After being living and working in beautiful Indonesia during 14 years plus, believe me Evan, I know the feeling. Notice that in every single mall doesn't matter is big or small, anytime you enter there is a person cleaning, even when it is already clean. The most humble person there always try the best to communicate in English without shame and smiling non-stop. Great place to live, work, raise a family, have fun and of course use the MRT which is clean, modern, without graffities or street vendors. Simply amazing. Kamu harus coba Soto Ayam, Nasi Goreng dan Bintang dingin sekali ya.
Bro, did you know that this video was noticed by Pak Jonan, former Minister of Transportation and Energy, the mastermind behind the transformation of Indonesian railways? A few days ago he made a post on his LinkedIn referring to your video. 👏🏼
@@cicakbakar parahnya itu d bagian manusianya.. karna kebebasan d sana itu ibarat gak terbatas. jd orang mau ngapa2in aja sulit buat d larang atau gak ada tolak ukurnya.. sementara kita d indo ada tolak ukur baik buruknya, dr segi akhlak maupun segi hukum
"Not respecting your elder will lead to your doom of your life. Poor life isn't only one." That's another reason why us really appreciate and love the elder. Halo dari Indonesia, sobat👍
My dad's from Manhattan, New York 🇺🇸 and my mom's from South Jakarta, Jakarta 🇮🇩. I really love to see an American to come to Indonesia and visit places. Love your videos, man!
Terharu ya dikomentarin sama american tentang commuter line di Jakarta. Public transport makin membaik, kita jadi optimis buat membangun bangsa kita 🇮🇩
@@andwikarivan Dr kata²nya ga ada kesan overproud, Cara berfikir anda justru memperlihatkan isi otak anda sendiri, Itulah salah satu SDM rendah, yg dicari cuma hal negatif 🖕🏻😂
We as Indonesian are so proud with our public transportation since Mr Jonan's administration as Minister of Transportation. He changed and renewed our transportation and many improvement has been achieved
@@dwisetyogustiarilaksono1160setidaknya ada hal baik dari sekian kota, dari pada tidak sama sekali... Kota kota lain tinggal mengikuti saja, jakarta bisa menjadi contoh transportasi yg aman dan nyaman, sisah nya kita serahkan ke pemerintah daerah lain nya supaya bisa seperti jakarta
But it's sad that current Minister of Transportation didn't do anything for years concerning to ridicolously expensive Domestic Airfare ticket in Indonesia. Sometimes it's cheaper to have connection in Malaysia/Singapore to visit other domestic city in Indonesia. That's insane.
@@Lonely_froggI doubt it bro seeing how the winning candidate is just as bad as the current president🥲 idk when Indonesia will move forward when everybody's always allergic to intelligent n honest ppl n prefer leaders like him
This commuter line stations are old but in good condition and clean. You'll be more surprise to see MRT, LRT or highspeed in Jakarta 😂😂😂 Jakarta public transports is super safe, it's even better than the Paris public transports. I was in Paris last March and I was in shocked of how dirty and chaotic it was. Yes, traveling is an eye opening. Enjoy your stay in Jakarta and explore more! Use other Jakarta public transports it's really good 🙏🏼
Gw bingung sama stasiun komuter di new york dan paris Kenapa bau pesing banget? Emangnya gk ada toiletnya? Gk ada toilet karna bangunanya terlalu tua?🤔 Maksdunya di ruang bawah tanah yg tua kek jafi gk bisa nambahin ruangan baru untuk fasilitas toilet? Stasiun subway/mrt di new yor dan paris fasilitasnya serasa halte trans jakarta?😮🤔
hi Evan, Thank you for your Visit & review. As you may know that most of Indonesian people are moslem, we have to be very careful and pay attention about (sorry) “pee”, since we pray 5 times a day and need to keep clean, urine should be avoided. Have a great time in Indonesia, Evan 🙏🏼😊
This is the commuter train (KRL) which is used by people from the suburbs and the metropolitan area to reach Jakarta, not what one would call the metro, which would be the MRT and LRT. Although the best and cheapest way to go around Jakarta is still the BRT buses with their own dedicated lanes.
fyi, The brand of the services itself is called "Commuter Line" operated by KAI Commuter (PT KCI). "KRL" is just "electric train/EMU" not a services name, so it means MRT, LRT, HSR are also using "KRL".
@@Globalurb That's because the commuter train system in Indonesia follows the system in several Asian countries like Japan, where the commuter train system is more similar to a metro than the regional commuter trains in the USA. But for other local trains operated by KAI Commuter like the Purwakarta local "Walahar," I think it's quite similar to the commuter train system in the USA.
Terimakasi sudah menyempatkan berkunjung di negaraku bang buleee, indonesia sopan, indonesia santun, indonesia bersih, indonesia ramah dan bermartabat🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤
Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Commuter line in Indonesia was worse than the New York subway, But the government and KAI carried out authoritarian reforms in 2010. now we can enjoy good subway transportation even though it is not as good as Singapore, Japan or China. *(Thank you everyone for correcting my comment before)*
Belom bang, kan bertahap. Tau kan dulu gimana susahnya ngerubah habit pengguna KRL yg suka naik di atas gerbong. Berbagai cara dipake sampe akhirnya bisa berhasil tertib kek skrg.
