Important clarification: Please refer to this twitter thread 🧵 below, it will clear up something I mentioned in this seminar which lead to a part going viral on twitter.
@رحيم Perhaps the brother used the opportunity to educate him that it ultimately comes from Allah. He is also said "by the permission of Allah". This also applies with the Ayah you have quoted akhi
@@osman.s1405 JazakAllahu Khayran. Yes exactly what I meant. Guidance can be done by a means through a person but the guidance is ultimately from Allah.
Prophet Muhammad said: 'shall I direct you to something that if you said it, Allah would remove from you the minor and the major shirk, they said of course O messenger of Allah!' He directed them to say, O Allah I seek refuge in You from committing shirk knowingly and I ask You for your forgiveness for what I don't know. Source: al-Adab al-Mufrad 715 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani. This is a tremendous du'a. Memorize and keep making this du'a.
May Allah please keep us all on the straight path and help us to be Steadfast in our actions and deeds! Save us from the torments of the HellFire! Ameen 🧡🙏💙
والحمد لله Can't wait may Allah reward and ease your affairs in this world and the hereafter O Brother,May Allah have mercy on your family and beloved parents,Aameen !!
May Allah, the Most High, raise you in this life and the next and forgive your sins and continue to be merciful to you and protect you and guide you even more and bless you wherever you may be. May Allah, The generous and appreciative give you jannatul-Firdaus and make you meeting with Allah easy and quick. May Allah grant the final messenger the highest place in jannah and send blessing and peace upon him SAWS ameen
Riyad as-Salihin 1102 'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The two Rak'ah before the dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all it contains." [Muslim]
Salam 3alaikuma wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu, ajy i agree that the grand majority of muslims in the time of spain where weak, but please dont forget the ones who died as martirs in or after battles may god be pleased with their sacrifice, this families stood up while the rest converted to christianity or escaped. Jazzak lahu jairan 🤲🏻
I never allow my kids to watch magic shows n read bks like harry porter…. Sleeping beauty n the like. Empower children with stories of the prophets n sahabahs to strengthen their faith. In syaa Allah.
Shaykh you mentioned you are Ba'Alawi by heritage, which Ba'Alawi family do you descend from? I follow the teachings of the Ba'Alawi and Habib Umar. So I always have love foe the Ba'Alawi sadat ❤ Allah bless you brother
Sister aisha walaahy im in mugdisho now..every girl woman granny is using skin break my answer ur like u saying allah is wrong doing..for giving me bad skin.....and ur crecting what allah is happy whit it when he make u and give u that color dark skin.....but u changing what allah was happy whit it.....i hope alllah forgive me....becouse this is my own knowledge... .i hope allah forgive me if im wrong
2:06:52 According to Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem, he says that if one apostated from Islam, then when he embraces Islam, his islam will be accepted even though the person does not have remorse. Remorse is important when a person commits a major sin or minor kufr or minor shirk. Because prophet Muhammad (SAW) said Remorse is repentance. So what is your opinion on this? Assim al hakeem video about 'one coming back to Islam after Apostated'
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When a man calls his brother an unbeliever, it turns against at least to one of them. Either the accused is as he claimed, or else the charge will turn against him.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5753
Is there a way for us to get the answer here after Ustaadh later gets back to the brother who asked about which he should prioritize between 'umrah, and ticket for his mum, please? JazaakaLlaahu khayraa
notes: If we spent the whole day talking about towhead and shirk there would be no harm in that If we take our mind of towhead we will slip For example Spain Defeat can be cause by our sins Difference between aqeedah and towheed Aqeedah meens creed Towhead means oneness of Allah - towhead is a part of aqeedah Saying I swear on my dead nans grave is minor shirk “Whoever swears by other than Allah has committed shirk” prophet PBUH Star signs are shirk We should get angry for the sake of Allah when someone has a wrong aqeedah and we should not argue over aqeedah Although we should not be a fool and get angry all the time and we should use wisdom and mostly use good manners. If it becomes hard then remember than remember no-one is worse than firawn and were not better than musa and haroon and they made sure to have good character when talking