GRADUATE UNIVERSITY WITH ME!! 🎓 | Graduation Vlog 2023

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @lauramulder5914
    @lauramulder5914 Рік тому +133

    I'm watching this sobbing because I also just graduated.. and moving out of this country and apartment that's been my home for the last two years is so much harder than I thought it would be 🥹 CONGRATS Jade!! You've had a huge impact on my time at university and my decision to study a masters abroad ❤

  • @KB-bx9ui
    @KB-bx9ui Рік тому +209

    💙💙💙I can't be the only one crying with joy and happiness for Jade? CONGRATULATIONS JADE!!! 💙💙💙

  • @brendacarr8880
    @brendacarr8880 Рік тому +15

    I feel like a proud mum watching you graduate Jade 🎓 I cried almost all the way through. I found your videos when trying to help my daughter find alternative ways of revising for her GCSEs and I've followed you since.
    Be super proud of yourself for getting to this point. You've inspired so many more people than you could ever know. Now starts the beginning of a new chapter... wherever that may be!
    I wish you all the best for the future and hopefully you'll update is from time to time on what you're up to xx

  • @lilyblack5155
    @lilyblack5155 Рік тому +44

    I had my graduation three weeks ago. I gratuated with e master of law at the age of 30 against all odds. I didn’t have parents come and watch me graduate but as I watched my friends walk upon the stage and my heart swelled with pride I realised there is no need to be sad.
    I guess what I am trying to say is this: never give up on your dreams, never let age discourage you. You are exaxtly where you are supposed to be ❤️
    Congratulations Jade! You have every reason to be proud!
    Also: Jade you have influenced me in the best way ❤️

    • @chlnmich
      @chlnmich Рік тому +1

      Congratulations! 🤗

    • @mariamuller-hornbach1143
      @mariamuller-hornbach1143 Рік тому +2

      I can so relate with your story and it actually made me cry! I graduated with 32 in my Mater's after having been severely ill with 6 major surgeries and 3 years in and out of the hospital. On my way I had temporarily lost all my hope that I would be able to graduate at all. But finally I did it as the best in my year and my graduation day was so special and emotional! You are so right: Never give up on your dreams! And congratulations! You can be sooo proud of yourself!!!❤❤❤

  • @Sarah-ig4rf
    @Sarah-ig4rf Рік тому +31

    Feel like I’ve been here every step of the way. We’re in the same year group and you motivated me all the way through my GCSEs right up to now where I’m about to start my Masters degree. I’m so proud of you Jade, you will have so much success in life. Just enjoy your freedom now. Travel the world and soak up life in its entirety. You are going to be just fine.

  • @juliasturrus876
    @juliasturrus876 Рік тому +7

    You did it!! I've loved studying along side you. I've just graduated last year and you got me through a lot of it. Also your brother is an absolute gem for filming you. Made the vlog so much more special

  • @saratoon9641
    @saratoon9641 Рік тому +107

    Congratulations jade 🎉 I got into college in 2019 just like you and thats when i started following you. You were with me throughout my journey in college and your videos always inspired and motivated me i cant Thank you enough, I graduated last year as a valedictorian and I'm happy to see you graduate now ❤ Congratulations again 🎉

    • @UnJadedJade
      @UnJadedJade  Рік тому +20

      Oh wow, this is so incredible! 🥹 huge congrats on being valedictorian too

    • @saratoon9641
      @saratoon9641 Рік тому +1

      @@UnJadedJade Thank yooooouuu Jade 😍🥰

    • @saratoon9641
      @saratoon9641 Рік тому +2

      @@UnJadedJade now that I'm watching this video I remembered that it wasn't 2019! I FOUND U in 2018, I was also taking a gap year, and I was super confused (it's not a common thing to do in my country) so I came to youtube to see what people do in their gap year and found u! So yeah u fixed my gap year too, it's been so long that I forgot about it lol

  • @umamaalshahiri8155
    @umamaalshahiri8155 Рік тому +1

    this is so emotional!!! :( and i was crying the whole way through your video ,i remember when you got rejected from oxford i got rejected from one of my dream university and many other which made me cry so much ,but somehow destiny have taken me somewhere else better just how you are destined to be in Minerva university!I will graduate from Med School in 2 years time and i would definitely have the "feels" that you went through .Nevertheless, Congratulations, i hope someday we cross path,you're like my friend even just by watching your videos !!!

