Liz’s sense of humor, her creativity, and her ability to effortlessly deal out subtle insults (especially to Brian) were just a few of the best things she brought to the deck of Delos. Sounds like she might be back one day? Hopefully so. It’s really inspiring to see people grow on Delos. She was willing to make a drastic change in the direction of her life and that shows how much good Delos has done for her. Her journey is one of the perfect examples of the good Delos does for its crew and everyone watching at home. It gives hope and inspiration to people who are stuck or lost or misguided or afraid, and helps them realize what’s really good and truly important.
Yea ;-) lol Alex, she is English, and I and others that are also part of that culture - English (The Queens) we do love her take on all things serious and with humor... and it's been a great laugh watching Liz give as good or better than received, laugh a minute with how Liz got a handle on Brady from the outset hahahahahaha she had watched quite a few vlogs prior to boarding SV Delos, she knew! Brian is known to give a good shove when it's due, the English way is to push back, take no prisoners! hahahahahahaha Alex, thank you for being a great buddy to Liz, we all have seen that, and read this in Delos Diaries - that series was wicked heh, Liz you were so open, we loved reading the real chit you went through, Brady, thank you with this.
I am still missing Liz. I follow her elsewhere but nobody brought so much depth and soul to Delos as she did. She grew so much so quickly it will always be one of my touchstones when I go back to teaching.
Liz, you will forever be my favorite of the passing crew members! I will always remember you saying, "she's curling one out"! By far my favorite quote! I have never heard of taking a shit put so eloquently! The British accent really drives it home for me! May all your poops be curly! Much love from Seattle, WA!
Liz was my all time best guest on Delos. her wit with everyone was great she never took her self seriously. The scene with Brady and Liz in the cabin where he gave her a gift made me realise that Delos is a life changing moment in some ones life. These people really have helped changed her life for the better. Kindness and love for your fellow human being is sadly lacking in todays world. But in true Delos style it makes you think what a nice world it could be. Love you all on Delos, I feel that I am part of this wonderful adventure which keeps me happy. Liz you are unbelievable woman, don't ever give up you dreams as you are a very special person. Will follow you now on your own path . Cheers Craig.
There are people who enter your life and change everything, people who are worth stopping, breathing and valuing. Value what really matters. The details, the little things, things like the sea water, the clouds, a look of those that say it all, some eyes like yours, the way they smile, an infinite hug mixed with salt, their hands, wake up at his side ... liz has been that for the Delos typology and for those of us who live from outside this adventure
Am going to miss her on Delos, , I got a little teary-eyed myself and what were the words? "Wonderful to have something so great that makes it hard to say goodbye" ,, wow, , just wow . Thanks Delos! 😊😚
Lizbef! You will truly be missed on Delos until your return. You brought such happiness and so much Joy to me and Im sure many others. You are such a genuine and real person. Good luck in Paris with your French man. Stay safe and i will always see you as part of the Delos crew. Much love!
We sat down with beer salsa and chips to watch This episode as the alcohol curbed to sadness. My notes for this week: The drink music reminded me of a 60’s sitcom ala Dick Van Dyke show, I was watching for Rob Petrie to walk on the beach. I would say this was the most up lifting crew, the mix of personalities to include the brother sister vibe echoing in each episode. We just watched one of John Muir’s (the 1st Yosemite conservationist) relatives speak from a families perspective. His closing remarks were; “Legacy is not what you leave behind it’s what you share from within”. Thank you Delos for continuing to share from with in. Back to the beer, salsa and chips while we watch AGAIN!!
Guys you all had me crying and I’m 73 and don’t know any of you except by videos. But find myself already missing Liz!!! Best of life Liz, if given opportunity go visit Orleans about 65 Miles south of Paris. I lived there almost 3 years back in 60s and loved it. In the Lori country of France. Love you girlie!!
Of course missing Liz will be hard but having had her in your life really means you are all so blessed, and we are blessed to have a small glimpse through the window that is your adventures. Thank you for everything: the ups and the downs.
Hats off to Lisa for editing this episode. It had amazing flow and her monologue was spot on at the end. It has been a sheer pleasure following this particular crew since Cape Town.
Lizbeth is awesome beyond description. Accent, facial expressions, eargerness to try anything... She was the soul of Delos while being part of the crew. Really hope she returns.
Uuf emotional. Can't wait to get to traveling again, meeting new people and making new friends and hopefully seeing one or two old ones. Everyone is already missing you Liz. Our Friday nights will have an empty spot where you once were.
