Surely It was all Me In Past!.. but I have Learnt alot (from experiences and Psych2go ^ ^) and grown now.. enough to create healthy Boundaries.. And still Learning to not be overly Honest.. Just to anyone!!.. And also I love the ending.. Animation style is also soo Kawaiii
that's me with my current friend group. im so used to toxic people that I basically have to relearn how friends work and how people can like actually be nice to you and mean it
Summary: Don't let a sorry excuse for a person take advantage of your kindness. I've had this happen with family, friends and in a relationship. It hurts like hell
@@riivie3043 e a r l y a c c e s s Its like they unlisted their video before making it public, People with early access (patreon) can watch it first before it got published.
That is so true like how dare you not think of my needs. It can be quite draining I had to take a 2 week break from my friend jus get my own self in line.
How naive I was. Being overly honest and open and thinking that my “friends” would be just as honest. But hey every experience serves as a mentorship 🤷🏽♂️ I will not make those same mistakes again. Glad I started setting boundaries
3 types of people in your life…those who helped you in difficult times, those who left you in difficult times, and those who created the difficult times 😱
1. You’re a people pleaser. 2. You’re generous with your time. 3. You have a rescuer personality. 4. You hate confrontations. 5. You are loyal. 6. You are overly open and honest.
💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1618755930
This is what happens when you are "Too" nice around people. You have to be self aware of what the person is going to do, before they take advantage of you. I've fallen for this so many times you have no idea......
Fear of confrontation has always been my biggest flaw. There were times when I tried to set boundaries with people at home and in school. When I did, the other person became very angry and accused me of being mean to them. I had no intention of being mean. I simply didn't want that person to call me a mean name or for them to drag me into their drama.
same! :( confrontation is like PTSD for me. I avoid it at all costs bc it makes me have flashbacks of my past. And when I get yelled at I just shut down.. my mouth becomes frozen. My whole body becomes frozen and my brain can’t form words. Fear of confrontation and condemnation/judgment have been my biggest fears for so long.
I think you can have these traits and still attract some good people into your life as well - just a matter of finding balance in helping others while also taking care of you first.
Yes! It’s just learning how to stand up yourself when you’re being walked all over so you don’t continue being an easy target. I’m still working on that, it’s a slow process!😩
this is why my answer to everything is "it depends" like how it depends on the situation,the person, my mood, consequences stuff etc etc.. cus u don't know for sure. So making it balance is the best way i guess.
@Profile Name Thank you, that’s so nice🥰 I write in a journal sometimes, but it’s only when something really important happens tbh! I should definitely write in it more. I hope you’re doing better now too and we can both someday have the confidence to face confrontation and learn to say no!
This is totally me. I am finally learning how to say NO. It's not easy for me, but this video definitely confirmed that I am a good person and cannot and will not feel guilty for saying NO any more. Thank you for this video guys!!
6 Reasons You Attract Toxic People: 1) You are a people pleaser 0:58 2) You are generous with your time 1:26 3) You have a "rescuer personality" 2:08 4) You hate confrontations 2:56 5) You are loyal 3:48 6) You are overly open and honest 4:32 Have a great day Psych2Goers!
I’m all of them when I was with this toxic person but after I went to high school, I made a new friend and basically ‘saved her’ from a toxic friend she had. And I was always try to talk to them and spend time with them and want to be BFF cuz I don’t have anybody else to trust but then she basically left me. We sometime talk but yea. I’m alone at school but I don’t really care or mind about it cuz I tell myself that their isn’t anybody I can really be friends with cuz they’ll just use me and leave me.
I think it happens bc one is well-educated and many people are not. Even if you are too nice and meet refined people you will get some appreciation. But we can try to be cautios like a wise dragon 🐉 as shown here.
@@hanabikoizumi5287 hey I know this reply is late but I just wanted to say that if you're still having that mind set of not having friends because they'll just leave you, then just know that will eat you up over time. The feeling of everyone you'll want to be friends with will just leave you is just not a healthy mindset mindset know. Don't close yourself off from everyone at least ya know. But hey, I'm not gonna be telling you what to do, it's just that, I guess I was the same way too when I was in high-school. But just be careful about it Hanabi.
That actually cleared up everything for me. It really helped me to understand why all of my relationships had failed. I literally am all six of those traits and all my relationships and at the same way.
When someone I know is setting their boundaries from me, I let it go like it's no big deal. But when I tried to set my own boundaries, they overreact and become easily offended 🤦♀️
Only thing sadder than how true this is, is how many people see that abuse and turn a blind eye. Some of us got that way because saying no didn't work and had no backup when gaslit by the abuser in our life.
I find upbringing is a very important point too. I just never saw how healthy looks like. I didn't know how toxic is defined. I need those videos to learn it, identify it and be able to walk away
@Profile Name hey mate. Yes i have to agree with you. UA-cam is my best friend. It makes me happy😶 And i don't think i want to be social irl anytime soon XD
I used to hate myself when people that were close to me hurted me at the time, and blame me because I felt that I wasn't "strong enough" to make them go out of my life in the moment I noticed the red flags. But I have to say that I'm so happy that I've work in myself enough to see that is not reason to blame myself for the damage that other people gave me. Once I realized the value that I have as a person and cared more about me, I understand that not all people deserve all I give, and right now is easier for me draw the line with toxic people or actitudes I know sometimes is hard to say "no", but I could tell your mental peace will thank you for that
this (was) my life before...saying no (kindly) actually starts to feel empowering...otherwise...people will take and take and take and so on...being your own best friend really helps...♡♡
You may have "friends" that act like what is portrayed in this video. Trust me they are not your friends, they are a group of people who typically call you their friend just so they can manupulate you. It is best to leave those people behind, as i am speaking from personal experience.
I have left many of those people behind. It is problematic for me that I can't find many genuinely good people to replace them with. Especially since covid came and there aren't as many groups, clubs, social activities as there used to be where I could meet new people.
@meatiest, That' s a weird comment, it' s not about the country or where you live, their are toxic ppl everywhere around the world but not everyone is toxic either.
I had all of those traits from childhood to adolescence. Although I was willing to help my classmates, they eventually started to take advantage of my good nature and only approached me when they needed something, ranging from wanting to copy my work to wanting me to buy things for them. I accepted every request they gave me without question regardless of how uncomfortable I felt, which caused me to resent them and become burned out. Sometimes being nice gets to the point where others start to take advantage of your kindness and use your good nature against you.
Growing up, I didn't know I was attracting more toxic people into my life to the point that I lost everything to myself. I didn't know how to regain myself back because I was surrounded by toxic people who couldn't support me. I've come to the point where I finally realized that I only had myself and that *self love* is the thing that I would complete me.