  • @AndromedaMoon888
    @AndromedaMoon888 Рік тому +1

    The first video I watched of yours was your solo travelling advice which encouraged me to do so myself. I graduated last year and now I'm living in a new country and I couldn't be more thankful. So happy to see you complete your university journey and wishing you the best for the chapter ahead!

  • @lithiyana
    @lithiyana Рік тому +22

    I am so proud of you Jade! It really is so wild to think about how you have finished your degree with Minerva... I have watched your videos over the years and feel as if I have graduated alongside you. I am really interested in seeing where you will be in the future and happy to be able to experience the journey with you.

  • @mukteej
    @mukteej Рік тому +13

    heyy jade,
    I hope you read this but even if u don't I want to leave this comment here to tell you that even though I haven't been following you since a long time.... you made me realize there is more to life than just reading your textbooks and giving exams... it's also about the journey... how you evolved over time and the people who helped you be you. I'm sure that the baby jade who cried after being rejected would be so so proud 🥺✨🤍 ily jade congrats on your graduation!!!~

  • @Nina-rv4sz
    @Nina-rv4sz Рік тому +11

    Congratulations, Jade! On surviving the ride and graduating. Thank you for taking us along this crazy journey with you! Can't wait to see what's next for you :) I'll hand in my MA thesis on Monday and am SO excited for everything that's next😊 In terms of what I'm grateful for- the feeling of everything coming together and falling into place. What a feeling to have!

  • @maanya__742
    @maanya__742 Рік тому +11

    I am so proud of you jade! Have been following you since 2020 and your videos helped me a lot back then. I started practicing gratitude and casual magic all thanks to you and it has changed my life. I'm going to start uni this year and I'm eager to have all the experiences. You are like a big sister to me❤sending you love and hugs❤🎉

  • @Rayowag
    @Rayowag Рік тому +4

    Congratulations aaah! I just got my final document today that confirms that I finished my prep course for doing a-levels as an adult/non-student (I'm 24 and was sick 9-10th grade and already did 10th grade / german gcse's as a non-student) and it's the last thing I have to send off to apply to write them next year and then start my degree next summer. So this is making me extra emotional today, because I had a whole crisis about even wanting to add a-levels onto my experience in 2020 and had such a "woah what the hell?" moment when I finally got that document earlier today after all that time and work. I can't imagine having to end such an amazing uni experience like you had, that would involve such a specific kind of grief for me personally. I'd do it in a heartbeat though if I had the financial stability for it. Now if you'll excuse me, Imma be in my feels and add the four unwatched videos from your Aussie gap year trip to my watch later list and have them there for a while because they would make me even more emotional watching now haha

  • @Jen-xy6fz
    @Jen-xy6fz Рік тому +9

    Congratulations Jade🫶🏼. I never comment on videos but had to make an exception for this! I’ve been watching you since school days and followed every step of your journey. I am the same age, and graduate next week too. This video made me so emotional, and it’s truly like watching a friend. I am so proud of the people we have become! Good luck❤️

  • @divineadelakun
    @divineadelakun Рік тому +3

    I put off watching this yesterday now I’m crying less than 2mins in- Jade, I’m beyond proud of you and the person you’ve grew into, whilst watching you these past 6 years. A million congratulations!!🩷🩷🩷🩷

  • @birdlover955
    @birdlover955 Рік тому +1

    Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful journey you have experienced! Thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration.

