Jews DON'T hate Poland.. why are you spreading false information ? i'm a jew and i love poland. i found a lot of polish friends on the internet and we get along amazingly. And in my country every class that gets to 12th grade, the class travels to Poland to learn about the holocaust and WW2.
I honestly wonder why Jews do not feel such trauma towards post-WWII Germany as they feel towards Poland, a country that suffered the most at the hands of nazis. How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?
Vichy France collaborated with Nazi Germany and participated in the holocaust, and yet Jews don't hate France, they hate Poland. For over 80 years, the West has been taught, mainly by Hollywood, that in Poland the Jews suffered terribly while the non Jewish Polish people did not suffer at all. My mother was one of hundreds of thousands of non Jewish Polish children taken by the germans as a slave labourer in 1940. She was 14. When I have told her story to Australians, their response is, 'I didn't know you were Jewish ' . Australians have no understanding that during the war in Poland, you didn't need to be Jewish to suffer.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right. Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!! So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
I'm trying hard to understand the Jewish perspective, but still feel that the Jews, especially the younger generations , due to the twisted education they get , are SO UNFAIR towards us. Yes, that's how I feel. Poland is the land where Poles create reality, but the place you describe was not Poland. Check on the maps - it was German General Govenorate established on lands formerly belonging to Poland, A big difference.A HUGE difference. It seems to me that many Jews are so focused on their own trauma that refuse to admit that Poles also had their trauma and even if some Jews are aware if it, somehow other people's suffering does not matter to them. A Polish neighbor of my parents' spent the whole war in Auschwitz, he was a Polish 16 - year old boy when he was sent there, and probably was one of very few (if not the only one?) who lived there till the end of war to be used by dr. Mengele for medical experiments (I simplify the story to shorten the comment), a Polish uncle of mine was tortured to death and my grandparents were deprived of everything and transported by cargo trains as "repatriates" because the borders were changed, and just before that they hardly survived the Podole slaughter, some relatives were sent to Siberia...such stories are in almost every Polish family, I feel bad when somehow the suffering of a Jew person is ranked higher than the suffering of any other person. Everybody has just one life, one mother, one father, so it just feels so unfair to ignore someone's trauma just because this person is not from the Jewish community. And it feels even worse when you are blamed for something that was not your fault. By the way this neighbor of my parents survived as a "laboratory mouse" thanks to a Jew medical assistant (I can't find a better world to explain his position) of dr. Mengele . They helped each other, unfortunately , this man died two years ago at a very old age of 98, so you 'll not be able to hear this story directly.
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland terrible history.. I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish. The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!! I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.
the difference is that poland was full of poles after the war but the jews were gone, all over europe people have bad stories from the war but the jews were systematically exterminated
Chosen Nation without land whats does it tell us ? Why is so? It is the only Nation comunicate with the entire world in a thier flag two triangle imbeded ,double standards deception. Therfor I take it the surface and what we have lernt in Isreal and Palestina expand and kill on Palestine land. L Poland when became free from occupied nations ,had to deal with occupation Germany -USSR Russia include Ukraine. Several Times in two centries Austro-Hungriua-Grmany -Russia partision this was real thread existance to Polish n. The war was wage agains us to distroy Polish spirit. While Jewish live by the standards on the flag in constant deliberete fear threaten their existance on Foreign land, always ,undermining ,penetrate ,plot,decive.
Myself, Polish person, I worked once with Jewish Israeli on American work and travel program. And I remember she asked me once, "why do they teach in polish schools to hate Jews?" I was left speechless, as it was obviously not true. Then I realised, that young Israeli are exactly taught, that everyone around hates them 😂
My experience with Israel citizens - and it's a generalization ofc - is such that while we are interested in their culture, they are not interested in ours. They think they already know everything about us and they're not so much hateful as condescending. And if you criticize anything Israel does, you're immediately branded as antisemite and hated. They seem to be unable to comprehend at a very basic level difference between their culture and religion and their country and government. Which is creepy if not scary.
Well a lot of people around the world do have an implacable hatred for the Jewish community, Poland doesn’t seem to be the one that hates them. (My mates Polish and he doesn’t mind Jewish people at all)
@@tommytells370 It's sad because sometimes it seems like Jewish people are more ok with Germans and other nations that were less hospitable to them, than they are with Poland. Many Jewish people assume by default that other nations were antisemitic, and many nations acquiesce to that. Polish people do not have the historical animosity based on Jewish religion and so when we refuse to cover our head with the ash of historical antysemitism - paradoxically Jewish people see us as the bad guys for it. They see it as being unrepentant instead of knowing that we do not bear guilt in the first place. In general historical knowledge in regards to Poland among Jewish people seems to be far worse than vice versa. In Polish culture many Jewish writers and artists are seen as part of our historical heritage not as aliens. This is quite insulting and confusing to Polish people. Because we do not know why Jewish people are... well often anti-Polish. It's quite ironic.
Polska nie była Izraelem ,nie jest winna temu ze Żydzi nie mieli swojego państwa.Mieszkali tutaj jednak przez 800 lat.Wtedy to przyszli kiedy byli prześladowani w Zachodniej Europie.Dziś nie maja żalu do Zachodniej Europy ani USA ze im nie pomogli i ze nam Polakom nie pomogli .Co za paranoya!!!
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland history. I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish. The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!! I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.😢
Właśnie... Żydzi przybywali do Polski z całej Europy, bo nikt ich tu nie prześladował...mieli swoją rolę w społeczeństwie i swoje wolności...wolności takie, że w XX wieku w obliczu najazdu Niemiec na polskie państwo, ci żydowscy obywatele nie potrafili mówić po polsku i z Polską w ogóle się nie identyfikowali! Witali najeźdźców kwiatami i denuncjowali Polaków!
Każdy normalny Polak nie powinien w żaden sposób popierać państwa Izrael w jakiekolwiek formie. Polecam odwiedzenie Muzeum Polin - cała narracja na wystawie stałej - "Polacy dali nam w tym roku przywileje, a w tamtym roku nam odebrali". To pokazuje co dla tego narodu jest ważne. Pal licho że przez te niemalże tysiąc lat historii gdy gościliśmy ich na swoich ziemiach w reszcie Europy byli oni wypędzani. Najwidoczniej reszta Europy wiedziała jaki to problem, tylko my naiwni nie. A te brednie autora o "wielkiej traumie WW2". Dziwnym trafem mimo że niemcy mordowali żydów milionami to traumę mają do Polaków a nie do niemców. Ale warto zastanowić się dlaczego - odpowiedź nie jest taka trudna :)
@@rayan69pl Byli wypedzani poniewaz wszedzie gdzie sie znalezli to oszukiwali. Inne narody nie byly tak naiwne i szybko sie w tym orientowali.Nie kierowakli sie dobrodusznoacia jak Polacy.Kierowali sie zdrowym rozsadkiem i wlasnym dobrem.Zostali przepedzani a teraz robia z tego powodu swieta i chca pokazc swiatu jacy to oni sa z tego powodu poszkodowani. Zadko ktos napomina o tym dlaczego adolf chcial ich wytepic. W latach 20 tych zniszczyli niemiecka gospodarke do maximum.Jezeli sie ktos tym interesuje to mozna znalezc i wiecej o tym poczytac.Nienawidza Polakow poniewaz maja zal za to ze po wojnie komuna objela wladze i nie mogli wrocic do Polski. Chociaz wilu z nich mialo mozliwosc pozostac bo byli polskimi obywatelami ale woleli wybrac inne kraje.Kraje gdzie nie trzeba bylo sie odbudowywac z gruzow i byla tam tania sila robocza. No bo oni sa narodem wybranym aby nie brudzic rak ciezka i brudna praca. A jak myslicie kto po wojnie inwestowal w zrujnowane Niemcy?
Expelled from most of Europe for 1,000 years. Poland proved to be exceptional and assimilated the Jews till WWII. The penalty for hiding Jews during WWII was death. Poles risked their lives to save Jews. There were also those who turned Jews in fear of death. Despite the tragedy of the situation, no one but the Nazis can be blamed for those times. It is enough to put yourself in this situation. Just taking this into account, I completely do not understand the attitude of representatives of Israel and some Jews to Poland and Poles.
Poland (throughout its convoluted and tumultuous history) has accommodated much of the European Jewry fleeing persecution; however, for reasons which aren't quite clear to me, the Jews chose to remain unassimilated till the very end, living in their little enclaves in various Polish towns and cities. It is worth noting that a vast majority of survivors were those Jews who had assimilated, spoke Polish, had Polish friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who were able to help them out. The rest, who barely spoke the local language despite their 500 years' residence, found themselves helpless and stranded. Tragically, some of them even believed the Third Reich was just another government, one that spoke of giving them partial autonomy within their special zones - little did they know that those zones were soon to become ghettos designed to facilitate the German atrocities.
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos. Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us. I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example. And I agree that we are definitely taught that everyone secretly and not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside. I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at All, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and have a great attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake. And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish they could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
@@galsh.9329 Thank you for these beautiful words. Visit Poland and don't be afraid to talk. As a rule, Poles keep their distance, but this is usually due to language barriers. Bring us some smiles 😊 along the way, because that's what we're missing here. Hold on tight and never lose hope in good people, because there are such people in every country.
Poland was the only country during WW2 where if a Pole helped a Jew, his/her whole family faced capital punishment. France, Belgium and many other countries, although not persecuted in the same way, very eagerly took everything from their Jews and packed them onto trains to concentration camps. These nations, including Germany, are now praised and loved by Jews all over the world whereas Poland is condemned even though it is thanks to the sacrifice of many Polish families that so many Jews survived. There were bad people in Poland, too, szmalcownicy can be found everywhere, but the majority risked their lives to help. After the recent horrible massacre of Jews by Hamas there were so many massive pro Palestinian rallies in big cities worldwide, and in one of those protests in front of the Sydney Opera the crowd shouted 'gas the Jews'. Can you even imagine the reaction of the world if somethinf like this would happen in Poland??? In the meantime the Jews thank all the countries in the world except Poland where it is the safest to be a Jew in this time and age. So I'm wondering why Jews have anti Polish sentiments still very much alive???
Dear Michael, I am not Polish but live in Poland (where I like very much) already more than 20 years and I would like to share a recent 'partially sad' experience my Polish daughter had quite recently concerning a school project about tolerance and fight against antisemitism sponsored by a XYZ organization from the Netherlands-EU. First of all congrats for your videos, they gave me hope, they are inspiring, positive and also funny (the Polish Wedding video one was amazing, I also experienced that myself :) and your responsibility as a bridge between different worlds is huge but full of merit. Ok,let's go to the point: I start my story with a phrase from a famous Brazilian Educator, that is: "WHEN EDUCATION IS NOT LIBERATING, THE DREAM OF THE OPPRESSED IS TO BE THE OPPRESSOR - Paulo Freire" The project my daughter was engaged in took students with good average scores and with good English skills and my daughter was very excited about the possibility to travel to Holland, meet new people, speak English and all the dreams any teenager has. At the end there was no travel to Holland, many and many online meetings to talk about The Holocaust and the project ended up with the visiting of a group of students from Germany, from the Netherlands and Israel here in the small town where we live. Then there was still more live presentation in place, etc... And where was the biggest deception? The effort to integrate these students was close to zero, my daughter struggled to talk to others during the break times in the hotel they were staying but the maximum she could achieve was a quick elevator chat, and small openness for further conversations . Such a great and so important opportunity to change experiences among real live persons was spoiled, each group had separated presentations (why?) as the main goal was only to show a one-direction point of view and not caring to know more about your point of view. It is like focusing a magnifying glass exclusively on a dirty spot on a school blackboard while someone is trying to draw colourful flowers and beautiful histories on the remaining biggest area of the blackboard...but no one seems to be interested in. My daughter was truly disappointed at the end but luckily she has a family that helps her to see the brightside of everything and for me , to teach tolerance and fight against antisemitism is not to show "you are bad - I am good-I am the victim" but to show that we are not so different as we think we are, to respect each other sentiments and with open mind understand each other. Once I met a Brazilian Polish-Jewish descendant visiting Warsaw (most Polish-Jewish emigrated to Brazil in the years 1920-30, that is, without the War trauma and were the Jewish that survived and that had a normal positive experience in Poland) and this young man was so curious and excited to know Poland and find his family roots but one year later he went for one year school in Israel and then...he was brainwashed... His positiveness towards Poland changed radically. Is that OK? I don't know, I think that government in Israel is afraid to loose his citizens and cultivate fear (more than necessary) to show enemies everywhere as the best method to keep them close?...but if education is not liberating, broad, open... in a long term it's not good. But luckily I have found in my life good humans from many many countries that really wants to do this planet a better world. I think also that we, non-Polish living in Poland, together with our Polish brothers have an important role to show how Poland is a Great normal Place. Polska jest super! Once again congrats for your great job! May the majority of applause encourage you and may the few boos not discourage you.
You are spot on the Israeli education/ brainwashing topic. It's sad how new generations are being taught to hate themselves and label it as antisemitism comming from others. But it's all about the money. There is a document from 2009 directed by Yoav Shamir "Dezinformation"/ "Defamation" that illustrates this perfectly. It's here on YT.
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland history. I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish. The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!! I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow it to happen.
I would mention two other aspects here... Firstly, not only Jews had it worse before the war than now. Most ethnic Poles had it worse too... Times were harder, society was still more "feudal", separated into classes etc than it is now... There were so many very poor people with very few rights back then... It's hard to say that Jews had it much worse than ethnic Poles in those times. Secondly, yes there was anti semitism back then in Poland and in all Europe... But I think it would be worth to remember why so many Jews lived in Poland in the first place... They did because they had to escape other European countries, where they were killed etc. They found refugee in Poland... And now some of those countries lecture Poland on our anti semitism. During WWII those countries also willingly put their Jewish citizens on trains and transported them to Nazi death camps in Poland... Poland as a state never took part in killing Jewish people like that...
I would say that Poland was a very convenient country for Jews to hate - during World War II, the Germans set up a slaughterhouse and torture chamber for Jews in Poland, and after World War II, Poland became part of the Soviet empire, which began to support Arab countries. (Western) Germany became a frontline state and the main ally of the USA, and after a period in which the Americans forced German city dwellers to visit neighboring concentration camps, the Germans were "acquitted" en mass, and the guilty turned out to be the "Nazis", with whom ordinary Germans had something in common, but it is "not known for certain" - the Nazis flew to Germany in 1933 and left in 1945. Poland had no opportunity to defend its image and to this day it happens that in a quite serious newspaper in the United States employing rather well-educated journalists, one of them will write about Polish concentration camps. The fact that, next to Jews, the largest group of prisoners were Poles does not reach the general consciousness outside Poland. As well as the fact that, unlike many other European countries, there were no Polish authorities collaborating with Hitler or Polish troops fighting on Hitler's side. The last brick in this wall of negative Jewish emotions are trips to Auschwitz organized for young people by Israel, the only point of which is often a tour of the camp, trips in January when it is gray and gloomy or terribly cold. I imagine that such a trip is very depressing and creates or strengthens appropriate associations with Poland. Israel certainly seems like a wonderful place on Earth after such a visit - and that's the point.
The overrepresentation of Jews among high-ranking members of the Security Office, a postwar secret police in Communist Poland whose interrogation methods made the Gestapo look like greenhorns, has certainly not helped in bridging the ethnic, cultural and ideological gaps that had existed before WW2 started. Nor has the blanket refusal to extradite the most notorious functionaries to Poland to face a fair trial.
There is a lot of videos about Poland in youtube. I like to read the comments section very much. There is always many interesting comments. Under videos about Poland there is always a lot of greetings sent to Poles from various countries: Hungary, Romania, US, Turkey, etc. etc. even countries like Russia, Germany, Netherlands. I have never seen such comments from Israel. However I do remember several years ago, when there was another Polish-Israeli fuss on the go, comments of Israeli Jews such as "I apologize for my government". "You did more than everyone else to save my people". And I'm very grateful for such comments. They bring back my faith in humanity.
@@galsh.9329 Thank you for very interesting comment. > Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I think you get it wrong. They likely didn't even know what country you're from :P One reason that no one wanted to talk to you could be the fact that we don't like to talk in English because we are ashamed of our accent. :( You should have not been shy and just started conversation yourself. Cities like Warsaw or Wrocław are very big and cosmopolitan. Poeople there are very used to different nationalites and rather open. I don't want to start a discussion about politics but I personally think that until several years ago Poland was as a whole one of the most Philosemitic countries across the world. There were many reasons for that, some of them were: 1. A possitive image of Jews in our literature. 2. The fact that Israel was founded by Polish Jews. Unfortunately Israel/Israeli elites didn't know that. They didn't know that because we had been separated by iron curtain and even afterwards we weren't interested in oppinions of one another. Hence Israeli politicians didn't know it and because of that they destroyed it. I regret it because we share hundreds of years of common history and we could have very good relations. Greetings from Poland
@@galsh.9329 I can give you a pro tip how to befriend some people from Poland: learn some Polish. Even some basic sentences, like hello, good moring, how are you, good bye etc. Poles love when foreigners try to learn/speak Polish :P
@@galsh.9329 Sorry for being offtopic, but you misspelled 'Hungary' as 'hungry', lmao If a Hungarian were to read this thread, it would instantly trigger them
@@galsh.9329 OK, opinion from me as a Polish. Many Poles are hostile to israelis (me included), its because to the fact how we as a Poles are treated by israeli politicians, but people too. When I discuss something in internet with israelis, they often insult me as a "nazi collaborator". And that's not only my experience. Maybe you are manipulated into thinking like that, but we aren't nice to people who insult our nation, and spread lies about our history. I try to understand that not all of you think like that, but its hard when are your experiences with israelis are very negative. It's not like we would attack or harrass you or something, but I guess first question from most people after learning you are from israel would be "why do you hate us, we saved a lot of you".
You underestimate the German historical policy, shifting guilt from Germans to others. Poles were very vulnerable to it for years as they were behind the iron curtain. There are still huge grants for scholars aligned with this policy (both Polish and Jewish).
Of all the occupied European countries, only Poland and only Poles faced the death penalty for helping Jews. Do you know why? Because Poles, as catholics, felt a great obligation to help our older brothers in faith. Have you ever wondered why the Germans built extermination camps in Poland? Read about why Poland had the most Jews of all European countries (hint -> wiki: Paradisus Judaeorum, wiki: Casimir III the Great). This is what real history looks like. As a Pole, I wish Israel victory over your enemies and peace.
@@rozsadnymarek5988 The same here, i wish Israel prevails over the terrorist Hamas! But to be true to history not only Poles, and not only in Poland were punished by death. Also USSR and Serbia was treated similarly, and a little in Czechia, but it was the guerilla law, that also considered helping Jews.
We don't care what they wanna hear, but what has to be brought back about true hustorical events? Entire world hear their suffering story ,nobody object lies and use Poland 11 millions dead distroy by invaded Army Germany and USSR Russi with blown 1943 Ukraine. Poland suffer five Times greater tragedi and you talk about more appologise by The Vatican. You obviously read sooome dumb staff religius or political gebrish disatached from any reality. Its not only appologise its upright the true about WWII nad invasion and destraction Poland that give Germany powerhouse for decades and great prevlidge to Jewish. THE HOLY ROMAN Empire is behind every war its in German emblemas and banners Swizerland Banking Cartel. And the Chosen Nation without thier own land is the choice of the mighty creator. Two triangle imbeded together tell entire world about who are thier standard double.
For the real face of german historical policy just look at the holocaust monument in Berlin. People already don't know or forget what it is, they treat it like a skatepark or a sunbathing area ffs. A monument to milions of people Has Has such a horroble fate
Sweden was not occupied by the Nazis in WW2 but they collaborated with it. They supplied the German Reich with iron ore for their war machine and they allowed German troops to cross their country to attack Norway. And yet Sweden always comes up roses. Because of their policy their country was intact after WW2, unlike many other European countries.
They traded with many and their merchant ships were sunk by both sides, depending on route. Sweden tried to stay afloat and keep distance. They could afford it unlike Poland, I cannot blame them.
In Israel we are aware that Sweden is simply not the place for us to walk today, but we aren't taught what they did during the war. Our education system is really twisted. I know the truth about polls and I'm so sorry that we are taught in school that you were the worst, when you helped the most. I actually really hope I could introduce myself to polish people one day, I kept my distance to respect them because I read a lot of comments about how much they regret helping us and that it was a mistake But I really love your attitude and I can't wait to bridge the gap one day. Sending a lot of love and gratitude from Israel ❤
@@kruanne Not True!! How do you think the Jews of Denmark and Norway survived? Because the Danes helped them get to Sweden!! Norwegian Jews that remained in Norway after the germans arrived often did not survice, but those who left right away for Sweden all survived. Also you have forgotten one of Raul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who helped many many Jews get out of particularly Hungary. He has also been cited by Israel for his effort to save Jews which eventually cost him his life when the Russians took over Hungary and killed him. I am a Swedish American, with family still in Sweden.)
The subject of Jews in Poland is complex, multilayer, has a lot of painful episodes. You can read from comments below that many Poles exhibit something of a persecution complex when it comes to the holocaust subject, but it is well motivated by very selective way the history is presented in the West and particularly among Jewish communities. Everybody knows Jews died in Poland, but somehow almost nobody asks a basic question, why were the camps built there, not in occupied France, Netherlands, or Greece. Is it possible because that's were largest number Jews lived before all of the horror started? And if so, why they lived there in such numbers? Was it because they just wanted to be mistreated by local governments, or perhaps because it was the only relatively safe place for centuries before that terrible time of WWII? Nobody would claim it was all great time in Poland before (it wasn't), but you should read what happened to Jews in Spain, France or Germany in Medieval times and where they fled receiving basic support (hint - it was not US or Canada ;). Of of these outrageous things is some snooty French or Brit lectures us about Polish anti-semitism and then we look at statistics of attacks against Jews in France, UK, or USA and compare them with incidents in Poland, where at worst you have anti-Jewish graffiti. And it is Poland somehow, where Israeli youth needs protection with fully armed security guards when visiting Auschwitz Museum? Is that really done for their safety, or rather to create the paranoia and siege mentality among these impressionable young people who are being conditioned to fight for their country as it's under undeniable threat, just not from these guests at the Museum or the railway station in a country with one of the lowest violent crime statistics in Europe... I am encouraged by people like you, Michael. You ask right questions, you should explore answers. Doesn't matter what I tell you, or others, but what matters you seek answers without prejudice. More people like that on both sides and we can finally start talking about most difficult things with stuffiness and grievances overwhelming any common sense. Keep exploring!
@@lerubenfeldjust a thanks for it? Man, we are talking about millions of ppl living in fake reality… I live in a town in Poland where there are synagogues and Jewish graveyards. There is a lot of Israeli tourists mostly teenagers. Why do they need guards with weapons? Tell me, please. I know couples of Jews living in my town no one bothers them so why armed guards?
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow for it to happen.
@@JerzyMi piszesz kłamstwa i to starasz się wielokrotnie to powielać aby siać nienawiść. Kościół katolicki w Polsce jest dla Polaków ważny ale tez dzięki temu kościołowi nawet ci niewierzący w większości zachowują poziom przyzwoitości nie pozwalający na krzywdzenie i niesprawiedliwość. A teraz spójrz na lewicowy i antyreligijny "nowoczesny " zachód Europy którego cywilizacja umiera na oczach będąc zżerana od środka hedonizmem i egoizmem. Dobry Żyd, Palestyńczyk, Tatar , Ukrainiec , Niemiec etc etc zawsze byli w tym społeczeństwem miłymi gośćmi i tak jest dzisiaj, ale gospodarz musi mieć prawa gospodarza - w tym dbanie o dobre imie swojej rodziny. Jeśli gość mieści się w pojęciu ogólnie przyjętego dobra będzie przyjęty jak książe, a jeśli będzie obrażał i okradał czy zabijał to spotka go zły los - co nasza historia już wiele razy pokazywała.
