GARMARNA - Ramunder (Official Streaming Video)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Pushing the boundaries of traditional folk, "Ramunder" is the first single from the upcoming record 'Förbundet' by Swedish folk rock pioneers GARMARNA. More than 25 years in the making, the band continues to invent what music rooted in the Scandinavian tradition is about. ‘Förbundet’ is a hard-hitting folk album that defines the soul of GARMARNA.
    Order here ► redirect.seaso...
    Artwork by Axel Torvenius
    Film / Photography by Severus Tenenbaum.
    Video by Aimed and Framed -
    Follow GARMARNA:
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  • @eggnogskills
    @eggnogskills 4 роки тому +29

    This is catchy as hell.

  • @seasonofmist
    @seasonofmist  4 роки тому +150

    Garmarna comment: “Garmarna has always gravitated towards gruesome and horrid tales. And in that regard Ramunder easily takes the crown. The song tells the tale of a fierce warrior that ravages his enemies for (it seems) the sheer joy of it. This is of course reflected in the music with it’s relentless savage stomp, distorted basses and barb wired mora harps. The track contains a guest appearance by Anders Norudde from the groundbreaking Swedish folk band Hedningarna, that was an early inspiration during our formative years. We´re very happy to present this knuckle sandwich of a song as a first teaser of our forthcoming album Förbundet, to be released on November 6th.”

    • @ralphdimagiba2879
      @ralphdimagiba2879 4 роки тому

      Is Ramunder the Swedish equivalent of Vlad the Impaler?

    • @vinorot7996
      @vinorot7996 4 роки тому

      Are you serious? Who signs the bands on SOM?

    • @lanaramos877
      @lanaramos877 3 роки тому

      I think your saved and spiritual also because of some of the lyrics I've heard. I hope so. God bless

    • @TheRealBigSwede
      @TheRealBigSwede Рік тому +2

      I really love this! Love from USA!

    • @gpd4110
      @gpd4110 Рік тому +1

      You and the band aging very gracefully. Great songs as always. Wishing for a new album 2024

  • @vanefreja86
    @vanefreja86 3 роки тому +21

    Very fond of and familiar with the Danish version of this old song. Never heard the Swedish one before - it totally rocks!

    • @martinsibbe536
      @martinsibbe536 3 роки тому +7

      Du har ikke lige tilfældigvis et link til den danske version?

    • @duriandthepri
      @duriandthepri 2 роки тому +1

      yeah can we have a link to the danish one please?

    • @HartRaver
      @HartRaver 5 місяців тому

      Myrkur - Ramund

    • @andersmalling
      @andersmalling 2 місяці тому

      Tyr - ramund

  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому

    A KISS !

  • @gaborhamar866
    @gaborhamar866 4 роки тому +11

    I really loved their early albums, but I didn't love Garmarna's later works. However, this song is amazing. Frankly speaking I'm not fan of electrical beats, but in this song they apply it properly. I hope the album will be same. In this case, they can count on me ;-)!

  • @bohdanroik7634
    @bohdanroik7634 Рік тому

    Thank you ❤

  • @jeromeauble493
    @jeromeauble493 4 роки тому +1

    Je vous aime tant ! Quelle beauté ! Merci Emma !

  • @tyr3990
    @tyr3990 3 роки тому +1

    The dude on my profile picture says this song is awesome

  • @danilopereira1681
    @danilopereira1681 3 роки тому

    Väd eller vem är ramund ??

  • @morgoth_bauglir
    @morgoth_bauglir 4 роки тому +97

    AHHHH I fell in love with them when I first heard "herr manelig", looking forward to the new releases!

    • @aliartk9155
      @aliartk9155 4 роки тому +6

      Me too yeah first herr mannelig

    • @garyoak317
      @garyoak317 3 роки тому +5

      That was my first song too lol. We’ve all come a long way together lol

    • @stormmaster108
      @stormmaster108 2 роки тому +1

      Me too! First I heard Herr Mannelig years ago performed by some other band in Gothic game (extra content that is not part of the gameplay by default, but can be activated - then some characters in the Old Camp play it in the evening at the scene). Soon I learned that there are other bands who sing it too and I liked Garmarna the most.
      Now I am a big fan of Garmarna and even started to learn Swedish about a week ago :)

