''I'm actually gonna follow the diet this time, because there's some reason I'm not getting into the condition I used to get into. With my abs deep and everything .. I wasn't seeing that so I said you know what.... I'm gonna cut ALL of the crap out.'' -Dexter Jackson #TimeToGetSerious
I usually watch these videos for the visuals. However, for some reason, this video just hit me very hard and it wasn't the visuals, it was the words of the BB's. Thank you!!!!!!
Thanks for these tips, I know on my example that nothing comes over night. Losing fat was so easy for me but getting muscle and strength was such a pain. It's not that I didn't know how to lift I just didn't eat enough and I didn't eat right food. I decided to get a meal plan, and when I got one from Next Level Diet things just started to get better and I realized what mistakes I have been doing.
CHARGE YOUR BODY BEFORE WORKOUTS! Nutrigo Lab Strength Nutrigo Lab Strength is a food supplement specially designed to improve your strength and endurance and to allow you to work out harder and better than before! It reinforces every single muscle fiber in your body allowing you to push yourself to the limits of your abilities and produce amazing results! ORDER NOW : nplink.net/2npmgdi2
I really like watching your videos, I know I’m a girl and I’ll never EVER get like these dudes nor do I want it but I love watching these for motivation for the gym. You always find the correct videos but I’m gonna dedicate myself to this cut!
Perfect time of the year for that cut motivation since everyone is cutting for summer. And for me personally to cut and remain as lean as I possibly can year round. Thanks for this! 💪🏻🏋🏻♂️🏃🏻♂️💧🔥
I got Covid for 2 weeks . Lost 10 pounds and feel very weak in term of muscle strength. Leg day today was my first workout and that Post Covid made it hard af.
I eat alot of oatmeal with a glass of homemade fruit smoothie and greek low fat yoghurt, with healthy granola as i feel that these things is easy to digest.
Great video brother. I just wish I could get back into training again and lose all this fat that I've gained and start building muscle again. But until I get my back fixed on screwed at the moment. But soon as I get my back fixed, I'll be back in the gym smashing weights getting stronger and turning that fat into muscle.
@@abe4645 unfortunately dieting doesn't work as because of my back which is still messed up, i cant exercise and when i push my body to do things, the next day im all messed up. But one of my other big hurdles is my Testosterone and HGH levels are in the toilet and until i get a doctor to listen to me and help me and realize im right and i know my body, losing weight is even harder. As i have No energy and im tired all the time and being depressed because of these things makes getting in shape almost impossible. Someday ill get back into shape, if doctors will help me, but until then im all messed up. But thankyou my male brother for the well wishes and advice👍👍👍👍
Oh yea it’s that time again seeing Lee Priest in the off-season to the contest shape phenomenal if the 212 class was back in the 90’s you know the show be all about Lee Priest vs Shawn Ray
@@shaidanwheel6199 330 lbs Nasser. No way Markus could have been more ripped than Nasser. Markus can only defeat Nasser in the back elsewhere Nasser mops the floor with Markus.
Some bad advice here people. Calorie deficit is the king of fat loss and the ONLY way to loose fat. Eat as much "clean food" as you want but it won't do anything. Do your morning cardio but it won't do anything. None of that matters unless you're in a calorie deficit. End of story.
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
희빈 장씨(1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁. 본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다. 1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다. 이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다. 이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다. 이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다. 이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다. 기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다. 이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다. 소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다. 그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다. 이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
Amazing muscular men !!!...Incredible physique... Very impressive strong and big muscles, Like the physical form of the Spartan warriors in the ancient Roman empire which was very legendary...The body shape is full of very artistic art...So stunning 😍😍😍...Cool men !!!...💖👉💪👍 ( Strong Muscle Lover )
Don't feel sorry. They've found purpose in life and love every minute of it. They know the dangers of what they do but why live a life not being happy with your self to live a few extra years.
You obviously do not know what it feels like. Literally feel like superman. Yes I know some guys die but they are obviously taking something they shouldn't. Too much insulin, hgh, pain pills etc.
''I'm actually gonna follow the diet this time, because there's some reason I'm not getting into the condition I used to get into. With my abs deep and everything .. I wasn't seeing that so I said you know what.... I'm gonna cut ALL of the crap out.'' -Dexter Jackson
Have a good start of the week everyone!! Hope you're all staying on track and feeling good ✊✊
I lifted reverse grip bench press 150 kg. Can you?
Dude keep doing what you were doing making this videos?
2:49 when the king comes... my whole body starts shaking... i love you king ron... thankyou nicardo your videos are amazing
I usually watch these videos for the visuals. However, for some reason, this video just hit me very hard and it wasn't the visuals, it was the words of the BB's. Thank you!!!!!!