So true. Thank you for pointing it out. Gradually, I realize that I don't need to change my good personality traits but need to change people in my circle of connections: remove toxic ones.
so glad I watched this, ive always heard the phrase “bad people attract bad people” and I started to believe it a lot and became self-destructive in my relationships because I didn’t believe in myself
yes that sounds damaging, as if spoken from someone who knows only hurt to this day. I find "hurt people hurt people" fits the mark as it calls attention to the wound, which you can make daily strides to heal.
We think that we need someone who will complete ourselves and our lives, but in reality it is ourselves who will be able to do it. *Self love is the foundation of every love.*
As an empath, it's okay to listen to people when they're in need, but I refuse to take on their stress. All in all, you can be honest, just be careful who you are disclosing things with! I told my dark story for the first time to 5 different people and now I've opened my world to them as they have opened theirs to me!!
"As an empath.." let me stop you right there. What you MEAN, Is .. "as a narcissist.." i mean, that's a bit over done and usually inaccurate. The truth of the matter *is* however.. People who claim to be "empaths" are incredibly self centered. it is a great red flag because people who claim this can *not* keep it to themselves. Having empathy is not a special ability. No, you don't have "special" or "extra" empathy, either. In fact, most people have just learned through life to dampen their own empathy and feelings, so you feel you're special because you haven't turned down your natural, human function. The point though is this.. stop making everything about you, because that's what "empaths" do. It doesn't matter that your friend is crying because her dad died (example) ..only that you cried as well, you cried rivers and lakes and and were overwhelmed with sadness (and hyperbole) because of your empathic abilities. F*** this rhetorical friend. It's about YOU. It's always about you! You make everyone's feelings all about yourself. Then you have to go around and tell those feelings to whoever, because its important everyone knows how *you* picked up on feelings and how others made *you* feel. It's so gross and annoying.
…All of them. I am too good of a person. I don’t want to change and become a fake person. All I want are true genuine friends who watch each others’ back in any situation without anyone feeling guilty, burdening, or even draining, and won’t take advantage either; make time for each other because we each genuinely want to; support each other in all ways while also being honest, kind, and considerate. And most of all even though money is important in life as an external trade item, never put money above each other. Lives and connections are far more important.
I've always had toxic people in my life and I never wanted to be a victim because often I convince myself i have a victim complex, but now I feel that because all of these apply to me, I can understand where I have been right and wrong all my life. Now I will try to set boundaries because this video has come at an amazing time! (If only it came sooner haha) the people surrounding me are using me to gain strength and validity while they keep fighting each other ._.
1: You are a people pleaser 0:58 2: You are generous of your time 1:26 3: You have a rescuer personality 2:08 4: You hate confrontations 2:57 5: You are loyal 3:46 6: You are overly open and honest 4:30 Me realizing that I have all of these traits....
I'm all of this but I really hate trying to confront people because it makes me feel very nervous so I would usually just stay away from the person until they talk to me again.
This is something that I’ve come to find to be true, toxic people are attracted to genuinely great people and regularly decent people (the greater majority) are attracted to toxic people …so the more genuine and good natured you are the more you’ll have to be careful. You’ll have a harder time finding friends, It can be very isolating and easy to think somethings wrong with you, but the ones that you do make will be worth the time spent finding them and true.
This used to be me a lot, but I’ve been working on myself and creating boundaries that I didn’t before. It usually takes getting hurt so bad by someone you love to the point where it feels like you could never get past it for you to start truly loving yourself more. I agree with previous comments about how people get stuck in the same toxic cycles and aren’t working on being the right person not only for someone, but more so for themselves. Wish everyone much love and hope for positive healing.
Boundaries are so important. Sometimes you must distance yourself from people who drain your energies. As for Toxic people I can't help but think that somehow their wrong doing will eventually catch up with them. Deborah xoxo.
This video has really clearly laid out my life. Toxic people always seem to appear often in my life and now I know why. I have been manipulated by it and I know many others have too. The toxic person would expect your attention and empathy in all situations yet they still abuse it. Not speaking for everyone, but I have all the traits that were mentioned in this video and it makes you look a little, well, vulnerable. This attracts toxic people into making you extremely loyal to them to the point you block out most healthy people in your life and your scared of losing that one toxic person. It’s basic manipulation. If you or anyone you know is in a messy toxic relationship make sure you do something, don’t let it drag on and on to the point you don’t really care for your own health. Trust me, it’s not worth it. Their not worth it.
Well, all of this surely does relate to me but I am trying my best to set healthy boundaries and I am really glad that I do have a strong support system now instead of all the toxic people that I used to be surrounded with. Great video!!
Now I know why this happened (and sometimes still does.) It’s because I was a people pleaser (sometimes I go back to that) and extremely loyal. I used to always be an open book 📖, now it’s really hard to get past small talk.
I’m a people pleaser😅 I do what make others happy even tho I don’t like it I just don’t want them to get mad at me because I said no. I tried saying no a few times but felt really guilty after😀
@@LavenderFairy777 I’ve been there, the difference now is that I stand my ground. Just let people know there’s a limit, if they don’t respect your limit, then they not worth it.
@@queenchill6352 it’s fine you don’t have to be sorry😙 and i would but that’s hard too I’m not good at finding and meeting new people but maybe when I go in highsxhool ill fix my um bad traits little by little like try and be a little more confident or stand my ground more
I used to be a total people pleaser, I didn’t know I was so wrong to adopt the concept that I would need to make everyone happy. That’s totally impossible and I met with toxic people in my life. Now I break all of that, I say “no” meaningfully and no more people pleaser.
Which point relates to you? P.S Not sure how to identify a toxic person? We also made a video on the signs of a toxic person to help you out:
I relate to all of these. It's no wonder why the people I'm around are mostly toxic. I realized it just recently and have finally decided to put myself first. I've never realized how much of a negative impact they were in my life. Now I'm trying to learn how to set healthy boundaries and not let myself be pushed around anymore. Being kind is good but sometimes, some people take advantage of it. Be kind, understanding and caring but don't let others take you for granted❤️
The reason is likely linked to that you had a toxic family of origin (including parent/parents) that you have not been willing to recognize/acknowledge internally, and that the generational curse of narcissism (toxic behavior) is following you around. When you are unawakened to this, you believe your family was typical - and they were - but typical in that they, like many, were severely dysfunctional and you could not see it. This goes for so many belief systems as well. Know that you cannot make anyone else change their behavior; you cannot save anyone else other than yourself. You are only responsible for YOU. Change the cannots you have in your mind to can. Work on removing all toxic people and things (including social media- so toxic) from your routine. Reprogram yourself, believe in yourself, and heal yourself. Be present. It CAN be done. 💜✌🏻
@@doggone_al_yt I had to be brutal to protect myself energy. So I had to cut them off. I changed my phone number, deactivated social media and any other way they could contact me. People don't realise how detrimental to your health and wellbeing toxic people are.
