I followed Sylvia for many years. I think initially, she may have had a gift. However, I saw her at a seminar, a few years before she died, and it was like listening to an empty shell. Sylvia was charging a horrendous amount of money for her "gift." And she spent her last years setting up her son to take over the money-making business. Sending love to everyone.
I remember checking out the price of a reading. It was $800! In the 90's!. Plus a 2 year waiting list. So I think she did get a big head. Plus doing readings with all those people side by side, I wonder if the energies didn't merge here and there.
@@CShells I saw a woman here on YT who had psychic gifts but believed she had been punished because when she tried to turn it into what she thought would be a lucrative business her gifts were taken away.
Hi Cash! You often comment on your early pictures as not being very good. I find them absolutely delightful and very entertaining! Never once have I thought "well, that was a crappy one!" Your posts give me great joy, thank you for being so brave. 😊💕
What I remember is her telling a family their missing daughter was in spirit, when the girl was really being kept as a sex slave for years in Cleveland. That would make anybody cry.
I’m from Cleveland and know that area where Amanda worked pretty well. Her poor mom died before Amanda broke free, at least her sister was able to reunite with her.
My sisters were fans of hers, but I found her off-putting. You, however, I find to be genuine and most delightful. Thank you for sharing your insights.
In the beginning Sylvia may have been sincere in her efforts, but got big headed and was calling it in on Montel's show. She became like a mega church believing her own hype. Not surprised. Thank you for the video bc it confirmed what I was thinking.
I share your opinion about Sylvia. I was never a fan. I bought one of her books. I looked into getting a reading but it was way out of my price range...so I gave up the idea. I watched her on Montel's show whenever she was a guest. I was never very impressed. I found her extremely Arrogant and her communication skills and tone with desperate people in the audience very RUDE and very ROUGH. I felt no Positive Energy of Kindness coming from her. She was right to worry about how her transition would go...if she was. She was not that different from MEGACHURCH PASTORS at all. Of course our Creator loves us unconditionally. Humans don't. I don't believe that our Creator would approve of Sylvia Brown's behaviors. I suspect her next life will be very different. Perhaps she will be the desperate Parent of a missing child who gets NOWHERE WITH THE PSYCHIC THEY INTERACTED WITH AND PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO. I am a Believer...but have never been able to afford the type of PSYCHIC WHO BLOWS EVERYBODY'S MIND. I've come to peace about that. Cash is kind and caring and always has been. It's been some years since I've watched him and have never been on this newer site of his 'til today. Cash seems much more relaxed and self-confident then I remember from the past. Kudos to him. I wish him the best.
I think John Edward was good also in the beginning ,but he faded away also. I really liked her in the beginning and even read several of her books. I remember her telling a mother her child was dead but she was alive, or vice versa lol…it saddens me that Montel let her do this on his stage. I liked him also.
I’ll always appreciate my exposure to Sylvia Brown … she was the catalyst for my continued interest and growth in the spiritual world and living on after our physical death …thank you , Cash
In 1995 or 1996 I received a letter from her. In it she wrote about what she knew of the person living at the address. She had everything correct except the name. She had addressed it to me but what she spoke of was actually my father. I had never anything to do with her before that, except seeing her once on tv . After that letter I came upon her books and read a couple. I am also one who had a what's referred to as near death experience. I was talked to angels at age 2 years before death experience. In 2010 I had a comforting experience with christ. I was given a gift of foresight at birth. What you are describing is correct. The LOVE that gives life IS an all embracing unconditional force. It welcomes all who see it and turn to it when it is their time to return to the light. Everyone goes into the 'receiving' level for healing before full acceptance into the LOVE force light. I thank you for this video, I have needed the reminder that all receive the healing and light of TRUE LOVE.
Hi Cash! I've been bingeing on your older transition videos. You've always pointed out when some people go through a kind of stripping process, it's to make them light enough to ascend. I suddenly recalled a recurring nightmare I used to have decades ago. In my dream I would die, and my soul would begin to ascend into the sky. However, I would get partway up then start to descend because I was too heavy. It terrified me because I was raised to believe that sinners burned in hell (I no longer hold that belief). I would try to "swim" back up, to no avail. My soul kept falling back down. I was horrified that I was descending to hell, even though nothing in the dream (beyond my own beliefs) indicated that. I was just too heavy to ascend. It now makes sense. Thank you!!!
julesderamore, I had a near death experience years and years ago. In this, I knew that when we enter this lifetime we come in fresh and light. And as we live, there are layers and layers of experiences and beliefs and such that we take on as we grow. As I was going through this experience, I saw these layers of myself being peeled away. With each layer, I held it in front of me and loved loved loved it ... then let it go. With each layer that left, I felt lighter until I was free of all the heaviness of this lifetime. It was like taking off a heavy diving suit. I felt so free of all the worries and things I'd managed to collect over my lifetime.
Thank you for this! I studied under her and her church for 15 years and she and her teachings changed my life. Her early books were so beneficial. She taught the same things that are taught by the great metaphysical teachers today-just a little simpler-it was a different time back then and the veil wasn’t as thin as it is now. She gave my niece a reading at one of her lectures-in front of everyone and knew things about her that my niece had never told anyone. Sylvia always admitted up front that she wasn’t 100% accurate. But when she was accurate-she was dead-on with her accuracy. I will always be grateful for her and her teachings-and I will always love her. 💜
Thank you for turning the comments on so I could tell you that you're a wonderful story teller. (For entertainment purposes only 😉) I feel blessed to have found you. ❤ We're all here to help each other on the journey home. Hugs 🫂
I was one of the ones that got read by Sylvia Browne. It was either 1997 or 1998. She charged $400., which was a lot those days. Most of the reading was very general. When I asked about a love interest, she went on and told me steps to take to begin a relationship with this specific man. She said he was very interested but very shy. I 😮did everything she said, which resulted in one of the most embarrassing times in my life. He was not interested in, never was and I went out of my way to behave not in a way that was characteristic for me. I felt so foolish. She was a real con - artist. Although she continued to be popular, I always knew she was a fake. I think she was afraid when she died that now she would be discovered. That is why she cried and didn’t want to go on.
Makes perfect sense. I never had a reading with her but I never liked her either. I thought she was phony. I guess my feelings were right on. She made a lot of money bc she gained popularity on tv and psychics were not as well known as they are today.
I'm able to talk with spirits. Any spirit. So, I've "called" her for questions. She's been helpful. I think, in life, she became too sure of herself. Every psychic makes mistakes. I'm sorry, that with some clients, she was completely off the mark. She appeared to let fame get to her head.
Thank you, Cash. Your ending comment about the unconditional love on the other side is what I enjoy focusing on. Knowing this is what truly waits for us, after we go through whatever transitional process our souls need to make, is what takes away any and all fear of the end of our mortal existence here.
