Yes, amusing, but also not an original comment. I fail to see why this comment, specifically, has so many likes - as opposed to the one someone else posted ages back.
never seen a real car that looks so computer-rendered it looks literally unreal, everything from shape to proportion to colours and effects is perfect wow
sessenta e nove anos, e morreu. E viveu Lameque cento e oitenta e dois anos, e gerou um filho, A quem chamou Noé, dizendo: Este nos consolará acerca de nossas obras e do trabalho de nossas mãos, por causa da terra que o Senhor amaldiçoou. E viveu Lameque, depois que gerou a Noé, quinhentos e noventa e cinco anos, e gerou filhos e filhas. E foram todos os dias de Lameque setecentos e setenta e sete anos, e morreu. E era Noé da idade de quinhentos anos, e gerou Noé a Sem, Cão e Jafé. Gênesis 6 E aconteceu que, como os homens começaram a multiplicar-se sobre a face da terra, e lhes nasceram filhas, Viram os filhos de Deus que as filhas dos homens eram formosas; e tomaram para si
Imagine how many accidents you would cause driving this at night down a busy freeway. Everyone would be looking at this and not the road. Super cool ride.
As someone who used to work in an auto-glass factory, I KNOW that door was super difficult to make, and I tip my hat, not just to the designers, but those CBG and Furnace people that made this happen. Congrats.
That thing is tackier than a Bugatti - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and an 11yo boy might like that, but no adult I know would do anything but laugh.
@@MegaMeaty well I am an adult, and I wouldn't say "laugh" more like be terrified of people who would actually drive such a safety hazard, if I saw one of those cars on the street I'd be afraid to drive ever again, thank God they're illegal
You know that engineer is a PC MASTER RACE kinda guy. No console scrubs. He( yes I assumed it's a man engineer) probably is rocking a 5950x and 3090 hydro SLI. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. 😆
I absolutely adore the Mercedes AVTR concept car - it's like something out of a futuristic dream! The sleek design and innovative technology truly make it a game-changer in the automotive industry. 🌟🚗
i like whenever companies aren't affraid to experiment and try new things even if its not gonna be the top selling in the end. I respect the effort and artistic value.
@@tonyisnotdead well, not literally all, of course, and not in every type of business, but it's not unusual either. it's called research, and big companies can afford it. it's the same with tech giants - IT corporations also run plenty of experimental projects that don't yield any profit. the problem is, in innovative fields, if you stop trying to foresee the future, you get stuck with a model that's profitable for a while, but eventually you may become a dinosaur, like Blockbuster or BlackBerry.
Bro, ford do this type of stuff, Opel, Renault, vw got some even back than in 2010. So there are some manufacture. Rolls royce do this too and so on. So yes every car companies are trying to do some future stuff but only few of them are really cool.
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233Nobody would use a flying car though, it's so expensive and difficult to become a licensed pilot and then imagine the carnage with some drunk guy crashing into a building. Also you have to be able to fold up the wings or rotors to an acceptable size and deck out the car in avionics that cost thousands. If you want to fly and drive, buy a car and a plane. You can get a 60s cessna 172 for about 40k
At the moment it will enough if this thing can drive faster then 100mph. At the moment its only roll with 10mph. And 100mph with this steering wheel? Good Luck! 😊
E tomou Lameque para si duas mulheres; o nome de uma era Ada, e o nome da outra, Zilá. E Ada deu à luz a Jabal; este foi o pai dos que habitam em tendas e têm gado. E o nome do seu irmão era Jubal; este foi o pai de todos os que tocam harpa e órgão. E Zilá também deu à luz a Tubalcaim, mestre de toda a obra de cobre e ferro; e a irmã de Tubalcaim foi Noema. E disse Lameque a suas mulheres Ada e Zilá: Ouvi a minha voz; vós, mulheres de Lameque, escutai as minhas palavras; porque eu matei um homem por me ferir, e um jovem por me pisar. Porque sete vezes Caim será castigado; mas Lameque setenta vezes sete. E tornou Adão a conhecer a sua mulher; e ela deu à luz um filho, e chamou o seu nome Sete; porque, disse ela, Deus me deu outro filho em
So many people do not understand what a "concept car" is, makes me crazy. It is not a production car, prototype, sportscar, supercar, luxury car It is not made for the streets, nor is it made for the track It is a concept. It is an amalgamation of ideas. A sculpture. An exploration. It is the bleeding edge of vehicle design. These are what birth the actual production cars, ideas and designs derived from these, made feasible, practical, and affordable.
Yeah but it's still too far, like art for art's sake. I mean, tell me how can future cars will benefit from scales. Or putting led and screens everywhere (whis is Mercedes' drug nowadays)
This is great for farmers, you know working out in the farms, herding cows and sheep, this matches perfectly for their use. or used on a ranch to replace the farmers pickup truck.
The multidirectional wheels on this are awesome! The bionic flaps are an interesting concept I wonder how they affect the aerodynamics its a really cool car overall definitely a head turner.
Parts of the car are very cool. However, all those flaps on top in the back are unnecessary overkill. Ok, they do this and that, but they interfere with the overall visual, and seem really stupid in the build process. This is a classic case of less would have been more!
the design is stupid..its just LEDs. please google what concepts they show and what they finally come out with. Its not futuristic, its just dumb. If only looks could mean a better future!
Looks cool as a concept, dunno how I feel about controlling the acceleration/breaking with a pad on the center console though. It seems like trying to drive a car with a joystick. Seems like it would be easier to do with your feet, just put pressure plates in the footwell.
Yes, it's just a concept art. But I actually think that there would be a lot of people in the world wanting to buy this, as a piece of their collection.
This is the same category that real-world replica of Kaneda’s bike from Akira (1988). Made for art, concept at 200%. Not designed to compete in speed. I highly recommend to check out how bike was made, very cool story , dream and engineering behind the project.