I remember how I watched a documentary film by a Jewish filmmaker from Israel (I cannot remember what it was called) where in one part of the film he tagged along with the school trip from Israel to Poland where Jewish youth would learn about Holocaust history - the Mosad agent who was with them to "keep them safe" said to the entire group when they were at the airport "we are going to a country where everyone hates you and everyone will be hostile". It just blew my mind - I couldnt imagine the sheer amount of brainwashing that was unfolding there. And it later showed - during the trip there were some local old geezers who were discussing joyfuly what they see and when they saw the Jewish trip they thought at first that maybe it were some asians visiting but then laughed when they realized they are mistaken - they were laughing at themselves basicly and not at the trip. Then some teenagers from the trip approached them and started yelling at them accusing them of making fun of them - that the laughing was targeting the Jewish group - the old geezer explained in Polish to the teenagers that they simply thought that they were some asian tourists or sth and then they realized they were wrong - the young Jewish woman not understanding Polish came to conclusion that the old geezer was insulting her - she started screaming at them spewing insults. Later the Jewish guy who was doing the documentary approached her and asked her what that was about - she said to him they were insulting the Jews and making fun out of them. He had Polish heritage and knew Polish well enough to know what the old geezer was saying - that those were not insults - and he said to her "No he was insulting you - I know what he said and there were no insult there" - she looked absolutely shocked and cofused at him - you could basicly hear the glass shattering in her mind as she was left clueless about the whole situation.
@boleklolek8068 I watched that movie, as well, and the brainwashing that was done to the Israeli young people by the group leaders of the tours in order to instill hatred of Poland and Poles in these youngsters was evil and disgusting. They were made to believe that if they went out in public, they could be violently attacked. It was horrible to watch.
@@pakkslac133 It would really be good if these young Israelis were to come to Poland on their own without the brainwashing and to see what the country was actually like.
I think the truth is more simple and more brutal. Israel accepted German payment for holocaust so it became unfashionable to accuse them (Germans) for the atrocities they commited. On the other hand holocaust and antisemitism turned out to be a profitable bussines and a good glue to keep the Jewish society together. So they needed a scapegoat. And Poland fitted pefectly. It was at time occupied by USSR and weak economically, so couldn't effectively defend herself. The West never cared for Poland and never understood that the German occupation was not like occcupation of France or Denmark. Biggest deth camps were installed on Polish territory. Who remembers now that primary goal of Auswitz concentracion camp was extermination of etnic Poles? It all worked too well - now many people in the West even think that nazis were Polish, as they are never ever called "Germans". And in case of Israel I think it's just a cynical propaganda.
You're absolutely spot on. Once the Germans decided they've paid enough for the genocide they perpetrated on their populations, especially in Autshwitz( Polish name Oswiècim) during their occupation of Poland during 2WW, there was a need to find someone else to blame and made them pay for the holocaust. The Poles were the obvious choice, it is despicably cynical.
Thank you for the video, but I don't think it's only that. It is understandable if it is connected to assigning blame for the Holocaust to Poland and Poles, otherwise it doesn't make much sense. I lived in the Wola district in Warsaw where tens of thousands of civilians were slaughtered in August 1944. I didn't hate Wola. I met Jews online who were certain that there was Polish Waffen SS (there wasn't, but there was a French one), that death camps were built in Poland because Poles wanted them and Germans would not allow that (two death camps were in Germany proper, the rest in General Government - part of Greater Germany, first prisoners in Auschwitz were Poles, there were hundreds of concentration camps all over Germany), that Poles were the guards in the camps (maybe some Polish-speaking Volksdeutsche, but not someone who identified as a Pole), that Poles were worse than Germans, that Poles drink antisemitism with their mother's milk... one of weirdest ones was from a Russian Jew who thought Poles could have liberated Auschwitz because it was so close to Poland, but instead the Red Army had to march thousands of kilometres to do it... the ignorance of the realities of life during WW2 in different places/countries, the ignorance of facts about the Holocaust itself - like the differences in treatment of half-Jews (death in occupied Poland, life in Germany) or differences between countries that allied with or were on the side of Germany like Bulgaria, Finland or Italy (who had control over their territory and could keep Jews safe, if they wanted) and countries that were annexed and fully occupied like Poland, who had no say in how the local population was treated, Jewish or not...
@@magirktheone the Goralenvolk did not identify as Poles and it was precisely because they colaborated with Germans. Thanks God, the great majority of the Gorals never considered themselven anything else than Poles.
Polish people are suffering in silence, unlike some other nations. Being polish I've never heard a word of antisemitism in Poland. I learn in polish school about jewish culture, going to jewish synagoge-museums, going to Jewish music festival in Krakow, learning in school polish jews literature and poetry. Many polish autheurs were jews, but at school our teachers didnt make a difference. NEVER. I had a jewish friends, but I knew it afterwords, because in Poland nobody make a difference. Children are children. That is why, I really dont think I owe any special attention to jewish people, they are like others. We are all people.
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos. Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us. I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example. And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside. I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake. And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
My grand grandfather let a Jewish doctor into his home during World War II, even though he had three children. You know what the consequences were when german nazi found out. There thousand and thousand of similar histories. I believe that the behavior of Jews, especially young ones, who insult and spit on Poles is very unacceptable.
This is so... My greatgrand father starved in Dachau because he worked in administration, was helping Jews by making a fake IDs. One of them told thet to Germans. Great thank you. This situation was not the only one heard about (but only this one I am 100% sure) and that didn't make it easier to support Jews during the war. You can imagine in my familly is no love for Jews either. Germans made great PR as Poles seams to be worse then Germans for Jews. You may hate Auschwitz, but to hate Poland because it was based on its land. And you know why it was based here? Because it was easier to build extrmination camps in the place where the most of the people to be killed actually is (Germans efficiency). And you were here not because it was soooo bad for you. Apparently it was relatively good compering to other countries.
So, as Jews, because of your trauma, you give yourself the right and justify hatred towards Poland - let us add that it is unjustified because it should be directed at Germans. Meanwhile, you cry constantly and stubbornly about alleged anti-Semitism. To sum up, Jews can hate us, but we are supposed to love you? This won't happen. With this approach, there is no way of understanding between Poles and Jews. If you expect Poles to stop being anti-Semitic, then let the Jews stop being anti-Polish.
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos. Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us. I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example. And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside. I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake. And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
There difference is between Germany and Poland, Germany acknowledges what they did while Poland blames someone else. It isn’t about the government; yes some poles saved Jews and Nazis also targeted Poles but until Poland accepts and acknowledges their complicity in the Holocaust, Jews will continue to hold complicated feeling about Poland. The current polish government elected by the polish people feels they owe nothing to survivors of the Holocaust; they shouldn’t be required to give them their land and citizenship back. Blaming the Holocaust entirely on the Nazis is a non starter for reconciliation with Jews.
If someone hates you and accuses you of bad things you didn't do, it's hard to remain indifferent. You have to do a lot of work not to reciprocate with hatred. And that's what I pray for and that's enough for me...
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos. Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us. I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example. And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside. I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake. And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
I just wanted to say, that Jews generated a lot of traumas for my relatives in 1939 when Soviet Union attacked Poland. Jews collaborated with soviets and worked against Polish neighbors. It is worth to mention that a lot of polish people lost their properties when they were shipped to Siberia and guess who took over… that wasn’t the single use case, rather a rule in eastern part of Poland. When hitler attacked Soviet Union they were perceived as freedom makers and my grandmom till today claims that there is nothing worse than Soviet-Jew terror.
Soviets weren't Jews and Jews weren't more common collaborator than any other nation. And while I understand you do have familiar trauma, Soviet never did what Nazi did, not even close.
Żydzi nie kolaborowali z Sowietami ale rządzili nimi od samego początku , byli odpowiedzialni za Holodomor , wojnę z Polską w 1920 , za sabotaż i terroryzm w przedwojennych Niemczech i wielu wielu złych rzeczy , o których nie uczy sie w szkole.
@@adapienkowska2605how can you calculate that the one evil is bigger than the other? Evil is evil no matter if it comes from east West north or south. Soviet - Jews evil is equally evil as nazi. Genocide affected polish people equally
A thing that also does not help: people in Poland were aware of Holokaust and informed the West (who mostly did not care), the information that all these Jews were murdered was know. And yet, when the communists came and started murdering and torturing civilians and former combatants, about half of them were Jewish. And this was something that started to fuel the dislike of Jews after the war. If you want to go down a bigger rabbit-hole, read about the ghetto in Lodz how the ghetto administration (all Jews appointed by the Germans) sold out their community (especially the orthodox Jews). I agree that understanding is needed, but it takes two to tango...
Jewish hatred toward Poland has nothing to do with a government as it's against Polish people. PL-ISL governmental relation were very cordial in first decade of 21century and that didn’t stop ISL politicians call ALL Poles as genetical anti-Semites. Appreciate Jewish traumas - Holocaust and recently with Arabs but that doesn’t change much.
Jews who were thrown out of almost all of Europe since 13th-14th century were wellcomed to Poland by then Polish kings and were thriving for centuries. Yes they were animosities as ethnic Poles were almost exclusively catholic and the Jewish population were following judaism. However to blame Polish people for the atrocities the Germans committed in occupied Poland,with often the help of their own ( like the Jewish police in the gethos which theGerman occupiers set up for them) is simply completely untrue. Polish people suffered grately during the WW2 and saved more Jews than any other Western countries put together, often risking their own lives ( Ulm family pregnent mother, father and five children were killed by Germans for hiding Jews in their home).Poland was the only country were the occupying German administration put it in the law of death sentence for any help given to the Jews. This is one incredibly important factor which is hardly ever mentioned by all the haters of Poles, which brings the question how many French, Dutch,Swiss, Chechs or any others were put to death for for saving a Jewish family. It's really the highest time Polish people started standing for themselves and confronted the lies being told about them in the context of the German industry of genocide were thousand of Poles also perished.
All any young Israeli has to do is visit Yad Vashem in Jerusalem to educate themselves. Polish are the most common names amongst the rightous among Nations.
Jews should thank Poland and Polish people in their everyday prayers for everything Poles did to help them! God bless Poland and Polish people! ❤ from 🇨🇦
Such a loaded topic. But the bottom line is goodwill and keeping the conversation going as long as neither side sticks to preconceptions about the other side. Patience and respect for our humanity are essential here.. This is no easy task, to be sure -- as the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows. Both Jewish and Polish cultures are rooted in a shared principle of respect and the need to get along. It doesn't always seem obvious, but that moral code is the product of sharing the homeland for many centuries rather than a vague philosophical outlook. The Poles and the Jews must remember that they grew up together, raising each other and shaping each other's characters. This belief shines through your videos, Michael, and may your mission produce the best results.
This is a very important, valuable and needed exploration. There is a huge area of animosity forgotten by most in time that happened before WWI and WWII. There were problems of anti-Semitism in Poland before the war but animosity came from both sides and was not without merit. Yes you read it correct, anti Polish animosity was also prevalent in the Jewish people. Poland was under partitions for 123 years. When Poland was under partitions the occupying powers lead a policy of fracturing the occupied people into minorities. Giving separate privileges' to Ukrainians, Belarussians and yes also Jewish people. Privilege's that were unavailable to Poles by design. The idea was that it was easier to rule many divided peoples rather than one unified nation. 123 years is a lot of time. After WWI when Poland was restored those privileges were equalized. This created animosity, and the animosity went both ways. It's this animosity manufactured by design by people who partitioned Poland and wanted to make it more manageable to rule by dividing it's people that lead to the anti-Semitism of national democrat's. But and i need to stress this - it was not one sided. Jewish people had animosity to Polish peasants who gained the right to open shops and become traders - areas that before were dominated by Jewish people. And still when Poland was invaded by Germans many Polish people risked their lives to save their Jewish neighbors. Similarly after WWII to oppose the Germans Jewish people sided with the Soviets who once again enslaved Polish people. This again enflamed the anti-Semitism and it's this animosity that embers are responsible for anti-Semitism today. Many see Jewish people as traitors who first supported Soviets and the fled to Israel when the rest remained enslaved here. I have posted a link to a great article about it in the first response you posted on the other site but removed since. It had plenty of Jewish sources. Unfortunately Yt deletes such links. There is also a great song by Kaczmarski (who was part Jewish) called "Opowieśc pewnego imigranta" that perfectly encapsulates the problem. I did translate it into English but again cannot post it here without the link being deleted. For this to work it has to go both ways. Poles need to want to understand Jewish people, but Jewish people need to want to understand Poles. A good benchmark would be the reconciliation Poles had with Germans. "We forgive and ask for Forgiveness". It's worth it. Polish history is irrevocably intertwined with Jewish history, and most Jewish people don't even know it. This is big if we manage to bring it to light.
@@PiotrJaser Np mogli prowadzić sklepy i tawerny czego nie mogli robić Polscy chłopi. Przecież właśnie to napisał kolega w komentarzu wyżej... Poza tym słyszałem że często odkupywali majątki szlachciców których zesłano na Sybir. To niewątpliwie też jakaś forma przywileju.
@@PiotrJaser To nawet nie tyle przywileje związane z konkretnym zaborem co transformacje społeczno-ekonomiczne wynikające z przemian z systemu klasowego gdzie szlachta posiadała grunt, pracowali na nim chłopi a żydzi zarządzali i prowadzili handel i sklepy na społeczeństwo w którym polscy chłopi zaczęli móc konkurować z wcześniej unikalnie usytuowaną grupą Żydów i Ormian. “Peasant resentment of rural Jews heightened still further after the latter began to retaliate against the loss of business. Jewish merchants attacked parish priests for their role in founding Christian stores. The Jewish shop owner in the town of Kalwarya reportedly offered to donate 60 zlotys[złoty] year to a cloister of the priest’s choosing if the clergyman would convince circle members to close their store, and offered the circle itself 100 zlotys to cease its operations. In most cases,peasant entrepreneurs persevered. Occasionally, however, as in the parish of Dąbrowa in 1884, the Jews triumphed and circle activities ceased altogether in response to the “great agitation” Jewish businessmen organized.” -65 Keely Stauter-Halstead, The Nation in the Village: The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland,1848-1914 (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001), 41, 50, 116, 133. Co ironiczne żydzi nieraz widzieli kulturę niemiecką jako wyższą od Polskiej: "Our parents not only praised that time [i.e., Austrian rule] as being better for the Jews, but spoke with pride about the superiority of German culture and its people compared to the Polish culture. This attitude was very badly received by the Polish people. ... The belief that German culture was superior continued even to the time when Germany occupied Poland in 1939, and in its eastern part in 1941. I remember when the Jews spoke among themselves about the future under the Nazi regime: “Under the Germans it couldn’t be so bad as the press wants us to believe because they are the leading civilized nation.” -Leon Weliczker Wells, Shattered Faith: A Holocaust Legacy (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1995), “... many important factors infused in the Jews a spirit of contempt and hatred towards the Poles. In contrast to the organizational activity and capacity of the Germans, the Jews saw the Poles as failures. The rivals most difficult to Jews, in the economic and professional fields were the Poles,and we must not underrate the closeness of Yiddish to the German language as well. I still remember that during my childhood the name “goy” sounded to me as referring to Catholic Poles and not to Germans; though I did realize that the latter were obviously not Jews, I felt that the Germans in the vicinity were not simply Gentiles. It would be shocking to think of it to-day, but the pre-Hitlerite relations between Jews and Germans in our vicinity were friendly. ... In the twenties, Jews and Germans stood together one election lists. Out of those Germans rose such who, during the German invasion, helped in the acts of repression and extermination as experts, who had the experience and knew the secrets. It is not surprising, then, that in the mixed loyalties of the time Jewish unity grew stronger and deeper, and consciousness in this direction burned like a flame. ... the actual motherland was not a temporal one, but a heavenly one, a vision and a dream-to the religious it was the coming of the Messiah, to the Zionists it was a Jewish country, to the Communists and their friends it was a world revolution. And the real constitution according to which they lived was the Shulhan Aruch, code of laws, and the established set of virtues, or the theories of Marx, and the rules of Zionism and the building up of a Jewish country.” -Shimon Kanc, ed., Sefer Ripin: A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Ripin [Rypin] (Tel Aviv: FormerResidents of Ripin in Israel and in the Diaspora, 1962), 9-10. Żydzi widzieli Polaków zgnojonych pod zaborami jako prymitywów i opowiadali się po stronie zaborców bo to im było na rekę bardziej niż się im przeciwstawiać dla jakieś historycznej solidarności: “Our small town, Stojanow [Stojanów], had about a thousand Jews and an equal number of Poles and Ukrainians. ... We looked down on the small (Polish) farmer, whom we called Cham, which was an old traditional way of saying Am Haaretz (people of the earth), which to us meant simpletons. ... We lived in a self-imposed ghetto without walls. The Jewish religion fostered our living together in groups which separated us from non-Jews. ... All of these [religious] restrictions caused the Jews to live in ghetto-like societies so that they could maintain their Jewish way of life. ... We had virtually no contact with the outside world, surely not social contact, as our interests and responsibilities were completely different from the goish’s….)" - Leon Weliczker Wells, adviser to the Holocaust Library in New York Mam tego od cholery i trochę. Tylko Yt to słabe miejsce do postowania.
There used to be a lot of antisemitism in Poland. One of the reasons for it was blaming Jews that they hadn't assimilated. Even after living in Poland for hundreds of years many of them couldn't speak Polish. They didn't assimilate because they couldn't. There were different laws for Christians and Jews. Still, there was a reason that Jews from all over Europe settled in Poland. Antisemitism in other countries was much worst. For example until not long ago Jews were prohibited from settling in England or the Scandinavian countries. In Italy they couldn't live outside of ghettos. They were chased out of Spain. In the German states they suffered regular pogroms.
Żydzi przybywali do Polski od XIV wieku (co najmniej) z całej Europy, bo nikt ich tu nie prześladował...mieli swoją rolę w społeczeństwie i swoje wolności...wolności takie, że w XX wieku w obliczu najazdu Niemiec na polskie państwo, ci żydowscy obywatele polscy osiedleni od wieków w Polsce, nie potrafili mówić po polsku i z Polską w ogóle się nie identyfikowali! Witali najeźdźców kwiatami i denuncjowali Polaków! Powiedz to swoim,że takich, którzy nie mówili po polsku było trudno ratować! I powiedz im, że każdemu Polakowi groziła śmierć, jemu i jego całej rodzinie wraz z dziećmi (patrz rodzina Ulmów), za jakąkolwiek pomoc Żydom! A jednak Polacy ratowali Żydów... z narażeniem własnego życia...z narażeniem życia własnych dzieci! Odpłata przyszła szybko. Ci uratowani Żydzi katowali później w szeregach NKWD, KBW, UB naszych bohaterów, obrońców, patriotów! Mam gdzieś waszą wrażliwość, która wynika z tego, że w Polsce był holokaust! Co za durna gadanie! W Polsce w Oświęcimiu były jakieś maleńkie koszary wojskowe! To Niemcy zmienili Oświęcim na Auschwitz i stworzyli tam piekło! A Ty z Twoimi rodakami masz pretensje, że to w Polsce!? Jaki mieliśmy na to wpływ, w momencie gdy Polska została pokonana i niezbyt wielu Żydów walczyło w jej obronie, aczkolwiek tacy byli?! Cierpienia i martyrologii naszych polskich przodków Was nie obchodzi! Według waszej narracji jesteście jedynymi ofiarami IIWW godnymi współczucia i szacunku, choć MY wiemy jak zachowywali się Wasi pobratymcy współpracujący z Niemcami w dziele eksterminacji własnego narodu! ŁAJDACTWEM JEST ZARZUCANIE POLSCE I POLAKOM ANTYSEMITYZMU! Głupi gnojku!
I po co ta agresja? Michael przedstawił swój punkt widzenia. My musimy również przedstawiać nasz, ale nie w ten sposób bo nikt nie będzie brał Cię poważnie
@@ypabloworldProblem w tym że ich punkt widzenia jest taki że jak już wycisnęli z Niemiec wszystko co się dało to postanowili znaleść inną krowę dojną , a my powinnismy być mili i uprzejmi żeby im nie było przykro że ośmielamy się mówić prawdę , która im jest niewygodna .Tej nacji nie wpuszcza się na swój teren , bo pierwsze co robi to wysysa wszystkie życiodajne soki z gospodarza i się rozpycha i przejmuje kolejne kawałki ziemi , aż w końcu postanawiają usunąć gospodarza . Przechodziliśmy przez to parokrotnie , ale opatrzność czuwała i nie udało im się . Mniej szczęścia mieli Palestyńczycy, których właśnie próbują definitywnie usunąć. Myślę że do nas się nie zechcą przeprowadzić , bo przecież jesteśmy antysemitami w takim przekonaniu wychowywali swoje kolejne pokolenia i to przewrotnie obróciło się nam na dobre.
Czy mozesz cos powiedziec o stosunku Żydów do nie - Żydów? Odsłon prosze jakimi wartościami kieruja sie aby rozwiac watpliwosci i uprzedzejia. Prawda to najlepsze lekarstwo. Pozdrawiam
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow it to happen.
@@JerzyMi so, you haven't read "The Song of the Murdered Jewish People" by Icchak Kacenelson? He wrote the truth. Poles saved Jews despite the fact that their own lives were in danger. Do Jews demand that we save others at the cost of our own lives?
I am sorry, but up until 1943 Jewish people kept saying it is not their War. Most of them refused to risk their life for Poland. After nearly 3.5 years into the War the Jewish people willing to fight from ŻOB and ŻZW combined were around 1000 men strong. These are not even symbolic numbers considering the Jewish population of 1939's Poland was around 3 mln people. German commander Stroop said that for the first 3 years of occupation there was pretty much zero resistance from the Jews and taking them was "as easy as putting a chicken in a bag" - he said. Jews were unable to unite and fight. Each one of them was glad it is not him/her today. Even in 1918 the idea of independent Poland was completely ambivalent to them. They never considered Poland home even when they could.
This is an outrageous claim of someone who knows nothing of the situation for Jews. This is as bad as Jews saying all Poles wanted to kill Jews. Its completely ignorant.
temat bierności Żydów zwłaszcza podczas Wielkiej Akcji deportacyjnej getta warszawskiego pojawia się w wielu pamiętnikach i sami Żydzi mieli do siebie o to pretensje, ale ta strategia przetrwania miała logiczne podstawy. Niemcy robili wszystko by na każdym kroku przekonać ich, że są potrzebni jako tania siła robocza dla Wehrmachtu i nie zostaną wymordowani. poza tym czym i po co mieli walczyć w gettach? przecież Powstanie Warszawskie wybuchło dopiero gdy Armia Czerwona zbliżała się do Pragi, a wcześniej Polacy musi znosić łapanki i deportacje do obozu. akcje odwetowe były nieliczne. ok. 2 mln etnicznych Polaków wymordowano ZANIM wybuchło powstanie
@@antekp2965 Well, it is true that the chances of any military or para-military success against the German war and death industry were almost destined to fail. The numbers were always absolutely overwhelming. The fact that Piłsudski created a national gun registry in June of 1919 which non complying with was punishable by a year in prison + 5000 marks fine on top of that made everybody even more vunerable. Both Germans and Russians got their copy of the Polish gun registry with all the names, adresses and models of firearms posesed on Polish territory. Germans had it even before the war started. Gun owners were disarmed and some of them executed. Poles and Jews were stuck in it together. Outgunned and outnumbered. If Jews put up a fight from the first days of september 1939 together with Poles maybe some events would end up a little bit different. The problem is that Jews thought it is going to be the same like every war before that. And Poland had many wars since the XIV century when Jews moved in. Even when Poland stopped existing Jews were still there. However every other war before that was only about gaining land and resources and control. Not about extermination of inhabitants.
