The Truth About Creativity

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • So, what does my creative process look like? It's not pretty. But check it out...
    PREVIOUS EPISODE ► • Make Videos? Do Not In...
    The creative process can be draining.
    And hard.
    And annoying.
    And miserable.
    You go through cycles.
    You feel great.
    You feel horrible.
    You feel amazing.
    You feel worse than ever.
    But here's the truth...
    Everyone goes through it and you need to remember this one thing...
    Watch the video to learn more.


  • @YouCanBrand
    @YouCanBrand 6 років тому +3

    "Screw it, I'm gonna do it!" Is my new mantra. :) I am one of those perfectionists that gets paralyzed!

  • @GingerVertican
    @GingerVertican 6 років тому

    Tony Buzan
    The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential - Love this book.
    I'm so proud of you Derek. You're doing the hardest thing there is to do. The little, faithful, consistent, habitual steps every day.
    As for my own process, I read the Mind map book about the way that the brain generates creativity and it's often NOT a linear process but more Tangled and circular. If you brainstorm in color literally like with markers, your brain seems to respond better to that and also if you can do one of those brain cloud-kinetic kind of like diagrams have you seen them? they're better. You know all your English teachers probably made you use them and there's a reason why:
    if you only have the one thought and work linearly with it like in an outline, then the brain only follows that line of thought, but if you brainstorm like 5 almost chaos topics at once, your brain can and actually will start accessing all of that information and it tends to be a lot more creative.
    This is scientifically demonstrated and the book is great. I'm trying to remember the name of it something about memory and creativity. Not well known because it's kind of science geek meet creation generator. I'll come back and edit this after I go look for the book's title for you or anyone interested in reading the fascinating science behind this he gives pictures and images and everything!
    Of course after you choose one idea then you do need to organize it and I loved your note card idea that you explained in a previous video! Thanks for being such a standard of consistency for us Derek!

  • @CatrinaMarie
    @CatrinaMarie 6 років тому

    Its great to hear that the old and the new both have many of the same challenges.
    I'm working on finding my unique style and message right now.

  • @jonphillips1043
    @jonphillips1043 6 років тому

    I too wallow and hold my dog when I feel defeated, lol. Real talk. But I like how you’ve said it doesn’t matter if something has been done before. Do it better. That’s not to say you have to top someone else’s video production quality and whatnot. But deliver the ideas, advice, and so on better than whoever did it before you.

  • @NatashaHynes
    @NatashaHynes 6 років тому +2

    My brain is melting right now from brainstorming product ideas so this seems like perfect timing.

  • @treesharp-art
    @treesharp-art 6 років тому

    I was going to say, there's a place for you in theatre.
    What, you wallowing? I can't imagine.
    Great video, Derek! :))

  • @CathySirvatka
    @CathySirvatka 6 років тому

    There is nothing new under the sun. It's HOW you do it. I love your process, and the wallowing... haha I know that one! But I don't have Mr. Bities to help.
    Screw it. Do it!

  • @TheSixStringCorner
    @TheSixStringCorner 6 років тому

    I'm showing guitar in a different way that I don't see a lot on You Tube (but I see a lot of other You Tuber's, like you, doing it). I have a funny, "this is how you don't play (whatever)", then do a funny transition, then show "the thing" the right way. I'm really digging the creative content coming out. Of course, I only have a small handful of subscribers now! Great stuff Derek, your content has really had a positive affect on a beginner like me! Thanks!

  • @retirelikeaboss9902
    @retirelikeaboss9902 6 років тому

    I'm in the middle of one of those potentially earth-shattering, disruptive, game-changing ideas myself. No one gets it the same way I do. Let's just hope I believe it enough for EVERYONE to benefit in the end.
    Cuz truthfully, that's what it takes. You have to believe in it more than anyone else ever could.
    Great encouragement, Derek. Thank you! And hang in there! You're brilliant!!

  • @veleseul
    @veleseul 6 років тому

    I just love the music at the end of your videos, on 1.5x speed (I always watch your videos at that speed). It's so soothing and gives me a positive, playful, don't-worry-let's-do-this vibe. I wish it were a full song. Try it out at 1.5x speed, it's great!

  • @cassietondro
    @cassietondro 6 років тому

    My business is creativity, and I go through this every time I start a new work of art. Here's something I learned though -- don't tell anyone else about it beforehand. Skip that step. The idea is too new and fragile, and it's difficult to handle negativity at that point. The naysayers will cause you to lose your energy around the idea. Keep it to yourself and nurture it.

  • @WinsonTeoBH
    @WinsonTeoBH 6 років тому

    Interesting way of presenting the topic. Nice change to mix it up.

