No Doubt I meant plenty of people who moved to big cities here in America and the crime that they've encountered has been just too insane Democrats destroy everything.
Juz niedlugo to sie zmieni. Z jednej strony czekaja nas relokacje nielegalnych emigrantow, a z drugiej strony w internecie trwa kampania zachecajaca do osiedlania sie w Polsce.
"Rynek Główny" (mentioned in relation to Kraków) is not only in Krakow. Many polish towns have their rynek, cause it's a main square of the town/city. There are examples where town has few squares. And in those occasions the main one is called "główny".
Thank you for your recommendation. Poland definitely has a lot to offer. Many beautiful places to visit and explore, vibrant culture, amazing food and people. 🎉❤❤❤
Do ODWIEDZENIA, ale celem takich filmow jest zachecanie do osiedlania sie na stale. Mialam wolontariat we Francji w osrodku dla emigrantow z nieuregulowanym pobytem (czyli nielegalnych). Wielu z nich pytalo o mozliwosci osiedlania sie w Polsce, o socjal, o to czy Polki sa "latwe". Tego chcemy?
main reasons to move to Poland ( I just came back from there and now I'm 100% convinced that YES it's the right thing to do) 1) Kids playgrounds everywhere ( you see kids running around and playing outdoors everywhere ) 2) 5 days a week Nursery from early morning till dawn that will blow your mind costs £ 300 per month 3) Food is 3 times cheaper than in the UK and better quality, there's many small farmers and local meat makers that sell their goods for peanuts. Many places sell good quality organic food 4) There's no Muslims and there's no blacks (don't get be me wrong) but there's no crime what so ever you can walk with your family at night through the park and honestly you can feel safe there are other people there sitting, having picnics at night especially during hot days. 5) streets are so clean you can eat straight from the pavements 6) Nature is everywhere and it's looked after ! it's so good for your mind trees are growing everywhere, massive forests and animals running wild after just one week in Poland I some how relaxed ... my anxiety settled down in the UK I constantly feel on the edge and mentally tired After one month in Poland I started to feel that I don't even want to go back to the UK I was feeling so good and there's a sense of community people trust each other, people are living bikes in public places and nobody steals them can you imagine !? I was living in Oborniki slaskie and in Boleslawiec we also stayed in Wroclaw and Krakow for some time visited some friends in Poznan Small towns are even better than the cities. Friendly cozy environment if you're thinking of raising your kids in normal environment without a worry that your kids will be radicalised or stabbed it's a place to go ! healthcare is free so as the education NO stabbings no terrorism no LGBT bullcrap
No doubt I would be as bad especially with not knowing the proper pronunciation for any polish words much less even the word pull or Poland. Here's something I'm I don't know whether or not you've heard of or not but the but the very name itself Poland was created by a Jew. At one time they were the largest group in Poland before the uproars between Russia and the other countries trying to pare it down.
@@charliebrownie4158 Not true. Poland's name comes from the Polanie, a Slavic tribe living in the open fields of today's central Poland. The Hebrew word 'polen" means "here one rests". That may be what you're thinking of. Jews did not move to Poland in large numbers until after 1343 when King Casimir the Great invited the Jews of Western Europe who were persecuted there to settle in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, guaranteeing their safety and freedom to practice their religion. The greatest increase in the Jewish numbers occurred in the 18th centurty, when they made up 7% of the total population of Poland.
@@charliebrownie4158uh no. The percentage of Jewish people in Poland never was greater than 10%. Don’t know where you got your information. Compared to other countries Poland was very open in having religious freedom. The problem was that only a few Jewish people assimilated into Polish Society and that alienated many people. At one time the Jewish people were in the majority in the higher professions as doctors, professors, lawyers, shop owners, etc. that may what you were thinking.
No 32 shows again Malbork Castle (different views than No.1) - nothing to do with mentioned Łańcut Palace, which is on oposite side of Poland. Both places worth to visit. Malbork has a siege recontruction in mid of July every year, and this is the best time to go there.
@@jn1205 Mowisz O sobie? Kapusniaku. Ciebie nie obchodzi ale dla wielu ludzia jest to przydatna informacja. Wiesz ludzie jezdza, zwiedzaja, nie tylko stoja pod budka z piwem.
@@kasiasobczyk6939 chodzisz kapusto po forach i Kogo to obchodzi ,jakaś nazwa , to tak jak ciebie nazwa jakieś dziury na Islandii co ktoś pomylił. A ja lubię zwiedzać budki z piwem ...
Even the most obese and homely looking woman you still heads above anybody in the West. The most feminine the most beautiful honest and wonderful that I've ever known in my life. My parents polish friends were some great people that I have a lot of funness and thoughts of thankfulness that their family was friends with our family from my before school years up to the present day.
