False Doctrine of Limited Atonement Biblically Refuted by Jesse Morrell

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Jesse Morrell biblically destroys the Calvinist doctrine of "Limited Atonement," showing that it is actually a false gospel. Get a FREE Atonement book here: biblicaltruthr...


  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 5 років тому +6

    Calvinism turns away young believers to thinking they are goats chosen or fitted up as chaff to burn in Hell. Cementing selfishness, stymying intellectual growth and makes a sinner twice the child of Hell.

  • @andrewconway7730
    @andrewconway7730 4 роки тому +6

    Well done Jesse. Really made clear to me the heresy of limited atonement. And all 5 points of Calvinism really, since Calvinists admit that all 5 points are interwoven together, and TULIP won't work without all 5 points being true. James White said as much.

  • @BobsClique
    @BobsClique 2 роки тому +2

    Did Jesus die for the vessels of wrath too? Romans 9:11-24. What do election mean? - And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed (Acts 13:48) - to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28) - whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate (Romans 8:29)

  • @20july1944
    @20july1944 7 років тому +6

    Nicely done as usual, Jesse.

  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 5 років тому +3

    Also Calvinism is Pagan. “The Chosen,” was what the priesthood was. This doctrine is very accepting of self grandiosity. Which is opposite Self denial. It’s opposite the daily cross.

  • @eclipse3048
    @eclipse3048 Рік тому +1

    That would be a great point with John 3 if whosoever was a good translation(there is no greek word for whosoever). It does say πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων-- all believing ones or all believing.
    It's horrible how you just jumped from text to text with no meaningful exegesis or herminutical approach. This is called cherry picking/ proof texting.

  • @a.worley396
    @a.worley396 4 роки тому +4

    Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 4 роки тому +4

    Excellent teaching. Thanks.

  • @godngunclinger
    @godngunclinger 2 роки тому +1

    if you use the camera on the other side of your phone it will flip the lettering

  • @dewaarheidvangod5329
    @dewaarheidvangod5329 4 роки тому +2

    About the free will part, you are right in your video. All glory to God. But here you miss the message. Do not ever forget God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. So He knows eventually who will choose Him or not. God is God because He made the creation and is the only one who can step out of the creation. Therefore He is God. We have free will, therefore judgement and eventually there are the righteous and faithfull ones who choose in this life to obey and love Him. God oversees His creation from the beginning to the everlasting end and knows His Sheep which He gave His life for. " all " is talking about all of His chosen, His children. Yes Jesus sacrifice is powerfull enough ( ofcourse) for all---> of mankind, the children of obedience and disobedience, there is no sin too heavy for the sacrifice of Jesus. However, after receiving the truth there is. Not because His sacrifice isn't strong enough, but the free will of the sinner who remains in sin is chosen to stay disobedient. Therefore the sacrifice will be in vain for that child of disobedience. We can never claim that we are saved yes or no. This is only for God on judgement day to tell us if we are in the book of life. Stay humble and keep the faith. Never take grace for granted.

    • @GodGirlP
      @GodGirlP 3 роки тому

      Just because He knows who will not choose Him means He purposely makes people not choose him. The Gospel is That for God So Loved The World. All People. Jesus weeps when souls go to hell. God doesn't have pleasure in the death of the Wicked. God loves every soul He created. And He didn't Create Souls to go to hell. Proof Per Jesus' statement
      " into everlasting Fire PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS." . not for people. God Bless You.❤

    • @GodGirlP
      @GodGirlP 3 роки тому

      Just because He knows who will not choose Him Does Not means He purposely makes people not choose him. ( Adam & Eve were created , yet made their own Choice to disobey God. So do we in our reg Christian lives as Belivers. We NEED Gods Help Truly.) The Gospel is That for God So Loved The World. All People. Jesus weeps when souls go to hell. God doesn't have pleasure in the death of the Wicked. God loves every soul He created. And He didn't Create Souls to go to hell. Proof Per Jesus' statement
      " into everlasting Fire PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS." . not for people. God Bless You.❤

  • @HarrisBeauchamp
    @HarrisBeauchamp 3 роки тому +2

    Jesse, your public school system analogy is amazing! Never heard it before, it knocked my socks off.