  • @kennethwilliams4169
    @kennethwilliams4169 Рік тому +7

    I remember when you took your first nervous steps on this unique degree path and now look at you, graduating! 🎉😊

  • @noideawhattomakethishandlename

    I shed so many tears watching this! When I first started watching your channel I was beginning my degree, and you were finding out your path. It has been a joy to watch you explore the world and find your path over the past 4 years and a huge congratulations on graduating, Jade!

  • @emscasabj
    @emscasabj Рік тому

    Watching this made me happy cry as I remembered my graduation day. It is one of the happiest days of my life, with my favourite people and all the growth I did throughout uni!

  • @beberoro1
    @beberoro1 Рік тому +1

    This was so so beautiful to watch! I’ve been here since your 5am videos and I’m older than you but you motivated me throughout my studies

  • @gracepountney
    @gracepountney Рік тому +4

    This video is a work of art. Had me emotional right from the start.
    I’m due to graduate next month and looking back it’s been such a rollercoaster. Not the experience I expected at all.
    With Covid among other things my university ‘experience’ was very different to what I had envisioned. Walking up to uni campus for my final year after my year in industry I’ve never felt so panicked; I felt like a stranger and had so many bad memories. When I thought of my uni, I would cringe.
    At the start of this academic year, I very tragically lost a close friend after he took his own life. That was a whole different battle and alongside returning to uni, I had so many feelings of dread.
    Now, at the end of my year I am so glad to say my opinion of uni has changed and I have learnt to cope with the loss of my friend.
    Whilst I will always have a little piece of sadness for myself for missing out on what many label ‘the best experience of your life’ (university) ultimately, it is all worked out in the end.
    When Covid hit I essentially triggered a series of events in my career journey that have led me to where I am now; starting a UA-cam channel and educational platform, and an online role at university as a student engagement intern (created because of Covid) in turn, helped me get my year in industry, a video editing role, and finally my dream role as a medical content writer for an amazing company called Little Journey.
    I am over the moon that (although I didn’t meet them through uni) I have met some truly lovely and inspiring friends and created a beautiful life with my boyfriend.
    Here’s to the future ❤ Baby Grace would be so proud ✨

  • @YourTrueShelf
    @YourTrueShelf Рік тому +1

    Oh jade this brought a tear to my eye!! I loved how you edited this with you pre-uni footage, the ceremony, the letter at the end (amazing idea).
    I graduated 17 years ago but this brought back a lot of memories. Wishing you amazing time, growth and joy in your future x

  • @clarawerra9299
    @clarawerra9299 Рік тому +1

    I cried so much watching this video! You are such an inspiration. You go get 'em girl.

  • @sanjamisovic107
    @sanjamisovic107 Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Jade!! Everyone is so proud of you

  • @alice.taylorsversion
    @alice.taylorsversion Рік тому +1

    jade - what an absolutely stunning video! i started sobbing almost immediately seeing the journey you're been on and how much you've grown! so grateful to have been able to see your journey over the past few years! so proud of you, jade! a huge congratulations and i'm so looking forward to seeing what the next chapter in your life brings ❤

  • @lindiweulaya
    @lindiweulaya Рік тому

    I'm watching this and having been watching you for years it's so beautiful to say I've seen you grow into the person you are.

  • @jennybrockartist
    @jennybrockartist Рік тому +1

    Loved your use of A Moment Apart by Odesza at the start - one of my favourite tracks and it fit it so well 😃

  • @sumedhaguha559
    @sumedhaguha559 Рік тому +1

    Honestly, this is such a beautiful video. CONGRATULATIONS JADE !

  • @evietalboys-cotton7085
    @evietalboys-cotton7085 Рік тому +2

    Aw congratulations Jade! As someone who’s just finished sixth form this made me realise what’s ahead for me, and how even after university, there’s still so much in store to discover and life doesn’t end once you finish education 🩷

  • @cottagecorelis
    @cottagecorelis Рік тому +2

    I've been following you since your Oxford rejection and I've just graduated as well. Such a full circle moment, congrats Jade❤

  • @anonymousgirl2171
    @anonymousgirl2171 Рік тому

    From copying her 5am morning routine and never being able to do it, and having her as a study buddy with her 2 hour study with me, to her teaching me the pomodoro method, watching this made me sob. She’s actually a gem and I’m so honoured that I was one of the people who followed her throughout her journey! Congrats Jade, you smashed it! Onto the next mission girl🥹🤍

  • @silvialogan9226
    @silvialogan9226 Рік тому +6

    Jade, I congratulate you for receiving your degree. That is a huge accomplishment.