This is my second trip through. I must say, this crew had a magical connection. They are all wonderful people in their own way. And the fact that Lisa is still part of the project is amazing. Cheers girl crew.
I remember commenting that Liz was going to be an excellent addition to the Delos crew after seeing her first appearance. Who knew she would spend so much time on board. Goes to show really how much she added to the experience. Brilliant job Liz and to the Delos crew for picking her.. sad day but until next time Liz. Thanks for making me laugh..
I know that I am a few years behind here trying to catch up with you all, so this is fresh for me. I have found every goodbye hard to watch, but Liz leaving is a hit in the guts.. And now my frigging pillow is wet. (Again) Thanks for all the laughs Liz, you're wonderful! I am looking forward to watching more from Delos, and I hope everyone is doing well today two years later, and in the trying times we are currently in. Love from Norway. 💜🇳🇴
I've been following you guys forever and have never commented before but I have to say, I will really miss Liz in your episodes. She is genuine, funny, beautiful and honest. Others have left the good ship Delos in the past and it has been sad to watch, but this departure is by far the saddest in my humble opinion. She truly seemed to be the heartbeat of the boat during her time aboard. Best of luck with your next adventure Liz!
I had a hard time watching this video, you see, my eyes kept sweating to the point I had to pause it and wipe the sweat away. Liz, I only wish the best for you. Thank you and The Delos crew for having a positive influence in my life. The fans of Delos will never forget you! 😍
Interesting to hear Lisa say she found it difficult to bare her soul to the camera and then went right ahead and did it perfectly. This was a beautiful video bursting with life. Thanks to all of you. and hugs to all you folks... and to Lizbef, "May you always have a sunbeam to warm you,and a moonbeam to charm you,and a guardian angel on your shoulder, so nothing will ever harm you"... fair skies and smooth sailing to you all...
Thank you Lizbeth for all you brought to the boat, I will miss your beutiful insight to the Delos world! You guys make my world bearable please continue ...
I told myself I wasn't going to cry, because I knew this was coming for like months! But still! I'm over here bawling like a big baby at all of the goodbyes and it feels like the end...but I know the journey that Lizbef is heading on and how the SV Delos mission will continue to sail along into the horizon. So I know it's all gonna be okay, but just gotta say, the editing, cinematography, and emotions present in this episode really kick in the gut. In a good way! For sure my favorite sailing episodes to watch, no matter how bittersweet they may be. Keep on sailing, and wishing for safe travels to all the crew~
Wanted to say thank you for helping me connect in a new way with my kids. This year my daughter took part in a school-sponsored living history project where she spent 2 days on a tall ship learning what it was like to be a sailor in the 1700's. Part of the program they teach a few old sailors songs including Drunken Sailor. At 12:11 in the video when Lizbef sings this song it helped my daughter appreciate what she had learned as well my interesting in sailing. Thanks for including that clip. You totally made my day.
You all have so much to be proud of with how you nurture new crew, take it as being a heart felt thank you from quiet a few of us. You all are unique, you have documented this in these vlogs for us all to aspire too.
Was great watching Liz, aka 'England' become comfy in her own skin and confident Delos crew. She's yet another example of 'the good blood' leaving the British Isles. We'll miss her - You go Girl!! Hope to see Liz again on future Sailing SV Delos.
I don't think anyone has made such an impact on Delos as Liz. Thanks for taking us for a ride on the Liz Train, and I look forward to the release of your library of songs. All the best to you, your French lover, and the Delos crew!! Cheers from sunny Florida!
Liz is a lyrical genius, what a hilarious soul, just a funnel for the words floating about in her universe. Larger than life. So glad i went back to see what the crew had in its past, glad i could “meet” her through these hilarious vids. Cheers from future.
Amazing episode! I love the way you guys make a sad thing to something joyful, but still sad, but yet wonderful. You guys are amazing, least to say, right!? Personal note: Watch this just now, on a early Sunday, or as we in Sweden think: late Saturday! And it's a first for me in almost a year! I'm used to see your episodes on Fridays when they're released, but life happendes. But i will never miss a episode, ever!!! Like NEVER EVER! Safe sailing Delos Crew!
I have been subscribed to SV DELOS for years now, I have watched every single show that they have put on here,a lot of them I have watched several times. It's something about them that I like, I love how they are always happy and care free, and are always having fun no matter where they are or what they are doing. I think I only seen them upset or pissed off one time, and that's when some guy was stealing on their Boat late at night. L M A O.... Way to go Brady and Brian to catch that MO FO. I always look forward to Friday morning to catch their show before I go to work. I just really wanna say Keep up the good work GUYS and GALS you guys are awesome....Good Luck on the ocean...Can't wait till next Friday.
