Если бы Ягудин убежал на Запад, то слава у него была бы больше, чем у Нуриева. Но ни он и Максимова (которая была бы балетной богиней, без всяких там Барышниковых и Макаровых) не убежали. Земной поклон от балетной земли. If Yagudin fled to the West, the glory he would have been greater than that of Nureyev. But neither he nor Maximov (which would have been a ballet goddess, without there Baryshnikov and Makarov) did not run away. Prostration of the Ballet of the earth.
@vladimmir100 nureyev never was the best,with all respect off course,vasiliev soloviev lavrovsky vladimirov and probabily others were better,but he was at the right time in the right moment.
She looks like she's having SO much fun! Beautiful
Maximova was and always will be without equal! Svetlaya Pamet, Katya! & hearts;
Просто удивительно как естественна в танце Максимова. Современным нужно не стараться удивит публику трюками, а просто вот так танцевать.
Если бы Ягудин убежал на Запад, то слава у него была бы больше, чем у Нуриева. Но ни он и Максимова (которая была бы балетной богиней, без всяких там Барышниковых и Макаровых) не убежали. Земной поклон от балетной земли.
If Yagudin fled to the West, the glory he would have been greater than that of Nureyev. But neither he nor Maximov (which would have been a ballet goddess, without there Baryshnikov and Makarov) did not run away. Prostration of the Ballet of the earth.
Максимова слишком грациозна и прекрасна
shamil yagudin as male lead and stanislav vlasov as main satyr.both them were very good.
i love this. my ballet school is doing it.
Come fare pr reperire il DVD???? How can I find the DVD????
Why not avaible??????
@vladimmir100 nureyev never was the best,with all respect off course,vasiliev soloviev lavrovsky vladimirov and probabily others were better,but he was at the right time in the right moment.