I understand that others have had some negative experiences with Sylvia, but I will always be forever grateful to her for introducing me to the concept of our having guides and angels. It set me on a path that I will never regret. I loved her advice about religions in general "Take what resonates with you and leave the rest". I still hold true to that to this day when listening to anyone, whether they be a channel, psychic, or politician. 🙂
I am thinking of a particular case where she was wrong in a very public way. I am wondering if, upon crossing over, those were the regrets and subsequent fear of reprisal that was weighing her down. The case, in particular, that I am thinking of, was when she told Amanda Berry's mother that her daughter was dead. She wasn't, and subsequently, bravely escaped her kidnapper, but by that time Amanda Berry's mother had passed.
Well her daughters soul could have exited the body or been out of body or in spirit as a way of coping. There is walk ins and walk outs. A soul can leave when its had enough and another soul can come into the body. Read Dolores Cannons books. I'm not defending Sylvia Browne. I think she was stressed or took too much on herself.
@sunmoonandstars7545 I actually thought something similar to that. I thought the depression and hopelessness that those girls were living in, day to day, could have been something very similar to death. Although the idea the soul could, temporarily, leave the body as a method of survival makes a lot of sense to me too.
I enjoyed Sylvia's perception, and personality. Her guide, Francine, shared insights into spirit that resonated with me. Sylvia's books gave me hope during a trying time in my life. I still love Sylvia for breaking ground in mediumship. Because of Sylvia I started trusting my instincts. No medium is always right or perfect, they're human.
I, also, saw Sylvia in Dec, 1982. She was on TV back then and claimed she could help anyone rid themselves of being Agoraphobic. Since I was, I went to see her in Cupertino, CA. She regressed me back to two previous lives, and attempted to tell me how they contributed to my current phobia. To this day, I see no similarities. The agoraphobia finally went away in 2013.
Cash, I'm glad you had turned comments off to protect yourself. As humans, it doesn’t seem to matter if 200 people tell us we're great. It only takes one troll to ruin it for us, especially if we're open and decent humans which you most definitely are. Add me as one of the ones that finds you soothing and hooked on your pictures as well as the way you try to convey what you're feeling/seeing. Always interesting. Thank you for sharing.
I have nothing but admiration for you to go going boldly forth into uncharted territory. I love your videos. I have read her books, seen her in person and on TV. I followed her from when she was a very local unknown to an international phenomenon. My sense of her is her ego and fame gave her later years a hubris she didn't have in the earlier years. She often came across as arrogant and dismissive and her prices unaffordable for the average person. Your pictures resonated with me. I am glad that your pictures show grace and comfort. Thank you 🎉
Doesn't surprise me at all Cash!. You have a Divine gift that is accurate far beyond your current understanding or awareness. I honor and love you for sharing it with the world! 💛💝💛
@@EnlightenedBeingsClub I understand the journey Cash. It's taken me years to align with and embrace the accuracy of my gifts as a healer, channel, conduit. For a long while I had to 'trust' that the information I was receiving was beneficial. Now, it's a 'knowing' which I'm infinitely grateful for! ✨🙏✨
This was fascinating. I just want to share with you, Cash, that I can understand Sylvia’s initial confusion. As a psychic medium, when we communicate across the veil, we don’t disconnect from our physical vessel, we simply shift our awareness to the spirit realm. Although we understand this disconnect will happen, we simply do not experience it until we have completed our journey here. I’m glad Sylvia was welcomed with love, she was brave to share her gifts with the world. So are you Cash, thank you. ☮️
This right here is what I've thought for years. There is a transitional period and how long that takes can vary from person to person depending on how attached to this realm and how... I want to say stubbornly certain a person is... to work through it. From what I gathered by some of Sylvia's interviews and demonstrations, she admitted herself she could be very stubborn in her certainty. I think if a person is going to do readings for others they have to be able to seem very certain of what they are seeing and relaying even if it doesn't quite make sense and there is a lot of room for misinterpretation. She was very good at seeming very certain.
Thank you for sharing your gift, Cash. Though you don't consider yourself to be a psychic medium, I sincerely appreciate the visual interpretations of what you see. And I love your honesty. You never make false claims about what will come true, suggesting only that at this moment in time, this is what you see, and people have free will. These transition pictures are particularly fascinating. This one was unexpectedly moving, and I hope Sylvia has found lasting peace.
I credit Sylvia Browne for literally starting my spiritual awakening back in college late 90s/ early 2000. I found and read her books in my college library and they changed my life. I was born and raised strict Catholic and she opened up my eyes to spirituality which led to many, intense fights with my very religious immigrant parents. Ill always be thankful for her. 💖
Loved loved loved- as a psychic myself I can see how she held onto all of those emotions and had never really let them go. I thank you for this as I see myself holding on to my own perceptions, etc. I cried when I realized again how source will always take care of you. Also always unconditional love. I am 75 and still working through many things of the past. So you have helped me so much to see thanks.
So, so fascinating Cash. In the Catholic tradition, there is the the idea of 'purgatory' where all ego is stripped and then the soul is given the grace of light and love. It makes perfect sense all the energy that you see and perceive! Karma seems to be something that follows our lives in one way or other, depending on how we lived our life? So many interesting questions to ponder and think about? Thank you...for your insights and gift!💞💓💗🥰
I loved Sylvia. I didn’t rely on future forecasts. I loved how spiritual she was. My favorite was her writings, for me they rang true. I also have meditation CD’s. Works for me. I miss her. ♥️
Is it possible she absorbed the energy of each “reading” she conducted? As I recall her (very well), she helped police in murder cases, detailing the victim and what happened to cause their death, giving clues about the manner in which they died, sometimes identifying suspects. Perhaps she held the energy of each horrific case, actually accumulating all that she experienced. What you called releasing such darkness so she could go on to the light. I enjoy you and appreciate the seriousness of the work you do. I enjoy your sense of humor and the way in which you see and explain what you experience. You’re a kind and gentle soul with your own special gifts. Thanks for sharing that!
I was a big fan of Sylvia Browne and read many of her books. Thank you for bringing her back to people who were never exposed to her knowledge, when she was making her mark on the world years ago. 💜
I enjoyed this video so much! I liked Sylvia and have read many of her books, which I loved. Once or twice something that she wrote served as a conduit to give information to someone in my life. On another subject, Christmas is coming and your rosemary ~ lemon shortbread cookies have become a tradition. I shall be making them very soon and hiding them in the freezer so that they don't disappear before the holiday!
Thank you for these drawings of what your energies read about the afterlife. These have validated my OBE/NDE during surgery in the early aughts, and my experience very much looked like these cave walls. Thank you for this share, this is amazing. ❤
I followed her for years and was never that sure of her abilities. She was on Montel, alot. And , when her son was taking her place, I checked him out and thought he was too much of a bully. Thank you, Cash!
Nobody has all the answers. We need to interpret what the other side is conveying correctly. Spirit sometimes gives info to us that is needed at the time. Cash, you are super duper....ty 🙏🏼 😊✨️💞
Thanks for doing this revisit, Cash! I find it interesting that so many psychics can read complete strangers, yet cannot read themselves. Your videos always calm me- on both of your channels. You really should think about doing books on tape for insomniacs. When I can't sleep, I will replay one of your old videos and be fast asleep within 5 minutes!❤❤❤
Sylvia was very controversial. It was reported she was never correct on missing persons cases that could be collaborative. I've felt she lost her gift because of greed. She also incorrectly predicted her death age. I did read a book or 2 of hers. But I believe your very correct though on your crossing pictures. ❤
I went to one of her salons, and you are correct. I do believe she became a bit...corrupted?...by the need to make money. She did start a church, and that takes money to maintain. I did and still do love her books.❤
I just discovered your channel so the Sylvia Browne on was still pretty fresh in my mind.. amazing how close the pictures were to each other. You're so gifted!