Poland is very beautiful but the people are in fact not friendly. But, If you do have friends then you’ll be in luck. You’ll have a friend for life. Poland is also known for its patriotism. Which I love!! It’s wonderful to be part of this patriotism.
Sie sind tatsächlich der erste Mensch der ich hier lese , dass die Polen nicht freundlich sind.Schade dass sie dieser Meinung sind. Im Gegensatz habe Ich Gottseidank immer sehr gutes Feedback über mich und meine Landsleute bekommen.😊❤
Well ... I'm not sure about you but I'm Polish as is my whole family and friends and we always try our best to be friendly, especially toward strangers. And I'm sure there are many more people like us. Anyhow have a great one.
We only look unfriendly :) People in Poland don't have a need to talk to a random stranger as they have friends and family to do that with. It takes time to become a friend. It was very confusing to me in Ireland and UK when someone knew me for 2m and already called me a friend :) we do not qualify everyone we know as friends, it takes time to build a friendship BUT we also tent to not change friends like socks :P If you have a polish friend and shi* hits the fan they be there for you, they will not call you negative, toxic and leave.
@@TheAleksandrea ludzie w Polsce z rodziną zwykle są skłóceni, a przyjaciół mamy mało, dla obcokrajowców zwykle jesteśmy mili na pozór ale często też podejrzliwi i różnie bywa z tolerancją w głębi duszy często jesteśmy zgryźliwi i uważamy, że mamy swoje zdanie na każdy temat, które jest najważniejsze, starsze pokolenia są bardzo zakompleksione względem Europy niestety jeszcze w moim pokoleniu 40- o latków zdarzają się ludzie, którzy za granicą wstydzą się przyznawać, że są Polakami. Ja tego nie mam bo jestem wykształcona, znam historię i wybitnych Polaków z której jestem dumna, mam też trochę szlacheckiego pochodzenia, ale niestety nie wszyscy tak mają. Mam jednak świadomość wad narodowych, kłótliwość, łapówkarstwo, nepotyzm, ciągnięcie do siebie, wywyższanie się połączone z zakompleksieniem ciągle trzyma się dobrze. Kobiety polskie owszem bardzo piękne ale ciągle jeszcze z syndromem niewolnicy, matki polki, zewnątrzsterowne i nieświadome własnych pragnień, nie potrafiące korzystać z życia, co z wiekiem wychodzi i robią się jędze jak tego nie przepracują.
Vroclow or Breslau dla cudzoziemców będzie łatwiej. Dla porównania Kraków dla anglików to Cracow, dla niemców Krakau, dla francuzów Cracovie, dla włochów : Cracovia, dla Ukrainców Krakiv
Something that Winston Churchill said I think in the 1950s was that the Western Powers did not in fact achieve victory in the Second World War. But that they lost the war because the one thing that began the war that had to be at the end of it was for pulling to be its own country. He said there's no difference between it going to stolen then it going to Hitler. He spoke to Truman about asking him to threaten Stalin with a hydrogen bomb if they wouldn't withdraw from countries like Poland and Truman said no. Of course that was after the V-J day. Because before it Winston Churchill did not know what the Americans had. Just imagine imagine how different the world would have been if Truman wouldn't have been a p****.
There is a belief deeply rooted in Polish people's hearts that has become a rule of conduct : " Guest in the house, GOD in the house." . Remembering that the man's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
ad #31 sadly Vistula river adds not much to Polish economy nowadays, it is not regulated and too shallow to be used as serious waterway... second biggest Odra river gives better chances only if ruling party will decide to take care of Polish national interest... but unlikely to happen.
Wszystkie rzeki i cała Naturalna Przyroda są niszczone ! Przestańcie koloryzować ! Debile u władzy, są wybierani przez debilny naród, który NIE ma szacunku dla Natury ! Głównym bożkiem jest bożek Mamona !
You missed so many attractions. The number may go up to a 100 or higher. Tatry mountains, Sudety region and mountains, Beskidy - mountain foothills with so many stunning views and hiking trails, Pojezierze Mazurskie and Kaszubskie - country of many beatiful sailable lakes, Baltic's seashore picturesque east to west, the list goes on. The only drawback is unpredictable weather that could greet you with long lasting rain spell if you are out of luck.
@EuropeInDetail you forgot to mention very important fact - Poland is considered as one of the safest countries in Europe, have 0 terrorist attacks. This is due to Polish people bravery, which means that most of our people willing to take an action to defend the nation even if they risking their own lives. Any aggressor will be taken down by local people before even police arrive.
You left out Czestochowa?? Seriously? Out of 42 facts no mention of this... Strange... But apart from that: Beautiful country and great people indeed. Love from Berlin!