I can totally relate to this vid! I feel like I am sometimes too nice and lenient for my own good. I have been through 6-8 toxic people who were supposed to be my friends and a relationship that was the definition of toxic! I wish toxic people could not like me and leave me alone!
@@sanailahi98 Friends aren’t really the issue, it’s mainly family, but same concept, and if you’re struggling with this too, I hope you find better people to surround yourself with
Being an empath, married to an abusive narcissist for 20 years, I understand this video all too well. I lived my life trying to keep him calm. What a waste. I'm free now, but still suffering the after-effects of 20 years under his control.
Vicki Lynn, I stayed even longer so I understand your pain. I have joined a Scripture based group started by Joy Forrest who herself was in an abusive relationship. She authored the book, “Called To Peace”. I hope you will find the book helpful and there maybe a group not far from where you live.
@@websurfer4672 ha! Not if the persons learns from their mistakes and watches psych2go, if they dont and still get used then maybe they do deserve it. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
@@demetripetrenko2783 the problem is that she finds new people to fool everytime. I know her for the last ten years. She is in a new workplace now. Her logic is that toxicity makes life easier for her. Hence it's a good thing
I started cutting friends out of my life a few years ago. Sure my circle is smaller but it’s quality now. I am an empath to the extreme but it got to a point that my sanity and living a stress free life was more important than the people that caused the majority of my stress. There is no fixing the people that have massive issues that leech on to you. Take advantage of you and your time. Just be done with those people. Life gets better when they are gone.
I don’t keep toxic mf’s around me, I been figured out who I don’t want around me back in high school. I do have most of these traits but I’m very picky with who I decide to pursue as a friend/gf
To be honest with y`all. All these years, I have realized that I've been treated so bad by negative toxic people and sometimes it makes me so mad and disgusted. Negative words from toxic people had triggered my anxiety and depression in my mental health. I had two female friends that I had went to school with for a long time. Next thing I've noticed, I call them to see how they're doing, right now. Then, They'll turn around and they disowned and cut me out of their lives for some bs. You know what, Toxic people need to stop treating us good hearted people like trash. That's the reason why I had set some boundaries in order to protect myself. Toxic and negative people are not your friends, they don't value your feelings, your life, or your happiness. They're never down with you from the beginning. Besides, You better off without them anyway.
I have all of them. I can't even play, cards well as my face is a dead giveaway. I now choose to not associate with problematic people and until I master the rest of this, I have become a bit of a hermit for the time I am here. Thank you for the insight, I am grateful.
I mean this video just confirms that you can't do anything to stop attracting toxic people into your live, cause they basically take advantage of every single good trait you have. The only thing you can do is being aware and stopping them from getting close to you
I'm all of these ,it truly confused me my whole God Jehovah ,helped me to see these are valuable virtues and yes we need to learn boundaries. I APRECIATE your observation because for me it is life long to make sure I'm establishing boundaries. I always welcome reminders they keep me on my toes! And it is always good to hear we are not bad people because we have boundaries. Thankyou😌
They research you go into confidental records to shame you run around and tell the things they think they know. I will always be careful forever. Believe me this wad an hurtful and emotional hurting experience . Some of the things they have done others are beginning to see. Thank God because the people who are my family insuated that i did something wrong , when manipulation and harrasment is the real issue. Never take some people at their word its toi expensive at the end. Do what is very best to protect your peace and your sanity. Evil people are poison to any one.
I have a tendency to get trapped with toxic people, whether in romantic relationships or friendships or even socially. I have all the qualities mentioned in this video.
Ahh yes. Another one already, only a few comments down. I'll just copy paste what I said to the other "empath" because I'm too lazy to write it again. "As an empath.." let me stop you right there. What you MEAN, Is .. "as a narcissist.." i mean, that's a bit over done and usually inaccurate. The truth of the matter *is* however.. People who claim to be "empaths" are incredibly self centered. it is a great red flag because people who claim this can *not* keep it to themselves. Having empathy is not a special ability. No, you don't have "special" or "extra" empathy, either. In fact, most people have just learned through life to dampen their own empathy and feelings, so you feel you're special because you haven't turned down your natural, human function. The point though is this.. stop making everything about you, because that's what "empaths" do. It doesn't matter that your friend is crying because her dad died (example) ..only that you cried as well, you cried rivers and lakes and and were overwhelmed with sadness (and hyperbole) because of your empathic abilities. F*** this rhetorical friend. It's about YOU.
I checked off each trait, yes, each character trait belongs to me, therefore receiving a 100% . Wow. Wish I'd have learned about this and also about narcissistic people, many decades ago. Hope this video helps young people too, before they live their whole life unawares and abused. If I'd give out advice to anyone who finds that they are the person described in this video, I'd say to you, " Make sure you have at least 2 or 3 people in your life who know you and love you and support you because you should use these 2 or 3 people as your counselors and listen for what their advice is to you and to hear their thoughts on things when you are 1. Choosing a life partner, 2. Having difficulty with another person, 3. Being abused by someone, 4. When you're not sure about why some negative things are happening in your life whether at work, it at home, or in ministry, or in "friendships", etc." I think having support, and listening to others view points and hearing counsel from those that love you and know you well is the best help you could have in your lifetime.
Damn, being a very good person is really hard... And these traits are somehow related to me because i've cut ties with these toxic people, my best friends and the guy i had crush on. I realized that they just used me for their own needs, and they never helped me much like i did to them. But still, i'm depressed because of loneliness and i don't have anyone to rely on. I wish i was a heartless person back then, and none of these would happen to me...😭
I got 5 out of 6. I've been in the toxic relationship. I've been told to open up only to be berated once I did and made to feel less than valuable and when I said this to my abuser the script was flipped and I was told I was crazy and I was the one causing the problem. My friends and family have told me I'm too good natured and to get away but I didn't listen. I wanted to believe the best for people. I was told by my abuser no one would ever love me like she did and that I was too hard to love. I was told that all I do is blame her when she would yell and scream and I would sit quiet and take it. Friends and family saw this happen and a few said something but I was too far pushed into a box to get out. Friends if this is you I can promise it is better on the other side. I got out and so can you. You aren't too hard to love for the ight person. In fact, you will be everything they ever wanted. Focus on being the right person and the right person will find you. Good luck!