I was blessed to see world renowned psychic Sylvia Browne several times, I spent the day with Sylvia at her Salon here on Oahu. Her granddaughter Eya is absolutely delightful! ❤
I spring out of bed this morning when I saw your new video on UA-cam! Very very very informative and interesting!♥️🫵🏻 Thank You Very Much!! This Sylvia Browne video is exceptional! Cash you are so entertaining! And you give us a lot of great information thank you thank you thank you! Happy Thursday!♥️🙏🏻🫵🏻
@ you are very loved and very adored! Put that in your pocket for the next time you might have a bad day. You can pull them out and remind yourself of how terrific you are! Enjoy your magical gift!♥️🫵🏻
This video is the first one I've seen on your channel when I decided to subscribe. I was so emotional. I really felt for Sylvia as I'm sure when I ascend I too will face this as we all will. I always used to think that crossing over was like rainbows and butterflies. I now understand the mortal ego construct hasn't dissolved and fear can be a huge part of this transition. I have great respect for anyone that has transitioned out of their body. I'm looking forward to watching more.☺
Thank you Cash! I remember her well ! these videos are so fascinating and I’m humbled by our humanity! I can’t imagine what my journey will be, Im planning on joyful! Be well
I read one of Sylvia Browne's books, and it was amazing. She wrote about what "Heaven" looks like, and I loved it. She described things so well that I could close my eyes and visualize it all perfectly. Thanks for the video, Cash! Scrappy says "hello". Love you always!
I saw Sylvia Brown in Vegas paid for the entrance fee, 2 questions, and my husband and daughter had a wuestion too...NONE of them came teue or right!!! Im still waiting on my 2 girls i was supposed to soon 18 years ago!! Very Sad! I had all her books and even had 1 signed and i have a pic w her too!! So disappointed...yes i felt bad for Amanda Berry and her mom cus she was told she was dead and amanda watched it on montell that day, her mom died before she was rescued too!! I know for entertainment purposes only but did have to be so damn greedy?
I was thinking I'd seen the pix before. I'm looking forward to watching! I almost had a reading with her but her company kept rescheduling so I wound up canceling and getting my money back. I'm glad it worked that way. Love these... And you!
My experience of Sylvia matches your analysis. I might be able to add to your vision. Years ago I attended a Sylvia Brown event in San Francisco. It was a huge audience. My boyfriend was a fan. We were both spiritually oriented but had different beliefs and perspectives. He read her books and admired her. During this event, to my horror she said a couple of things. The one that ‘slapped’ me was a remark she made regarding some baby noises in the audience. She said, “you know what I do when that happens. I throw it against the wall until the crying stops”. That was it for me. I left stunned, appalled, and not a fan. But, let me add another experience within a week of that one. I attended a Unitarian Church where I really enjoyed the pastor who gave Sunday sermons. I admired his wholesome goodness. Again, I got the shock of my life as I watched him strut back and forth on the stage with his newly dyed platinum blonde hair (he was a handsome brunette from South Africa) exclaiming “There’s been a change”. As he went on, he was like a different person, a proud loud egotistical person, not the man I knew for a few years. From the church I went to meet a new contact who was referred to me by my yoga instructor. I think I cried while describing what I had just witnessed. She put a book in my hand and said I would find an explanation in there. The book is titled THE SLEEPING ABDUCTEES, by Asheyana Dean. The author has received detailed history and prophecy of the human race from an off world source. I found the prophecy for that year that told of an Archon invasion that would highjack the bodies of influencers of all kinds. To this day, I believe that is exactly what happened to Sylvia and to my church pastor. Fortunately the pastor’s possession was temporary lasting about a month. He eventually returned to his wonderful self. Your picture of Sylvia’s transition makes perfect sense to me. Possibly, she misused her gift to serve her ego. That would have made her vulnerable to possession. Her soul would require mitigation to correct her condition. I trust that she will find her way with the loving presence she eventually encountered. Blessings Be for Sylvia and all the others who suffered this fate.
Fascinating Cash. Out of curiosity I listened to Sylvia Browne a few times on television long ago. She seemed combative in life as in transition. Notably, I came across Debra Martin's NDE story. She was in a dome w a paper listing her life contract and returned. Love, joy and gratitude dear Cash.
Before I listen to this I want to say a few things. When I was going through a rough time in my life I started reading Sylvia Browns books and her books on spiritual teachings. I thought her books were very entertaining ( psychic) and even more they sparked my light, my good spark in me. Which I lived, but was confusing to me. I thought Sylvia had a great sense of humor and thought she was strong. She had a hard childhood and had a lot of responsibilities. I will always LOVE Sylvia Browne and I feel she was a blessing to all who loved her. 🌹🌹🌺🌺🪷🪷🌾🪷🪷 God love her; she earned that!!!
Thank you, Cash. Sylvia Browne’s book changed my life- I was truly moved by her words- her writing was very entertaining yet enlightening! I loved her books- and her discussion of life on the other side ❤🙏🌟✨🙌🩵I know some of her work as a psychic was controversial- but no human psychic is always correct! I loved her- and give her credit for coming forward with ideas & insight that were not common at the time.
