李惠平 - 小泉文夫的臺灣音樂調查(1973)[日本語字幕あり]

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • 發表於2022.03.11(五) 2022重建臺灣音樂史學術研討會
    1973年7月16日,當時正風靡著日本社會的民族音樂學者小泉文夫(Fumio Koizumi,1927-1983)自東京抵達台北,展開為期六週的田野調查與音樂採集。然而,被認為是日本戰後最具影響力的音樂學者之一的小泉,儘管在返國後將在臺採集的部分錄音發行為兩張唱片,但小泉曾來臺進行調查一事,迄今卻鮮少被人提及。究竟小泉該次來臺調查的軌跡為何?他是如何試圖捕捉臺灣音樂的實態?而小泉在臺灣的所見所聞,又在他未來的理論形成裡佔有怎麼樣的位置?

    Fumio Koizumi’s Survey of Formosan Music (1973)
    Hui-Ping Lee (Tokyo University of the Arts)
    In the history of research on Taiwanese (Formosan) music - I mean inclusively the music of Taiwanese aboriginal peoples and the various traditional music genres of those Han Chinese who later settled in Taiwan - the fieldwork legacies left by pre-1945 Japanese scholars have long been regarded as indispensable. This is particularly true of the works of Hisao Tanabe (1883-1984) and Takatomo Kurosawa (1895-1987). However, while some Japanese scholars also conducted detailed fieldwork on Taiwanese music after 1945 (i.e., after the departure of Japan as the colonial power in Taiwan at the end of WWII), these studies and surveys are not frequently discussed.
    On July 16th, 1973, Fumio Koizumi (1927-1983) arrived in Taipei for a six-week trip to survey the music of Taiwan. Koizumi, one of the most influential music scholars of postwar Japan, released two records containing his field recordings after his return to Japan. In addition, he referred to his fieldwork stay in Taiwan in his various articles and speeches. However, this 1973 survey is not well-acknowledged and the results Koizumi obtained remain somewhat unclear. For example, how did Koizumi plan his trip to Taiwan? What was his primary goal? How did Koizumi understand the music he heard and recorded in Taiwan, and what place did Taiwanese music occupy in Koizumi’s theoretical perspectives?
    To answer the questions above, this chapter will first start with a brief introduction to Koizumi’s life and achievements, before revealing the details of his field trip in Taiwan. It will do this studying Koizumi’s two fieldwork notebooks - held at Koizumi Fumio Memorial Archives at Tokyo University of the Arts - and other related materials. I will also survey Koizumi’s published materials and shed light on his perceptions of Taiwanese music. Finally, the chapter will argue that Koizumi’s distinctive ways of conducting research inevitably prevented his fieldwork results from being incorporated into wider discussions of the history of research on Taiwanese music.
    Keywords: Taiwanese Music, Aboriginal Music, Fieldwork, Fumio Koizumi