@@darek4488 a co do Żydów w 1918 : byli Żydzi w Legionach Piłsudskiego i stąd też jego filosemityzm. problem w tym, że >70% Żydów z terenów II RP nie było zasymilowanych, nie uważali się za Polaków. tym bardziej zostali zniechęceni polskimi pogromami (sic!)
@@darek4488 Pogrom lwowski, 1918 - pogrom ludności żydowskiej we Lwowie między 22 a 24 listopada 1918 roku wywołany przez część polskich żołnierzy, a także cywilów
czasu nie szkoda, ale straszne jest to, że naród jest uczony nienawiści do innego narodu... i to my nie jesteśmy tego, it;s not a waste of time, but it is terrible that a nations is taught hatred towards another nation and it's not us we are taught this way
Kiedyś znalazłem Talmud on-line (tłumaczenie na angielski). Zacząłem czytać w losowo wybranym miejscu. Szybko przerwałem, bo od czytania treści tam zawartych zrobiło mi się niedobrze.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right. Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!! So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
Micheal, you are doing great job! As a Pole, I really aprreciate it. I think Jews don't undestand that the Polish state and nation also are a victim of holocaust. That's why jewish hatred toward Poland is painfull for us.
@@lerubenfeld Yes, you are right. It is not only jewish perspecitve but whole world. But jewish perspecitve is most painfull. Sad is that as you mentioned in your other yt film that, jewish culture is a missing part polish culture. We have so many common things. In other hand polish ppl dont know about antisemic movments in Poland before The 2 World War. After holocaust it is still resonating between our relationship. And Poles doesnt understand because we also have "victim" mentality
Konflikt zaczął się w okresie zaborów gdy Żydzi w ogromnej większości opowiedzieli się po stronie zaborców, nie polonizowali się. Byli w najlepszym wypadku obojętni wobec Polski.
hi i still dont understand why many people around the world blame Poland for holocaust and not Germany? We had problems with antisemitism and still have (but now i think its almost neglable). Btw when i think about holocoust victims i don see polish or jewish people but polish citizens
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos. Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us. I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example. And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside. I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school. I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake. And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
What education of young people in Israel about Poland looks like is best shown by the film "Defamation". Made by an Israeli director, it brilliantly shows certain mechanisms that allow you to learn about the national characteristics of Israelis. I highly recommend watching this film, especially now, during what is happening in the Gaza zone. After this film, I would also recommend reading about Israel's defense, how unlikely it is that they would not know about any planned attack on Israel, and finally, I recommend watching "Public Enemy" with Wille Smith. 1+1= always two.
There are more reasons 1. Russians were antagonizing Poles against Jews by hiring a lot of them to political police called Urząd Bezpieczeństwa. 37% of that police managers were Jewish. UB, together with NKVD, killed about 50 thousand Poles in years 1944-1954. Poles hates new rulers and were blaming Russians together with Jews for after-war cruelties. A newly fueled antisemitism caused half of the Jewish population to emigrate. About half of 100 thousand Jews left Poland, including 30 thousand in 1957. Their children and grandchildren hate Poland for that expulsion. They dont know, their parents and grandparents were not just policemen. 2. Another antisemitism campaign was ordered by Russians, because USSR supported Arab countries against Israel in 1968. This caused internal change of powers among communists. 13-20 thousand of people left Poland only in 1968. 3. Nowadays Holocaust trips to Poland. Organizers are scaring young Israelites of Poland, blocking any form of communication. So they are coming back from Poland brainwashed, that "all Poles hate them and want to kill them".
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right. Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!! So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
nkwd i zydzi to jedno. Rosjanie byli terroryzowani we wlasnym kraju , wiekszosc uciekla pod Ural. Komunizm to wynalazek zydów, polecam głebiej wejśc w temat
My great-grandmother Weronika hid two Jewish children during the occupation. She did this even though she knew that this act was punishable by death for the entire family if the Germans discovered it. She was putting her own family at risk and she did it anyway. None of the Polish neighbors reported it, but from what I know from the stories, unfortunately, Jewish collaborators who cooperated with the Germans searched for such children, often successfully. As a Pole, I feel sorry that Poles are perceived as co-responsible. It's good that as a Jew you notice this cognitive dissonance. Regards
Nothing proves more that they weren't worth saving than what they write about Poland and Poles in their newspapers now. And yes we in Poland know all about the defamation bullshit Jews write about us. It is always big news over here.
@@PiotrJaser Jeśli nie wiesz to powinieneś wiedzieć że były specjalne jednostki składające się wyłącznie z Żydów kolaborantów które były wyspecjalizowane w wyszukiwaniu i wyłapywaniu ukrywających się Żydów . Żeby ukryć jednego człowieka potrzeba było współpracy conajmiej 20 osób tam się wszyscy znali od lat i jesli ktoś poszedł by na współpracę z Niemcami został by poddany w najlepszym przypadku ostracyzmowi i wszyscy odsunęli by się od takiej osoby . Bo jej działanie zagraża całej np. Wsi . Żydzi współpracujący z Niemcami musieli wykazywać i dostarczać określona ilość współziomków inaczej sami skazywali się na smierć .
You do NOT mention that many Jews, seeing the defeat of the Polish army, greeted the Germans troops according to the motto: 'Better be on the side of the winner!' The Jews in Poland also greeted the Soviet troops when they invaded Poland 2 weeks after the Germans. Not only this, Jews in Poland prepared lists of thousands of Polish intelectuals and government officials for the Soviets to take prisoner. You have to be fully honest if you want an honest Polish-Jewish dialogue.
btw. my grandmother worked for a wealthy Jewish family as a governess (spoke fluent French) before the war, and they, contrary to the stereotype of the stingy Jew, bought her an apartment in Warsaw's Old Town as gratitude for her work. During the war she helped them with, among other things, fake documents. Most of the help given to Jews in Warsaw simply involved acquaintances. as for the apartment, the house was bombed during the Warsaw Uprising and was not even rebuilt after the war.
That's quite interesting that when people visit Troy in Turkey they are aware it was Greek city, described by Homer in "Iliad". When someone visit amphiteatre El Jem in Tunesia, they know it was build by Romans, as this territory was occupied by Roman Empire. The same with amphiteatre in Nimes, France - it was build by Romans. In all three examples people focus on WHO build it, as regardless geographical location those historic sites are examples of Greek and Roman architecture. So Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof death camps should be widely recognized as German structures regardless their geographical location. Blaming Poles that on occupied territory of Poland Germans killed Jews, is like blaming Tunisians that in the amphiteatre of El Jem Romans were killing gladiators, slaves and Christians. In both cases it is absolutely sensless and irrational!
The problem is complicated also by Jewish collaboration with Soviets after 17 september 1939 on eastern territories of Poland occupied by USSR. And over half of communist "Polish" stalinist government were Jews, especially people in charge of "national safety". Their atrocities against Polish survivors, members of underground state (during the war), can be compared only with atrocities of Gestapo. I think, that especially Jews descending from Russia / USSR repatriates resent Poland. I did not see such attitude in Jews of other origin.
I do not see a quick solution for that attitude issue until Israel invests some time in a proper education not just blaming places and peoples for attrocities of Germans here. I have deliberately said about an education since in the "Defamation" a documentary by Yoav Shamir it was shown very well how the system works. If you need more I can send you. It says that the change may be difficult since Israelis continue to cultivate that blaming approach and community in diasportion yakes part in that. The number of books you can find about the relationships between Jews and Poles in history is quite high assuming you are not focused on Holocaust and it closes any kind of rationale discussion. The number of the Poles killed during the WWII was very was not only by Germans but also Russians. The Holocaust was a horrific attricity done by Germans. However, Poles suffered not less. Does the death of a Pole differ from the deaf of a Jew? Not at all. If someone claims something different it is a pure racism. Poles are aware of the suffering experienced by many nations here but an idea that the Jewish anger may be directed toward Poland and us because of what Germans did is insane. The Jews before the WWII only partially integrated with the rest of the society. The estimation were about 15%. Majority of the Jews, espacially from Chassidic communities were not able to speak proper Polish. Imagine their chances to survive killings having very different look and being not able to communicate in Polish. The Germans were able to easily distinguish them from the rest of the society. It was really very harsh. The uprising in Warsaw's Getto took place in the middle of war when Warsaw was surrounded by German troops. Chances - zero. one year later Warsaw Uprising even in much better situation was rerpessed with massive deaths estimated to over 200 000 civilians and thousands of Domestic Army fighters. The fact that over almost 80 years after those historical events Jews cultivate that approach makes me sad and a bit upset. There was a time to review it. Anyway, I do appreciate that at least you are opened for discussion about those things and I have a full respect and appreciation for that. Thank you.
imagine trying to paint Poland as best buddies with Nazis and active participants of Holocaust - when Poles were the only non-Jewish people that are also Holocaust victims - since many Poles were killed for sheltering or aiding Jews thus their death was a direct result of the Holocaust law - so they meet the criteria but even today you dont see Israel acknowledging that and instead trying to smear entire country and people based on the actions of fringe minority who we in Poland treat as traitors for their despicable actions twoards Jews during WW2. I will never hate someone simply because he is Jewish - only and idiot would do that - but I am feeling great despise twoards Isreal politicians and Jewish so called "elites" who seem to be going above and beyond to spit on the suffering and sacrifice that Poles and Jews share. Many good people died to leave an amazing legacy of helping the Jews against terrible almost impossible odds. Poland managed to rescue over 650k Jews from being exterminated by the Nazis. Polish government was one the few - if not the only - among the occupied countries that tried really hard to help Jewish victims. Poland exposed the Holocaust to the world with the amazing sacrifice of Witold Pilecki - a polish officer who offered himself to be caught and placed in concentration camp where he gathered inteligence and send messages about what the Nazis were doing. Cause it seems that people nowdays think that Holocaust was some well-known fact around the world during the war - it seems people cannot grasp, even in Israel it seems - that Nazis were keeping the Holocaust a secret from not only the entire world but even from their own population. Many Polish families where executed because there were Jewish collaborators who infiltrated the Underground Resistance and have snitched to Nazis which families sheltered Jews. Imagine if Polish government and Polish elites tried to smear all Jews with actions of these shameful individuals and paint every single Jew as such person. It would be horryfing and disgusting. But yet we see such attempts aimed at Poland - I am pretty sure you heared about the "Polish Death Camps" - I was so shocked when I saw so many Jewish people on social media saying that this is correct and that Poles killed Jews and participated in Holocaust. And it wasnt like one or two people it was hundreds - there was even a big video shot quite profesionaly showing various Jewish people - even a concetration camp survivor! - who were standing there and saying "Polish Death Camps!". Saying I felt disturbed seeing that is an understatement. And why do that? Why after all those years do this smear campaign? I really hope it has nothing to do with the fact that Poland is now becoming a more developed country and someone wants to take advantage of that in sort of "give us what we want or we will smear you and ruin your reputation even if it means distorting the history". But I am not Alfa and Omega who knows everything that happens in someone mind and hearts... thou it was curious that in the background as this smear campaign was in full swing - there were demands from Israel to give them real estates in Poland, especialy Warsaw that were Jewish before the war. But as everyone knows I hope - entire Warsaw was turned into a steaming pile of ruin with everything destroyed on behalf of "that certain German dictator's" order. Nothing was left and after war when communist have taken over - everything was nationalized and EVERYONE lost their real estates and properties. So I honor and admire the history that Jews and Poles share - but sadly it seems that there are forces who want to taint and destroy it for material gains and I would hope that enough good Polish and Jewish people will unite to protect our shared history from those forces.
But it is not political correct, just more precise, because nazism is defined as 'German national socialism", not all Germans are/were Nazis, so saying that "Germans slaughtered Jews" is less precise than blaming nazism for this and it focuses our justified hatred towards a false enemy, our enemy should be every totalitarian state/political power and not some particular nation, I am saying it as a Polish citizen (hatred towards Germans and Russians is unfortunately quite popular here, but its childish).
In occupied Poland to give a Jew a water equal death sentence (thousands did anyway) - was the death penalty in the west???? How many Jews would helped Polish person ? Where were Jews in 1939 when Polish People were murdered, the first prisoners in Auschwitz were native Poles. People like Gross, Grabowski, not to mention that 37% of Communist SB who torture Poles in Communist time - where is that hatred and "antipolishness" coming from??? Poles did suffer too is that any matter/ care to you? What about Zegota and thousands of thousands of people organising documentation, transport safe place, no Grabowski and others are quiet in this matter....
In September 1939 there were 100k Jewish soldiers in Polish army. That makes 10% of entire Polish army. 37% refers to management and higher officers in UB and only 2% Jewish origin of non-officers, which were personally responsible for tortures. And now guess which was the most popular nationality amongst those 98%.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right. Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!! So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
Did u know, first IDF soldiers came to Jaffa with polish army? And Kneset was using polish language for around 20 years after Izrael was founded? Ask urself why.
I totally agree with Micheal that nobody benefits from hating each other and both sides need to show empathy. It will include the fact that not only Jews are the victims but Poles too during WW II. Thank you Michael for your words of wisdom.
my grandfather member of Polish Home Army, who fought with Soviets till 1951 (so called Cursed soldiers) was sentenced to death by Soviet Jew who joined communist regime after collapsing on Polish 2nd republic
Unfortunately. There were many murderers in the Soviet regime who murdered Polish soldiers. There were even those whom Poles saved. Oh, they later tormented or denounced Poles.
The difficulties encountered by Jews in Europe resulted also (or perhaps primarily) from the fact that Jews created closed societies and did not integrate with the inhabitants of these countries. By doing this you are always an "outsider" no matter how long you live there. And you always become the first target of attack by the locals. And the fact that Jews found shelter in Poland and did not experience pogroms (apart from those organized by communists, i.e. for political reasons) may prove that Poles also went through many difficult moments and understood Jews better than other nations.
Okay. First thing - in great majority we, the Poles are really NOT to blame for what happened here in the 1940s. We failed to defend our country, we also have lost milions of our people and posessions. During this time Jews were a large 3 milion group od citizens and a important part of culture, politics and economy. So - this rare antisemism you can see nowadays is a REACTION for some Jews blaming us Poles for their trauma. We have this trauma on very similar level. So it is very understandible REACTION in my opinion. Nobody likes to be blamed and hated for somebody else's sins - especially when our victimhood was quite similar. Ok. I'm listening further...
"Try to practice deeper empathy with the understanding that no one benefits from hating each other." These are words we should all live by. I am neither Jewish nor Polish, but I want to thank Michael Rubenfeld for setting an example for all of us.
Dear Michael, thank you very, very much especially for your courage to speak out loud about such a difficult topics, but also for your wisdom, sensitivity and open mindedness. I am a Polish person interested in Jewish culture, the legacy that Eastern European Jews left behind in my home country, but also about the history of Jewish diaspora around the world and the history of contemporary state of Israel. I visited "the festival" in Kraków many many times and as a Pole I must tell: there is something inexplicable about how much Jewish (to be more specific ashkenazi) art and music resonates with Polish soul. But regarding your zionist education and experiences - I, also as a person who not only met hundreds of Israeli youth during "Marches of the Livings" but also served as a volunteer in a kibbutz at Yam Kinneret shore for several months, slept in haredim rabbi house on shabbath in Jerusalem (and helped as a shabes goy to fix the AC xD) I must sadly admit - there is so much misunderstenings between those two nations and so little political will to improve it on both sides :/
Good clip! I am Polish, born in Germany and raised in Canada. I am somewhat similar to you. I thought I'd share a story from when I was a child. My father worked in a Jewish scrap yard and got into an argument with his boss. The boss (a big guy) was a Polish Jew and during the war was in the ghetto police and a kappo. Anyways, my father's boss yelled at my father and called him a dumb pollack (in one sense it is comical because they were both arguing in Polish). My father (a gentle man) turned to his boss and said: "I am what I am, but at least I did not push my own into the ovens, like you did." At that point the boss grabbed a shovel and swung it at my dad and yelled: get out you're fired. When I got home from grade school my parents were arguing and I knew something was wrong. The phone rang and on the line a man asked in Polish (with a Yiddish accent) if he could speak to my father. My father came to the phone and I vividly remember the conversation: "yes, we both said things. Ok, I accept that - fine, I will be in tomorrow morning." I always cry whenever I tell the story in Polish. As an aside, the boss came to my wedding. I had a rich upbringing and my parents had many friends including many Jews and even some anti-semites. Your videos are very well done.
If a Jew hates Poland or Poles in general, it's because he was taught to hate. It's politics. People have no idea that their hatered of collective entities such as other nations, religions etc. is not actually theirs. Beliefs and hopes of societies have always been deliberately designed to benefit someone else. Basic crowd-mind management. People controlled by their emotions give up logical thinking. First you make people frustrated, then scared, then you point the finger at the scapegoat enemy. If the "enemy" feels hated and starts to hate back, you have a perfect herd to manage by simplest slogans. On the other hand, if the "enemy" accepts his oppressive role, he can be played by guilt and coerced into compensating the "victim". Why Poland and why now? Because there is a huge potential in playing " past suffering and loss" tune and now Poland is in much better place economically, than it was before. Sometimes I read Israeli news about events in Poland and it's just a crude propaganda, just like our TVP. The Jewish people have been influenced by the Talmud for centuries to keep them together and protect them from integration with others. It's no wonder that in so many countries it was easy to create biases in both directions and apply them when necessary. Then, in the 19th/20th century, the vital goal of populating the land for the future State of Israel, legitimising its existence (and securing the influence of political powers in the region) emerged. Wealthy Jewish families would not exchange their lives for settlement, poor ones did not have the means to do so anyway, so the growing nationalist sentiments and anti-Semitic prejudices in Europe were intended to destabilise local communities and give Jews the push to move there. Now Israelis are being told that everyone hates them so they can fear the outside world. Israeli high school kids are brainwashed to associate Poland only with the Auschwitz camp. They are told that the Mossad agents who watch them during their trips to Poland (and prevent them from eye/mind opening interactions with the locals) are there to protect them from "Polish anti-Semites". The fear is deliberately maintained, otherwise they might be more willing to migrate and in 10 years the Arabs would outnumber Israel.
Brother. Thank you for this video. I believe the topic is so complex and has so many layers, it would take at least a several hours lecture to even try to explain it in depth. Not to mention the research that no one has seriously conducted yet. I hope the time has come, and there will only be more and more mutual understanding in the coming years now.
I'm Polish with Jewish heritage. My family survived Treblinka. I live in Poland and I feel Polish but I'm also aware of my Jewish heritage. It's very sad for me to see some far right Jews showing anti-polonism in online discussions. I don't know if they are bots or not but it's surprising really.
I also probably have Jewish heritage, but I didn't do a proper research on it. I heard some hints, from my family, though. It also makes me sad Polish people are hated by the fellow victims of WWII.
I have impression than your knowledge about Jewish in Poland befoe WW II is a bit one sided. Maybe you should learn something about Beytar, cooperation of 2nd department with sionists, military training camps organized to train future Hagana fighters and supplies of arms and ammunition arranged by Polish government for Hagana in secrecy from Brithish mandate authorities in Palestine.
Yes! Such wise words, sir. I've been thinking over last few days about the history of Jews spread around all the world for so many years and as a Polish person I could only compare this history to our own country, where we weren't on a map of Europe for over 120 years. How hard it was to overcome this history and to try to become "us" again. Imagine being in such a situation for 2 thousand years... It is frightening to experience the hate from Jews, but also in this point there are similarities - there are people in Poland also stuck in hate, towards other nations (f.e. our neighbours from east and west side), but even towards each other. It does take time and many tears to find our loving hearts in ourselves after all that has happened.
In Polish history classes, there is considerable material about the Jewish presence in the country, the Jewish community's contribution, and the relationship between the local Christian population and the Jewish population. And we are taught about both the good aspects and the ugly stuff. But it seems elsewhere it is summed up as "there were a lot of Jewish people in Poland and now they aren't, and you get to try and figure out why."
My real grandfather, before the war started, was running a small factory in Warsaw, together with his Jewish friend from their Elementary School in Warsaw. In 1940 Jews received the order from Germans to to go the Warsaw Ghetto. One night after Midnight my grandpa's Jewish friend loudly knocked the door, telling that he and his whole family, they're going to Ghetto. Moreover, he asked my grandpa to give him anything valuable he has in the house .... giving him in return paper of the whole ownership of the factory. My grandparents left only with this ownership paper and the two marriage gold rings on their fingers, giving away anything they had, to help this Jewish fellow and his family at once !!!! They were NOT seeing each other again !!! Later on, my grandpa was shot on the street by the Germans in Wola district, during Warsaw Uprising in August of 1944. Amen.
All Eastern tribes like the strong-arm rule. They feel fear but respect the ruler. Polish rulers since the beginning of Polish statehood were more liberal than other kings in medieval Europe, so we had many migrants who enjoyed the freedom here but some of them had little respect therefor and when we were attacked they often joined our enemies. After the wars we were lenient, forgettable and forgivable and they lived in peace to the next war. In the last war when Poland was invaded from two sides - by Soviet Army from East and Germans from the West even then they collaborated with both occupants. In spite of that we still saved them when the Germans appeared to be not too grateful for the initial cooperation. After WWII we stayed under Soviet occupation and they were over-represented in the puppet government and its cruel security service. And there's one more issue. The part of them living in USA make money of that tragedy that actually happened to their European compatriots and the hate towards Poland is a part of that business but we, the Polish, are still too inert to hate them back. In spite of that we are being accused of being anti-them but it's a part of the same aforementioned business.
Again - very interesting clip - thx and congrats. One remark: in pre-war Polis politics it was ND national-democrats, (not social-democrats) who put slogans of economic segregation and expulsion of the Jews to Palestine. On the margin: Polish army in the 30s equipped and trained LITERALLY THOUSANDS of Jewish Betar Militants before their journey to the Holy Land. Cheers!
According to Roman Dmowski (the leader of National Democracy, one of the fathers of the reborn Poland), if there were not so many Jews in Poland, the Germans (Austria, Prussia) and Catherine (German Tsarina of Russia) would not have been able to erase the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the map of the world. It looks like Roman Dmowski was right. Today, Jews also cooperate with Germans and together and in concert they slander Poland and Poles.
Man. I am polish and I have similar thoughts as you have. For me it is time to shake hands again. Maybe hug ? I love jewish culture. I love jewish passionate music. I could say, I never met a Jew, but I miss you. I love your idea and your mission. You have my sword. Together we will be stronger.
Seems that the Lithuanians did a Jewish expulsion thing in 1914-15. Most end up in partitioned Poland. The Poles called them Litwaks (Lithuanians). Poland again becomes a poor state after WW1. The Litwaks can stay. One in three were getting by with donations from overseas. Seems most other nations were not opening their doors to them.
I’m proud of Polish people 🇵🇱and heroes like Irena Sendler ❤ she has saved 2500 Jewish children from ghetto and as She said „Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.”
Half-way through video. Imagine now that you are a Pole, that this was done to your country, that while Poles were not genocided to extinction they were killed without a moment's thought by the Germans. And surely your ancestors knew of the animosity between the Germans and the Poles and the attempt of the Germans to take over Poland or large parts of it for more than a thousand years. While the degree of suffering cannot (and perhaps should not) be compared, but treatment of Poles could be as bad or worse than the Jews depending on the time in the war. Do you know that Auschwitz was build to hold Poles, but then as Jews were brought into concentration camps Birkenau was built to accommodate the numbers they intended to kill. My friend, there is a lot of history to learn. What you are doing is essential. As a Polish kid who came to America at 14 I was amazed to find out that Jewish Americans seemed to hate Poles and accuse them all of being collaborators. It exploded in 1980s with Shtetl. It's amazing that people who knew the worst of war didn't want to deal with another victim - perhaps because it took attention away from their suffering.