Sylvia went to my all girls catholic school, when she went to st. Teresa’s academy in Kansas City, Missouri the girls lived at the school, that was not the case after the 1950’s or so. She seemed to be raised very catholic, as I was and often money and materialism seems important to some of them. I read her books which mentions her family history of being psychic, and living at school. My boyfriend’s mom took me to one of her presentations too, She was interesting, she charged $700-$900 or more for a reading in 2010! I think Sylvia lost her way, and her abilities because of her greed and materialism. Clearly from your pics she had a ton of releasing to do, which makes sense. I thought of you, and your beliefs which I align with regarding our thoughts. A movie popped up on UA-cam, “what is new thought” made in 2014, free on UA-cam, It was fascinating, and a great history of the many branches of new thought. It reminded me of your beliefs and I was curious if u ever watched it or any thoughts on this documentary? Thank you, I love your pictures, you help me greatly, I have had 6 or more near death experiences, so I don’t fear death as much, you help me understand it more and more which helps me be a better woman, by learning lessons of others you draw about, thank you, much love to you and all 🙏🏽 angelica, Santa Cruz, California 🌊💚🕊
Yes, my first nde was at 2 years old, it was scary and that started my psychic abilities, I have had so many nde’s, visions, I heard Predictions that came true after, and out of body experiences, it was amazing what I saw and how I felt. I had 2 roll overs, one taking out all the south bound lanes to the golden gate bridge from mill valley, and I rolled over on top of the Santa Cruz mountains, in the rain hydroplaning, in both cases I am lucky to be alive obvi, and I walked away with little to no injuries unbelievably 🙏🏽It is amazing the more head injuries I have had, the more my psychic abilities improve. I alway slam my left side of my head into the metal between windows on driver side. I am an Aries and we are prone to head injuries and I have had them all my life from car accidents and falls on to concrete floors. Anywho, love you, thanks for responding, and can I say, without sounding too creepy, you are so handsome, spiritually not just physically but especially inside emotionally, spiritually and so many more ways. being a single woman I know I am seeking a man like you, as I am sure most of your subscribers would agree. Unfortunately I don’t find many men handsome because they have not done any inner work, but truly it’s your inner beauty that just radiates like the sun 🌞 thank you for sharing your light, pictures and wisdom 🙏🏽
Lordy, amazing. You are all that I thought you were!! LOL #brilliant Thank you. Unconditional love!!! And, oh so generous in your understanding and sharing. ❤
Oh my. this is a surprise! EDIT: I do believe the woman had talent, but I guess I got annoyed, some times her ego was SO huge, and she chomped on her nails, she started to sound like she was phoning everything in. I just remember not caring if she was on Montel when I would see the ads on TV,
I agree, I’m an Empath and could not watch her. She was an angry woman and certainly not a lightworker the way we are. She may have been slightly pdychic(we all are), but she abused that gift. These cross over pictures don’t surprise me at all
I'm 72, and I now understand her short temper, if you will. When the female hormones drop, there is a lot of anger. This is why I had to retire. I couldn't stand anybody, anymore. I'm now on hormone replacement therapy. OMG! I'm happy now. I tolerate people again!!! I love hormones!!! I had no idea how much we "need" them!!! All Men and Women need to have their hormones checked and get on hormones, so you are balanced. I now realize my hormones have been unbalanced for the past 50 years! I have never been this happy before! I feel like I'm 20 with the knowledge of a wise 72 year old!!! Oh! I am!!!
I was curious and so I asked my angels why she told the mother her daughter was dead. My angels said the abducted girl was in such bad shape that she felt dead and that's why Sylvia Browne reported her dead
@@cheryllundholm8779I tried to get the hrt last week… my doc said no… I’m too old (62)! Said the benefits would not be worth the risks…🙄 I thought that should be my decision, but apparently it’s not.
Hola Cash 😊always a pleasure listening to you 😊the irony everyone’s death is a journey of their enlightenment of life😊as you talk about her transition I can feel it step by step
love the energy. You’re ahead of the pack. i noticed more and more psychics are mentioning one’s path is so influenced by energy that the outcome is so effected/affected . like i said you are definitely ahead of the times.💗
I went to one of her events and she most definitely was confident in her opinions-a bit too confident for my taste! I felt that she could be dismissive at times too. I didn’t get a reading from her but I got one from her son; which I was very disappointed with. I felt like I was his last reading of the day and that he was just going through the motions and not connecting with me at all! 😕
Was her certainty stripped off in the process of her transition? She was so sure of her knowledge of what ‘heaven’, for want of a better word, was like and what it offered that perhaps it needed to be dismantled so as not to miss facets when she finally arrived there. She introduced me to my potential as a spiritual being and validated some of the feelings and senses that surfaced from time to time but that I had ignored. Things started to make sense to me, unlike all the fairy stories I had been told during my childhood going to church with my parents. I am grateful to her for unlocking my realization that I could indeed feel other people’s sadness and/or anxiety and making sense that I had tools to protect myself and not just tolerate the onslaught to my empathic abilities. Exposure to her writings was the start of my long journey of discovery and wonder.
I had a reading, it was good, I paid i think 600$ which was huge for me. Read i think all her books. This reading seems right to me. I enjoyedvher, her work helped me get to where i am, comfortable and in touch w the other side. Thanks for this reading, as always Cash, i just love your readings. Thanks. ❤
Wonderful analysis of the process of transformation from life into the next. In all scientific study it is required to have a control subject to validate findings. This was a very good way of finding some reliability in your own energy readings. Thank you!
I followed Sylvia for many years. I think initially, she may have had a gift. However, I saw her at a seminar, a few years before she died, and it was like listening to an empty shell. Sylvia was charging a horrendous amount of money for her "gift." And she spent her last years setting up her son to take over the money-making business. Sending love to everyone.
I remember checking out the price of a reading. It was $800! In the 90's!. Plus a 2 year waiting list. So I think she did get a big head. Plus doing readings with all those people side by side, I wonder if the energies didn't merge here and there.
I believe it’s possible to have a genuine gift, then lose it due to ego and/or greed.
She admitted and laughed to her friends about scamming people. She was a fraud. She was also very cruel to an audience member.
@@CShells I saw a woman here on YT who had psychic gifts but believed she had been punished because when she tried to turn it into what she thought would be a lucrative business her gifts were taken away.
Thank you. Love your videos❤❤❤
Hi Cash! You often comment on your early pictures as not being very good. I find them absolutely delightful and very entertaining! Never once have I thought "well, that was a crappy one!" Your posts give me great joy, thank you for being so brave. 😊💕
Well said!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
I absolutely agree! ♥♥♥
Me too! With love and thanks 😊@@LifeIsButADreem
Thank you Cash. I'm nearly 8 decades into this life and find your transition pictures reassuring.
I am well into my 70th decade and I so agree with you!
What I remember is her telling a family their missing daughter was in spirit, when the girl was really being kept as a sex slave for years in Cleveland. That would make anybody cry.
And that’s what everyone remembers sadly because she was amazing. Any psychic worth their salt will tell you they aren’t always right.
I remember that, the mom actually committed suicide after hearing that from Sylvia Browne.
I would prefer to think my daughter was dead than knowing she was being used & abused daily.
@cd3777 She didn't commit suicide but died of a heart problem.
I’m from Cleveland and know that area where Amanda worked pretty well. Her poor mom died before Amanda broke free, at least her sister was able to reunite with her.
My sisters were fans of hers, but I found her off-putting. You, however, I find to be genuine and most delightful. Thank you for sharing your insights.
In the beginning Sylvia may have been sincere in her efforts, but got big headed and was calling it in on Montel's show. She became like a mega church believing her own hype. Not surprised. Thank you for the video bc it confirmed what I was thinking.
I have heard of psychics starting out with a gift, but I also heard if you abuse it you will lose it, and I think that is what happened to her?
I share your opinion about Sylvia. I was never a fan. I bought one of her books. I looked into getting a reading but it was way out of my price range...so I gave up the idea. I watched her on Montel's show whenever she was a guest. I was never very impressed. I found her extremely Arrogant and her communication skills and tone with desperate people in the audience very RUDE and very ROUGH.
I felt no Positive Energy of Kindness coming from her. She was right to worry about how her transition would go...if she was. She was not that different from MEGACHURCH PASTORS at all. Of course our Creator loves us unconditionally. Humans don't.
