Can the toddler seat go on the lower adapters so you can put a baby car seat capsule on the top adapters? I know it’s not officially supposed to but does it fit?
I wanted this stroller for my toddler and 4 month old. My toddler weighs 31lbs though? So she will be on the top toddler seat and my other baby on rumble seat? Since it holds only 35lbs sorry this sounds dumb (mom brain)
What adapter would I need if I’m buying the nuna pipa rx and rumble v2+ and I want the baby at the top And toddler at the bottom ? Do I need a ring or can I just buy the upper adapters for the nuna car seat is the ring adapter old? I see the ups baby adapter for nuna car seats are for sale
So I missed place the two Lower adapters for my bassinet and now it’s stuck and can’t get them out. Do you think there’s a solution for that to take them out?
Are v2 adapters different from v1 adapters?
Can the toddler seat go on the lower adapters so you can put a baby car seat capsule on the top adapters? I know it’s not officially supposed to but does it fit?
No it doesn't, in order to do what your saying you must purchase the rumble seat separately and use that on the bottom
The rumble seat is really small. Some toddlers will not fit comfortably. Wish I knew this going in.
So what goes where!? 🧐
Can the extension be used with a graco carseat adapter?
Would this work on the Cruz model as well?
I wanted this stroller for my toddler and 4 month old. My toddler weighs 31lbs though? So she will be on the top toddler seat and my other baby on rumble seat? Since it holds only 35lbs sorry this sounds dumb (mom brain)
They have a new rumble seat that holds up to 40lbs and has an adjustable foot plate.
Will the upper seat adapter fit the cruz v2 i only want to make the mesa carseat more higher cause it sits so low by itself on the stroller
No. The upper adapter only fits the cruz
What adapter would I need if I’m buying the nuna pipa rx and rumble v2+ and I want the baby at the top
And toddler at the bottom ? Do I need a ring or can I just buy the upper adapters for the nuna car seat is the ring adapter old? I see the ups baby adapter for nuna car seats are for sale
What if I want the bassinet at the top and rumble v2 plus at the bottom?
Bassinet can not go on top when in double configuration
Why cant the rumble seat v2 be put on the higher point so we can put a newborn in there
The seats are different
So I missed place the two Lower adapters for my bassinet and now it’s stuck and can’t get them out. Do you think there’s a solution for that to take them out?
Did you ever figure this out? This happened to me as well
What type of adapter does it need for a nuna pipa aire
UPPAbaby ring adapter by nuna
Since 31 is lower than 35 she could sit in either seat, but since she's the biggest she would probably be more comfortable in the larger toddler seat