This car with the spherical wheels was my senior thesis back in college in 1987! No body did this! I called it bi-lateral organic steering and tried to explain that the steering would travel at side angles while moving forward. I theorized the steering mechanism being divided in 4 electrically charged spherical parts while the wheel was still being propelled forward. I remember my instructor Homer Lagassey thought I was sniffing glue as I was doing the development sketches. Mine had jet engines with side fuel ports. It was actually a race car of the future with a driver and a navigator which sat in a motorcycle position. I did a full-size rendering with the car being about 38 inches high and about 18 feet long. The roofline had double swells for the occupants heads and they looked downward into a viewer. I also built a 1/4 scale model with the jet engine, fuel ports, fully enclosed spherical wheels, panel break-ups etc. The design was very organic and painted in three levels of black. Black cherry, flat and semi-gloss black. At the time, I didn't realize how revolutionary the design and ideas were. I was happy to get it done as I managed about 8 hours of sleep in a 4 day period for the last push to completion. It's a design that has followed me through the early part of my design career and happy to see it inspiring many designers as many designers have inspired me. Again, at the time this was pure automotive design fantasy so it's nice to see Merc do a full-size driveable concept not to mention so many movies that did their versions of it like Speedracer, Audi's I-Robot car and countless other concepts done from other OEM's like Alpine and Renault.
This is the most stupid car I've seen in my life. I guess I should clarify. It's the most stupid car I've seen move. In my opinion it's as stupid as the HONDA FUYA-JO (1999), or the CITROEN OSMOSE. The Mercedes Urbanetic concept is even more stupid, but just like the other autonomous concepts it can't go anywhere so it's a livingroom with a remote control, but this thing here actually steers so you could drive it around and make car enthusiasts throw up by the side of the road.
@@アマ-p2l I think you confuse the car scene vs the concept scene. There is clearly crazier things than this. And you would throw up on the least craziest thing out there. It’s not about the norm. It’s about what you can create into real life
@@derickquintanilla2327 No, I'm quite sure I haven't seen anything more "crazy" than this and I've seen a thousand concept cars including new ones. The only cars that come close to being as useless are the ones without steering wheels but they can't go anywhere. Even something as stupid as a Devel Sixteen seems reasonable compared to this here. There might be much more ugly cars, but those can at least drive, and it's not just that this can't drive and would never be able to drive with that nonesense steering column and those wheels, but all the useless luxury gadgets and huge touchscreens/displays are just as obnoxious as it gets as far as I'm concerned. The Mercedes Urbanetix concept was as stupid as this, but like I said the living rooms with wheels that come without driving controls aren't real vehicles so they don't even count as concept cars let alone real cars.
Hmmm And even in the game we cannot afford it Soo ig u are trying to tell us that "Teri aukaat nahi hai" Lol XD Yea but j have also seen it there and there I leaned about cars and now I am pretty interested in cars
This design is more than just reignited a deep humility for just how powerful human imagination really is...And then to bring it to life! Beautiful Mercedes
UNTIL the VERY FIRST CAR ACCIDENT. This thing is just ART nothing more. Considering being surrounded by glass you will very easily be killed in an side impact. REALITY wakes up people from DREAMS ---OR--- puts them PERMANENTLY to SLEEP!
@@Prof.SeverusSnape This car is just *"EYECANDY"* nothing more. It is not safe although *_"COOL AND SHINY WITH LEDS""_* . It's clearly not road worthy especially on roads in major cities that are paid for by taxes (never get fixed). If you understand even a small amount of physics this car would do incredibly horrible as it is designed. Most (IF NOT ALL) concept cars are just _ARTWORK_ . Very few make it to mass production. I furthermore would like to suggest that you remove the word "Boomer" from the vocabulary you have used. It obviously exposes your ignorance.;
WOW!!!!!It looks like a ghost crab, a jellyfish and a fish and something from the sea all turned into a car!! I would loooooove to drive it down the beach. Oh man! I am impressed. It would take weeks of practice for me, and no way would i drive it on a city freeway. Its amazing. Good job creators. 😊❤
This car has nothing on Knight Rider my generation 40 years ahead of its timethis generation 40 years behind and still not even caught up to the technology that it has back from 19 81-82 if you don't believe leave me look at the show from Knight Rider and kit kid is a badass
Any evidence to support that?Knowledge is not limited to college classes.Plenty of engineers works in Google,tesla and many other top tier companies without degrees but high skillsets.A passionate engineer doesn't get limited by online classes lol.
Beautiful when you get carpel tunnel. Plus that slide pad would never work for full speed driving as it doesn't have the give for granular acceleration, nor does it have the tight yet minute steering you need on the highway.
@@stevencarroll3702 to be fair, the police will pull over any exotic looking car going slightly over the speed limit. That and people with bright red paint jobs as those colors are usually aftermarket so they think those people are wealthy and willing to pay a fine.
Dude this car's handling is exactly how I thought cars would work as a child when all I knew about cars was about videogames, that's literally a WASD car, I love it.
This looks amazing! The one thing I DON’T understand is why should they place the fingerprint “control” on the underside of the fender…that shit gets dirty, supercar or not!
Yeah that was very weird and inconvenient. I would hate to have to do that, would be very annoying to open door like that every time. Just your arm hanging out with the front tire for 30 seconds just to get inside.. And he presented as something really great when it clearly isn’t lol
I think it is just an opening for emergency cases. Because otherwise it will recognize you over your voice, or face, or with a standard remote control key (card).
100 percent wasnt a finger scanner, it was just a switch he was pushing to open the door, you can tell by the way the door opened. nice try on there part tho.
As an engineer i feel it is more like Fancy showcase thing. For enginners future concept is more about solving problems rather than making things look fancy. I believe cars would be different in future
I mean it's a concept car. Have the designers have some fun while the engineers try out a few things and there are a few things that I think would be intriduced into cars in the future, such as the flaps and the technology behing the wheel turns. Maybe even that steering wheel would slowly get introduced after some redesigns. It's a big joystick at the end of the day.
@@alexmilchev5395 exactly. The best artists break many barriers of logic. It’s not about being fancy. It’s about the freedom of design. What’s the use of ultimate form and function if it’s not visually appealing?
It looks pretty cool but I'm not sure I could get used to the steering wheel in the middle and the lack of a rear window. I like the whole crab-walking feature which would make parallel parking much easier. It's a little over the top and weird but it's actually one of the better concept cars.
The design of the steering wheel wouldn't work well in countries that drive on the left side and have the driver's seat on the right. I don't think I'd be comfortable driving that with my left hand!!!
