COMMENT: Who do you think has the BEST rap voice of the 21st century? Also... TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Overview 0:57 #10 You Shouldn’t Just Have “One” Rap Voice 1:47 #9 Technology Has Opened Up More Lanes For Rap Voice 2:38 #8 New Rappers “Under-Rap”, Old Rappers “Over-Rap” 4:14 #7 Engineering Is 75% of The Battle In The 21st Century 5:19 #6 “One-Take” Verses Aren’t Really A Thing Anymore 6:05 #5 “Write With The Breath In Mind” 7:12 #4 The Best Rappers Adjust Individual Words 8:44 #3 Ad-Libs Can Add More Than Over-Rapping 10:11 #2 Rap Voice Changes Over Time 11:02 #1 Rap Voice Can Be Improved 11:40 Comment and Pick Up Your Courses
All that matters is that you like your own music. If it sounds good to you don't change it because maybe you fill a nich that others don't. Music is not about popularity. It's about creativity. Don't let people tell you how to make your music.
Everyone did that back in the 80’s and 90’s but y’all really killed it off just for pointing out typos and make theirselves feel good. And now everyone has to spell perfectly or you’ll get it for trying to be different
@@devonmckay2428 dude i catch flack for "typing wrong" all the time. Like why cant maybe be maby? You know what i meant so shut up sounding dumber than me. If i cared about typing i wouldnt be able to get my point out properly. Same thing with rap accents. Everyone thinks they perfect but cant do what we do? Funny huh?
I'm finding my voice and style at the minute, I love going back to my old songs with a new ear & seeing what I'd do differently now I have more experience and more of my own identity
I'm on this wave homie I'm ready to learn as much as I can I'm already on my awakening journey and I've always loved hip hop and rap and rnb I'm that special white kid lmfao
I think Kendrick I has one of the best rap voices he just haa so much more emotion when I listen to him he really makes you feel where he's coming from
I feel like rap is something learnable. These things about rap voices and bars and punchlines are a matter of skill, so I dont worry much about them. Performing, on the other hand... thats a different story
To any struggling newbie reading Jackob's comment: don't follow his self contradictory advice, you'll stagnate a fuckton in your development if you don't find a balance between empty mind and overthinking your craft. I would recommend everybody to start with daily secular meditation & reading "flow" by Mihaly czsizentmihali
That's my biggest issue that I suffer with now... I can write lyrics all day but it's just either reciting them or listening to myself which is hilarious asf😂😂😂
Same bro, I am a decent enough writer, In my mind I have a good delivery but as soon as I actually rap, It is so much below my expectation. totally ruins the way I wrote and imagined it.
Bro that normal, my own songs would make me cringe but you get used to it, you don’t have a choice really, all women are annoying but we gotta love them regardless 🤷🏽♀️
LONG COMMENT/REPLY/MY EXPERIENCE/ADVICE & ENCOURAGEMENT: These are all solid tips I learned from my own experience over the years, some of them consciously, and others no so much. To me I've never been too focused on fast rapping for the last 12+ years since I started rapping on tracks and even when I was freestyling. So to me breathing and working to save my breath I haven't thought about so much unless singing another artists fast rap song. I think it's good practice to try to sing along with your favorite rap songs and catch a vibe. When you are learning all the lyrics to all your favorite songs down to the T with the ad-libs (especially if you have a monitor on to hear your voice compared to the original) it makes it easier to see where you can improve. One thing I learned recently was from Juice WRLD ad-libs. He had a lot besides 999 and the standard ad-libs. Far too many to list. A cool way Juice Ad-Libbed was using a literal inhale exhale. It's not so much that he needed to catch his breath but that it was like a pacing thing or something and it just happened to sound dope on tracks. He used the technique on many tracks like on Sometimes where he literally raps "inhale exhale breathing just got a little harder" with ad-libs of him breathing throughout the song but also implying he's either taking a deep sigh from the stresss/pain/frustration/etc OR perhaps he's talking about taking a hit from a blunt. Also he does this on Make Believe in a similar fashion "inhale exhale, you're the best well, you're the worst but, you're the best..hellll." The timing really stands out with this track in how he underraps yet fills the bar in a way to make one line match the next line before breaking out of that flow. So lately I've been using that breathing as an adlib recently. One other thing I'm working on which is a bit more intangible is the energy. I've forced myself to rap everyday and record at least one song or more every day even when I don't feel like it for almost a year now although before that I have been rapping just as a hobby or not as "seriously" as I have been from 2021 into this year 2022 where I plan on dropping 2 albums. What I found from rapping every single day and even when I'm not feeling it is that I get better at small things which add up over time. It takes me less time to get in my zone and then I just start flowing with less thought and more ease to focus on the details. For several years prior to 2021 I just recorded freestyles for the most part 1 take tracks. I always hear artists talking about how they just freestyle songs and don't write now and I think that's a bit misconstrued. Sure the artists don't have to write when they aren't 1 taking every song. They can capture a line cut run a new track and pick up in perfect time with what they already put down and then run through the song doing retakes and refining the sound or just over time the whole song clicks together by doing take after take after take without writing. I didn't write too much for years and I'm mostly not writing currently except as an exercise to get my thoughts out on a page where I can read them and process my thoughts in a way like reading a book of my own mind. By doing this small reflective practice it gets my intentions in line with my mind more clearly and where exactly I'm at, how I'm feeling, what I'm doing, what I'm focusing on, what is bothering me, where I am, etc. If I ever don't have a vibe just come to me through a spit take or a 1 take I will write or doodle. I've also found that by doing "funny" raps or just having fun writing something that's not serious it breaks me out of this overly serious mentality and allows me to experiment and be more loose to my style can expand. Sometimes through these funny songs I'll find a bit I like or it will just put me in a good mood making something. 