Dedicated to every ne who has ever felt Richard Herring was mocking them. VCEB tackle this with tru

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
    CASE NOTES A photograph from a recent Richard Herring @rkherring stream shows what lookls like the household name and fundraiser, presenting his show using two old, worn out and damaged ventriloquists dolls. Without any further investigation necessary, the VCEB team concluded the photo to be a meanspirited attempt at mocking the VCEB brand. See for yoursself the evidence is compelling.. Philip & Anthony stand up for themselves using mindfulness over meanfulness strategies to address the Mimicry head on.
    TREATMENT - Anthony & Philip demonstrate the process of self betterment in this live end to end sensesorting surgery. In a text-book streamopathy, Expellment of tension and hurtsignals are purged . Philip embraces colloquial whalepitch (self projected soundscape) before both Philip & Anthony provide twin channelling of Rumi verse quotations to sound a melodical tribute. The final healing act , known as OFFERSITE involvesd making an offering that is oppositional. or 'a financial contribution to the antagonist for reverse betterment.'
    Healing is abundant in this extract.
    CONCLUSION - A fragile emotional resilience makes the frightening world of social media feel unwelcoming exposes us to experiences and behaviours that we would walk away from if it was real life. Switch off the computer, you say? Easier said than done. -- Watch live at / virtue_chamber_echo_bravo