  • @mresab1997
    @mresab1997 3 роки тому +1

    I would also submit, Jesse, that the Atonement is a false premise altogether. The atonement NEVER saved anybody. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a necessary precondition to salvation, but scripture specifically enumerates that we shall be saved by his LIFE - not merely His death. If He hadn’t risen again, Paul specifies that, of all men, we would be most miserable.
    It’s a subtle but all-important distinction Calvinist deceptively fail to make.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому +2

    If you consider the context of Romans 3:23, you will understand that even there Paul is saying that "all" both Jews and Gentiles have sinned.

  • @thisisnotmyname4700
    @thisisnotmyname4700 7 років тому +4

    And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
    1 John 2:3‭-‬6 KJV
    And easter is pagan....
    For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
    Proverbs 6:23 KJV

    • @juiweiYang2000
      @juiweiYang2000 6 років тому


  • @sunshinecalamity6464
    @sunshinecalamity6464 5 років тому +1

    There are 2 NT words that are used for the word lord
    Your example in 2peter 2:1 is the word despotes, which is not the word used when speaking of My Lord Jesus that is a completely different word and you can find it in the previous versus 2Peter1:16 this word is kurios... 2 words in Greek made into 1 English word... I wonder how many times this happens in your so called teachings? Or maybe your spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12... just saying maybe