I relate to this. I'm like that but I was not aware that these traits of my personality would make me an abused Person. Now I must change, because I've had enough of being treated like a stupid loser. Thanks 👍
Wow crazy I am guilty of all of them. But I always recognized I had those character flaws. I’m my professional life they have benefited me, but outside of work I’m surrounded by addicts, drug dealers, gang members that I was taught to learn to use those qualities to take advantage of others. Be the wolf in sheep’s clothing I was taught. I still have the rescue personality which I use to build trust. Imagine people telling you they got sober and clean only to use the rescue personality flaw to get them back in the Tenderloin and back on drugs. I look at my flaws and always think, how would a serial killer use those skill sets to let there victims guard down. Instead of feeling guilty for my flaws I use them in a different way.
So I've been learning all this present life (I'm 40 now) of mine to be a little bit more selfish to stay healthy. And I've learned that people simply doesn't deserve the best of us. Is been harsh. But I'm improving. Thanks and good luck to yall folks =)
It's hard when you grew up like this and didn't realize what was going on. Then, when you review your life and see how it really went, you feel down to say the least. All these characteristics are due to growing up in a toxic household imo. There needs to be self time to "recoup" yourself as best as you can. Best wishes to all who grew up like this. I know I did.
I am the queen of attracting toxic i regret for letting in too much..esp when you are in a relationship where your partner is toxic, it's a living hell..I've learnt my lesson, no more running in circles and cycles with toxic people, be it friendships or relationships 🙅🏻
Do it before you get older and down in health ' they'll use you up and leave you alone to die with regrets / the pain ' that your life meant nothing to them. Family are the worst.
I was told by a friend that I should stop being very kind and generous cause he sees that other people are taking advantage of me. I am just the type of, I'd rather get hurt than other people. I'd rather be silent when I'm upset than confronting who made me feel that way.
Were you guilty of some of these signs?
Can a toxic person stalk you when you're at your house?
@@slimeyblob2273 i mean mine did so...
I was. But I have boundaries now.
Surely It was all Me In Past!.. but I have Learnt alot (from experiences and Psych2go ^ ^) and grown now.. enough to create healthy Boundaries.. And still Learning to not be overly Honest.. Just to anyone!!.. And also I love the ending.. Animation style is also soo Kawaiii
“Everyone is trying to find the right person, but nobody is trying to be the right person.” ✨
Excellent observation. Agree.
Bro I see you everywhere I hope you grow into the man you want to be
respect home skillet. preach
now this is actually the shit i'm training myself to be
Underrated Comment
im so used to toxic people, that when i meet a genuine nice person, im in utterly confusion of thier behaviour :D
For real... Recently I started talking to a guy and he is such a good and genuine person. I'm so scared of him lol.
People who are genuinely nice freak me out, like I feel they're being fake or trying to manipulate me
i'm so used to being in toxic relationships that when people acknowledge my existence and show me basic human decency i think they're worshipping me
that's me with my current friend group. im so used to toxic people that I basically have to relearn how friends work and how people can like actually be nice to you and mean it
Now next video :how to attract positive people
Well hello there time travelers
Then part 3 needs to be how to repel toxic people deep-dive
@@littlevoice_11 good idea
I need this one ☝️
Summary: Don't let a sorry excuse for a person take advantage of your kindness. I've had this happen with family, friends and in a relationship. It hurts like hell
now you'll never know what was here, suffer bastards for flooding my inbox like this
how was this one day ago why does it say that
I never clicked so fast and now I have never read something more relatable :/
@@riivie3043 idk lol XD
@@riivie3043 e a r l y a c c e s s
Its like they unlisted their video before making it public, People with early access (patreon) can watch it first before it got published.
@@riivie3043 patreons
Toxic people often make YOU feel toxic, for not bending to their every will.
Or simply because their own weakness, it prevents them to take any responsibility so far. A cheap way, to discharge the burden on others imho...
the sad thing is when those people are part of your family
That is so true like how dare you not think of my needs. It can be quite draining I had to take a 2 week break from my friend jus get my own self in line.
How naive I was. Being overly honest and open and thinking that my “friends” would be just as honest. But hey every experience serves as a mentorship 🤷🏽♂️
I will not make those same mistakes again. Glad I started setting boundaries
Same here bro.😔
I’m proud of you
If you ever meet anyone called sandra harper stay well away ,toxic personified
That’s exactly what I have experienced all my life.
Hence the reason of why, we necessarily require to be selective and almost oddly "careful", on the choice of our mates and souls mates imho.
3 types of people in your life…those who helped you in difficult times, those who left you in difficult times, and those who created the difficult times 😱
Ain't that the truth!
Me wearing headphones and only hearing the audio on the right ear: *This is fine*
Ohhhh I was driving myself mad cause I thought my headphones finally broke down 😂
Ty for confirming I dont need new headphones just yet
I thought dis was just 4 me
This feels SO BAD
@Psych2Go please avoid this in the future
omg i was looking for this comment
1. You’re a people pleaser.
2. You’re generous with your time.
3. You have a rescuer personality.
4. You hate confrontations.
5. You are loyal.
6. You are overly open and honest.
Easter eggs of the day! ;D
1:10 - ranboo backpack
1:35 - michael and friend plushie
Aw the little Friend plushie 🥺
I thought so!!
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Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
de s'approcher trop
près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1618755930
@NightTuff sameee
This is what happens when you are "Too" nice around people. You have to be self aware of what the person is going to do, before they take advantage of you. I've fallen for this so many times you have no idea......
@@kareenakondapalli stay to yourself
Fear of confrontation has always been my biggest flaw. There were times when I tried to set boundaries with people at home and in school. When I did, the other person became very angry and accused me of being mean to them. I had no intention of being mean. I simply didn't want that person to call me a mean name or for them to drag me into their drama.
Me too
same here
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️
livegirls19. com
在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618746783
same! :( confrontation is like PTSD for me. I avoid it at all costs bc it makes me have flashbacks of my past. And when I get yelled at I just shut down.. my mouth becomes frozen. My whole body becomes frozen and my brain can’t form words. Fear of confrontation and condemnation/judgment have been my biggest fears for so long.
"Not everyone you meet will have the best intentions."
I think you can have these traits and still attract some good people into your life as well - just a matter of finding balance in helping others while also taking care of you first.
Yes! It’s just learning how to stand up yourself when you’re being walked all over so you don’t continue being an easy target. I’m still working on that, it’s a slow process!😩
But it's not me having them traits it's family
Instructions unclear: Balance don't know. Still taking care of self first as comfort zone. Became selfish. Lol.
this is why my answer to everything is "it depends" like how it depends on the situation,the person, my mood, consequences stuff etc etc.. cus u don't know for sure. So making it balance is the best way i guess.