In the end it all feels so arbitrary; Liz came aboard cause Delos was hiring, you crossed the Atlantic cause the wind was blowing you there and now Liz is following a new path because life always goes on. But what you created on that way is truly miraculous. The last drone shot reminded me of the ending of "The Beach", after a long adventurous and unique time together you realize you found paradise. But it´s not the untouched white sandy beaches or the pristine sunsets; you surely had all of that; rather is it the sense of being part of something bigger and that special moment in time with the gift of having people around you truly love. Thank´s for sharing this journey with us!
Boy and I thought it was hard saying goodbye to Josje, but this was easily the most difficult goodbye yet. To Liz, if you ever read this I would like to say that when you first came aboard Delos you kinda seemed out of place for me and I really didn't expect much from you, but now I realize that if I had to vote for my most favorite Delos crew member of all time, I most certainly would write down your name without hesitation. I hope and pray that you find your way back to the crew of Delos someday. Thank you for giving us Delos die hards that little something extra that makes SV Delos so damn special. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Liz, the ONLY true queen of England this American will ever recognize. Fair winds and following seas....
WOW. Man, thank you so much. I'm absolutely speechless. Thank you so much for your love and support. Delos absolutely showed me how I wanted to be, in myself, to myself and to others. I've never felt so sure or confident in my future. In fact- I'll be seeing them sooner than you think! If you still wanna keep touch, you can find me at and you'll see just how much Delos inspired me. Thank you forever for your love, my friend! x
Perhaps one of your best yet! Wow! You captured the true meaning of friendships via boats. Intense, authentic and far too often, faced with good-byes. Luv ya all.
Liz( the one who is staying) you show yourself very vulnerable. You are a wonderful person expressing thoughts, feelings, impressions beautifully. Thank you. We love you very much.
“Uhhhh no more, the camera is done because it’s time to live life without the camera. Good Bye Mates! Good Night.” By Brady. Make this a shirt and I will buy it! All of you are inspiring to live life to the max!. I hope you are seeing success in this adventure that is beyond what you had hoped when you began. What you are doing is important. You may believe that you are simply throwing up great vidoes of you traveling the world and partying but it is so much more to me. I watch every video and look forward to the next. A week ago I was in an accident and came close to losing my life. I have been sharing my dream of sailing the world with my wife for a long time now and she wants to do this as well. We are no longer thinking about doing this but we are now putting actions towards this goal. You started the idea for me and for that I can only say Thank you. With love- Chris
Selfishly, I loved this episode. I'm following Earlewrites since day one so I won't miss Liz at all, but I cried for Delos and for Liz.. It's certainly the end of an important era for the crew. Reunions will sustain us, hopefully for many years? Thanks for letting us be part of this amazing voyage. Strong wind, fair seas, strong wi-fi.
I hope that one day, with Delos 2.0 all these wonderful people will come together again. watching you guys made so much difference in this trying times. Much love from the Philippines!
See you later Liz. I must say it been such a joy seeing you have such fun and I hope it all goes well for you in France. Thanks for a great episode once again. Gary, Coventry, UK.
Lizbef.. I loved watching you on SV DELOS.. Such teary eyes i have for you... We will miss you.. and wish you good luck on your future endeavors with Mr. Frenchman..
Have NEVER cried this hard in any Hollywood movie. I freaking LOVE all of you...and, Lizbeth - well, I have been following you and your blog, and wear your beautiful Shell necklace just cuz I relate with you in SO many ways. Best to all of you, and LOVE.
This is what the adventure is all about meeting new people, finding how to get along with them, making friends with them and then saying goodbye! Nothing lasts forever! It’s all about the journey of life. Please carry on enjoying the journey! Thank you again for sharing.
Wow these episodes have had so much love in them. It's a special experience being able to watch your guys work/lives and feel like I am living it as well and being a part of the adventure. It's so powerful that the good bye's always bring tears to my eyes as well, as the crew are not just leaving Delos lives when they leave, but they are leaving mine as well. Josje's was incredibly tough as well. I think for most of us in todays world it is rare to have friends in such ways, and it is amazing to witness it and live vicariously through it with the crew. The adventures of Delos are one of a kind and what life seems to be all about. Love and adventures.