  • @alisontaylor6135
    @alisontaylor6135 Рік тому +1

    ps Your hair looked so nice! xx

  • @neens8226
    @neens8226 Рік тому +1

    congratulations jade! 🎉
    i’m literally sobbing watching this as i think of graduating next year and how much i’m going to miss my friends because we’re all splitting up to go on placement next year. 🥺
    I’ve been here since the beginning and it’s been incredible to see you grow and feel a part of the journey🥰

  • @kaix6023
    @kaix6023 Рік тому +1

    I’ll be graduating this July. I unfortunately didn’t enjoy my uni experience, but watching this video made me feel so inspired. It’s not the end, rather more of a beginning to something awesome, and I’m going to make sure that whatever I do I will try to enjoy it as much as I can. I’m super grateful and super proud of myself that I got to go to uni and graduate in a great subject. I have learnt a lot from my years and so I won’t say that it wasn’t worth it 🤍 it made me who I am.

  • @a.c3325
    @a.c3325 Рік тому +3

    Congratulations Jade! Seeing you finishing off a chapter made me cry, it's been so fun and so helpful to see you grow over the past four years and I cannot wait to see what life has in store for you! 🎉✨

  • @milskittle-9641
    @milskittle-9641 Рік тому

    Only just watching this vlog now! but I have my reasons, just recently I have graduated university in the UK and at the time this vlog came out I was still doing uni assignments & still had yet to complete my exams. In my eyes I couldn't imagine myself graduating, I didn't think I was capable of doing so and for this reason I couldn't bring myself to watch this vlog as I felt in-capable of doing what you've achieved and was almost somewhat envious however I'm glad to say that I will be graduating university this September & found myself excited to watch this vlog now, congratulations on your graduation Jade, we did it! :)

  • @christinejian3250
    @christinejian3250 Рік тому +2

    Congradulations Jade!! I am so so proud of you 🤩🤩It's been a great pleasure following you through your incredible university journey alongside my own. I have learned so much from you and gained so much motivation, inspiration and positive energy from you. So thank you so much!! You are truly amazing and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!!!

  • @khadiatyack6401
    @khadiatyack6401 Рік тому

    literally so proud of this amazing stranger on the internet i'm crying in bed with pride. go jade, thank you for sharing your journey. you are truly inspiring.

  • @RobertHeslop
    @RobertHeslop Рік тому

    So so so many congrats! A long journey and all the hard work has paid off!

  • @AbacusAxolotyl
    @AbacusAxolotyl Рік тому +1

    Congratulations you beautiful soul! ❤ Hopefully we get to see the next chapter of your journey!

  • @tajashania
    @tajashania Рік тому +3

    endlessly proud of you jade ❤ so excited to see what you do next (i know whatever it is it’ll be amazing)!!

  • @wellnesssakshi
    @wellnesssakshi 6 днів тому

    wow i feel so filled with joy and emotional wow the music the video congrats !!

    @NYKIRA Рік тому +2

    Love how diverse the family field day was it's so beautiful to see. I have admired your uni journey for so long because of your travels and how you'd share what you've learnt along the way in such wise tips. Sending you a massive congratulations & positive energy Jade 💚

  • @sakz6064
    @sakz6064 Рік тому +1

    why am I crying? 🥹huge congratulations, Jade! I’ve been watching you since day one and I’m so proud of you! 🎉 you’re inspiring so many young people across the globe that nothing is impossible and that rejection does not define a person. Words truly cannot thank you enough for being who you are.
    P.s thanks for raising awareness on causal magic, it’s changed my perspective of life 🦋

  • @hollo0o583
    @hollo0o583 Рік тому

    This feels like a wedding video! U LOVE IT!!!