@Profile Name Thank you, that’s so nice🥰 I write in a journal sometimes, but it’s only when something really important happens tbh! I should definitely write in it more. I hope you’re doing better now too and we can both someday have the confidence to face confrontation and learn to say no!
This is totally me. I am finally learning how to say NO. It's not easy for me, but this video definitely confirmed that I am a good person and cannot and will not feel guilty for saying NO any more. Thank you for this video guys!!
Your fat or ugly,or both,,,,,,you dont have a choice,you'll only attract losers untill you DO SOMETHING about it.......that's how it is.
I'm very happy for you! I'm doing the same thing as well! :)
6 Reasons You Attract Toxic People:
1) You are a people pleaser 0:58
2) You are generous with your time 1:26
3) You have a "rescuer personality" 2:08
4) You hate confrontations 2:56
5) You are loyal 3:48
6) You are overly open and honest 4:32
Have a great day Psych2Goers!
Hope you have a great day too! :D
Thank you! 😍💖
I’m all of them when I was with this toxic person but after I went to high school, I made a new friend and basically ‘saved her’ from a toxic friend she had. And I was always try to talk to them and spend time with them and want to be BFF cuz I don’t have anybody else to trust but then she basically left me. We sometime talk but yea. I’m alone at school but I don’t really care or mind about it cuz I tell myself that their isn’t anybody I can really be friends with cuz they’ll just use me and leave me.
I think it happens bc one is well-educated and many people are not. Even if you are too nice and meet refined people you will get some appreciation. But we can try to be cautios like a wise dragon 🐉 as shown here.
@@hanabikoizumi5287 hey I know this reply is late but I just wanted to say that if you're still having that mind set of not having friends because they'll just leave you, then just know that will eat you up over time. The feeling of everyone you'll want to be friends with will just leave you is just not a healthy mindset mindset know. Don't close yourself off from everyone at least ya know. But hey, I'm not gonna be telling you what to do, it's just that, I guess I was the same way too when I was in high-school. But just be careful about it Hanabi.
That actually cleared up everything for me. It really helped me to understand why all of my relationships had failed. I literally am all six of those traits and all my relationships and at the same way.
Same thing here
I'm the same way. My problem is that I'm in economicly challenged situation that I can't get away from some of these abusive people around me.
✋ here I am too
@@jaditelady173mary4 me too. This comment is 2 years old.. so I hope you're in a better situation now...
Me who has all those traits: *"ah, i knew it."*
@꧁Sky.editzz꧂ I- what if we do watch the same videos- yeah- no sh•t self-
@꧁Sky.editzz꧂ I don't really have roblox- any social medias?- like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter? Or maybe discord?-
@@user-ph3sv1gn6m no
Same 🙃
Me too
When someone I know is setting their boundaries from me, I let it go like it's no big deal. But when I tried to set my own boundaries, they overreact and become easily offended 🤦♀️
How do you feel now:)
@@breadoflife7775 Need to not take them too seriously anymore.
@@vidrawsstuff oh that's great
Have a nice day:)
Let them be offended. They don't deserve you.
Only thing sadder than how true this is, is how many people see that abuse and turn a blind eye. Some of us got that way because saying no didn't work and had no backup when gaslit by the abuser in our life.
Yup, that's so true!
➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618800442
It’s a nightmare
My mom always went bonkers with me because I was the naysayer,when I said no it was no they could kill me I didn't change my stance.
I find upbringing is a very important point too. I just never saw how healthy looks like. I didn't know how toxic is defined. I need those videos to learn it, identify it and be able to walk away
The old saying, surround yourself with great people, is the best way to avoid toxic ones. We all must make good choices going forward.
Im completely broken 💔 because of all of the toxic people I've come across throughout my life.
Young ones, protect yourselves.
Create your own happiness!
Me realising that all the reasons have happened to me: welp. I already knew that. Being alone is better
But is, lonely, you know :(
@Profile Name hey mate. Yes i have to agree with you. UA-cam is my best friend. It makes me happy😶
And i don't think i want to be social irl anytime soon XD
Learn to say no when you feel like they’re using you I’m sure there’s someone out there similar to us don’t lose hope :D
@@rosemary4608 thank you :) that was definitely inspiring
Mostly, I prefer dogs to people!
I used to hate myself when people that were close to me hurted me at the time, and blame me because I felt that I wasn't "strong enough" to make them go out of my life in the moment I noticed the red flags. But I have to say that I'm so happy that I've work in myself enough to see that is not reason to blame myself for the damage that other people gave me. Once I realized the value that I have as a person and cared more about me, I understand that not all people deserve all I give, and right now is easier for me draw the line with toxic people or actitudes
I know sometimes is hard to say "no", but I could tell your mental peace will thank you for that
this (was) my life before...saying no (kindly) actually starts to feel empowering...otherwise...people will take and take and take and so on...being your own best friend really helps...♡♡
You may have "friends" that act like what is portrayed in this video. Trust me they are not your friends, they are a group of people who typically call you their friend just so they can manupulate you. It is best to leave those people behind, as i am speaking from personal experience.
I agree. Leatnt it the hard way.
Hope their countries become as destabilised as mine.
This video goes very hard
Love from Afghanistan 🇦🇫
I have left many of those people behind. It is problematic for me that I can't find many genuinely good people to replace them with. Especially since covid came and there aren't as many groups, clubs, social activities as there used to be where I could meet new people.
How did you leave them?
@meatiest, That' s a weird comment, it' s not about the country or where you live, their are toxic ppl everywhere around the world but not everyone is toxic either.
I had all of those traits from childhood to adolescence. Although I was willing to help my classmates, they eventually started to take advantage of my good nature and only approached me when they needed something, ranging from wanting to copy my work to wanting me to buy things for them. I accepted every request they gave me without question regardless of how uncomfortable I felt, which caused me to resent them and become burned out. Sometimes being nice gets to the point where others start to take advantage of your kindness and use your good nature against you.
Do you still have them?
@@meunomesisi No.
i had these traits and i still kinda have it but im better
Growing up, I didn't know I was attracting more toxic people into my life to the point that I lost everything to myself. I didn't know how to regain myself back because I was surrounded by toxic people who couldn't support me. I've come to the point where I finally realized that I only had myself and that *self love* is the thing that I would complete me.
That's true and don't worry,
Happy days are coming:)
Create your own happiness 😊
I can relate. It's very true self love is very important. Only you can heal yourself from the trauma.