Subway itu sebutan aja untuk orang Amerika ya kereta, kalau orang Eropa nyebutnya Metro, khusus UK nyebutnya Tube.Kalau Singapore ya MRT karena.itu yang dibangun disana, Intinya itu sebutan untuk transportasi publik berbasis rel kereta, meski variannya banyak ada LRT MRT atau kita nyebut KRL (kereta reli listrik) ya commuter line
Indonesia is on the way or on the track to be in same position of japan, and chinese rail infrastructure. I think Indonesian rail is already beat singapore in terms of rail, train, and rolling stock types diversity and also in rolling stock manufacturing industry. Singapore Don't has train, locomotives, and rolling stock manufacturing industry but Indonesia Has! Many trains, coaches, locomotives, and rolling stocks in Indonesia are Indonesian Local Made. And Indonesia has Export Made In Indonesia train, coaches, locomotives, and rolling stocks to other countries. Indonesia is also on the way to build the First High Speed Rail that Locally Produced and Made By Indonesians. 😊🇮🇩
I confirm your assessment, Bro. I tried the public transportation in NY and Newark, saw the ones in Chicago, I am totally shocked, as Indonesian. 😅😅😅 I don't know when the US will get back on their feet for this matter.
thank you for such enlightment of your honest review and it feels so relieving to be part of cleaning crew at KRL can make a huge different for some people pov. i was feeling stuck and i thought i didn't make difference as part of the community, but now i feel blessed and glad that i part of a crucial work.
Nah sekarang percaya kan... Jakarta Indonesia dan daerah lain di Indonesia, sistem transportasi sudah baik sekali, anan, dan lancar, Terima kasih Mr Evan
Gk ada yang overproud bang Overproud itu kalau terlalu memuji dan membanggakan bahkan meng agung agung kan dia hanya bilang ke orang yang tidak percaya bahwa transportasi umum Indonesia sudah membaik@@ASURA105
itu karena indonesia baru membenahi nya sekarang, maka nya lu kesannya kayak wow. Thailand, singapore dan malaysia udh begini dr tahun 90'an njir. Jd jatuh nya kita orang indonesia pada norak njir. Paham kau?
@@donyalfatih6698 norak ? patutnya lu bersyukur kalo public transport di indo dh better, malah dibandingin ama negara lain. lagian juga.. apa negara mereka pernah kena krismon separah indo 1998 ? kaga pernah jir. apalagi kita dulu stagnant selama 20 tahunan gara gara satu orang.
finally i found this video after few days look for it because i saw your video reaction on news. as Indonesian thank you so much for your honest reaction to one of our public transportation and i really appreciate 🙏🙏
Waktu bbrp tahun yg lalu sebelum covid.. Mendadak kereta & stasiun kita jadi bagus dan rapih.. Cukup kaget dan terkagum2.. Maju terus transportasi Indonesia..
@@EmbrinnaYeah, unfortunately, he's only giving bad optics of what Jakarta commuter line actually look like, ESPECIALLY when it's rush hour! I know those places since I'm the regular user of Jabodetabek Commuter Line! And it's an absolute nightmare when comes to crowd during rush hour, especially at MANGGARAI Station!!!
@@DevSarman Yeah indeed it was a nightmare during the rush hour. But in fairness, his point mostly on focused on the station condition. As in general condition right there.
@@DevSarmanlol, every public transportation in the world is always crowded in rush hour, the difference is, Indonesian train station would still clean even after such rush hour
In terms of public transport, Indonesia probably ranked 3rd in Southeast Asia, after Singapore and Malaysia. I hope the government becomes more serious to make more public transport in more cities in Indonesia
Jakarta-Surabaya hsr, Medan MRT/LRT,Surabaya MRT/LRT,Trans Sumatera Connected Railways,Connecting Celebes from South to North,MRT/LRT Nusantara probably happen in Prabowo-Gibran Era
Klo mau bandingi indonesia jgn dg negara kecil mcm singapore malaysia...baik kecil luas wilayah nya maupun kecil jml penduduknya😂 singapore malaysia itu negara sebesar kota sm propinsi, jgn dbandingkan dg indonesia yg luas nya sebesar benua eropa... Dr london smp moskow, jarak 5000 km lbh🤣😂😂😂
@@FawwazSyarif itu kan menurut kata mu🤣 klo aku sih skrg malah jakarta yg lbh maju dbanding dg KL aplg bangkok🤣 KL mulai kumuh krn ramai bangla dan rohingya belambak di kotaraya, dah mcm Kuala Dhaka😂🤣🤣🤣
@@rastapoenya7669mungkin menurut kita jakarta lebih baik, tapi penilaian orang asing transportasi dan infrastruktur KL jauh lebih baik ketimbang Jakarta, KL sudah di anggap kota kelas dunia.
Congratulations, you are becoming more famous in Indonesia. Your video was broadcast on national television news. Thank you for this objective assessment of the state of our country's commuter railways. We really like, proud and appreciate it. We apologize for the limited English language skills of our community. Terima kasih and God Bless You.
Beginilah Indonesia dimata bule. Sementara dimata orang orang kita dan netizen 62 kadang selalu dipandang buruk kalah dengan barat kurang beradab dll. Nyatanya setiap negara punya dua sisi yaitu sisi putih kebaikan kebersihan keramahan kenyamanan dan keamanan dan sisi gelap kemiskinan kotor tak teratur tidak nyaman dan tidak aman.
itu mah neti kurang maen kali, bre. kalo yg udh sering maen mah.. apa sih yg ga ada di jkt dan ada di seoul misalnya? ga ada, paling ya di jkt ga ada oppa2
Betul. Ingat kata Bung Karno & Bu Srimul, kita jadi bangsa tidak boleh minder. Memang kita jauh dari sempurna & masih tertinggal dibanding negara maju. Tapi kalau kita ikhtiar & berusaha, tidak ada yang tidak bisa.