@@colmcorcoran9295 Yeah, they went too crazy with the steering. I can see that it could be driven on both driver and passenger side but you're right that it would be weird to have to use your left hand. Same with left handed drivers using their right hand. Perhaps they could have used a video game controller or something if they wanted to be crazy different. But there's a reason why the steering wheel is standard.
Well I suppose we have to keep in mind that it is a concept car. It is pretty cool. But yeah, if they want to realise it as a real model they'll need to do something about that "steering wheel"
@@colmcorcoran9295 Sometimes they use concept cars as a way to test out new ideas and gauge a reaction. If the idea has a positive reaction from the public they might implement a version of it in future cars. It's better to put it in a concept car first.
Opening the door from a button inside the wheel well is odd - why not just a remote/sensor like those foot activated rear hatches? If it's raining, or slushy/muddy, those wheel wells will be nasty...
Love the door opening. Just imagine rainy night, you groping in muddy wheel arch hoping it reads your fingerprint through dirt and waiting for the door to open ever so slowly so you can walk around it... Genius! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's a CONCEPT car. It will never be produced that way. The fingerprint scanner is most likely not even working properly and just works whoever touches it.
@inveterate 77 "Concept" doesnt mean you can get away with problems in the core frameworks. This if it would be anything, is just a amusement ride than an actual car in concept, blueprint or even the basics.
Is that really your biggest concern? I would be terrified driving this thing on any road because I can't see behind properly, the doors are glass and if I get into a crash survival chance is 0... And so many more flaws
@ZenonFN almost all the systems could be automatic if they had something like voice recognition system that activated things based on voice commands, but that would be hard and possibly dangerous to implement, for example if you accidentally tell the car to do something you don't want.
@@birisuandrei1551 The concept for driving this car is neat, but when you boil it down you can tell this car is really just meant for style than being a cruising/fast car. I'd be terrified to take this on the freeway cause you don't have the conventional steering wheel and all that... seems kinda terrifying with that lack of positive control on the car
Well, concept car. It's them pushing their design capabilities to the limits to show off and experiment with systems and ideas that may look similar to what's on cars in a few years.
casual? This is all their engineers and designers pushing their knowledge and skills to the limit to make something that's never been done before, there's nothing "casual" about this.
@@donka80 What the hell? No, no it wont lol. Seems easy as hell to crash their car due to all control just being in one hand. Can't imagine someone trying to text and drive while using this, or to try and grab something. Plus mechanics would have to get electronic and computer related degrees just to be able to even fix these things.
To buy or sell your premium car globally check out my auction platform
what a pile of utter CRAP
Is 100 million not enough💵👌
Section BP numéro 45 leudit 24 Saint Saint Séverin. Monsieur Nikolay Zlygostev Moscou Russie Volgogradskii Prospect D 63 KV 13
Yo, I just want to add, the vehicle may be inspired by Avatar but the back of that car is most def inspired by GTA5
People in 50 years will laugh at this future concept same way we laugh at future car concepts from 60s and 70s
We'd all be dead by then from all the Covid variants.
Concept cars are basically imagination coming to fruition.
I mean it looks kinnda ridiculous even now
@UCyVRM2dQ5iFqr7aq7GqlB7g haha OK.
4:18 "This is actually wood, it comes from a tree"
wow the wonders of modern technology can't stop surprising
Yes, amusing, but also not an original comment. I fail to see why this comment, specifically, has so many likes - as opposed to the one someone else posted ages back.
@@andi5906 ye ur right, and how has no-one else commented on this with these many likes.
@@oPenguins It’s not the worst sin, but it just kinda bugs me lol
He meant it comes from tree people. Maimed but not killed, for the car.
never seen a real car that looks so computer-rendered it looks literally unreal, everything from shape to proportion to colours and effects is perfect wow
I'm saying it looks so plastic and perfectly colored, now I know how old people feel abt new phones/cars
it is CGI fake car lol
@@madwez it is not cgi.
@@matheusklein135 FR??? 😱
@@madwez It is a real car. What are you talking about?
Yes this is car is very environmental friendly. The number one thing car enthusiasts care about.
I am very disappointed in Mercedes. This does not have the venerable Mercedes V12
sessenta e nove anos, e morreu.
E viveu Lameque cento e oitenta e dois anos, e gerou um filho,
A quem chamou Noé, dizendo: Este nos consolará acerca de nossas obras e do
trabalho de nossas mãos, por causa da terra que o Senhor amaldiçoou.
E viveu Lameque, depois que gerou a Noé, quinhentos e noventa e cinco anos, e
gerou filhos e filhas.
E foram todos os dias de Lameque setecentos e setenta e sete anos, e morreu.
E era Noé da idade de quinhentos anos, e gerou Noé a Sem, Cão e Jafé.
Gênesis 6
E aconteceu que, como os homens começaram a multiplicar-se sobre a face da
terra, e lhes nasceram filhas,
Viram os filhos de Deus que as filhas dos homens eram formosas; e tomaram para si
Imagine how many accidents you would cause driving this at night down a busy freeway. Everyone would be looking at this and not the road. Super cool ride.
"woah that's so coo-" *CAR CRASH*
Its still a concept so it prby will drive it self
worth it
LoL 😂
As someone who used to work in an auto-glass factory, I KNOW that door was super difficult to make, and I tip my hat, not just to the designers, but those CBG and Furnace people that made this happen. Congrats.
Thanks .i guess it would take 50k to replace just the door then?
I'll bet I can guess. Compound curves cause wrinkles when forming from the flat sheet.
Nah its fine Nasa finally released unobtainaium but Z germans always had some now they can use it.
They knew this was never going to be mass manufacturered so they designed something insane to use UA-camrs as pawns for advertising their brand.
Driving at night would be a whole new experience.
Also seeing the car driving at night with the beautiful lights on.
@@justchillin2844 I would drive right behind for it forever even if he/she wans’t going where I was going
This is soo futuristic
Looking at someone break into your shit would be a new experience too
10 quid and no replies. Disgraceful
@@MrßeastPrize bot scamer
@@MrßeastPrizei agree
Bẹẹni, o dara
If you want to go somewhere _really_ slowly and look _really_ cool doing it, this is the car for you.
