Deep in History -The Schism: Influences from Henry VIII to Elizabeth - Msgr Frank Lane

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @AusDavid12
    @AusDavid12 8 років тому +58

    I'm from Australia. Was baptised Catholic but brought up Protestant. The British monarch is also our monarch and at school we made a pledge to the Queen every Monday and sang God Save the Queen. Catholics were seen as somehow less loyal or less authentic Australians by many Protestants. The Queen was Protestant after all. As I got older and less happy with Protestantism I still could not bring myself to become Catholic. I looked into Orthodoxy but after much praying and reading I knew I must look to something bigger than my old outlook and came home to the true faith of the Holy Catholic Church.

    • @clivejames5058
      @clivejames5058 8 років тому +10

      I'm English and grew up Anglican but once I studied history and realised the Anglican Church only came about because Henry VIIIth wanted a son I realised I had no choice but to return to Catholicism. Do Evangelicals realise that Christ is always present in the Catholic Eucharist and it was Archbishop Cranmer, who decided to drop it?

    • @adamhovey407
      @adamhovey407 8 років тому +5

      AusDavid12 welcome to the church welcome home God bless you America is a Protestant country but we don't have a monarch. Catholics are about one-fourth of the population here so we're a minority but we're a large minority. With regards to Anglicans we usually call them Episcopal or Episcopalian here. usually if you see a church in the United States that says Anglican on it it's a breakaway church from the Episcopal Church. I have a friend of mine that belongs to the Anglican Church in North America her church exists because they were upset with the direction the Episcopal Church was going in with accepting gay marriage and what not. Now, with regards to Orthodoxy it is very beautiful Byzantine worship is beautiful but the problem is is that you still have that doctrinal chaos that exists in anglicanism. now if you like the worship of Orthodoxy but still want to be loyal to the Pope I would suggest looking into something like the melkite Greek Catholic church or the Ukrainian Greek Catholic church or the ruthenian Byzantine Catholic church or the Greek Byzantine Catholic church or one of the other Byzantine liturgical Rite churches

    • @marcporter77
      @marcporter77 7 років тому +3

      There is a plaque in the middle of the road, near Marble Arch, which marks the spot of the torture of Catholics.

    • @joecastillo8798
      @joecastillo8798 4 роки тому +4

      @Gerry Hagen
      Your comments reflect such woeful ignorance.
      When you become intellectually curious and decide to search for historical facts, you will feel so ashamed of your assumptions.
      I will leave you with some facts to pique your curiosity.
      ●Protestantism is the vision of a man named Luther who wanted things done according to his will.
      ●Catholicism is the action of God among His people, to be done according to His Holy Will.
      How did that happen?
      First, God the Son becomes human and is named Jesus. This occurs through the free assent of a woman, named Mary, who becomes His mother.
      Second, at age 33 Jesus tells a man, named Simon, that he will be called Cephas, Rock, and that He will build His Church upon him.
      What happened?
      Jesus built the Catholic Church on Peter, with a solemn and divine promise:
      MATTHEW 16:18-19
      18. And I tell YOU, YOU are PETER, and on THIS ROCK I will BUILD MY CHURCH, and the powers of death SHALL NOT PREVAIL against it. .
      19. I will GIVE YOU the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you BIND on earth shall be BOUND in HEAVEN, and whatever you LOOSE on earth shall be LOOSED in HEAVEN.”
      MATTHEW 28:19-20
      19. Therefore go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS (Catholic), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
      20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the very end of the age.”
      That's exactly what happened! The Catholic Church is here today and will continue to exist until the end of times, just as Jesus promised.
      The protestant proposition, on the other hand, is the product of wishful thinking of wanting God's word to be according to a preferred human way and outcome.
      In contrast, Jesus proposition is the real action of God, carried out as He promised; which is saving humanity through His death and resurrection, perpetuated in an ever and present act that is known as A EUCHARISTIC OBLATION, predicted by a Prophet:
      MALACHI 1:11
      11. For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering; for my name is great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.
      Dr. Heinisch, an Old Testament scholar, comments: “The prophecy of Malachi is fulfilled in the sacrifice of holy Mass. Here we have a true sacrifice; the object is the purest possible - the Son of God, and the Offerer, the Savior through the hands of the priest. It is, moreover, offered in all places throughout the world” (Christ in Prophecy, p.173)
      What does that mean for us?
      After the consecration at Mass, the prayer of the Church universal and especially the congregation assembled in which the immaculate Victim, the Son, is offered to God the Father in the Holy Spirit. The oblation means that the faithful offer up not only Christ but themselves in union with him. He died on His cross; they are to die to themselves on their cross and thus merit the graces that only sacrifice can merit before God.
      In the Mass, therefore, Christ is no longer alone on the cross. As in any other sacrament, the Mass is an action of Christ and also of the Church. At the moment of the preparation of the gifts the entire Church presents itself for sacrifice with Christ.
      We have testimonies from the very beginning of the life of the Church that Christians had the celebration of the holy Mass on Sunday, the Lord's day, when the victory and triumph of the Lord's death became present.
      In the Old Testament, the Jews rested on Saturday, giving thanks to God for the gift of creation. In the New Testament, we catholics celebrate a new creation, to the life of grace: a supernatural creation far superior to the material creation of the world. No wonder, the Church requires, under pain of mortal sin, that we go to Mass at least on Sunday.
      This is 2,000 years of truth, according to Jesus holy will.
      God bless.