99% of what I record I just keep on my external drives but I bounce tracks to iTunes and save tracks all the time. With me not being a professional mixer or engineer I know how much that can change a track. It's like photoshop VS a raw image. It's easier to visualize the sound waves and mixing the more you work with your DAW assuming it has a display and you tend to keep your mic recording level around the same area. Along with mic settings I will often duplicate a vocal track either to chop up bits to double up bars or space out a duplicate to add a specific sort of echo where I can also adjust a lot more on the track itself. I bounce back and forth from using a monitor to hear myself sing to singing/rapping without one. I find if I sing my best without both headphones on and can hear my own voice I generally do a good job or it will make me project differently than if I have a monitor on. Similar with autotune it took me years to "get serious" and find out what key signature the random beats I make and collab on are in. When my homie at the studios in Colorado showed me how just simply putting the vocal track in the right key could change the track with autotune I felt like a master at singing. In retrospect I feel dumb that I didn't realize that. I think many people hear auto tune or pitch correction and think that the DAW will automatically make your voice pitch perfect and sync with the BPM/TEMPO which is not true. I mostly match with the key of the song on a vocal track but once in a while a different key can actually sound cool on a track as there are many compatible keys within most instrumentals. Also singing with auto tune is a good exercise to rap and sing and learn pitch control. It will highlight what's wrong especially the more correction you have on. So if you hear how wrong it sounds you can adjust your pitch until it matches and for me this just naturally happens and I run a track back and can sing it better after even without autotune. Along with varying the key signatures it can be fun to intentionally distort your voice (not the gain or anything with the DAW) but actually just intentionally 'throw off' the auto tune to experiment and figure out how to use it as a more creative tool than just making you sound like a superstar. If you read this good luck and believe in yourself. If you have one person encouraging you to follow your dreams even with many people doubting or even discouraging you then you are lucky to have a single supporter. Put your mind, heart, and true authentic self into it. Work at it harder than you ever worked on homework or as harder than you have ever worked on anything in your entire life and you will see results. If you have even 1 homie to rap with then link up and help eachother by freestyling, encouraging eachother, challenging eachother, recording songs, and bouncing energy back and forth to keep gassing up. If you're getting excited as you make music by yourself or with a group of friends then it's worth it. In the end rapping can be for whatever you want to get out of it. If a lot of us were honest we'd say money, maybe some want the fame and some want money and don't want fame, maybe some just want to travel the world, maybe it's just a hobby, maybe you just like creating, maybe it helps you vent, maybe you can channel your energy and make something positive out of whatever situation you are going through. Whatever it is I hope it's a positive thing because regardless of the outcome, if you share your music with others and they hear it, or if only you hear it just the process of creating is so rewarding on it's own. When you are dedicated to it every moment you have to the point it starts crossing over with nearly every aspect of your life I think that's when you will start seeing the WORK you have been putting in. If it's job a hobby have fun but if you're going to try at all I say go all the way. Don't hesitate. Nobody is going to hold your hand and get you that record deal, nobody is going to find your music if your independent, nobody will even know you rap if you just don't START. 2K22 can be your year. I'm claiming it for my own music. Nobody can believe in you more than you. Just make believe and act how you want to be until before you know it you aren't acting anymore. If you think acting sounds fake consider an actor's role in a movie. Actors have a very distinct and challenging art form with a lot of competition as in rap. Character rapping or impersonating a rapper you like from the past or present and just rapping like them might be a good jumping point if you aren't sure how you should sound or what you want to rap about. I think if you give it try you will start having a lot to say before you realize it. Don't be a biter but check out the flavors and make your own.
That’s just too real bro, read every single word. Juice wrld inspired me to make music My only regret is we never got to collab 💔 I freestyle all the time I’m tryna be like juice wrld someday 🖤 I’m getting pretty good at it though, trying to push myself out there.