  • @scottrozell
    @scottrozell 6 років тому

    Best first two minutes of any video you've had by a factor of ten. I specifically liked how you made your point without telling me. Its the old adage of writing: Show, don't tell. Your in a visual medium- show me more.

  • @crystalobregoncoaching5807
    @crystalobregoncoaching5807 6 років тому

    My best creative process involves walking or swimming. More often, I sit in front of the computer or in front of blank paper and try to beat it out of myself. Then if it doesn't work, I tell myself how I would have been better off getting some exercise!

  • @rkshorter
    @rkshorter 6 років тому

    WHAT? Why on earth would you call someone to see what they think about your idea?? Who cares what they say? Just do it! Derek, you should know better. lol Don't waste energy second guessing yourself because someone wasn't wild about your idea - they are probably just jealous they aren't always coming up with cool ideas like you do!

  • @shaunkara
    @shaunkara 6 років тому

    I had this discussion recently on the LinkedIn thread of a video Gary Vee posted. In it, he talked about having vision vs being delusional. And I think that's really what it boils down to. It's really hard to discern whether a new idea is "visionary" or "delusional". But I think that the more you try things and fail, the more you get a feel for what "sure-fire failures" look like, which makes them a tad bit easier to avoid. Of course, the video you posted a few days ago about how you lost $100k on an experiment, is proof that no matter how much experience we have, we'll still occasionally fall for a delusional idea.

  • @ambrasultzbaugh2429
    @ambrasultzbaugh2429 6 років тому

    Derek I LOVED this video!! I am a creative gone corporate gone entrepreneur and the creative process is my specialty. You nailed it! The part at the end about having an audience is the cherry on top, and so true. So connected to the fear we have about being visible. I have been making small paintings for years, but being more visible for my business (which is unrelated) is making me start doing larger paintings. How great is that! xo

  • @peternyiri8586
    @peternyiri8586 6 років тому

    My creative process is interesting - the ideas just start coming up randomly and I need to write them down...

  • @michaelyoung6211
    @michaelyoung6211 6 років тому

    1. I’ve started doing morning pages and I find they really help the creative process. It gets all the junk out of my still sleeping mind and allows me to be less cluttered. I’ve always suffered from wicked thought loops where the same thoughts keep cycling around like advil in a sick dog. This helps calm them.
    2. I schedule. If it’s not on my schedule it doesn’t happen so I schedule the time. Uninterrupted time. No Facebook. No phone. Just me and the writing device.
    3. Pomodoro style I won’t leave. If I have to stare at the blank page or screen then so be it. If I have to write drivel well then that’s what gets written. But I don’t let the screen terrorize me.

  • @briantrainsforgettheshow4737
    @briantrainsforgettheshow4737 6 років тому

    I throw a tennis ball against the wall until my girlfriend screams at me and I realize that done is often better than perfect, and that since I like sleeping with her, I better do something about getting some work done before she kicks me to the curb..... Then I tell a story about my girlfriend long before getting to the point of whatever I'm talking about. ||Like button smashed||

  • @sarahgoldsbury4013
    @sarahgoldsbury4013 6 років тому

    If I stop trying then ideas come to me and connect themselves in new ways. It's when I TRY that nothing happens.
    I don't share my ideas before I start working on them anymore. If I tell someone, then I feel this huge pressure to deliver something perfect and never end up following through.

  • @NatalieHjelsvold
    @NatalieHjelsvold 6 років тому

    I always have a notebook with me and super fun blue or black ink for this girl. When I get inspired, I put fingers to keys and write. I can sit and write for an hour if I get the spark. I love mind maps too to get my thoughts organized. I rarely run ideas past friends or peers, often you get dozens of opinions and none of them matter to my biz and when I'm inspired my ego doesn't need the bashing...LOL

  • @cococolonel
    @cococolonel 6 років тому

    In the middle of this “do it anyway because that’s the only way it’ll get done” phase when selling stuff online. That’s and fighting the temptation to compare myself to people more established.😑

  • @abderrahmandouara9973
    @abderrahmandouara9973 6 років тому

    I think it's better to set the title to: The Truth About Creativity and Competition, people attend to fear competition, so the title will grab more viewers, just an opinion

  • @jbrisland
    @jbrisland 6 років тому

    My process - i try to give myself enough time to let the idea sit in the back of my mind, developing, as I am going about my day to day tasks. Then when I sit down to actually work I feel I have a lot more to work with than just a little idea.

  • @a3person
    @a3person 6 років тому

    I draw something every single day... and keep a list of ideas which I add onto as soon as I get ideas so if I run out of ideas I always have a library of 'em to choose from.