Hey Michael! Your positive attitude about strengthening our relationship really brightened my day. Beyond politics, we shoud approach each other with curiosity and respect. Leaving behind biases or hatred. Learn from history. Morning coffee just got even better! ❤️👍" thanks
Polish people have their own perspective on the matter...we want neither Jewish hatered nor Jewish love. For there's both an issue of Jewish injustice and ingratitude be fair dear Jews and answer the question honestly: would you risk your life and the life of your family to save a Polish life ? Whatever your answer is Jews, Poles do not have to answer this question, as we had done it. Thousands and thousands Jewish lives were saved by Polish people and thousands and thousands Polish families were murdered because they tried to save Jewish lives.... . Now, our nations are writing history before the entire world...and they can see the difference watching one side, Poles and Ukrainians, and the other side, Jews and Palestinians. Therefore, please do not come to Poland, the country you hate so much, as they teach you at your schools...we have enough of your slander. Dear Jews, stay in Isreal and be yourselves there.
I'm not entirely convinced about the degree of ignorance of Jews (especially overseas) about Poland, but if so, you have an opportunity to influence it. After all, Jews are aware that a small but important group of Jews remained in Poland after the war, and they too had to face great trauma and mourning for murdered relatives, parents, loved ones. And yet they lived here even after March 1968. Were they crazies, masochists? Wladyslaw Szpilman is not the only example of a famous Jew who miraculously survived the Warsaw Ghetto and lived in completely ruined Warsaw since 1945. After all, they saw the ruins of the ghetto on a daily basis.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right. Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!! So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
Little by little Micheal we will overcome this information vacuum, Poland was not free and isolated from the West until 1989, hence a lot of myths, blatant arrogance even disbelief when visiting Poland that we are somewhat modern. Our Kings saved and guaranteed freedoms to Jewish community for centuries, among others until rise of nationalism in Europe which culminated with WW2 and Holocaust. 1st Polish Republic was multicultural, (hence the food similarities with ie Jewish, Ukrainian etc. did you know that Bagel originates from Krakow - Jewish emigres brought it to America, look for Bajgiel/Bajgle in Krakow Old Town) multilingual all that material, cultural wealth was destroyed with Nazis/Soviets, in the meantime Israel with US backing flourished. Poland had little to offer until 1989 when being USSR puppet state brought us to our knees economically, we lost a lot of social capital, now restoring our place and that is indeed a shock to the system to some. I believe that best antidote is education, school books has to go through thorough checks where e.g. Israeli and Polish perspective can be provided not nationalist but balanced with historical backdrop. The same applies to any country, with Polish example Israel, Germany, Ukraine, Russia in particular
Michael, thanks for what you are doing. I hope your compatriots in Israel will listen to you as often as the Poles do. You are doing a great job. Kudos to you.
Your pain is also our, Polish pain. This legacy is ours😢Jews who died during WWII were Polish citizens like milions of people other religions. This is our sorrow as well and it makes so hard that we have to say that.
Michael, question is “do Jewish people really care about their history in Poland and in Europe?” Do they understand what Poland and polish people gone through in 1772-1915? We basically lost our country. Do Jewish people even know this? How hard it was to glue it back together after almost 150 years? And do they understand what kind of feelings people had between IWW and IIWW. It’s all very easy to judge people lying in a comfy and cozy chair with phone in 21. century, not knowing any history and watching some TV/Netflix.
Jest bardzo dużo podobieństw między społeczeństwem polskim i izraelskim. Żydzi są różni i mają różny stosunek do Polaków. Jest on faktycznie bardzo skomplikowany. Polacy też są różni, niektórzy pozostają antysemitami i to też jest fakt. Ale są też tacy, którzy wiedzą jak wielki wkład wnieśli polscy Żydzi w rozwój polskiej nauki, kultury, literatury i jak wielu takich ludzi było, reprezentujących najróżniejsze dziedziny. Nie można wyobrazić sobie polskiej kultury czy nauki bez tego dorobku. Ja osobiście odczuwam żal do losu, do historii, że zabrała nam naszych Żydów. Wielu Żydów odczuwa żal do Polski, że to na tej ziemi wydarzył się Holocaust. Próbują sobie to racjonalizować, czasem z góry dopasowując fakty do własnych antypolskich tez. Oczywiście, było wielu Polaków, którzy szkodzili Żydom w czasie okupacji. Ale Polacy mają żal do Żydów o to, że wyolbrzymiają to zjawisko, a z drugiej strony umniejszają winy i odpowiedzialność Niemców. Gdyby nie napaść Niemiec na Polskę Holocaustu, zorganizowanego przez Niemców, na tych ziemiach by nie było.
W Polskiej nauce nie kojarzę, żeby wnieśli jakiś wkład. Nie zdążyli. Wielkie sukcesy żydowskich naukowców to czasy powojenne. Natomiast co do literatury to się zgadza: -Tuwim, -Brzechwa, -Lem. Sporą część naszej literatury stworzyli Żydzi.
@@plrc4593 ciekawy artykuł do wygooglania ( nie linkuję , bo mi YT kasuje wszystkie komentarze z linkami) "Siedmiu wybitnych Polaków, o których nie wiedziałeś, że byli Żydami"
There is also the other side of the coin. Jews collaborating with the German and Soviet occupiers. The Jewish Order Service and Judenrats committed genocidal crimes against their fellow Jews so they did a lot to blur their crimes and shift the blame to the Poles. They delivered Poles who were helping Jews to death. In the territories occupied by the USSR, Jewish militias organized hunts for Poles in order to hand them over to the Soviets. The participation of Jews in the banditry based on murder and looting in the introduction of the so-called people's power cannot be passed over in silence either. Because Stalin, in imposing Bolshevik power on the Poles, based it on activists of the Polish Communist Party, which was composed of people of Jewish nationality in 80%. For many Poles., in many Polish families, SS-man, NKVDzist and Jew are synonyms for bandit and murderer. Jest też druga strona medalu. Żydzi kolaborujący z okupantem niemieckim i sowieckim. Żydowska Służba Porządkowa i Judenraty dopuszczały się zbrodni ludobójstwa na swoich współbraciach więc zrobili wiele aby zamazać swoje zbrodnie i winę przerzucić na Polaków. Wydawali na śmierć pomagających Żydom Polaków. Na terenach zajętych przez ZSRR żydowskie bojówki organizowały polowania na Polaków aby wydać ich w ręce sowietów. Nie można też przemilczeć udziału Żydów w bandyckim opartym na mordach i grabieżach wprowadzaniu tzw. władzy ludowej. Ponieważ Stalin narzucając Polakom bolszewicką władzę oparł ją na działaczach Komunistycznej Partii Polski, która w 80% składała się z ludzi narodowości żydowskiej. Dla wielu Polaków., w wielu polskich rodzinach SS-man, NKWDzista i Żyd to synonimy bandyty i mordercy.
11:59 : " Jewish people and Polish people are much more than it's respective State governments " 12:00 : " But not the Germans, the people to blame is the German People " Ahhhh...The good old Double Standards.
You don't know history. Poland was occupied by German Werhmat, gestapo and police. Polish people lost everything also and in spite of that terror they made an effort to shelter jews at risk of whole families being shot ( Ulm family). Aushwitz was full of polish non jews, then Germans came up with" final solution". Shortly after the war, jews that found carriers in polish secret police had no qualms to murder polish patriots incorporating interrogation and torture practices . Somehow they found communism appealing. Polish agent Karski was in contact with US government alerting them to terrible plight of jews in occupied Poland and in fact organized a ship transport of many of them to come to US. The ship was not let in to New York port and sailed back to german occupied Poland where those people were exterminated. Why didn't New York jewish community react to passenger ship being turned around?
I don't agree with you that there was some special antisemitism in Poland before WWII. Saying, that it was like in other countries is at least problematic. German antisemitism grew since at lest XIX c. whereas in Poland we just had regular quarrels and sometimes even feuds with Jews, which were reciprocated. Saying truth, there were as much anti-Polish sentiment among Jews, as "antisemitism" in Poles. Jews rarely considered naturalizing and stayed very distinct and foreign, that's why we talk about Jews in Poland, not Poles of Jewish religion - that's one certain source of conflicts. The 2nd was, that Jews were settled in the so called Pale of Settlement at the far eastern reaches of past Polish Kingdom, by Russian Czars during partitions of Poland, and these Jews liked neither Russians nor Poles. And the 3rd big issue was that Jews generally accepted Communism, became Marxist revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, and many were active in the Communist Party of Poland. So this was the biggest source of resentment toward Jews, not race!
Distorting history is the main cause of misunderstandings. The Germans very effectively distorted history for years, creating the false impression that Poles were responsible for the murder of Jews in World War II. A good example was the use of the phrase Polish concentration camps. There were concentration camps in Poland, but they were German concentration camps. Education is low in Germany, which further helped this narrative. Another situation concerns Jewish claims to property in Poland that was allegedly taken from the Jews. The properties, i.e. tenement houses, were destroyed by the Germans and they are the recipients of these claims, just as they are for stealing works of art and everything else that fell into their hands. This is the genesis of antipathy towards Jews in Poland, and the most harmful thing is that Jews before the war were Polish citizens of the Jewish faith. Entire minority nations died in concentration camps and all these murders were on German initiative. There were many non-Jewish Poles who risked their lives to save Jews because, as not everyone knows, helping Jews was punishable by death. There were also Poles who collaborated with the Germans and helped catch Jews, but this was a margin found in every conflict in every nation, but the Polish nation mostly resisted the Germans. When Jews talk about the tragedy of the Holocaust, they refer only to their own tragedy, forgetting that it affected millions of people of different religions and origins. All attention should be focused on demystifying history and guarding against its distortion, because this is our common history and common pain. Kind regards
Ok, but thats only half of the truth. Why did polish extremists sloughter a jewish stettl in east Polonia after WW II? Can you explain that? Why do polish historians who discuss antisemitism and collaboration withe the Nazis get so much hate?
@@ArnoNagele Poland was under Russian control after World War II. All activities were controlled by Moscow. Poland was not a sovereign state and therefore implemented directives from Moscow. The history of Poland is very complicated and impossible to describe in a few words, just like the beginning of World War II. Poland was attacked simultaneously from the west by Germany and from the east by the Russians. Only after Germany decided to break the agreement with Stalin and attack the Russians after the attack on Poland did the situation change. Until 1989, Poland was under the influence of Russia and after June 4, 1989, it managed to elect a democratic government in democratic elections. All issues concerning Jews in Poland were not caused by the will of Poles but were decisions coming from Moscow.
There's the word "Hate" in the title, so you will get a lot views because of that ;) As a polish citizen, I express my symapthy to jewish people that were, as Gołda Tencer, the president of the jewish theather in Warsaw expressed in one of her interviews, "a generation of family-less jews". On the other hand, what I often see "on the internet" is that american/israeli jews have a negative view of Poland, similar to what you've explained, but they also have no knowledge of the history of polish citizens of jewish origin (saying that only "jews" were murdered in Poland is a manipulation of sorts as great part of those jews were simply polish citizens yet they are separated which paints a different picture) which is quite well depicted in the "polin" museum in Warsaw (museum of jewish history in europe) which shows that Poland was the only place where jews could feel safe as a people in the first place as they were expelled from other countries as a mean of getting rid of competition in banking or other areas (hence the polish tradition of hanging pictures of a "jew holding money" on wall for luck as jews were known for commerce and lending money), but nobody seems to wonder why Poland of all places was chosen for "solving the jewish problem" by the germans and how polish underground government created formal groups helping jews and executing collaborants that gave out those of jewish origin. And now the extreme, in 1940, the jewish ghetto in Warsaw was created, in 1943 the uprising in the ghetto happened, letting the remaining polish jews to "not let germans chose their place of death"(quote from Marek Edelman, one of survivors). After 80 (exactly!) years, what we see is that the "chosen people" created a ghetto for the palestinian people and now those people die, which I consider a "historical irony".
Years ago, I have worked, as a maintenance, for a Jewish nursing home and ALF in Florida. Have met many residents speaking Polish over there. They were very friendly and talkative. One of them, nice lady,(Russian Jew) called me every morning, just to talk. She called me „Polański”(sic.😄) From the other hand, I was surprised, that 80-90% of their (namely residents)relatives, visiting them, drove expensive German cars. Some kind of “sentiment”? Weird indeed! Yes, Poles drive German cars too, but mostly, probably because of proximity. In the USA, they obviously have the other choices( Chevy, Ford, Cadillac, plus all these Japanese, Korean, even Swedish makes.and in fact, most of mechanics here, hate German cars, for their complexity.(German Engineering)🤔
As a Pole, I thought Poland had a very tragic history then I got familiar with Jewish history and I realized that Jewish history, besides the Holocaust, was bad too. I agree with you 100%, there is no reason for hatred,
Most Jews, including Israelis, know very little about Poland and often their knowledge of Poland is limited to stories about the Holocaust. Therefore, they think of Poland as a country in which Jews once lived and where they were brutally murdered. For them, Poland does not seem to have an independent existence but is only an appendage to the history of the Jews in Europe. This is regrettable but understandable. Poles also see other countries, Germany especially, through the prism of the WWII and their image of Germany is clouded by strong emotions.
We, as Poles, do not look at Germany only through the prism of World War II. Since the beginning of its existence, i.e. for 1,000 years, the Polish nation has been fighting virtually constant battles with the German state in all its shades, and we really have something to complain about over these hundreds of years. We fought the first documented war with Germany in 972
@@kubap-qk9jq This is all wrong, mate. 1. There was neither Polish nation nor state 1,000 years ago. 2. Germany as a state was created only in 1871 so any wars Poles had with their western neighbours were with particular entities such as the State of the Teutonic Order, Brandenburg, Prussia or Austria. 3. We often formed alliances with Germans, with the most prominent being the personal union with Saxony in the eighteenth century. 3. Poles were sometimes victims of Germans but Germans were sometimes victims of Poles. Germans participated in partitions of Poland at the end of the eighteenth century and in mid 1900s but Poland partitioned German states on two occasions, in fifteenth and twentieth centuries. My point is that historic memory of nations is selective mainly because it is shaped by the states whose interest is to instill uncritical patriotism in citizens. Poles see themselves as victims of Germans, especially during the WWII, but ignore the fate of Germans in the afterwar period in Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia (Fluch und Vertreibung). We Poles need to remind ourselves that we are human beings first and only then members of a particular nation.
@@MK-lm6hb Widzę, iż pisze do Polaka, więc użyję bliższej mi polszczyzny. Po pierwsze Polska jako organizm państwowy postała w 966 roku, a jej ziemie były opisane w Dagome Iudex , a naród w wspłóczesnym tego słowa znaczeniu powstał w XIX wieku jak wszędzie na świecie. Po drugie Polska nieraz toczyła wojnę z całą Rzeszą Niemeicką w szczególności we wczesnych wiekach dynastii Piastów, gdy Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie Nardów Niemyckiego było jeszcze organizme w miarę zcetralizownym. Co do wojny z Zakonem, to Polska próbowała spór rozwiązać pokojowo procesując się o Pomorze Gdańskie w Rzymie i wygrywając sprawy sadowe to Zakon chciał wojny i ją dostał. Co do rozbioru Niemce w XX wieku my się o te ziemie nie prosiliśmy, a dostaliśmy je od Sowietów w zamian z Kresy, a i tak w liczbach bewzględych wszyliśmy na tym stratni, a do tego trzeba było wszytko odbudować, bo Sowiety wszystko ukradły, jedydny plusem były zasoby naturalne tych ziem co pomogło Polsce. Co oczywiście nie zmania faktów dotyczących tego, jak potraktowaliśmy ludności Niemiecką, jak i w sumie Ruską we wczesnym, jak i w sumie w całym PRL, Polacy nie mają czystych rączek chociaż uślinię wielu z nas w to wierzy. Na Unii z Saksonią to wyszliśmy jak Zabłocki na mydlę i sama polska Szlachta nas w to wpędziła, a August II Mocny nie pomógł, wpędzając nas w Wielką Wojnę Północą. Ogólnie rzecz, ujmując Polska i Niemcy mają praktycznie zawsze odmienne interesy, a głównym tego powodem jest odwieczna polityka Rzeszy by rozszerzyć wpływy na wschód, a na drodze tej polityki stoi Polska. Jedka pragnę zauważyć, że to Rzesza zazwyczaj pchała się do Polski, a nie Polska d Rzeszy.
@@kubap-qk9jq W wielu rzeczach sie zgadzamy ale ja jednak nie widze ciaglosci w historiii panstw i narodow do tego stopnia jak Ty. Rzesza nie miala wspolnej polityki bo byla luzna federacja krolestw, ksiestw, posiadlosci koscielnych i wolnych miast. Ktore czesto toczyly wojny miedzy soba (Saksonia z Prusami, Prusy z Austria i Bawaria przeciw Prusom). Rzesza a pozniej Austria parla nie na wschod a na poludnie. (stad zreszta nazwa Cesarstwo Rzymskie Narodu Niemieckiego). Nadrenia byla pod wplywem Francji. Twoja wizja historii jest dogmatyczna i malo w niej niuansow. Trudno jest mowic o Niemczech i Polsce jako bytach trwalych jesli ich ksztalt polityczny i granice ciagle sie zmienialy. Polska przed wlaczeniem Prus Krolewskich jest inna od Polski po ich rozbiorze , a ta jest inna od Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow, wreszcie pod rozbiorami jest Polska jako narod ale nie panstwo, a dziesiejsza Polska zeuropeizowana i bogata jest inna od biednej Polski przedwojennej i komunistycznej. Podobnie jest z Niemcami. Reasumujac, Twoje myslenie wydaje mi sie ahistorczne i i polonocentryczne. Czy uprawnione jest mowienie "my" o dzisiejszych Polakach i naszych przodkach? Co jest wspolnego miedzy Polakiem z XIII wieku, zyjacym pod Nowogrodkiem wsrod Rusinow i uwazajacym sie za na Litwina, z dzisiejszym Polakiem ze Szczecina? Co to jest Polska? Czy jest cos takiego jak jej istota? Dzisiejsza Polska to Korona z przylaczonymi ziemiami niemieckimi i ma niewiele wspolnego z Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow. Kiedys Turcja byla w centrum swiadomosci Polakow, dzis jest totalnie nieobecna. Smolensk byl w granicach Rzeczypospolitej. Podobnie trudno jest odpowiedziec na pytania: Czym jest Rosja? Ukraina? Litwa? Belgia? Zjednoczone Krolestwo? Kanada? Itd Itp. Obecna wojna na/w Ukraine jest w istocie wojna ideowa o historie i semantyke.
Poland before WWII was multi ethnic. Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and others, lumped into one state. Such states aren't easy to run, there's plenty evidence for that around the world, some very recent. I think what often is presented as antisemitism are more tensions which tend to develop between various distinct groups when these groups have to compete for a share of limited resources.
Was part of Polish antisemitism which you describe the reaction to the fact that in 1919-1920 (around that time) some Jewish member of the Parliament (Sejm) wanted to created separate zones of Jewish autonomy in Poland which would divide the country again after it came back from partitions. Did you know how much Poland was under constant rain of Hitler's propaganda before the war. Do you know that Poles were second in line after Jews to become German slaves. No education, just basic reading and writing for basic tasks, or you get killed. The whole thing was incredibly brutal. I completely understand everything you said, I knew most of it at the age of fourteen. Manjushri holds the crystal sword of wisdom which cuts both ways with compassion. The main point is not to only ourselves but others.
Jews also forget about communist criminals like: Mr Bauman, Mr Holland, Mr Minc or Mr Geremek/Lewertow. They committed crimes on Polish nation. Please tell us about jewish participation in soviet occupation of Poland since 1939.
It’s worth to acknowledge that Jewish people through out 1000(!) years of existence in polish history co-made the country that it is today. We share dna, food, customs, culture… if there is hate, its roots are in ignorance and perhaps generational shame. Both nations are proud and verrrrrry resilient nations, in good and bad. As a polish person I totally agree, that education is the keys to peace.
What I THOUGHT Poland was like BEFORE moving here!
Jews DON'T hate Poland.. why are you spreading false information ?
i'm a jew and i love poland. i found a lot of polish friends on the internet and we get along amazingly.
And in my country every class that gets to 12th grade, the class travels to Poland to learn about the holocaust and WW2.
I honestly wonder why Jews do not feel such trauma towards post-WWII Germany as they feel towards Poland, a country that suffered the most at the hands of nazis. How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?
@@tom-was Też tego nie rozumiem, pewnie jest w tym jakiś cel....
What? So why ur ancestors survive?
Vichy France collaborated with Nazi Germany and participated in the holocaust, and yet Jews don't hate France, they hate Poland.
For over 80 years, the West has been taught, mainly by Hollywood, that in Poland the Jews suffered terribly while the non Jewish Polish people did not suffer at all.
My mother was one of hundreds of thousands of non Jewish Polish children taken by the germans as a slave labourer in 1940. She was 14.
When I have told her story to Australians, their response is, 'I didn't know you were Jewish ' . Australians have no understanding that during the war in Poland, you didn't need to be Jewish to suffer.
The same Israelis who profess to hate Poland, are first in line applying for German citizenship. The irony!!
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
yep, I don't think they hate Germany either- in fact a lot of them lives there. Funny that
Bravo well said!
I'm trying hard to understand the Jewish perspective, but still feel that the Jews, especially the younger generations , due to the twisted education they get , are SO UNFAIR towards us. Yes, that's how I feel. Poland is the land where Poles create reality, but the place you describe was not Poland. Check on the maps - it was German General Govenorate established on lands formerly belonging to Poland, A big difference.A HUGE difference.
It seems to me that many Jews are so focused on their own trauma that refuse to admit that Poles also had their trauma and even if some Jews are aware if it, somehow other people's suffering does not matter to them.
A Polish neighbor of my parents' spent the whole war in Auschwitz, he was a Polish 16 - year old boy when he was sent there, and probably was one of very few (if not the only one?) who lived there till the end of war to be used by dr. Mengele for medical experiments (I simplify the story to shorten the comment), a Polish uncle of mine was tortured to death and my grandparents were deprived of everything and transported by cargo trains as "repatriates" because the borders were changed, and just before that they hardly survived the Podole slaughter, some relatives were sent to Siberia...such stories are in almost every Polish family,
I feel bad when somehow the suffering of a Jew person is ranked higher than the suffering of any other person. Everybody has just one life, one mother, one father, so it just feels so unfair to ignore someone's trauma just because this person is not from the Jewish community. And it feels even worse when you are blamed for something that was not your fault.
By the way this neighbor of my parents survived as a "laboratory mouse" thanks to a Jew medical assistant (I can't find a better world to explain his position) of dr. Mengele . They helped each other, unfortunately , this man died two years ago at a very old age of 98, so you 'll not be able to hear this story directly.
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland terrible history..
I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish.
The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!!
I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.
Well said! 100%. They seem to complain way to much as to they suffering is the greatest. Why they Coming backkkkk?????
Dorota, doskonały komentarz 👏
the difference is that poland was full of poles after the war but the jews were gone, all over europe people have bad stories from the war but the jews were systematically exterminated
Chosen Nation without land whats does it tell us ? Why is so? It is the only Nation comunicate with the entire world in a thier flag two triangle imbeded ,double standards deception.
Therfor I take it the surface and what we have lernt in Isreal and Palestina expand and kill on Palestine land. L Poland when became free from occupied nations ,had to deal with occupation Germany -USSR Russia include Ukraine.