@@TripplSet Juice WRLD is my favorite rapper of all time out of all the OGs and new artists. There's only been a small handful of artists of any genre that have ever come close to Juice WRLD in my opinion. I'd say Kurt Cobain was that for me in the 90s though it sounds so cliche now that's just what I grew up with and the first CD I ever heard was Nevermind. Mac DeMarco had a huge impact on me when I saw how he was recording, writing, and engineering everything and playing every instrument himself on his self produced records and now is doing his own record label again. Kevin Parker aka Tame Impala is another huge influence though not in my top 5. Tupac & Biggie definitely influenced me but since I was made fun of for rapping by my older brothers as a kid bc they didn't like rap I found Linkin Park and Linkin Park w/ Jay Z and Hybrid Theory and Meteora were groundbreaking records to me as far as rapping goes because it was this new sort of hard rock music with electronic elements and rap mixed all together and it was so novel at the time. I could list so many artists and Kanye is definitely a top 10 artist as well. Anyways I could relate to Juice WRLD's story about listening to rap and rock. I couldn't listen to rap unless I had headphones at home bc my parents assumed it was bad compared to rock which they still would listen to. When I did listen to rap I was shunned and my brothers would just tease me about it. Then in jr high and high school I started freestyling and I got good at it and it was fun having lunch room cyphers and people would just be impressed and it gave me a sense that I had a skill aside from skateboarding. Even in college the rap battles continued and I had a lot more competition which was fun but also a lot more drugs and alcohol which were a double edged sword that eventually got the best of me. That's a long story but I'm still rapping today. I'm out of breath from rapping so much tonight. I found a new tool to use to exercise freestyles if you have a basis already try the website RapPad and click Freestyle with a beat going. It will give you a one word prompt and a bunch of words that rhyme or that you can make rhyme but you have to come up with some words yourself to tie it all together and make a story out of it otherwise it will just be words rhyming for no reason. Since I moved and my rap homies are back in Colorado and Chicago downtown I gotta push myself. Last year I made more off my music as an independent artist off bandcamp than any time in my life and this year my goal is to at minimum run it up to 2 racks in 6 months with free music distribution and people donating. I host on Bandcamp and distribute music free and then people who have been supporting the music just decide to donate and I found I have developed a small but really important audience, email list, and last year not really releasing that much I was just short of 1K in donations from mainly a few short months of dropping and it came from total strangers because I don't share it with my family who doesn't like rap or my folks who never supported anything musical I've done. I know 1K doesn't sound that much but for free music considering some people donate a buck or less and some donate a lot more it was mind blowing to me that I actually met that goal. The first $250+ came through Bandcamp and they took a major cut of the donations and then had to find all the cash apps people use that made it easy for them to donate and just put the same name and info on all of them so wherever the money is coming from it's easy for anyone to send it if they want. I write short emails along with each release and I've talked with several of my supporters and since my base is so small and these people are literally supporting me I don't feel right calling them fans although some have called themselves that.
@@exzisd that’s crazy bro You’re an inspiration fr One day I’ll get to make money off my own music too. Keep doing your thing and work towards that 6 month goal.
Kanye always had a very unique voice to me, a lot of rappers are lucky to have a natural distinct speaking tone that translates to their rapping tone making them recognisable and stand out, but if you have an “average” or “mid” tone with practice you could make it sound interesting, great video!
Never ever rely on technology to find your rap voice. If your rap voice doesn’t sound good on its own, you will never be considered a great rapper. Having a naturally commanding and unique voice should NOT be considered a thing of the past, it should be the standard.
True, but that is one of the reasons that the rap from the 80s and especially the 90s is the best. You can’t argue that. You can try all day long but you will fail. There’s nobody like them. In part because of the time.
For me Chamillionaire was and is the best voice rapper , the way he switch from slow rap to fast , sing en kinda immitate people is very fun to listing to. And the same time you can understand every word he say so it makes easy to understand what he talking about. To bad he stopped make music , i enjoyd the whole Mixtape Messiah discography and his albums are awsome, to bad it dont get so much respect it must get
I think if you can't rap your whole verse in 1 take without tripping over yourself of losing your breath, you can't rap well enough yet. I prefer to walk in the booth and lay that ting down in 1 take
I guess learning from the legendary *Bone Thugs N' Harmony* early on in my youth did wonders for me then. Those guys were decades ahead of their time. Lol.
I believe this you figure out on your own in time and trial & error in the process And you will start to correct & fine tune All I need is a serious producer and $5000.00 more to sustain me while I blow up But I am not really computer savvy or know how to even set up a legit profile & stuff on social media And stuff I rap too without having copyrighted issues & such
If you do one takes so far NEVER STOP. At least even as practice for your flow and etc lol. I've only ever had my phone and screen recording app (I write as a hobby, but sometimes for expression) I stopped going over them as much even though I was still writing (though very rarely again) and wouldn't ya know it? Couldn't match ANY of my songs from 1 year ago+ that were over 60 seconds. One takes are a breathing exercise in general for live performances anyways. Otherwise it can get real awkward at certain smaller concerts and stuff (not a fan of going to super big concerts, but idm going around to support smaller artists when I have traveling money).