  • @ipaporod
    @ipaporod 4 роки тому +1

    Do Jehovah God wants and desires for ALL individuals from ALL races and ALL countries to come to repentance?
    To a Calvinist if someone decides to reject the Gospel/Truth , since God would ALWAYS want him to do EXACTLY that which he just has set his heart/mind to do, therefore Jehovah God will harden his heart/mind even further as to strengthen his resolve. Here is where SCRIPTURAL speaking we part ways.Why?
    Because it is both CONTRARY to God's character and CONTRARY to Jesus Christ statement when he said that Jehovah God is "slow to anger and abounding in LOVE" .God is loving, patient and MERCIFUL just like He was with me when I hardened my heart and God kept trying to reach me for many years until I came to my SENSES (JUST LIKE THE PRODIGAL SON) and decided to TRUST him and be saved.God never gave up on me by allowing for me to get worst in my hardened condition, then he healed my heart/mind and now my heart is as soft as silk. Since Jehovah God sincerely wants ALL to come to repentance and to TRUST in Him then obviously He has to be patient to do so because no two people are alike.
    If we as human parents are patient with our OWN children when they are stubborn and don't want to listen then obviously God WHO's patience is greater than ours would do the same.2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering [PATIENT] to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” If one of my kids start using drugs and don't want to listen to me the last thing in my mind would be to turn my back on him and leave him by himself to indulge in drugs to his own delight (by ignoring his condition and chosen path and by allowing him to get as many DRUGS as he desires I would be STRENGTHENING him on his OWN resolve) and to his own demise by strengthening him on his own resolve.
    If a loving mother (regardless if she is a Christian or an unbeliever because when it comes to our own children LOVE no matter how we slice it is LOVE) will NEVER EVER STOP TRYING to persuade her son from doing that which WILL cost him his life then why would Jehovah God be willing to stop reaching a soul just because that soul has chosen to harden his heart/mind to a point that his spirit has become numb to the things of God?.
    We CAN NOT put LIMITS to the PATIENCE, MERCY and LOVE of Jehovah God nor to the POWER of his Gospel of salvation as to suit our own human understanding of how we might think a SOVEREIGN God should act in X or Y situation. Let Jehovah God define His own terms and His own conditions and if He have NOT defined X or Y concepts within those terms and conditions then please DON'T try to put words into God's mouth which He has NOT spoken through His Holy Bible.
    Can ANYONE prove (with the Bible) that Jehovah God will NOT be willing to have MERCY and SAVE someone who Jehovah God himself have hardened his heart/mind if afterward that person is willing to personally accept his spiritual condition and ASK for God's mercy? Is Jehovah's God hardening of someone heart/mind an irreversible SPIRITUAL DEATH SENTENCE and an ETERNAL condemnation? I highly doubt that Jehovah God will be inclined to turn His back on someone JUST because He/God himself have hardened his heart and because he is NOT one of His elects.
    So you see, it is not so easy to KNOW how God would react in X or Y situation, God sometimes will surprises us by doing things His own way without consulting us first (GEE , who would have known that God would do things without consulting Calvinists first) and will do things in His way even when it doesn't make sense to us. As I pointed out before, when it comes to Jehovah God things are not so dry and cut.
    To say that God will ALWAYS leave someone by himself as to keep walking towards a precipice (by ALWAYS I mean that God , in every case someone hardens his heart and God chooses to harden his heart even more, will ALWAYS arrive to the SAME conclusion, will apply the SAME verdict and will ALWAYS make the SAME decision) just because that someone has hardened his heart (and on top of it Jehovah God is willing to strengthen his resolve by hardening his heart even farther) and wants to fall into that precipice is just illogical. Just because God hardened Pharaoh's heart/mind even farther from the point that was ALREADY hardened it does not imply that God will do the same with All of those who hardens their hearts as Pharaoh did. Jehovah God deals with people as individuals and will treat a condition which someone is in differently from ANOTHER person who is in the same exact condition. With Jehovah God things are not so cut and dry! His ways are not our ways.
    Who knows how many people, who have hardened their hearts EXACTLY as Pharaoh did, God have CHOSEN NOT to harden their hearts even further and have come (through different means which Jehovah God has provided to ALL people , like the GOSPEL, as to DRAW them to Christ) to repentance and are now SAVED. God ALWAYS have a reason and a purpose for doing things because He doesn't do things ARBITRARILY.
    In Pharaoh's case the purpose was to show His might and POWER to Pharaoh and to let Pharaoh know that Jehovah God is the ONLY and TRUE God, just like He did with Nebuchadnezzar by humiliating him when God made him eat grass like an ox. That is why I ALWAYS say "in the case of an all loving, merciful and mighty Jehovah God things are NOT as easily defined as in "ONE FORMULA FITS ALL".
    The problem with man is that he wants to bring God to his SMALL fragile world and limited mind as to be able to box Jehovah God into a man made type of SYSTEM (REFORM THEOLOGY) where things are dry and cut and where God MUST perform as the SYSTEM stipulates and if NOT then God is NOT fully sovereign over His creation. In other words, Calvinists need to teach Jehovah God what is the true MEANING of sovereignty and HOW to be sovereign over all His creation.
    Ex. just because God dealt with Joe in a certain way, who had a special spiritual condition which needed to be addressed, then to a Calvinist God MUST deal with Pete (who have the same exact condition as Joe) in the same exact MANNER He dealt with Joe.
    God hardened Pharaoh's heart for an specific purpose (to show God's power and to set free His people) and reason (Pharaoh's have ALREADY hardened his own heart/mind) and NOT because Pharaoh was not one of God's elect (elected for SALVATION), SORRY but salvation has NOTHING to do with God choosing someone in a SPECIFIC situation to be a vase of wrath or a vase of blessing and for God's glory!
    We can't claim to know that God have dealt in the same EXACT manner with ALL those people whose heart/minds were in the exact condition as Pharaoh. Why?, because UNLESS the Holy Scriptures CLEARLY and IRREFUTABLY states that Jehovah God will ALWAYS deal with those people in the same exact manner He dealt with Pharaoh we are NOT to believe OTHERWISE.
    I ALWAYS will believe what the Holy Scriptures says and will ALWAYS ignore and treat as GARBAGE any doctrinal teachings inspired by non-authoritative sources (NOT APOSTLES) and coming from outside the Holy scriptures which tend to teach that which the Holy Scriptures have NOT said and which CONTRADICTS what it says .
    That is why we non-Calvinists and non Arminians are called Bible believing Christians. We don't follow a man made Reformed System of Theology derived from a PRIVATE interpretation of the Holy Scriptures by X or Y men which CONTRADICTS the doctrinal TRUTHS of Jesus Christ and his chosen apostles. We read the Holy scriptures and believe what it says and NOT what someone else through their own private interpretations and through their own BIAS exegetical process might THINK that it teaches.
    God bless you.

    • @salparedo
      @salparedo 4 роки тому

      That is good stuff bro, God Bless

  • @timdodenhoff7942
    @timdodenhoff7942 10 місяців тому

    So ALL the Father gives Christ won't come to him! That's not what Christ said. So he wasted his blood. What about Hebrews 10:14. For by one he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. Apparently this isn't true.