with firawn Your actions won’t get accepted If you don’t believe in qadr IBN QAYYIM SAID HIKMA IS TO DO THINGS THAT ARE APPROPRIATE AT A TIME THAT IS APPROPRIATE IN A MANNER THAT IS APPROPRIATE If you thank Allah, Allah will give you more The way to contain the blessings of Allah is to be thankful Saying that you reached a state is a trait of qaroon and Allah cause the earth to swallow up qaroon The 3rd pillar of thanks is to use the blessings in the way of Allah SWT Allah doesn’t need our thanks Sometimes we throw Allahs blessings back eg. A person begs Allah for good grades then when he gets it he then throws a party with music and free mixing Imagine if Allah takes our hearing away, so therefore we should make thanks that he didn’t take it Don’t say “why always me” It might be something that you dislike but it might be goodness Sometimes we need to have patience when this happens We should always hold back our tounge from complaining Sometimes if we complain Allah will hold back relief Hold back our limbs from disobedience 2 sins don’t make a right When we sins then make forgiveness The prophet PBUH said the son of Adam always makes mistakes The best of those who constantly sin are the one that seek forgiveness Avoid settings that drag us into a dark hole and make sure you lower your gaze sometimes when walking hold a finger infront to make sure to lower the gaze Make sure to keep your young moist in the remembrance of Allah TAWHEED IS SINGLING OUT ALLAH WITH WHAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO HIM SHIRK IS TO ATRIBUTE SOMETHING ONLY ALLAH HAS TO OTHER THAN HIM There are 3 type of sins that tarnish towhead 1. Minor shirk 2. Innovations 3. Sins The sins that we commit are the path for shirk Action of worship can’t be classified as acts of worship without tawheed Just like salah can’t be called salah without purification If shirk entered in act of worship it will be unaccepted Make due that allah makes us die as a muslim Allahuma yanqalibil quloob thabit qalbi alaa deenik Intercession is of 2 types 1. Negated requesting from other than allah that they don’t have the power for 2. Allowed asking Worshiping idles isn’t the only type of shirk The mushriks today are worse than the past EXPLANATION Before they knew the meaning of there is no god but allah, but today they don’t even know what it means Knowledge is a condition of the shahadah Now days people call on other people but the people of the past used to call on allah in trouble may allah forgive you and me for our shortcomings and enter us into jannah ameen
even if you disagree with asking the prophet (saw) at his grave to make dua to Allah, how do arrive at the conclusion its shirk? most you can say its wrong or innovation as they do NOT asking rasoolullah (saw) directly which would be shirk.
@@hukmmalayalam5254 99% of Muslims and ahle sunnah (which doesn't include najdis) all affirm rasoolullah (saw) and ambiya are alive in their graves and can hear when when you're at their graves. So why wouldn't you ask the greatest man and most closes man to Allah to make dua for you? Abubakr (ra) and many sahabab used to ask the prophet for duas so will you make same statement to them?
@@mkdon101 let say i want a car. in sha allah assume am at the grave of Muhammed(saw) can I make dua like this: "o prophet of allah, please ask allah to get me a car" ?
@@hukmmalayalam5254 why wud u make a petty dua? Ask rasoolullah (saw) to ask Allah for forgiveness and death on imaan. Unless u value getting a car over hidaaya
1:55:33 subhanallah I love listening to Abu Taymiyyah but subhanallah these pseudo salafi guys make the most extreme and disgusting examples for some weird reason 🤦🏾♂️. I thank Allah Abu Taymiyyah retracted that weird comparison in one of his latest videos 😮💨
Dear ustadh a lot of people watch you who are ill from home as well please don’t belittle our actions in seeking some knowledge and reminders, jazzakAllah Khair🥲 Salam alaikom wrwb, a sister from Amsterdam ❤
@@AbutaymiyyahMJ Salam alaikom dear ustadh wallahi my brother I didn’t mean it in the way I might have written it, I ment more give the audience at home some of their rights as your followers/students as well and take us along in your supplications etc/ adress us at home as well, some of us follow you from over seas u know?!.. wallahi it wasn’t in a negative manner because someone with your humbleness would never belittle anyone’s actions! we as your students aren’t blind either barakallahu feik😅 sincere apologies 🙏🏽🤲🏼❤️
Is it true that Imam Ahmed, Ibn taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim allowed reciting Quran for the dead? Some people say they believe you can share the reward of reciting the Quran for the dead so that they can benefit from it. How true is this? And also did Imam Ahmed allow tawwasul through Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him?