1:37 fun fact: Ken Kaniff wasn't originally created and voiced by Eminem. A Detroit rapper called Aristotle created Ken Kaniff and voiced him on SSLP. Em and Aristotle had a falling out and Eminem voiced Ken on MMLP which caused A to diss Em as Ken. Pretty funny diss
Honestly I go in and I freestyle better then when I record but not no more. when u rap; write. I learned from this. Focusing on one word on every bar is goal. Honestly I would flow and try to hit everything in the tempo of the beat in the bar. Also like I would try to hit every note like every word has to flow but going by focusing on one word every bar help u rhyme way better. Like it help me think of what I can say next easy like simple math now. You can also rhyme two word in a bar and with the next bar this make it simple on how u can write on a track. When u focus on the words!!!
my one take live freestyles (not written) amaze people that they weren't wrote. i never even considered the one take aspect of it being impressive. i only notice my mistakes and places that didnt go exactly like i wanted in my head.
In my opinion; one takes are the best and are hardcore, you can't be rapping line by line like a fucking uncreative slow rapper. One take is real rap, these days we are losing the music culture. Niggas are rapping any how because labels are signing any how and the new age is signing any dummy that's still asleep. They give it to them, since they want fame, money and shit and the new age wants to use those same rappers to influence us into buying stupid, irrelevant stuffs and making us admire the flashy things rappers show us so that we can also get influenced and sell out. Well not a rapper like me, Skavenocomifiplay💯🔥🔥
you can use pitcher in fl studio and slightly make your voice deeper than it is! It so suttle people will actually think u sound like that if u do it right
I respect this fam good information. I attempt to do my thing different. I just want to contribute something different not better than anyone 🧛🏿♀️🌎🔱🔥🔱
COMMENT: Who do you think has the BEST rap voice of the 21st century? Also...
0:00 Overview
0:57 #10 You Shouldn’t Just Have “One” Rap Voice
1:47 #9 Technology Has Opened Up More Lanes For Rap Voice
2:38 #8 New Rappers “Under-Rap”, Old Rappers “Over-Rap”
4:14 #7 Engineering Is 75% of The Battle In The 21st Century
5:19 #6 “One-Take” Verses Aren’t Really A Thing Anymore
6:05 #5 “Write With The Breath In Mind”
7:12 #4 The Best Rappers Adjust Individual Words
8:44 #3 Ad-Libs Can Add More Than Over-Rapping
10:11 #2 Rap Voice Changes Over Time
11:02 #1 Rap Voice Can Be Improved
11:40 Comment and Pick Up Your Courses
Rick Ross,Slim Thug.Me. :)
Pop Smoke, Travis Scott, A$AP Rocky, XXXTENTACION
Travis scott,kendrick lemar,Eminem.
Kevin Gates
🔥🔥😁😁 Those are good, I love 💖 and honor all the OPINIONS, FIRE!!". Baby Black jesus🎤🎸🎸
All that matters is that you like your own music. If it sounds good to you don't change it because maybe you fill a nich that others don't. Music is not about popularity. It's about creativity. Don't let people tell you how to make your music.
This comment means a lot to me🙏🏾❤️ thanks so much
My dude if that's not facts I don't know what is 💯 is about making muneh...if it doesnt sell its not creative
I agree, but there’s most definitely some trash rappers out there
One cool fact about Tupac : most of words in his music that have S in them, he write them with *Z*
Haha “factz”
Had to like this
Everyone did that back in the 80’s and 90’s but y’all really killed it off just for pointing out typos and make theirselves feel good. And now everyone has to spell perfectly or you’ll get it for trying to be different
@@devonmckay2428 dude i catch flack for "typing wrong" all the time. Like why cant maybe be maby? You know what i meant so shut up sounding dumber than me. If i cared about typing i wouldnt be able to get my point out properly. Same thing with rap accents. Everyone thinks they perfect but cant do what we do? Funny huh?
@@OmniDolce The fuck are you talking about
I'm finding my voice and style at the minute, I love going back to my old songs with a new ear & seeing what I'd do differently now I have more experience and more of my own identity
#NottaRace 💯
I'm on this wave homie I'm ready to learn as much as I can I'm already on my awakening journey and I've always loved hip hop and rap and rnb I'm that special white kid lmfao
Thanks for making this. As a producer, I've been saying this stuff for years but it's nice to get some validation.
Glad you enjoyed it, Kyle!
Keep practicing, never stop doubting your self, it will all reveal by time
Never stop doubting your self? Lol
I don't wanna write no more , I found that doing runs on random beats can improve your flow, voice or sound.
Doing runs?
For so long iv been searching for the proper term in which I'm struggling and that vocal emphasis! Thank you for this great video!
Okay but fr, hearing myself rap over a beat when im working on a song and then hearing it back, my ears start bleeding and cringing
Haha 🙈
You will get used to it
It be like that
if you wanna get your voice raspy naturally, smoke backwoods all day, your welcome
Dem lungs infections not worth it
Facts, even bong hits will do the trick
@@kmetofficial5800 Yea, I wash all of my tobacco wraps so it's not as harsh. Try it some time.