  • @xchanxzenx
    @xchanxzenx 7 років тому +1

    -What is man? -
    Man is a reasoning creature of GOD, which GOD hath made marvelously of a body & a soul. As concerning the body: he is mortal like unto beasts, But as concerning the soul: he is immortal like unto Angels. Made after the likeness & image of GOD, that is to say, with power of knowledge & love, apt to receive felicity & true blessedness, which consists in the clear knowledge & fruition of GOD.
    -Whom do you call a Christian Catholic man? -
    Him that has received the SACRAMENT of BAPTISM, whereby he is made a member of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, and does profess in heart, word & deed: the wholesome DOCTRINE of CHRIST JESUS & of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, and does not consent nor agree to any strange sects or opinions, that the CATHOLIC CHURCH does disavow or condemn.
    - How or by what means are you made a Christian? -
    I am made a Christian: 1st by the special GRACE of GOD in me, And HIS MERCY. Whereby: by BAPTISM HE hath received me, to be HIS child by adoption, when I could neither discern nor know it by my age (when before, I was a servant of the DEVIL & WRATH).
    And also now, by HIS special INSPIRATION & GRACE (as I firmly believe) HE has persuaded this thing in my mind, And made me certain that this FAITH & DOCTRINE of RELIGION, which I do hold & believe, HE has revealed in the CATHOLIC CHURCH, which has been taught of CHRIST, his Apostles & their successors to this day. And I am persuaded, that same FAITH & DOCTRINE only to be true, and that it shall continue to the end of the world. But all other sects, false religions & heresies, which have arisen from time to time: to be pernicious, hurtful & damnable.
    - Of what things ought a Christian man 1st to be instructed & taught? -
    Of FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, of the SACRAMENTS, and OFFICES of CHRISTIAN RIGHTEOUSNESS. For although the doctrine of CHRIST & his CATHOLIC CHURCH be large, & contain all the HOLY SCRIPTURE, with traditions unwritten (which we are bound firmly to believe), notwithstanding under these 5 things especially, all other things are contained & comprehended, either expressed in words or understood.
    1 Those things which appertain to FAITH, that we are bound to believe, are contained under the ARTICLES of our CREED.
    2 Those things that appertain to HOPE, and which we should desire & hope for, are contained under the petitions of our PATER NOSTER.
    3 Those things that appertain to CHARITY, are comprehended under the 10 COMMANDMENTS of GOD.
    4 GRACE, MERCY & SANCTIFICATION, is given to us by the HOLY SACRAMENTS.
    5 By the OFFICES of RIGHTEOUSNESS, we are instructed & taught to decline from evil, and to do good.
    - By what entrance must we come unto GOD? -
    First we must come unto GOD by FAITH: for without FAITH it is impossible to please GOD. (Hebrews CHAP. 11)
    - What is Faith? -
    FAITH is the gift of GOD, and light whereby we be lightened within, and assuredly by induced to believe all things that be revealed in CHRIST'S CHURCH to us, either by word written or unwritten.

  • @theexplorechanneluk7934
    @theexplorechanneluk7934 4 роки тому +1

    Jesus died for all but revelations says not all will be saved

  • @timdodenhoff7942
    @timdodenhoff7942 10 місяців тому

    People want to say Jesus died for all, but didn't secure salvation for anyone! What a travesty!

  • @davidochiengbuoga7165
    @davidochiengbuoga7165 Рік тому

    Jesus never died for all but for the elect.They were foreknown before the foundation of the world by God.

  • @randatatang9222
    @randatatang9222 5 місяців тому

    You would be such a great teacher to be listening to if you weren't an open theist

  • @admiralmurat2777
    @admiralmurat2777 6 років тому +2

    I'd love to help you freely Jesse. I know I've been called by God to stop Calvinism. I'm an Orthodox Christian and would love to help you.

    • @JStevensdk7
      @JStevensdk7 6 років тому

      General Lee Here is my offering in case you find any of it worthwhile or helpful.
      Calvinism teaches and preaches a false god, false gospel and false Jesus Christ.

    • @sircalmstance8151
      @sircalmstance8151 4 роки тому +1

      You’d think you’d have more in your page with that kinda calling. Waiting....