I don't believe that our Creator would approve of Sylvia Brown's behaviors. I suspect her next life will be very different. Perhaps she will be the desperate Parent of a missing child who gets NOWHERE WITH THE PSYCHIC THEY INTERACTED WITH AND PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO. I am a Believer...but have never been able to afford the type of PSYCHIC WHO BLOWS EVERYBODY'S MIND. I've come to peace about that.
Cash is kind and caring and always has been. It's been some years since I've watched him and have never been on this newer site of his 'til today. Cash seems much more relaxed and self-confident then I remember from the past. Kudos to him. I wish him the best.
I think John Edward was good also in the beginning ,but he faded away also. I really liked her in the beginning and even read several of her books. I remember her telling a mother her child was dead but she was alive, or vice versa lol…it saddens me that Montel let her do this on his stage. I liked him also.
3:30? Is this true? Omg… this is unbelievable 😮
I’ll always appreciate my exposure to Sylvia Brown … she was the catalyst for my continued interest and growth in the spiritual world and living on after our physical death …thank you , Cash
For me also! I just commented pretty much the same thing.
@@hexthepatriarchy-1111Same with me!
In 1995 or 1996 I received a letter from her. In it she wrote about what she knew of the person living at the address. She had everything correct except the name. She had addressed it to me but what she spoke of was actually my father. I had never anything to do with her before that, except seeing her once on tv . After that letter I came upon her books and read a couple. I am also one who had a what's referred to as near death experience. I was talked to angels at age 2 years before death experience. In 2010 I had a comforting experience with christ. I was given a gift of foresight at birth. What you are describing is correct. The LOVE that gives life IS an all embracing unconditional force. It welcomes all who see it and turn to it when it is their time to return to the light. Everyone goes into the 'receiving' level for healing before full acceptance into the LOVE force light. I thank you for this video, I have needed the reminder that all receive the healing and light of TRUE LOVE.
Wow Susan that was beautiful. Thank you for posting your story.
I am curious as to what she stated was her purpose for writing to u.....a stranger to her.
Lovely writing , thank you.
I appreciate your honesty and integrity at the beginning of this channel Cash.
Hi Cash! I've been bingeing on your older transition videos. You've always pointed out when some people go through a kind of stripping process, it's to make them light enough to ascend. I suddenly recalled a recurring nightmare I used to have decades ago. In my dream I would die, and my soul would begin to ascend into the sky. However, I would get partway up then start to descend because I was too heavy. It terrified me because I was raised to believe that sinners burned in hell (I no longer hold that belief). I would try to "swim" back up, to no avail. My soul kept falling back down. I was horrified that I was descending to hell, even though nothing in the dream (beyond my own beliefs) indicated that. I was just too heavy to ascend. It now makes sense. Thank you!!!
I wonder if those who love you wouldn’t let you go would cause that? Like your kids or spouse couldn’t make it without you?
You were given a false vision from a deceiving spirit called a demon. Many will be deceived and be taken from the path
@ Thats creepy, why no go with a misunderstanding?
julesderamore, I had a near death experience years and years ago. In this, I knew that when we enter this lifetime we come in fresh and light. And as we live, there are layers and layers of experiences and beliefs and such that we take on as we grow. As I was going through this experience, I saw these layers of myself being peeled away. With each layer, I held it in front of me and loved loved loved it ... then let it go. With each layer that left, I felt lighter until I was free of all the heaviness of this lifetime. It was like taking off a heavy diving suit. I felt so free of all the worries and things I'd managed to collect over my lifetime.
What a beautiful description 😊@@lifecloud2
Thank you for this! I studied under her and her church for 15 years and she and her teachings changed my life. Her early books were so beneficial. She taught the same things that are taught by the great metaphysical teachers today-just a little simpler-it was a different time back then and the veil wasn’t as thin as it is now. She gave my niece a reading at one of her lectures-in front of everyone and knew things about her that my niece had never told anyone. Sylvia always admitted up front that she wasn’t 100% accurate. But when she was accurate-she was dead-on with her accuracy. I will always be grateful for her and her teachings-and I will always love her. 💜
Thank you for turning the comments on so I could tell you that you're a wonderful story teller. (For entertainment purposes only 😉) I feel blessed to have found you. ❤ We're all here to help each other on the journey home. Hugs 🫂
Thank God you said it was blurred, I thought my eyes were going.
My heart failed as a child that is how it starts I laughed when I saw your comment.😂😂😂😂😂loved it😊
I was one of the ones that got read by Sylvia Browne. It was either 1997 or 1998. She charged $400., which was a lot those days. Most of the reading was very general. When I asked about a love interest, she went on and told me steps to take to begin a relationship with this specific man. She said he was very interested but very shy. I 😮did everything she said, which resulted in one of the most embarrassing times in my life. He was not interested in, never was and I went out of my way to behave not in a way that was characteristic for me. I felt so foolish. She was a real con - artist. Although she continued to be popular, I always knew she was a fake. I think she was afraid when she died that now she would be discovered. That is why she cried and didn’t want to go on.
I had a nearly identical experience with her. Awful.
Makes perfect sense. I never had a reading with her but I never liked her either. I thought she was phony. I guess my feelings were right on. She made a lot of money bc she gained popularity on tv and psychics were not as well known as they are today.
I went to one of her public shows and also thought she was a fake. Her readinga were so vague and I really didn't careful her persona.
I'm able to talk with spirits. Any spirit. So, I've "called" her for questions. She's been helpful. I think, in life, she became too sure of herself. Every psychic makes mistakes. I'm sorry, that with some clients, she was completely off the mark. She appeared to let fame get to her head.
Didn’t she tell a family that their kid was dead and was later found alive?
Thank you, Cash. Your ending comment about the unconditional love on the other side is what I enjoy focusing on. Knowing this is what truly waits for us, after we go through whatever transitional process our souls need to make, is what takes away any and all fear of the end of our mortal existence here.
It's always such a beautiful message in these pictures. I absolutely love this channel! Thank you, Cash. ❤
I understand that others have had some negative experiences with Sylvia, but I will always be forever grateful to her for introducing me to the concept of our having guides and angels. It set me on a path that I will never regret. I loved her advice about religions in general "Take what resonates with you and leave the rest". I still hold true to that to this day when listening to anyone, whether they be a channel, psychic, or politician. 🙂
I am thinking of a particular case where she was wrong in a very public way. I am wondering if, upon crossing over, those were the regrets and subsequent fear of reprisal that was weighing her down. The case, in particular, that I am thinking of, was when she told Amanda Berry's mother that her daughter was dead. She wasn't, and subsequently, bravely escaped her kidnapper, but by that time Amanda Berry's mother had passed.
Well her daughters soul could have exited the body or been out of body or in spirit as a way of coping. There is walk ins and walk outs. A soul can leave when its had enough and another soul can come into the body. Read Dolores Cannons books. I'm not defending Sylvia Browne. I think she was stressed or took too much on herself.
@sunmoonandstars7545 I actually thought something similar to that. I thought the depression and hopelessness that those girls were living in, day to day, could have been something very similar to death. Although the idea the soul could, temporarily, leave the body as a method of survival makes a lot of sense to me too.