Several Times in two centries Austro-Hungriua-Grmany -Russia partision this was real thread existance to Polish n. The war was wage agains us to distroy Polish spirit. While Jewish live by the standards on the flag in constant deliberete fear threaten their existance on Foreign land, always ,undermining ,penetrate ,plot,decive.
Myself, Polish person, I worked once with Jewish Israeli on American work and travel program. And I remember she asked me once, "why do they teach in polish schools to hate Jews?" I was left speechless, as it was obviously not true. Then I realised, that young Israeli are exactly taught, that everyone around hates them 😂
Yes! This is what I wrote just a seconds ago...
My experience with Israel citizens - and it's a generalization ofc - is such that while we are interested in their culture, they are not interested in ours. They think they already know everything about us and they're not so much hateful as condescending. And if you criticize anything Israel does, you're immediately branded as antisemite and hated. They seem to be unable to comprehend at a very basic level difference between their culture and religion and their country and government. Which is creepy if not scary.
I think that Israeli school program is planned like that and that’s sad.
Well a lot of people around the world do have an implacable hatred for the Jewish community, Poland doesn’t seem to be the one that hates them. (My mates Polish and he doesn’t mind Jewish people at all)
@@tommytells370 It's sad because sometimes it seems like Jewish people are more ok with Germans and other nations that were less hospitable to them, than they are with Poland.
Many Jewish people assume by default that other nations were antisemitic, and many nations acquiesce to that. Polish people do not have the historical animosity based on Jewish religion and so when we refuse to cover our head with the ash of historical antysemitism - paradoxically Jewish people see us as the bad guys for it. They see it as being unrepentant instead of knowing that we do not bear guilt in the first place. In general historical knowledge in regards to Poland among Jewish people seems to be far worse than vice versa. In Polish culture many Jewish writers and artists are seen as part of our historical heritage not as aliens.
This is quite insulting and confusing to Polish people. Because we do not know why Jewish people are... well often anti-Polish. It's quite ironic.
Polska nie była Izraelem ,nie jest winna temu ze Żydzi nie mieli swojego państwa.Mieszkali tutaj jednak przez 800 lat.Wtedy to przyszli kiedy byli prześladowani w Zachodniej Europie.Dziś nie maja żalu do Zachodniej Europy ani USA ze im nie pomogli i ze nam Polakom nie pomogli .Co za paranoya!!!
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland history.
I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish.
The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!!
I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.😢
Właśnie... Żydzi przybywali do Polski z całej Europy, bo nikt ich tu nie prześladował...mieli swoją rolę w społeczeństwie i swoje wolności...wolności takie, że w XX wieku w obliczu najazdu Niemiec na polskie państwo, ci żydowscy obywatele nie potrafili mówić po polsku i z Polską w ogóle się nie identyfikowali! Witali najeźdźców kwiatami i denuncjowali Polaków!
Każdy normalny Polak nie powinien w żaden sposób popierać państwa Izrael w jakiekolwiek formie. Polecam odwiedzenie Muzeum Polin - cała narracja na wystawie stałej - "Polacy dali nam w tym roku przywileje, a w tamtym roku nam odebrali". To pokazuje co dla tego narodu jest ważne. Pal licho że przez te niemalże tysiąc lat historii gdy gościliśmy ich na swoich ziemiach w reszcie Europy byli oni wypędzani. Najwidoczniej reszta Europy wiedziała jaki to problem, tylko my naiwni nie. A te brednie autora o "wielkiej traumie WW2". Dziwnym trafem mimo że niemcy mordowali żydów milionami to traumę mają do Polaków a nie do niemców. Ale warto zastanowić się dlaczego - odpowiedź nie jest taka trudna :)
@@rayan69pl Byli wypedzani poniewaz wszedzie gdzie sie znalezli to oszukiwali. Inne narody nie byly tak naiwne i szybko sie w tym orientowali.Nie kierowakli sie dobrodusznoacia jak Polacy.Kierowali sie zdrowym rozsadkiem i wlasnym dobrem.Zostali przepedzani a teraz robia z tego powodu swieta i chca pokazc swiatu jacy to oni sa z tego powodu poszkodowani. Zadko ktos napomina o tym dlaczego adolf chcial ich wytepic. W latach 20 tych zniszczyli niemiecka gospodarke do maximum.Jezeli sie ktos tym interesuje to mozna znalezc i wiecej o tym poczytac.Nienawidza Polakow poniewaz maja zal za to ze po wojnie komuna objela wladze i nie mogli wrocic do Polski. Chociaz wilu z nich mialo mozliwosc pozostac bo byli polskimi obywatelami ale woleli wybrac inne kraje.Kraje gdzie nie trzeba bylo sie odbudowywac z gruzow i byla tam tania sila robocza. No bo oni sa narodem wybranym aby nie brudzic rak ciezka i brudna praca. A jak myslicie kto po wojnie inwestowal w zrujnowane Niemcy?
@@rayan69pl każdy normalny Polak brzydzi się tym, co napisałeś, Iwan
Expelled from most of Europe for 1,000 years.
Poland proved to be exceptional and assimilated the Jews till WWII.
The penalty for hiding Jews during WWII was death.
Poles risked their lives to save Jews.
There were also those who turned Jews in fear of death. Despite the tragedy of the situation, no one but the Nazis can be blamed for those times.
It is enough to put yourself in this situation.
Just taking this into account, I completely do not understand the attitude of representatives of Israel and some Jews to Poland and Poles.
They are illegal settlers in another people's land. Bow they will happily throw the poles into gutters. There is a reason jews are hated worldwide
Not "nazis"but Germans they voted nazi party to power and supported it till the and
Poland (throughout its convoluted and tumultuous history) has accommodated much of the European Jewry fleeing persecution; however, for reasons which aren't quite clear to me, the Jews chose to remain unassimilated till the very end, living in their little enclaves in various Polish towns and cities. It is worth noting that a vast majority of survivors were those Jews who had assimilated, spoke Polish, had Polish friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who were able to help them out. The rest, who barely spoke the local language despite their 500 years' residence, found themselves helpless and stranded. Tragically, some of them even believed the Third Reich was just another government, one that spoke of giving them partial autonomy within their special zones - little did they know that those zones were soon to become ghettos designed to facilitate the German atrocities.
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos.
Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us.
I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example.
And I agree that we are definitely taught that everyone secretly and not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside.
I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at All, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and have a great attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake.
And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish they could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
Thank you for these beautiful words. Visit Poland and don't be afraid to talk. As a rule, Poles keep their distance, but this is usually due to language barriers. Bring us some smiles 😊 along the way, because that's what we're missing here.
Hold on tight and never lose hope in good people, because there are such people in every country.
Poland was the only country during WW2 where if a Pole helped a Jew, his/her whole family faced capital punishment. France, Belgium and many other countries, although not persecuted in the same way, very eagerly took everything from their Jews and packed them onto trains to concentration camps. These nations, including Germany, are now praised and loved by Jews all over the world whereas Poland is condemned even though it is thanks to the sacrifice of many Polish families that so many Jews survived. There were bad people in Poland, too, szmalcownicy can be found everywhere, but the majority risked their lives to help.
After the recent horrible massacre of Jews by Hamas there were so many massive pro Palestinian rallies in big cities worldwide, and in one of those protests in front of the Sydney Opera the crowd shouted 'gas the Jews'. Can you even imagine the reaction of the world if somethinf like this would happen in Poland??? In the meantime the Jews thank all the countries in the world except Poland where it is the safest to be a Jew in this time and age. So I'm wondering why Jews have anti Polish sentiments still very much alive???
You are so right!!! Your analysis is so accurate! The system in Israel is so foul.
the majority did not try and help read more
@@galsh.9329 ❤
It is insane. i don't understand. Do Jews have some mass Stockholm syndrome?
Dear Michael,
I am not Polish but live in Poland (where I like very much) already more than 20 years and I would like to share a recent 'partially sad' experience my Polish daughter had quite recently concerning a school project about tolerance and fight against antisemitism sponsored by a XYZ organization from the Netherlands-EU.
First of all congrats for your videos, they gave me hope, they are inspiring, positive and also funny (the Polish Wedding video one was amazing, I also experienced that myself :) and your responsibility as a bridge between different worlds is huge but full of merit.
Ok,let's go to the point:
I start my story with a phrase from a famous Brazilian Educator, that is: "WHEN EDUCATION IS NOT LIBERATING, THE DREAM OF THE OPPRESSED IS TO BE THE OPPRESSOR - Paulo Freire"
The project my daughter was engaged in took students with good average scores and with good English skills and my daughter was very excited about the possibility to travel to Holland, meet new people, speak English and all the dreams any teenager has. At the end there was no travel to Holland, many and many online meetings to talk about The Holocaust and the project ended up with the visiting of a group of students from Germany, from the Netherlands and Israel here in the small town where we live. Then there was still more live presentation in place, etc... And where was the biggest deception? The effort to integrate these students was close to zero, my daughter struggled to talk to others during the break times in the hotel they were staying but the maximum she could achieve was a quick elevator chat, and small openness for further conversations . Such a great and so important opportunity to change experiences among real live persons was spoiled, each group had separated presentations (why?) as the main goal was only to show a one-direction point of view and not caring to know more about your point of view.
It is like focusing a magnifying glass exclusively on a dirty spot on a school blackboard while someone is trying to draw colourful flowers and beautiful histories on the remaining biggest area of the blackboard...but no one seems to be interested in. My daughter was truly disappointed at the end but luckily she has a family that helps her to see the brightside of everything and for me , to teach tolerance and fight against antisemitism is not to show "you are bad - I am good-I am the victim" but to show that we are not so different as we think we are, to respect each other sentiments and with open mind understand each other.
Once I met a Brazilian Polish-Jewish descendant visiting Warsaw (most Polish-Jewish emigrated to Brazil in the years 1920-30, that is, without the War trauma and were the Jewish that survived and that had a normal positive experience in Poland) and this young man was so curious and excited to know Poland and find his family roots but one year later he went for one year school in Israel and then...he was brainwashed... His positiveness towards Poland changed radically. Is that OK? I don't know, I think that government in Israel is afraid to loose his citizens and cultivate fear (more than necessary) to show enemies everywhere as the best method to keep them close?...but if education is not liberating, broad, open... in a long term it's not good. But luckily I have found in my life good humans from many many countries that really wants to do this planet a better world. I think also that we, non-Polish living in Poland, together with our Polish brothers have an important role to show how Poland is a Great normal Place. Polska jest super! Once again congrats for your great job! May the majority of applause encourage you and may the few boos not discourage you.
Beautifully written. I thoroughly agree.
Jeszcze Polska Nie Zginela !
עם ישראל חי
You are spot on the Israeli education/ brainwashing topic. It's sad how new generations are being taught to hate themselves and label it as antisemitism comming from others. But it's all about the money. There is a document from 2009 directed by Yoav Shamir "Dezinformation"/ "Defamation" that illustrates this perfectly. It's here on YT.
As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland history.
I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish.
The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish matter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!!
I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow it to happen.
I would mention two other aspects here... Firstly, not only Jews had it worse before the war than now. Most ethnic Poles had it worse too... Times were harder, society was still more "feudal", separated into classes etc than it is now... There were so many very poor people with very few rights back then... It's hard to say that Jews had it much worse than ethnic Poles in those times.
Secondly, yes there was anti semitism back then in Poland and in all Europe... But I think it would be worth to remember why so many Jews lived in Poland in the first place... They did because they had to escape other European countries, where they were killed etc. They found refugee in Poland... And now some of those countries lecture Poland on our anti semitism. During WWII those countries also willingly put their Jewish citizens on trains and transported them to Nazi death camps in Poland... Poland as a state never took part in killing Jewish people like that...
Bo mieli z tego profity rozne jak i majatkowe
@@chicodurbajlo2733 Anti-Slavic Supremacist Lie.
I would say that Poland was a very convenient country for Jews to hate - during World War II, the Germans set up a slaughterhouse and torture chamber for Jews in Poland, and after World War II, Poland became part of the Soviet empire, which began to support Arab countries. (Western) Germany became a frontline state and the main ally of the USA, and after a period in which the Americans forced German city dwellers to visit neighboring concentration camps, the Germans were "acquitted" en mass, and the guilty turned out to be the "Nazis", with whom ordinary Germans had something in common, but it is "not known for certain" - the Nazis flew to Germany in 1933 and left in 1945.
Poland had no opportunity to defend its image and to this day it happens that in a quite serious newspaper in the United States employing rather well-educated journalists, one of them will write about Polish concentration camps. The fact that, next to Jews, the largest group of prisoners were Poles does not reach the general consciousness outside Poland. As well as the fact that, unlike many other European countries, there were no Polish authorities collaborating with Hitler or Polish troops fighting on Hitler's side.
The last brick in this wall of negative Jewish emotions are trips to Auschwitz organized for young people by Israel, the only point of which is often a tour of the camp, trips in January when it is gray and gloomy or terribly cold. I imagine that such a trip is very depressing and creates or strengthens appropriate associations with Poland. Israel certainly seems like a wonderful place on Earth after such a visit - and that's the point.
"the Nazis flew to Germany in 1933 and left in 1945."- but isn't it the truth? Must have been😏
@@dorotabarbowska2184 and additonaly they were from Naziland, not Germany☹
The overrepresentation of Jews among high-ranking members of the Security Office, a postwar secret police in Communist Poland whose interrogation methods made the Gestapo look like greenhorns, has certainly not helped in bridging the ethnic, cultural and ideological gaps that had existed before WW2 started. Nor has the blanket refusal to extradite the most notorious functionaries to Poland to face a fair trial.
There is a lot of videos about Poland in youtube. I like to read the comments section very much. There is always many interesting comments. Under videos about Poland there is always a lot of greetings sent to Poles from various countries: Hungary, Romania, US, Turkey, etc. etc. even countries like Russia, Germany, Netherlands. I have never seen such comments from Israel.
However I do remember several years ago, when there was another Polish-Israeli fuss on the go, comments of Israeli Jews such as "I apologize for my government". "You did more than everyone else to save my people". And I'm very grateful for such comments. They bring back my faith in humanity.
@@galsh.9329 Thank you for very interesting comment.
> Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I think you get it wrong. They likely didn't even know what country you're from :P
One reason that no one wanted to talk to you could be the fact that we don't like to talk in English because we are ashamed of our accent. :( You should have not been shy and just started conversation yourself. Cities like Warsaw or Wrocław are very big and cosmopolitan. Poeople there are very used to different nationalites and rather open.
I don't want to start a discussion about politics but I personally think that until several years ago Poland was as a whole one of the most Philosemitic countries across the world. There were many reasons for that, some of them were:
1. A possitive image of Jews in our literature.
2. The fact that Israel was founded by Polish Jews.
Unfortunately Israel/Israeli elites didn't know that. They didn't know that because we had been separated by iron curtain and even afterwards we weren't interested in oppinions of one another. Hence Israeli politicians didn't know it and because of that they destroyed it. I regret it because we share hundreds of years of common history and we could have very good relations.
Greetings from Poland
@@galsh.9329 I can give you a pro tip how to befriend some people from Poland: learn some Polish. Even some basic sentences, like hello, good moring, how are you, good bye etc. Poles love when foreigners try to learn/speak Polish :P
Actually, I did see some. Yeah, not many, but some.
@@galsh.9329 Sorry for being offtopic, but you misspelled 'Hungary' as 'hungry', lmao
If a Hungarian were to read this thread, it would instantly trigger them
@@galsh.9329 OK, opinion from me as a Polish. Many Poles are hostile to israelis (me included), its because to the fact how we as a Poles are treated by israeli politicians, but people too. When I discuss something in internet with israelis, they often insult me as a "nazi collaborator". And that's not only my experience. Maybe you are manipulated into thinking like that, but we aren't nice to people who insult our nation, and spread lies about our history. I try to understand that not all of you think like that, but its hard when are your experiences with israelis are very negative. It's not like we would attack or harrass you or something, but I guess first question from most people after learning you are from israel would be "why do you hate us, we saved a lot of you".
You underestimate the German historical policy, shifting guilt from Germans to others. Poles were very vulnerable to it for years as they were behind the iron curtain. There are still huge grants for scholars aligned with this policy (both Polish and Jewish).
Of all the occupied European countries, only Poland and only Poles faced the death penalty for helping Jews. Do you know why? Because Poles, as catholics, felt a great obligation to help our older brothers in faith. Have you ever wondered why the Germans built extermination camps in Poland? Read about why Poland had the most Jews of all European countries (hint -> wiki: Paradisus Judaeorum, wiki: Casimir III the Great). This is what real history looks like.
As a Pole, I wish Israel victory over your enemies and peace.
@@rozsadnymarek5988 The same here, i wish Israel prevails over the terrorist Hamas! But to be true to history not only Poles, and not only in Poland were punished by death. Also USSR and Serbia was treated similarly, and a little in Czechia, but it was the guerilla law, that also considered helping Jews.
We don't care what they wanna hear, but what has to be brought back about true hustorical events? Entire world hear their suffering story ,nobody object lies and use Poland 11 millions dead distroy by invaded Army Germany and USSR Russi with blown 1943 Ukraine. Poland suffer five Times greater tragedi and you talk about more appologise by The Vatican. You obviously read sooome dumb staff religius or political gebrish disatached from any reality. Its not only appologise its upright the true about WWII nad invasion and destraction Poland that give Germany powerhouse for decades and great prevlidge to Jewish. THE HOLY ROMAN Empire is behind every war its in German emblemas and banners Swizerland Banking Cartel. And the Chosen Nation without thier own land is the choice of the mighty creator. Two triangle imbeded together tell entire world about who are thier standard double.
For the real face of german historical policy just look at the holocaust monument in Berlin. People already don't know or forget what it is, they treat it like a skatepark or a sunbathing area ffs. A monument to milions of people Has Has such a horroble fate
Germans are shifting blame? Didn't notice in my 15 years in Germany.
Can you provide examples?
Sweden was not occupied by the Nazis in WW2 but they collaborated with it. They supplied the German Reich with iron ore for their war machine and they allowed German troops to cross their country to attack Norway. And yet Sweden always comes up roses. Because of their policy their country was intact after WW2, unlike many other European countries.
They traded with many and their merchant ships were sunk by both sides, depending on route. Sweden tried to stay afloat and keep distance. They could afford it unlike Poland, I cannot blame them.
Not only that but Sweden also refused to accept any migrant Jews fleeing for their safety. Nobody talks about it.
In Israel we are aware that Sweden is simply not the place for us to walk today, but we aren't taught what they did during the war.
Our education system is really twisted.
I know the truth about polls and I'm so sorry that we are taught in school that you were the worst, when you helped the most.
I actually really hope I could introduce myself to polish people one day, I kept my distance to respect them because I read a lot of comments about how much they regret helping us and that it was a mistake
But I really love your attitude and I can't wait to bridge the gap one day. Sending a lot of love and gratitude from Israel ❤
@@kruanne Not True!! How do you think the Jews of Denmark and Norway survived? Because the Danes helped them get to Sweden!! Norwegian Jews that remained in Norway after the germans arrived often did not survice, but those who left right away for Sweden all survived. Also you have forgotten one of Raul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who helped many many Jews get out of particularly Hungary.
He has also been cited by Israel for his effort to save Jews which eventually cost him his life when the Russians took over Hungary and killed him. I am a Swedish American, with family still in Sweden.)
The subject of Jews in Poland is complex, multilayer, has a lot of painful episodes. You can read from comments below that many Poles exhibit something of a persecution complex when it comes to the holocaust subject, but it is well motivated by very selective way the history is presented in the West and particularly among Jewish communities. Everybody knows Jews died in Poland, but somehow almost nobody asks a basic question, why were the camps built there, not in occupied France, Netherlands, or Greece. Is it possible because that's were largest number Jews lived before all of the horror started? And if so, why they lived there in such numbers? Was it because they just wanted to be mistreated by local governments, or perhaps because it was the only relatively safe place for centuries before that terrible time of WWII? Nobody would claim it was all great time in Poland before (it wasn't), but you should read what happened to Jews in Spain, France or Germany in Medieval times and where they fled receiving basic support (hint - it was not US or Canada ;). Of of these outrageous things is some snooty French or Brit lectures us about Polish anti-semitism and then we look at statistics of attacks against Jews in France, UK, or USA and compare them with incidents in Poland, where at worst you have anti-Jewish graffiti. And it is Poland somehow, where Israeli youth needs protection with fully armed security guards when visiting Auschwitz Museum? Is that really done for their safety, or rather to create the paranoia and siege mentality among these impressionable young people who are being conditioned to fight for their country as it's under undeniable threat, just not from these guests at the Museum or the railway station in a country with one of the lowest violent crime statistics in Europe...
I am encouraged by people like you, Michael. You ask right questions, you should explore answers. Doesn't matter what I tell you, or others, but what matters you seek answers without prejudice. More people like that on both sides and we can finally start talking about most difficult things with stuffiness and grievances overwhelming any common sense. Keep exploring!
Thanks for this.
@@lerubenfeldjust a thanks for it? Man, we are talking about millions of ppl living in fake reality… I live in a town in Poland where there are synagogues and Jewish graveyards. There is a lot of Israeli tourists mostly teenagers. Why do they need guards with weapons? Tell me, please. I know couples of Jews living in my town no one bothers them so why armed guards?
You wrote it better than i would, thank you.
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow for it to happen.
@@JerzyMi piszesz kłamstwa i to starasz się wielokrotnie to powielać aby siać nienawiść. Kościół katolicki w Polsce jest dla Polaków ważny ale tez dzięki temu kościołowi nawet ci niewierzący w większości zachowują poziom przyzwoitości nie pozwalający na krzywdzenie i niesprawiedliwość. A teraz spójrz na lewicowy i antyreligijny "nowoczesny " zachód Europy którego cywilizacja umiera na oczach będąc zżerana od środka hedonizmem i egoizmem.
Dobry Żyd, Palestyńczyk, Tatar , Ukrainiec , Niemiec etc etc zawsze byli w tym społeczeństwem miłymi gośćmi i tak jest dzisiaj, ale gospodarz musi mieć prawa gospodarza - w tym dbanie o dobre imie swojej rodziny. Jeśli gość mieści się w pojęciu ogólnie przyjętego dobra będzie przyjęty jak książe, a jeśli będzie obrażał i okradał czy zabijał to spotka go zły los - co nasza historia już wiele razy pokazywała.
I remember how I watched a documentary film by a Jewish filmmaker from Israel (I cannot remember what it was called) where in one part of the film he tagged along with the school trip from Israel to Poland where Jewish youth would learn about Holocaust history - the Mosad agent who was with them to "keep them safe" said to the entire group when they were at the airport "we are going to a country where everyone hates you and everyone will be hostile". It just blew my mind - I couldnt imagine the sheer amount of brainwashing that was unfolding there.
And it later showed - during the trip there were some local old geezers who were discussing joyfuly what they see and when they saw the Jewish trip they thought at first that maybe it were some asians visiting but then laughed when they realized they are mistaken - they were laughing at themselves basicly and not at the trip.
Then some teenagers from the trip approached them and started yelling at them accusing them of making fun of them - that the laughing was targeting the Jewish group - the old geezer explained in Polish to the teenagers that they simply thought that they were some asian tourists or sth and then they realized they were wrong - the young Jewish woman not understanding Polish came to conclusion that the old geezer was insulting her - she started screaming at them spewing insults.
Later the Jewish guy who was doing the documentary approached her and asked her what that was about - she said to him they were insulting the Jews and making fun out of them. He had Polish heritage and knew Polish well enough to know what the old geezer was saying - that those were not insults - and he said to her "No he was insulting you - I know what he said and there were no insult there" - she looked absolutely shocked and cofused at him - you could basicly hear the glass shattering in her mind as she was left clueless about the whole situation.
