👨👩👧👦 Car Family | 로보카폴리 | 스페셜 클립 | 3D 동요 | 영어 동요 🚘
- Опубліковано 16 січ 2025
- #CarFamily #로보카폴리 #영어동요 가사
Family Lovely
Family I love you
Mommy and Daddy
Mommy and Daddy
Brother and Sister
Brother and Sister
Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa
We are a family. As happy as can be.
This is my daddy who fishes the river.
This is my mommy who bakes the bread.
Brother and sister, they play with balls.
We are a family. As happy as can be.
This is my grandma who does knitting.
This is my grandpa who loves to dance.
We are a family. As happy as can be.
We are a family.
#어린이동요 #너서리라임 #폴리동요
아름다운 섬마을 브룸스타운엔 언제 어디서나 우리를 도와주는 로보카 구조대가 있어요! 빠르고 용감한 경찰차 폴리, 힘이 센 소방차 로이, 똑똑한 구급차 엠버, 유머가 넘치는 헬리콥터 헬리와 함께! 도움이 필요한 친구들을 구하러 출동해요!
로보카폴리와 더욱 가까워지고 싶다면?!
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Here we go rescue of you!
/ robocarpoli