  • @Garmarna
    @Garmarna 4 роки тому +135

    English translation (by Alistair Cochrane)
    When Ramund he stepped on the deck of the ship It creaked and it groaned in its timbers
    And all of its crew gathered round him in fear Expecting their proud ship to founder
    Our voyage will not fail, says Ramund
    Now let’s be setting sail, says the bold young Ramund.
    So across the mighty ocean they sailed
    Till they came to the land of the giants
    And Ramund went right to the fore of the ship
    And his words to their king were defiant:
    I’m here, as you can see, says Ramund
    It wasn’t hard for me, says the bold young Ramund.
    Have mercy on me, Sir Ramund, I pray, And spare my life from your fury
    Seven barrels of gold I will give unto you That shall shine like the sun in its glory
    I can take that myself, says Ramund
    And slaughter you as well, says the bold young Ramund.
    They wrestled and grappled for all they were worth With their arms and their hands and their fingers
    And Ramund got hold of the big fellow’s beard And tore his grim mouth into tatters
    What a sorry-looking face, says Ramund
    Your clothes are a mess, says the bold young Ramund.
    Then Ramund he wielded his mighty sword And he struck off the head of the tall one
    And three and thirty oxen roped in a row Couldn’t move it from where it had fallen
    I thought I might have missed, says Ramund,
    But you’re the one who lost, says the bold young Ramund
    And Ramund he loaded his seven stout ships With his gold and his jewels and his money
    And across the mighty ocean they sailed
    Till they came to the emperor’s country
    I’ve come here, as you can see, says Ramund
    It wasn’t hard for me, says the bold young Ramund.
    And Ramund he struck at the door such a blow
    That the stonework began for to crumble
    The windows they burst and crashed to the ground And the whole house turned into rubble
    It was easy to get in, says Ramund,
    Now let the fight begin, says the bold young Ramund.
    Have mercy on me, Sir Ramund, I pray, And please spare my life from slaughter
    One half of my kingdom I’ll give unto you As well as my youngest daughter.
    I can take it all myself, says Ramund
    Your daughter as well, says the bold young Ramund.
    Then Ramund he wielded his mighty sword And he struck off the head of the proud one
    He struck it so hard that it flew all the way To the top of a far distant mountain
    I thought I might have missed, says Ramund
    But there you lie at last, says the bold young Ramund.

    • @dasgellendehorn1393
      @dasgellendehorn1393 4 роки тому +2

      thank you so much!

    • @ralphyboy25
      @ralphyboy25 3 роки тому +4

      It would be great if someone could provide translations for all the songs on this album. I am particularly interested in an English translation for Ur världen att gå

    • @SinglemSolis
      @SinglemSolis 3 роки тому +9

      That translation is not at all verbatim and puts in both terms, words and phrases that aren't present in Swedish lyric.

    • @alicelund147
      @alicelund147 3 роки тому +7

      Best get your house in order
      It rings in my ear when the day is still bright
      Best get your house in order
      It rings in my ear when the day is still bright
      When the light fades away and the darkness moves in
      Then that voice rings in my ears
      I will for my own sake steadily go up
      Out of the world to go, Out of the world to go
      Out of the world to go
      It becomes my song until the day is at an end
      out of the world to go
      It becomes my song until the day is at an end
      My flesh is like others from flowers and hay
      The union tells me i must die someday
      I can not escape it but i must go there
      I mortal man, I mortal man
      I mortal man
      Forgive my sins but not my name
      I mortal man
      Forgive my sins but not my name
      The rune i leave is dirty and worn
      My farewell fades because the spirit is tired
      If i could just change a word or two
      Peace i would get, peace i would get

    • @ralphyboy25
      @ralphyboy25 3 роки тому +2

      @@alicelund147 Thank you!!