The tawassul is not worshiping other than allah but is asking allah through a good deed ( oh allah, if i did this for your sake please give me that) or through allahs names and attribute ( ya ghafuur yaa rahiim give me that ) and lastly through the prophet (oh allah give me that for the sake of your prophet) the first two are agreed upon as for the last the minority of the major ulama ( such as ibn abdulwahab) say its shirk.
And your allowed to read quran for the dead as the prophet done this the last time he visited the graveyards of the martyrs of uhud. I hope that helps and may allah forgive us and the muslimiin and resurrect us among the muttaqiin and make our state easy in this world and the next. May allah guide us to the haq wherever it is and wnter us in jannah fardows al a'la without any punishment or reckoning 🤲
@@user-rj8oj7bl2n { وَٱلَّذِینَ جَاۤءُو مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ یَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا وَلِإِخۡوَ ٰنِنَا ٱلَّذِینَ سَبَقُونَا بِٱلۡإِیمَـٰنِ وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ فِی قُلُوبِنَا غِلࣰّا لِّلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ رَبَّنَاۤ إِنَّكَ رَءُوفࣱ رَّحِیمٌ } [Surah Al-Hashr: 10] if it's only for the offspring, did allah send this ayah by mistake as there is prayer for the muslims before us? اعوذ بالله
@@user-rj8oj7bl2n what about the dua the prophet tought us. اللهم اغفر المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات انك سميع قريب مجيب الدعوات؟
People who want to get closer to their Lord. You don't need to watch it in one sitting akhi and an advice, start getting used to watching at 2x speed it will save you lots of time in your life.
@@hmzzrg5045 I have been listening to Islamic lectures for 10 years already... Lesson longer than 1 hour cannot be consumed in one day, unless person does nothing else and study only. I listened to 7 hours "Light upon Light" 2023, took me 3 days at holidays... Normally this would take one week. 3.5 hours would take like 3 days in my current routine
How is watching magic dangerous if you believe it's all BS and believe only in Allah and his power? Same as swearing on ones mother's life for example, you dont actually believe your mother is a god, right? I listen to Ustaad a lot I think he is very good but these examples dont sit well with me for some reason.
Also the issue of making du'a to Muhammed SWS to ask Allah, the person doesn't believe he is making du'a, he stands by the grave and believes the dead can hear and simply asks Prophet to ask Allah. Not something I would ever do but dont we need to be careful what we label shirk? Didnt Ibn Taymiyyah among others refrain from calling this shirk? What do we day about those scholars then?
Whatever ustaadh Abu Taymiyyah or students of knowledge who has taken their knowledge from the senior scholars and refer back and teach from the books of the scholars( which is the correct source) Is information that will be backed up with evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. Watching magic is haram, it is trickery and deception and the scholars have a good reason to warn against it. there may be many dangers to it one is not aware of.. and inclines and desensitizes one’s heart towards evil.. isn’t that the way of the world now to desensitize by Trojan horsing till one accepts evil and loses baseline morality while he himself not being aware of it .. shaytaan works in a very subtle manner brother eg Dynamo.. even the disbelieving folk out there debate on his association with black magic.. in addition to a lot of other magicians out there who is accused of the same. Magic is a very dangerous affair, this is coming from a person who has seen the horror of its reality. About the doubt on Tawhid, Brother May Allah give you the Tawfiq to read and sit through a lecture of kitaabul Tawhid. May Allah guide you And grant you security with Tawhid. Pls stay away from praying to anyone except to Allah jala wa ula. It’s as straightforward as that.. it secures your future and saves from an eternity in hell. May Allah bless you and guide you
@@mammushameera good advice. Agreed, some magic if you believe in it is without a doubt kufr and shirk. I'm just making the point that merely watching a video clip with some illusions and you know that it is just a trick, you are even thinking what trick the person did to cause the illusion because you dont believe in any power but Allah, then how can we label this shirk? So every muslim that watched some kids perform some tricks on Britain's got Talent are we saying they have all fell into shirk. I wouldn't say so.
Important clarification:
Please refer to this twitter thread 🧵 below, it will clear up something I mentioned in this seminar which lead to a part going viral on twitter.