I think Kendrick I has one of the best rap voices he just haa so much more emotion when I listen to him he really makes you feel where he's coming from
Thanks for being so consistent, you are becoming one of my favorite channels.🔥🔥🔥
I feel like rap is something learnable. These things about rap voices and bars and punchlines are a matter of skill, so I dont worry much about them. Performing, on the other hand... thats a different story
To any struggling newbie reading Jackob's comment: don't follow his self contradictory advice, you'll stagnate a fuckton in your development if you don't find a balance between empty mind and overthinking your craft. I would recommend everybody to start with daily secular meditation & reading "flow" by Mihaly czsizentmihali
I just spent 20 years in a basement to develop my flow, I woudn't advise it, this is a much better path
That's my biggest issue that I suffer with now... I can write lyrics all day but it's just either reciting them or listening to myself which is hilarious asf😂😂😂
Same hahahah😂😂😂
Same bro, I am a decent enough writer, In my mind I have a good delivery but as soon as I actually rap, It is so much below my expectation. totally ruins the way I wrote and imagined it.
@@John-sp9if Exactly.💯
Nobody likes how they sound recorded you just have to do it often enough to become use to it
Bro that normal, my own songs would make me cringe but you get used to it, you don’t have a choice really, all women are annoying but we gotta love them regardless 🤷🏽♀️
These are all solid tips I learned from my own experience over the years, some of them consciously, and others no so much. To me I've never been too focused on fast rapping for the last 12+ years since I started rapping on tracks and even when I was freestyling. So to me breathing and working to save my breath I haven't thought about so much unless singing another artists fast rap song. I think it's good practice to try to sing along with your favorite rap songs and catch a vibe. When you are learning all the lyrics to all your favorite songs down to the T with the ad-libs (especially if you have a monitor on to hear your voice compared to the original) it makes it easier to see where you can improve. One thing I learned recently was from Juice WRLD ad-libs. He had a lot besides 999 and the standard ad-libs. Far too many to list. A cool way Juice Ad-Libbed was using a literal inhale exhale. It's not so much that he needed to catch his breath but that it was like a pacing thing or something and it just happened to sound dope on tracks. He used the technique on many tracks like on Sometimes where he literally raps "inhale exhale breathing just got a little harder" with ad-libs of him breathing throughout the song but also implying he's either taking a deep sigh from the stresss/pain/frustration/etc OR perhaps he's talking about taking a hit from a blunt. Also he does this on Make Believe in a similar fashion "inhale exhale, you're the best well, you're the worst but, you're the best..hellll." The timing really stands out with this track in how he underraps yet fills the bar in a way to make one line match the next line before breaking out of that flow. So lately I've been using that breathing as an adlib recently.
One other thing I'm working on which is a bit more intangible is the energy. I've forced myself to rap everyday and record at least one song or more every day even when I don't feel like it for almost a year now although before that I have been rapping just as a hobby or not as "seriously" as I have been from 2021 into this year 2022 where I plan on dropping 2 albums. What I found from rapping every single day and even when I'm not feeling it is that I get better at small things which add up over time. It takes me less time to get in my zone and then I just start flowing with less thought and more ease to focus on the details. For several years prior to 2021 I just recorded freestyles for the most part 1 take tracks. I always hear artists talking about how they just freestyle songs and don't write now and I think that's a bit misconstrued. Sure the artists don't have to write when they aren't 1 taking every song. They can capture a line cut run a new track and pick up in perfect time with what they already put down and then run through the song doing retakes and refining the sound or just over time the whole song clicks together by doing take after take after take without writing. I didn't write too much for years and I'm mostly not writing currently except as an exercise to get my thoughts out on a page where I can read them and process my thoughts in a way like reading a book of my own mind. By doing this small reflective practice it gets my intentions in line with my mind more clearly and where exactly I'm at, how I'm feeling, what I'm doing, what I'm focusing on, what is bothering me, where I am, etc. If I ever don't have a vibe just come to me through a spit take or a 1 take I will write or doodle. I've also found that by doing "funny" raps or just having fun writing something that's not serious it breaks me out of this overly serious mentality and allows me to experiment and be more loose to my style can expand. Sometimes through these funny songs I'll find a bit I like or it will just put me in a good mood making something.
