol gay
to bad mercy already got it! ha! lol
Calamity yassssssssssss I knew I ain't the only one
"My name is... Green Cyborg Ninja Dude" genji will actually say this in game, although I did not hear it in the video
Genji needs a lot of things. Genji will do a lot of things.
His voice is adorable! Dammit Genji! Yametekudasai!
I reaally fucking love this voice
gaku space, who also plays goki/akuma in street fighter assassin's fist. brilliant
His English accent is what the most Japanese tend to speak...However, his Japanese is a little bit affected English speaking accent...just a little..
such a cool voice
"Measure twice, cut once..."
3:51 "My blade is ready to be unleashed" my favorite line
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Calamity Lmao
Mi Wo Sutetemo Myouri Wa Sutezu
+Kevin Manzano RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!!!
Waga Tama Shiwa Kinko Motemeru
Waga tamashii wa*.
"BEHIND YOU!" Is the most one I hear when I play
I am... green cyborg ninja dude
His voice is so alluring tbh
Genji is the best ever but just one more thing.
Yo, i need healing
i know he doesnt sound like it to other people but he sounds fucking adorable he is cinnamon bun
Hanzo's Voice Lines:
Already did multiple times but keep respawning
*Slow clap*
4:54 my favorite
This is what I listen to before I sleep
Why does this sounds like an ultimate quote?
It's his Beta ult sound
6apkov15 And what does he say, can you translate?
I think it was Dragonblade or smth
[ult-ability-spell] 竜Dragon 撃Strike 剣Sword
2:46 subtitles kazar he's a ginger urban area tell Chris yerga
My warrior spirit BUUURNS !
I dont hear "You saved me again, doctor Ziegler" when Mercy rescue him, someone please tell me if is there
It's there, sometimes you can hear him says that after mercy resurrects him
fucking genji being bae af
2:10 Moist and nigga wool
lol ok
He reminds me of Shadow the Hedgehog
1:49 "RYUUGEKIKEN" how i missed the old ultimate sound
i love his voice
Where do the counting voice lines come from
I don't even know myself
Zach Flynch There were some pretty specific conditions where Genji would say that (according to some). A lot of people thought It had something to do with the Sombra ARG, but nothing came from it. Nobody really knows why it exists, IIRC.
DamagedLink _ Maybe it was a little voice test that Blizzard did before recording anything important, and then they somehow got on the internet?
Zach Flynch I don't know, people apparently heard it in game, so it must have been intended.
if you play heroes of storm and bought Genji voice pack, he will count before the match start with this voice lines.
"GET OUT OF THERE, MOVE" never heard that in game.
1:03 also never heard of that.
1:11 "i need healing"
Liked and subscribed,will use some of the voices in my future project
+HappyQuack You're welcome!
I have never heard some of these wtf. Like the ryu geki ken one, sounds lit af.
My name is... Green Cyborg Ninja Dude...
Genji's japanese is very good.
1:06 It's pretty funny when this line come up after kill enemy Hanzo
4:31 Stand Together ! Die Together ........
Best genji voiceline blizzard please add this in custom voiceline pls
i'm here cuz that line in 2:52 only gj
Wait... I've never heard a Genji say that @ 3:30
Genji speaks too much in Ramen
0:48 damn ive never heard that and i have played overwatch for a long time
Hitosirezu kaminoyurushi wo machisimani
your not the only one that wants the genji :P
someone needs to upload a video of Genji's quotes but with captions, and translations for his japanese lines
Great idea, could you do that for us? :^)
i don't have the programme to do that, unless windows movie maker could xD
is it okay for me to use this video?
+Sonofchaos1 Yup
+BlowingMonkey okay, this will take me a week at least, there's so many lines haha
Holy heck so many voice lines
you don't have: my glorious spirit burnt?
lmao I think you mean "My warrior spirit burns!".
ye probably
Favorite quote from gengu "Owari no shiteyaru" fuckkkkkkkkkKKkKK WOOH
The voice lines that I want to hear
5:29 so good
2:03, anyone? Ryu from Street Fighter says the same when a round is about to begin in one of the (many) older SF editions.
よし!いつでも来い!! (YOSHI ! ITSUDEMO KOI !)
OK! bring it on!!(anytime)
I need healing and MADA MADA are the only two voicelines I need.
1:11 the moment that everyone was looking for
the only thing i hear from my teammates is 1:11
Where does he say 'Green cyborg ninja dude'?
When you turn on the captions to understand some of the Japanese only to be very disappointed :
Subtitles: tomoaravvashcagjvswh
My favorite line is 1:21
"Flow like water"
I think the lines are coming too fast. There is no break between them :(
When you are losing an argument against your black friend: 2:12
everytime he activates his ulti and dies in the process i die of laughing xD
i love genji
I didn't know Master Yi could speak japanese
why tf is he so cute for
02:19 臨兵闘者 皆陣列在前 = fighters descend and arrange yourselves in front of me
One question, why does Genji have a fucking light switch on his katana's hilt?
(actual answer)It's so his sword doesn't fallout when hes jumping around and doing flips and such
(Joke answer)
It's to turn on the LEDs in his sword XD
His voice lines are: I need healing
And then: I need healing
And then: I need healing
And then: I need healing
My best character