Don't forget that you'd also be a safety hazard for yourself and everyone else near you.
That thing is tackier than a Bugatti - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and an 11yo boy might like that, but no adult I know would do anything but laugh.
@@MegaMeaty well I am an adult, and I wouldn't say "laugh" more like be terrified of people who would actually drive such a safety hazard, if I saw one of those cars on the street I'd be afraid to drive ever again, thank God they're illegal
@@birisuandrei1551 u are right
@@MegaMeaty you don’t know a lot of adults, huh?
Engineer: how many lights do you want
Mercedes: Yes
You know that engineer is a PC MASTER RACE kinda guy. No console scrubs. He( yes I assumed it's a man engineer) probably is rocking a 5950x and 3090 hydro SLI. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. 😆
@@emperorgizmo3014 not surprising that the PC kid is trying to bring the pc vs console war to a fucking car. Smh.
gaming car
My father is Machine Design Engineer
@@AshWilliamsFinalGirl LOL... dude chill.
"it's wood. It comes from a tree" -smartest man alive
Wow thats amazing car..
Only a millionaire to buy that kind of car...
If you speaks alot it happens
@@ronaldpansalin3775 even a milionare cannot buy it
How to change flat tires and how much does 1 tire costs? 😲🤔😊
I absolutely adore the Mercedes AVTR concept car - it's like something out of a futuristic dream! The sleek design and innovative technology truly make it a game-changer in the automotive industry. 🌟🚗
"This is wood, it comes from a tree". Mind blowing stuff.
almost pissed pants when i heard him say that lol
I read it just when he said that in the video
@@cryogen6417 Almost pissed pants? More like it pissed the plant off
@@loify8381 lol
There is artificial wood so he does make sense even though it does sound funny too lol
"This part is actually wood, it comes from a tree" - 😁
I love that part
well, to be fair, he IS American and I guess it was a shock to find out where wood came from!
Then where is the problem! Trees exist for multi purposes not just climat.
It could be synthetic wood board 🙂
So we know, at the very least, this thing can go from 0 to 5 MPH. Pretty sick!
Damn 😂 funny XD
In 27 seconds
Well that car is alive so if it went Any faster it might hunt down some humans
Impressive demonstration indeed.
My latest wheelbarrow is almost as fast. Minus the lights.
i like whenever companies aren't affraid to experiment and try new things even if its not gonna be the top selling in the end. I respect the effort and artistic value.
all companies do that
@@tonyisnotdead so true cant wait for new Lidl self driving car 😍😍😍
@@tonyisnotdead well, not literally all, of course, and not in every type of business, but it's not unusual either. it's called research, and big companies can afford it. it's the same with tech giants - IT corporations also run plenty of experimental projects that don't yield any profit.
the problem is, in innovative fields, if you stop trying to foresee the future, you get stuck with a model that's profitable for a while, but eventually you may become a dinosaur, like Blockbuster or BlackBerry.
Bro, ford do this type of stuff, Opel, Renault, vw got some even back than in 2010. So there are some manufacture. Rolls royce do this too and so on. So yes every car companies are trying to do some future stuff but only few of them are really cool.
and when it releases, no ones gonna buy it bc of the price tag and itll become another Lexus LFA
This is the car we all imagined being the "2050 Futuristic Flying car" Unbelievable something like that is even a thing.
It is possible but it can’t “hover” it goes up and turns goes forward and back but doesn’t “hover” in midair
In the 90's i allways think in 2012 latest date we fly cars an not drive 😆🙊
At first i thought it was fake but now not even sure....
Still awesome af
Imagine if tesla maked this
It would never meet side impact requirements. It's a pipe dream.
That's actually the sci-fi cars we always imagined. Now it just needs to be able to fly too.
We have flying cars already if you look up the one that was flown in Slovakia.
@@Labyrinth6000but actual cars not drones 😂 what are they called
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233Nobody would use a flying car though, it's so expensive and difficult to become a licensed pilot and then imagine the carnage with some drunk guy crashing into a building. Also you have to be able to fold up the wings or rotors to an acceptable size and deck out the car in avionics that cost thousands. If you want to fly and drive, buy a car and a plane. You can get a 60s cessna 172 for about 40k
At the moment it will enough if this thing can drive faster then 100mph. At the moment its only roll with 10mph.
And 100mph with this steering wheel? Good Luck! 😊
And they can choose their own owners, smart asses right
What a work of art!
this thing is lagging, and it doesnt woth it! Even though I lika marcedes
আমার চেনাল ছাছকাইব করলে তমার টাও করব❤️❤️❤️❤️
There should be a shoe storage of some sort in case of bad weather so you don't ruin the interior upon entry......
E tomou Lameque para si duas mulheres; o nome de uma era Ada, e o nome da
outra, Zilá. E Ada deu à luz a Jabal; este foi o pai dos que habitam em tendas e têm gado.
E o nome do seu irmão era Jubal; este foi o pai de todos os que tocam harpa e órgão. E Zilá também deu à luz a Tubalcaim, mestre de toda a obra de cobre e ferro; e a
irmã de Tubalcaim foi
Noema. E disse Lameque a suas mulheres Ada e Zilá: Ouvi a minha voz; vós, mulheres de
Lameque, escutai as minhas palavras; porque eu matei um homem por me ferir, e um jovem por me pisar. Porque sete vezes Caim será castigado; mas Lameque setenta vezes sete.
E tornou Adão a conhecer a sua mulher; e ela deu à luz um filho, e chamou o seu nome Sete; porque, disse ela, Deus me deu outro filho em
So many people do not understand what a "concept car" is, makes me crazy.
It is not a production car, prototype, sportscar, supercar, luxury car
It is not made for the streets, nor is it made for the track
It is a concept. It is an amalgamation of ideas. A sculpture. An exploration.
It is the bleeding edge of vehicle design.
These are what birth the actual production cars, ideas and designs derived from these, made feasible, practical, and affordable.
calm down jeez
But how come it has no rear window? ;)
Someone likes cars
chill guys, "crazy" was an exaggeration, im not killing anybody
Yeah but it's still too far, like art for art's sake. I mean, tell me how can future cars will benefit from scales. Or putting led and screens everywhere (whis is Mercedes' drug nowadays)
This is great for farmers, you know working out in the farms, herding cows and sheep, this matches perfectly for their use.
or used on a ranch to replace the farmers pickup truck.
