Don't be so modest about your abilities. Although you may not be formally schooled in recording and mixing techniques, you’ve obviously put in the time to learn the process. And you have a great ear. I think all of your work sounds great! Looking forward to the next cover. I’m a huge PT and SW fan, so looking forward to more of their songs. So far you’ve nailed every one you’ve covered.
Awesome! Your layering of guitar tones mastering n mixing outstanding! you got the ear for it!❤
Don't be so modest about your abilities. Although you may not be formally schooled in recording and mixing techniques, you’ve obviously put in the time to learn the process. And you have a great ear.
I think all of your work sounds great! Looking forward to the next cover. I’m a huge PT and SW fan, so looking forward to more of their songs. So far you’ve nailed every one you’ve covered.
Thanks so much. Yup, I rely entirely on my ears. Stay tuned for Lazarus, coming soon!