So many tears shed in this one, on the crews part and my own... Following all of the journey of this crew(Delos Diaries in particular) I have become so connected and I just want to say that I am so great ful that you guys take the time to put yourself out there for us all to connect with. You truly impact people and I hope you all know how important your work is to the world!! Fair winds and safe passages⛵
I've lost count of the number of times that I've thought that "this is the best crew ever and it'll never be the same without them", but THIS crew really has been awesome and the more that I have got to know each of them the more I have come to love them. I hate saying goodbye and this was one was another difficult one but I wish Liz all the best and since there is so much time lag in the videos I know she is doing just fine. Cheers guys, keep up the great work!! :)
What a great send off for Elizabeth, everyone telling how they feel about her and how she gave herself unconditionally to everyone on onboard, she will be missed ! I think the best part was when Brady gave her that picture, the tears started to fall !
I hope one day to this group gets together again. One of my most favorite crews and love each and everyone of you. Much respect to all of you and safe journeys in whatever you do.
these Delos Goodbyes are killer......I am not an emotional person...but these Sailing SV Delos "Good-byes" get me every time....Fair Winds and good luck in this new Season.....
You're guys lift me up whenever I am blue, delos family has become my refuge every time I feel sad about what's going on in this troublesome world....may God protect you from evil ...God bless ...fair wind
Liz you are a bloody star, raised my glass to you tonight!!! Good luck to you with your new adventures (which due to the time lag must be well under way by now). Side note but Lisa looked so sad in the shot panning away after Liz left. Chin up Lisa, big love to you, I suspect you will have wonderful new adventures in a new direction you had never ever dreamt of. Here's to all the crew!!! Thank-you for the excellent videos.
It's always sad when someone leaves but there will be a new member to the Delos family to carry on and thats the secret to Delos's success and what keeps it interesting. It's also good to follow those who have left and continue to follow their adventures! I absolutely love your videos and I will faithfully follow the Delos crew as long as you share your lives with us, the viewers! God bless you all and thank you for always putting a smile on my face! God speed Liz!!
The emotion in this episode is pretty clear, and pretty raw. There is something about living in close quarters with people that really connects you. I'm watching in 'quarantine' in 2020, and this channel has given me a special closeness to people I've never met.
Liz’s sense of humor, her creativity, and her ability to effortlessly deal out subtle insults (especially to Brian) were just a few of the best things she brought to the deck of Delos. Sounds like she might be back one day? Hopefully so. It’s really inspiring to see people grow on Delos. She was willing to make a drastic change in the direction of her life and that shows how much good Delos has done for her. Her journey is one of the perfect examples of the good Delos does for its crew and everyone watching at home. It gives hope and inspiration to people who are stuck or lost or misguided or afraid, and helps them realize what’s really good and truly important.
Thanks so much Alex, I really feel like it's true. Delos absolutely changed my life. I'm so grateful to them.
Well said, Alex. Liz!! You’re incredible and the whole tribe will miss you. Fair winds.
We could all use 6 months on Delos.
Exactly right, Alex.
Yea ;-) lol Alex, she is English, and I and others that are also part of that culture - English (The Queens) we do love her take on all things serious and with humor... and it's been a great laugh watching Liz give as good or better than received, laugh a minute with how Liz got a handle on Brady from the outset hahahahahaha she had watched quite a few vlogs prior to boarding SV Delos, she knew! Brian is known to give a good shove when it's due, the English way is to push back, take no prisoners! hahahahahahaha Alex, thank you for being a great buddy to Liz, we all have seen that, and read this in Delos Diaries - that series was wicked heh, Liz you were so open, we loved reading the real chit you went through, Brady, thank you with this.
I am still missing Liz. I follow her elsewhere but nobody brought so much depth and soul to Delos as she did. She grew so much so quickly it will always be one of my touchstones when I go back to teaching.
Liz, you will forever be my favorite of the passing crew members! I will always remember you saying, "she's curling one out"! By far my favorite quote! I have never heard of taking a shit put so eloquently! The British accent really drives it home for me! May all your poops be curly! Much love from Seattle, WA!
To say that We Love Liz is an understatement.
almost 5 years later and this episode still gets me crying like a little wee bebe
Liz was my all time best guest on Delos. her wit with everyone was great she never took her self seriously.
The scene with Brady and Liz in the cabin where he gave her a gift made me realise
that Delos is a life changing moment in some ones life. These people really have helped changed her life for the better.
Kindness and love for your fellow human being is sadly lacking in todays world.
But in true Delos style it makes you think what a nice world it could be.
Love you all on Delos, I feel that I am part of this wonderful adventure which keeps me happy.
Liz you are unbelievable woman, don't ever give up you dreams as you are a very special person.
Will follow you now on your own path .
Cheers Craig.