There are comments about pronunciation, but most of it is acceptable. If i may suggest: - Wrocław - try to say 'Vrotz-love' - Jagielloński - I instead of J (like Ian), G (like in Iggy) and LL (like 'alley') and 'ski'⛷️ on the end; so something like 'Ia-ggy-ellon-ski' Good luck 😊
HI :) great job with this movie :) one think I know your first language is english but you pronounced Wrocław wrong, is sounds like rucla but shoul be more like vrɔt͡swaf. Thank you for great work !!!
@@beaj.h.1017 nieprawda bo jeżeli ktoś przeczyta słówko fonetycznie używajac fonetyki w swoim języku to będzie pomocne. Np. w języku angielskim “W” - (dobleju- fonetycznie po polsku) - Ł w języku angielskim nie występuje a fonetycznie odpowiada angielskiemu W i tak np Wanda po angielsku fonetycznie używajac języka polskiego brzmi ( Łanda). Nie masz pojęcia o lingwistyce, więc może to Ty nie powinnaś się wypowiadać w tym przypadku.
On the Penitent Bridge in Wrocław there's a witch and a girl, at least what you showed yourself. There are many interesting Polish places missing, and too many related to Wrocław (Rawclaw sounds awful).
You missed Spodek Arena, Upper Silesian characteristic architecture which is most vibrant in Janów, muzuom kopalni srebra i sztolnia czrnego pstrąga w Tarnowskich Górach .
It's worth to mention, that Wisła river is the only river in Europe that has preserved its natural characteristics. The sides of the river are not regulated by any reinforcement. River bed is natural.
Wódka to pomysł Polaków, historycznie, dziś to Litwa. Jest kilka rodzajów, zależy to od destylacji, ilości destylacji, rodzajów i gatunku użytego materiału. Jest LUKS,EJSTRA, WYBOROWA ,CZYSTA . Wszystko ma inną jakoś i cenę. Napisałem w kolejności od najlepszego
😊👍very nice video!💕 but I have a few remarks here regarding the pronunciation of all these places! if you come to Poland and you will pronounce the names or things the same way as in this film no one will understand you! you have to learn Polish pronunciation then they will understand you! It's good that you wrote the names of places or names of towns or what some food is called because I had difficulty understanding what you mean when it comes to names😎 Thank you for great video 🥰
Die Schlacht bei Kolberg oder Schlacht bei Kołobrzeg (auch Schlacht um die Festung Kolberg) war die Einnahme der Stadt Kolberg, dem heutigen Kolberg, in Pommern durch die Sowjetarmee und ihre polnischen Verbündeten von den nationalsozialistischen deutschen Streitkräften während des Zweiten Weltkriegs Ostpommersche Offensive. Zwischen dem 4. und 18. März 1945 kam es zu heftigen Stadtkämpfen der sowjetischen und polnischen Streitkräfte gegen die deutsche Armee um die Kontrolle über die Stadt. Den Deutschen gelang es, einen Großteil ihres Militärpersonals und ihrer Flüchtlinge auf dem Seeweg aus der Stadt zu evakuieren, bevor sie am 18. März von den Polen eingenommen wurde.
What i didn't find here: panorama racławicka, winged hussars armor by krakow castle, wojtek bear, real indians willages (story of war hereo Dlugie pióro), polish woman's crowned as a king - Jadwiga, krzywy las, fly with baloon
You should really learn how to pronounce names of cities and dishes. W is pronounced like a V which makes a huge difference in the pronunciation. Wroclaw is pronounced “Vrocwov”
Welcome to a normal country. Here a girl can go for a walk in the evening, no one will hurt her and if she wanted to, she would do it, as many as 20 Poles will explain to her that this is not allowed. And he has to pay for the hospital. The same applies to the hospital, where prayers are held without consent in the streets, blocking traffic. Greetings to the sleeping Germans and French.
We love hearing from you! Comment down below what your thoughts are on Poland! 🇵🇱👇👇
PLEASE do not butcher Polish names. Please learn proper pronunciation
Polska has much more to offer. Amazing country, people, culture and food.
Oh yes, in Poland you can meet Borat in every village.
@@marktwain5266 for sure your father was Borat alike and grandad and great grandad and...
@@gerronimo1605 Oh, yes! 🤣
@@marktwain5266 Poor little thing. Where are you from? From Russia?
I have been to Poland several times , beautiful country and friendly people very good food
Thank you, dziękuję
I was born in Poland, but I left when I was 22 and have been living in New York for 20 years. Now I think I want to go back… ❤
Wracaj z NY I będziesz zdziwiony.
No Doubt I meant plenty of people who moved to big cities here in America and the crime that they've encountered has been just too insane Democrats destroy everything.