I enjoyed Sylvia's perception, and personality. Her guide, Francine, shared insights into spirit that resonated with me. Sylvia's books gave me hope during a trying time in my life. I still love Sylvia for breaking ground in mediumship. Because of Sylvia I started trusting my instincts. No medium is always right or perfect, they're human.
Did you know she was charged with securities fraud and grand theft and pleaded no contest and she laughed about how gulliable people were.
@@Tempe1962 Yes
I, also, saw Sylvia in Dec, 1982. She was on TV back then and claimed she could help anyone rid themselves of being Agoraphobic. Since I was, I went to see her in Cupertino, CA. She regressed me back to two previous lives, and attempted to tell me how they contributed to my current phobia. To this day, I see no similarities. The agoraphobia finally went away in 2013.
Cash, I'm glad you had turned comments off to protect yourself. As humans, it doesn’t seem to matter if 200 people tell us we're great. It only takes one troll to ruin it for us, especially if we're open and decent humans which you most definitely are.
Add me as one of the ones that finds you soothing and hooked on your pictures as well as the way you try to convey what you're feeling/seeing. Always interesting. Thank you for sharing.
I have nothing but admiration for you to go going boldly forth into uncharted territory. I love your videos.
I have read her books, seen her in person and on TV. I followed her from when she was a very local unknown to an international phenomenon.
My sense of her is her ego and fame gave her later years a hubris she didn't have in the earlier years. She often came across as arrogant and dismissive and her prices unaffordable for the average person.
Your pictures resonated with me. I am glad that your pictures show grace and comfort. Thank you 🎉
Your drawings of the cave you always describe remind me of a "return to the womb", metaphorically😊
Doesn't surprise me at all Cash!. You have a Divine gift that is accurate far beyond your current understanding or awareness. I honor and love you for sharing it with the world! 💛💝💛
Thank you. You’re right, I genuinely don’t understand it, it’s just fumbling around in the dark for glimpses of enlightenment.
@@EnlightenedBeingsClub I understand the journey Cash. It's taken me years to align with and embrace the accuracy of my gifts as a healer, channel, conduit. For a long while I had to 'trust' that the information I was receiving was beneficial. Now, it's a 'knowing' which I'm infinitely grateful for! ✨🙏✨
Thank you Cash!
This was fascinating. I just want to share with you, Cash, that I can understand Sylvia’s initial confusion. As a psychic medium, when we communicate across the veil, we don’t disconnect from our physical vessel, we simply shift our awareness to the spirit realm. Although we understand this disconnect will happen, we simply do not experience it until we have completed our journey here. I’m glad Sylvia was welcomed with love, she was brave to share her gifts with the world. So are you Cash, thank you. ☮️
I agree. And thank you.
This right here is what I've thought for years. There is a transitional period and how long that takes can vary from person to person depending on how attached to this realm and how... I want to say stubbornly certain a person is... to work through it. From what I gathered by some of Sylvia's interviews and demonstrations, she admitted herself she could be very stubborn in her certainty. I think if a person is going to do readings for others they have to be able to seem very certain of what they are seeing and relaying even if it doesn't quite make sense and there is a lot of room for misinterpretation. She was very good at seeming very certain.
Thank you for sharing your gift, Cash. Though you don't consider yourself to be a psychic medium, I sincerely appreciate the visual interpretations of what you see. And I love your honesty. You never make false claims about what will come true, suggesting only that at this moment in time, this is what you see, and people have free will. These transition pictures are particularly fascinating. This one was unexpectedly moving, and I hope Sylvia has found lasting peace.
Cash you are best
Thank you Cash for sharing your unique insightful drawings and wisdoms with us.
So. Good to have the opportunity and privilege to listen and learn from you. Thank you ❤
Thank you for creating your channels and sharing your pictures.
I credit Sylvia Browne for literally starting my spiritual awakening back in college late 90s/ early 2000. I found and read her books in my college library and they changed my life. I was born and raised strict Catholic and she opened up my eyes to spirituality which led to many, intense fights with my very religious immigrant parents. Ill always be thankful for her. 💖
She lit a fire 🔥 under my spiritual butt too! ♥️
Loved loved loved- as a psychic myself I can see how she held onto all of those emotions and had never really let them go. I thank you for this as I see myself holding on to my own perceptions, etc. I cried when I realized again how source will always take care of you. Also always unconditional love. I am 75 and still working through many things of the past. So you have helped me so much to see thanks.
So, so fascinating Cash. In the Catholic tradition, there is the the idea of 'purgatory' where all ego is stripped and then the soul is given the grace of light and love. It makes perfect sense all the energy that you see and perceive! Karma seems to be something that follows our lives in one way or other, depending on how we lived our life? So many interesting questions to ponder and think about? Thank you...for your insights and gift!💞💓💗🥰
Yes, I’d given some thought to Purgatory. I’m not familiar with its details, but what you say does sound like it coincides.
I loved Sylvia. I didn’t rely on future forecasts. I loved how spiritual she was. My favorite was her writings, for me they rang true. I also have meditation CD’s. Works for me. I miss her. ♥️
Is it possible she absorbed the energy of each “reading” she conducted? As I recall her (very well), she helped police in murder cases, detailing the victim and what happened to cause their death, giving clues about the manner in which they died, sometimes identifying suspects. Perhaps she held the energy of each horrific case, actually accumulating all that she experienced. What you called releasing such darkness so she could go on to the light. I enjoy you and appreciate the seriousness of the work you do. I enjoy your sense of humor and the way in which you see and explain what you experience. You’re a kind and gentle soul with your own special gifts. Thanks for sharing that!
Very very interesting. I am not at all surprised that both transitions basically tell the same story. Thank you for sharing.
I was a big fan of Sylvia Browne and read many of her books. Thank you for bringing her back to people who were never exposed to her knowledge, when she was making her mark on the world years ago. 💜
Have you read Lisa Marie Presley? That may be a good one as she felt her father was her entire world. Tragically they both died fairly young
Thank u, Cash. I love ur videos.
I enjoyed this video so much! I liked Sylvia and have read many of her books, which I loved. Once or twice something that she wrote served as a conduit to give information to someone in my life. On another subject, Christmas is coming and your rosemary ~ lemon shortbread cookies have become a tradition. I shall be making them very soon and hiding them in the freezer so that they don't disappear before the holiday!
Yay!!!! Yes, that’s how it is, you have to hide them or they vanish.
@@EnlightenedBeingsClubHey……how did she get the recipe?!! lol! Thats not fair😮😂
@@starsaligned4917 Cash posted it several years ago. Perhaps Cash will post the video again. If he doesn't mind, I can also write it here.
The video is here on the channel still.
Thank you Cash for your time. Always appreciate it 🇨🇦🙏💕
Thank you for honoring her. I feel so much the same, stumbling toward truth in a flawed, humble way. I imagine sobbing as I cross over, grateful .
Cool, I did not watch the older version of what you picked up last time. This is going to be my first impression. I believe in your gifts ❤
Thank you Cash, wonderful to see you. 🙂👍
Fascinating! Really enjoying this channel. Thank you Cash so much! ❤
Thank you for these drawings of what your energies read about the afterlife. These have validated my OBE/NDE during surgery in the early aughts, and my experience very much looked like these cave walls. Thank you for this share, this is amazing. ❤
Excellent news. Thank you. Glad you recovered and remained with us.
