Thank you from the bottom of my heart for these wonderful recordings. I was particularly touched by the fate of Natsumu. I myself have a similar illness to Natsumu and didn't learn to walk until I was 5 years old. But I learned it and Natsumu will go her way too !!!
I like that their area is so clean and they look well cared for. Having had experience with these wonderful creatures, may I suggest adding some playthings since the area is small?
I think I have to disagree with her area being well cared for. Look at the walls and see the chipping paint and the babies eat it. Also if you look along the very bottom of the walls it’s always dirty. But with all that said, I love these babies and their mothers are taking great care of them!
The babies are so adorable. I’m so glad Natsumu isn’t alone and has her family. I love how her mother takes care of her but allows her the independence she needs to continue gaining strength. Sending prayers that we will see her walk one day 🙏♥️🙏♥️.
Pamela, I don't know much about the chimps at this zoo, other than the fact that the new babies are both grandchildren of Peco, from Tama Zoo, through her daughters, Moko & Coco. Is there something wrong with Natsumu's legs? She moves like she is partially paralyzed. Do you know if she's just a slow developer, or is her condition much more serious than that?
They are an adorable family. The babies are so cute. I do believe too that Natsum will walk again, she has such a strong willed personality, plus an amazing mother encouraging her. I cant wait to see her progress as she gets older. I always feel sad when they take a chimpanzee away from their family, I wonder if their mother is looking for them, but I'm happy the sisters reunited here, and now they are mothers together.
Who are the fathers to these beauties? This has to be hereditary? I know I’m late to the show. That’s more than a gait disorder. I would be running whatever tests I could think of to figure out anomaly it is.
@@GreatApesZoo なつむもモコイチもファンがが多いですね💕沖縄こどもの国は動画の配信も盛んだし,私もいくつか視聴して活気を感じています.日本モンキーセンターも園内の活発な様子が伝わってきていいですね.多摩もチンパンジー たちの様子をもう少し知らせてくれるといいのに….
@@chakamz9809 沖縄メンバーは魅力的ですよね。モンキーセンターは頻繁に配信してますね。今日はTwitterでタロウ出てました。感心します。沖縄や熊本市動植物園もやってます。多摩は、ほんとネットたまにしか配信はやらないですね。多摩にきず😢 京都は短いの毎日のように紹介してくれます。千葉も写真が多いけど毎日。
癒しを求め また二人に会いに来てしまいました。。。 かわいい姉弟♡
I came to see them again in search of healing. .. .. Cute siblings ♡
動画をありがとうございます😊 元気で良かったです。 出来れば良い治療が見つかり ある程度通常のチンパンジーの人生を送れる事を祈ります😃🌷💕
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for these wonderful recordings.
I was particularly touched by the fate of Natsumu.
I myself have a similar illness to Natsumu and didn't learn to walk until I was 5 years old. But I learned it and Natsumu will go her way too !!!
If you become a keeper, you will be a great keeper. Thank you too.
I like that their area is so clean and they look well cared for.
Having had experience with these wonderful creatures, may I suggest adding some playthings since the area is small?
I think I have to disagree with her area being well cared for. Look at the walls and see the chipping paint and the babies eat it. Also if you look along the very bottom of the walls it’s always dirty. But with all that said, I love these babies and their mothers are taking great care of them!
I just can't believe she died .. she was my favorite I loved watching her.. rest in peace little girl angel 😇
The babies are so adorable. I’m so glad Natsumu isn’t alone and has her family. I love how her mother takes care of her but allows her the independence she needs to continue gaining strength. Sending prayers that we will see her walk one day 🙏♥️🙏♥️.
I have strong hopes Natsum with be able to walk and continue to thrive !! She has a loving mother that will help her along the way ❤❤
Pamela, I don't know much about the chimps at this zoo, other than the fact that the new babies are both grandchildren of Peco, from Tama Zoo, through her daughters, Moko & Coco. Is there something wrong with Natsumu's legs? She moves like she is partially paralyzed. Do you know if she's just a slow developer, or is her condition much more serious than that?
犬や猫が人に飼われたからといって 交尾が出来ないって聞いたことがないですね。 知能が高くなれば高くなるほど 学習するといろんなことができるけど、 学習しないと基本的なこともできなくなってしまう。 なつむが学べる場所で暮らせてよかった。😀
They are an adorable family. The babies are so cute. I do believe too that Natsum will walk again, she has such a strong willed personality, plus an amazing mother encouraging her. I cant wait to see her progress as she gets older. I always feel sad when they take a chimpanzee away from their family, I wonder if their mother is looking for them, but I'm happy the sisters reunited here, and now they are mothers together.
An orthopedic could fix her hips either by surgery or creating hips for her. Same as humans.
早速のUPありがとうございます。 カワ(・∀・)イイ!! 一生懸命に生きている。。げんきだったのね~♡
Thank you for UP immediately. Kawa (・ ∀ ・) Good !! I'm living hard. .. It was fine ~ ♡
Was it ever determined what caused Natsumu to die?
congenital disease
Is there something wrong with baby Natsumos legs? She is dragging them, as if she is paralyzed. I hope thats not the case, but she looks pretty bad.
She has a congenital hip disorder. Press the subtitle button and the English subtitles will be reviewed. It's machine translation ...
The little ones are absolutly adoreable! So very cute!!!
Who are the fathers to these beauties? This has to be hereditary? I know I’m late to the show. That’s more than a gait disorder. I would be running whatever tests I could think of to figure out anomaly it is.
Their father is Gin.
Precious little baby girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️ prayers for this beautiful ❤️ babies and momma's
Rest in Peace Natsum! Only the Good die young!
Seems like there is more going on with Natsumu than just a hip problem. Something neurological.
Looks like down syndrome
This is absolutely beautiful.....
Sending prayers far the little one .. God works miracles every day .... I love watching these videos of these precious baby's
書籍?絵本?写真集? 伝えてほしいです。
@@GreatApesZoo 私も視聴いたしました。(え~。。そんな動物居たんだと言われる) とおっしゃったのが
ショックでした。 映画「猿の惑星」のお話しもしてましたよね。全作見ていたので あっ、とすぐわかりました。
@@GreatApesZoo はい、見ていました。ツィッターで日本モンキーセンターの予告ありました。
Poor baby why can't it walk so sad
Zoo staff should step in to help her walk