Discipline of Service: Am I Faithfully Serving God? - Sermon by Ps George, CRC

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • Discipline of Service: Am I Faithfully Serving God?
    (Romans 12:3-11)
    Corporate worship is the highest form of Christian service.
    • In corporate worship we not only receive blessings of the Lord, it is also a time for us to give unto the Lord.
    • We give ourselves to God as it is our reasonable service to God (Romans 12:1).
    • We also give unto God our time, talents, and treasures.
    This morning our question is: Are we disciplined in our service to God-Are we faithfully serving God?
    The Design of the Body of Christ-the Church (vv 3-5)
    The Body of Christ is with many members.
    • Every member has different function.
    • Every member is differently equipped.
    • He needs to recognize his ability and use it accordingly.
    • He should not overestimate himself and try to exercise a gift God never gave him.
    • Or he should not underestimate himself and fail to exercise the gift God has given to him.
    • Paul shows that God has given each believer specific gifts to enable him to do what God wants him to do. No one is excluded!
    Equipping of the Body of Christ-the Church (vv 6-8)
    In verses 6-8, Paul mentions 7 spiritual gifts the Lord gives to different individuals in the church:
    • Every member may not have all these gifts, but at least one gift, and some will have multiple gifts.
    1 Corinthians 12:4-11 further explains how God equips the church members with spiritual gifts:
    • There are various kinds of gifts (v 4).
    • There are altogether 9 spiritual gifts are mentioned here.
    • Spiritual gifts is given to every believer (vv 7, 11), being distributed individually to every person.
    • The purpose is for the benefit of the whole church of God (v 7), and the benefit is spiritual edification, that is, spiritual growth, encouragement, and comfort (14:1-4).
    Call of the Body of Christ-the Church (vv 9-11)
    Finally, the call from the Apostle is to serve the Lord fervently, “not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” (v 11).
    • 1 Peter 4:7-11, “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent love among yourselves: for love shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God gives: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”
    In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents: of a master who gave to his slaves each a “talent” or sum of money.
    • To one he gave 5 talents, to one 2, and to one, 1.
    • They were each to take that talent and use it until he came back, and they gave an account to their master of what they did with what he gave them.
    • The ones who had 5, and 2, doubled their money, and were rewarded. But the one who was only given one, buried his, and did nothing with it. That slave was punished by his master because he didn’t do anything with what had been given to him.
    • This parable applies to our spiritual gift. It is a stewardship from God. We will be judged by Him for what we do with it. God has given us this “talent” - this ability to serve Him. Are we out using it for His kingdom in some way? Or have we basically “buried it”, doing nothing with it?
    Psalm 100:1-5
    “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
    Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing.
    Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
    For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.”