Working on concept cars must be the coolest job in the automotive industry.
Must be challenging also to think of unique idea for the cars.
It is!🥰😅
Maybe for cars like this. Not so much the dodge dart concept
@@myrelaxpoint i never run out of ideas. thats teh easy part for me :P
@@mareck6946 and implementing them... Is that easy too?
This car can even "drift" without exhausting its tires, what a great masterpiece
Oh yes
Oo yes
Can you imagine what a new set of those tires would run you..
*"Adding rgb lights to anything makes it futuristic"* - sun tzu art of engineering
add lgbt light
@@bruh61221 🗿
@@bruh61221 👽
@@bruh61221 O.O
I’m pretty sure if this car was around in 1982 it would’ve been in the movie TRON..
"There's only one of these in the world"
We know suneo is gonna buy it so don't expect anything.
رزقني الله بصوت حسن فجملته بالقران لعل وعسي حد يدعمني 😔💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@@Abdallah_Hesham_Official never
More like sunekichi is gonna buy it and then they'll all go on a long drive leaving nobita behind lmao
It's actually beautiful.
I normally don't like "futuristic" cars but Mercedes did a very good job here.
Haha Tesla Minecraft car 🤣🤣🤣
@DONT no one cares + no one asked + no one laughed + get a life + Ratio!
this is what BMW vision should've been instead of becoming downgraded i8
its incredible
While I appreciate this is a concept piece, a lot what went into that car was more visual hoopla than technical advancement.
Bro they removed the fucking steering what else do you want as a technical advancement
(And hybrid tyres too)
@@kaushikjain2266 Who says that's an advancement? Different doesn't equate better. Also, I said "most" of what went into the car was about visuals.
@@kaushikjain2266 how is that an advancement lmao
The car feels like a gaming parody product
@@luisapaza317 +2
The multidirectional wheels on this are awesome! The bionic flaps are an interesting concept I wonder how they affect the aerodynamics its a really cool car overall definitely a head turner.
Initially, I thought that's too shiny to not be CGI. Damn, that's one futuristic car.
Parts of the car are very cool. However, all those flaps on top in the back are unnecessary overkill. Ok, they do this and that, but they interfere with the overall visual, and seem really stupid in the build process. This is a classic case of less would have been more!
the design is stupid..its just LEDs. please google what concepts they show and what they finally come out with. Its not futuristic, its just dumb. If only looks could mean a better future!
@@kabir09999 Agreed
I just want some old Dodge challengers
Night Rider's KITT car puts this to shame. At least it was practical and tough. lol
Just imagine how satisfying it would be sitting in the car while it’s raining
I want this car lol
@@kiyroviper9736 just $40,000 dollers and this car is you's
@@ankursin *400 thousand
@@nadwislan1888 woop de do
time to rob a bank!
@@ankursin I don’t got that money LOL
This is the type of car where you wanna dry clean yourself before sitting into,
Definitely want this shit in Asphalt 10
this car in asphalt is shit and slow
@@koppii2 yes this is
@Silver it's not even out yet tf are you talking about lmao
@Silver caught lacking
@Silver nah it's like 1984
This is so cool, I love concept cars like this
The night view of the car is amazing🤩
like a children's car
@@aeron2045 agreed
Car speed is dump 🤦
@@Vfxturbo77 your brain is a dump and btw stil faster than your synapses switch. You understand the sense of a concept car?
This one minute changes your life..
2021: "Coolest Concept Car"
2125: "You're still driving that beater? You must be poor"
No they must asks (The collecter huh?)
Or not have year 2125 because get destroyed by alian xd
That makes the car even more cooler and rare
Not not that beater.....that "TO BE SOLD IN AN AUCTION" car XD
That means i'm not poor😌😏
We are definitely done by then 😂😂
@@Frost-4672 this reply is a notification to inform you that you should probably delete the comment I’m a @ ing
Looks cool as a concept, dunno how I feel about controlling the acceleration/breaking with a pad on the center console though. It seems like trying to drive a car with a joystick. Seems like it would be easier to do with your feet, just put pressure plates in the footwell.
Stone age thinking.
@@grimmforever7445 Perhaps my neanderthal brain cannot comprehend the future
@@GlassesAndCoffeeMugs naw I actually agree with ya. That was my only concern bout the car
Gamer alert
That's because we're used to wheels but if they start with this it won't be a problem.
My insurance company after I make a bulk in this car: "I've never met this man in my entire life"
I think this is more like a work of art that just happens to actually work because if you want a good car you don’t buy this. But I love it.
Yes, it's just a concept art. But I actually think that there would be a lot of people in the world wanting to buy this, as a piece of their collection.
This is the same category that real-world replica of Kaneda’s bike from Akira (1988). Made for art, concept at 200%. Not designed to compete in speed. I highly recommend to check out how bike was made, very cool story , dream and engineering behind the project.
Wait wait wait... are you telling me a prototype of about a zillion dollars you SHOULDN'T BUY as your next car?
@@alabull860 Crazy idea isn’t it
This car with the spherical wheels was my senior thesis back in college in 1987! No body did this! I called it bi-lateral organic steering and tried to explain that the steering would travel at side angles while moving forward. I theorized the steering mechanism being divided in 4 electrically charged spherical parts while the wheel was still being propelled forward. I remember my instructor Homer Lagassey thought I was sniffing glue as I was doing the development sketches. Mine had jet engines with side fuel ports. It was actually a race car of the future with a driver and a navigator which sat in a motorcycle position. I did a full-size rendering with the car being about 38 inches high and about 18 feet long. The roofline had double swells for the occupants heads and they looked downward into a viewer. I also built a 1/4 scale model with the jet engine, fuel ports, fully enclosed spherical wheels, panel break-ups etc. The design was very organic and painted in three levels of black. Black cherry, flat and semi-gloss black. At the time, I didn't realize how revolutionary the design and ideas were. I was happy to get it done as I managed about 8 hours of sleep in a 4 day period for the last push to completion. It's a design that has followed me through the early part of my design career and happy to see it inspiring many designers as many designers have inspired me. Again, at the time this was pure automotive design fantasy so it's nice to see Merc do a full-size driveable concept not to mention so many movies that did their versions of it like Speedracer, Audi's I-Robot car and countless other concepts done from other OEM's like Alpine and Renault.