Salam alaikum ❤
I dont know who to trust anymore😢 please i need guidance as well ❤
I will lift up everything to allah❤❤❤
Insha’ allah everything will be alright❤❤❤
Sh abutaymiyah u really changed my life may Allah reward you for that 🙏
Changed your life with the permission of Allah. Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah is only a means. Guidance is from Allah. May Allah bless you.
@رحيم Perhaps the brother used the opportunity to educate him that it ultimately comes from Allah. He is also said "by the permission of Allah". This also applies with the Ayah you have quoted akhi
@@osman.s1405 JazakAllahu Khayran. Yes exactly what I meant. Guidance can be done by a means through a person but the guidance is ultimately from Allah.
@@AH-il8sp wa iyaak
Sheikh, i love to listen to u so much. Ur lectures helps me a lot. May Allah protect u always. Aameen. Millions of love from 🇲🇻
Prophet Muhammad said: 'shall I direct you to something that if you said it, Allah would remove from you the minor and the major shirk, they said of course O messenger of Allah!' He directed them to say, O Allah I seek refuge in You from committing shirk knowingly and I ask You for your forgiveness for what I don't know. Source: al-Adab al-Mufrad 715 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani. This is a tremendous du'a. Memorize and keep making this du'a.
Allahumma inna na'oothu bika min an nushrika bika shay'an na'lamuh, wa nastaghfiruka lima la na'lamuh
الَّلهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ أَنْ أُشْرِكَ بِكَ وأَنا أَعلَمُ وأَستَغفِرُكَ لما لا أَعلَمُ
and the Salafiyyah and Wahabiyyah ignore it completely
@@Saber23where is it said they do
May Allah please keep us all on the straight path and help us to be Steadfast in our actions and deeds! Save us from the torments of the HellFire! Ameen 🧡🙏💙
this is nonsense, a Salafi can't lecture someone on shirk when they believe in a man god with a beard and a mustache 🤦♂
Allah SWT Thank you for the day & night. Thank you for Islamic guidance.Allahumma Ameen.
We love Allah SWT & Muhammed SAW.
والحمد لله
Can't wait may Allah reward and ease your affairs in this world and the hereafter O Brother,May Allah have mercy on your family and beloved parents,Aameen !!
Allahumma barik my brother Abu taymiyyah
JazakAllah khairun for sharing, brilliant and very informative.
May Allah, the Most High, raise you in this life and the next and forgive your sins and continue to be merciful to you and protect you and guide you even more and bless you wherever you may be. May Allah, The generous and appreciative give you jannatul-Firdaus and make you meeting with Allah easy and quick. May Allah grant the final messenger the highest place in jannah and send blessing and peace upon him SAWS ameen
BarakAllahu fik ustaath Insha’Allah Allah reward u for the knowledge u have shared❤️❤️❤️❤️
ma shaa Allah
Brothers please like and share the videos so that we might also have part in the thawab of the sahih dawah. JazakAllah Khairan.
Jazaakallaahu khayran
Jazak Allahu khayr
May Allah reward this brother some people just can’t take the truth .
جزاك الله خيراً
جزاكم الله خيراً
O Allah please keep us far away from committing SHIRK! Especially the hidden SHIRK that we don't even know about! Ameen 🤍🤔🤍
Ameen Assalamualykum
الحمد لله حاضر وجزاكم الله خيرا
Riyad as-Salihin 1102
'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The two Rak'ah before the dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all it contains."
Salam 3alaikuma wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu, ajy i agree that the grand majority of muslims in the time of spain where weak, but please dont forget the ones who died as martirs in or after battles may god be pleased with their sacrifice, this families stood up while the rest converted to christianity or escaped. Jazzak lahu jairan 🤲🏻
Thank you for pointing it out. Just came back from his apology video.
thats so messed up
As he said, bad choice of words. Yet the point he was trying to make is clear. @@Дэни-д6ю
May Allah bless u
started watching 5:57 am IST
Bind any thing seen and unseen with the Creator of Death life all seen unseen who we all will stand before
I never allow my kids to watch magic shows n read bks like harry porter…. Sleeping beauty n the like.
Empower children with stories of the prophets n sahabahs to strengthen their faith. In syaa Allah.