  • @davidomalley2003
    @davidomalley2003 Рік тому

    Ay you love to see it. Hats of to you Jade!

  • @jazziechandra8231
    @jazziechandra8231 Рік тому

    Congratulations! I am so proud of you. I have enjoyed so much following you along this incredible journey…and I look forward to what lies beyond

  • @gds5959
    @gds5959 Рік тому

    jade ive been following you since your gcse videos and now im tearing up at your graduation

  • @amishbee2879
    @amishbee2879 Рік тому +1

    Congratulations Jade I hope I can have as much joy and as many strong friendships as you do when I graduate ❤

  • @carolinaalves239
    @carolinaalves239 Рік тому +1

    So, we grew up together, my beautiful Jade ❤
    I just cried happy HAPPY tears for you. Congrats, beautiful, you deserve it all.
    It’s all yours, the world is yours to take

  • @MissKissesAndHugs
    @MissKissesAndHugs Рік тому

    ok why did i cry all the way through this? congrats Jade! xxx

  • @Alina-zx6nn
    @Alina-zx6nn Рік тому +1

    hii :) i wanted to ask if you could do a video where you reflect on your university and all the semsters abroad and maybe talk about which cities you enjoyed the most and where you struggled the most, your favorite experiences etc. i think it would be really, really interesting!!

  • @zohalarbabzada9654
    @zohalarbabzada9654 Рік тому +1

    I love this video! Congratulations on graduating! All the best for your future journey :) Keen to keep seeing videos from you and so excited to see where you head and the great changes I am sure you will make to the lives of people around you :)

  • @rehana9171
    @rehana9171 Рік тому +1

    Congratulations jade baby ❤❤

  • @theadventuresofvic
    @theadventuresofvic Рік тому +2

    congratulations Jade, you freaking did it!!! I’m so proud of you 🥹💌

  • @ImogenWhite
    @ImogenWhite Рік тому +2

    Huge congratulations to you, Jade!! This video was so beautiful to watch and I am sure you will treasure these memories forever. So pleased your family could share this special time with you! (In 4 weeks time I will be graduating too... results in 2 weeks!!)

  • @alanysmf24
    @alanysmf24 Рік тому

    I cried since minute 8. I'm so proud of you , Jade. I just started university and you're such an inspiration to go through it

  • @lifeofas9842
    @lifeofas9842 Рік тому

    I am sobbing watching this! I graduated this year too. Felt like I still cant process it. Have my graduation ceremony in December! You've been my virtual friend all along! Thank you Jade for sharing this part of your life with us.

  • @ngochuong3196
    @ngochuong3196 Рік тому

    I graduated 4 years ago but still sobbing watching you having the memorable day, congrats Jade!!

  • @ishagaikwad388
    @ishagaikwad388 Рік тому

    I felt so emotional and teary especially when you walked out of that room and people were clapping for you

  • @trailblazer_98
    @trailblazer_98 Рік тому

    I've been following your journey ever since your A-Level days, and man.... looking at how much you've grown, I'm super amazed and proud! Lots more to come your way!!!! Congrats again xxx

  • @LemonCait
    @LemonCait Рік тому +2

    Honestly so proud of you Jade!! I’ve been tuning in to this channel since the GCSEs revision techniques! It’s amazing how far you’ve come since then! Once again Congratulations! It looks like it was a really fun yet very emotional graduation! ;)

  • @hayataliy8600
    @hayataliy8600 Рік тому

    Congrats Jade, so proud of you!!