How long did it take you to type this?
@JackZing probably longer than his thesis
We have a genius here.
Bro used his whole life just to type this message😂😂
Alright. Time to take your pills, grandpa
Honestly in all my young years this is the sickest most coolest car I have ever in my life seen idk if others are cooler but FOR ME this is it.
This car makes me realize we are in the golden age of cars right now
This one minute changes your life
This is the most stupid car I've seen in my life. I guess I should clarify. It's the most stupid car I've seen move. In my opinion it's as stupid as the HONDA FUYA-JO (1999), or the CITROEN OSMOSE. The Mercedes Urbanetic concept is even more stupid, but just like the other autonomous concepts it can't go anywhere so it's a livingroom with a remote control, but this thing here actually steers so you could drive it around and make car enthusiasts throw up by the side of the road.
@@アマ-p2l I think you confuse the car scene vs the concept scene. There is clearly crazier things than this. And you would throw up on the least craziest thing out there. It’s not about the norm. It’s about what you can create into real life
@@derickquintanilla2327 No, I'm quite sure I haven't seen anything more "crazy" than this and I've seen a thousand concept cars including new ones. The only cars that come close to being as useless are the ones without steering wheels but they can't go anywhere. Even something as stupid as a Devel Sixteen seems reasonable compared to this here. There might be much more ugly cars, but those can at least drive, and it's not just that this can't drive and would never be able to drive with that nonesense steering column and those wheels, but all the useless luxury gadgets and huge touchscreens/displays are just as obnoxious as it gets as far as I'm concerned.
The Mercedes Urbanetix concept was as stupid as this, but like I said the living rooms with wheels that come without driving controls aren't real vehicles so they don't even count as concept cars let alone real cars.
I’m happy that he’s so happy.
We need more people like you in this world
They should have transition glass for the doors so they can turn darker and change opacity
Damn! 🤯
Like maybatch sunroof
Light sensetive material
It will be difficult to provide power to them and there is no nuclear reactor in it 😂
@@sunbeastsolo4410 Its not that difficult.mercedies maybatch gets that feature in sunroof
That moment when youre locked out of your cool car in the middle of nowhere because a pebble hit the front fender and broke the fingerprint scanner
Good luck getting anywhere close to the middle of nowhere.
That moment when youre locked out of your boring car in the middle of nowhere because you lost your keys at your pee & meal break. xD
If that happens you ain't gonna get into your normal car either because it's deformed
That moment when all that gay rgb cant change your tire
Imagine a fighter jet hitting the car
I’m not a car guy but this is the SICKEST car I’ve ever seen!
not gonna lie its the coolest looking thing ive seen on wheels
Legends already seen this car in asphalt Nitro .. old memories 🔥🔥🔥🔥
That where i learned about the car
And even in the game we cannot afford it
Soo ig u are trying to tell us that
"Teri aukaat nahi hai"
Lol XD
Yea but j have also seen it there and there I leaned about cars and now I am pretty interested in cars
I think it is also in Asphalt 8 named Mercedes Biome
This design is more than just reignited a deep humility for just how powerful human imagination really is...And then to bring it to life! Beautiful Mercedes
Anyone moving in the back seat would bump your head while you drive, imagination doesn’t always mean quality nor functionality.
UNTIL the VERY FIRST CAR ACCIDENT. This thing is just ART nothing more. Considering being surrounded by glass you will very easily be killed in an side impact. REALITY wakes up people from DREAMS ---OR--- puts them PERMANENTLY to SLEEP!
@@TheTubejunky that's what people thought about cars and the very first car accident in recorded history. Feels like a boomer moment.
@@Prof.SeverusSnape This car is just *"EYECANDY"* nothing more. It is not safe although *_"COOL AND SHINY WITH LEDS""_* . It's clearly not road worthy especially on roads in major cities that are paid for by taxes (never get fixed). If you understand even a small amount of physics this car would do incredibly horrible as it is designed. Most (IF NOT ALL) concept cars are just _ARTWORK_ . Very few make it to mass production.
I furthermore would like to suggest that you remove the word "Boomer" from the vocabulary you have used. It obviously exposes your ignorance.;
This is like the first car that the 8 years old me would love to see in any car games I downloaded
Asphalt nitro 9 I have the game this car is there and other cars are there and they are maddddd like dope
Even I play even games now although I am 16...there is no need to show others you have grown up now 😒
I will buy this car one day. I will do hard work..
@@Nikhil-j1y its not for sale🙄
@@lakshaysharma6278 i know very well.😒
WOW!!!!!It looks like a ghost crab, a jellyfish and a fish and something from the sea all turned into a car!! I would loooooove to drive it down the beach. Oh man! I am impressed. It would take weeks of practice for me, and no way would i drive it on a city freeway. Its amazing. Good job creators. 😊❤
I'm glad concept cars are getting funky like this again, I missed how crazy they looked in the early 2000's
60's-70's were ''funky'', but early 2000's was the WORSE era for cars lmfao, you must be younger than 40 for sure lol
@@slevinsleven2775 oh yeah cheap cars for sure, but to me nothing looks cooler than a bright yellow Lamborghini Murcielago.
@@slevinsleven2775 we are all younger than 40 bro
@@rogueplaguex6791 Delusional much? lmfao
@@slevinsleven2775are you older than 40? Cuz you talk like a child
This is incredible!! Applause to the design team at Mercedes. Outstanding futuristic car.
Bro..... But one scratch on the car and it will be as good as scrap.
@@raj____2003 sike
@@raj____2003 as if this car is for everyday drive, it's a concept car bro.
I know bro! This new car amazes me I would totally buy it when it’s out
@@pranishlohala4796 if not for drive then would it be for show? If yes, thenwaste of money.