Kebanyakan orang Indonesia over proud sama negara orang dan kurang mengapresiasi negara sendiri. Padahal warga asing aja mengapresiasi infrastruktur Indonesia.
Selamat datang mister di Indonesia orang nya baik dan beradab selalu terbuka untuk umum disini jauh dari kesan kejahatan pelecehan dan diskriminatif, bangga jadi rakyat +62
no need to be jealous, Jakarta's train was once like that too, lots of vandalism. Big thanks to Mr. Ignasius Jonan who made revolutionary changes in train system. You should also watch your back, lots of pickpocket in Jakarta's train despite how comfortable and secure it is.
Masih mending diindonesia bang soalnya KAI udah serius sekarang ketimbang dulu kalau Amerika jaman tahun 70an keatas itu bagus semenjak tahun 90an keatas udah parah karena negaranya udah jadi liberal dan bebas jadinya masyarakatnya gak peduli aturan dari pemerintah itu sendiri bahkan sampe sekarang kereta disono gak keurus sama sekali karena Amerika lebih pentingin diri sendiri
Liat Gbr Judulnya ja Kereta Usa vs Kereta Indonesia...pas Gbr Kereta Usa itu kereta ny dekiL amat y 🙄 kaya diCoret2 itu Kereta Ny ... Klo Kereta Indonesia mah lebih Kinclong bersih
Kalo bandingan kebersihannya dengan kereta zaman dulu, KAI sekarang sudah berkali lipat lebih baik. Bersih dari pengamen, pengemis, calo tiket, penumpang yg naik ke atap kereta, & termasuk copetnya.
Don't you want to try WHOOSH, the Jakarta-Bandung bullet train, which is the first fast train in Southeast Asia with an operational speed of 350 km/hour (217 miles/hour)? This bullet train is very stable, and even coins placed upright in the train window will not fall throughout the journey. I hope you will try it, even if you have already been to Bandung before by plane.
Many UA-camrs from foreign countries visit Indonesia, Jakarta and looks like you are classy...? you review are not only an enthusiast but give positive value...thank you, Gbu🙏
I'm from Indonesia 🇮🇩 and I'm very proud because my country is praised, but don't praise it too much because every country definitely has its own advantages and disadvantages.. ((that's all, thank you..)) Saya dari Indonesia 🇮🇩 dan saya sangat bangga karena negara saya dipuji, tapi jangan terlalu memujinya karena setiap negara pasti mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing.. ((itu saja terima kasih..)) AKU CINTA INDONESIA~🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
And those US people still have the audacity to think that Indonesia is in Bali? And they 'll get mad if Southeast Asians rolling their eyes at them for thinking that what matters is only Bali.
I'm from Indonesia and I feel glad to see people from any country comes here and said Indonesia is impressive, idk how to tell how it feels but man you did a great job, hope you reach your goal in life man ! take care.
Kalau gak santun dan beradab pastinya bukan orang Indonesia, mari kita jaga sekeliling kita, biar para orang bule pada heran dan jatuh cinta ke Indonesia.
Great content! In SF there are life threatening fights, crack usage, bullying, sex and smells that only belong at the dump. And tickets are so expensive.
Yes, it's true that Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country that is developing very rapidly. I once went to Jakarta and amazed how advanced the infrastructure was there Even though Indonesia is still a developing country, infrastructure development there is almost on par with developed countries. Even now they are building a new capital on the island of Borneo which will rival Singapore's popularity in Southeast Asia. I really want to visit Indonesia again Love From the Democratic Republic of Depok 🇿🇼
Thank you for making this video about Jakarta's public transportation. It makes me feel so proud to be a Jakartan. Do try the MRT, LRT, and the busway too. You'll be surprised at how convenient they are. Enjoy your stay in Jakarta!
As an Indian, i am glad how Indonesia people keep their country clean and highly civilised. This is what is called “love for the country” not the “fake nationalist protecting their country and PM” even for their inability to maintain the harmony, discipline and justice!
I still hate my country because corruption and tax and 2025 all car and motorcycle must have ansuransi. and the police in here is same like USA. many case police kill or capture innocent civilian.
Sblom Viral Dia jg naik kereta dari Bali keSurabaya... Kereta Eksekutif katany Kereta murah dan bersih ... Beda diAmerika.. Kereta ny Amstrax kata ny kaga bersih
4:16 He smile like bright sun. As for you know, our asia have respect to our elders. They have honor in making economic works and doing something in their life. Thx for your service Elder. Rest and sit peacefully
i took the commuter line to Bogor from Jakarta, the trains are so clean and they clean the ground literall every 30min, and the intercity trains are just as clean, the train rides in Indonesia are amazing
We must thank Mr. Ignatius Jonan. He did this wonderful job, fixing the train system become like this.