    • @RC-vx3nv
      @RC-vx3nv 4 роки тому

      @Gerry Hagen

  • @johnphelan8300
    @johnphelan8300 2 роки тому

    Father has delivered to us in an authentic and euridte manner a truly powerful and challenging lesson of history. It was thoroughly enjoyable to hear and he deserves to be acknowledged. I have always found it fascinating that, when the teachings of the Church are explained, in the manner articulated by Father, my spirit is uplifted and a strange and beautiful calm decends.

  • @johnpoag7073
    @johnpoag7073 6 місяців тому

    Excellent Historical teaching.learn from History or you’re doomed to repeat it.

    @JGGREY 6 років тому +8

    Hello, I was just wondering if Msgr Frank Lane had written any books. He is such a good lecturer

  • @timothypawlaczyk8422
    @timothypawlaczyk8422 3 роки тому

    Thank you again Msgr. Frank. Clear food for thought.

  • @gatekeeper96740
    @gatekeeper96740 8 років тому +18

    I listen to these lectures several times,take notes and I hunt for more information on each subject.
    He didn't mention the 9 years war of Elizabeth the First, where Spain and Ireland went against Protestant England.
    Ireland lost and the Lords fled to France.
    That's when England STOLE N.Ireland from Ireland and gave it to the Scots in 1609.
    The Irish were actually the first slaves into the Colonies for the crime of being Catholic.. The BBC Scotland has even done a special on the Irish slave trade.
    The Special is called" Barbado'd Scotland's Sugar Slaves"

    • @khongcogihetdau
      @khongcogihetdau 5 років тому +1

      There are many England Colonies around the world. Protestant England you got blood in your hand, isn't it?
      War between countries had nothing to do with Protestant or Catholic.

    • @MsHburnett
      @MsHburnett 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you for info

    • @Dannyboy0202
      @Dannyboy0202 2 роки тому

      England took control of Ireland in the 1100s after the English pope at the time granted king George permission to invade. There has never been an English pope since.

  • @mikky4712
    @mikky4712 8 років тому +13

    amazing video. forever Catholic

  • @ntombizethugebashe1067
    @ntombizethugebashe1067 6 років тому +2

    Thank you Lord Jesus! In faith there's only hope! I wil remain Catholic forever. You're such a blessing May God bless you!

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 2 роки тому

    I didn't ask for an informercial on no sugar drinks! Hillsdale College infomercials galore! Clogs up videos.

  • @marylynnmazzocco5367
    @marylynnmazzocco5367 3 роки тому

    How much further we have come.

  • @famelio1235
    @famelio1235 8 років тому +5

    AusDavid, welcome to the way of Christ crucified...welcome to the charity of the body of Christ!

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 2 роки тому

    What about the RCC persecutions of Anglicans and the Huguenots on ST BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY.....many innocent Protestants died.

    • @csbstudios9979
      @csbstudios9979 Рік тому +2

      While there were no Anglicans present at Saint Bartholomew's day Massacre, it doesn't make protestants innocent. The massacre had taken place well after the persecutions of Catholics had begun in England.

  • @tigerboy1966
    @tigerboy1966 7 років тому +1

    "Cram-ner"?, "See-sill"? Someone needs to have a little word with the Monsignor about English pronunciation.

    • @cp2410
      @cp2410 4 роки тому +1

      How about Limeys pronouncing the word "schedule" as SHED-YULE? To quote Prof. Henry Higgins, "Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?"

  • @TheYuukosan
    @TheYuukosan 4 роки тому


  • @davidarcudi230
    @davidarcudi230 3 роки тому

    Monsignor frank lane

  • @Itsatz0
    @Itsatz0 8 років тому +3

    Thanks for exposing the mental illness we call Christianity.

  • @TheYuukosan
    @TheYuukosan 4 роки тому

    Sorry, but... (#&(/"ch plzz.... teologia never was a means to explain or transcend anything... it's just a means to integrate and contemplate (and then they made it a degree e with very very clever standards). ;) (this speaker is way out of spirit neutrality and goodness...)History told to those who can't really argue it.. is just... DC Comics ;)