Henry Stickmin is the titular main protagonist of the Henry Stickmin series, who appears as the protagonist of Breaking the Bank, Escaping the Prison, Stealing the Diamond, Infiltrating the Airship, Fleeing the Complex, and Completing the Mission. He is a mostly silent protagonist, often letting his actions speak for him. His morality is dependent on the players' choice, he starts out as a criminal and is depicted as such in most of the routes he is featured in, but his afflictions can change depending on the players' choices.
hell yeah
i love youuu :)
@@Call_-_ HOORAY
Henry Stickmin is the titular main protagonist of the Henry Stickmin series, who appears as the protagonist of Breaking the Bank, Escaping the Prison, Stealing the Diamond, Infiltrating the Airship, Fleeing the Complex, and Completing the Mission. He is a mostly silent protagonist, often letting his actions speak for him. His morality is dependent on the players' choice, he starts out as a criminal and is depicted as such in most of the routes he is featured in, but his afflictions can change depending on the players' choices.
finally a dlowing soundtrack that actually shares the flp
Titular done amazingly
awesome to have a song without the "pogo-mix". great job tho, it sounds really amazing
Absolute 🔥🔥🔥
Sounds peak
I am the Angry Pumpkin.
become the happy pumpkin instead friend!!
Relax, I'll handle it.
Wait does this take place in the henry stickmin fangame Attacking the Tower?
This so tituilair
tit ular laugh track
how.. titular..?