  • @AdamDobay
    @AdamDobay 6 років тому

    The cycle never changes. Inspiration. Early boost. Gritty middle. Doubts. Looming failure. Rock bottom. Decision point. Completion/Letting go/Taking a break. New cycle.
    I've been writing professionally for 15+ years now. This never changes. Not with the length. Not with the format - website? sales page? tv episode script? Same cycle.
    One thing that did change: I realized the crucial part sleep plays in all this. If you're fatigued, run out of creative juice, stress out, and you don't go and rest, you won't get your mojo back. If you go sleep it off, you've got much better chances of finishing.

  • @OurKitchenClassroom
    @OurKitchenClassroom 6 років тому

    My creative process all runs through my digital brain (a.k.a. my camera). I take pictures of the unique ingredients we find in shops and farmer's markets around the world, then I photograph the process of working with my 7-year-old son (Our Litlle Sous) as we transform those foods into dishes that we love! We learn SO much as we grow, shop for, prepare, and share these meals with friends and family in our travels. Some of these pictures eventually make their way into social media posts, my blog, and my first book, 'The Ultimate Guide to Cooking with Children.'

  • @arcangel5598
    @arcangel5598 6 років тому

    This is what i actually am gioing through

  • @tiranorod
    @tiranorod 6 років тому

    Usually whenever I go through a creative process is in the middle of something completely unrelated with the process itself. For example I am running or exercising and I have an idea of a blog post, or I am working at the bisiness side of my blog and I have an exercise epiphany. So I try to keep a record of ideas in my evernote and brainstorm them something like your process of writing ideas in a paper and fusing them into something "new". It's usually very messy too but I try to get it all done before having some social proof and try to link it to something that I know can be a pain to my aidience.

  • @JohanCedervallTE23Franklinsgym
    @JohanCedervallTE23Franklinsgym 9 місяців тому

    I did it and failed

  • @nikkil9311
    @nikkil9311 6 років тому

    Thanks for the little dose of reality! It's good to know that I am not alone. :D

  • @domyon
    @domyon 4 роки тому

    OK I know no one really cares but I’m a musician, and back then it used to be really easy for me to just make shit and put it out but now my friends and other people around me in my city are starting to be more supportive of it, and before I knew it, I realized it had been a few months and I had not released anything while also people that used to hate on me for doing my music one way, now do theirs the same way they used to hate on me for. im trynna get back in flow

  • @dianatower2165
    @dianatower2165 6 років тому +2

    Im not really sure that I have a process but usually I’ll get ideas for blog posts from questions that people ask me, or my own personal experiences.
    I like to take funny, annoying or interesting situations that have nothing to do with community strategy and somehow connect them to it.
    I also like to have fun, so making silly GIFs for my posts is totally part of the process. :)

  • @JayLance
    @JayLance 6 років тому +1

    Alright, Derek... now you know "getting stuck creatives unstuck" is my bag! SO if you were asking me (you're not, but let's pretend, for my ego, OK?! Haha!) I'd say this: it seems like you're either you're including outside feedback into your process WAY too early, or you're not getting feedback from the right people. The LAST thing people need is a "Doubting Thomas" in the mix when we're early in our creative process. There's a time and a place for "poking holes" in an idea, but if your second step after coming up with an idea is to call someone, then that someone better be able to convey some sort of sincere "You can do it! Explore that idea! You're amazing" vibe. It's already dark enough in a creative's head without someone else piling on! Anyway, all hypothetical, I know, but I tell clients more-or-less this on the regular because EVERYONE goes through it on the way to birthing a new idea! Keep on keepin' on, man!

  • @travelfoodielove
    @travelfoodielove 6 років тому

    Love the intro

  • @speakingeffortlessly1137
    @speakingeffortlessly1137 6 років тому +1

    I've stopped sharing my ideas a long time ago since the feedback I get is often non-constructive at best and detrimental at worst. If I do share them, it's usually after I've written it or fleshed it out a bit. That way I can either edit if I do get good feedback or just tell myself screw it, it's already written anyway so might as well publish it.

  • @travelfoodielove
    @travelfoodielove 6 років тому


  • @GingerVertican
    @GingerVertican 6 років тому +2

    But wait. The hook! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    • @CathySirvatka
      @CathySirvatka 6 років тому +1

      I thought the same thing!! Haha!

    • @DerekHalpern
      @DerekHalpern  6 років тому +1

      Ginger Vertican rules are meant to broken lol

    • @GingerVertican
      @GingerVertican 6 років тому

      Derek Halpern you're a rebel at heart.