Pamietaj ze tam komunisci i ich dzieci maja sie calkiem dobrze. Nie ogladaj TV.
I feel the same!! I left when I was 18 for the UK now I'm 37😢
Amazing ! Thank You. Amazing ! Amazing ! Amazing !
Najcudowniejszy Kraj,wspaniali ludzie,przepiękna historia i zwyczaje🇵🇱🤍❤️👍
Gdyby jeszcze ludzie byli tak wspaniali, 80% do odstrzału.
@@Bolo-i3p Odwrotnie ,jakieś 2 % ,wśród nich ty!
Juz niedlugo to sie zmieni. Z jednej strony czekaja nas relokacje nielegalnych emigrantow, a z drugiej strony w internecie trwa kampania zachecajaca do osiedlania sie w Polsce.
@@ewaz15 👍
Kocham Polskę ❤
Especially after 2 bottles of vodka.
@@marktwain5266 JA kocham bez ŻADNEJ wódki!! tylko Polska!☺😘👌✌🤍❤👍🙏
@marktwain5266 there is always one idiot and this time it's you .
I love this video l left my heart there
"Rynek Główny" (mentioned in relation to Kraków) is not only in Krakow. Many polish towns have their rynek, cause it's a main square of the town/city. There are examples where town has few squares. And in those occasions the main one is called "główny".
'Rynek' means townhall, and 'głowny' means main or central in Polish language.
@@IndraKumar-md9utRynek means market, not townhall
Kocham Polske calym sercem ❤
Thank you for your recommendation. Poland definitely has a lot to offer. Many beautiful places to visit and explore, vibrant culture, amazing food and people. 🎉❤❤❤
Do ODWIEDZENIA, ale celem takich filmow jest zachecanie do osiedlania sie na stale. Mialam wolontariat we Francji w osrodku dla emigrantow z nieuregulowanym pobytem (czyli nielegalnych). Wielu z nich pytalo o mozliwosci osiedlania sie w Polsce, o socjal, o to czy Polki sa "latwe". Tego chcemy?
Love your presentation! Good job!!
Great video! 👌 Gorgeous Poland in a nutshell ❤
❣❣❣PROUD to be POLISH and live in such amazing surrounding❣❣❣
Duma cie rozpiera ?
@@jn1205 OCZYWIŚCIE!!!
@@countrylivingflat680 uważaj bo nie zdążysz.....
@@jn1205 co masz na myśli?
@@countrylivingflat680,,,, do WC jak cie rozpiera
1:03 Not just that. We have paperwork proving that Wódka originates from Sandomierz, Poland and dates back to 1405.
Moher , nie pij tyle
@@jn1205 zamilcz półgłówku.
619 years drunk Polacy is no reason to be proud.
@frankvanderhorst6528 There is no cure for your ignorance.
@@kml8732 drugi pijus? już w bitwie pod Grunwaldem , w przerwie raczona się gorzałką z piersiówki a Krzyżakom ślinka...
It's nice that there are such positive videos about my country. Thanks for that!
Bo to jest prawda.. Polska jest najlepszym krajem do życia.. na razie...
@@ewaz15 Dobrze! Tak mówią prawdziwi patrioci!
A gdzie Zamość, perła Renesansu, Padwa Północy ? 🙂
Love Poland , I was born in Poznan , but I live in USA since 38 years
Pozdrawiam z Wielkopolski 🖐🖐
@@PuszekOkruszek1983 Hi there. Pozdrawiam z pustynnej Arizony . Skad jestes z Wielkopolski ? Nadal duzo pamietam , chocolate duzo z mean od 1986
@@vanhawk1074 Okolice Słupca , Konin. Blisko Jeziora Powidzkiego. Teraz w Powidzu stacjonuje wojsko USA
For not since
Pozdrawiam z Warszawy.
main reasons to move to Poland ( I just came back from there and now I'm 100% convinced that YES it's the right thing to do)
1) Kids playgrounds everywhere ( you see kids running around and playing outdoors everywhere )
2) 5 days a week Nursery from early morning till dawn that will blow your mind costs £ 300 per month
3) Food is 3 times cheaper than in the UK and better quality, there's many small farmers and local meat makers that sell their goods for peanuts. Many places sell good quality organic food
4) There's no Muslims and there's no blacks (don't get be me wrong) but there's no crime what so ever you can walk with your family at night through the park and honestly you can feel safe there are other people there sitting, having picnics at night especially during hot days.
5) streets are so clean you can eat straight from the pavements
6) Nature is everywhere and it's looked after ! it's so good for your mind trees are growing everywhere, massive forests and animals running wild
after just one week in Poland I some how relaxed ... my anxiety settled down in the UK I constantly feel on the edge and mentally tired
After one month in Poland I started to feel that I don't even want to go back to the UK I was feeling so good and there's a sense of community
people trust each other, people are living bikes in public places and nobody steals them can you imagine !?