There are people who enter your life and change everything, people who are worth stopping, breathing and valuing. Value what really matters. The details, the little things, things like the sea water, the clouds, a look of those that say it all, some eyes like yours, the way they smile, an infinite hug mixed with salt, their hands, wake up at his side ... liz has been that for the Delos typology and for those of us who live from outside this adventure
by far the most happiest yet saddest episode i have seen. i hate goodbyes but its inevitable.
OMG ... I have to admit this made me cry so much ... Liz .. You will be sorely missed on Delos ..
Even the skies were weeping for Liz as she said goodbye- poetic & classic.
In tears about a girl from Nuneaton I've never met leaving a bunch of other people I've never met! Such is the power of Delos! 😢
Lisa! what you said about Liz was absolutely perfect. Delos is a great yacht because of the people and personalities
Am going to miss her on Delos, , I got a little teary-eyed myself and what were the words? "Wonderful to have something so great that makes it hard to say goodbye" ,, wow, , just wow . Thanks Delos! 😊😚
I believe that is a Whinny the Poo reference. A perfect quote!
Lizbef! You will truly be missed on Delos until your return. You brought such happiness and so much Joy to me and Im sure many others. You are such a genuine and real person. Good luck in Paris with your French man. Stay safe and i will always see you as part of the Delos crew. Much love!
We sat down with beer salsa and chips to watch This episode as the alcohol curbed to sadness.
My notes for this week:
The drink music reminded me of a 60’s sitcom ala Dick Van Dyke show, I was watching for Rob Petrie to walk on the beach.
I would say this was the most up lifting crew, the mix of personalities to include the brother sister vibe echoing in each episode.
We just watched one of John Muir’s (the 1st Yosemite conservationist) relatives speak from a families perspective. His closing remarks were; “Legacy is not what you leave behind it’s what you share from within”. Thank you Delos for continuing to share from with in.
Back to the beer, salsa and chips while we watch AGAIN!!
Guys you all had me crying and I’m 73 and don’t know any of you except by videos. But find myself already missing Liz!!! Best of life Liz, if given opportunity go visit Orleans about 65 Miles south of Paris. I lived there almost 3 years back in 60s and loved it. In the Lori country of France. Love you girlie!!
Farewell Liz!!! You return to a world with a lot of people who you invited into a wonderful part of your life.
Thank you for the friendship.
Of course missing Liz will be hard but having had her in your life really means you are all so blessed, and we are blessed to have a small glimpse through the window that is your adventures. Thank you for everything: the ups and the downs.
Hats off to Lisa for editing this episode. It had amazing flow and her monologue was spot on at the end. It has been a sheer pleasure following this particular crew since Cape Town.
Lizbeth is awesome beyond description. Accent, facial expressions, eargerness to try anything... She was the soul of Delos while being part of the crew. Really hope she returns.
Uuf emotional. Can't wait to get to traveling again, meeting new people and making new friends and hopefully seeing one or two old ones. Everyone is already missing you Liz. Our Friday nights will have an empty spot where you once were.
This is my second trip through. I must say, this crew had a magical connection. They are all wonderful people in their own way. And the fact that Lisa is still part of the project is amazing. Cheers girl crew.
I remember commenting that Liz was going to be an excellent addition to the Delos crew after seeing her first appearance. Who knew she would spend so much time on board. Goes to show really how much she added to the experience. Brilliant job Liz and to the Delos crew for picking her.. sad day but until next time Liz. Thanks for making me laugh..
I know that I am a few years behind here trying to catch up with you all, so this is fresh for me. I have found every goodbye hard to watch, but Liz leaving is a hit in the guts.. And now my frigging pillow is wet. (Again) Thanks for all the laughs Liz, you're wonderful! I am looking forward to watching more from Delos, and I hope everyone is doing well today two years later, and in the trying times we are currently in. Love from Norway. 💜🇳🇴
That lady has a heart of gold. May she always find happiness and never a tear shed in sadness.
I've been following you guys forever and have never commented before but I have to say, I will really miss Liz in your episodes. She is genuine, funny, beautiful and honest. Others have left the good ship Delos in the past and it has been sad to watch, but this departure is by far the saddest in my humble opinion. She truly seemed to be the heartbeat of the boat during her time aboard. Best of luck with your next adventure Liz!
The heart and will be sooooo missed lizbeth! Have a wonderful French adventure!