Nope. He is ordinary man. 😂
Is he know double track CO1212UPTION ? 😅
But joko kicked him out, because jonan opposed high speed train
@@MultiDivebomber but jonan still to be a minister bro,
After being living and working in beautiful Indonesia during 14 years plus, believe me Evan, I know the feeling. Notice that in every single mall doesn't matter is big or small, anytime you enter there is a person cleaning, even when it is already clean. The most humble person there always try the best to communicate in English without shame and smiling non-stop. Great place to live, work, raise a family, have fun and of course use the MRT which is clean, modern, without graffities or street vendors. Simply amazing. Kamu harus coba Soto Ayam, Nasi Goreng dan Bintang dingin sekali ya.
Im glad that we're still being "Indonesian" after years. Thank you for being part of us
@@juwitalaelynisfiati145 Betul. Never change....
Thanks sir
Cold Bintang😂 best alcohol to be made🙌
We love you Bro ....❤
Bro, did you know that this video was noticed by Pak Jonan, former Minister of Transportation and Energy, the mastermind behind the transformation of Indonesian railways? A few days ago he made a post on his LinkedIn referring to your video. 👏🏼
Asikkk bang 😂
Masih baru b 6:22 arangkali..jaga kwbeesihannya ya
As an Indonesian who lives in NYC from 20 years I approve this message 😅
oh really
Emang separah itu ye bang disono?
@@cicakbakar gk separah itu kok
@@cicakbakar parahnya itu d bagian manusianya.. karna kebebasan d sana itu ibarat gak terbatas. jd orang mau ngapa2in aja sulit buat d larang atau gak ada tolak ukurnya.. sementara kita d indo ada tolak ukur baik buruknya, dr segi akhlak maupun segi hukum
@@cicakbakar tahun tahun belakangan ini banyak kejahatan di subway train
"Not respecting your elder will lead to your doom of your life. Poor life isn't only one." That's another reason why us really appreciate and love the elder. Halo dari Indonesia, sobat👍
Kau kan indo
My dad's from Manhattan, New York 🇺🇸 and my mom's from South Jakarta, Jakarta 🇮🇩. I really love to see an American to come to Indonesia and visit places. Love your videos, man!
Thank you!
@MarlonPlays: which part of South Jakarta your mom came from?
@@marepikepik-wv1pm im not sure
I'm from Indonesia. now in 2024 Prabowo will become president and Gibran
Terharu ya dikomentarin sama american tentang commuter line di Jakarta. Public transport makin membaik, kita jadi optimis buat membangun bangsa kita 🇮🇩
Hahay kaum overprot langsung bangga, giliran dikritik komen pedes nangis ngedumel salahkan pemerintah
Jaga kebersihan ya guys. Hanya buang sampah di tempat sampah.
@@andwikarivan memang membaik bro...gak salah tapi kita tidak boleh berpuas diri ..terus berbenah untuk lebih baik lagi
Bangga lah menjadi warga indonesia
Dr kata²nya ga ada kesan overproud,
Cara berfikir anda justru memperlihatkan isi otak anda sendiri,
Itulah salah satu SDM rendah,
yg dicari cuma hal negatif 🖕🏻😂
We as Indonesian are so proud with our public transportation since Mr Jonan's administration as Minister of Transportation. He changed and renewed our transportation and many improvement has been achieved
You mean jakartan?? For the rest of indonesian, public transportations are still lacking..
I hope capital city don't move to Kalimantan...
@@dwisetyogustiarilaksono1160setidaknya ada hal baik dari sekian kota, dari pada tidak sama sekali...
Kota kota lain tinggal mengikuti saja, jakarta bisa menjadi contoh transportasi yg aman dan nyaman, sisah nya kita serahkan ke pemerintah daerah lain nya supaya bisa seperti jakarta
Actually not since Jonan as minister, but before that, when he was the CEO PT KAI. His tremendous achievement in KAI made him a minister then.
But it's sad that current Minister of Transportation didn't do anything for years concerning to ridicolously expensive Domestic Airfare ticket in Indonesia. Sometimes it's cheaper to have connection in Malaysia/Singapore to visit other domestic city in Indonesia. That's insane.
Jadi semajin optimis suatu saat kita jg jd negara maju
Only Jakarta bro, just come to eastern of Indonesia you will change your mind
@@eciliana4818im sure that new presidents will change other sides of indonesia
@@Lonely_froggI doubt it bro seeing how the winning candidate is just as bad as the current president🥲 idk when Indonesia will move forward when everybody's always allergic to intelligent n honest ppl n prefer leaders like him
@@eciliana4818jakarta still slums
Presiden lu prabowo..... wkwkwkwk Mimpi aja..
This commuter line stations are old but in good condition and clean. You'll be more surprise to see MRT, LRT or highspeed in Jakarta 😂😂😂 Jakarta public transports is super safe, it's even better than the Paris public transports. I was in Paris last March and I was in shocked of how dirty and chaotic it was. Yes, traveling is an eye opening. Enjoy your stay in Jakarta and explore more! Use other Jakarta public transports it's really good 🙏🏼
Rumah sendiri ternyata lebih romantis ya
Yang bersih ternyata negara2 Asia Tenggara hingga Asia Timur dibandingkan negara2 Barat🗿🗿🗿
negara2 barat kotor
Soalnya kebanyakan imigran miskin dr afrika
Dimana perdaban tanpa rule/aturan perkotaan
Gw bingung sama stasiun komuter di new york dan paris
Kenapa bau pesing banget?
Emangnya gk ada toiletnya?
Gk ada toilet karna bangunanya terlalu tua?🤔
Maksdunya di ruang bawah tanah yg tua kek jafi gk bisa nambahin ruangan baru untuk fasilitas toilet?