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 8 місяців тому

    It would be Absurd to say that
    Jesus died for everyone
    And could only save them
    If they accepted him as saviour
    Even Judas knew him as a saviour but wasn't a chosen
    Vessel in the context of salvation nor were the pharisees or pilate and herod
    Jesus never pleaded with them to accept him as their

    • @randatatang9222
      @randatatang9222 5 місяців тому

      Is it though? Is it absurd to say that the food was cooked for every child but can only quench their hunger if they accept and eat their plate freely offered?

  • @francesvincent793
    @francesvincent793 3 роки тому


  • @ronaldnewcomb4393
    @ronaldnewcomb4393 7 років тому +3

    Just FYI: "All" is called a universal distribution in logic, where other limits ("some," or here, "the elect") are non-universal distributions. "All" makes it a categorical proposition. "All men" as you state includes all occurrences within the term "man" or mankind. To limit this, as Calvinists and others do, changes the type of distribution to a class within the category. The shift is from universal to particular, from all to some. This is a large error. Thanks for not ignoring that error.

  • @signpreach
    @signpreach 7 років тому +1

    can read. good

  • @EricLucero
    @EricLucero Рік тому

    God bless you brother for serving God and in so doing, serving your fellow brothers/sisters by equipping them with knowledge to defend themselves against the enemy. May we we all be inspired to serve our Lord and our brothers/sisters more faithfully by your example.

  • @brockgeorge777
    @brockgeorge777 2 роки тому

    It’s deadly wrong, but the term “False Gospel” must be used with care. You can certainly believe it and still be saved-at least if you admit that *anyone* who does truly repent and put their faith in Christ’s finished work for your salvation-must be one of the atoned for. But it’s crazy, it’s completely Biblically *contradicted*; and “makes up for it” by being logically indefensible.
    Yes I could cite scripture at several places that contradicts it, but there is an underlying truth of Scriptures that argues *heavily* against it. For the following statement by Christ seems logically *incomprehensible* if LA true. For if He didn’t even die for the unsaved this *cannot* logically be their condemnation/judgement/verdict since there actually *is* no light for them to repent to! since He *didn’t* bother to pay a price sufficient for their atonement as well:
    “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
    Note it didn’t say “a condemnation” or “another condemnation beyond the judgement on Adam” but *the* condemnation. In short, Adam’s sin was sufficient to put you on the road to Hell, but your own impenitent and ungrateful heart for what he did (for YOU) is what *really* puts you there. How can you be penitent or ungrateful for the light that *never* honestly offered as a way for you!?!

  • @admiralmurat2777
    @admiralmurat2777 6 років тому

    The problem is that the calvinist thinks Jesus died in their place taking God's wrath so they can live. Christ was given up by the Father. Blood of Jesus seals the covenant on the mercy seat (the expiatory offered). We also have to crucify our flesh (wicked passions) not a sin nature. I'm an Orthodox Christian and I still have no idea why you don't become Orthodox lol.

  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 2 роки тому

    John isnt teasing every person without exception. the grammar says he for those believing in him ones...

  • @sunshinecalamity6464
    @sunshinecalamity6464 5 років тому +1

    Were all dead in our sins.... and you want spiritually dead people to "choose" GOD ?

    • @allenfranklin499
      @allenfranklin499 5 років тому +1

      Isaiah 64:7 John 5:21

    • @allenfranklin499
      @allenfranklin499 5 років тому

      This false teacher thinks God loves everyone, the perilous times are in full effect 2Timothy 3:1-7. People like him put god in a box that one must choose, how dumb is that ?

    • @brucegolston6507
      @brucegolston6507 4 роки тому +2

      Spiritually dead like the prodigal son. Not a dead body.

    • @ipaporod
      @ipaporod 4 роки тому

      Sunshine Calamity: That is my favorite subject when I witness to a Calvinist.

    • @sunshinecalamity6464
      @sunshinecalamity6464 4 роки тому

      @@brucegolston6507 spiritually dead is like ... well dead, concerning spiritual gifts. The physical man can't receive spiritual gifts, The Bible says so. It's the Spirit that quickenes us Jesus said, right before He said "No man can come to me, except it is given to him of my Father" the prodigal son only returns home IF he is made alive (quickened, Born Again) by the Spirit. And this will only happen for the predestined elect of God. Remember the scripture in Romans 9 ? The children, not yet born... having done neither good or evil, but the purpose according to election might stand... jacob is loved (agape) and Esau hated (detested). Not even hard to understand, but so many make excuses and say "God loves everyone" Not So

  • @lucianbane2170
    @lucianbane2170 Рік тому

    I love that you said "Happy Resurrection Day" rather than EASTER

  • @BRL1611
    @BRL1611 7 років тому

    can you explain more about the ransome and debt?? I got confeussed.