  • @TheTommasz
    @TheTommasz 4 роки тому +37

    I did my best to transcribe the lyrics, I hope someone will find it useful. If you find any mistakes, which I'm sure there are plenty, feel free to comment, so I can correct it.
    Och Ramund han steg i skeppet in
    det braka i var och en aure.
    Och alla män som på skeppet var,
    de tänkte de hade förgånges.
    ”Vi förgånges ikke här”, sade Ramund,
    ”vi seglar likaväl”, sade Ramund den unge
    Så segla de över den stora sjö,
    allt inne på jättarne lande.
    Och Ramund han gick lite bättre fram,
    där fick han se store jätten stande
    ”Nu är jag kommen här”, sade Ramund,
    ”Förutan stort besvär”, sade Ramund den unge.
    Å, kära min Ramund du skona mitt liv
    du gör mig nu alls ingen skada.
    Sju tunnor guld ska jag giva dig,
    du skall skina som solen den klara.”
    ”Det där tar jag när jag vill”, sade Ramund,
    ”du får inte leva än”, sade Ramund den unge.
    Det första taget de togo ihop,
    så tog de ihopa med händer.
    Och Ramund han nappa i jättens skägg
    så köttet det lossna ifrån tänder.
    ”Hur illa grinar du”, sade Ramund,
    ”å värre ser du ut”, sade Ramund den unge.
    Och Ramund han drog sitt stora svärd,
    det kalla han Domlingen dyre,
    så högg han den stores huvud av,
    det femton par oxer ej kund röre.
    ”Jag tänkt det inte nappa”, sa Ramund,
    ”det nappa likaväl”, sade Ramund den unge.
    Och Ramund han lasta skepperna sju
    med guld och med ädla stenar,
    Så segla han över den stora sjö
    allt inne på kejsarens lande.
    ”Nu är jag kommen här”, sade Ramund
    ”Förutan stort besvär”, sade Ramund den unge
    Och Ramund han tog i dörren med kraft,
    så alla de murarne rämna.
    Och fönsteren ut genom dörrarna sprang,
    och stenarne ramla tillhopa.
    ”Såg du jag slapp in”, sade Ramun,
    ”Nu gäller pälsen din”, sade Ramun den unge.
    ”Å, käre min Ramund, du skona mitt liv,
    du gör mig nu alls ingen skada.
    Mitt halva rike jag vill giva dig,
    och också min yngsta dotter.”
    ”Det där tar jag när jag vill”, sade Ramund,
    ”din dotter också till”, sade Ramund den unge.
    Och Ramund han drog sitt stora svärd,
    det han kalla Domlingen dyre,
    så högg han kejsarens huvud av,
    det rök femton spanska mile.
    ”Jag tänkt det inte nappa”, sa Ramund,
    ”det nappa likaväl”, sade Ramund den unge.

    • @desaturated-firefox
      @desaturated-firefox 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you! My merely-decent Swedish and I wondered why Ramund was offered "sjutton och guld" :D

    • @ariengman
      @ariengman 4 роки тому

      Do you have any idea what the line "det braka i var och en aure" might mean? I don't understand that one at all 😅

    • @TheTommasz
      @TheTommasz 4 роки тому +2

      @@ariengman Well, It was the most problematic verse for me as well, I listened to it many times, and the most probable hypothesis I have is that i just transcribed it wrong. But if the words are correct, then I found, that "braka" can be be a variation of old norse word that meant to creak, crack or to break down. The only "aure" i found is a variation of a norwegian word ørret, which means a trout. Given that "var" can mean many things, but also a flatfish, the whole sentence could be something about fish cracking or crunching, which is quite weird, but I can imagine it can relate metaphorically to some dangerous situation on the sea, which would fit the context (the sailors think they are going to die) Now when I think about it, sailors used to be superstitious - maybe that's that kind of think - fish are behaving weirdly, it's a bad sign? Anyway, I am not a native speaker, so don't take my words too seriously :)

    • @ariengman
      @ariengman 4 роки тому +3

      @@TheTommasz Now that you mentioned that some words are apparently of older origin, then maybe "aure" could be a version of "åra". In that case the meaning could be something like "it creaks over every (and) single oar". Just another non-native and not very skilled Swedish speaker here, so this is just more guesswork 😄 We'll just have to wait for a Swede to join the conversation 💁‍♂️

    • @desaturated-firefox
      @desaturated-firefox 4 роки тому +3

      ​@@ariengman If it helps, the traditional Danish ballad says, in the same part of the song: "Och Ramund gångar sig i skeppet in
      så att det knaka' och braka' i var bjälke." And the (old) Swedish version says: "Det braka i hvarje vrånga" - so in both cases "It creaks in every plank". I don't know what "aure" is supposed to mean, but it's probably something like that.

  • @Ehko4
    @Ehko4 22 дні тому +3

    Garmarna has been apart of my life for well over a decade. I do hope they continue to create the music they do. It is definitely different.