Stasiun subway/mrt di new yor dan paris fasilitasnya serasa halte trans jakarta?😮🤔
@@males..ngetik gak usah bingung. Duitnya buat perang, gak ada budgetnya, duit mah banyak.
Preach it brother! many Indonesians still have this hype towards New York.
They definitely need better insight about the reality.
Only a true Indonesian can understand this "agar hubungan tidak putus pinjam dulu seratus" btw who is Indonesian like Here
@@BintangGalaksi-ye2bz pengemis laikkkk
maklum lah banyak indonesians yg belum pernah kesana, gua yakin warga negara lain juga berpikir hal yg sama
I just watched a vlog about the NYC subway and wow, it's true what I said. Foreigners are shocked by the state of the NYC subway.
hi Evan, Thank you for your Visit & review. As you may know that most of Indonesian people are moslem, we have to be very careful and pay attention about (sorry) “pee”, since we pray 5 times a day and need to keep clean, urine should be avoided. Have a great time in Indonesia, Evan 🙏🏼😊
This is the commuter train (KRL) which is used by people from the suburbs and the metropolitan area to reach Jakarta, not what one would call the metro, which would be the MRT and LRT. Although the best and cheapest way to go around Jakarta is still the BRT buses with their own dedicated lanes.
sometimes the dedicated lane is not so dedicated 😁, but still, lot better than bajaj era
The Bogor line is more frequent than most metros/subways in the US and it feels more like a metro than a commuter rail line.
fyi, The brand of the services itself is called "Commuter Line" operated by KAI Commuter (PT KCI).
"KRL" is just "electric train/EMU" not a services name, so it means MRT, LRT, HSR are also using "KRL".
@@Globalurb That's because the commuter train system in Indonesia follows the system in several Asian countries like Japan, where the commuter train system is more similar to a metro than the regional commuter trains in the USA.
But for other local trains operated by KAI Commuter like the Purwakarta local "Walahar," I think it's quite similar to the commuter train system in the USA.
Terimakasi sudah menyempatkan berkunjung di negaraku bang buleee, indonesia sopan, indonesia santun, indonesia bersih, indonesia ramah dan bermartabat🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤
Kurang banyak bang bendera indonesia nya
Tambahin lambang Garuda sekalian Ama Semboyannya😂
@@grz8080 wkwkwk
Benar sangat.......
Thank you for the visit and review Evan. Have a nice experience in our country
Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Commuter line in Indonesia was worse than the New York subway, But the government and KAI carried out authoritarian reforms in 2010.
now we can enjoy good subway transportation even though it is not as good as Singapore, Japan or China.
*(Thank you everyone for correcting my comment before)*
Belom bang, kan bertahap. Tau kan dulu gimana susahnya ngerubah habit pengguna KRL yg suka naik di atas gerbong. Berbagai cara dipake sampe akhirnya bisa berhasil tertib kek skrg.
kereta api bawah tanah (subway) kan MRT Jakarta, kebersihan dan operasionalnya nggak kalah lah sama Singapore.. yang dia naiki ini kan commuterline
Tahun 90an belum ada subway 😀😊
Subway itu sebutan aja untuk orang Amerika ya kereta, kalau orang Eropa nyebutnya Metro, khusus UK nyebutnya Tube.Kalau Singapore ya MRT karena.itu yang dibangun disana, Intinya itu sebutan untuk transportasi publik berbasis rel kereta, meski variannya banyak ada LRT MRT atau kita nyebut KRL (kereta reli listrik) ya commuter line
Indonesia is on the way or on the track to be in same position of japan, and chinese rail infrastructure. I think Indonesian rail is already beat singapore in terms of rail, train, and rolling stock types diversity and also in rolling stock manufacturing industry. Singapore Don't has train, locomotives, and rolling stock manufacturing industry but Indonesia Has! Many trains, coaches, locomotives, and rolling stocks in Indonesia are Indonesian Local Made. And Indonesia has Export Made In Indonesia train, coaches, locomotives, and rolling stocks to other countries. Indonesia is also on the way to build the First High Speed Rail that Locally Produced and Made By Indonesians. 😊🇮🇩
Alhamdulillah INDONESIA sangat sopan santun dan beradab juga sangat ramah ke turis asing.selamat datang di INDONESIA 👍❤🙏🇮🇩
Mudah2an indonesia terus damai aman rukun happy love ❤ indonesiaku.
@@erniwidayati6554 hi
Kok saya terharu ya liatnya, yuk kita rakyat indonesianya juga harus bangga dan terus menjaga apa yang dipuji warga asing ini. MasyaAllah
Selalu jaga kebersihan ya teman2. Didik keluarga kita agar hanya buang sampah di tempat sampah.
Berkat pak jonan nih
Setuju saya juga terharu waktu 10 tahun lalau transport kita ancur banget sekarangmengalami kemajuan pesat semoga pembangunan semakin merata..
Saya orang Indonesia
Terharu dan bersyukur lahir di Indonesia❤
I confirm your assessment, Bro. I tried the public transportation in NY and Newark, saw the ones in Chicago, I am totally shocked, as Indonesian. 😅😅😅 I don't know when the US will get back on their feet for this matter.
they will never go back to the way before, it's already collapsing in terms of demographic and iq
probably never
the people there are too obsessed with their cars.
Terima kasih banyak.. Telah meriview negara kami Indonesia..