  • @nycto16
    @nycto16 Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Jade!!🎓 It was so emotional and exciting too, I will be graduating next year in 2024 (hopefully hehe) wish you a very best of luck for your upcoming future career/academic journey ❤

  • @halimaelhaddad2627
    @halimaelhaddad2627 Рік тому

    Omg im so emotional. I've been watching your videos since we both were graduating high school. Now you're graduating omggg! I graduate next year tho. This video just made me soo emotional because it made me more aware that my journey in the art school of my dreams is going to end next year. Its too surreal

  • @antoniarose4379
    @antoniarose4379 Рік тому

    Jade, that video had such good vibes. Thank you for sharing! Congrats

  • @biancajody
    @biancajody Рік тому

    Jade. I’m emotional for you. A million congratulations! 🎉

  • @Underthe_ground
    @Underthe_ground Рік тому +1

    this truly gave goosebumps... such a surrel journey. thank you sm for sharing this with us

  • @nastiari7298
    @nastiari7298 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing this amazing day with us! I was crying with you. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!

  • @marammaaroufi6093
    @marammaaroufi6093 Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Jade💗 I cried so so much, I’m so very proud of your every accomplishment, you truly deserve the very best!! Seeing your parents and Folk (all grown up )along side with you on these final days of this amazing journey was truly emotional 💗🥺
    Hugs!!! I literally grew up with you and it’s been a wonderful 6/7 years 💗 you’re amazing!!

  • @elenafernandez-girotorrado8080

    i've been watching your channel for soo long that seeing you graduate makes me even emotional about it. You really deserve it and i wish you tha best, congrats!!!!

  • @lilyl201
    @lilyl201 Рік тому

    literally so happy for you, you're such an inspiration! :)

  • @itsmxshii
    @itsmxshii Рік тому +1

    Congratulations Jade!! You don’t know how happy a load of internet strangers are for you right now… it felt like we were all in this journey together. Sharing your personal growth inspired our personal growth. You’ve been so real Jade, never lose that. In the end gratitude always wins. You’re absolute evidence of that. Through the highs and the lows, you made it. I can’t wait to see what comes next for you! Once again, Congrats Grad 💛🎓

  • @estheraneke232
    @estheraneke232 Рік тому

    This is so beautiful.😭

  • @mercyapolot7757
    @mercyapolot7757 Рік тому

    Congratulations Jade. So proud of you.

  • @Mnxeu
    @Mnxeu Рік тому +2

    I don't even know you personally and yet I'm so beyond proud of you and happy for you!! Congratulations on your graduation!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us, it's been so incredible to watch grow and experience all these different things and turn into the wonderful person you are today. Just an absolute beacon of joy, happiness, and positive vibes. Proud of you! And once again, congratulations! 🥰

  • @hannahrasmussen8582
    @hannahrasmussen8582 Рік тому +2

    It is so fun to be part of your journey Jade ❤️ you’ve literally always been one year ahead of me (I graduate uni next year) and it’s like having a role model since I’m the oldest child too so I have no one to path the way for me 🫶🌞

  • @georgieraereads5331
    @georgieraereads5331 Рік тому +2

    ConGRADulations Jade! I was watching this with tears in my eyes and the beautiful ending just made me so emotional! I've been watching since you were doing your GCSE's and this feels like a moment you deserve so much! 💜💜💜

  • @ramyarajaram9560
    @ramyarajaram9560 Рік тому +3

    CONGRATULATIONS JADE!!! We're all so incredibly proud.

  • @dakpan6761
    @dakpan6761 Рік тому

    Congratulations Jade! You did so well!

  • @nikitataneja9241
    @nikitataneja9241 Рік тому +1

    OMG I'm so emotional, so proud!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us all these years💖💖💖💖

  • @Alyxmir
    @Alyxmir Рік тому

    I can’t believe it! Cried 😢so happy for you. Like lived this journey with you

  • @justanotherpiccplayer3511
    @justanotherpiccplayer3511 Рік тому +1

    Congratulations! As one graduating in 2 weeks I'm sure you are feeling the same, a bit overwhelmed by the big wide world and a bit odd that nowhere quite feels like home, whilst I am so happy and excited to be graduating it would be really interesting to hear how you're dealing with the other feelings involved with graduating.
    Huge congrats and hugs 🥳🥳🥳

  • @jenniferlinskey6581
    @jenniferlinskey6581 Рік тому

    Wow. I am SO incredibly happy for you and SO thankful to have witnessed your journey! Congratulations Jade!