99% of what I record I just keep on my external drives but I bounce tracks to iTunes and save tracks all the time. With me not being a professional mixer or engineer I know how much that can change a track. It's like photoshop VS a raw image. It's easier to visualize the sound waves and mixing the more you work with your DAW assuming it has a display and you tend to keep your mic recording level around the same area. Along with mic settings I will often duplicate a vocal track either to chop up bits to double up bars or space out a duplicate to add a specific sort of echo where I can also adjust a lot more on the track itself. I bounce back and forth from using a monitor to hear myself sing to singing/rapping without one. I find if I sing my best without both headphones on and can hear my own voice I generally do a good job or it will make me project differently than if I have a monitor on. Similar with autotune it took me years to "get serious" and find out what key signature the random beats I make and collab on are in. When my homie at the studios in Colorado showed me how just simply putting the vocal track in the right key could change the track with autotune I felt like a master at singing. In retrospect I feel dumb that I didn't realize that. I think many people hear auto tune or pitch correction and think that the DAW will automatically make your voice pitch perfect and sync with the BPM/TEMPO which is not true. I mostly match with the key of the song on a vocal track but once in a while a different key can actually sound cool on a track as there are many compatible keys within most instrumentals. Also singing with auto tune is a good exercise to rap and sing and learn pitch control. It will highlight what's wrong especially the more correction you have on. So if you hear how wrong it sounds you can adjust your pitch until it matches and for me this just naturally happens and I run a track back and can sing it better after even without autotune. Along with varying the key signatures it can be fun to intentionally distort your voice (not the gain or anything with the DAW) but actually just intentionally 'throw off' the auto tune to experiment and figure out how to use it as a more creative tool than just making you sound like a superstar.
If you read this good luck and believe in yourself. If you have one person encouraging you to follow your dreams even with many people doubting or even discouraging you then you are lucky to have a single supporter. Put your mind, heart, and true authentic self into it. Work at it harder than you ever worked on homework or as harder than you have ever worked on anything in your entire life and you will see results. If you have even 1 homie to rap with then link up and help eachother by freestyling, encouraging eachother, challenging eachother, recording songs, and bouncing energy back and forth to keep gassing up. If you're getting excited as you make music by yourself or with a group of friends then it's worth it. In the end rapping can be for whatever you want to get out of it. If a lot of us were honest we'd say money, maybe some want the fame and some want money and don't want fame, maybe some just want to travel the world, maybe it's just a hobby, maybe you just like creating, maybe it helps you vent, maybe you can channel your energy and make something positive out of whatever situation you are going through. Whatever it is I hope it's a positive thing because regardless of the outcome, if you share your music with others and they hear it, or if only you hear it just the process of creating is so rewarding on it's own. When you are dedicated to it every moment you have to the point it starts crossing over with nearly every aspect of your life I think that's when you will start seeing the WORK you have been putting in. If it's job a hobby have fun but if you're going to try at all I say go all the way. Don't hesitate. Nobody is going to hold your hand and get you that record deal, nobody is going to find your music if your independent, nobody will even know you rap if you just don't START. 2K22 can be your year. I'm claiming it for my own music. Nobody can believe in you more than you. Just make believe and act how you want to be until before you know it you aren't acting anymore. If you think acting sounds fake consider an actor's role in a movie. Actors have a very distinct and challenging art form with a lot of competition as in rap. Character rapping or impersonating a rapper you like from the past or present and just rapping like them might be a good jumping point if you aren't sure how you should sound or what you want to rap about. I think if you give it try you will start having a lot to say before you realize it. Don't be a biter but check out the flavors and make your own.
That’s just too real bro, read every single word.
Juice wrld inspired me to make music
My only regret is we never got to collab 💔
I freestyle all the time I’m tryna be like juice wrld someday 🖤
I’m getting pretty good at it though, trying to push myself out there.
@@TripplSet Juice WRLD is my favorite rapper of all time out of all the OGs and new artists. There's only been a small handful of artists of any genre that have ever come close to Juice WRLD in my opinion. I'd say Kurt Cobain was that for me in the 90s though it sounds so cliche now that's just what I grew up with and the first CD I ever heard was Nevermind. Mac DeMarco had a huge impact on me when I saw how he was recording, writing, and engineering everything and playing every instrument himself on his self produced records and now is doing his own record label again. Kevin Parker aka Tame Impala is another huge influence though not in my top 5. Tupac & Biggie definitely influenced me but since I was made fun of for rapping by my older brothers as a kid bc they didn't like rap I found Linkin Park and Linkin Park w/ Jay Z and Hybrid Theory and Meteora were groundbreaking records to me as far as rapping goes because it was this new sort of hard rock music with electronic elements and rap mixed all together and it was so novel at the time. I could list so many artists and Kanye is definitely a top 10 artist as well. Anyways I could relate to Juice WRLD's story about listening to rap and rock. I couldn't listen to rap unless I had headphones at home bc my parents assumed it was bad compared to rock which they still would listen to. When I did listen to rap I was shunned and my brothers would just tease me about it. Then in jr high and high school I started freestyling and I got good at it and it was fun having lunch room cyphers and people would just be impressed and it gave me a sense that I had a skill aside from skateboarding. Even in college the rap battles continued and I had a lot more competition which was fun but also a lot more drugs and alcohol which were a double edged sword that eventually got the best of me. That's a long story but I'm still rapping today. I'm out of breath from rapping so much tonight. I found a new tool to use to exercise freestyles if you have a basis already try the website RapPad and click Freestyle with a beat going. It will give you a one word prompt and a bunch of words that rhyme or that you can make rhyme but you have to come up with some words yourself to tie it all together and make a story out of it otherwise it will just be words rhyming for no reason. Since I moved and my rap homies are back in Colorado and Chicago downtown I gotta push myself. Last year I made more off my music as an independent artist off bandcamp than any time in my life and this year my goal is to at minimum run it up to 2 racks in 6 months with free music distribution and people donating. I host on Bandcamp and distribute music free and then people who have been supporting the music just decide to donate and I found I have developed a small but really important audience, email list, and last year not really releasing that much I was just short of 1K in donations from mainly a few short months of dropping and it came from total strangers because I don't share it with my family who doesn't like rap or my folks who never supported anything musical I've done. I know 1K doesn't sound that much but for free music considering some people donate a buck or less and some donate a lot more it was mind blowing to me that I actually met that goal. The first $250+ came through Bandcamp and they took a major cut of the donations and then had to find all the cash apps people use that made it easy for them to donate and just put the same name and info on all of them so wherever the money is coming from it's easy for anyone to send it if they want. I write short emails along with each release and I've talked with several of my supporters and since my base is so small and these people are literally supporting me I don't feel right calling them fans although some have called themselves that.