Ada banyak petugas kebersihan dan petugas keamanan. Jadi tentu sangat2 terjaga kenyamanan penumpang. Terimakasih untuk review yang bagus.
I spend time in New York in 1976 and it was already in the same condition that it is today....
Woow... Really? 🤔
So bad ya...
Probably because the politicians love war more than any other thing.. including the public infrastucture for their own citizen...
Indonesia akan semakin baik.
thank you for such enlightment of your honest review and it feels so relieving to be part of cleaning crew at KRL can make a huge different for some people pov. i was feeling stuck and i thought i didn't make difference as part of the community, but now i feel blessed and glad that i part of a crucial work.
The US goverment is too busy helping israel.
Dammned you got it ,Man!
i like that. Jewish is the biggest tax payer in USA.
@@dondychristianto783 The US needs military partner in the middle east.
You hit to the spot
Nah sekarang percaya kan... Jakarta Indonesia dan daerah lain di Indonesia, sistem transportasi sudah baik sekali, anan, dan lancar, Terima kasih Mr Evan
Gk ada yang overproud bang
Overproud itu kalau terlalu memuji dan membanggakan bahkan meng agung agung kan dia hanya bilang ke orang yang tidak percaya bahwa transportasi umum Indonesia sudah membaik@@ASURA105
itu karena indonesia baru membenahi nya sekarang, maka nya lu kesannya kayak wow.
Thailand, singapore dan malaysia udh begini dr tahun 90'an njir.
Jd jatuh nya kita orang indonesia pada norak njir. Paham kau?
@@donyalfatih6698 norak ? patutnya lu bersyukur kalo public transport di indo dh better, malah dibandingin ama negara lain. lagian juga.. apa negara mereka pernah kena krismon separah indo 1998 ? kaga pernah jir. apalagi kita dulu stagnant selama 20 tahunan gara gara satu orang.
@@r-resnet2841 norak dan bersyukur itu beda makna. Paham?
I'm so proud. Cleanliness matters. Thank you Bapak Jonan for fixing train system.
Mr Evan you're so humble, the people of Jakarta say thank u for you're appreciation, God Bless u 🙏🏻
Aduh sakitnya orang" Indonesia yang suka membanggakan Amerika 😭
Saya bangga udah pernah ke USA dan Europe yeeeee....bangga banget krn mampu bayar ticket mahal!
Orang-orang bodoh yang mendewakan barat
@@shinomdc291 percuma biaya hidup di sana mahal....dan orang²nya rasis....
woi dia jilat negara Indonesia biar netizen tuh seneng, kalian adalah ladang adsense wahai pemuja bule 😂
@@shinomdc291komen apa jawabnya apa bener2 kaga nyambung blokkk wkwkwk sok2an ke USA paling jauh jg ke monas lu 😂😂😂
Thank you for your report. It encourages us to do even better
The highest achievement viewers so far, Evan!!!
Good job, I hope only in Indonesia will help you reach more than that✨️✨️🇲🇨
finally i found this video after few days look for it because i saw your video reaction on news. as Indonesian thank you so much for your honest reaction to one of our public transportation and i really appreciate 🙏🙏
Waktu bbrp tahun yg lalu sebelum covid.. Mendadak kereta & stasiun kita jadi bagus dan rapih.. Cukup kaget dan terkagum2.. Maju terus transportasi Indonesia..
Thanks for your apreciation Evan. Wish you enjoy being in Indonesia.
Evan, I think you've found the secret recipe to become famous in Indonesia by creating content like this. Your channel will skyrocket in no time.
Damn 😅😅
But at least this content is truthful
@@EmbrinnaYeah, unfortunately, he's only giving bad optics of what Jakarta commuter line actually look like, ESPECIALLY when it's rush hour!
I know those places since I'm the regular user of Jabodetabek Commuter Line! And it's an absolute nightmare when comes to crowd during rush hour, especially at MANGGARAI Station!!!
@@DevSarman Yeah indeed it was a nightmare during the rush hour.
But in fairness, his point mostly on focused on the station condition. As in general condition right there.
@@DevSarmanlol, every public transportation in the world is always crowded in rush hour, the difference is, Indonesian train station would still clean even after such rush hour
Semoga betah jalan2 diindonesia dan pulang membawa pesan baik
In terms of public transport, Indonesia probably ranked 3rd in Southeast Asia, after Singapore and Malaysia. I hope the government becomes more serious to make more public transport in more cities in Indonesia
Jakarta-Surabaya hsr, Medan MRT/LRT,Surabaya MRT/LRT,Trans Sumatera Connected Railways,Connecting Celebes from South to North,MRT/LRT Nusantara probably happen in Prabowo-Gibran Era
Klo mau bandingi indonesia jgn dg negara kecil mcm singapore malaysia...baik kecil luas wilayah nya maupun kecil jml penduduknya😂 singapore malaysia itu negara sebesar kota sm propinsi, jgn dbandingkan dg indonesia yg luas nya sebesar benua eropa... Dr london smp moskow, jarak 5000 km lbh🤣😂😂😂
@@rastapoenya7669 bener, tapi bandingin kota besarnya aja macam Jakarta vs KL, kita masih kalah kok. Sama Bangkok aja bagusan Bangkok sebenernya
@@FawwazSyarif itu kan menurut kata mu🤣 klo aku sih skrg malah jakarta yg lbh maju dbanding dg KL aplg bangkok🤣 KL mulai kumuh krn ramai bangla dan rohingya belambak di kotaraya, dah mcm Kuala Dhaka😂🤣🤣🤣
@@rastapoenya7669mungkin menurut kita jakarta lebih baik, tapi penilaian orang asing transportasi dan infrastruktur KL jauh lebih baik ketimbang Jakarta, KL sudah di anggap kota kelas dunia.