I was living in Oborniki slaskie and in Boleslawiec we also stayed in Wroclaw and Krakow for some time visited some friends in Poznan
Small towns are even better than the cities. Friendly cozy environment if you're thinking of raising your kids in normal environment without a worry that your kids will be radicalised or stabbed it's a place to go !
healthcare is free so as the education
NO stabbings no terrorism
no LGBT bullcrap
You are deluded. Leftism is coming strong in Poland
Niestety rząd Tuska chce to zmienić.
Wyidealizowany obraz niekoniecznie zgodny z rzeczywistością
Niestety ta Polska niedługo zniknie i będzie tu tak, jak na Zachodzie: multikulturalizm, LGBTABC...+ i inne tego typu "atrakcje"
@@gosiagosia2248niestety muszę to napisać - jesteś idiotką.. bardzo to przykre dla nas obu..
Hello Mr. Poland🇵🇱
Interesting film, thanx :)
!Hermosa POLONIA! 👌
The lector is butchering the pronunciation of polish names so hard it is giving me a toothache 🤣
No doubt I would be as bad especially with not knowing the proper pronunciation for any polish words much less even the word pull or Poland. Here's something I'm I don't know whether or not you've heard of or not but the but the very name itself Poland was created by a Jew. At one time they were the largest group in Poland before the uproars between Russia and the other countries trying to pare it down.
@@charliebrownie4158 Not true. Poland's name comes from the Polanie, a Slavic tribe living in the open fields of today's central Poland. The Hebrew word 'polen" means "here one rests". That may be what you're thinking of.
Jews did not move to Poland in large numbers until after 1343 when King Casimir the Great invited the Jews of Western Europe who were persecuted there to settle in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, guaranteeing their safety and freedom to practice their religion. The greatest increase in the Jewish numbers occurred in the 18th centurty, when they made up 7% of the total population of Poland.
😮Mnie też. To pewnie znowu sztuczna (nie)inteligencja.
Me too but I moved to Canada I'm considering to move back I love my roots.
@@charliebrownie4158uh no. The percentage of Jewish people in Poland never was greater than 10%. Don’t know where you got your information. Compared to other countries Poland was very open in having religious freedom. The problem was that only a few Jewish people assimilated into Polish Society and that alienated many people. At one time the Jewish people were in the majority in the higher professions as doctors, professors, lawyers, shop owners, etc. that may what you were thinking.
No 32 shows again Malbork Castle (different views than No.1) - nothing to do with mentioned Łańcut Palace, which is on oposite side of Poland. Both places worth to visit. Malbork has a siege recontruction in mid of July every year, and this is the best time to go there.
Malbork is a Teutonic Order its not Polish you moron
a kogo to? Nie przejmuj się Kapuśniaku
@@jn1205 Mowisz O sobie? Kapusniaku. Ciebie nie obchodzi ale dla wielu ludzia jest to przydatna informacja. Wiesz ludzie jezdza, zwiedzaja, nie tylko stoja pod budka z piwem.
@@kasiasobczyk6939 chodzisz kapusto po forach i Kogo to obchodzi ,jakaś nazwa , to tak jak ciebie nazwa jakieś dziury na Islandii co ktoś pomylił. A ja lubię zwiedzać budki z piwem ...
Even the most obese and homely looking woman you still heads above anybody in the West. The most feminine the most beautiful honest and wonderful that I've ever known in my life. My parents polish friends were some great people that I have a lot of funness and thoughts of thankfulness that their family was friends with our family from my before school years up to the present day.
Charlie thank you for your nice comments.
Polish woman are very VERY beautiful!!😍😍😍🥰
You are talking about folklore’s clothes from Kraków but showing clothes from Łowicz region.
a kogo to?
Nie 💩 się Maniek
Pierogi też nie wyglądają jak pierogi ;)
@@80fragranza jakieś kapcie
Indeed , well done ! Greetings from Poland !
Poland is very beautiful but the people are in fact not friendly. But, If you do have friends then you’ll be in luck. You’ll have a friend for life. Poland is also known for its patriotism. Which I love!! It’s wonderful to be part of this patriotism.
Sie sind tatsächlich der erste Mensch der ich hier lese , dass die Polen nicht freundlich sind.Schade dass sie dieser Meinung sind. Im Gegensatz habe Ich Gottseidank immer sehr gutes Feedback über mich und meine Landsleute bekommen.😊❤
Well ... I'm not sure about you but I'm Polish as is my whole family and friends and we always try our best to be friendly, especially toward strangers. And I'm sure there are many more people like us. Anyhow have a great one.