  • @pietrayday9915
    @pietrayday9915 4 роки тому +64

    I'm an extreme metal fan, and I gotta say, Garmarna is some pretty darned dark and heavy music by any standard, with some beautiful melodies to boot - great stuff all around! I recommend this band to metal fans every chance I get....

    • @KimchiYeo
      @KimchiYeo 3 роки тому

      They aren't a metal band they make Folk music

    • @AmedeeVanGasse
      @AmedeeVanGasse Рік тому +2

      @@KimchiYeo folk rock, folktronica, folk metal, neofolk,... what's in a name.
      If I had to name one genre that is closest to metal, then I'd definitely say folk.

  • @kristoffer-2614
    @kristoffer-2614 3 роки тому +13

    Rock/Metal + folk = profit
    It's a very simple formula and you can't go wrong with it.
    Jag gillar verkligen den här låten (och Garmarna generellt). Det är en perfekt blandning av vackert och folkligt och hårt och fräckt, älskar det!

  • @garyoak317
    @garyoak317 3 роки тому +4

    You’re talking mad shit for someone within Ramundering distance

  • @Yoshoggutha
    @Yoshoggutha 4 роки тому +14

    I've adored this band for nearly two decades. I'm thrilled to hear new stuff. Better than ever!

  • @GothicCrypt
    @GothicCrypt 4 роки тому +11

    Ah... this is the classic GARMARNA stuff we love! Ace!

  • @Navarrotx
    @Navarrotx 2 роки тому +7

    ¡Es increíble cómo está canción me llena de fuerza y valor ante la incertidumbre y la oscuridad!

  • @johansmolinski
    @johansmolinski 4 роки тому +7

    I discovered Garmarna by chance when they played at a small pub during a cultural event in Västerås, Sweden, 2002 (or maybe 2003?). Been hooked since. Very happy for the upcoming album and wow what a great song this is, Ramunder!

  • @HartRaver
    @HartRaver 5 місяців тому +1

    The danish version have originally about 35 verses !...Myrkur have made a great version of Ramund (den unge) but only with 4-5 verses :)

  • @threefreaksonaleash6619
    @threefreaksonaleash6619 3 роки тому +5

    Beautiful!!!! I’m in love with Garmarna! New fan here as soon as Myrkur shared your amazing music on their page and I immediately checked it out and was excited to find a new favorite band I listen to everyday now! 🖤🖤🖤😍🖤🖤🖤

  • @guilhermedaselva4046
    @guilhermedaselva4046 3 роки тому +4

    Angelical voice saying about grotesque viking things. I'm impressed how her voice did not change over time. If you omit the date this new album could pass as their 90s stuff.

  • @zsoltsandor3814
    @zsoltsandor3814 4 роки тому +6

    Wait, what? Garmarna signed with Season of Mist? Wow, just wow. That's awesome.

  • @BaltimoresBerzerker
    @BaltimoresBerzerker Рік тому +6

    Garmarna still makes jams!?! Yes!

  • @Taawuus
    @Taawuus 4 роки тому +7

    I love this version of the old song!!! This will be on repeat for some time now! Bra skit! (As we say in Sweden...)

  • @bigpiper2103
    @bigpiper2103 4 роки тому +9

    I didn't like what they did with their previous album, but adore all their previous work. This is amazing! Hope the rest of the album is equally folk-centered!

    • @JensHoglin
      @JensHoglin 4 роки тому +5

      It is.

    • @bigpiper2103
      @bigpiper2103 4 роки тому +2

      @@JensHoglin Fantastic, cannot wait then! I've been a fan since Vittrad!

    • @Zek8491
      @Zek8491 4 роки тому +4

      I actually loved 6, even though it may not have been my favourite Garmarna ever. But this sounds amazing, so far.

      @CEASERCOTHEKING 4 роки тому +2

      satan name on his birth certificate is napoleon sodimite

  • @tomwareham5090
    @tomwareham5090 4 роки тому +5

    This is SO going to have been worth the wait :) I love it already.

  • @jonasgrek8657
    @jonasgrek8657 4 роки тому +5

    Helt fantastiskt! Jag blir så glad!

  • @obadiah_vandal
    @obadiah_vandal Рік тому +1

    Ramund is based and raid pilled

  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому


  • @MrFlouzy
    @MrFlouzy 4 роки тому +4

    1:25 damn, thats some heavy riff there

  • @javiersanchezcaceres3588
    @javiersanchezcaceres3588 4 роки тому +4

    Love Emma 😍

  • @angaudlinn
    @angaudlinn 4 роки тому +2

    Jajjemän... härligt med mer suggestiva tongångar igen! Jag ser fram emot albumet.