I made a promise to myself that i was gonna come to the best shape of my life someday,,,,,dream gonna come true someday cause I'm still on the journey
Keep going , brother. I believe u
I'm in my best shape now at 40 yrs old. Been training regularly for 20 yrs now.
@@tarekhaouli4275 yeah I've made great improvements within the past one year
This is exactly what I needed to start my week off! Thanks Nico!
Thanks for these tips, I know on my example that nothing comes over night. Losing fat was so easy for me but getting muscle and strength was such a pain. It's not that I didn't know how to lift I just didn't eat enough and I didn't eat right food. I decided to get a meal plan, and when I got one from Next Level Diet things just started to get better and I realized what mistakes I have been doing.
Nutrigo Lab Strength
Nutrigo Lab Strength is a food supplement specially designed to improve your strength and endurance and to allow you to work out harder and better than before! It reinforces every single muscle fiber in your body allowing you to push yourself to the limits of your abilities and produce amazing results!
ORDER NOW : nplink.net/2npmgdi2
Right amount and right food
No hay gimnasio sin proteína en polvo, pero este culturista africano parece Jack-Samuel Kulbira14
"when you don't have a specific goal, you just drift around and not go anywhere"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Paul dillete bulking and cutting out of the world 🔥🔥🔥⚡💪
Nick walker beast ⚡⚡⚡⚡
Such a technical sport, just about the hardest sport in the world
I really like watching your videos, I know I’m a girl and I’ll never EVER get like these dudes nor do I want it but I love watching these for motivation for the gym. You always find the correct videos but I’m gonna dedicate myself to this cut!
thank you! love the channel. gives me fuel to keep pushing in my cut. no stopping now
Good to hear 👊
Perfect time of the year for that cut motivation since everyone is cutting for summer. And for me personally to cut and remain as lean as I possibly can year round. Thanks for this! 💪🏻🏋🏻♂️🏃🏻♂️💧🔥
Now it is bulk evry timme off the year!!!!
@@arvidreiemer5360 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@@SlipknotSevenfold1 🤜🤜🤜💪💪💪
@@arvidreiemer5360 get them gainz!
Just won my debut show. This is PRECISELY the video I needed.
The fact Nick is in these type of videos with all the old school bodybuilder era just shows how much of a legend he already is
Damn right!
@@harikrishnan680 post physique
Or that Colombian creatine I got from a lab
Lee Priest the freakist Transformation ever in Bodybuilding History.
your videos saves me from burning out
Exelente me gusto mucho los 90 es una de las mejores epocas del culturismo. Saludos desde chile 💪
watched it again this week and such a great vid
Lee’s a beast
Food is power!🏋️😎
Watched this through my morning cardio🙌🏾🙌🏾
This one is heavy for me right now. Let’s get shredded for the summer guys
90‘s era was the Best 👌
О да 90-е крутые были.✌️💪
Oh! Today is my rest day 😫
And this one 💪🏼😤🔥
I got Covid for 2 weeks . Lost 10 pounds and feel very weak in term of muscle strength. Leg day today was my first workout and that Post Covid made it hard af.
let’s get it bro you’re otw alr
@@legalizeit3094 wtf man. Dont be rude
Come back stronger brother 👊 Day by day, rep by rep
We are champion's 💪🏋️
Love to see that every bodybuilder every person in fitness knows how to cook their own food 🔥
I eat alot of oatmeal with a glass of homemade fruit smoothie and greek low fat yoghurt, with healthy granola as i feel that these things is easy to digest.
Thanks brother for a best video
👊 thanks for the support
Thank you, I needed this exactly. 💯
Ronnie is my all time favorite
Great video brother. I just wish I could get back into training again and lose all this fat that I've gained and start building muscle again.
But until I get my back fixed on screwed at the moment.
But soon as I get my back fixed, I'll be back in the gym smashing weights getting stronger and turning that fat into muscle.
Start dieting and doing cardio brother hope your back has gotten better
@@abe4645 unfortunately dieting doesn't work as because of my back which is still messed up, i cant exercise and when i push my body to do things, the next day im all messed up.
But one of my other big hurdles is my Testosterone and HGH levels are in the toilet and until i get a doctor to listen to me and help me and realize im right and i know my body, losing weight is even harder.
As i have No energy and im tired all the time and being depressed because of these things makes getting in shape almost impossible.
Someday ill get back into shape, if doctors will help me, but until then im all messed up.