  • @larrymcclain8874
    @larrymcclain8874 4 роки тому

    2 Peter 3:9; Acts 17:30; Romans 2:11; Hebrews 5:9; Acts 10:34-35; Hebrews 11:6

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому

    If you cut out all the "you knows" the video would only last 10 minutes, you know.

  • @NoahHinesdeliverance
    @NoahHinesdeliverance 5 років тому

    little calvin factories LOL

  • @wisjohns
    @wisjohns 2 роки тому

    Great teaching.

  • @publicproclaimer9724
    @publicproclaimer9724 4 роки тому

    Luke 7:42, Matthew 18:27, Matthew 6:12

  • @markringhaver6511
    @markringhaver6511 5 років тому

    I can read it

  • @TavishCaryMusic
    @TavishCaryMusic 7 років тому +3

    Everything is backwards... oops. Love you brother!

    • @bibletheology
      @bibletheology  7 років тому +8

      Yes I fixed that problem a few minutes into it.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому +1

    You need to understand that the purpose of God in giving His Son according to John 3:16 is very clear. Notice the purpose clause beginning with the word ἵνα-hina-in order that. God's purpose was that everyone how believes will not perish but have everlasting life. The verse says not a word about God purposing to save everyone whether they believe or not.

  • @ssemandajoshuarobert7977
    @ssemandajoshuarobert7977 2 роки тому +1

    Friend, every time the Bible talks about "all" it does not mean everyone but it means all people in their ethnicity groups and we can find this in Revelation 5:9: "And they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation," If you clearly checked all the texts you quoted inn your teaching, you find some misinterpretation. Check the tests written by Paul, like those of Timothy, because its Paul who taught election especially in the book of Romans and Ephesians. So, do you mean Paul contradicted himself.

  • @patrick9501
    @patrick9501 5 років тому +1

    By far the best refutation of Calvinism...and I have been all over this topic on you tube ,daily for 2 years now.
    Mr Morrell, This is a different topic.Please, if you may, can you offer scriptural support for a Triune God( One Being and 3 distinct eternal persons).From my understanding of the bible, both the trinity and oneness are not biblical...
    I believe there is one God=The Father.He is One Person in One Being(A Spirit=The Holy Spirit) and This Spirit overshadowed Mary to beget..not create !! but beget,....The ONLY Begotten Son .This resulted in a FULL humanity and FULL Divinity .Mary's egg carried genes that coded for an entire human being(this is true biology) .God's Holy Spirit coded for an entire Divine Being.Without profaning the Holy Spirit,think of this as God begetting the GOD KIND.As such ,in Christ is the fullness of the Godhead manifest, bodily.
    Jesus is referred to by The Holy Spirit (The Father) as The Son of God...(not God The Son!!!!) AND Christ refers to himself as The Son of Man.I do not see this "God The Son" thing anywhere in the bible,let alone an "eternal God the Son"
    Now, why do I go out of topic to saddle you with this??Because,for the past two months, I have watched most of the open theism videos on You tube .You and Greg Boyd have shown me it's biblical.Therefore I will love to hear your biblical bases for the trinity...as opposed to two divine beings who are, two distinct persons, namely: The Son of God, and The Father (aka The Holy Spirit).

  • @BRL1611
    @BRL1611 7 років тому +1

    Whats wrong wuith your writing???
    Its all sdrowkcab!!!!!

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому

    You have missed the point of the doctrine. Perhaps you are a Universalist, but if not, what you are saying when you say Jesus' redemptive work was for everyone is that His death did not effectively secure salvation for anyone. From other things you have said, I think that is what you believe. If Jesus died equally and in the same way for every sinner and any sinner perishes, then His death, in itself, did not secure salvation for anyone.
    The point of so-called "limited atonement" is not that there are people who cannot be saved because Jesus didn't die for them. Calvinists believe that His death was of infinite value and abundantly sufficient to save everyone without exception if they would believe God's promise of pardon. Sufficiency is not the issue. The point is that Jesus has effectively accomplished the work the Father gave him to do and has effectively secured salvation for a multitude that no one can number from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.