@@exzisd that’s crazy bro
You’re an inspiration fr
One day I’ll get to make money off my own music too.
Keep doing your thing and work towards that 6 month goal.
I really like this video. I like my rap voice because I’ve spent so much effort working on it.
Thanks buddy, i'm very new (4.8 years) and i always done Ad-Lids. :)
The letters a, e, i, o, u work very well for different emphasis and also sound good on rhyme patterns
Kanye always had a very unique voice to me, a lot of rappers are lucky to have a natural distinct speaking tone that translates to their rapping tone making them recognisable and stand out, but if you have an “average” or “mid” tone with practice you could make it sound interesting, great video!
Love that you had a RDC World clip in there. Great content all around brotha!
U'll change many💀✌️
Never ever rely on technology to find your rap voice. If your rap voice doesn’t sound good on its own, you will never be considered a great rapper. Having a naturally commanding and unique voice should NOT be considered a thing of the past, it should be the standard.
I’ve done some verses that were one take and some that we had to record 3 versions of until we had one that stuck
I've been rapping since 86. I've learned so much and what he's saying is right.
@@AP90xits not all about fame and money in life kid
thanks man
I really need this tnx man😊😊😊
True, but that is one of the reasons that the rap from the 80s and especially the 90s is the best. You can’t argue that. You can try all day long but you will fail. There’s nobody like them. In part because of the time.
For me Chamillionaire was and is the best voice rapper , the way he switch from slow rap to fast , sing en kinda immitate people is very fun to listing to. And the same time you can understand every word he say so it makes easy to understand what he talking about. To bad he stopped make music , i enjoyd the whole Mixtape Messiah discography and his albums are awsome, to bad it dont get so much respect it must get
I think if you can't rap your whole verse in 1 take without tripping over yourself of losing your breath, you can't rap well enough yet.
I prefer to walk in the booth and lay that ting down in 1 take
Matching tone on inner rhymes I think goes a long way.
👏 👏 not bad, ima try out these tips
Superb content! Can't wait for more! 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
that 2pac "hennessy, enemiesss" impersonation was spot on
New rappers be whispering in the booth but that Compressor can really make a difference.
I think it's because the average rental isn't a house anymore. gotta practice and cypher quiet in apartments.
"Write with the breath in mind"
Eminem: "No"
Haha punch-ins
@Gem Rose yeah, he is crazy good, and to think that he didn't start easily, I thought he was just a natural
I guess learning from the legendary *Bone Thugs N' Harmony* early on in my youth did wonders for me then. Those guys were decades ahead of their time. Lol.
You just talking about things we already know I thought you gonna helps us .
indian dopest rapper here💯🌍🇮🇳
Right on time! Information always useful💯
I believe this you figure out on your own in time and trial & error in the process
And you will start to correct & fine tune
All I need is a serious producer and $5000.00 more to sustain me while I blow up
But I am not really computer savvy or know how to even set up a legit profile & stuff on social media
And stuff I rap too without having copyrighted issues & such
Number 6 is also just smart to do.
i came across this video just after recording my first song in the stu. the irony
If you do one takes so far NEVER STOP. At least even as practice for your flow and etc lol. I've only ever had my phone and screen recording app (I write as a hobby, but sometimes for expression) I stopped going over them as much even though I was still writing (though very rarely again) and wouldn't ya know it? Couldn't match ANY of my songs from 1 year ago+ that were over 60 seconds. One takes are a breathing exercise in general for live performances anyways. Otherwise it can get real awkward at certain smaller concerts and stuff (not a fan of going to super big concerts, but idm going around to support smaller artists when I have traveling money).
Hey Drew... I got a question, Is rapping along a lyrics Good to improve my flow ?
It is
@@DonLetti please explain why this is?
@@GreensEra improves flow and breathe control
@@DonLetti rapping along lyrics does that for real? Can't believe it!