But thankyou my male brother for the well wishes and advice👍👍👍👍
Keep up work man im hoing down on weight loss ♥️♥️♥️
Respect keep up the hard work
Just what I needed
Incredible work.. 🔥🔥🔥
keep going🔥🔥❤️🔥
Old is gold
Estos vídeos me dan la vida
Amazing video ❤❤❤
Heavy Machines 💪
Excellent video 💝the best shape💝super workout n super success👏👏👏
I’m being motivated. Thank you 🤝🏋🏾
Bro, more of Evan Centopani. Great work! 👍🏽
Great video. I needed that.
Oh yea it’s that time again seeing Lee Priest in the off-season to the contest shape phenomenal if the 212 class was back in the 90’s you know the show be all about Lee Priest vs Shawn Ray
1:15 wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Uns dos melhores vídeos 👏👏👏👏
This is very inspiring 🤝🤙🏽
I'm cutting this was perfect !
My favourite bodybulider is Nick "the Block" Walker
When is next dorian vid coming love u ♥️♥️
Will keep it in mind
Made my fuckn day
Is there supplements or vitamins specifically targeted to improve heart health for ppl that have massive physiques like that??
ZKK!!! #1
Amazing thanks
Shaw RAY
great mot.
What's your favorite meal when cutting?
there is none 😞
rice with chiken and vegtebles
Can someone please make a diet plan for me to get Rid from my skinny fat body please help if you can 🙏🏻🙏🏻
LET US DEPART!!! (LET'S GO!!!). 😅😅
Is he Flex Wheeler (2:03 - 2:06) 🧐
Damn 1:30
Que maravillas estos cuerpos
Ramon Dino 🦖🇧🇷
4:54 Nasser is easily 340 lbs. Even Markus can't get that big in Offseason.
Nasir was never as big as Mark.
@@shaidanwheel6199 Nasser weighed 330 lbs typically during off season, Markus weighed the same.
@@pramitbiswas8772 Nassar was 315 in off season and mark was 326. Mark was way bigger and more ripped than nasar
@@shaidanwheel6199 330 lbs Nasser. No way Markus could have been more ripped than Nasser. Markus can only defeat Nasser in the back elsewhere Nasser mops the floor with Markus.
@@pramitbiswas8772 if u say so. Why don't u post me the link where it says nasar was 330
“what do you really want?!”
Who is this guy behind this massive forearms 1:23
Hermosos músculos y venas💕💘👌🏻💌💓💝🔥♥️💗😚😻👏🏻👏🏻💞😘💪🏻💖❤️🖤😍💟👍🏻💟😍🖤👏🏻💗
Plese larry welles motivation
God forgives us all for our one repentance
And we humans do not forgive each other
May Allah guide us all. Amen
Wo ist Rühl?
When CBum hits his vaccum, its over
For something really profitable ❤️❤️
Im just ask I don’t see BIG RAMY in your video maybe he is. Not Mr O 2020 and 2021 or just you guys don’t like him
Some bad advice here people. Calorie deficit is the king of fat loss and the ONLY way to loose fat. Eat as much "clean food" as you want but it won't do anything. Do your morning cardio but it won't do anything. None of that matters unless you're in a calorie deficit. End of story.
nick walker new make motivation please bro
The 310 lbs off season look of Dorian and the crazy 265 shredded is missing here ..... Why don't you guys put him in this video
This guy with glasses who is?
1:08 bodybuilder name anyone plz?
Greg kovacs
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
희빈 장씨(1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁.
본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다.
1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다.
이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다.
이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다.
이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다.
이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다.
기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다.
이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다.
소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다.
그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다.
이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
A lot of this was cringe as hell but some was dope
Is this natural?
Time do do some cardio! embrace the suck!
Stop showing that 28 year old he has not earned his place with these king's
No hay gimnasio sin proteína en polvo, pero este culturista africano parece Jack-Samuel Kulbira14
Amazing muscular men !!!...Incredible physique... Very impressive strong and big muscles, Like the physical form of the Spartan warriors in the ancient Roman empire which was very legendary...The body shape is full of very artistic art...So stunning 😍😍😍...Cool men !!!...💖👉💪👍 ( Strong Muscle Lover )
Перевод продуктов
Eat clean and use lots of steroids.
and they dont tell u about the drugs they take
Why you have to troll? People who train with anabolics train harder then those who don't. They put in a lot of work
Así bien enormes, un novio asi
Don't be get fooled by that bodybuilders appearance they all ar on som kinds of gear(PED,HGH,Testosterone).
I feel sorry that they destroy their health for a short lived boost in their ego, to look like a comic book character.
Don't feel sorry. They've found purpose in life and love every minute of it. They know the dangers of what they do but why live a life not being happy with your self to live a few extra years.
You obviously do not know what it feels like. Literally feel like superman. Yes I know some guys die but they are obviously taking something they shouldn't. Too much insulin, hgh, pain pills etc.