  • @lafforguepatrick6113
    @lafforguepatrick6113 3 роки тому +2

    Indeed between Guds Spelman and vedergallningen
    Great moment and founding group of the genre!

  • @mvski1284
    @mvski1284 4 роки тому +2

    It souds so goood! Great work! 👏👏👏 Can't wait for Förbundet 🤘🖤

  • @bebedordecoca
    @bebedordecoca Рік тому +1

    If you are in any doubt if this is or isn't the best song by Garmarna, just listen from 2:54 onward

  • @Олечка-э4й
    @Олечка-э4й 4 роки тому +3

    Góðan daginn! Fallegt lag

  • @christianeryu4674
    @christianeryu4674 4 роки тому +3

    I love this band so much.

  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому


  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому


    @TORVENIUS 4 роки тому +3

  • @doubter3968
    @doubter3968 2 роки тому +1

    πολυ καλο..ωραια μουσικη ατμοσφαιρα..χαιρετισματα απο Ελλαδα...

  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому


  • @sinuhe0171
    @sinuhe0171 3 роки тому +1

    Fly, my black raven of the night, light up the hearts of the fearful with your red tail! Hello to those who fall! Tack!!!

  • @samh.9476
    @samh.9476 4 роки тому +2

    That’s what am talking about!

  • @JismarkManagement
    @JismarkManagement 4 роки тому +3

    Love it!

  • @Alberto-gh5iq
    @Alberto-gh5iq 4 роки тому +3

    Tolle 🤘🤘

  • @Guido999
    @Guido999 10 місяців тому


  • @brun3472
    @brun3472 2 місяці тому


  • @susannehirsch9107
    @susannehirsch9107 4 роки тому +1

    Great music.....great musicians.... great singer :-)

    @METALLiCMETALLEr 4 роки тому +1

    Good sound

  • @eue073
    @eue073 Рік тому +1

    Tungt 😍

    • @eue073
      @eue073 Рік тому +1

      Kommer ihåg att Folk och rackare var på min skola anno 1981 och spelade några låtar... jag blev såld... allt medans andra lyssnade på Gyllene tider så gick mitt musik intresse åt annat håll... "Vänner och fränder" (som ni framförde jäkligt bra) slår Gyllene tider med hästlängder 😍

  • @Nosferatu2020
    @Nosferatu2020 6 місяців тому

    What language is this please?

  • @DamienGiroud
    @DamienGiroud 4 роки тому +2

    Un pur bonheur !

  • @migonher6666
    @migonher6666 3 роки тому +1

    I love it

  • @tangwaye
    @tangwaye 4 роки тому +1

    vache c’est un hit ce morceau

  • @yv3970
    @yv3970 4 роки тому

    this is what google translate gave me not sure if its accurate
    And Ramund he stepped into the ship
    it crashed into every aure.
    And all the men that were upon the ship,
    they thought they had passed away.
    "We are not passing away here," said Ramund,
    "We sail as well," said Ramund the young

    So they sail over the great lake,
    all inside the giants land.
    And Ramund he went a little better,
    there he saw the great giant standing
    "Now I'm here," said Ramund,
    "Without much trouble," said Ramund the young man.
    Oh, my dear Ramund, you spare my life
    you're not hurting me at all now.
    I will give you seven barrels of gold,
    you will shine like the clear sun. ”
    "I take that whenever I want," said Ramund,
    "You must not live yet," said Ramund the young man.
    The first time they pulled together,
    so they joined hands.
    And Ramund he nips in the giant's beard
    so the flesh it detaches from the teeth.
    "How bad are you laughing," said Ramund,
    "You look worse," said Ramund the young man.
    And Ramund he drew his great sword,
    he calls it Domlingen expensive,
    so he cut off the great man's head,
    the fifteen pairs of oxen do not touch the customer.
    "I did not mean to take it," said Ramund,
    "It sucks as well," said Ramund the young man.
    And Ramund he loaded the seven ships
    with gold and precious stones,
    Then he sailed across the great lake
    all inside the emperor's lands.
    "Now I'm here," said Ramund
    "Without much trouble," said Ramund the young man
    And Ramund he took in the door with force,
    so all those walls crack.
    And the windows ran out through the doors,
    and the stones fall together.
    "Did you see I got in," said Ramun,
    "Now it's your coat," said Ramun the young man.
    "Oh, my dear Ramund, you spare my life,
    you're not hurting me at all now.
    My half kingdom I want to give you,
    and also my youngest daughter. ”
    "I take that whenever I want," said Ramund,
    "Your daughter too," said Ramund the young.
    And Ramund he drew his great sword,
    what he calls Domlingen expensive,
    so he cut off the emperor's head,
    it smoked fifteen Spanish miles.
    "I did not mean to take it," said Ramund,
    "It sucks as well," said Ramund the young man.