@@GreensEra yh it’s just u getting used to it
I needed it more than anything else
I'm binge watching your rap tutorials! 😁
Honestly King Von had my favorite voice out of all these new dudes of the past few years still mad hes gone RIP.
Bro I’ve been talking about this for so long
1:37 fun fact: Ken Kaniff wasn't originally created and voiced by Eminem. A Detroit rapper called Aristotle created Ken Kaniff and voiced him on SSLP. Em and Aristotle had a falling out and Eminem voiced Ken on MMLP which caused A to diss Em as Ken. Pretty funny diss
Holy shit! Never heard this. Amazing
Thanks bro💪🏻💯 Shawntell obsi 💪🏻 we turnt forever ain’t no coming down💯
hey drew, thanks for the video. Got a lot of info. I got a question. How do we go by engineering, like how do we make our voice stand out over others
Check video course in description
Thx for the tips 💙✌
Myron G aka Change🔥🔥🔥
Aye been needing ness man fuck it when I get paid I'm buying yo course I need u to be my sensei💯
Very nice !
The "adlib" on my name is is super intentional. It's also a call and response.
appreciate the video bro, it was really helpful, but one more thing, I can't see the link of the free course, can you please update it? and thank you.
Dope! Glad to inspire you Boodie!
best rappers still rapping the whole verse in the booth.
Me the lox & tpc & b.i.g also ghost & quik 🔥🔥
Very motivational ur the best coach to move forward salute desde mexico
I like how RDC WRLD made it into the clips.
Sheet you're the best men thanks for the video I need more from you
I mean im still going to do first takes and continue to write lyrics down and especially find my sound
lol ngl some of these tips actually applicable
This is the formula he isn't kidding
Honestly I go in and I freestyle better then when I record but not no more. when u rap; write. I learned from this. Focusing on one word on every bar is goal. Honestly I would flow and try to hit everything in the tempo of the beat in the bar. Also like I would try to hit every note like every word has to flow but going by focusing on one word every bar help u rhyme way better. Like it help me think of what I can say next easy like simple math now. You can also rhyme two word in a bar and with the next bar this make it simple on how u can write on a track. When u focus on the words!!!
thx bro
"One takes aren't really a thing anymore"
- what has rap become😵
Ps. I love one takes they aint gone boi
my one take live freestyles (not written) amaze people that they weren't wrote. i never even considered the one take aspect of it being impressive. i only notice my mistakes and places that didnt go exactly like i wanted in my head.
In my opinion; one takes are the best and are hardcore, you can't be rapping line by line like a fucking uncreative slow rapper. One take is real rap, these days we are losing the music culture. Niggas are rapping any how because labels are signing any how and the new age is signing any dummy that's still asleep. They give it to them, since they want fame, money and shit and the new age wants to use those same rappers to influence us into buying stupid, irrelevant stuffs and making us admire the flashy things rappers show us so that we can also get influenced and sell out. Well not a rapper like me, Skavenocomifiplay💯🔥🔥
you can use pitcher in fl studio and slightly make your voice deeper than it is! It so suttle people will actually think u sound like that if u do it right
Good idea what if you have to rap live?
@@YHWShane they can live engineer it like they also put autotune on some live performances
I have a doubt how to start rapping means what i want to do a song or a instagram page like that
Thank you for the information,albeit i c no female rappers included on the video🙁
Jeezy is an ad lib gawd
When i rap, my voice gets into high pitch shit , moreover i breathe out very quickly
Hey Drew, What should I do if I have strict parents ?
Just like me fr
Show them whos boss jk jk
@@Ghostaholic21 😹
Do how to drill rap please
Just listen to drill lol
@@yungmentalproblems keep your comments to yourself if you don't know what to say
@@chireuben12 I think he meant listen to drill and use the drill rappers techniques
There's many great voices in rap but if I have to choose one:
what song would you recommend
Could do maybe more examples?
how do i do it good if i’m british? (NOT drill music, just trap in general)please help
you just might be cooked (kidding just pave your own lane bro)
Pop Smoke #1 artist
Juice Wrld was a master of breathing in his flows
kendrick better at this
Still has corny lyrics
this video would be so much better with examples playing
need the beat @ 0:57
I respect this fam good information. I attempt to do my thing different. I just want to contribute something different not better than anyone 🧛🏿♀️🌎🔱🔥🔱
See yah 🤩😍🙏
Love ❤
What music video is this? 0:52
If I can't be treated equally , then I'd rather cut ties for real .
Like the clips from rdc world
Pop Smoke Pop Smoke Pop Smoke wooo~~~
Travis Scott got the best adlibs YAH ITSLIT STRAIGHTUP ALRIGHT 🔥🔥🔥
Do I have a good rap voice?
Nipsey Hussle
One take God is juice wrld
This guy really likes tupac
What cypher his clip was that?
Others would be
Method Man
Rock (heltah skeltah)
Styles P
Jim Jones