I had a hard time watching this video, you see, my eyes kept sweating to the point I had to pause it and wipe the sweat away. Liz, I only wish the best for you. Thank you and The Delos crew for having a positive influence in my life. The fans of Delos will never forget you! 😍
Interesting to hear Lisa say she found it difficult to bare her soul to the camera and then went right ahead and did it perfectly. This was a beautiful video bursting with life. Thanks to all of you. and hugs to all you folks... and to Lizbef, "May you always have a sunbeam to warm you,and a moonbeam to charm you,and a guardian angel on your shoulder, so nothing will ever harm you"... fair skies and smooth sailing to you all...
"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm ." Liz, you go girl!
Said to myself “I’m not going to be sad, I don’t know these people “ cried like a baby 🍼 👶.... love, love, love your adventures!
Thank you Lizbeth for all you brought to the boat, I will miss your beutiful insight to the Delos world! You guys make my world bearable please continue ...
The monologue by Lisa touched my soul, and was so heart felt and sad.
Same for me, Lisa is just amazing!
Come on you single guys who would like to meet a little Austrian?
So much true emotion. Lisa you are awesome and beautiful and ya:).
aaawwww.... you guys are tooooooo cute! thanks! it was a very tough moment for me - as you can see in the video! thanks for watching and enjoying!
I know I teared up.
it is amazing how attached we the viewers can become to the Delos crew, and how hard it is to see these goodbyes.
I told myself I wasn't going to cry, because I knew this was coming for like months! But still! I'm over here bawling like a big baby at all of the goodbyes and it feels like the end...but I know the journey that Lizbef is heading on and how the SV Delos mission will continue to sail along into the horizon. So I know it's all gonna be okay, but just gotta say, the editing, cinematography, and emotions present in this episode really kick in the gut. In a good way! For sure my favorite sailing episodes to watch, no matter how bittersweet they may be. Keep on sailing, and wishing for safe travels to all the crew~
These are the friendships that last forever to be cherished
Thankyou so much Liz for bring us all so much joy . We all luv ya heaps and look forward to seeing your new adventure unfold . Cheers Buddy
So sad to see Lizbef leaving. But off to a new adventure that I do keep up with. LOVE Y'all, Delos.
Liz was one of my favorite people to ever board Delos. Such an beautiful soul.
One of the best "no more camera" moments ever!
Lizbef will be missed. I enjoyed her witty humor, and improvisational songs. Best wishes on your new journey!!!
What an incredibly moving episode. no words...
Wanted to say thank you for helping me connect in a new way with my kids. This year my daughter took part in a school-sponsored living history project where she spent 2 days on a tall ship learning what it was like to be a sailor in the 1700's. Part of the program they teach a few old sailors songs including Drunken Sailor. At 12:11 in the video when Lizbef sings this song it helped my daughter appreciate what she had learned as well my interesting in sailing. Thanks for including that clip. You totally made my day.
You all have so much to be proud of with how you nurture new crew, take it as being a heart felt thank you from quiet a few of us.
You all are unique, you have documented this in these vlogs for us all to aspire too.
Was great watching Liz, aka 'England' become comfy in her own skin and confident Delos crew. She's yet another example of 'the good blood' leaving the British Isles. We'll miss her - You go Girl!! Hope to see Liz again on future Sailing SV Delos.
I don't think anyone has made such an impact on Delos as Liz. Thanks for taking us for a ride on the Liz Train, and I look forward to the release of your library of songs. All the best to you, your French lover, and the Delos crew!! Cheers from sunny Florida!
Awww thanks for the love, brother!
Liz is a lyrical genius, what a hilarious soul, just a funnel for the words floating about in her universe. Larger than life.
So glad i went back to see what the crew had in its past, glad i could “meet” her through these hilarious vids.
Cheers from future.
Amazing episode! I love the way you guys make a sad thing to something joyful, but still sad, but yet wonderful. You guys are amazing, least to say, right!? Personal note: Watch this just now, on a early Sunday, or as we in Sweden think: late Saturday! And it's a first for me in almost a year! I'm used to see your episodes on Fridays when they're released, but life happendes. But i will never miss a episode, ever!!! Like NEVER EVER! Safe sailing Delos Crew!
I have been subscribed to SV DELOS for years now, I have watched every single show that they have put on here,a lot of them I have watched several times. It's something about them that I like, I love how they are always happy and care free, and are always having fun no matter where they are or what they are doing. I think I only seen them upset or pissed off one time, and that's when some guy was stealing on their Boat late at night. L M A O.... Way to go Brady and Brian to catch that MO FO. I always look forward to Friday morning to catch their show before I go to work. I just really wanna say Keep up the good work GUYS and GALS you guys are awesome....Good Luck on the ocean...Can't wait till next Friday.