These videos are some of the most emotionally supportive things I watch online and we wish we saw these when we were younger
So true. Thank you for pointing it out. Gradually, I realize that I don't need to change my good personality traits but need to change people in my circle of connections: remove toxic ones.
so glad I watched this, ive always heard the phrase “bad people attract bad people” and I started to believe it a lot and became self-destructive in my relationships because I didn’t believe in myself
yes that sounds damaging, as if spoken from someone who knows only hurt to this day. I find "hurt people hurt people" fits the mark as it calls attention to the wound, which you can make daily strides to heal.
We think that we need someone who will complete ourselves and our lives, but in reality it is ourselves who will be able to do it. *Self love is the foundation of every love.*
As an empath, it's okay to listen to people when they're in need, but I refuse to take on their stress. All in all, you can be honest, just be careful who you are disclosing things with! I told my dark story for the first time to 5 different people and now I've opened my world to them as they have opened theirs to me!!
Very useful, thank you
"As an empath.." let me stop you right there. What you MEAN, Is .. "as a narcissist.." i mean, that's a bit over done and usually inaccurate. The truth of the matter *is* however.. People who claim to be "empaths" are incredibly self centered. it is a great red flag because people who claim this can *not* keep it to themselves. Having empathy is not a special ability. No, you don't have "special" or "extra" empathy, either. In fact, most people have just learned through life to dampen their own empathy and feelings, so you feel you're special because you haven't turned down your natural, human function. The point though is this.. stop making everything about you, because that's what "empaths" do. It doesn't matter that your friend is crying because her dad died (example) ..only that you cried as well, you cried rivers and lakes and and were overwhelmed with sadness (and hyperbole) because of your empathic abilities. F*** this rhetorical friend. It's about YOU. It's always about you! You make everyone's feelings all about yourself. Then you have to go around and tell those feelings to whoever, because its important everyone knows how *you* picked up on feelings and how others made *you* feel. It's so gross and annoying.
I was just acknowledging the toxic relationship I had with my exs like 5 minutes ago and your video pops up. Thank you for educating people like me 😢
I have most of these personality traits and I’ve always wondered why I get malicious people around me.
…All of them. I am too good of a person. I don’t want to change and become a fake person. All I want are true genuine friends who watch each others’ back in any situation without anyone feeling guilty, burdening, or even draining, and won’t take advantage either; make time for each other because we each genuinely want to; support each other in all ways while also being honest, kind, and considerate. And most of all even though money is important in life as an external trade item, never put money above each other. Lives and connections are far more important.
I've always had toxic people in my life and I never wanted to be a victim because often I convince myself i have a victim complex, but now I feel that because all of these apply to me, I can understand where I have been right and wrong all my life. Now I will try to set boundaries because this video has come at an amazing time! (If only it came sooner haha)
the people surrounding me are using me to gain strength and validity while they keep fighting each other ._.
Yes keep your personal self just that, and if they dont like that tough. Xx
1: You are a people pleaser 0:58
2: You are generous of your time 1:26
3: You have a rescuer personality 2:08
4: You hate confrontations 2:57
5: You are loyal 3:46
6: You are overly open and honest 4:30
Me realizing that I have all of these traits....
I have most of this traits... setting boundaries has been helping me deal with toxic people and their negative vibes.
I'm all of this but I really hate trying to confront people because it makes me feel very nervous so I would usually just stay away from the person until they talk to me again.
I pray that the most high make you bold as a lion.
This is something that I’ve come to find to be true, toxic people are attracted to genuinely great people and regularly decent people (the greater majority) are attracted to toxic people …so the more genuine and good natured you are the more you’ll have to be careful. You’ll have a harder time finding friends, It can be very isolating and easy to think somethings wrong with you, but the ones that you do make will be worth the time spent finding them and true.
This used to be me a lot, but I’ve been working on myself and creating boundaries that I didn’t before. It usually takes getting hurt so bad by someone you love to the point where it feels like you could never get past it for you to start truly loving yourself more. I agree with previous comments about how people get stuck in the same toxic cycles and aren’t working on being the right person not only for someone, but more so for themselves. Wish everyone much love and hope for positive healing.
Boundaries are so important. Sometimes you must distance yourself from people who drain your energies. As for Toxic people I can't help but think that somehow their wrong doing will eventually catch up with them. Deborah xoxo.
This video has really clearly laid out my life. Toxic people always seem to appear often in my life and now I know why. I have been manipulated by it and I know many others have too. The toxic person would expect your attention and empathy in all situations yet they still abuse it. Not speaking for everyone, but I have all the traits that were mentioned in this video and it makes you look a little, well, vulnerable. This attracts toxic people into making you extremely loyal to them to the point you block out most healthy people in your life and your scared of losing that one toxic person. It’s basic manipulation.
If you or anyone you know is in a messy toxic relationship make sure you do something, don’t let it drag on and on to the point you don’t really care for your own health. Trust me, it’s not worth it. Their not worth it.
I love how the one who voice this has the right tone for it, enough to make us feel that someone relates to us
I have never met a "Non-Toxic" Friend.
Friend is never a toxic person, if he was then he was never your friend
I feel like I'm the same.
Well, all of this surely does relate to me but I am trying my best to set healthy boundaries and I am really glad that I do have a strong support system now instead of all the toxic people that I used to be surrounded with. Great video!!
Wow, she basically described me in all six points, I've been taken advantage of because of the precise reasoning she gave in her arguments
1 people pleaser
2 being generous with your time
3 rescuer personality
4 you hate comfrontation
5 you are loyal
6 you are overly open and honest
Need something to calm you? Watch this:
Just what i needed after a very stressful and rough day. Thanks Psych2Go!
Could you help me get over being nervous being near my crush
Make a video of how to make true new friends please
Hey! Congrats your my online parents :)
I love this animation style
I’m guilty of all these! My problem is distinguishing between anxiety/ past trauma/ PTSD and trusting my intuition and gut feelings.
Now I know why this happened (and sometimes still does.) It’s because I was a people pleaser (sometimes I go back to that) and extremely loyal. I used to always be an open book 📖, now it’s really hard to get past small talk.
I’m a people pleaser😅 I do what make others happy even tho I don’t like it I just don’t want them to get mad at me because I said no. I tried saying no a few times but felt really guilty after😀
@@LavenderFairy777 I’ve been there, the difference now is that I stand my ground. Just let people know there’s a limit, if they don’t respect your limit, then they not worth it.
@@queenchill6352 yeah I’m not very good with standing my ground and I tried saying my limit but I was just kinda ignored🤷♀️
@@LavenderFairy777 I’m sorry that your limit was ignored, you can surround yourself with better people who truly care for you
@@queenchill6352 it’s fine you don’t have to be sorry😙 and i would but that’s hard too I’m not good at finding and meeting new people but maybe when I go in highsxhool ill fix my um bad traits little by little like try and be a little more confident or stand my ground more
I used to be a total people pleaser, I didn’t know I was so wrong to adopt the concept that I would need to make everyone happy. That’s totally impossible and I met with toxic people in my life. Now I break all of that, I say “no” meaningfully and no more people pleaser.