  • @gauekogoni
    @gauekogoni 3 роки тому +1


  • @lol101lol101lol10199
    @lol101lol101lol10199 4 роки тому +1

    This song rocks

  • @fredriley1
    @fredriley1 Рік тому

    I listened to Forbundet twice on dark roads over the weekend and it was really mesmerising. I didn't understand a word but the sound is dark and atmospheric and gave me the willies (in a good way :)). I came across Garmarna via the eclectic music channel Radio Paradise, which played a Garmarna song on its feed which really made my ears prick up. The translated lyrics below are very helpful and interesting - thanks to the contributors.

  • @sylvain173
    @sylvain173 Рік тому

    Very good
    Sweden should send this for ESC 2023

  • @petrholusa5855
    @petrholusa5855 2 роки тому

    Very nice! It needs some heavy guitar in some parts. That would be mental.

  • @jakobmaximilianriedl1013
    @jakobmaximilianriedl1013 3 роки тому

    So. This is the same character as in the Gjallarhorn song, isn't he. He even has the same sword and everything.

  • @mcstabba
    @mcstabba 4 роки тому

    I never enjoyed their Hildegard von Bingen or 6 albums much but this excites me! In my opinion it resembles the last great album they released: Vedergällningen.

  • @reinkaoslaughtersun
    @reinkaoslaughtersun 4 роки тому +1


  • @mikaelbrodin1976
    @mikaelbrodin1976 4 роки тому

    swedish foke music withe heavy psych i love it rock on rock hard

  • @mladenzrnic2669
    @mladenzrnic2669 Рік тому

    Hvor smittende denne sangen er.

  • @pirategirl94best
    @pirategirl94best 4 роки тому +4

    Har loopat den här fantastiska melodin konstant dem senaste dagarna. Känner mig helt förtrollad, den väcker något uråldrigt. Hail Förbundet och Garmarna! 🖤🩸

  • @phimedo5129
    @phimedo5129 Рік тому


  • @nelzilaneoliveira5346
    @nelzilaneoliveira5346 4 роки тому

    1:30 - love this verse

  • @terry2295
    @terry2295 2 роки тому

    I hope I will be able to understand this eventually

    • @MissLoonasSpeech
      @MissLoonasSpeech 2 роки тому +1

      The English translation posted in the comments by Garmarna Official about a year ago might be helpful. ;)

    • @terry2295
      @terry2295 2 роки тому +1

      @@MissLoonasSpeech what I meant by that is actually understand sweedish not just read a translation

  • @Soul-2517
    @Soul-2517 3 роки тому

    Не знаю, о чём песня, но хороша!

  • @РоманКоробейников-д3к

    музыка классная

  • @torstenjosephkartelmeyer4623
    @torstenjosephkartelmeyer4623 3 роки тому

    Emma Härdelin!!!

  • @AndreSilva-yg4vy
    @AndreSilva-yg4vy 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful music, hugs to Brazil.

  • @8523wsxc
    @8523wsxc 4 роки тому +3

    Hope they don't go too crazy on the Folktronica elements this time.

  • @chaosdweller1864
    @chaosdweller1864 4 роки тому

    just sounds like any other folk band out there. nice to have that on seasons of mist. applause for letting bands like firtan to at least name something out and invite that classical piece of 0815 "we are nordic folk ! "we are pagans !"let us sing firecamp songs band" (and we mostlikely have no personal touch what so ever in our music) get signed to your label. wonderful just wonderful. applause.

    • @Divig
      @Divig 2 роки тому +7

      Garmarna has been making records since 1993, and were one of the first more modern folk groups in Scandinavia. If you think they sound generic it is because later groups have been influenced by Garmarna, not the other way around.