Do u know this is scripted?
jaim haas To build a story something has to be scripted but the emotions and the storyline itself was not scripted! Why be such a downer?
By far the most loving episode
Good luck on your new adventures Liz & the Delos Crew...😁👏👏
In the end it all feels so arbitrary; Liz came aboard cause Delos was hiring, you crossed the Atlantic cause the wind was blowing you there and now Liz is following a new path because life always goes on. But what you created on that way is truly miraculous.
The last drone shot reminded me of the ending of "The Beach", after a long adventurous and unique time together you realize you found paradise. But it´s not the untouched white sandy beaches or the pristine sunsets; you surely had all of that; rather is it the sense of being part of something bigger and that special moment in time with the gift of having people around you truly love.
Thank´s for sharing this journey with us!
This girl is one of a kind!
Boy and I thought it was hard saying goodbye to Josje, but this was easily the most difficult goodbye yet. To Liz, if you ever read this I would like to say that when you first came aboard Delos you kinda seemed out of place for me and I really didn't expect much from you, but now I realize that if I had to vote for my most favorite Delos crew member of all time, I most certainly would write down your name without hesitation. I hope and pray that you find your way back to the crew of Delos someday. Thank you for giving us Delos die hards that little something extra that makes SV Delos so damn special. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Liz, the ONLY true queen of England this American will ever recognize. Fair winds and following seas....
WOW. Man, thank you so much. I'm absolutely speechless. Thank you so much for your love and support. Delos absolutely showed me how I wanted to be, in myself, to myself and to others. I've never felt so sure or confident in my future. In fact- I'll be seeing them sooner than you think! If you still wanna keep touch, you can find me at and you'll see just how much Delos inspired me. Thank you forever for your love, my friend! x
Very emotional episode.
Will miss sweet Lizbef.
Cried a bit. Much love from Stockholm, Sweden.
Great send off. Thank you Liz for being part of the story.
Wishing you the best of everything, Liz and please don't ever loose that wonderful spirit. Thanks to the Delos crew for this great video.
Perhaps one of your best yet! Wow! You captured the true meaning of friendships via boats. Intense, authentic and far too often, faced with good-byes. Luv ya all.
Liz( the one who is staying) you show yourself very vulnerable. You are a wonderful person expressing thoughts, feelings, impressions beautifully. Thank you. We love you very much.
One of the top episodes!
“Uhhhh no more, the camera is done because it’s time to live life without the camera. Good Bye Mates! Good Night.” By Brady. Make this a shirt and I will buy it!
All of you are inspiring to live life to the max!. I hope you are seeing success in this adventure that is beyond what you had hoped when you began. What you are doing is important. You may believe that you are simply throwing up great vidoes of you traveling the world and partying but it is so much more to me. I watch every video and look forward to the next. A week ago I was in an accident and came close to losing my life. I have been sharing my dream of sailing the world with my wife for a long time now and she wants to do this as well. We are no longer thinking about doing this but we are now putting actions towards this goal. You started the idea for me and for that I can only say Thank you. With love- Chris
Selfishly, I loved this episode. I'm following Earlewrites since day one so I won't miss Liz at all, but I cried for Delos and for Liz.. It's certainly the end of an important era for the crew. Reunions will sustain us, hopefully for many years? Thanks for letting us be part of this amazing voyage. Strong wind, fair seas, strong wi-fi.
Thankyou Liz, thankyou Delos for the love you all have shared
I hope that one day, with Delos 2.0 all these wonderful people will come together again. watching you guys made so much difference in this trying times. Much love from the Philippines!
See you later Liz. I must say it been such a joy seeing you have such fun and I hope it all goes well for you in France. Thanks for a great episode once again. Gary, Coventry, UK.
Lizbef.. I loved watching you on SV DELOS.. Such teary eyes i have for you... We will miss you.. and wish you good luck on your future endeavors with Mr. Frenchman..
Thanks man! We're so excited for the future! If you wanna come say hi you can find us at !
Have NEVER cried this hard in any Hollywood movie. I freaking LOVE all of you...and, Lizbeth - well, I have been following you and your blog, and wear your beautiful Shell necklace just cuz I relate with you in SO many ways. Best to all of you, and LOVE.
This is what the adventure is all about meeting new people, finding how to get along with them, making friends with them and then saying goodbye! Nothing lasts forever! It’s all about the journey of life. Please carry on enjoying the journey! Thank you again for sharing.
Sad...but one of the best videos yet. Tear jerker for sure. Hope to see her onboard again
That's a promise, mate!