Assalamu Aleikum to all brothers and sisters in Islam
Can you do a series on kitaab at tawheed 😭😭
Watch yasin munye’s series
Shaykh you mentioned you are Ba'Alawi by heritage, which Ba'Alawi family do you descend from?
I follow the teachings of the Ba'Alawi and Habib Umar. So I always have love foe the Ba'Alawi sadat ❤
Allah bless you brother
Salam alaykom. These countdowns contains music, any way to remove or disable them?
I think it's from UA-cam
Sheikh can you please give a lecture about skin bleaching which is predominant in somali communities, subxanallah even men have started now
Sister aisha walaahy im in mugdisho now..every girl woman granny is using skin break my answer ur like u saying allah is wrong doing..for giving me bad skin.....and ur crecting what allah is happy whit it when he make u and give u that color dark skin.....but u changing what allah was happy whit it.....i hope alllah forgive me....becouse this is my own knowledge...
.i hope allah forgive me if im wrong
Can you explain about saints? What does it mean ?
2:06:52 According to Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem, he says that if one apostated from Islam, then when he embraces Islam, his islam will be accepted even though the person does not have remorse. Remorse is important when a person commits a major sin or minor kufr or minor shirk. Because prophet Muhammad (SAW) said Remorse is repentance. So what is your opinion on this?
Assim al hakeem video about 'one coming back to Islam after Apostated'
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When a man calls his brother an unbeliever, it turns against at least to one of them. Either the accused is as he claimed, or else the charge will turn against him.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5753
أحسن الله إليكم
Will the full course be uploaded إن شاء اللَّٰه?
Yes the full 3.5 hours
@@AbutaymiyyahMJ جزاكم اللَّٰه خيرًا كثيرا
@@AbutaymiyyahMJhey is what you have in the beggining of the video counted as music
Allahu Akbar
Gold mine , thank you jazzakAllah khair
....I heed and extract guidance from your khutbah/lectures, too. Salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa further comment.
Can u guys mention the 4 principles here
Is there a way for us to get the answer here after Ustaadh later gets back to the brother who asked about which he should prioritize between 'umrah, and ticket for his mum, please?
JazaakaLlaahu khayraa
Can we ask questions?
Why the music in the beginning
Its nasheed foo.
Not the seal of Prophets pbuh felt save . The Mercy is what we all seek.
If we spent the whole day talking about towhead and shirk there would be no harm in that
If we take our mind of towhead we will slip
For example Spain
Defeat can be cause by our sins
Difference between aqeedah and towheed
Aqeedah meens creed
Towhead means oneness of Allah - towhead is a part of aqeedah
Saying I swear on my dead nans grave is minor shirk
“Whoever swears by other than Allah has committed shirk” prophet PBUH
Star signs are shirk
We should get angry for the sake of Allah when someone has a wrong aqeedah and we should not argue over aqeedah
Although we should not be a fool and get angry all the time and we should use wisdom and mostly use good manners.
If it becomes hard then remember than remember no-one is worse than firawn and were not better than musa and haroon and they made sure to have good character when talking with firawn
Your actions won’t get accepted If you don’t believe in qadr
If you thank Allah, Allah will give you more
The way to contain the blessings of Allah is to be thankful
Saying that you reached a state is a trait of qaroon and Allah cause the earth to swallow up qaroon
The 3rd pillar of thanks is to use the blessings in the way of Allah SWT
Allah doesn’t need our thanks
Sometimes we throw Allahs blessings back eg.
A person begs Allah for good grades then when he gets it he then throws a party with music and free mixing
Imagine if Allah takes our hearing away, so therefore we should make thanks that he didn’t take it
Don’t say “why always me”
It might be something that you dislike but it might be goodness
Sometimes we need to have patience when this happens
We should always hold back our tounge from complaining
Sometimes if we complain Allah will hold back relief
Hold back our limbs from disobedience
2 sins don’t make a right
When we sins then make forgiveness
The prophet PBUH said the son of Adam always makes mistakes
The best of those who constantly sin are the one that seek forgiveness
Avoid settings that drag us into a dark hole and make sure you lower your gaze sometimes when walking hold a finger infront to make sure to lower the gaze
Make sure to keep your young moist in the remembrance of Allah
There are 3 type of sins that tarnish towhead
1. Minor shirk
2. Innovations
3. Sins
The sins that we commit are the path for shirk
Action of worship can’t be classified as acts of worship without tawheed
Just like salah can’t be called salah without purification
If shirk entered in act of worship it will be unaccepted
Make due that allah makes us die as a muslim
Allahuma yanqalibil quloob thabit qalbi alaa deenik
Intercession is of 2 types
1. Negated requesting from other than allah that they don’t have the power for
2. Allowed asking
Worshiping idles isn’t the only type of shirk
The mushriks today are worse than the past
Before they knew the meaning of there is no god but allah, but today they don’t even know what it means
Knowledge is a condition of the shahadah
Now days people call on other people but the people of the past used to call on allah in trouble
may allah forgive you and me for our shortcomings and enter us into jannah ameen
What happened someone didn’t know it’s shirk? Would they go to hell. As I didn’t know it’s shirk. I’m so scared.