DEFAMATION directed by Joav Shamir
With that attitude don't come to Poland.
I watched that movie, as well, and the brainwashing that was done to the Israeli young people by the group leaders of the tours in order to instill hatred of Poland and Poles in these youngsters was evil and disgusting. They were made to believe that if they went out in public, they could be violently attacked. It was horrible to watch.
It would really be good if these young Israelis were to come to Poland on their own without the brainwashing and to see what the country was actually like.
I saw that film
I think the truth is more simple and more brutal. Israel accepted German payment for holocaust so it became unfashionable to accuse them (Germans) for the atrocities they commited. On the other hand holocaust and antisemitism turned out to be a profitable bussines and a good glue to keep the Jewish society together. So they needed a scapegoat. And Poland fitted pefectly. It was at time occupied by USSR and weak economically, so couldn't effectively defend herself. The West never cared for Poland and never understood that the German occupation was not like occcupation of France or Denmark. Biggest deth camps were installed on Polish territory. Who remembers now that primary goal of Auswitz concentracion camp was extermination of etnic Poles? It all worked too well - now many people in the West even think that nazis were Polish, as they are never ever called "Germans". And in case of Israel I think it's just a cynical propaganda.
You're absolutely spot on. Once the Germans decided they've paid enough for the genocide they perpetrated on their populations, especially in Autshwitz( Polish name Oswiècim) during their occupation of Poland during 2WW, there was a need to find someone else to blame and made them pay for the holocaust. The Poles were the obvious choice, it is despicably cynical.
Fantastic comment! Thanks
This is so true!
Accurate comment. You have noticed a lot of issues or facts that others wouldn't even think of or realise
Poles helped Jews the most and saved the most Jews.
They gave their lives for Jewish children.
Thank you for the video, but I don't think it's only that. It is understandable if it is connected to assigning blame for the Holocaust to Poland and Poles, otherwise it doesn't make much sense. I lived in the Wola district in Warsaw where tens of thousands of civilians were slaughtered in August 1944. I didn't hate Wola. I met Jews online who were certain that there was Polish Waffen SS (there wasn't, but there was a French one), that death camps were built in Poland because Poles wanted them and Germans would not allow that (two death camps were in Germany proper, the rest in General Government - part of Greater Germany, first prisoners in Auschwitz were Poles, there were hundreds of concentration camps all over Germany), that Poles were the guards in the camps (maybe some Polish-speaking Volksdeutsche, but not someone who identified as a Pole), that Poles were worse than Germans, that Poles drink antisemitism with their mother's milk... one of weirdest ones was from a Russian Jew who thought Poles could have liberated Auschwitz because it was so close to Poland, but instead the Red Army had to march thousands of kilometres to do it... the ignorance of the realities of life during WW2 in different places/countries, the ignorance of facts about the Holocaust itself - like the differences in treatment of half-Jews (death in occupied Poland, life in Germany) or differences between countries that allied with or were on the side of Germany like Bulgaria, Finland or Italy (who had control over their territory and could keep Jews safe, if they wanted) and countries that were annexed and fully occupied like Poland, who had no say in how the local population was treated, Jewish or not...
About SS... you forgot about Goralische Waffen SS Legion (just about 200-300 men). But Goralenvolk is a completely different story.
@@magirktheone - that legion was supposed to have thousands of people, but I don't think it was ever formed, only 6-15 goralenvolk served in Waffen SS
@@magirktheone Have you read "The Song of the Murdered Jewish Nation" by Icchak Kacenelson? The problem was not the Highlanders.
@@magirktheone the Goralenvolk did not identify as Poles and it was precisely because they colaborated with Germans. Thanks God, the great majority of the Gorals never considered themselven anything else than Poles.
Polish people are suffering in silence, unlike some other nations. Being polish I've never heard a word of antisemitism in Poland. I learn in polish school about jewish culture, going to jewish synagoge-museums, going to Jewish music festival in Krakow, learning in school polish jews literature and poetry. Many polish autheurs were jews, but at school our teachers didnt make a difference. NEVER. I had a jewish friends, but I knew it afterwords, because in Poland nobody make a difference. Children are children. That is why, I really dont think I owe any special attention to jewish people, they are like others. We are all people.
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos.
Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us.
I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example.
And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside.
I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake.
And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
My grand grandfather let a Jewish doctor into his home during World War II, even though he had three children. You know what the consequences were when german nazi found out. There thousand and thousand of similar histories.
I believe that the behavior of Jews, especially young ones, who insult and spit on Poles is very unacceptable.
This is so...
My greatgrand father starved in Dachau because he worked in administration, was helping Jews by making a fake IDs. One of them told thet to Germans. Great thank you. This situation was not the only one heard about (but only this one I am 100% sure) and that didn't make it easier to support Jews during the war.
You can imagine in my familly is no love for Jews either.
Germans made great PR as Poles seams to be worse then Germans for Jews. You may hate Auschwitz, but to hate Poland because it was based on its land. And you know why it was based here? Because it was easier to build extrmination camps in the place where the most of the people to be killed actually is (Germans efficiency). And you were here not because it was soooo bad for you. Apparently it was relatively good compering to other countries.
Niemcy nie byli rasistami , wiem ,że tak uczą w szkołach od 75 lat , ale to niestety bzdet.
So, as Jews, because of your trauma, you give yourself the right and justify hatred towards Poland - let us add that it is unjustified because it should be directed at Germans. Meanwhile, you cry constantly and stubbornly about alleged anti-Semitism. To sum up, Jews can hate us, but we are supposed to love you? This won't happen. With this approach, there is no way of understanding between Poles and Jews. If you expect Poles to stop being anti-Semitic, then let the Jews stop being anti-Polish.
they seem to hate everyone...
Excellent comment!!!
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos.
Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us.
I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example.
And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside.
I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake.
And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
@@galsh.9329amazing, this Jewish gal ventured out of her group’s propaganda cage, and started to think!
There difference is between Germany and Poland, Germany acknowledges what they did while Poland blames someone else. It isn’t about the government; yes some poles saved Jews and Nazis also targeted Poles but until Poland accepts and acknowledges their complicity in the Holocaust, Jews will continue to hold complicated feeling about Poland. The current polish government elected by the polish people feels they owe nothing to survivors of the Holocaust; they shouldn’t be required to give them their land and citizenship back. Blaming the Holocaust entirely on the Nazis is a non starter for reconciliation with Jews.
If someone hates you and accuses you of bad things you didn't do, it's hard to remain indifferent. You have to do a lot of work not to reciprocate with hatred. And that's what I pray for and that's enough for me...
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos.
Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us.
I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example.
And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside.
I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake.
And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
@@galsh.9329I appreciate your effort❤
I just wanted to say, that Jews generated a lot of traumas for my relatives in 1939 when Soviet Union attacked Poland. Jews collaborated with soviets and worked against Polish neighbors. It is worth to mention that a lot of polish people lost their properties when they were shipped to Siberia and guess who took over… that wasn’t the single use case, rather a rule in eastern part of Poland. When hitler attacked Soviet Union they were perceived as freedom makers and my grandmom till today claims that there is nothing worse than Soviet-Jew terror.
Soviets weren't Jews and Jews weren't more common collaborator than any other nation. And while I understand you do have familiar trauma, Soviet never did what Nazi did, not even close.
Żydzi nie kolaborowali z Sowietami ale rządzili nimi od samego początku , byli odpowiedzialni za Holodomor , wojnę z Polską w 1920 , za sabotaż i terroryzm w przedwojennych Niemczech i wielu wielu złych rzeczy , o których nie uczy sie w szkole.
@@adapienkowska2605how can you calculate that the one evil is bigger than the other? Evil is evil no matter if it comes from east West north or south. Soviet - Jews evil is equally evil as nazi. Genocide affected polish people equally
Ask yourself why Ohh why ?
@@adapienkowska2605 ha ha ha
„A Jew will always say what happened to him, but never why it happened”
A thing that also does not help: people in Poland were aware of Holokaust and informed the West (who mostly did not care), the information that all these Jews were murdered was know.
And yet, when the communists came and started murdering and torturing civilians and former combatants, about half of them were Jewish. And this was something that started to fuel the dislike of Jews after the war.
If you want to go down a bigger rabbit-hole, read about the ghetto in Lodz how the ghetto administration (all Jews appointed by the Germans) sold out their community (especially the orthodox Jews). I agree that understanding is needed, but it takes two to tango...
Jewish hatred toward Poland has nothing to do with a government as it's against Polish people. PL-ISL governmental relation were very cordial in first decade of 21century and that didn’t stop ISL politicians call ALL Poles as genetical anti-Semites. Appreciate Jewish traumas - Holocaust and recently with Arabs but that doesn’t change much.
Jews who were thrown out of almost all of Europe since 13th-14th century were wellcomed to Poland by then Polish kings and were thriving for centuries. Yes they were animosities as ethnic Poles were almost exclusively catholic and the Jewish population were following judaism. However to blame Polish people for the atrocities the Germans committed in occupied Poland,with often the help of their own ( like the Jewish police in the gethos which theGerman occupiers set up for them) is simply completely untrue. Polish people suffered grately during the WW2 and saved more Jews than any other Western countries put together, often risking their own lives ( Ulm family pregnent mother, father and five children were killed by Germans for hiding Jews in their home).Poland was the only country were the occupying German administration put it in the law of death sentence for any help given to the Jews. This is one incredibly important factor which is hardly ever mentioned by all the haters of Poles, which brings the question how many French, Dutch,Swiss, Chechs or any others were put to death for for saving a Jewish family. It's really the highest time Polish people started standing for themselves and confronted the lies being told about them in the context of the German industry of genocide were thousand of Poles also perished.
All any young Israeli has to do is visit Yad Vashem in Jerusalem to educate themselves. Polish are the most common names amongst the rightous among Nations.
What did or does Poland have to do with the tragedy of holocaust carried out by Germans not by Nazis ?
Jews should thank Poland and Polish people in their everyday prayers for everything Poles did to help them! God bless Poland and Polish people! ❤ from 🇨🇦
Such a loaded topic. But the bottom line is goodwill and keeping the conversation going as long as neither side sticks to preconceptions about the other side. Patience and respect for our humanity are essential here.. This is no easy task, to be sure -- as the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows. Both Jewish and Polish cultures are rooted in a shared principle of respect and the need to get along. It doesn't always seem obvious, but that moral code is the product of sharing the homeland for many centuries rather than a vague philosophical outlook. The Poles and the Jews must remember that they grew up together, raising each other and shaping each other's characters. This belief shines through your videos, Michael, and may your mission produce the best results.
This is a very important, valuable and needed exploration.
There is a huge area of animosity forgotten by most in time that happened before WWI and WWII. There were problems of anti-Semitism in Poland before the war but animosity came from both sides and was not without merit. Yes you read it correct, anti Polish animosity was also prevalent in the Jewish people. Poland was under partitions for 123 years. When Poland was under partitions the occupying powers lead a policy of fracturing the occupied people into minorities. Giving separate privileges' to Ukrainians, Belarussians and yes also Jewish people. Privilege's that were unavailable to Poles by design. The idea was that it was easier to rule many divided peoples rather than one unified nation. 123 years is a lot of time. After WWI when Poland was restored those privileges were equalized. This created animosity, and the animosity went both ways. It's this animosity manufactured by design by people who partitioned Poland and wanted to make it more manageable to rule by dividing it's people that lead to the anti-Semitism of national democrat's. But and i need to stress this - it was not one sided. Jewish people had animosity to Polish peasants who gained the right to open shops and become traders - areas that before were dominated by Jewish people. And still when Poland was invaded by Germans many Polish people risked their lives to save their Jewish neighbors.
Similarly after WWII to oppose the Germans Jewish people sided with the Soviets who once again enslaved Polish people. This again enflamed the anti-Semitism and it's this animosity that embers are responsible for anti-Semitism today. Many see Jewish people as traitors who first supported Soviets and the fled to Israel when the rest remained enslaved here.
I have posted a link to a great article about it in the first response you posted on the other site but removed since. It had plenty of Jewish sources. Unfortunately Yt deletes such links.
There is also a great song by Kaczmarski (who was part Jewish) called "Opowieśc pewnego imigranta" that perfectly encapsulates the problem. I did translate it into English but again cannot post it here without the link being deleted.
For this to work it has to go both ways. Poles need to want to understand Jewish people, but Jewish people need to want to understand Poles. A good benchmark would be the reconciliation Poles had with Germans. "We forgive and ask for Forgiveness". It's worth it. Polish history is irrevocably intertwined with Jewish history, and most Jewish people don't even know it. This is big if we manage to bring it to light.
W punkt.
PS Też miałem polecić mu tę piosenkę w swoim komentarzu ale zapomniałem.
Dzięki za ten komentarz, Mateusz 👏
Jakie przywileje mieli Żydzi za caratu?
@@PiotrJaser Np mogli prowadzić sklepy i tawerny czego nie mogli robić Polscy chłopi. Przecież właśnie to napisał kolega w komentarzu wyżej... Poza tym słyszałem że często odkupywali majątki szlachciców których zesłano na Sybir. To niewątpliwie też jakaś forma przywileju.
To nawet nie tyle przywileje związane z konkretnym zaborem co transformacje społeczno-ekonomiczne wynikające z przemian z systemu klasowego gdzie szlachta posiadała grunt, pracowali na nim chłopi a żydzi zarządzali i prowadzili handel i sklepy na społeczeństwo w którym polscy chłopi zaczęli móc konkurować z wcześniej unikalnie usytuowaną grupą Żydów i Ormian.
“Peasant resentment of rural Jews heightened still further after the latter began to retaliate against the loss of business. Jewish merchants attacked parish priests for their role in founding Christian stores. The Jewish shop owner in the town of Kalwarya reportedly offered to donate 60 zlotys[złoty] year to a cloister of the priest’s choosing if the clergyman would convince circle members to close their store, and offered the circle itself 100 zlotys to cease its operations. In most cases,peasant entrepreneurs persevered. Occasionally, however, as in the parish of Dąbrowa in 1884, the Jews triumphed and circle activities ceased altogether in response to the “great agitation” Jewish businessmen organized.”
-65 Keely Stauter-Halstead, The Nation in the Village: The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland,1848-1914 (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001), 41, 50, 116, 133.
Co ironiczne żydzi nieraz widzieli kulturę niemiecką jako wyższą od Polskiej:
"Our parents not only praised that time [i.e., Austrian rule] as being better for the Jews, but spoke with pride about the superiority of German culture and its people compared to the Polish culture. This attitude was very badly received by the Polish people. ... The belief that German culture was superior continued even to the time when Germany occupied Poland in 1939, and in its eastern part in 1941. I remember when the Jews spoke among themselves about the future under the Nazi regime: “Under the Germans it couldn’t be so bad as the press wants us to believe because they are the leading civilized nation.”
-Leon Weliczker Wells, Shattered Faith: A Holocaust Legacy (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1995),
“... many important factors infused in the Jews a spirit of contempt and hatred towards the Poles. In contrast to the organizational activity and capacity of the Germans, the Jews saw the Poles as failures. The rivals most difficult to Jews, in the economic and professional fields were the Poles,and we must not underrate the closeness of Yiddish to the German language as well. I still remember that during my childhood the name “goy” sounded to me as referring to Catholic Poles and not to Germans; though I did realize that the latter were obviously not Jews, I felt that the Germans in the vicinity were not simply Gentiles.
It would be shocking to think of it to-day, but the pre-Hitlerite relations between Jews and Germans in our vicinity were friendly. ... In the twenties, Jews and Germans stood together one election lists. Out of those Germans rose such who, during the German invasion, helped in the acts of repression and extermination as experts, who had the experience and knew the secrets.
It is not surprising, then, that in the mixed loyalties of the time Jewish unity grew stronger and deeper, and consciousness in this direction burned like a flame. ... the actual motherland was not a temporal one, but a heavenly one, a vision and a dream-to the religious it was the coming of the Messiah, to the Zionists it was a Jewish country, to the Communists and their friends it was a world revolution. And the real constitution according to which they lived was the Shulhan Aruch, code of laws, and the established set of virtues, or the theories of Marx, and the rules of Zionism and the building up of a Jewish country.”
-Shimon Kanc, ed., Sefer Ripin: A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Ripin [Rypin] (Tel Aviv: FormerResidents of Ripin in Israel and in the Diaspora, 1962), 9-10.
Żydzi widzieli Polaków zgnojonych pod zaborami jako prymitywów i opowiadali się po stronie zaborców bo to im było na rekę bardziej niż się im przeciwstawiać dla jakieś historycznej solidarności:
“Our small town, Stojanow [Stojanów], had about a thousand Jews and an equal number of Poles and Ukrainians. ... We looked down on the small (Polish) farmer, whom we called Cham, which was an old traditional way of saying Am Haaretz (people of the earth), which to us meant simpletons. ... We lived in a self-imposed ghetto without walls. The Jewish religion fostered our living together in groups which separated us from non-Jews. ... All of these [religious] restrictions caused the Jews to live in ghetto-like societies so that they could maintain their Jewish way of life. ... We had virtually no contact with the outside world, surely not social contact, as our interests and responsibilities were completely different from the goish’s….)"
- Leon Weliczker Wells, adviser to the Holocaust Library in New York
Mam tego od cholery i trochę. Tylko Yt to słabe miejsce do postowania.
There used to be a lot of antisemitism in Poland. One of the reasons for it was blaming Jews that they hadn't assimilated. Even after living in Poland for hundreds of years many of them couldn't speak Polish. They didn't assimilate because they couldn't. There were different laws for Christians and Jews. Still, there was a reason that Jews from all over Europe settled in Poland. Antisemitism in other countries was much worst. For example until not long ago Jews were prohibited from settling in England or the Scandinavian countries. In Italy they couldn't live outside of ghettos. They were chased out of Spain. In the German states they suffered regular pogroms.
And, as a polish person, we lost all in Poland due to misery of Germans as well.
Żydzi przybywali do Polski od XIV wieku (co najmniej) z całej Europy, bo nikt ich tu nie prześladował...mieli swoją rolę w społeczeństwie i swoje wolności...wolności takie, że w XX wieku w obliczu najazdu Niemiec na polskie państwo, ci żydowscy obywatele polscy osiedleni od wieków w Polsce, nie potrafili mówić po polsku i z Polską w ogóle się nie identyfikowali! Witali najeźdźców kwiatami i denuncjowali Polaków!
Powiedz to swoim,że takich, którzy nie mówili po polsku było trudno ratować!
I powiedz im, że każdemu Polakowi groziła śmierć, jemu i jego całej rodzinie wraz z dziećmi (patrz rodzina Ulmów), za jakąkolwiek pomoc Żydom! A jednak Polacy ratowali Żydów... z narażeniem własnego życia...z narażeniem życia własnych dzieci!
Odpłata przyszła szybko.
Ci uratowani Żydzi katowali później w szeregach NKWD, KBW, UB naszych bohaterów, obrońców, patriotów!
Mam gdzieś waszą wrażliwość, która wynika z tego, że w Polsce był holokaust! Co za durna gadanie! W Polsce w Oświęcimiu były jakieś maleńkie koszary wojskowe! To Niemcy zmienili Oświęcim na Auschwitz i stworzyli tam piekło! A Ty z Twoimi rodakami masz pretensje, że to w Polsce!? Jaki mieliśmy na to wpływ, w momencie gdy Polska została pokonana i niezbyt wielu Żydów walczyło w jej obronie, aczkolwiek tacy byli?!
Cierpienia i martyrologii naszych polskich przodków Was nie obchodzi!
Według waszej narracji jesteście jedynymi ofiarami IIWW godnymi współczucia i szacunku, choć MY wiemy jak zachowywali się Wasi pobratymcy współpracujący z Niemcami w dziele eksterminacji własnego narodu!
Głupi gnojku!
I po co ta agresja? Michael przedstawił swój punkt widzenia. My musimy również przedstawiać nasz, ale nie w ten sposób bo nikt nie będzie brał Cię poważnie
@@ypabloworldProblem w tym że ich punkt widzenia jest taki że jak już wycisnęli z Niemiec wszystko co się dało to postanowili znaleść inną krowę dojną , a my powinnismy być mili i uprzejmi żeby im nie było przykro że ośmielamy się mówić prawdę , która im jest niewygodna .Tej nacji nie wpuszcza się na swój teren , bo pierwsze co robi to wysysa wszystkie życiodajne soki z gospodarza i się rozpycha i przejmuje kolejne kawałki ziemi , aż w końcu postanawiają usunąć gospodarza . Przechodziliśmy przez to parokrotnie , ale opatrzność czuwała i nie udało im się . Mniej szczęścia mieli Palestyńczycy, których właśnie próbują definitywnie usunąć. Myślę że do nas się nie zechcą przeprowadzić , bo przecież jesteśmy antysemitami w takim przekonaniu wychowywali swoje kolejne pokolenia i to przewrotnie obróciło się nam na dobre.
Wszystko okej tylko bez tego ostatniego. Po co? Odpuść.
Czy mozesz cos powiedziec o stosunku Żydów do nie - Żydów? Odsłon prosze jakimi wartościami kieruja sie aby rozwiac watpliwosci i uprzedzejia. Prawda to najlepsze lekarstwo. Pozdrawiam
All the Jews want is to hear 'We are sorry for what happened to you'. That's what one says when the ceiling falls on your neighbor in your home. But the catholic church will probably never allow it to happen.
@@JerzyMi so, you haven't read "The Song of the Murdered Jewish People" by Icchak Kacenelson? He wrote the truth. Poles saved Jews despite the fact that their own lives were in danger. Do Jews demand that we save others at the cost of our own lives?
@@JerzyMi Bredzisz, i doskonale wiesz, że bredzisz.
I am sorry, but up until 1943 Jewish people kept saying it is not their War. Most of them refused to risk their life for Poland. After nearly 3.5 years into the War the Jewish people willing to fight from ŻOB and ŻZW combined were around 1000 men strong. These are not even symbolic numbers considering the Jewish population of 1939's Poland was around 3 mln people. German commander Stroop said that for the first 3 years of occupation there was pretty much zero resistance from the Jews and taking them was "as easy as putting a chicken in a bag" - he said. Jews were unable to unite and fight. Each one of them was glad it is not him/her today. Even in 1918 the idea of independent Poland was completely ambivalent to them. They never considered Poland home even when they could.
This is an outrageous claim of someone who knows nothing of the situation for Jews. This is as bad as Jews saying all Poles wanted to kill Jews. Its completely ignorant.
temat bierności Żydów zwłaszcza podczas Wielkiej Akcji deportacyjnej getta warszawskiego pojawia się w wielu pamiętnikach i sami Żydzi mieli do siebie o to pretensje, ale ta strategia przetrwania miała logiczne podstawy. Niemcy robili wszystko by na każdym kroku przekonać ich, że są potrzebni jako tania siła robocza dla Wehrmachtu i nie zostaną wymordowani. poza tym czym i po co mieli walczyć w gettach? przecież Powstanie Warszawskie wybuchło dopiero gdy Armia Czerwona zbliżała się do Pragi, a wcześniej Polacy musi znosić łapanki i deportacje do obozu. akcje odwetowe były nieliczne. ok. 2 mln etnicznych Polaków wymordowano ZANIM wybuchło powstanie
@@antekp2965 Well, it is true that the chances of any military or para-military success against the German war and death industry were almost destined to fail. The numbers were always absolutely overwhelming. The fact that Piłsudski created a national gun registry in June of 1919 which non complying with was punishable by a year in prison + 5000 marks fine on top of that made everybody even more vunerable. Both Germans and Russians got their copy of the Polish gun registry with all the names, adresses and models of firearms posesed on Polish territory. Germans had it even before the war started. Gun owners were disarmed and some of them executed.