How Lucky Liz was to be with you guys and you're so right when you said "Saying Goodbye Is So hard To Say"...
my gosh.. one channel that actually makes me feel something for life and cry for its beauty.
Thanks Liz bef! U made Delos life [& vids] the most over the top fun they've EVER been. Wish you well in life, in adventure and with that French man.
Wow these episodes have had so much love in them. It's a special experience being able to watch your guys work/lives and feel like I am living it as well and being a part of the adventure. It's so powerful that the good bye's always bring tears to my eyes as well, as the crew are not just leaving Delos lives when they leave, but they are leaving mine as well. Josje's was incredibly tough as well. I think for most of us in todays world it is rare to have friends in such ways, and it is amazing to witness it and live vicariously through it with the crew. The adventures of Delos are one of a kind and what life seems to be all about. Love and adventures.
great...great story, great film, ...damn, going to miss that kid...
That beer holder on the dingy tho!!!! We’re gonna miss you a lot lizbif!
Liz, you are a much loved character. Thank you for the good times and I wasn’t even on the boat!
Dang man, way to get everyone all emotional!!! Cheers to the kindred spirit Liz! Delos is so magical. I love this. I love Delos.
So many tears shed in this one, on the crews part and my own... Following all of the journey of this crew(Delos Diaries in particular) I have become so connected and I just want to say that I am so great ful that you guys take the time to put yourself out there for us all to connect with. You truly impact people and I hope you all know how important your work is to the world!! Fair winds and safe passages⛵
I've lost count of the number of times that I've thought that "this is the best crew ever and it'll never be the same without them", but THIS crew really has been awesome and the more that I have got to know each of them the more I have come to love them. I hate saying goodbye and this was one was another difficult one but I wish Liz all the best and since there is so much time lag in the videos I know she is doing just fine. Cheers guys, keep up the great work!! :)
What a great send off for Elizabeth, everyone telling how they feel about her and how she gave herself unconditionally to everyone on onboard, she will be missed ! I think the best part was when Brady gave her that picture, the tears started to fall !
This intro never ceases to put me in a better mood. Thank you
I hope one day to this group gets together again. One of my most favorite crews and love each and everyone of you. Much respect to all of you and safe journeys in whatever you do.
First time I've cried through an entire episode 💜
Your a champion Lizbef. Genuinely nice person. Will miss you on Delos. I hope everything works out with french boy!
How lucky to have something make saying goodbye so hard, years later for another. Thanks for the adventures. My favorite crew! Great camaraderie!
these Delos Goodbyes are killer......I am not an emotional person...but these Sailing SV Delos "Good-byes" get me every time....Fair Winds and good luck in this new Season.....
Spectacular episode, pulled at my heart strings a bit! Good times are hard to say goodbye to, good people, even harder. Be safe out there! 💨
E M O T I O N S -me too ;o)
You're guys lift me up whenever I am blue, delos family has become my refuge every time I feel sad about what's going on in this troublesome world....may God protect you from evil ...God bless ...fair wind
The mutual respect towards everyone is really beautifull to see and feel!
Liz you are a bloody star, raised my glass to you tonight!!! Good luck to you with your new adventures (which due to the time lag must be well under way by now). Side note but Lisa looked so sad in the shot panning away after Liz left. Chin up Lisa, big love to you, I suspect you will have wonderful new adventures in a new direction you had never ever dreamt of. Here's to all the crew!!! Thank-you for the excellent videos.
Every time I finish watching a new (or old) Delos episode, I always have a smile on my face from ear to ear. Thank you!
Liz I’m so sad that your leaving! But I know you will go on crazy awesome adventures with you French prince!
By Liz all 256k will miss you ! Great voyage Delos ! Love this Vlog !
Sad and happy at the same time. I just don't have the words.
Bon voyage Lizbef!! Good luck with the new boat, I know it will bring you all back together again!! Lisa, you made me cry!!
It's always sad when someone leaves but there will be a new member to the Delos family to carry on and thats the secret to Delos's success and what keeps it interesting. It's also good to follow those who have left and continue to follow their adventures! I absolutely love your videos and I will faithfully follow the Delos crew as long as you share your lives with us, the viewers! God bless you all and thank you for always putting a smile on my face! God speed Liz!!
Thanks for the love, brother!
The emotion in this episode is pretty clear, and pretty raw. There is something about living in close quarters with people that really connects you. I'm watching in 'quarantine' in 2020, and this channel has given me a special closeness to people I've never met.
Your consistent video skills under enormously varying circumstances amaze me. No other sailing vlog comes even close.
Wow! This was a tough one to watch. Keep on kicking it!