    • @brucegolston6507
      @brucegolston6507 4 роки тому

      Jesus death did not save anyone. His resurrection is what saves. If Christ is not raised, your faith is futile. You are still in your sins.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому

      @@brucegolston6507 No, Jesus' resurrection did not save anyone. His resurrection was the application to Him, of what He accomplished in His redemptive work. The resurrection declared Him and all those He represented to be righteous based on what He had accomplished. Paul wrote, "It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised BECAUSE of our justification (Romans 4: 24-25). There could be no salvation apart from the resurrection because had the Father not raised Him from the dead, it would have given evidence that He had not finished the work the Father had given him to do, and we would still be in our sins.
      The resurrection accomplished nothing in regard to the sinner's redemption. It was the evidence that redemption had been accomplished. It was Jesus' violent and physical death that accomplished the believer's reconciliation (See Romans 5:10_ It is the living Christ who saves based on what the dying Jesus endured and accomplished.

    • @brucegolston6507
      @brucegolston6507 4 роки тому

      Speaking a lot of words does not get you around the fact that you are not saved if Jesus is not raised.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому

      @@brucegolston6507 No one suggested that there is any salvation if Jesus is not raised.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice 4 роки тому

      Just ignore everything I have written and imply that I stated an idea that never entered my mind.

  • @celeste3193
    @celeste3193 6 років тому +1


  • @allenfranklin499
    @allenfranklin499 5 років тому +1

    Wow, I’ve never seen anyone twist scripture like you do. Does your Bible not have the 9th chapter of Romans ?

    • @brucegolston6507
      @brucegolston6507 4 роки тому +5

      Normal Bible believing Christians don't have the presuppositional philosophy of calvanism requiring them to read romans 9 as anything other than an explanation for Jews who have a hard time understanding salvation going to the gentiles.

    • @ipaporod
      @ipaporod 4 роки тому +5

      @@brucegolston6507 :
      Exactly, we bible believing Christians don't rely on Johnny Calvin to tell us what the bible says nor care what Calvin wrote or taught about salvation.We believe what the bible says and NOT what Calvinism claims it teaches.Calvinists are lead by a man made (Johnny Calvin and Co.) System of Reformed Theology while we bible believing Christians are lead by the Holy Spirit and treat as GARBAGE that which Reform Theology teaches which in turn blatantly contradicts the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @simplyawsome918
      @simplyawsome918 2 роки тому +3

      Open your mind Allen. Paul is clearly speaking about the Jews. Guess you only read chapter 9. You're deep.

  • @Hebrew42Day
    @Hebrew42Day 7 років тому

    Refuted in two verses. Romans 3:23 and 3:22 - all can call on Christ, the same all that have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

  • @rosstemple7617
    @rosstemple7617 5 років тому

    Calvinism makes God an unjust judge. Limited Atonement is sinking sand. No firm foundation. No Spirit walk with God.

  • @Phill0old
    @Phill0old 3 роки тому +2

    All means everyone ever? Really? So Jesus paid the price for the sins of everyone ever. So on what basis does anyone go to hell? It can't be because of sin because Jesus paid for that. It can't v be unbelief because unbelief is a sin right? So in your opinion God sends forgiven sin free people to hell.
    I thought Jesus said he gave his life for his sheep, because he did say that.
    Jesus said whosoever believes will be saved. So how can anyone not be saved if they don't have any sin?
    Sinless people in hell?

    • @brianc81
      @brianc81 3 роки тому

      Exactly! There is not ONE person in Hell that Christ died for!

    • @schmutly
      @schmutly 2 роки тому

      @@brianc81 Well, theres plenty in Hell awaiting the second death because they 'blashphemed the holy spirit' which is just denying in their heart , the Gospel. The Rich man and Lazarus. The rich man KNEW he was there forever and didn't ask to leave and even wanted to warn his brothers not to come there. Christ told this story (actual event..not a parable) I am sure as not only to warn us about our choices (everyone's choices [all]..doy!!) but that the person had HEARD the prophets ( as the rich man did) yet "REJECTED" the gospel and "CHOSE" to go his own way. Anyway.......
      The Gospel is A B C simplistic..as its meant to be. I COR 15: 1-5 Paul makes the Gospel very clear and he's addressing the Church at Corinth, Christians, so stop ADDING to Salvation and making it a works...this demonic Calvanistic doctrine need to go back to HELL where it came from.

