My wife and I, before we were married, took dry-land ski lessons at the Pacific Ocean Club in Long Beach, California in the fall of 1962 which was taught by Doug Pfeiffer and his partner Tommi Tyndall. who was later killed in a ski cat accident,. They operated together Snow Summit, CA at the time. We used strap-on wooden skis to learn the basis. Fun time good memories! Enjoyed your interview.
My wife and I, before we were married, took dry-land ski lessons at the Pacific Ocean Club in Long Beach, California in the fall of 1962 which was taught by Doug Pfeiffer and his partner Tommi Tyndall. who was later killed in a ski cat accident,. They operated together Snow Summit, CA at the time. We used strap-on wooden skis to learn the basis. Fun time good memories! Enjoyed your interview.
Great interview, impressive wisdom, RIP Doug.