Which point relates to you? P.S Not sure how to identify a toxic person? We also made a video on the signs of a toxic person to help you out:
They say "people" like pee-pole as in a pole you pee on
Yes I know how to identify toxic people, thanks to all of the amazing you made
I relate to all of these. It's no wonder why the people I'm around are mostly toxic. I realized it just recently and have finally decided to put myself first. I've never realized how much of a negative impact they were in my life. Now I'm trying to learn how to set healthy boundaries and not let myself be pushed around anymore.
Being kind is good but sometimes, some people take advantage of it. Be kind, understanding and caring but don't let others take you for granted❤️
Yes! Agreed❤️
When a toxic person married another toxic person make a nuclear toxicness that harms everyone.
oof we better watch out!
The reason is likely linked to that you had a toxic family of origin (including parent/parents) that you have not been willing to recognize/acknowledge internally, and that the generational curse of narcissism (toxic behavior) is following you around.
When you are unawakened to this, you believe your family was typical - and they were - but typical in that they, like many, were severely dysfunctional and you could not see it. This goes for so many belief systems as well.
Know that you cannot make anyone else change their behavior; you cannot save anyone else other than yourself. You are only responsible for YOU.
Change the cannots you have in your mind to can. Work on removing all toxic people and things (including social media- so toxic) from your routine.
Reprogram yourself, believe in yourself, and heal yourself. Be present.
It CAN be done.
I used to be 3 and 4 but not anymore! Now all the toxic people are no longer in my life! 😁💜
That's really good! How did you manage to chase them away for good? 😔
@@doggone_al_yt I had to be brutal to protect myself energy. So I had to cut them off. I changed my phone number, deactivated social media and any other way they could contact me. People don't realise how detrimental to your health and wellbeing toxic people are.
@@anorbert38 I know right, it can literally ruin someone's life 😔 that was very brave of you to do that and I'm glad you did!
I can totally relate to this vid!
I feel like I am sometimes too nice and lenient for my own good.
I have been through 6-8 toxic people who were supposed to be my friends and a relationship that was the definition of toxic!
I wish toxic people could not like me and leave me alone!
Recognize their toxicity early and avoid them.
As soon as I saw the notification, I blurted out: “Oh yeah I’d sure want to know the reason for THAT.”
OMG Same😂😂
I'm sorry :/ I hope you have better friends in the future!!
@@sanailahi98 Friends aren’t really the issue, it’s mainly family, but same concept, and if you’re struggling with this too, I hope you find better people to surround yourself with
Being an empath, married to an abusive narcissist for 20 years, I understand this video all too well. I lived my life trying to keep him calm. What a waste. I'm free now, but still suffering the after-effects of 20 years under his control.
Vicki Lynn, I stayed even longer so I understand your pain. I have joined a Scripture based group started by Joy Forrest who herself was in an abusive relationship. She authored the book, “Called To Peace”. I hope you will find the book helpful and there maybe a group not far from where you live.
@@cindymcdonald1664 Thank you for the suggestion. I will look for it in Barnes and Noble.
The people who disliked this video are probably Toxic People that didn't wanna hear the Truth 👀
Lmao true
A girl I knew was openly toxic and she says that she is clever enough to be toxic so the rest of the people deserved to get used
@@websurfer4672 ha! Not if the persons learns from their mistakes and watches psych2go, if they dont and still get used then maybe they do deserve it. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
@@demetripetrenko2783 the problem is that she finds new people to fool everytime. I know her for the last ten years. She is in a new workplace now. Her logic is that toxicity makes life easier for her. Hence it's a good thing
Thanks so much for your donation, OaklandSunflowerz! It will reinvest back to the content!
I started cutting friends out of my life a few years ago. Sure my circle is smaller but it’s quality now. I am an empath to the extreme but it got to a point that my sanity and living a stress free life was more important than the people that caused the majority of my stress. There is no fixing the people that have massive issues that leech on to you. Take advantage of you and your time. Just be done with those people. Life gets better when they are gone.
I don’t keep toxic mf’s around me, I been figured out who I don’t want around me back in high school. I do have most of these traits but I’m very picky with who I decide to pursue as a friend/gf
To be honest with y`all. All these years, I have realized that I've been treated so bad by negative toxic people and sometimes it makes me so mad and disgusted. Negative words from toxic people had triggered my anxiety and depression in my mental health. I had two female friends that I had went to school with for a long time. Next thing I've noticed, I call them to see how they're doing, right now. Then, They'll turn around and they disowned and cut me out of their lives for some bs. You know what, Toxic people need to stop treating us good hearted people like trash. That's the reason why I had set some boundaries in order to protect myself. Toxic and negative people are not your friends, they don't value your feelings, your life, or your happiness. They're never down with you from the beginning. Besides, You better off without them anyway.
Good mantra:. I will take charge of my life.
I have all of them. I can't even play, cards well as my face is a dead giveaway. I now choose to not associate with problematic people and until I master the rest of this, I have become a bit of a hermit for the time I am here. Thank you for the insight, I am grateful.
Was that a bag that looks like ranboo in the thumbnail and at 1:10 ?
Omg Micheal and blue sheep at 1:30
I mean this video just confirms that you can't do anything to stop attracting toxic people into your live, cause they basically take advantage of every single good trait you have. The only thing you can do is being aware and stopping them from getting close to you
How do you feel now
I'm all of these ,it truly confused me my whole God Jehovah ,helped me to see these are valuable virtues and yes we need to learn boundaries. I APRECIATE your observation because for me it is life long to make sure I'm establishing boundaries. I always welcome reminders they keep me on my toes! And it is always good to hear we are not bad people because we have boundaries. Thankyou😌
They research you go into confidental records to shame you run around and tell the things they think they know. I will always be careful forever. Believe me this wad an hurtful and emotional hurting experience . Some of the things they have done others are beginning to see. Thank God because the people who are my family insuated that i did something wrong , when manipulation and harrasment is the real issue. Never take some people at their word its toi expensive at the end. Do what is very best to protect your peace and your sanity. Evil people are poison to any one.
1:12 ranboo backpack, 1:34 michael and friend!
i like how i said this 🙈
glad im not the only one who realized this lmao
I have a tendency to get trapped with toxic people, whether in romantic relationships or friendships or even socially. I have all the qualities mentioned in this video.
