# re: FANCY TOPIC It has eight legs. Ergo related to spiders, scorpions, and . . . lice. It has eyes, but only two. Spiders generally have 8. It doesn't seem to have a stinger. Therefore not exactly a spider or a scorpion. I don't know what it's called, but I suspect it's a scavenger like a crab, or lobster, eating whatever falls to the ocean floors. Unfortunately, given human propensity to try the untried, I fear it will start being on restaurant menues as a rare delicacy at first, therefore very pricey especially if it's rare. Then eventually they'll be farmed, bringing the price down. People will write about the taste and texture of the meat, comparing it to crab, and lobster before too long. That reminds me. Anyone else hungry for Chinese food right now???
Love these videos.
But really love your sense of humor ❤😂
The Dumbo Oct is cute
Recent discovery usually includes the last 50 years!
It looks like a giant crab type creature
I find it hard to believe that over half of these are "recently discovered". I mean.. the puffer fish? Box jelly? Cone snails?
A radiated ocean flea
It has eight legs. Ergo related to spiders, scorpions, and . . . lice.
It has eyes, but only two. Spiders generally have 8.
It doesn't seem to have a stinger. Therefore not exactly a spider or a scorpion.
I don't know what it's called, but I suspect it's a scavenger like a crab, or lobster, eating whatever falls to the ocean floors.
Unfortunately, given human propensity to try the untried, I fear it will start being on restaurant menues as a rare delicacy at first, therefore very pricey especially if it's rare. Then eventually they'll be farmed, bringing the price down. People will write about the taste and texture of the meat, comparing it to crab, and lobster before too long.
That reminds me. Anyone else hungry for Chinese food right now???
Nope, it is a fake. If it were an arthtopod it would have facetted eyes, not reptile-like eyes.
It's my pet spittlebug after his third round of radiotherapy.
2:30 minute
I mean hello not yellow
I've known about the yeti crab since the late 80s early 90s. So it's not recent at all
Yellow love your video
FORA O GATO 🐈😻 QUE ELAS COMERAM , SEMANA PASSADA...................................
All of these are not recent, a lot of them were discovered more than 10 years ago, this is just a click bait. Reported 👍