Lots of homes are using gas over firewood for lots of different reasons. Gas is cleaner and easier if anyone has breathing issues, the smoke that comes with a. real fire can irritate and cause complications for some. It's a personal preference for sure. Thanks for watching!
$350k rental in 50 days? What's the asking price?
Here's the MLS listing for details. www.zillow.com/homedetails/422-Timber-Trail-Rd-Breckenridge-CO-80424/194082760_zpid/
I am looking for acreage, I want to open up a horseback riding stable. ❤
Hi Kimberly, Do you have time for a call tomorrow or please let me know the best time to chat. You can text me or email me. Dina
Gas fireplaces in a house like this?
Epic fail!👎👎👎
Lots of homes are using gas over firewood for lots of different reasons. Gas is cleaner and easier if anyone has breathing issues, the smoke that comes with a. real fire can irritate and cause complications for some. It's a personal preference for sure. Thanks for watching!