I followed her for years and was never that sure of her abilities. She was on Montel, alot. And , when her son was taking her place, I checked him out and thought he was too much of a bully. Thank you, Cash!
I’ve always had mad respect for her. She helped me and others so much.
Hello Cash, I remembered your first reading and this new one is pretty much the same. I think you nailed it twice
Nobody has all the answers. We need to interpret what the other side is conveying correctly. Spirit sometimes gives info to us that is needed at the time. Cash, you are super duper....ty 🙏🏼 😊✨️💞
Thanks for doing this revisit, Cash! I find it interesting that so many psychics can read complete strangers, yet cannot read themselves. Your videos always calm me- on both of your channels. You really should think about doing books on tape for insomniacs. When I can't sleep, I will replay one of your old videos and be fast asleep within 5 minutes!❤❤❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sylvia was very controversial. It was reported she was never correct on missing persons cases that could be collaborative. I've felt she lost her gift because of greed. She also incorrectly predicted her death age. I did read a book or 2 of hers. But I believe your very correct though on your crossing pictures. ❤
I went to one of her salons, and you are correct. I do believe she became a bit...corrupted?...by the need to make money. She did start a church, and that takes money to maintain. I did and still do love her books.❤
I absolutely believe that as well. I believe we all have gifts, but if abuse them, they are taken away.
Sylvia Browne was a brilliant author and a lady with an incredible knowledge of the here after and I believe her ability was genuine and true ❤❤❤
Thank you Cash....
I just discovered your channel so the Sylvia Browne on was still pretty fresh in my mind.. amazing how close the pictures were to each other. You're so gifted!
Thank you Cash!❤❤
I was blessed to see world renowned psychic Sylvia Browne several times, I spent the day with Sylvia at her Salon here on Oahu. Her granddaughter Eya is absolutely delightful! ❤
I spring out of bed this morning when I saw your new video on UA-cam! Very very very informative and interesting!♥️🫵🏻 Thank You Very Much!!
This Sylvia Browne video is exceptional! Cash you are so entertaining! And you give us a lot of great information thank you thank you thank you! Happy Thursday!♥️🙏🏻🫵🏻
Very kind. Thank you.
@ you are very loved and very adored! Put that in your pocket for the next time you might have a bad day. You can pull them out and remind yourself of how terrific you are! Enjoy your magical gift!♥️🫵🏻
Thank you, Cash. Your teachings help me understand my own feelings and lesson my fears of my Human Condition. ♥
Fascinating work and, yes, we’ll all be enveloped by the light of Love and returned here in God. 🕊️
This video is the first one I've seen on your channel when I decided to subscribe. I was so emotional. I really felt for Sylvia as I'm sure when I ascend I too will face this as we all will. I always used to think that crossing over was like rainbows and butterflies. I now understand the mortal ego construct hasn't dissolved and fear can be a huge part of this transition. I have great respect for anyone that has transitioned out of their body. I'm looking forward to watching more.☺
Thank you Cash! I remember her well ! these videos are so fascinating and I’m humbled by our humanity! I can’t imagine what my journey will be, Im planning on joyful! Be well
Thanks Cash!!
I read one of Sylvia Browne's books, and it was amazing. She wrote about what "Heaven" looks like, and I loved it. She described things so well that I could close my eyes and visualize it all perfectly. Thanks for the video, Cash! Scrappy says "hello". Love you always!
Thank you so much Cash, for doing Sylvia Browne again🌷🐈⬛💕
Hey Cash, great read today…just feels great to feel you and Him today( even though he wasn’t shown) thanks for ALL you bring to my World♥️🌀
What an interesting idea! Your channels are so unique and exciting. Love both of them!!!
Thanks a lot.
I saw Sylvia Brown in Vegas paid for the entrance fee, 2 questions, and my husband and daughter had a wuestion too...NONE of them came teue or right!!! Im still waiting on my 2 girls i was supposed to soon 18 years ago!! Very Sad! I had all her books and even had 1 signed and i have a pic w her too!! So disappointed...yes i felt bad for Amanda Berry and her mom cus she was told she was dead and amanda watched it on montell that day, her mom died before she was rescued too!! I know for entertainment purposes only but did have to be so damn greedy?
The money was too much. We are sometimes not supposed to know the future or the truth.
I was thinking I'd seen the pix before. I'm looking forward to watching! I almost had a reading with her but her company kept rescheduling so I wound up canceling and getting my money back. I'm glad it worked that way. Love these... And you!
Thank you, Cash! These videos are always amazing! 🐈⬛
My experience of Sylvia matches your analysis. I might be able to add to your vision. Years ago I attended a Sylvia Brown event in San Francisco. It was a huge audience. My boyfriend was a fan. We were both spiritually oriented but had different beliefs and perspectives. He read her books and admired her. During this event, to my horror she said a couple of things. The one that ‘slapped’ me was a remark she made regarding some baby noises in the audience. She said, “you know what I do when that happens. I throw it against the wall until the crying stops”. That was it for me. I left stunned, appalled, and not a fan. But, let me add another experience within a week of that one. I attended a Unitarian Church where I really enjoyed the pastor who gave Sunday sermons. I admired his wholesome goodness. Again, I got the shock of my life as I watched him strut back and forth on the stage with his newly dyed platinum blonde hair (he was a handsome brunette from South Africa) exclaiming “There’s been a change”. As he went on, he was like a different person, a proud loud egotistical person, not the man I knew for a few years. From the church I went to meet a new contact who was referred to me by my yoga instructor. I think I cried while describing what I had just witnessed. She put a book in my hand and said I would find an explanation in there. The book is titled THE SLEEPING ABDUCTEES, by Asheyana Dean. The author has received detailed history and prophecy of the human race from an off world source. I found the prophecy for that year that told of an Archon invasion that would highjack the bodies of influencers of all kinds. To this day, I believe that is exactly what happened to Sylvia and to my church pastor. Fortunately the pastor’s possession was temporary lasting about a month. He eventually returned to his wonderful self.
Your picture of Sylvia’s transition makes perfect sense to me. Possibly, she misused her gift to serve her ego. That would have made her vulnerable to possession. Her soul would require mitigation to correct her condition. I trust that she will find her way with the loving presence she eventually encountered. Blessings Be for Sylvia and all the others who suffered this fate.
Very interesting idea. Thank you.
Cash you are continually coming up with superb twists on this journey!!! Well done! 👍
Fascinating Cash. Out of curiosity I listened to Sylvia Browne a few times on television long ago. She seemed combative in life as in transition. Notably, I came across Debra Martin's NDE story. She was in a dome w a paper listing her life contract and returned. Love, joy and gratitude dear Cash.
