如何做: 迷你白蓮蓉月餅 HOW TO MAKE: Mini White Lotus Paste Mooncakes

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024
  • HOW TO MAKE: Mini White Lotus Paste Mooncakes 如何做: 迷你白蓮蓉月餅, cooking recipes, Chinese food recipes, Asia food recipes, simple and quick recipes, pastry recipes
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    迷你白蓮蓉月餅Mini White Lotus Paste Mooncakes
    今天我們來做月餅Today we will make mooncakes
    這裏是六個迷你月餅的份量Here is the serving size for six mini mooncakes
    中筋麵粉100克, 白蓮蓉360克(低糖), 鹹蛋六隻, 糖漿60克, 食油20克, 鹼水5 克100g all-purpose flour, 360g white lotus seed paste (low sugar), six salted eggs, 60g syrup, 20g cooking oil, 5g alkaline water
    所有材料已經準備好All ingredients are ready
    首先把糖漿放進一個大碗First put the syrup into a big bowl
    加入鹼水, 攪勻Add alkaline water and mix well
    鹼水會令月餅有少許深色Alkaline water will make the mooncakes slightly darker
    加入食油Add cooking oil
    完全攪勻之後After mixing completely
    加入中筋麵粉 (已經過篩) Add all-purpose flour (already sifted)
    分幾次慢慢放入Put it in slowly several times
    攪勻stir well
    這樣, 月餅的餅皮粉團就做好In this way, the dough for moon cake skin is ready
    再用手 搓幾下Rub it with your hands a few more times
    用手把餅皮的粉團按壓幾下Press the dough a few times with your hands
    如果餅皮沒有黏手就可以It’s ok if the dough is not sticky
    然後放在室溫兩小時Then leave it at room temperature for two hours
    稍後將會分成六份It will be divided into six parts later
    鹹蛋, 只需要蛋黃的部分Salted egg, only the yolk part is needed
    去除所有蛋白, 否則月餅會變得很鹹Remove all the egg whites, otherwise the mooncakes will become very salty
    用玫瑰露兩大湯匙Use two tablespoons of rose wine
    塗滿在鹹蛋黃的表面Spread all over the surface of salted egg yolk
    就可以去除所有蛋白to remove all egg whites
    在鹹蛋黃表面放少許油Put a little oil on the surface of the salted egg yolk
    放入焗爐, 160度C, 焗5分鐘Place in oven, bake at 160 degrees C for 5 minutes
    開始做月餅餡Start making mooncake fillings
    把360克的白蓮蓉分成6份, 每份60克Divide 360g of white lotus paste into 6 portions, each portion is 60g
    做餅皮的粉團 分成6份, 每份50克Divide the dough for mooncake skin into 6 portions, each portion is 50g
    首先, 把白蓮蓉中間部分壓出一個洞First, press out a hole in the middle part of the white lotus paste
    做成一個杯型Make a cup shape
    放進鹹蛋黃Put in salted egg yolk
    用蓮蓉把整個鹹蛋黃包裹Wrap the whole salted egg yolk with lotus paste
    用手搓成圓形Roll it into a round shape with your hands
    每一個都是這樣做All do the same
    月餅皮的處理Mooncake skin processing
    用一個膠袋, 剪開一邊Use a plastic bag and cut one side
    把餅皮粉團放在膠袋裏面中間Place the dough of mooncake skin in the middle of the plastic bag
    從手把粉糰壓扁Flatten the dough with your hands
    然後再壓成薄片then flatten it again into thin piece
    可以用一個蓮蓉來量度位置You can use a lotus paste to measure the location
    在蓮蓉的周圍, 都需要有超過一吋的餅皮There needs to be more than one inch of mooncake skin around the lotus paste
    現在開始包蓮蓉Now start wrapping the lotus paste
    把蓮蓉放在餅皮中間Put the lotus paste in the middle of the mooncake skin
    用餅皮把整個蓮蓉包裹Wrap the whole lotus paste with mooncake skin
    用手搓成圓形Roll it into a round shape with your hands
    準備一個125克 的月餅模型Prepare a 125g mooncake mold
    在模型裏面, 放少許高筋或中筋麵粉In the mold, put a little high-gluten or all-purpose flour
    這樣, 餅皮就不會黏在裏面This way, the mooncake won't stick to the inside
    在餅皮外面, 薄薄的鋪一層麵粉Spread a thin layer of flour on the outside of the mooncake
    把整個月餅放進模型裏面Put the whole mooncake into the mold
    輕輕的按壓週邊Gently press around
    然後把模型反轉Then invert the mold
    大力在手柄上按壓幾下Press firmly on the handle a few times
    然後慢慢把完餅推出Then slowly push out the finished mooncake
    漂亮的月餅, 就成功做了出來Beautiful mooncakes were successfully made
    每一個都是這樣做All do the same
    六個月餅都做好了The six mooncakes are ready
    放進焗爐Put in oven
    用160度C, 先焗5分鐘Use 160 degrees C and bake for 5 minutes.
    五分鐘過後月餅的形狀已經固定After five minutes, the shape of the mooncake has been fixed
    放在室溫冷卻Leave to cool at room temperature
    這個時候At this time
    我們準備一個蛋黃, 加水兩茶匙We prepare an egg yolk and add two teaspoons of water
    在月餅的表皮, 薄薄的塗一層蛋黃水Apply a thin layer of egg yolk water to the skin of the mooncake
    幾分鐘之後After a few minutes
    第一層的蛋黃水, 已經被月餅皮吸收The first layer of egg yolk water has been absorbed by the mooncake skin
    我們塗上第二層蛋黃水We apply a second layer of egg yolk water
    然後放進焗爐Then put it in the oven
    用170度C 再焗5分鐘Bake at 170 degrees C for another 5 minutes
    然後調轉方向, 再焗5分鐘Then reverse the direction and bake for another 5 minutes
    香噴噴的月餅就做好了The fragrant mooncakes are ready
    但是, 不要太快吃But don't eat it too quickly
    月餅要冷卻後才可以切開The mooncakes need to be cooled before cutting
    中秋節月餅不一定要在外面買Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes do not have to be bought outside
    自己做都一樣咁好味It tastes just as delicious if you make it yourself
    大功告成 !
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