As a empath this is 100% accurate for me but I'm trying everyday to set boundaries for myself (it's easier said than done though)
Ahh yes. Another one already, only a few comments down. I'll just copy paste what I said to the other "empath" because I'm too lazy to write it again.
"As an empath.." let me stop you right there. What you MEAN, Is .. "as a narcissist.." i mean, that's a bit over done and usually inaccurate. The truth of the matter *is* however.. People who claim to be "empaths" are incredibly self centered. it is a great red flag because people who claim this can *not* keep it to themselves. Having empathy is not a special ability. No, you don't have "special" or "extra" empathy, either. In fact, most people have just learned through life to dampen their own empathy and feelings, so you feel you're special because you haven't turned down your natural, human function. The point though is this.. stop making everything about you, because that's what "empaths" do. It doesn't matter that your friend is crying because her dad died (example) ..only that you cried as well, you cried rivers and lakes and and were overwhelmed with sadness (and hyperbole) because of your empathic abilities. F*** this rhetorical friend. It's about YOU.
I checked off each trait, yes, each character trait belongs to me, therefore receiving a 100% . Wow. Wish I'd have learned about this and also about narcissistic people, many decades ago. Hope this video helps young people too, before they live their whole life unawares and abused.
If I'd give out advice to anyone who finds that they are the person described in this video, I'd say to you, " Make sure you have at least 2 or 3 people in your life who know you and love you and support you because you should use these 2 or 3 people as your counselors and listen for what their advice is to you and to hear their thoughts on things when you are 1. Choosing a life partner, 2. Having difficulty with another person, 3. Being abused by someone, 4. When you're not sure about why some negative things are happening in your life whether at work, it at home, or in ministry, or in "friendships", etc."
I think having support, and listening to others view points and hearing counsel from those that love you and know you well is the best help you could have in your lifetime.
Damn, being a very good person is really hard... And these traits are somehow related to me because i've cut ties with these toxic people, my best friends and the guy i had crush on. I realized that they just used me for their own needs, and they never helped me much like i did to them. But still, i'm depressed because of loneliness and i don't have anyone to rely on. I wish i was a heartless person back then, and none of these would happen to me...😭
Hi, just realised your comment is from a year ago. Hope you're doing better now ! You're not alone :)
Same here. It's so hard to surround myself with good people.
@@maelisjean4457 Aaaw. Thank you. That's very kind of you. I hope you're doing well too🌟
I got 5 out of 6. I've been in the toxic relationship. I've been told to open up only to be berated once I did and made to feel less than valuable and when I said this to my abuser the script was flipped and I was told I was crazy and I was the one causing the problem. My friends and family have told me I'm too good natured and to get away but I didn't listen. I wanted to believe the best for people. I was told by my abuser no one would ever love me like she did and that I was too hard to love. I was told that all I do is blame her when she would yell and scream and I would sit quiet and take it. Friends and family saw this happen and a few said something but I was too far pushed into a box to get out.
Friends if this is you I can promise it is better on the other side. I got out and so can you. You aren't too hard to love for the ight person. In fact, you will be everything they ever wanted. Focus on being the right person and the right person will find you. Good luck!
I relate to this. I'm like that but I was not aware that these traits of my personality would make me an abused Person. Now I must change, because I've had enough of being treated like a stupid loser. Thanks 👍
No more kindness to toxic people. This is too much. I'm changing myself now for the better!
"6 reasons you atract toxic people"
me: **looks at a highly populated competitive roblox server**
yes I see millions of toxic people that stink of toxic in pvp games-
I can't express how getting the old animations back just took me to the next level again 😍 thank you so much for always being there, Psych2Go!
Glad you like them! :) Is this your favorite animation?
@@Psych2go Yes yes ^^
3:40 "The best thing you can do is put on your man/woman boots and give a strong, firm 'no'"
So now I know why I’m a magnet for toxic people. Thank you 🌹
You have absolutely no idea how terrified i was when i heard the sound in only one headphone
Lmao yes these headphones 🎧 I have are very expensive i was p.o. d thank goodness it was just the video
I’ve checked all 6 boxes, but I’m grateful for this message so I can work on myself.
Wow crazy I am guilty of all of them. But I always recognized I had those character flaws. I’m my professional life they have benefited me, but outside of work I’m surrounded by addicts, drug dealers, gang members that I was taught to learn to use those qualities to take advantage of others. Be the wolf in sheep’s clothing I was taught.
I still have the rescue personality which I use to build trust. Imagine people telling you they got sober and clean only to use the rescue personality flaw to get them back in the Tenderloin and back on drugs.
I look at my flaws and always think, how would a serial killer use those skill sets to let there victims guard down. Instead of feeling guilty for my flaws I use them in a different way.
So I've been learning all this present life (I'm 40 now) of mine to be a little bit more selfish to stay healthy. And I've learned that people simply doesn't deserve the best of us.
Is been harsh. But I'm improving. Thanks and good luck to yall folks =)
Me: *Only No. 4 apply and no toxic people around*
I may be toxic 😅
How your comment is one day ago 😮
@@banditadashpapali4894 because that's a time-traveling account. Really though, the account is a channel member.
It's hard when you grew up like this and didn't realize what was going on. Then, when you review your life and see how it really went, you feel down to say the least. All these characteristics are due to growing up in a toxic household imo. There needs to be self time to "recoup" yourself as best as you can. Best wishes to all who grew up like this. I know I did.
Being a support system for your loveones makes anyone happy, just learn to say no at times.
I am the queen of attracting toxic i regret for letting in too much..esp when you are in a relationship where your partner is toxic, it's a living hell..I've learnt my lesson, no more running in circles and cycles with toxic people, be it friendships or relationships 🙅🏻
Do it before you get older and down in health ' they'll use you up and leave you alone
to die with regrets / the pain ' that your life meant nothing to them. Family are the worst.
Hey Psych2Go could you please make a video with ways to cope with food disorders and how to combat against it ?
Each word of narration is so true Yes, we need to develop boundaries and should have the power to say no😂😂😂
I really love how when Psych2Go uploads everyone just rushes to the comments. 😂😂
Truth 😂😂😂😂🤣
I was told by a friend that I should stop being very kind and generous cause he sees that other people are taking advantage of me.
I am just the type of, I'd rather get hurt than other people. I'd rather be silent when I'm upset than confronting who made me feel that way.
To everyone who's reading this: you're cool and adorable stay safe 💜
Thanks! You too!
Thank you so much💙💙
Thank you! Blessings 🤍🙌💞💖💌
I know it breaks the mood but I thought that said affordable XD
And ty :> u 2
Army ⟬⟭💜??
That's why it's good to have a select few but close friends that respect boundaries & individuality -- you value theirs just as they value yours.