Terima kasih sudah memberi ulasan yang baik.semoga perjalanan anda menyenangkan...ditunggu video selanjutnya....thankyou
Congratulations, you are becoming more famous in Indonesia. Your video was broadcast on national television news. Thank you for this objective assessment of the state of our country's commuter railways. We really like, proud and appreciate it.
We apologize for the limited English language skills of our community.
Terima kasih and God Bless You.
I like your video! It's short (under 10 minutes) and on point! Thank you
@@ayapamungkas2267Assalamualaikum, would u like to help me about business in Indonesia?
Beginilah Indonesia dimata bule. Sementara dimata orang orang kita dan netizen 62 kadang selalu dipandang buruk kalah dengan barat kurang beradab dll. Nyatanya setiap negara punya dua sisi yaitu sisi putih kebaikan kebersihan keramahan kenyamanan dan keamanan dan sisi gelap kemiskinan kotor tak teratur tidak nyaman dan tidak aman.
itu mah neti kurang maen kali, bre. kalo yg udh sering maen mah.. apa sih yg ga ada di jkt dan ada di seoul misalnya? ga ada, paling ya di jkt ga ada oppa2
Betul. Ingat kata Bung Karno & Bu Srimul, kita jadi bangsa tidak boleh minder.
Memang kita jauh dari sempurna & masih tertinggal dibanding negara maju. Tapi kalau kita ikhtiar & berusaha, tidak ada yang tidak bisa.
Kebanyakan orang Indonesia over proud sama negara orang dan kurang mengapresiasi negara sendiri. Padahal warga asing aja mengapresiasi infrastruktur Indonesia.
Sepakat 👍😊
Maca ciii....kalo soal KRL, MRT, LRT Indonesia udah maju. Fokus di konteks konten ini dulu.
terima kasih sudah datang ke indonesia dan mereview transportasi umum kami..
Thank you sir for your appreciation ❤ GBU
(English) Greetings from Indonesia
(Indonesia)Salam dari Indonesia
Selamat datang mister di Indonesia orang nya baik dan beradab selalu terbuka untuk umum disini jauh dari kesan kejahatan pelecehan dan diskriminatif, bangga jadi rakyat +62
4:13 his smile tell everything
no need to be jealous, Jakarta's train was once like that too, lots of vandalism. Big thanks to Mr. Ignasius Jonan who made revolutionary changes in train system. You should also watch your back, lots of pickpocket in Jakarta's train despite how comfortable and secure it is.
ofc he gonna say jealous, kan mau jilat negara Indonesia biar dapet cuan 😂
Sebenernya gak bersih bersih amat sih.. cuma mungkin newyork metro udah terlalu parah aja 😂😂😂
Masih mending diindonesia bang soalnya KAI udah serius sekarang ketimbang dulu kalau Amerika jaman tahun 70an keatas itu bagus semenjak tahun 90an keatas udah parah karena negaranya udah jadi liberal dan bebas jadinya masyarakatnya gak peduli aturan dari pemerintah itu sendiri bahkan sampe sekarang kereta disono gak keurus sama sekali karena Amerika lebih pentingin diri sendiri
Liat Gbr Judulnya ja Kereta Usa vs Kereta Indonesia...pas Gbr Kereta Usa itu kereta ny dekiL amat y 🙄 kaya diCoret2 itu Kereta Ny ... Klo Kereta Indonesia mah lebih Kinclong bersih
So.... Kamu bantu jaga juga jikalau kamu termasuk pengguna kereta api
Kalo bandingan kebersihannya dengan kereta zaman dulu, KAI sekarang sudah berkali lipat lebih baik.
Bersih dari pengamen, pengemis, calo tiket, penumpang yg naik ke atap kereta, & termasuk copetnya.
proud to be indonesian
Thank you for the review!
Thank you train Indonesia😊 (salam railfans Indonesia)
nice video bro. i believe this channel can grow to be a famous channel someday. love form jakarta indonesia bro
Don't you want to try WHOOSH, the Jakarta-Bandung bullet train, which is the first fast train in Southeast Asia with an operational speed of 350 km/hour (217 miles/hour)?
This bullet train is very stable, and even coins placed upright in the train window will not fall throughout the journey.
I hope you will try it, even if you have already been to Bandung before by plane.
Many UA-camrs from foreign countries visit Indonesia, Jakarta and looks like you are classy...? you review are not only an enthusiast but give positive value...thank you, Gbu🙏
Terima kasih atas kesan baik tentang Jakarta.
Enjoy in Indonesia, Sir
The public transport always great... better than before 2016 for bus, train, motorcycle taxis driver (we call it ojek) and taxi...
Thank you sir, for the video, makes me proud of my birth country. Haven't visited it in years.
Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke Indonesia salam dari Indonesia 😊😊
Terima kasih Mr. Evan
"This city is afraid of me, I've seen its 'TRUE FACE'..." 🤣🤣🤣
I'm from Indonesia 🇮🇩 and I'm very proud because my country is praised, but don't praise it too much because every country definitely has its own advantages and disadvantages.. ((that's all, thank you..))