Before I listen to this I want to say a few things. When I was going through a rough time in my life I started reading Sylvia Browns books and her books on spiritual teachings. I thought her books were very entertaining ( psychic) and even more they sparked my light, my good spark in me. Which I lived, but was confusing to me. I thought Sylvia had a great sense of humor and thought she was strong. She had a hard childhood and had a lot of responsibilities. I will always LOVE Sylvia Browne and I feel she was a blessing to all who loved her. 🌹🌹🌺🌺🪷🪷🌾🪷🪷 God love her; she earned that!!!
I love her books. Easy to read and they helped me find spirituality instead of religion.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Very comforting.
Hi Cash! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us!
Thank you, Cash. Sylvia Browne’s book changed my life- I was truly moved by her words- her writing was very entertaining yet enlightening! I loved her books- and her discussion of life on the other side ❤🙏🌟✨🙌🩵I know some of her work as a psychic was controversial- but no human psychic is always correct! I loved her- and give her credit for coming forward with ideas & insight that were not common at the time.
Sylvia went to my all girls catholic school, when she went to st. Teresa’s academy in Kansas City, Missouri the girls lived at the school, that was not the case after the 1950’s or so. She seemed to be raised very catholic, as I was and often money and materialism seems important to some of them. I read her books which mentions her family history of being psychic, and living at school. My boyfriend’s mom took me to one of her presentations too, She was interesting, she charged $700-$900 or more for a reading in 2010! I think Sylvia lost her way, and her abilities because of her greed and materialism. Clearly from your pics she had a ton of releasing to do, which makes sense.
I thought of you, and your beliefs which I align with regarding our thoughts. A movie popped up on UA-cam, “what is new thought” made in 2014, free on UA-cam, It was fascinating, and a great history of the many branches of new thought. It reminded me of your beliefs and I was curious if u ever watched it or any thoughts on this documentary? Thank you, I love your pictures, you help me greatly, I have had 6 or more near death experiences, so I don’t fear death as much, you help me understand it more and more which helps me be a better woman, by learning lessons of others you draw about, thank you, much love to you and all 🙏🏽 angelica, Santa Cruz, California 🌊💚🕊
That’s amazing to hear, thank you. Six NDEs is a lot. I will look for that video.
Yes, my first nde was at 2 years old, it was scary and that started my psychic abilities, I have had so many nde’s, visions, I heard Predictions that came true after, and out of body experiences, it was amazing what I saw and how I felt. I had 2 roll overs, one taking out all the south bound lanes to the golden gate bridge from mill valley, and I rolled over on top of the Santa Cruz mountains, in the rain hydroplaning, in both cases I am lucky to be alive obvi, and I walked away with little to no injuries unbelievably 🙏🏽It is amazing the more head injuries I have had, the more my psychic abilities improve. I alway slam my left side of my head into the metal between windows on driver side. I am an Aries and we are prone to head injuries and I have had them all my life from car accidents and falls on to concrete floors. Anywho, love you, thanks for responding, and can I say, without sounding too creepy, you are so handsome, spiritually not just physically but especially inside emotionally, spiritually and so many more ways. being a single woman I know I am seeking a man like you, as I am sure most of your subscribers would agree. Unfortunately I don’t find many men handsome because they have not done any inner work, but truly it’s your inner beauty that just radiates like the sun 🌞 thank you for sharing your light, pictures and wisdom 🙏🏽
Very interesting! Thank you Cash. Your stuff always makes comforting sense to me.💜👩🏼🦯💜💃🌻
Lordy, amazing. You are all that I thought you were!! LOL #brilliant Thank you. Unconditional love!!! And, oh so generous in your understanding and sharing. ❤
I'm not sure I'm worthy of such high praise, but I'm grateful for it. Many thanks.
She was a true psychic 🔮
Oh my. this is a surprise! EDIT: I do believe the woman had talent, but I guess I got annoyed, some times her ego was SO huge, and she chomped on her nails, she started to sound like she was phoning everything in. I just remember not caring if she was on Montel when I would see the ads on TV,
I agree, I’m an Empath and could not watch her. She was an angry woman and certainly not a lightworker the way we are. She may have been slightly pdychic(we all are), but she abused that gift. These cross over pictures don’t surprise me at all
@@starfishjennieI'm so glad to know other ppl know she wasn't an angel!!! Smh
I'm 72, and I now understand her short temper, if you will. When the female hormones drop, there is a lot of anger. This is why I had to retire. I couldn't stand anybody, anymore. I'm now on hormone replacement therapy. OMG! I'm happy now. I tolerate people again!!! I love hormones!!! I had no idea how much we "need" them!!! All Men and Women need to have their hormones checked and get on hormones, so you are balanced. I now realize my hormones have been unbalanced for the past 50 years! I have never been this happy before! I feel like I'm 20 with the knowledge of a wise 72 year old!!! Oh! I am!!!
I was curious and so I asked my angels why she told the mother her daughter was dead. My angels said the abducted girl was in such bad shape that she felt dead and that's why Sylvia Browne reported her dead
@@cheryllundholm8779I tried to get the hrt last week… my doc said no… I’m too old (62)! Said the benefits would not be worth the risks…🙄 I thought that should be my decision, but apparently it’s not.
Hola Cash 😊always a pleasure listening to you 😊the irony everyone’s death is a journey of their enlightenment of life😊as you talk about her transition I can feel it step by step
So very grateful for all you do and say. Such inspired brilliant messages. Please keep up the great work.
I'm so glad I found you on UA-cam. I so look forward to what you put out. You have a unique and interesting way to present what you have to say.
My hopeful ❤ loved Sylvia Browne books!
love the energy. You’re ahead of the pack. i noticed more and more psychics are mentioning one’s path is so influenced by energy that the outcome is so effected/affected . like i said you are definitely ahead of the times.💗
I went to one of her events and she most definitely was confident in her opinions-a bit too confident for my taste! I felt that she could be dismissive at times too. I didn’t get a reading from her but I got one from her son; which I was very disappointed with. I felt like I was his last reading of the day and that he was just going through the motions and not connecting with me at all! 😕
Thank you for this. Highly entertaining.
Was her certainty stripped off in the process of her transition? She was so sure of her knowledge of what ‘heaven’, for want of a better word, was like and what it offered that perhaps it needed to be dismantled so as not to miss facets when she finally arrived there. She introduced me to my potential as a spiritual being and validated some of the feelings and senses that surfaced from time to time but that I had ignored. Things started to make sense to me, unlike all the fairy stories I had been told during my childhood going to church with my parents. I am grateful to her for unlocking my realization that I could indeed feel other people’s sadness and/or anxiety and making sense that I had tools to protect myself and not just tolerate the onslaught to my empathic abilities. Exposure to her writings was the start of my long journey of discovery and wonder.
I had a reading, it was good, I paid i think 600$ which was huge for me. Read i think all her books. This reading seems right to me. I enjoyedvher, her work helped me get to where i am, comfortable and in touch w the other side. Thanks for this reading, as always Cash, i just love your readings. Thanks. ❤
Wonderful analysis of the process of transformation from life into the next. In all scientific study it is required to have a control subject to validate findings. This was a very good way of finding some reliability in your own energy readings. Thank you!
Amazing Cash!!
Thank you, dear Cash. You are a blessing.
thank you for sharing your insight Cash💫you’re amazing!