We only look unfriendly :) People in Poland don't have a need to talk to a random stranger as they have friends and family to do that with. It takes time to become a friend. It was very confusing to me in Ireland and UK when someone knew me for 2m and already called me a friend :) we do not qualify everyone we know as friends, it takes time to build a friendship BUT we also tent to not change friends like socks :P If you have a polish friend and shi* hits the fan they be there for you, they will not call you negative, toxic and leave.
@@zbigniewhanula7303 Try harder. Maybe vodka will help.
@@TheAleksandrea ludzie w Polsce z rodziną zwykle są skłóceni, a przyjaciół mamy mało, dla obcokrajowców zwykle jesteśmy mili na pozór ale często też podejrzliwi i różnie bywa z tolerancją w głębi duszy często jesteśmy zgryźliwi i uważamy, że mamy swoje zdanie na każdy temat, które jest najważniejsze, starsze pokolenia są bardzo zakompleksione względem Europy niestety jeszcze w moim pokoleniu 40- o latków zdarzają się ludzie, którzy za granicą wstydzą się przyznawać, że są Polakami. Ja tego nie mam bo jestem wykształcona, znam historię i wybitnych Polaków z której jestem dumna, mam też trochę szlacheckiego pochodzenia, ale niestety nie wszyscy tak mają. Mam jednak świadomość wad narodowych, kłótliwość, łapówkarstwo, nepotyzm, ciągnięcie do siebie, wywyższanie się połączone z zakompleksieniem ciągle trzyma się dobrze. Kobiety polskie owszem bardzo piękne ale ciągle jeszcze z syndromem niewolnicy, matki polki, zewnątrzsterowne i nieświadome własnych pragnień, nie potrafiące korzystać z życia, co z wiekiem wychodzi i robią się jędze jak tego nie przepracują.
Uuuuuu as a citizen of Malbork it's a pure pleasure to see the Castle placed that high up 🎉🎉🎉
Please, not the RAWCLAW again! It's vro-ts-waav!!!
…rather vro-ts-luv
taka angielska wymowa gamoniu
Dude you butchered all polish names .
Maybe except Zapiekanka which wasn't pronounced too bad
BIGOS was incredibly correctly said 😄
Totally agree 👍 😂
Zapraszamy do POLSKI !!
❤Lovely 😊
BRAVO...👍👍 Thank you✌😍😍
Poland ❤
Polska 👌✌🤍❤👍
A Mazury?⛵⛵🛥️
Dokładnie też tak pomyślałam : -- a niesamowite Mazury !??,..
A las pierwotny- puszcza Białowieska, żubry; Kanał Elbląski z 5 cioma pochylniami, zabytek sztuki inżynierskiej, jedyny taki w świecie
Fantastic Camerawork editing, a pleasure to watch and learn, so much history ,,, well done
I love Poland ❤❤❤
Jestem Polką która najbardziej lubi Gdańsk
Fantastic love it
Thank you for your beautiful video. I am sorry for those who love to criticize so much.
It's Wrocław. Not RawClaw!
Vroclow or Breslau dla cudzoziemców będzie łatwiej. Dla porównania Kraków dla anglików to Cracow, dla niemców Krakau, dla francuzów Cracovie, dla włochów : Cracovia, dla Ukrainców Krakiv
@@Milus2006Jesli juz to Vrotzlav .... to najbardziej zblizona wersja tej nazwy
@@mtyzsw6549 Vrotswaff ;)
Poland was in ruins. As a famous Pole sang - Hitler and Stalin did what they had to. What you see is a matter of only 4 generations.
Something that Winston Churchill said I think in the 1950s was that the Western Powers did not in fact achieve victory in the Second World War. But that they lost the war because the one thing that began the war that had to be at the end of it was for pulling to be its own country. He said there's no difference between it going to stolen then it going to Hitler. He spoke to Truman about asking him to threaten Stalin with a hydrogen bomb if they wouldn't withdraw from countries like Poland and Truman said no. Of course that was after the V-J day. Because before it Winston Churchill did not know what the Americans had. Just imagine imagine how different the world would have been if Truman wouldn't have been a p****.
@@wiolettad7029Niemcy i Armia Czerwona zniszczyły całą Polskę.
Not "had to" but "did their part ".
@@wiolettad7029are you nuts? Not ruined in 100% like Warsaw but still destroyed to high degree.
There is a belief deeply rooted in Polish people's hearts that has become a rule of conduct : " Guest in the house, GOD in the house." . Remembering that the man's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Fact 40 i thimk. Polonez we dance on the and of high school. Taniec Maturalny
Polonez hosting naszym tańcem narodowym
Nr 32 pokazuje zamek w Malborku a nie w Łańcucie 😢
A kogo to?