Poles and Jews were stuck in it together. Outgunned and outnumbered. If Jews put up a fight from the first days of september 1939 together with Poles maybe some events would end up a little bit different.
The problem is that Jews thought it is going to be the same like every war before that. And Poland had many wars since the XIV century when Jews moved in. Even when Poland stopped existing Jews were still there. However every other war before that was only about gaining land and resources and control. Not about extermination of inhabitants.
@@darek4488 a co do Żydów w 1918 : byli Żydzi w Legionach Piłsudskiego i stąd też jego filosemityzm. problem w tym, że >70% Żydów z terenów II RP nie było zasymilowanych, nie uważali się za Polaków. tym bardziej zostali zniechęceni polskimi pogromami (sic!)
@@darek4488 Pogrom lwowski, 1918 - pogrom ludności żydowskiej we Lwowie między 22 a 24 listopada 1918 roku wywołany przez część polskich żołnierzy, a także cywilów
Szkoda czasu na to, nas Polaków nikt nie uczy nienawiści do innego narodu, was tak.
czasu nie szkoda, ale straszne jest to, że naród jest uczony nienawiści do innego narodu... i to my nie jesteśmy tego, it;s not a waste of time, but it is terrible that a nations is taught hatred towards another nation and it's not us we are taught this way
Nieprawda panie Zser007, zarówno rzadowe jak opozycyjne media zarzucają nas nienawiscia do Rosji i nawet Białorusi
Kiedyś znalazłem Talmud on-line (tłumaczenie na angielski). Zacząłem czytać w losowo wybranym miejscu. Szybko przerwałem, bo od czytania treści tam zawartych zrobiło mi się niedobrze.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
i to jest w punkt. Jedno zdanie, duzo tresci
Micheal, you are doing great job! As a Pole, I really aprreciate it.
I think Jews don't undestand that the Polish state and nation also are a victim of holocaust. That's why jewish hatred toward Poland is painfull for us.
Thank you. And yes I agree there is a lack of education about Polish people. I don’t think its only Jews though, but the entire world.
@@lerubenfeld Yes, you are right. It is not only jewish perspecitve but whole world. But jewish perspecitve is most painfull. Sad is that as you mentioned in your other yt film that, jewish culture is a missing part polish culture. We have so many common things.
In other hand polish ppl dont know about antisemic movments in Poland before The 2 World War. After holocaust it is still resonating between our relationship. And Poles doesnt understand because we also have "victim" mentality
Konflikt zaczął się w okresie zaborów gdy Żydzi w ogromnej większości opowiedzieli się po stronie zaborców, nie polonizowali się. Byli w najlepszym wypadku obojętni wobec Polski.
Żydzi dodawali krew polskich dzieci do szabasowej macy 😮😮
hi i still dont understand why many people around the world blame Poland for holocaust and not Germany? We had problems with antisemitism and still have (but now i think its almost neglable). Btw when i think about holocoust victims i don see polish or jewish people but polish citizens
Hi, I'm a 25 years old Jewish girl from Israel and I'm recently learning about polish people because of their comments on other videos.
Our education system is very twisted, we are taught that Poland was the worst (which I now understand is the opposite). We are told that the new German generation no longer holds the same views, and we are happy to talk to anyone we think doesn't hate us.
I didn't know Ukraine and hungry were this extreme, for example.
And I agree we are definitely taught that everyone secretly or not secretly hates us. But we simply want to be able to talk to anyone and put things aside.
I always felt sad that I can't talk to polish girls my age and polish people in general because I thought they are not interested at all, so I kept my distance to respect them. But I think polls are really beautiful and I love your attitude. I read a lot about your hospitality. Polish people never tried to talk to me, and I thought it was because of what we are taught in school.
I hope that one day I'll be able to introduce myself to them, because I read a lot of hate comments about how sad they are that they helped us and that it was a mistake.
And I understand it's a reaction to our new generation, but I wish polls could know I'm sorry this is the way things are, and that I'm sending a lot of love and gratitude.
So much anipolonism amongst the Jews.
What education of young people in Israel about Poland looks like is best shown by the film "Defamation". Made by an Israeli director, it brilliantly shows certain mechanisms that allow you to learn about the national characteristics of Israelis. I highly recommend watching this film, especially now, during what is happening in the Gaza zone. After this film, I would also recommend reading about Israel's defense, how unlikely it is that they would not know about any planned attack on Israel, and finally, I recommend watching "Public Enemy" with Wille Smith. 1+1= always two.
There are more reasons
1. Russians were antagonizing Poles against Jews by hiring a lot of them to political police called Urząd Bezpieczeństwa. 37% of that police managers were Jewish. UB, together with NKVD, killed about 50 thousand Poles in years 1944-1954.
Poles hates new rulers and were blaming Russians together with Jews for after-war cruelties. A newly fueled antisemitism caused half of the Jewish population to emigrate. About half of 100 thousand Jews left Poland, including 30 thousand in 1957.
Their children and grandchildren hate Poland for that expulsion. They dont know, their parents and grandparents were not just policemen.
2. Another antisemitism campaign was ordered by Russians, because USSR supported Arab countries against Israel in 1968. This caused internal change of powers among communists. 13-20 thousand of people left Poland only in 1968.
3. Nowadays Holocaust trips to Poland. Organizers are scaring young Israelites of Poland, blocking any form of communication. So they are coming back from Poland brainwashed, that "all Poles hate them and want to kill them".
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
nkwd i zydzi to jedno. Rosjanie byli terroryzowani we wlasnym kraju , wiekszosc uciekla pod Ural. Komunizm to wynalazek zydów, polecam głebiej wejśc w temat
My great-grandmother Weronika hid two Jewish children during the occupation. She did this even though she knew that this act was punishable by death for the entire family if the Germans discovered it. She was putting her own family at risk and she did it anyway. None of the Polish neighbors reported it, but from what I know from the stories, unfortunately, Jewish collaborators who cooperated with the Germans searched for such children, often successfully. As a Pole, I feel sorry that Poles are perceived as co-responsible. It's good that as a Jew you notice this cognitive dissonance. Regards
Nothing proves more that they weren't worth saving than what they write about Poland and Poles in their newspapers now. And yes we in Poland know all about the defamation bullshit Jews write about us. It is always big news over here.
Największym zagrożeniem dla ukrywających się Żydów byli sąsiedzi i na pewno nie byli to żydowscy sąsiedzi. Twoja relacja jest mało reprezentatywna.
@@PiotrJaser Jeśli nie wiesz to powinieneś wiedzieć że były specjalne jednostki składające się wyłącznie z Żydów kolaborantów które były wyspecjalizowane w wyszukiwaniu i wyłapywaniu ukrywających się Żydów . Żeby ukryć jednego człowieka potrzeba było współpracy conajmiej 20 osób tam się wszyscy znali od lat i jesli ktoś poszedł by na współpracę z Niemcami został by poddany w najlepszym przypadku ostracyzmowi i wszyscy odsunęli by się od takiej osoby . Bo jej działanie zagraża całej np. Wsi . Żydzi współpracujący z Niemcami musieli wykazywać i dostarczać określona ilość współziomków inaczej sami skazywali się na smierć .
If im not mistaken Poland was the only country in Europe who didn't kick you out. Instead let you in .
Poland kicked out its Jews in 1968…
@@noahb9011 The would be Poland under Soviet control in 1968.
You do NOT mention that many Jews, seeing the defeat of the Polish army, greeted the Germans troops according to the motto: 'Better be on the side of the winner!' The Jews in Poland also greeted the Soviet troops when they invaded Poland 2 weeks after the Germans.
Not only this, Jews in Poland prepared lists of thousands of Polish intelectuals and government officials for the Soviets to take prisoner.
You have to be fully honest if you want an honest Polish-Jewish dialogue.
Name a country without antisemitism before ww2.
Is was present all over europe and in US and in Canada
btw. my grandmother worked for a wealthy Jewish family as a governess (spoke fluent French) before the war, and they, contrary to the stereotype of the stingy Jew, bought her an apartment in Warsaw's Old Town as gratitude for her work. During the war she helped them with, among other things, fake documents. Most of the help given to Jews in Warsaw simply involved acquaintances. as for the apartment, the house was bombed during the Warsaw Uprising and was not even rebuilt after the war.
That's quite interesting that when people visit Troy in Turkey they are aware it was Greek city, described by Homer in "Iliad". When someone visit amphiteatre El Jem in Tunesia, they know it was build by Romans, as this territory was occupied by Roman Empire. The same with amphiteatre in Nimes, France - it was build by Romans. In all three examples people focus on WHO build it, as regardless geographical location those historic sites are examples of Greek and Roman architecture. So Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof death camps should be widely recognized as German structures regardless their geographical location. Blaming Poles that on occupied territory of Poland Germans killed Jews, is like blaming Tunisians that in the amphiteatre of El Jem Romans were killing gladiators, slaves and Christians. In both cases it is absolutely sensless and irrational!
The problem is complicated also by Jewish collaboration with Soviets after 17 september 1939 on eastern territories of Poland occupied by USSR. And over half of communist "Polish" stalinist government were Jews, especially people in charge of "national safety". Their atrocities against Polish survivors, members of underground state (during the war), can be compared only with atrocities of Gestapo. I think, that especially Jews descending from Russia / USSR repatriates resent Poland. I did not see such attitude in Jews of other origin.
I do not see a quick solution for that attitude issue until Israel invests some time in a proper education not just blaming places and peoples for attrocities of Germans here.
I have deliberately said about an education since in the "Defamation" a documentary by Yoav Shamir it was shown very well how the system works. If you need more I can send you. It says that the change may be difficult since Israelis continue to cultivate that blaming approach and community in diasportion yakes part in that.
The number of books you can find about the relationships between Jews and Poles in history is quite high assuming you are not focused on Holocaust and it closes any kind of rationale discussion. The number of the Poles killed during the WWII was very was not only by Germans but also Russians.
The Holocaust was a horrific attricity done by Germans. However, Poles suffered not less. Does the death of a Pole differ from the deaf of a Jew? Not at all. If someone claims something different it is a pure racism. Poles are aware of the suffering experienced by many nations here but an idea that the Jewish anger may be directed toward Poland and us because of what Germans did is insane.
The Jews before the WWII only partially integrated with the rest of the society. The estimation were about 15%. Majority of the Jews, espacially from Chassidic communities were not able to speak proper Polish. Imagine their chances to survive killings having very different look and being not able to communicate in Polish. The Germans were able to easily distinguish them from the rest of the society. It was really very harsh.
The uprising in Warsaw's Getto took place in the middle of war when Warsaw was surrounded by German troops. Chances - zero. one year later Warsaw Uprising even in much better situation was rerpessed with massive deaths estimated to over 200 000 civilians and thousands of Domestic Army fighters.
The fact that over almost 80 years after those historical events Jews cultivate that approach makes me sad and a bit upset. There was a time to review it.
Anyway, I do appreciate that at least you are opened for discussion about those things and I have a full respect and appreciation for that.
Thank you.
imagine trying to paint Poland as best buddies with Nazis and active participants of Holocaust - when Poles were the only non-Jewish people that are also Holocaust victims - since many Poles were killed for sheltering or aiding Jews thus their death was a direct result of the Holocaust law - so they meet the criteria but even today you dont see Israel acknowledging that and instead trying to smear entire country and people based on the actions of fringe minority who we in Poland treat as traitors for their despicable actions twoards Jews during WW2.
I will never hate someone simply because he is Jewish - only and idiot would do that - but I am feeling great despise twoards Isreal politicians and Jewish so called "elites" who seem to be going above and beyond to spit on the suffering and sacrifice that Poles and Jews share.
Many good people died to leave an amazing legacy of helping the Jews against terrible almost impossible odds. Poland managed to rescue over 650k Jews from being exterminated by the Nazis. Polish government was one the few - if not the only - among the occupied countries that tried really hard to help Jewish victims.
Poland exposed the Holocaust to the world with the amazing sacrifice of Witold Pilecki - a polish officer who offered himself to be caught and placed in concentration camp where he gathered inteligence and send messages about what the Nazis were doing. Cause it seems that people nowdays think that Holocaust was some well-known fact around the world during the war - it seems people cannot grasp, even in Israel it seems - that Nazis were keeping the Holocaust a secret from not only the entire world but even from their own population.
Many Polish families where executed because there were Jewish collaborators who infiltrated the Underground Resistance and have snitched to Nazis which families sheltered Jews. Imagine if Polish government and Polish elites tried to smear all Jews with actions of these shameful individuals and paint every single Jew as such person.
It would be horryfing and disgusting. But yet we see such attempts aimed at Poland - I am pretty sure you heared about the "Polish Death Camps" - I was so shocked when I saw so many Jewish people on social media saying that this is correct and that Poles killed Jews and participated in Holocaust. And it wasnt like one or two people it was hundreds - there was even a big video shot quite profesionaly showing various Jewish people - even a concetration camp survivor! - who were standing there and saying "Polish Death Camps!". Saying I felt disturbed seeing that is an understatement.
And why do that? Why after all those years do this smear campaign? I really hope it has nothing to do with the fact that Poland is now becoming a more developed country and someone wants to take advantage of that in sort of "give us what we want or we will smear you and ruin your reputation even if it means distorting the history".
But I am not Alfa and Omega who knows everything that happens in someone mind and hearts... thou it was curious that in the background as this smear campaign was in full swing - there were demands from Israel to give them real estates in Poland, especialy Warsaw that were Jewish before the war. But as everyone knows I hope - entire Warsaw was turned into a steaming pile of ruin with everything destroyed on behalf of "that certain German dictator's" order. Nothing was left and after war when communist have taken over - everything was nationalized and EVERYONE lost their real estates and properties.
So I honor and admire the history that Jews and Poles share - but sadly it seems that there are forces who want to taint and destroy it for material gains and I would hope that enough good Polish and Jewish people will unite to protect our shared history from those forces.
I love how you mention that not Nazis but Germans finally political correctness
But it is not political correct, just more precise, because nazism is defined as 'German national socialism", not all Germans are/were Nazis, so saying that "Germans slaughtered Jews" is less precise than blaming nazism for this and it focuses our justified hatred towards a false enemy, our enemy should be every totalitarian state/political power and not some particular nation, I am saying it as a Polish citizen (hatred towards Germans and Russians is unfortunately quite popular here, but its childish).
In occupied Poland to give a Jew a water equal death sentence (thousands did anyway) - was the death penalty in the west???? How many Jews would helped Polish person ? Where were Jews in 1939 when Polish People were murdered, the first prisoners in Auschwitz were native Poles. People like Gross, Grabowski, not to mention that 37% of Communist SB who torture Poles in Communist time - where is that hatred and "antipolishness" coming from??? Poles did suffer too is that any matter/ care to you? What about Zegota and thousands of thousands of people organising documentation, transport safe place, no Grabowski and others are quiet in this matter....
In September 1939 there were 100k Jewish soldiers in Polish army. That makes 10% of entire Polish army.
37% refers to management and higher officers in UB and only 2% Jewish origin of non-officers, which were personally responsible for tortures. And now guess which was the most popular nationality amongst those 98%.
Members of my family disappeared and never has been find jouring the war. All of them was actually polish native...its all beyond exploration...
You are doing more to normalize relations between our nations then polish or israeli diplomacy. Thanks and keep on!
Spot on.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
Did u know, first IDF soldiers came to Jaffa with polish army? And Kneset was using polish language for around 20 years after Izrael was founded? Ask urself why.
I totally agree with Micheal that nobody benefits from hating each other and both sides need to show empathy. It will include the fact that not only Jews are the victims but Poles too during WW II. Thank you Michael for your words of wisdom.
my grandfather member of Polish Home Army, who fought with Soviets till 1951 (so called Cursed soldiers) was sentenced to death by Soviet Jew who joined communist regime after collapsing on Polish 2nd republic
Unfortunately. There were many murderers in the Soviet regime who murdered Polish soldiers. There were even those whom Poles saved. Oh, they later tormented or denounced Poles.
The difficulties encountered by Jews in Europe resulted also (or perhaps primarily) from the fact that Jews created closed societies and did not integrate with the inhabitants of these countries. By doing this you are always an "outsider" no matter how long you live there. And you always become the first target of attack by the locals. And the fact that Jews found shelter in Poland and did not experience pogroms (apart from those organized by communists, i.e. for political reasons) may prove that Poles also went through many difficult moments and understood Jews better than other nations.
Okay. First thing - in great majority we, the Poles are really NOT to blame for what happened here in the 1940s. We failed to defend our country, we also have lost milions of our people and posessions.
During this time Jews were a large 3 milion group od citizens and a important part of culture, politics and economy.
So - this rare antisemism you can see nowadays is a REACTION for some Jews blaming us Poles for their trauma. We have this trauma on very similar level. So it is very understandible REACTION in my opinion. Nobody likes to be blamed and hated for somebody else's sins - especially when our victimhood was quite similar.
Ok. I'm listening further...
"Try to practice deeper empathy with the understanding that no one benefits from hating each other." These are words we should all live by. I am neither Jewish nor Polish, but I want to thank Michael Rubenfeld for setting an example for all of us.
Dear Michael, thank you very, very much especially for your courage to speak out loud about such a difficult topics, but also for your wisdom, sensitivity and open mindedness. I am a Polish person interested in Jewish culture, the legacy that Eastern European Jews left behind in my home country, but also about the history of Jewish diaspora around the world and the history of contemporary state of Israel. I visited "the festival" in Kraków many many times and as a Pole I must tell: there is something inexplicable about how much Jewish (to be more specific ashkenazi) art and music resonates with Polish soul. But regarding your zionist education and experiences - I, also as a person who not only met hundreds of Israeli youth during "Marches of the Livings" but also served as a volunteer in a kibbutz at Yam Kinneret shore for several months, slept in haredim rabbi house on shabbath in Jerusalem (and helped as a shabes goy to fix the AC xD) I must sadly admit - there is so much misunderstenings between those two nations and so little political will to improve it on both sides :/
Good clip! I am Polish, born in Germany and raised in Canada. I am somewhat similar to you. I thought I'd share a story from when I was a child. My father worked in a Jewish scrap yard and got into an argument with his boss. The boss (a big guy) was a Polish Jew and during the war was in the ghetto police and a kappo. Anyways, my father's boss yelled at my father and called him a dumb pollack (in one sense it is comical because they were both arguing in Polish). My father (a gentle man) turned to his boss and said: "I am what I am, but at least I did not push my own into the ovens, like you did." At that point the boss grabbed a shovel and swung it at my dad and yelled: get out you're fired. When I got home from grade school my parents were arguing and I knew something was wrong. The phone rang and on the line a man asked in Polish (with a Yiddish accent) if he could speak to my father. My father came to the phone and I vividly remember the conversation: "yes, we both said things. Ok, I accept that - fine, I will be in tomorrow morning." I always cry whenever I tell the story in Polish. As an aside, the boss came to my wedding. I had a rich upbringing and my parents had many friends including many Jews and even some anti-semites. Your videos are very well done.
Your father was a brave, wise and righteous man, thank you for this contribution to the discussion
If a Jew hates Poland or Poles in general, it's because he was taught to hate. It's politics. People have no idea that their hatered of collective entities such as other nations, religions etc. is not actually theirs. Beliefs and hopes of societies have always been deliberately designed to benefit someone else. Basic crowd-mind management. People controlled by their emotions give up logical thinking. First you make people frustrated, then scared, then you point the finger at the scapegoat enemy. If the "enemy" feels hated and starts to hate back, you have a perfect herd to manage by simplest slogans. On the other hand, if the "enemy" accepts his oppressive role, he can be played by guilt and coerced into compensating the "victim". Why Poland and why now? Because there is a huge potential in playing " past suffering and loss" tune and now Poland is in much better place economically, than it was before. Sometimes I read Israeli news about events in Poland and it's just a crude propaganda, just like our TVP.
The Jewish people have been influenced by the Talmud for centuries to keep them together and protect them from integration with others. It's no wonder that in so many countries it was easy to create biases in both directions and apply them when necessary.
Then, in the 19th/20th century, the vital goal of populating the land for the future State of Israel, legitimising its existence (and securing the influence of political powers in the region) emerged. Wealthy Jewish families would not exchange their lives for settlement, poor ones did not have the means to do so anyway, so the growing nationalist sentiments and anti-Semitic prejudices in Europe were intended to destabilise local communities and give Jews the push to move there.
Now Israelis are being told that everyone hates them so they can fear the outside world. Israeli high school kids are brainwashed to associate Poland only with the Auschwitz camp. They are told that the Mossad agents who watch them during their trips to Poland (and prevent them from eye/mind opening interactions with the locals) are there to protect them from "Polish anti-Semites". The fear is deliberately maintained, otherwise they might be more willing to migrate and in 10 years the Arabs would outnumber Israel.
Brother. Thank you for this video. I believe the topic is so complex and has so many layers, it would take at least a several hours lecture to even try to explain it in depth. Not to mention the research that no one has seriously conducted yet. I hope the time has come, and there will only be more and more mutual understanding in the coming years now.
I'm Polish with Jewish heritage. My family survived Treblinka. I live in Poland and I feel Polish but I'm also aware of my Jewish heritage. It's very sad for me to see some far right Jews showing anti-polonism in online discussions. I don't know if they are bots or not but it's surprising really.
I also probably have Jewish heritage, but I didn't do a proper research on it.
I heard some hints, from my family, though.
It also makes me sad Polish people are hated by the fellow victims of WWII.
Ciekawe, jak mogli przeżyć Treblinkę.
@@WielkaStopa-qh1rr wyskakując z pociągu w drodze tam.
@@matt-eu-poland so they are not survived treblinka. typical.
Great video, Michael. Absolutely spot on. You deserve more views with these videos, they are important culturally!
I have impression than your knowledge about Jewish in Poland befoe WW II is a bit one sided. Maybe you should learn something about Beytar, cooperation of 2nd department with sionists, military training camps organized to train future Hagana fighters and supplies of arms and ammunition arranged by Polish government for Hagana in secrecy from Brithish mandate authorities in Palestine.
Yes! Such wise words, sir. I've been thinking over last few days about the history of Jews spread around all the world for so many years and as a Polish person I could only compare this history to our own country, where we weren't on a map of Europe for over 120 years. How hard it was to overcome this history and to try to become "us" again. Imagine being in such a situation for 2 thousand years... It is frightening to experience the hate from Jews, but also in this point there are similarities - there are people in Poland also stuck in hate, towards other nations (f.e. our neighbours from east and west side), but even towards each other. It does take time and many tears to find our loving hearts in ourselves after all that has happened.
its better for jews to live were they are now,in izrael
In Polish history classes, there is considerable material about the Jewish presence in the country, the Jewish community's contribution, and the relationship between the local Christian population and the Jewish population. And we are taught about both the good aspects and the ugly stuff.
But it seems elsewhere it is summed up as "there were a lot of Jewish people in Poland and now they aren't, and you get to try and figure out why."
Jest ich bardzo wielu na wszystkich stanowiskach, tylko zmienili nazwiska na polskie.
My real grandfather, before the war started, was running a small factory in Warsaw, together with his Jewish friend from their Elementary School in Warsaw. In 1940 Jews received the order from Germans to to go the Warsaw Ghetto. One night after Midnight my grandpa's Jewish friend loudly knocked the door, telling that he and his whole family, they're going to Ghetto. Moreover, he asked my grandpa to give him anything valuable he has in the house .... giving him in return paper of the whole ownership of the factory. My grandparents left only with this ownership paper and the two marriage gold rings on their fingers, giving away anything they had, to help this Jewish fellow and his family at once !!!! They were NOT seeing each other again !!! Later on, my grandpa was shot on the street by the Germans in Wola district, during Warsaw Uprising in August of 1944. Amen.
