I would recommend you to join my various groups on Facebook. The Line6 Midi Mad Scientist Club I created to gather up midi enthusiasts and there you have a good community to help you get into the basics and move on up to fairly advanced stuff. That linked to many different groups covering controllers and connecting up midi pedals and making it all dance. Some great basic video content I'd recommend Scott Uhl's channel. He is a good guy. There are also some great midi books by Simon Glover over at Pirate Midi. I find for explaining this stuff the communities are really the best way to learn. If you like I do one on one lessons and consulting for getting your feet wet by video chats. Get in touch if interested. Usually I can take a total midi newbie to the stage of programming inside two 30 minute video sessions. It will really help if you run iOS , plenty of free apps in that to get started and figure out what gear you may need.
Very interesting…..I’m completely new to midi….can you recommend some introductory videos? Thanks
I would recommend you to join my various groups on Facebook. The Line6 Midi Mad Scientist Club I created to gather up midi enthusiasts and there you have a good community to help you get into the basics and move on up to fairly advanced stuff. That linked to many different groups covering controllers and connecting up midi pedals and making it all dance. Some great basic video content I'd recommend Scott Uhl's channel. He is a good guy. There are also some great midi books by Simon Glover over at Pirate Midi. I find for explaining this stuff the communities are really the best way to learn. If you like I do one on one lessons and consulting for getting your feet wet by video chats. Get in touch if interested. Usually I can take a total midi newbie to the stage of programming inside two 30 minute video sessions. It will really help if you run iOS , plenty of free apps in that to get started and figure out what gear you may need.