  • @mariamuller-hornbach1143
    @mariamuller-hornbach1143 Рік тому

    I am watching this while crying because it reminds me so much of my graduation last November! I felt the same mixture of joy, gratitude and sadness you portray so beautifully in this video Jade! ❤❤❤

  • @Omariz
    @Omariz Рік тому +47

    🎉 me too congratulations🎉🎉

    • @khalidbrown6266
      @khalidbrown6266 Рік тому +2


    • @UnJadedJade
      @UnJadedJade  Рік тому +12

      aaaaah congrats on graduating!!

    • @georgia1855
      @georgia1855 Рік тому +1

      Yay, congratulations Jade! I also just graduated and it’s a surreal feeling (I never thought I’d even go to university in the first place). It’s scary but exciting not knowing what the future holds! Wish you the best 😊🎉

  • @jathebest2835
    @jathebest2835 Рік тому +1

    Congratulations from Korea :) You've grown a lot with your friends and the learnings you've acquired! Hope you find your own way to your future~💫

  • @ranmalnimathew2706
    @ranmalnimathew2706 Рік тому +5

    Congratulations Jade !!!, Oh my gosh... look how for you came we all are so so proud of you and wish you all the best for your future🥳🌟
    I just finished my O/L's and just started my AL classes and ill be honest physics is hard and i already feel scared but you jade had showed me that we can do it if we try all our best .✊

  • @jamese1440
    @jamese1440 Рік тому

    Been following you ever since you did A levels and i was still in high school too, amazing to see your journey and now almost being a 2nd year uni student myself. Time goed quick, congrats!

  • @kieral4098
    @kieral4098 Рік тому

    Congratulations Jade!! I’ve been following you since I was in grade 11 and just graduated too!

  • @a.evgenna
    @a.evgenna Рік тому

    I'm feeling like I'm the one who has just graduated but not Jade! And I'm crying like almost everyone here and in the first minutes I thought that I didn't know why. But when I had reflexed I understood it. I see how happy Jade is! How brave and gorgeous! And I wanna have the same happiness in the eyes again! I would also like to be as risky as Jade is and take such a great opportunity! Now I'm studying at university and I really don't like it. But I'm afraid of dropping it because I study there for free. So it's so hard to decide what to do!
    But I defenetly will sort all things out! Remember guys it's ok not to be ok! You can do everything you want! And there is always a thing to be proud of! (For instance English isn't my mother language but I'm writing it right now to you). You are marvelous!
    Congratulations Jade! ❤ You're one of the few who inspires me! There are so many great events and opportunities that are waiting for you! 🎉❤

  • @gazdiklilla
    @gazdiklilla Рік тому

    Ahhh i am literally here crying 🥹
    So so so proud of you Jade!!

  • @raghavsaraogi4042
    @raghavsaraogi4042 Рік тому

    Congratulations Jade!!

  • @loukilby9742
    @loukilby9742 Рік тому

    Ohh Jade this made me tear up. You’ve accompanied me through the years without knowing and I’m really glad and grateful for your work and your presence. I’m filled with happiness seeing you graduate! Congratulations!!

  • @nmaliha
    @nmaliha Рік тому

    can't stress enough how much this makes me wanna apply to minerva!

  • @antoniabarnes805
    @antoniabarnes805 Рік тому

    literally you inspired me to always follow my dreams! thank you so much.

  • @camidailyvlog
    @camidailyvlog Рік тому +2

    sobbing in bittersweet feelings ❤‍🩹 Congrats to you and your younger self for taking risks!! thanks for bringing us along the way ❤❤

  • @lucyella626
    @lucyella626 Рік тому

    this made me cry so much- so happy for you and it is surreal that i have watched your journey this whole time!! congrats jade, so excited to see this new chapter of your life ♥