All Eastern tribes like the strong-arm rule.
They feel fear but respect the ruler.
Polish rulers since the beginning of Polish statehood were more liberal than other kings in medieval Europe, so we had many migrants who enjoyed the freedom here but some of them had little respect therefor and when we were attacked they often joined our enemies. After the wars we were lenient, forgettable and forgivable and they lived in peace to the next war.
In the last war when Poland was invaded from two sides - by Soviet Army from East and Germans from the West even then they collaborated with both occupants.
In spite of that we still saved them when the Germans appeared to be not too grateful for the initial cooperation.
After WWII we stayed under Soviet occupation and they were over-represented in the puppet government and its cruel security service.
And there's one more issue. The part of them living in USA make money of that tragedy that actually happened to their European compatriots and the hate towards Poland is a part of that business but we, the Polish, are still too inert to hate them back.
In spite of that we are being accused of being anti-them but it's a part of the same aforementioned business.
Again - very interesting clip - thx and congrats. One remark: in pre-war Polis politics it was ND national-democrats, (not social-democrats) who put slogans of economic segregation and expulsion of the Jews to Palestine. On the margin: Polish army in the 30s equipped and trained LITERALLY THOUSANDS of Jewish Betar Militants before their journey to the Holy Land. Cheers!
According to Roman Dmowski (the leader of National Democracy, one of the fathers of the reborn Poland), if there were not so many Jews in Poland, the Germans (Austria, Prussia) and Catherine (German Tsarina of Russia) would not have been able to erase the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the map of the world.
It looks like Roman Dmowski was right. Today, Jews also cooperate with Germans and together and in concert they slander Poland and Poles.
Man. I am polish and I have similar thoughts as you have. For me it is time to shake hands again. Maybe hug ? I love jewish culture. I love jewish passionate music. I could say, I never met a Jew, but I miss you. I love your idea and your mission. You have my sword. Together we will be stronger.
Seems that the Lithuanians did a Jewish expulsion thing in 1914-15. Most end up in partitioned Poland. The Poles called them Litwaks (Lithuanians). Poland again becomes a poor state after WW1. The Litwaks can stay. One in three were getting by with donations from overseas. Seems most other nations were not opening their doors to them.
I’m proud of Polish people 🇵🇱and heroes like Irena Sendler ❤ she has saved 2500 Jewish children from ghetto and as She said „Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.”
Half-way through video. Imagine now that you are a Pole, that this was done to your country, that while Poles were not genocided to extinction they were killed without a moment's thought by the Germans. And surely your ancestors knew of the animosity between the Germans and the Poles and the attempt of the Germans to take over Poland or large parts of it for more than a thousand years. While the degree of suffering cannot (and perhaps should not) be compared, but treatment of Poles could be as bad or worse than the Jews depending on the time in the war. Do you know that Auschwitz was build to hold Poles, but then as Jews were brought into concentration camps Birkenau was built to accommodate the numbers they intended to kill. My friend, there is a lot of history to learn. What you are doing is essential. As a Polish kid who came to America at 14 I was amazed to find out that Jewish Americans seemed to hate Poles and accuse them all of being collaborators. It exploded in 1980s with Shtetl. It's amazing that people who knew the worst of war didn't want to deal with another victim - perhaps because it took attention away from their suffering.
Hey Michael! Your positive attitude about strengthening our relationship really brightened my day. Beyond politics, we shoud approach each other with curiosity and respect. Leaving behind biases or hatred. Learn from history. Morning coffee just got even better! ❤️👍" thanks
The last sentence of this video is beautiful. Thank you!
Polish people have their own perspective on the matter...we want neither Jewish hatered nor Jewish love. For there's both an issue of Jewish injustice and ingratitude be fair dear Jews
and answer the question honestly: would you risk your life and the life of your family to save a Polish life ?
Whatever your answer is Jews, Poles do not have to answer this question, as we had done it. Thousands and thousands Jewish lives were saved by Polish people and thousands and thousands Polish families were murdered because they tried to save Jewish lives.... . Now, our nations are writing history before the entire world...and they can see the difference watching one side, Poles and Ukrainians, and the other side, Jews and Palestinians. Therefore, please do not come to Poland, the country you hate so much, as they teach you at your schools...we have enough of your slander. Dear Jews, stay in Isreal and be yourselves there.
I'm not entirely convinced about the degree of ignorance of Jews (especially overseas) about Poland, but if so, you have an opportunity to influence it. After all, Jews are aware that a small but important group of Jews remained in Poland after the war, and they too had to face great trauma and mourning for murdered relatives, parents, loved ones. And yet they lived here even after March 1968. Were they crazies, masochists? Wladyslaw Szpilman is not the only example of a famous Jew who miraculously survived the Warsaw Ghetto and lived in completely ruined Warsaw since 1945. After all, they saw the ruins of the ghetto on a daily basis.
Most Jews don’t even know about March 1968 unless they were living in Poland at the time.
Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.
Little by little Micheal we will overcome this information vacuum, Poland was not free and isolated from the West until 1989, hence a lot of myths, blatant arrogance even disbelief when visiting Poland that we are somewhat modern. Our Kings saved and guaranteed freedoms to Jewish community for centuries, among others until rise of nationalism in Europe which culminated with WW2 and Holocaust. 1st Polish Republic was multicultural, (hence the food similarities with ie Jewish, Ukrainian etc. did you know that Bagel originates from Krakow - Jewish emigres brought it to America, look for Bajgiel/Bajgle in Krakow Old Town) multilingual all that material, cultural wealth was destroyed with Nazis/Soviets, in the meantime Israel with US backing flourished. Poland had little to offer until 1989 when being USSR puppet state brought us to our knees economically, we lost a lot of social capital, now restoring our place and that is indeed a shock to the system to some. I believe that best antidote is education, school books has to go through thorough checks where e.g. Israeli and Polish perspective can be provided not nationalist but balanced with historical backdrop. The same applies to any country, with Polish example Israel, Germany, Ukraine, Russia in particular
Michael, thanks for what you are doing. I hope your compatriots in Israel will listen to you as often as the Poles do. You are doing a great job. Kudos to you.
Your pain is also our, Polish pain. This legacy is ours😢Jews who died during WWII were Polish citizens like milions of people other religions. This is our sorrow as well and it makes so hard that we have to say that.
Michael, question is “do Jewish people really care about their history in Poland and in Europe?”
Do they understand what Poland and polish people gone through in 1772-1915?
We basically lost our country. Do Jewish people even know this? How hard it was to glue it back together after almost 150 years? And do they understand what kind of feelings people had between IWW and IIWW. It’s all very easy to judge people lying in a comfy and cozy chair with phone in 21. century, not knowing any history and watching some TV/Netflix.
No there is very little knowledge.
Jest bardzo dużo podobieństw między społeczeństwem polskim i izraelskim.
Żydzi są różni i mają różny stosunek do Polaków. Jest on faktycznie bardzo skomplikowany. Polacy też są różni, niektórzy pozostają antysemitami i to też jest fakt. Ale są też tacy, którzy wiedzą jak wielki wkład wnieśli polscy Żydzi w rozwój polskiej nauki, kultury, literatury i jak wielu takich ludzi było, reprezentujących najróżniejsze dziedziny. Nie można wyobrazić sobie polskiej kultury czy nauki bez tego dorobku. Ja osobiście odczuwam żal do losu, do historii, że zabrała nam naszych Żydów. Wielu Żydów odczuwa żal do Polski, że to na tej ziemi wydarzył się Holocaust. Próbują sobie to racjonalizować, czasem z góry dopasowując fakty do własnych antypolskich tez.
Oczywiście, było wielu Polaków, którzy szkodzili Żydom w czasie okupacji. Ale Polacy mają żal do Żydów o to, że wyolbrzymiają to zjawisko, a z drugiej strony umniejszają winy i odpowiedzialność Niemców. Gdyby nie napaść Niemiec na Polskę Holocaustu, zorganizowanego przez Niemców, na tych ziemiach by nie było.
W Polskiej nauce nie kojarzę, żeby wnieśli jakiś wkład. Nie zdążyli. Wielkie sukcesy żydowskich naukowców to czasy powojenne. Natomiast co do literatury to się zgadza:
Sporą część naszej literatury stworzyli Żydzi.
@@plrc4593 ciekawy artykuł do wygooglania ( nie linkuję , bo mi YT kasuje wszystkie komentarze z linkami)
"Siedmiu wybitnych Polaków, o których nie wiedziałeś, że byli Żydami"
@@plrc4593a Ludwik Zamenchof? To przecież lekarz, badacz i twórca Esperanto.
There is also the other side of the coin. Jews collaborating with the German and Soviet occupiers. The Jewish Order Service and Judenrats committed genocidal crimes against their fellow Jews so they did a lot to blur their crimes and shift the blame to the Poles. They delivered Poles who were helping Jews to death.
In the territories occupied by the USSR, Jewish militias organized hunts for Poles in order to hand them over to the Soviets. The participation of Jews in the banditry based on murder and looting in the introduction of the so-called people's power cannot be passed over in silence either. Because Stalin, in imposing Bolshevik power on the Poles, based it on activists of the Polish Communist Party, which was composed of people of Jewish nationality in 80%. For many Poles., in many Polish families, SS-man, NKVDzist and Jew are synonyms for bandit and murderer.
Jest też druga strona medalu. Żydzi kolaborujący z okupantem niemieckim i sowieckim. Żydowska Służba Porządkowa i Judenraty dopuszczały się zbrodni ludobójstwa na swoich współbraciach więc zrobili wiele aby zamazać swoje zbrodnie i winę przerzucić na Polaków. Wydawali na śmierć pomagających Żydom Polaków.
Na terenach zajętych przez ZSRR żydowskie bojówki organizowały polowania na Polaków aby wydać ich w ręce sowietów. Nie można też przemilczeć udziału Żydów w bandyckim opartym na mordach i grabieżach wprowadzaniu tzw. władzy ludowej. Ponieważ Stalin narzucając Polakom bolszewicką władzę oparł ją na działaczach Komunistycznej Partii Polski, która w 80% składała się z ludzi narodowości żydowskiej. Dla wielu Polaków., w wielu polskich rodzinach SS-man, NKWDzista i Żyd to synonimy bandyty i mordercy.
ale również jest dużo podobieństwa pomiędzy społeczeństwem polskim a palestyńskim. Między innymi okupacja i bombardowania
11:59 : " Jewish people and Polish people are much more than it's respective State governments "
12:00 : " But not the Germans, the people to blame is the German People "
Ahhhh...The good old Double Standards.
You don't know history. Poland was occupied by German Werhmat, gestapo and police. Polish people lost everything also and in spite of that terror they made an effort to shelter jews at risk of whole families being shot ( Ulm family). Aushwitz was full of polish non jews, then Germans came up with" final solution". Shortly after the war, jews that found carriers in polish secret police had no qualms to murder polish patriots incorporating interrogation and torture practices . Somehow they found communism appealing. Polish agent Karski was in contact with US government alerting them to terrible plight of jews in occupied Poland and in fact organized a ship transport of many of them to come to US. The ship was not let in to New York port and sailed back to german occupied Poland where those people were exterminated. Why didn't New York jewish community react to passenger ship being turned around?
I don't agree with you that there was some special antisemitism in Poland before WWII. Saying, that it was like in other countries is at least problematic. German antisemitism grew since at lest XIX c. whereas in Poland we just had regular quarrels and sometimes even feuds with Jews, which were reciprocated. Saying truth, there were as much anti-Polish sentiment among Jews, as "antisemitism" in Poles. Jews rarely considered naturalizing and stayed very distinct and foreign, that's why we talk about Jews in Poland, not Poles of Jewish religion - that's one certain source of conflicts. The 2nd was, that Jews were settled in the so called Pale of Settlement at the far eastern reaches of past Polish Kingdom, by Russian Czars during partitions of Poland, and these Jews liked neither Russians nor Poles. And the 3rd big issue was that Jews generally accepted Communism, became Marxist revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, and many were active in the Communist Party of Poland. So this was the biggest source of resentment toward Jews, not race!
Distorting history is the main cause of misunderstandings. The Germans very effectively distorted history for years, creating the false impression that Poles were responsible for the murder of Jews in World War II. A good example was the use of the phrase Polish concentration camps. There were concentration camps in Poland, but they were German concentration camps. Education is low in Germany, which further helped this narrative. Another situation concerns Jewish claims to property in Poland that was allegedly taken from the Jews. The properties, i.e. tenement houses, were destroyed by the Germans and they are the recipients of these claims, just as they are for stealing works of art and everything else that fell into their hands. This is the genesis of antipathy towards Jews in Poland, and the most harmful thing is that Jews before the war were Polish citizens of the Jewish faith. Entire minority nations died in concentration camps and all these murders were on German initiative. There were many non-Jewish Poles who risked their lives to save Jews because, as not everyone knows, helping Jews was punishable by death. There were also Poles who collaborated with the Germans and helped catch Jews, but this was a margin found in every conflict in every nation, but the Polish nation mostly resisted the Germans. When Jews talk about the tragedy of the Holocaust, they refer only to their own tragedy, forgetting that it affected millions of people of different religions and origins. All attention should be focused on demystifying history and guarding against its distortion, because this is our common history and common pain. Kind regards
Ok, but thats only half of the truth. Why did polish extremists sloughter a jewish stettl in east Polonia after WW II? Can you explain that? Why do polish historians who discuss antisemitism and collaboration withe the Nazis get so much hate?
@@ArnoNagele Poland was under Russian control after World War II. All activities were controlled by Moscow. Poland was not a sovereign state and therefore implemented directives from Moscow. The history of Poland is very complicated and impossible to describe in a few words, just like the beginning of World War II. Poland was attacked simultaneously from the west by Germany and from the east by the Russians. Only after Germany decided to break the agreement with Stalin and attack the Russians after the attack on Poland did the situation change. Until 1989, Poland was under the influence of Russia and after June 4, 1989, it managed to elect a democratic government in democratic elections. All issues concerning Jews in Poland were not caused by the will of Poles but were decisions coming from Moscow.
There's the word "Hate" in the title, so you will get a lot views because of that ;)
As a polish citizen, I express my symapthy to jewish people that were, as Gołda Tencer, the president of the jewish theather in Warsaw expressed in one of her interviews, "a generation of family-less jews".
On the other hand, what I often see "on the internet" is that american/israeli jews have a negative view of Poland, similar to what you've explained, but they also have no knowledge of the history of polish citizens of jewish origin (saying that only "jews" were murdered in Poland is a manipulation of sorts as great part of those jews were simply polish citizens yet they are separated which paints a different picture) which is quite well depicted in the "polin" museum in Warsaw (museum of jewish history in europe) which shows that Poland was the only place where jews could feel safe as a people in the first place as they were expelled from other countries as a mean of getting rid of competition in banking or other areas (hence the polish tradition of hanging pictures of a "jew holding money" on wall for luck as jews were known for commerce and lending money), but nobody seems to wonder why Poland of all places was chosen for "solving the jewish problem" by the germans and how polish underground government created formal groups helping jews and executing collaborants that gave out those of jewish origin.
And now the extreme, in 1940, the jewish ghetto in Warsaw was created, in 1943 the uprising in the ghetto happened, letting the remaining polish jews to "not let germans chose their place of death"(quote from Marek Edelman, one of survivors). After 80 (exactly!) years, what we see is that the "chosen people" created a ghetto for the palestinian people and now those people die, which I consider a "historical irony".
Years ago, I have worked, as a maintenance, for a Jewish nursing home and ALF in Florida. Have met many residents speaking Polish over there. They were very friendly and talkative. One of them, nice lady,(Russian Jew) called me every morning, just to talk. She called me „Polański”(sic.😄) From the other hand, I was surprised, that 80-90% of their (namely residents)relatives, visiting them, drove expensive German cars. Some kind of “sentiment”? Weird indeed! Yes, Poles drive German cars too, but mostly, probably because of proximity. In the USA, they obviously have the other choices( Chevy, Ford, Cadillac, plus all these Japanese, Korean, even Swedish makes.and in fact, most of mechanics here, hate German cars, for their complexity.(German Engineering)🤔
As a Pole, I thought Poland had a very tragic history then I got familiar with Jewish history and I realized that Jewish history, besides the Holocaust, was bad too. I agree with you 100%, there is no reason for hatred,
For sure Poland wasn't heaven for Jews, but for a great part of the history it was the best place they could get in Europe.
Most Jews, including Israelis, know very little about Poland and often their knowledge of Poland is limited to stories about the Holocaust. Therefore, they think of Poland as a country in which Jews once lived and where they were brutally murdered. For them, Poland does not seem to have an independent existence but is only an appendage to the history of the Jews in Europe.
This is regrettable but understandable. Poles also see other countries, Germany especially, through the prism of the WWII and their image of Germany is clouded by strong emotions.
We, as Poles, do not look at Germany only through the prism of World War II. Since the beginning of its existence, i.e. for 1,000 years, the Polish nation has been fighting virtually constant battles with the German state in all its shades, and we really have something to complain about over these hundreds of years. We fought the first documented war with Germany in 972
@@kubap-qk9jq This is all wrong, mate. 1. There was neither Polish nation nor state 1,000 years ago. 2. Germany as a state was created only in 1871 so any wars Poles had with their western neighbours were with particular entities such as the State of the Teutonic Order, Brandenburg, Prussia or Austria. 3. We often formed alliances with Germans, with the most prominent being the personal union with Saxony in the eighteenth century. 3. Poles were sometimes victims of Germans but Germans were sometimes victims of Poles. Germans participated in partitions of Poland at the end of the eighteenth century and in mid 1900s but Poland partitioned German states on two occasions, in fifteenth and twentieth centuries.
My point is that historic memory of nations is selective mainly because it is shaped by the states whose interest is to instill uncritical patriotism in citizens. Poles see themselves as victims of Germans, especially during the WWII, but ignore the fate of Germans in the afterwar period in Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia (Fluch und Vertreibung). We Poles need to remind ourselves that we are human beings first and only then members of a particular nation.
@@MK-lm6hb Widzę, iż pisze do Polaka, więc użyję bliższej mi polszczyzny.
Po pierwsze Polska jako organizm państwowy postała w 966 roku, a jej ziemie były opisane w Dagome Iudex , a naród w wspłóczesnym tego słowa znaczeniu powstał w XIX wieku jak wszędzie na świecie. Po drugie Polska nieraz toczyła wojnę z całą Rzeszą Niemeicką w szczególności we wczesnych wiekach dynastii Piastów, gdy Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie Nardów Niemyckiego było jeszcze organizme w miarę zcetralizownym. Co do wojny z Zakonem, to Polska próbowała spór rozwiązać pokojowo procesując się o Pomorze Gdańskie w Rzymie i wygrywając sprawy sadowe to Zakon chciał wojny i ją dostał. Co do rozbioru Niemce w XX wieku my się o te ziemie nie prosiliśmy, a dostaliśmy je od Sowietów w zamian z Kresy, a i tak w liczbach bewzględych wszyliśmy na tym stratni, a do tego trzeba było wszytko odbudować, bo Sowiety wszystko ukradły, jedydny plusem były zasoby naturalne tych ziem co pomogło Polsce. Co oczywiście nie zmania faktów dotyczących tego, jak potraktowaliśmy ludności Niemiecką, jak i w sumie Ruską we wczesnym, jak i w sumie w całym PRL, Polacy nie mają czystych rączek chociaż uślinię wielu z nas w to wierzy. Na Unii z Saksonią to wyszliśmy jak Zabłocki na mydlę i sama polska Szlachta nas w to wpędziła, a August II Mocny nie pomógł, wpędzając nas w Wielką Wojnę Północą. Ogólnie rzecz, ujmując Polska i Niemcy mają praktycznie zawsze odmienne interesy, a głównym tego powodem jest odwieczna polityka Rzeszy by rozszerzyć wpływy na wschód, a na drodze tej polityki stoi Polska. Jedka pragnę zauważyć, że to Rzesza zazwyczaj pchała się do Polski, a nie Polska d Rzeszy.
@@kubap-qk9jq W wielu rzeczach sie zgadzamy ale ja jednak nie widze ciaglosci w historiii panstw i narodow do tego stopnia jak Ty. Rzesza nie miala wspolnej polityki bo byla luzna federacja krolestw, ksiestw, posiadlosci koscielnych i wolnych miast. Ktore czesto toczyly wojny miedzy soba (Saksonia z Prusami, Prusy z Austria i Bawaria przeciw Prusom). Rzesza a pozniej Austria parla nie na wschod a na poludnie. (stad zreszta nazwa Cesarstwo Rzymskie Narodu Niemieckiego). Nadrenia byla pod wplywem Francji.
Twoja wizja historii jest dogmatyczna i malo w niej niuansow. Trudno jest mowic o Niemczech i Polsce jako bytach trwalych jesli ich ksztalt polityczny i granice ciagle sie zmienialy. Polska przed wlaczeniem Prus Krolewskich jest inna od Polski po ich rozbiorze , a ta jest inna od Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow, wreszcie pod rozbiorami jest Polska jako narod ale nie panstwo, a dziesiejsza Polska zeuropeizowana i bogata jest inna od biednej Polski przedwojennej i komunistycznej. Podobnie jest z Niemcami.
Reasumujac, Twoje myslenie wydaje mi sie ahistorczne i i polonocentryczne. Czy uprawnione jest mowienie "my" o dzisiejszych Polakach i naszych przodkach? Co jest wspolnego miedzy Polakiem z XIII wieku, zyjacym pod Nowogrodkiem wsrod Rusinow i uwazajacym sie za na Litwina, z dzisiejszym Polakiem ze Szczecina?
Co to jest Polska? Czy jest cos takiego jak jej istota? Dzisiejsza Polska to Korona z przylaczonymi ziemiami niemieckimi i ma niewiele wspolnego z Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow. Kiedys Turcja byla w centrum swiadomosci Polakow, dzis jest totalnie nieobecna. Smolensk byl w granicach Rzeczypospolitej.
Podobnie trudno jest odpowiedziec na pytania: Czym jest Rosja? Ukraina? Litwa? Belgia? Zjednoczone Krolestwo? Kanada? Itd Itp.
Obecna wojna na/w Ukraine jest w istocie wojna ideowa o historie i semantyke.
Poland before WWII was multi ethnic. Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and others, lumped into one state. Such states aren't easy to run, there's plenty evidence for that around the world, some very recent. I think what often is presented as antisemitism are more tensions which tend to develop between various distinct groups when these groups have to compete for a share of limited resources.
Was part of Polish antisemitism which you describe the reaction to the fact that in 1919-1920 (around that time) some Jewish member of the Parliament (Sejm) wanted to created separate zones of Jewish autonomy in Poland which would divide the country again after it came back from partitions. Did you know how much Poland was under constant rain of Hitler's propaganda before the war. Do you know that Poles were second in line after Jews to become German slaves. No education, just basic reading and writing for basic tasks, or you get killed. The whole thing was incredibly brutal. I completely understand everything you said, I knew most of it at the age of fourteen. Manjushri holds the crystal sword of wisdom which cuts both ways with compassion. The main point is not to only ourselves but others.
Jews also forget about communist criminals like: Mr Bauman, Mr Holland, Mr Minc or Mr Geremek/Lewertow. They committed crimes on Polish nation. Please tell us about jewish participation in soviet occupation of Poland since 1939.
It’s worth to acknowledge that Jewish people through out 1000(!) years of existence in polish history co-made the country that it is today. We share dna, food, customs, culture… if there is hate, its roots are in ignorance and perhaps generational shame. Both nations are proud and verrrrrry resilient nations, in good and bad. As a polish person I totally agree, that education is the keys to peace.
When I look at Jews in Israel I see the former victims who are the predators now :( because are so afraid of the past happens again. Pray for peace