  • @avoicecryingout1365
    @avoicecryingout1365 5 років тому

    Awesome teaching!

  • @admiralmurat2777
    @admiralmurat2777 6 років тому

    The problem is the misunderstanding of who the ransom is to. The ransom is unto death that way we all be made alive. The problem is how people will experience God's presence in the afterlife

  • @PastorBillwillard2147
    @PastorBillwillard2147 2 роки тому

    Keep in mind Jessie that the Calvinist believes that the new birth takes place before faith. God must first Regenerate the sinner so that they can exercise Faith. So Faith is not the element that produces the New Birth but an after effect of Irresistible Grace.

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden Рік тому

      Yes I know some say that or said that like Sproul but DID CALVIN TEACH REGENERATION PROCEEDING FAITH? Those who make a claim like that should start reading and comparing what is the true. Not according to John Calvin's own Institutes. In Book III, chapter 3, Neither does scripture.​ we find the following opening text that makes it very clear that regeneration follows from faith. After presenting this, I will show from the same text that Calvin equated "regeneration" with repentance..
      (see Calvin in John. 1:13). For since pardon and forgiveness are offered by the preaching of the Gospel, in order that the sinner, delivered from the tyranny of Satan, the yoke of sin, and the miserable bondage of iniquity, may pass into the kingdom of God, it is certain that no man can embrace the grace of the Gospel without retaking himself from the errors of his former life into the right path, and making it his whole study to practice repentance. Those who think that repentance precedes faith instead of flowing from, or being produced by it, as the fruit by the tree, have never understood its nature, and are moved to adopt that view on very insufficient grounds.​
      This seems clear enough so we proceed now to Calvin's treatment of regeneration.
      By repentance I understand regeneration (spiritual regeneration) , the only aim of which is to form in us anew the image of God, which was sullied, and all but effaced by the transgression of Adam. So the Apostle teaches when he says, "We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord." Again, "Be renewed in the spirit of your minds" and "put ye on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Again, "Put ye on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Accordingly through the blessing of Christ we are renewed by that regeneration into the righteousness of God from which we had fallen through Adam, the Lord being pleased in this manner to restore the integrity of all whom he appoints to the inheritance of life. God assigns repentance as the goal towards which they must keep running during the whole course of their lives. ​
      I strongly recommend that interested persons actually attend to Calvin's writings rather than assume they know what he taught.
      Justification is a work of God the Father and the Holy Spirit in us and without us. Justification and faith do not have a sequence in time but in order Faith- Justification but are simultaneously in time. Sanctification is a work of The Holy Spirit in us but not without us. Justification and SANCTIFICATION cannot be separated. There is no sanctification without justification or justification without sanctification, this even when sanctification is just a begin of regeneration through all our life. Faith is by Grace and the free gift of God. The Bible teaches us the Justification of the UNGODLY. [Made/ declared Righteous] God The Father the Judge does not say: not guilty He says GUILTY But then point to Christ Not a believer is justified nor one that chooses justification.
      This does not leave any room for salvation other than by the Conviction of the Holy Spirit of our lost state without Christ as being the first in Salvation of men. It is true what was said of old: “ Who Works First We Know Last.”
      There is a general working of the Holy Spirit in the hearing of the Word that convicts and precedes faith but not always leads to salvation. See the parable of the sower.
      This is how Calvin preached the Gospel
      FREE OFFER OF THE GOSPEL (Calvin's Wisdom p119-120)
      He calls all men to himself, without a single exception, and gives Christ to all, that we may be illumined by him. When we pray, we ought, according to the rule of charity, to include all. God invites all indiscriminately to salvation through the Gospel, BUT THE INGRATITUDE OF THE WORLD IS THE REASON why this grace, which is equally offered to all, is enjoyed by few.

  • @MrAlhabsi
    @MrAlhabsi 7 років тому +1

    peace be up on you brother i watched many of your videos although im a muslim i see it so fair to tell you brother you have it all 99.0% right .