@@jn1205 Takiego kretyna jak ty, może nie.
Ja jestem z Łańcuta 😊
@@karolinab79 a kogo to ?
@@jn1205Ja byłam w Łańcucie 😂😂😂
Dziękuję za film 😉🤍❤️🇵🇱
ad #31 sadly Vistula river adds not much to Polish economy nowadays, it is not regulated and too shallow to be used as serious waterway... second biggest Odra river gives better chances only if ruling party will decide to take care of Polish national interest... but unlikely to happen.
None of our river are used to that
It is all about the costs... unfortunately, there is no mind set to do anything about yet in a large scale..probably.
Wszystkie rzeki i cała Naturalna Przyroda są niszczone !
Przestańcie koloryzować !
Debile u władzy, są wybierani przez debilny naród, który NIE ma szacunku dla Natury !
Głównym bożkiem jest bożek Mamona !
You missed so many attractions. The number may go up to a 100 or higher.
Tatry mountains, Sudety region and mountains, Beskidy - mountain foothills with so many stunning views and hiking trails, Pojezierze Mazurskie and Kaszubskie - country of many beatiful sailable lakes, Baltic's seashore picturesque east to west, the list goes on.
The only drawback is unpredictable weather that could greet you with long lasting rain spell if you are out of luck.
Thank you for this episode. We do not have a tale under a letter o. Only a and e.
32 This is Malbork Castle, not Łańcut Castle (8:14)
the pronunciation of Polish names is terrible
Bogumiła and Krzesimir 😂
@EuropeInDetail you forgot to mention very important fact - Poland is considered as one of the safest countries in Europe, have 0 terrorist attacks. This is due to Polish people bravery, which means that most of our people willing to take an action to defend the nation even if they risking their own lives. Any aggressor will be taken down by local people before even police arrive.
Polish writing hard to learn
every young person speaks english here
Just a bit ;)
You mean Polish language? For me it was hard to learn English, much easier is Italian or German.
that's true. I grew up in PL but if I would not then it would be very hard to learn this language compared to German or English.
I wish you'd learn how to pronounce Polish names and titles. Some of them dont make any sense. Otherwise good film. Ann
7.13 to Mysia Wieża w Kruszwicy, a nie Sizz in
You left out Czestochowa?? Seriously? Out of 42 facts no mention of this... Strange... But apart from that: Beautiful country and great people indeed. Love from Berlin!
and also - you left out Stettin?! This beautiful place at the Oder river and Stettin's Bay!! :-))))
There are comments about pronunciation, but most of it is acceptable. If i may suggest:
- Wrocław - try to say 'Vrotz-love'
- Jagielloński - I instead of J (like Ian), G (like in Iggy) and LL (like 'alley') and 'ski'⛷️ on the end; so something like 'Ia-ggy-ellon-ski'
Good luck 😊
I'm from Polend and I have been in every place that have been shown in this video
I love Poland 🇵🇱 ❤
Dżagellonian University!😂
It will be nice to hear if you learn how to pronounce the words in Polish language correctly
HI :) great job with this movie :) one think I know your first language is english but you pronounced Wrocław wrong, is sounds like rucla but shoul be more like vrɔt͡swaf. Thank you for great work !!!
Great summary! Maybe prenaciation of Polish words could be improved but the movie is great as does not focus on the big cities only.
One suggestion. When you want to pronounce city names in original language, google have a feature to read the word correctly for you ;)
Lovely video about my country, but the castle you show in the 8.30 minute as the Lancut castle is not The Lancut castle :) The rest is beautiful🥰
One more mistake. Łańcut ans Malbork, do your research properly
Puszcza Bialowieska !
Taa ... wycinana na potęge !
Ostatni taki Pradawny Las w Europie !
@@sylwiasylwia9946 boje się tam pojechać ☹️ wszystko ucichło i teraz kontynuują swój zamach
@@sylwiasylwia9946 Ty jesteś z okolicy puszczy ?
You should google pronunciation of the Polish words
czy to pytanie pomocne?
Co z tego, jesli nie moze ktos fonetycznie poprawnie wymowic?
Lepiej takich bezmyslnych komentarzy nie wstawiac..
@@beaj.h.1017 nieprawda bo jeżeli ktoś przeczyta słówko fonetycznie używajac fonetyki w swoim języku to będzie pomocne. Np. w języku angielskim “W” - (dobleju- fonetycznie po polsku) - Ł w języku angielskim nie występuje a fonetycznie odpowiada angielskiemu W i tak np Wanda po angielsku fonetycznie używajac języka polskiego brzmi ( Łanda). Nie masz pojęcia o lingwistyce, więc może to Ty nie powinnaś się wypowiadać w tym przypadku.
