Morton Sisters Armed Service Medley



  • @joegaito702
    @joegaito702 Рік тому

    To all the branches who responds keep up the good work your service is deeply appreciated thanks take care thanks. Joe

  • @user-kz6zo7iz5i
    @user-kz6zo7iz5i Рік тому

    And you are 3 sisters and all of you are soldiers!

  • @user-kz6zo7iz5i
    @user-kz6zo7iz5i Рік тому

    I will send to Female Soldiers of US & UK, Japanese Defense Forces and all other countrires'.

  • @user-kz6zo7iz5i
    @user-kz6zo7iz5i Рік тому

    For Morton Sisters, all the Female Soldiers of all the countries, incl. US, UK, Japan, Ukraine, etc. all Females in the world, United Nations female stauff led by Deputy Administrative Director Mrs. Nakamitsu, & Mrs. Obama who used to be the US First Lady and other First Ladies of Mrs. Trudeau, Mrs. Macron, Mrs. Sunak, female members of Japanese Gakkai, SGI & Komeito statewomen,
    (Since English PM Sunak is Indian, the story of Buddhism and Shakyamuni Buddha seems to be very interesting to him. I was wondering why he often appears in my You Tube. Now, I got it! )
    日女御前御返事 全 p.1246
    An Outline of the "Entrustment" & Other Chapters Gosho vol. p.911 (⇒The Entrustment Chapter of the Lotus Sutra)
    されば今法華経を後の五百歳の女人供養せば其の功徳一分ものこさずゆづるべし 譬えば長者の一子に一切の財宝をゆづるがごとし、
    So, if a woman makes offerings to the Lotus Sutra now in the last 500-year-period、this bodhisattva's benefit will all be bequeathed to her without exception, just as a wealthy man transfers his entire fortune to his only son.
    (I will explain about the Buddhist term of "500-year-period" later.)
    ・・・・At that time, Lady Pure Virtue made offerings to the Lotus Sutra and was reborn as Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound.
    (Let me describe about Lady Pure Virtue & Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound later as well.)
    When the Thus Come One Shakyamuni expounded the Lotus Sutra in the saha world, this bodhisattva came to attend the ceremony and pledged to protect those women who would embrace the Lotus Sutra in the latter age. (vol. 1 p.911~912)
    (I will mention the meanings of Thus Come One & the "saha world" later, too. And the "ceremony" probably signifies the ceremony in the air which was preached in the air concernig the Lotus Sutra by Shakyamuni, I suppose but let me confirm and inform you. )
    If I add many explanations regarding Buddhism Terms, you would have a great interest in the Lotus Sutra or Nichiren Buddhism. Please Look Forward to them!

  • @user-kz6zo7iz5i
    @user-kz6zo7iz5i Рік тому

    correction still incubant? or active female "Soldiers" . Please Protect your Precious Lives, too! In our Nichiren Buddhism, the Greatness of Females are often Described and I must introduce you. Thank you