Saya dari Indonesia 🇮🇩 dan saya sangat bangga karena negara saya dipuji, tapi jangan terlalu memujinya karena setiap negara pasti mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing.. ((itu saja terima kasih..))
Gila pujian, maklum gak pernah dipuji seumur hidupnya.
Indonesia is getting better and better in every year
This dude crack the secret for Indonesian views 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Bro nemu cara cheat nya😂
Absolutely XD
gado gado enak sekali, makanan kesukaan banyak orang. semoga perjalananmu di Jakarta menyenangkan 🎉
Thanks Evan for the honest review. But keep cautious wherever you go. 😊. Stay safe. And enjoy Indonesian hospitality.
3:40 this Indonesia culture ~> mother with red. Got chair from unknown girls 👍🏽
5:23 🇺🇲 measurements nightmare 😅
Thank you sir for praising our country 😊
Terima kasih pak jonan..thank you...😊
And those US people still have the audacity to think that Indonesia is in Bali? And they 'll get mad if Southeast Asians rolling their eyes at them for thinking that what matters is only Bali.
I'm from Indonesia and I feel glad to see people from any country comes here and said Indonesia is impressive, idk how to tell how it feels but man you did a great job, hope you reach your goal in life man ! take care.
This is KRL/Commuter Line, maybe you can try MRT,LRT Jakarta,LRT Jabodebek 😊
And High Speed rail, HSR jakarta bandung
Lrt sumsel juga.. krl joglo juga.. terus apa lagi ya..
Ka. Erlangga juga harus coba
3:51 its me (green jacket), 17 april 2024😂👋
@@melatisimanjuntak1470iya, itu sekitar jam 3 an kereta arah bogor hehe
You become famous and make big news on Indonesian TV because of this video 🤯👏
1:40 The Rats live somewhere else luxurious.
You get murdered when you get in new york public toilet😂😂😂
Memang semengerikan itu kok...
Gangster dan homeless disana parah... Apalagi sekarang banyak masuk imigran ilegal.
Orang Latin dan Kulit Hitam biasanya yang bikin ulah kalo gak jual narkoba bikin gangster kek florida kemaren kena rampok 30juta dollar
@@anaskhoiri3653 awas didemo mahasiswa jurusan liberal art calon pengangguran
Big thank bro. You had explored transportation sistem, culture and people in Jakarta, Indonesia and compared with your city, USA. Big thank bro
Kalau gak santun dan beradab pastinya bukan orang Indonesia, mari kita jaga sekeliling kita, biar para orang bule pada heran dan jatuh cinta ke Indonesia.
mase guya guyu terus salting direkam 4:28
Great content! In SF there are life threatening fights, crack usage, bullying, sex and smells that only belong at the dump. And tickets are so expensive.
You dont even 2 meters my friend 😂
6:16 roti O 😋
Yes, it's true that Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country that is developing very rapidly. I once went to Jakarta and amazed how advanced the infrastructure was there Even though Indonesia is still a developing country, infrastructure development there is almost on par with developed countries. Even now they are building a new capital on the island of Borneo which will rival Singapore's popularity in Southeast Asia. I really want to visit Indonesia again Love From the Democratic Republic of Depok 🇿🇼
Thanks to Jokowi!!
WTF 😅😂😂😂
@@jokojokosantos9770Emang bener
3:25 is that real in Amercia's subway? why the teenagers so rude?_
beda kultur ya gitu om
Thanks For Visiting My Country Hope You Enjoy Your Trip in Indonesia
8 meters😂 5:28
Thank you for making this video about Jakarta's public transportation. It makes me feel so proud to be a Jakartan. Do try the MRT, LRT, and the busway too. You'll be surprised at how convenient they are. Enjoy your stay in Jakarta!
That's the point sir, give a seat for pregnant lady, people that got injured, old adults, kids, etc.
Thankyou Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi..... Ministry from Palembang. the Origi People of Sriwijaya Kingdom
As an Indian, i am glad how Indonesia people keep their country clean and highly civilised. This is what is called “love for the country” not the “fake nationalist protecting their country and PM” even for their inability to maintain the harmony, discipline and justice!
I still hate my country because corruption and tax
and 2025 all car and motorcycle must have ansuransi. and the police in here is same like USA. many case police kill or capture innocent civilian.
Me as Indonesian is proud of our countries upgrade for the future, I knew Indonesia will be a big Economy country in the Future.
Thank You For The Good Reviews, Evan
Your video went viral and was covered by various media in Indonesia , You already know the surefire way to increase your UA-cam audience
Sblom Viral Dia jg naik kereta dari Bali keSurabaya... Kereta Eksekutif katany Kereta murah dan bersih ... Beda diAmerika.. Kereta ny Amstrax kata ny kaga bersih
Welcome to Indonesia... Thank you for visiting our beloved country
4:16 He smile like bright sun.
As for you know, our asia have respect to our elders. They have honor in making economic works and doing something in their life.
Thx for your service Elder. Rest and sit peacefully
Thank you for putting the subtitle so we can enrich our vocab
Thank you Mr Evan, hopefully you enjoy your stay in Indonesia 😊
i took the commuter line to Bogor from Jakarta, the trains are so clean and they clean the ground literall every 30min, and the intercity trains are just as clean, the train rides in Indonesia are amazing
Thanks to mr. Ignatius Jonan. He was a brilliant minister. Thank you Evan for visiting Indonesia, especially Jakarta.