even if you disagree with asking the prophet (saw) at his grave to make dua to Allah, how do arrive at the conclusion its shirk? most you can say its wrong or innovation as they do NOT asking rasoolullah (saw) directly which would be shirk.
why you want to take such a route, when you can directly ask, ?
@@hukmmalayalam5254 99% of Muslims and ahle sunnah (which doesn't include najdis) all affirm rasoolullah (saw) and ambiya are alive in their graves and can hear when when you're at their graves. So why wouldn't you ask the greatest man and most closes man to Allah to make dua for you? Abubakr (ra) and many sahabab used to ask the prophet for duas so will you make same statement to them?
@@mkdon101 let say i want a car.
in sha allah assume am at the grave of Muhammed(saw)
can I make dua like this: "o prophet of allah, please ask allah to get me a car" ?
@@hukmmalayalam5254 why wud u make a petty dua? Ask rasoolullah (saw) to ask Allah for forgiveness and death on imaan. Unless u value getting a car over hidaaya
@@mkdon101 my dear, please answer the question.
1:55:33 subhanallah I love listening to Abu Taymiyyah but subhanallah these pseudo salafi guys make the most extreme and disgusting examples for some weird reason 🤦🏾♂️. I thank Allah Abu Taymiyyah retracted that weird comparison in one of his latest videos 😮💨
Yes even when I went to see him in real life he had an example with a brother and sister. I don’t know why.
Dear ustadh a lot of people watch you who are ill from home as well please don’t belittle our actions in seeking some knowledge and reminders, jazzakAllah Khair🥲
Salam alaikom wrwb, a sister from Amsterdam ❤
I belittled? U guys are doing amazing.
Wa alaikum salaam
@@AbutaymiyyahMJ Salam alaikom dear ustadh wallahi my brother I didn’t mean it in the way I might have written it, I ment more give the audience at home some of their rights as your followers/students as well and take us along in your supplications etc/ adress us at home as well, some of us follow you from over seas u know?!.. wallahi it wasn’t in a negative manner because someone with your humbleness would never belittle anyone’s actions! we as your students aren’t blind either barakallahu feik😅 sincere apologies 🙏🏽🤲🏼❤️
Can someone please tell me why this brother is wearing Hijab? I thoguth hijab was for women only?...
not hijab , yemeni culture
It’s not a hijab it’s a shemagh and it’s another style of wrapping it around
your head.
I know my question is the same why does he wear hijab
@@syasin4224 well I've seen many Yemeni brothers they don't wear hijab . Why he. Wears it 😆😆😆
@@hussainsharmin661 yall got something wrong if yall think this is hijab😂
Is it true that Imam Ahmed, Ibn taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim allowed reciting Quran for the dead?
Some people say they believe you can share the reward of reciting the Quran for the dead so that they can benefit from it.
How true is this? And also did Imam Ahmed allow tawwasul through Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him?
The tawassul is not worshiping other than allah but is asking allah through a good deed ( oh allah, if i did this for your sake please give me that) or through allahs names and attribute ( ya ghafuur yaa rahiim give me that ) and lastly through the prophet (oh allah give me that for the sake of your prophet) the first two are agreed upon as for the last the minority of the major ulama ( such as ibn abdulwahab) say its shirk.