Polska nie jest na sprzedaż
Uwielbiam moj kraj.
On the Penitent Bridge in Wrocław there's a witch and a girl, at least what you showed yourself. There are many interesting Polish places missing, and too many related to Wrocław (Rawclaw sounds awful).
Good that he does not say Breslau anyway.....
You missed Spodek Arena, Upper Silesian characteristic architecture which is most vibrant in Janów, muzuom kopalni srebra i sztolnia czrnego pstrąga w Tarnowskich Górach .
It's worth to mention, that Wisła river is the only river in Europe that has preserved its natural characteristics. The sides of the river are not regulated by any reinforcement. River bed is natural.
Taa ... była !
Teraz syf z "Czajki" !
Ale koloryzujesz 🥴😅
Where are the beautiful women ?? They draw you in , show you many great sites, but few of women .
Wódka to pomysł Polaków, historycznie, dziś to Litwa. Jest kilka rodzajów, zależy to od destylacji, ilości destylacji, rodzajów i gatunku użytego materiału. Jest LUKS,EJSTRA, WYBOROWA ,CZYSTA . Wszystko ma inną jakoś i cenę.
Napisałem w kolejności od najlepszego
😊👍very nice video!💕 but I have a few remarks here regarding the pronunciation of all these places! if you come to Poland and you will pronounce the names or things the same way as in this film no one will understand you! you have to learn Polish pronunciation then they will understand you! It's good that you wrote the names of places or names of towns or what some food is called because I had difficulty understanding what you mean when it comes to names😎 Thank you for great video 🥰
Kolberg ♥️ Fantastische Entwicklung über 40 Jahre 👌✌️
Yes. I was there first in 1971. Returned recently on holiday with my wife. Really outstanding! Great city!
Die Schlacht bei Kolberg oder Schlacht bei Kołobrzeg (auch Schlacht um die Festung Kolberg) war die Einnahme der Stadt Kolberg, dem heutigen Kolberg, in Pommern durch die Sowjetarmee und ihre polnischen Verbündeten von den nationalsozialistischen deutschen Streitkräften während des Zweiten Weltkriegs Ostpommersche Offensive. Zwischen dem 4. und 18. März 1945 kam es zu heftigen Stadtkämpfen der sowjetischen und polnischen Streitkräfte gegen die deutsche Armee um die Kontrolle über die Stadt. Den Deutschen gelang es, einen Großteil ihres Militärpersonals und ihrer Flüchtlinge auf dem Seeweg aus der Stadt zu evakuieren, bevor sie am 18. März von den Polen eingenommen wurde.
What i didn't find here: panorama racławicka, winged hussars armor by krakow castle, wojtek bear, real indians willages (story of war hereo Dlugie pióro), polish woman's crowned as a king - Jadwiga, krzywy las, fly with baloon
You should really learn how to pronounce names of cities and dishes. W is pronounced like a V which makes a huge difference in the pronunciation. Wroclaw is pronounced “Vrocwov”
they pronounce it in their own way.. You also are spelling Monachium, for expl. and not Muenich or Muenchen in original!
2 Wroclaw
Poland is a great place to start a business! The taxes are good and it's easy to get legalized.
The oldest tree in Poland is yew tree, around 1250 years.
Welcome to a normal country. Here a girl can go for a walk in the evening, no one will hurt her and if she wanted to, she would do it, as many as 20 Poles will explain to her that this is not allowed. And he has to pay for the hospital. The same applies to the hospital, where prayers are held without consent in the streets, blocking traffic. Greetings to the sleeping Germans and French.
enjoy Poland for soon it will be only a memory
Nie do puki bije choć jedno polskie serce. Mamy dużo cierpliwości, rozumiemy zmieniający się świat dlatego pozwalamy na wiele ale nie na za wiele...
Who is sponsoring you?
Wawels dragon is old pagan symbol, but for hundreds of years CHRISTIANITY in POLAND prevailed ans amazing Churches and CATHEDRALS.
rawclaw oh my god 🤣
If you would live for at least some short time In CAN or US this would not bother you at all:-))
@@beaj.h.1017 maybe you right, anyway warsaw in eng these are just funny meanings but in native language is different,geetings
Thanks for many nice words about Poland. But there's one "but": pronunciation of almost every polish words and names by the speaker is terrible 🙉
Where is the Warsaw?
Why is nothing about Łódź Film school and the longest street Piotrkowska😢
Be sexy doesn't mean you can walk half naked on a street
Poland with beautiful nature and "untouched" women... sorry mordeczki...
Zaszłości historyczne
Piękne kobiety i przystojni mężczyźni!!!! 😂❤
[08:13} Fact 32. Video does not show POLAND'S ŁAŃCUT CASTLE. Video shows MALBORK CASTLE.