This car is infinite times better than my imagination 😂
But i hate the g class
Imma leave this at 69 likes 😂
Hows ur wang
@@Eram93 cause you can't buy it
Congratulations for 20 million subscribers 🎉
This is how I imagined cars will look like as a kid when I am old enough to have my own as an adult ✅
ikr, but sadly companies are too greedy to make anything cool like that for the public, they'd rather make cheap & primitive cars
Imagine just walking out of your front door and seeing this drifting everywhere
I swear, i just wanna see this go on a speed bump
Lol 😂
When this cars come to use no speed bumps will be needed
This car has nothing on Knight Rider my generation 40 years ahead of its timethis generation 40 years behind and still not even caught up to the technology that it has back from 19 81-82 if you don't believe leave me look at the show from Knight Rider and kit kid is a badass
@@airannatopaz5819 it looks like a depressed car, its always looking at the ground. It still cool though
Bro, the wheel is crazy. I haven’t watched this for 10 years now. 1:03
These are definitely the work of engineers studying in online classes
Any evidence to support that?Knowledge is not limited to college classes.Plenty of engineers works in Google,tesla and many other top tier companies without degrees but high skillsets.A passionate engineer doesn't get limited by online classes lol.
@@thecryptohacker9976 it was meant as a joke not to be taken seriously 🙃
Repent and turn to Jesus Christ
@@baggerz4448 he’s nothing but a prophet
@@Kc3000. someone not understanding the definition of prophet
I imagine this car being super cool but I also imagine it being incredibly hard to drive.
Beautiful when you get carpel tunnel. Plus that slide pad would never work for full speed driving as it doesn't have the give for granular acceleration, nor does it have the tight yet minute steering you need on the highway.
@Storm Mist True
@@Skylancer727 ngl people are down bad when they drive it on a highway
They would get a ticket for being like 20 mph on a highway
@@stevencarroll3702 to be fair, the police will pull over any exotic looking car going slightly over the speed limit. That and people with bright red paint jobs as those colors are usually aftermarket so they think those people are wealthy and willing to pay a fine.
This joystick is for emergencies or unique driving patterns only.
It's the future guys.. you will not drive by yourself, your car will!
4:19 " It's actually wood, It comes from a tree "
No shit 😭🤣
HAHAHA and also, who CARES if you harm a tree. You can always plant more of them. That whole part about the wood was stupid.
youre opening it from under the wheel bumper guard? you gotta be kidding me thats the dirtiest place on a car lol 😂😂
This car looks like a hot wheels but bigger and with interiors
Looks more like alien ufo cruising on earth’s surface
@𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕟𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕝𝕖 Nah it looks like it's from another planet. Lol
@@vrsce0178 So... Basically hot wheels but big then?
I've never been a Mercedes person, but this may make me change my mind. Awesome creativity! Beautiful design!
this car is a joke
@@gorespentwell4489 edgy 9 years old troll
@@gorespentwell4489 well its not funny so i disagree
lol wtf
Looks super cool but in real life its unusable. Looks does not mean anything if it does not have functionality.
There are so many useless cars on the streets right now... you're sure with your thesis?
@@BuenaventuraDurruti161 facts
You're just saying "i cant afford this" in a fancy way lmao
@@misthiosxd5845 Most concept cars are like that. They almost never leave the prototype phase.
Dude this car's handling is exactly how I thought cars would work as a child when all I knew about cars was about videogames, that's literally a WASD car, I love it.
Wow, I hadn't even imagined such a splendid design could exist, much less prototyped. It's a thing of beauty.
It looks ridiculous, but sure.
@@Lostjayyhawk ridiculous
@@testiclestoshirleycles5755 ridiculous
@@testiclestoshirleycles5755 ridiculous
That night shot was crazycool! 🎇💫🌟🌌😃
This one minute changes your life..
This looks amazing! The one thing I DON’T understand is why should they place the fingerprint “control” on the underside of the fender…that shit gets dirty, supercar or not!
Yea it'd be better on the roof or something right? Like a hand scanner right above the door
Yeah that was very weird and inconvenient. I would hate to have to do that, would be very annoying to open door like that every time. Just your arm hanging out with the front tire for 30 seconds just to get inside.. And he presented as something really great when it clearly isn’t lol
I think it is just an opening for emergency cases. Because otherwise it will recognize you over your voice, or face, or with a standard remote control key (card).
100 percent wasnt a finger scanner, it was just a switch he was pushing to open the door, you can tell by the way the door opened. nice try on there part tho.
@@ludwigvanbeethoven61 Look great flying down the motorway flashing blue and red lol
So glad I found this channel! Who's with me? 👍
I can finally drift without having skills. 😂😂😂😂
@@laraykoo3216 duck eggs? Really!😕
@@laraykoo3216 its because of the flag. He instantly become racist.
no u cannot
You need to buy that first!
@@rajatsajwan1002 jealous poor people! Try to be humble and gentle
It's more than a car, it's an art.
No ,the car is more than an art
@@rajeshwick3386 its Cart without C or T
@@imhereforfun1 what do u mean that c or t
@@rajeshwick3386 he means either car or art
It's more than a car, it's more than art, it's a creature
“This is wood, it actually comes from a tree.” Damn.
This blows my mind.... 😂
@@cloroxbleach3936 Not copied, but I imagine I am not the only one saying it lol
This one minute changes your life.
@DON'T i wont dw sir
@@nocastenoreligion5560 no it wont
As an engineer i feel it is more like Fancy showcase thing. For enginners future concept is more about solving problems rather than making things look fancy. I believe cars would be different in future
ikr? these fools think adding a bunch of neon lights and giving it a weird shape makes the car "futuristic"
That’s why designers and engineers need to have a strong relationship. Nothing wrong with the marriage of art and science.
duh its a concept car
I mean it's a concept car. Have the designers have some fun while the engineers try out a few things and there are a few things that I think would be intriduced into cars in the future, such as the flaps and the technology behing the wheel turns. Maybe even that steering wheel would slowly get introduced after some redesigns. It's a big joystick at the end of the day.
@@alexmilchev5395 exactly. The best artists break many barriers of logic. It’s not about being fancy. It’s about the freedom of design. What’s the use of ultimate form and function if it’s not visually appealing?
"Why were you late?"
"Car has Termites"
1980: Normal car
2021: Futuristic car
I see what you did there.
@@filipbojko353 LMAOOO
true shame that concept cars are never making it to the stores =/
Imagine having sweaty palms and while you're driving your hand slips to one side
i get the humor.
but, gloves.