And your allowed to read quran for the dead as the prophet done this the last time he visited the graveyards of the martyrs of uhud. I hope that helps and may allah forgive us and the muslimiin and resurrect us among the muttaqiin and make our state easy in this world and the next. May allah guide us to the haq wherever it is and wnter us in jannah fardows al a'la without any punishment or reckoning 🤲
@@youtubeuser6407inly prayer from their offspring will help no one else
{ وَٱلَّذِینَ جَاۤءُو مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ یَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا وَلِإِخۡوَ ٰنِنَا ٱلَّذِینَ سَبَقُونَا بِٱلۡإِیمَـٰنِ وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ فِی قُلُوبِنَا غِلࣰّا لِّلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ رَبَّنَاۤ إِنَّكَ رَءُوفࣱ رَّحِیمٌ }
[Surah Al-Hashr: 10]
if it's only for the offspring, did allah send this ayah by mistake as there is prayer for the muslims before us? اعوذ بالله
@@user-rj8oj7bl2n what about the dua the prophet tought us.
اللهم اغفر المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات انك سميع قريب مجيب الدعوات؟
This DEFFIENTLEY needs clarification 💀💀💀
I understood the points he was making, but I think the example he used was over the top and unnecessary.
This is a valuable content, but who can sit 3.5 hours straight? Human being attention span is 25 min only
People who want to get closer to their Lord. You don't need to watch it in one sitting akhi and an advice, start getting used to watching at 2x speed it will save you lots of time in your life.
@@hmzzrg5045 Akhi 2 times is excessive in my opinion, don't u think? It's like cheating 😀
@@hmzzrg5045 I have been listening to Islamic lectures for 10 years already... Lesson longer than 1 hour cannot be consumed in one day, unless person does nothing else and study only. I listened to 7 hours "Light upon Light" 2023, took me 3 days at holidays... Normally this would take one week. 3.5 hours would take like 3 days in my current routine
Not a Man angle Jinn women desire the sun moon stars
How is watching magic dangerous if you believe it's all BS and believe only in Allah and his power? Same as swearing on ones mother's life for example, you dont actually believe your mother is a god, right? I listen to Ustaad a lot I think he is very good but these examples dont sit well with me for some reason.
Also the issue of making du'a to Muhammed SWS to ask Allah, the person doesn't believe he is making du'a, he stands by the grave and believes the dead can hear and simply asks Prophet to ask Allah. Not something I would ever do but dont we need to be careful what we label shirk? Didnt Ibn Taymiyyah among others refrain from calling this shirk? What do we day about those scholars then?
Keep watching it then bro have fun 🤩
Whatever ustaadh Abu Taymiyyah or students of knowledge who has taken their knowledge from the senior scholars and refer back and teach from the books of the scholars( which is the correct source)
Is information that will be backed up with evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah.
Watching magic is haram, it is trickery and deception and the scholars have a good reason to warn against it.
there may be many dangers to it one is not aware of.. and inclines and desensitizes one’s heart towards evil.. isn’t that the way of the world now to desensitize by Trojan horsing till one accepts evil and loses baseline morality while he himself not being aware of it .. shaytaan works in a very subtle manner brother
eg Dynamo.. even the disbelieving folk out there debate on his association with black magic.. in addition to a lot of other magicians out there who is accused of the same.
Magic is a very dangerous affair, this is coming from a person who has seen the horror of its reality.
About the doubt on Tawhid, Brother May Allah give you the Tawfiq to read and sit through a lecture of kitaabul Tawhid. May Allah guide you And grant you security with Tawhid.
Pls stay away from praying to anyone except to Allah jala wa ula. It’s as straightforward as that.. it secures your future and saves from an eternity in hell.
May Allah bless you and guide you
@@Brother-Kavkaz with all respect if you cant answer remain silent.
@@mammushameera good advice. Agreed, some magic if you believe in it is without a doubt kufr and shirk. I'm just making the point that merely watching a video clip with some illusions and you know that it is just a trick, you are even thinking what trick the person did to cause the illusion because you dont believe in any power but Allah, then how can we label this shirk? So every muslim that watched some kids perform some tricks on Britain's got Talent are we saying they have all fell into shirk. I wouldn't say so.
This guy talked for 3hrs straight lol
Have u got issue
many professors do that across the world. Have you been to higher education?
Love u abu taymiyyah
Kitab At-Tauhid
Highly recommend it, the Sheikh briefly mentions it.