This one minute changes your life..
Never thought I would see this in 2022. Fiction is coming to life. Thanks Mercedes 👏.
It looks pretty cool but I'm not sure I could get used to the steering wheel in the middle and the lack of a rear window. I like the whole crab-walking feature which would make parallel parking much easier. It's a little over the top and weird but it's actually one of the better concept cars.
The design of the steering wheel wouldn't work well in countries that drive on the left side and have the driver's seat on the right. I don't think I'd be comfortable driving that with my left hand!!!
@@colmcorcoran9295 Yeah, they went too crazy with the steering. I can see that it could be driven on both driver and passenger side but you're right that it would be weird to have to use your left hand. Same with left handed drivers using their right hand. Perhaps they could have used a video game controller or something if they wanted to be crazy different. But there's a reason why the steering wheel is standard.
Well I suppose we have to keep in mind that it is a concept car. It is pretty cool. But yeah, if they want to realise it as a real model they'll need to do something about that "steering wheel"
@@colmcorcoran9295 Sometimes they use concept cars as a way to test out new ideas and gauge a reaction. If the idea has a positive reaction from the public they might implement a version of it in future cars. It's better to put it in a concept car first.
Opening the door from a button inside the wheel well is odd - why not just a remote/sensor like those foot activated rear hatches? If it's raining, or slushy/muddy, those wheel wells will be nasty...
That shot at the back of the car crab walking looks unreal, I kept telling myself this is real but my mind defaults to "it's a CGI".
Love the door opening. Just imagine rainy night, you groping in muddy wheel arch hoping it reads your fingerprint through dirt and waiting for the door to open ever so slowly so you can walk around it... Genius! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You drive a car like that you probably have a garage if not a parking lot in your house for your cars thus you wouldn't face a problem like that
My thought as well xD
Also, the door opens sooooo sloooow.
what in „concept“ you don’t understand? 🤔
It's a CONCEPT car. It will never be produced that way. The fingerprint scanner is most likely not even working properly and just works whoever touches it.
This car is so from the future its just like you have travelled into future to bring it to this moment in time. A outstanding car love this so much
A safety hazard car...
Esse carro e maravilhoso e futuro bem perto parece um sonho
Future??? 4 wheels like 150 years ago!! Just wondering where is the real evolution
First futuristic car I would actually buy. It looks amazing.
Sure only 1BN $ 😆
Shit taste
@@rrajputofficial5024 and top speed 5mph 😆
@@pseudonayme7717 😅
@@dr_birb says the one with THAT pfp
Wow that's amazing 😍🤩
So Much Love From Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵
Looks cool, is impractical, undermanaged, inefficient, is sustainable in the most wrong places.
Truly a "future" car XD
Do you know what the word "concept" means? 🙃
@inveterate 77 "Concept" doesnt mean you can get away with problems in the core frameworks.
This if it would be anything, is just a amusement ride than an actual car in concept, blueprint or even the basics.
and slow
But I bet you would not turn it down. Let's just say awsome. It's ok to say it.
@@giftedandblack494 Ofc I wouldnt turn it down, I would sell it even at higher price at auction to whoever is dumb enough to buy this XD
This car is basically the car version of a gaming laptop so much rgb
Rgb makes you go faster
Gaming laptop? And what’s so rgb about those, the keyboard?? 🤣🤣🤣
XD 😂😂
For a concept car it looks sick as F! But when I saw that there was no steering wheel, I was like nope.....
Is that really your biggest concern? I would be terrified driving this thing on any road because I can't see behind properly, the doors are glass and if I get into a crash survival chance is 0... And so many more flaws
@ZenonFN almost all the systems could be automatic if they had something like voice recognition system that activated things based on voice commands, but that would be hard and possibly dangerous to implement, for example if you accidentally tell the car to do something you don't want.
@@birisuandrei1551 The concept for driving this car is neat, but when you boil it down you can tell this car is really just meant for style than being a cruising/fast car. I'd be terrified to take this on the freeway cause you don't have the conventional steering wheel and all that... seems kinda terrifying with that lack of positive control on the car
theres no steering wheel but theres a pad in between to contorl it
Can’t even see out the back glass. Yikes!
The car seems like of the future like I 2050
This is a Gamers RGB car with Joystick instead of WASD key group.😄
This one minute changes your life
The exciting part is the fact that this is just a casual prototype
@@ay2006-s9j م
Well, concept car. It's them pushing their design capabilities to the limits to show off and experiment with systems and ideas that may look similar to what's on cars in a few years.
Hello, how are you doing?
casual? This is all their engineers and designers pushing their knowledge and skills to the limit to make something that's never been done before, there's nothing "casual" about this.
The fact that this car would be considered the car that everyone have in like 50-100 years in the future is crazy
I’m not sure about “everyone”, this car looks expensive af
@السلمي that's just a theory though, we can't fully guess the future
@@mirishyne yes but remember the older they get the cheaper it is
I dont think we need to wait that much. These kind of cars will be common in roads 10 years from now. Im sure.
@@donka80 What the hell? No, no it wont lol. Seems easy as hell to crash their car due to all control just being in one hand. Can't imagine someone trying to text and drive while using this, or to try and grab something.
Plus mechanics would have to get electronic and computer related degrees just to be able to even fix these things.
That car looks like a gaming room at night
This looks like a true hot wheels car! Minus the performance expectations 😂😂
Last time I checked my hot wheels were finger powered
Last time i checked my hotwheels had glowing rims and back
Last time I checked hot wheels can fly, and take out giant sharks
this lowkey the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Everything gonna look like that soon
@@RandomNameLastName811 a lot of people?
It needs a steering wheel though because I don’t trust the handle thing
This is the ugliest, most classless thing I've ever seen.
Based opinion
The bio scales should have been designed to be solar energy panels that find light sources like leaves of a plant.
but that's not possible on a car like this
Right, I dont guess they have a real purpose.
I'd rather have a regular back window.
But it portrays an animal. Not plant
I actually like it. I can see these coming to fruition. 30 years?
“It’s actually wood, it comes from a tree”
You learn something new everyday
Oh! so wood comes from trees. I thought they were made of steel.
@@mightysubstance2262 ahahaha
Mind - blown!
So that's where wood comes from...